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The Pennsylvania Gazette from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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to dpnvt int ot kit loittihrU irylces. CoL M'Donald' diftinguiflied.hur.felf by his ufual ipint and ability, in command 01 the rcierve, 4 7.111011 cucnuui lrrvui in mc uirciuun ui iuc boats. The conduct of major gen. Knqr, jwho was attached to the column of Ruifian '4 troops, was fuch as to afford me the greateft I enclofe the returns of the Iof of the Bri jKtifh and Ruffian troops, and mull repeat my 'finrnr that thr nrl we have ob ii 1 "(tinned, however brilliant, nave been 10 ocany lf3 bought. I In define this difpatch, I cannot deny mr illelt the pieiuurc ot cxpreuin? my approDation of the ftafT of my army, and in particular of hligcd Gen.

Sir U. Abercronibie to move up 14 In furnort with the refcrve cf his corps. Tlic enemy tlicir part advanced their rfrhcl fnrre: ths action became general alone 0 lie whole line, from Limmen to the fea, and maintained with great obilinacy on both Major grneral Uurrard's ditto. Major general Earl of Chatham brigade. Mijor general Cootcs ditto.

Mjjor general the Hml of Cavan brigade, before mentioned, alfo fj DoiuM, iuy warncll acknowled for their fpiritcd and judicioui 1 1 4 Otlcbtn), 1799. aa did lord Pairet, who commanded the cavalry I have already acquainted upon the beach, and whofe exertions are dc fult of the action of the 6th fervin? of every praife. Nor muft I omit ex terminated fuccefsfully to the prefling my thinks to lieut. colonels Whit at the fame time pointed out wonh and Smyth, who commanded the artil of referve, and to major Tudfon, of the i'Jhorfe artillery. "I The detachment of feamen under ths com tifmand of captains Godiard and Jurcoing, were riupoii tins, as upon a lormcr occauon, 01 xc eceflity the movement which produced this aflir.

From the prifoners taken upon the flth inft I learnt the certainty of the enemy Having been reinforced fince the of thqsd, by two demi brigades, amounting to about 6000 infantry, and of their having ftrehgthened the uoGtion of Beverwvck. and fortified ftronjrly mi iv 11 1 11 liiiiu it lii it 1 1 3 laiiu iuiiv aim 111 a 1 1. uzu liiuii. liuuiii niiii ll 111 i.l i enougn to make a comoine 1 aztacit wun notze tuous man war itieir, with, calm anu wile and Korfakow. He Teems to have luppofed determination, purfuc the true btcrefta be of any affiftance to the troops in Switzer uunirncm 01 mat ui pauty which 5 land.

Maffena appears have feized, with will, Itruft, yet prcferve our peace, our conliderable promptitude and flcill, the favor honour, and our independence. Haying opportunity when the torce ot the allies been twicc unmimoufly chofen the was divided. Iheheavyinsandconfequent roasiarate 0f a frcc pcoplc, wc bad ftate of the roads are laid to have been 0 1 i.r in the rear of it: Joints which it would be ftill He could carry with him no heavy artillery. It JT) I nefs the Duke cf 2'erk, in the battle tf tbthb JT DllClCiClpP Id DdC. 24 5 con commJTn IVcmckrt ed fliccrs, and 359 privates, killed or tlkcn prnoners.

Five field olficcrs and captains, 21 fubaltern poinr) was vigoroufly afterwards officers, 34 non commiflioncd officers, and 675 attacked by a Urong body of tac enemy, which privates wounded. 1 otal 382 killed or taken prifoners, and 735 wounded. (Signed) D'SSSEN, Maj. Gen. LONDON, October 10.

Ycfterday a French cartel from Gravelines ades until night, the enemy retired, arrived at Dover, by which vc have received saving us mailers of the field of battle. The French Journal? one day later in date Cun onflict has, I am concerned to Ilate, been as thofc which came to hand yeflerday. iVvere, and has been attended with as fcrious Certain intelligence had been from 1 lofn (in proportion to the numbers engaged) Baflc, that the Auftrians haxLrepaffed the is any of thofc which have been fought by the Rhine near Lonltancc, and that the French )rave troops coir.pofing this army hncc their troops had entered that city loon after. The rrival in Holland. 1 he gallantry they dif Rulhans had already paffed the Rhine laved, and the perfeveranee with which they Schaffhaufen.

Thus the archduke comes too 'uppcrted the fatigues cf' this day, rival their late with his reinforcements, and finds Swit exertions. zerland entirely evacuated, and wholly in the The corps engaged were, power of the French. Majcr gencral Oyky of guards. Suwarrow, with 24,000 RuIIians, had fttc commnnded by mr.jor rcncr 1 Hutchinibn. prifed that Gen.

Lecourbe The refervc under the corr.m?nd of colonel gainlt him, Suwarrow. retired by Hlang and M'fJciiald. Part of the 7th and nth liht Diflentis, to the Grifons, and the. French again Jrairoons, and Xevcral battalions ot Kulhans. companies ot the anu one oi tne manaeu uy uenerai Had taken pe "lCoIdflrcam regiments of ruards, who, by a feffi on of Schaffhaufen.

fpiritcd diarge, drove two battalions of the The following Telegraph Difpatch is givsa I enemy from the poil of Aehtr D'oot, making in the Bien Informc of the 8th. prifoners. I have hncerely to regret, that in the courfc of the a "ion, major general Telegraph, Communication hy line of Ilutciunfon rcccivt a mr.ikct Hiot wound in Stratlburgh. chc thjh, which, however, is not fcrious. I have not yet received any reports of the billed and wounded, but I am apprehenfive f.hat the number of IJritilh is not lels than 500, and that the lof of the UuCian troops, a3 far I csn underftand, amounts to 1200 men.

I at oarly as circumftanccs poflibly admit, 1 nu particular returns. 1 he of the enemy upon this occafion bCfl vrv urul in afl.lifinn tn thir VMlied and wounded, 500 prifoners fell into our amis. lain, FREDliRICK. igat honour able Henry Dundas, up mwwv WWAWMbWV Vvll lilt RuITian prifoners a de'eifive victory October 14. total defeat, becaufe ho official communication to the Councih appears in the Paris papers of the 8th The fait, is, that it arrived the evening before, when, the Council were not fitting.

as follows The melancholy event which was yc lerday announced with doubt, has been rendered but too certain. Our Wsfti Ington is no more The hero, the fage, and the patriot of America the man on whom, in times of danger, every eye was turned and all hopes were placed, lives now, only in his own great adions, and in the hearts of an afteftionate and afflided people. If, Sir, it had even not been ufual, ODCnlv to teftifv refneft for the mmnrv of thofc whom heaven had feledcd as its f'nftmmnfB for AC cccded in poficfiing himfelf of St. GotharJ, and fuch the extraordinary iicidents and had repulfed the brigade of Gen. Gudin, which have marked the life of him whofe be rc, that the whole Am, was marching i lcan PM by the iamc icel DofTclTed themfclves of St.

Gothard. To general Sir Ral)h Abercronibie, and the Maffena was on his march "againft Suwr other general niccrs in command of the bri row, who is without artillery, having bepn other general fliccrs in command to Colonel obliecd, on account of the badnefs of the roads, to tranfport his artillery from Italy to ious tiertions the 1 vrol. bv which road it wa to cnmn li 11 A is'incr thi ifTuir nnr ri: lif I tr omit tYir. to tVr rnwntrv objcdl for which he was placed at the head ot our armies, we have fecri him convert the fword into the plough (hare, and voluntarily fink the foldicr in the ci tizen. prefcrvinp; the Union, will, I truft.

fub Some doubt has been attempted to be thrown ilantiatc and perpetuate thofe blcffings on the telegraphic account of Suwarrow cyr rcvolution had promifed to beftow. obedience to the general voice of lus countryi calling on him to prefide uviyi wumr on to prei over a great people, we have feen once more quit the retirement he loved, le.chieft fee him, y. one of the reafons why Suwarrow did not fc 1 Vr wvwk.w.. reach Switzerland till after Hotze's defeat. uniTCiial rnfirage could not have been; doubted, affording the world a rare in.

neceffary to carry before Haarlem could be at is not mentioned in the telegraphic difpatch, fiance of moderation, by withdrawing tacked. where he was defeated, ncr whether, nor to from lnVh ftation la the neaL tfuKi It ought alfo to be Hated, that the enemy what place he has effected his retreat. The vva8 0f privatc iJfe 1 naa receivea a large iorcc upon 1 urmuimti i muv iuMr rn inacceflable poCtion, covered by an ward of Altorf. Suwarrow may retire into inundated country, and the debouches from the Grifons behind Coire, or to the frontieli which were ftroagly fortified, and in the hands of the Tyrol. of the enemy and further, that as our army October ij.

advanced, this corps was placed in our rear. But fuch obltacles wuld have been over Lapt. Lock, arrived yelterday afternoon (14) as fteadv a his own firm mind, and as apr. iOCic, arnvca yeueraay aitcrno on (14; a8 ftcady as his come, had not the ltate 01 tne wcainer, me in iarmouui ieaui irom inc icxei, wnence rnng nt UJ. mvn raltrJ vtrtnej tK i rvJ However, from nuhlic confidence rrtav? 1 change, and the public affections fiuctu ate witn reipect to otners, yet witn re fpel to him they have, in war and in? The floop of war, commanded by peace, in public and private life, beenj: 1 nee to remove from this life, ouri the exertions and abilities Ihcwn by lieut.

col. rumcd conaition 01 tne roaus, ana ioi warn uc i ucu uuruay aucrawn. mu veiui et 11s then IVTr Snealcrr nav tl.pVJ Anftruther, depvty quarter mafter general. of the neceffary fuPPlics arifuig from the above brings accounts that there had been Ikirmifh inc" Ev I am FREDERICK. caufes, prefentcd difficulties which required the mg every day between our troops and the cne lalt triDUtc or reipea ana antction to Riht Hon.

Henry Dundas. xnofl fcrious confidcration. my, and that a kind of a general action took our departed fneni. JLet the grand 0 Having maturely weighed the circumOances place on Thurfday laft all long tht line, ia council of the nation diiplay thofc fen 'Sy in which the army was thus priced, and lVvlftg tvl the enemy were repulfed. timents which the nation feels nents which the nation Jceh.

Cel. 6, 1 799 Return of the killed, wounded and miffing, of his niajcfly's forces, under the command of his royal highnefs the Duke of York, in the battle of Bergen, fought on the 2d October. Total I major, 5 captains, 5 fubalterns, rr ferecants, ai? rank and file, 44 horlcs, kill felt it mv dutv on a point of fo much iioort ance to confult with general Sir R. Aberfrobie and the lieut generals of the army, I Vould not but confider, and their opinion was unanimous on the occafion, that it would be for the benefit of the general caufc to withdraw the troops, from their advanced pofition, in Ainnc further iuftructions. ed colonels, 2 lieutenant colonels, 3 majors, cr tQ maiefty'g 22 39 fubalterns, I ltatt, 46Krjeants, muft rcqUeft you will again reprcfent to 7 drummers, 980 rank and file, wounded; I hjs the diftinguifiied conduct cf his his majefty the diftinguifiied conduct cf his captam, 4 lubaltcrns, 7 lcrjcants, 3 drummers, ir P4 11 1 7S rank and filj, 3 horfes milling.

SIR, IIeaJ quarterst AUmaart Qfl. 7. 1 a' 1 I Strong entrenchments, we undcrlland, were throwing up at Ryck down, to cover, it was fuppofed, the embarkation of our forces, whenever fuch a mcafurc fhould be rcfolvcd on. Whan the Infractor left the Helder, it was currently reported therc, that Prufiians had entered Holland, but the immediate ob Far this purpofe, I htnfHyanT; fomerefolutions, which I will take the li bertv to offer to the houfe. is Rtfohed, That this Houfe will waitKJ on the Prefident of the United States, inT condolence of this mournful event.

Refohed, That the Speaker's chair utiiaiif 1 jt 1 lit I.i cj. fSu1 uc rouQcu wun ana that the? A Cabinet Council was held yeflerday 14) ana UlUcers ot the vauunk vuuui.u ciu jcucraay 'NI4 I army, Which, Whlllt acting Ukuct inc priuurc r. 1 houfe weari "wutw ihai A UtlkVUlitld ww 1 1 ri ccaled to De actuated ny me nooicn iccungs u. ijutmuu tva.uaiuijj nguana. col nrjcivea, 1 nai a cummittee, in COnV of the Britifh arms.

As ther are many points refulting from our The enemy, after the action of the 2d, hav prefent fituation to which you may require taken up the pofition between Bcverwyck particular information, and fuch details as can and Wyck cp Zce, I determined to endeavour not be brought within the compals ot a letter, to jeet of this movement had not been afcertain for Holland with the order and inftructions Pcacc an in the hearts of his coun fnrrp him tlimr' heforc. he had an onoor 1 have thouaht it reeeffarv to charge mv fecre tlie guards and other troows, under orders for try of ffrentrtheninir, by works, the lhort tary colonelErownrigg with this difpatch, who that country were countermanded, and mea RefofaerL That this Hcufe, uhrn ft4 janu very ueieniiuie line wnicn he occupieu, win De aoie to cxpuin luuy au matters 114 ulcc uuuituiy i uc procure adjourn, do adjourn to Monday rrru.dto Gllize him ftill further to retire before tin? to this army. more veffcls for U10 return of the army. Thr ,1., nJ he could be joined by the reinforcements, I tranfmit a return of killed, wounderand Hopes are entertained, that as the Helder is which I ha'd iuformalion, were upon their miffing, of his majefty's and the Ruffian troops capable of being Orongly fortified, and as we agca fo. teen members were ap.

tr.arch. i in the action of the 6th inft. I moft heirtily have a number of gun boats to flank the em pointed on the third refolution. Precaratorv. therefore, to a general forward lament, that it has aeaixbecn fo ferious, and barkation, it will be ettected with little lofs.

A mellage trom the rrelidcnt was TC VI i r. novcmcnt.I ordered the advanced pofts which army took up on the 3d iriitant, in front ot this place, of Egmont op Hoof and Eg op Zcc, to be pufhed forward, which operation took place yeflerday morning. At livitv ww mm a carded takmcr nofieflion of the villages of f1 Cl 1 jchermerhorn, vener ioot, iimmcn, uac cum, and of a pofition on the fand hills near m3 yVick op Zec the column xenflian troops t. command of raJor I inn to rain a height in front a i their intendcti poft at Baccum, which was matciial to the lecurity cf that that fo many brave and valuable men have It is the only tiling for which we have now to ceived, communicating a letter from To fallen. I your's, be anxious.

bias Lear, Efq; private fecrctary to Gen. FREDERICK. It is rumoured that the French, on re en yjSHIKCT0V Right Hon. Henry Dundas. cr reat of our troops, pprcmFm MKZSAnv burned it rKL.bllJl!.iN I FS Mh bbAOlL.

Quarteriy Zuyfer Slujt, OCi, IJ Lii the killed, ivounded and vtijjinjr, of the A Jian arrets under tie command 9 kit Royl ftan jsrxtt unacr ice commana tj mit Jiojtt miv to the round. nrobablv for having opened its gates to the allies. Centhmtn cf the Seiial; Gentlenun of ths Hcufe cf Rrprefentatlv, ine letter herewitn tvanimittea 1 nC lei ,1 iuiucui luntuun wun one irom inc oenatd be At lUthepaturfthefiiiBttn oftki. app0inted to conGder on the mod fmt ftk armies, and the rcfult was an order for their ui 1 1 re embarkation. abIc mann of paying honor to the mc lB The Col.

and Sir Charles Hamilton fet out ot thc man in war, fuft in I .4 STATUS. 11..,. nr. laviuiu ltuuw if arr. Houfe of December 19.

by the purity of his charader, Mr. Marfhall, with deep forrow hn his and a lone ferici of ferviccs to his coun rnimfpnanr. nnA In nw iVi. tnn 1 i of voice, rofe and addreffed the Houfe world. It remains for an affectionate; hc vet.

fuch ha beenVh, litU comPint on Friday. On batur mmm ap Wftl II Wl Jiuaife du to colonel Clcphane, commanding It Vas reported that a French column, com its freedom. Having effeded the great day morning about o'clock he became ill. Dodor Dick attended him, in the morning, and Dr. Craick, of Alexandria, and Dr.

Brown, of Port Tobacco, were loon after called in. Every medi wcit ivjuu iiicr catieu ir ffifclSW V'Ce affilUnce was ofTcrc is lo deep and fo univerfal. More than any other individual, and jct a ercd, but without lafl fcene cor refponded with the whole tenor of his rroan nor a comtdninr as mucn as to one individual was poliiole. j1 i i frUKt leaped him, extreme did refs. With lias he contributed to found this our 'run r.

much as to one individual was poffible, rl A him in wide fpreadin empire, and to ive to Le i i to of his rcalon, he clofed his well fnent the wcltcrn world its independence and iir. I have the honour to be, cxc. TOBIAS LEAR. The Pnfidcnt cf the United States. Generals Marftiall and Smith were ap pointed to wait on the Prefident, to know When the dcbilitv of our federal fvf.

hat lime would be ccnvcnicat to re rA .1 itT S' ine evening, auwarrow tem had become manifett, and the bond3 CCIVC inc onie. is entering the canton of Claris, and attackitg Conncacd the parts of this vaffc Generals Marihall and Smith having Lhto 0nwyCdcIaradorclyfur continent were difTolving, we have feen waited on the Prefident with the firll re "Rrrw Ar.A him, the chief of thofc Datriots who folctiyn, reported, that the Prefident formed for us a conftitution, which, by would be ready to receive them at one o'clock this day. The Houfe accord ingly waited on him. The Stealer eddrejfed ths Prefident in tk 1 uc Houfe of Representatives, penetrated with a fenfc of the irreparable lol i i i can never die, to pay fuitablc hoiour to his memoir. 5 Mount Vernon Sir, JOHN ADAV nave to annonnrp tn vnn tin rinth ft A the great and good General Washington.

He died lafl. evening between io and 1 1 o'clock, after a fhort illnefa of about twenty four hours. His diforder was an inflammatory fore throat, which proceed ed trom a cold, of which he made but CU UUU1 3 Dec. 15, 1799Y I 1 I 1 i i.

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