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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I 1 0 I i I a i i 1 1 1 if IN CHANCERY. Danes ras Cbboxixob. inV. Imm4UwMM. hi wife, rt f' Mary Car as cabers Bbsbsb vaa Vies CsaJOBtxoa.

John Iwa aad Uwkl ran 1 1 1 ru.v.. ta Bvwaaca of DtiimrwfThs Otirrte iThanee rv the mate of Now Votfc. lb feltowtor described mlM will sold or eedarlha tircu IM uuacrrow, oaeoi in rhhmoi wis nxmn, at publ audio ea the xSd 47 of March at 13 e'elnek (none thai dev. at lha aateareoflef Wil H. tiaaklia, ha AWeed fiaa istih eky of new non, via; A tAl'mee eertala' Mntli ttotls Vs.

le or parcels innnd, wa the bullmnxa tharaoo, stltme, lying and fekagmiheTbird Ward tna eHy New York bounded aX sewiauopg Bwether aa lallows 1 let. Itowiiagataceir forned by tb Maraaefion of ti.e aot iherty side of. Liberty arael vita I ha watr.y state! Waamnguie ureal running 1 hence along L.beriy atia I8S lee, (loche la Wi st eirert lhaiica northerly steug Wi a sut MM feet II tochse 10 ground Bow or leio kwteagMif Jaab Wkekhssi thence eaaterly along the nm 1 foot 7 tocnee 10 gtouatd bulungiog now Of lata 10 Mi ery lalpaatei thence aoeiheily along the eama9 1 ihanaa easterly aiocig lha aama 75 feat 6 tneuee Ui Waardranou atrset thaara southerly Bloog Washington atiaaa. Au feat, an th atae mtnwtumiim ABdaieu, aA Heat ea Raul a gromid, tytogsail kwtog ta lb ma aih Wartiwf lha eky af Haw York, aad haoweaawt iilaui guwiad vas planot np easoeiil tend formerly betenguig Uantlrtck Ra (an. deceasedVby lot nalill sue.

Dvuadeo: aa kilkiws suaterty ui iram vj I k4 aambar 164. and twwharly tot tinmbarfoei eaaotMMi araaiaaia aroai ann raaraaca tcaa. aod lkf kwa al artMHid, abb 'T tbrratMi, atauaiad taib Kiral Wartir tb euf 1 aiuekraaan InfriMr are ooiian 77. " rammenelna at the corner lormca Mna of I7 ef atraai pan; tonf MBbWMUili lb wmtd ba. weuilnned tn fiilf fire featlbTMlaxh wOb, Ha aunbweaurta alonf l)kir mn ut Weat auaei, to IMpMcr of brcnaiba; a and duaanalaaa axeot Waa.

MtTCHELU'! lawtwraftWO Wtr In Chwory. KfO TM EtllANCtLLbROPTTIK FtftST ClkcCIT MwrU'e SAUK." rt. It. WUttaaMeanaaana.M aL 1 fei larniaaca a der.rat lha Caurt af Ctaucair af lha aula af Mew Yaik, wiU okl at publM aueiko, wj uaw ma niresuna a us aotterfticaeil, ann 1 via aald Cetiru at tl aalea rooiaof "I Baoi rranaiiav, ancuanear, Kn IS Brad wraef, ba lha elqrafMaw Vdri.aatb Rfibnaf Hareb I Ml 'lea aaa(lhftl Aa AtL tbaiaanaia tUtPtaae a oarcel af areaad, aHaan, Irbicanil buia iaibaTwailib Wardaf UecMol new beftnamg at a polut an tb ennberlf at leof vn wiub ana tour naoiuea reel weeteriT el the Be ma Aeaa, wiUch walaa tba autnhwmutrf aorner ul rand balaaui aald atenbeaaoa, and runalnc theaen harty akMi( aad aypbaaant'a weatarly hoi oa ban ares aa mi iqaaal kurniaaiiMimi a Havr Btruar. Unci waaiaiiy aiuog aabl Btnkoc'a aouUMfly iiaabiMai raaasree kaa lh eW eaawin poet road, ibaaca aaaibrrr kna lb aaatarly alii af eaid roaJ about ne ao trtrnd let ante ef I a la tlx nenbarly kl of Forty ai.ibaaa awiiriy bIobh lb BMiiiariy atci of aald tony Uta airtMiaawaaxajraheaa fM aar le aa the tar af bMlaialaavbaaMbw wa all ab mw tba pantaa oftka Bra poll 10 II ajurt UMailoaad aaibebUlaf aaupaM (, aifaol la IV aaiaerly bail ef tna eld roadon aaa bbbm.

AIM alllbat certain aaniiaa and kit, bwe panel ef bud, aituate, lying and being lathe a wanief tbaeuyaf Mow lorb.eoaunPBrlngaia Baial aa tba amdM aaiaWFany atatb atiwM tbr bus alrad aad Mtiwi a iaat, waaiarly arua a peaa) fornwd by ajHta3iaBf th aonnerly ana ef aaid avaet aad IM waaiariy Uaaefwi Unaawd Auaa, running thence BMiberly and paiaal wbb aald Aveave, oae tauaalred fet 4 la to the erawe of lh bki between Forty 1U1 and Fny aeuh armi, thence weatorly and parallel with tb atrarw) twatwy teat, thane aoutherty andDirallel wablhe an hundred lf 4 10 to tba aurtha ly am Funy oatba aanberiy aai aald sue 4iweai7 ft(eet Ui place begiax ldewYortTbnrjlOih, A.l. 141. C.WHCEIA, fclO tawM MaffbiC'haneery. BTaTB OF hBW iuMK. aa.

tNCHANCBRT. Baaoaa tub Tm Caaitoaixaa. ABfawtladlf lirvtec, DaTidl and Hary FL Vug at I a 1 MARTER'f RALE. Ta. VavMP.

Hall aad Canine bis riaa. la puraiiaaesofa decretal order of lb Cuurt sfChancsry, ef tula rttate, will lie so 1. 1 at tmUleaactina, aadarUie direciloa the anderaBjnea, an of lha Maaiar' el ad Uo at th aalae room of James Miner At aannnars, Ho. ii Bruatd strwf, bi the eby ol New Vara, ea the tuurth day ef March aest, at dioci, 01 uaa uay A LL tboae tw eenata a its of land aWiuUs oa the Banner ata. ly alii ef Fourth si real, belwaen tba and secasd avaaaaa.

ta lb Vard of lh thy of Now York, bawa and dnab nlahed en a map of property In the Baai avar Tam tbacUyol New Yoik, a aaaaiaa as iba uia Maaal Mbiibura. Meeeaard naaa by kUrward Uaawhty. Cky aarvayos, January 90, ItMb, ta nuiubarr 17 1 aad 17J, baunded aouiutiriv bi fnaat b. rwinaiMl, BHilierf the rw by nwabei le9 ail no, aa. rl by ih kit umber 173, and weawrly by inc lot aaatnlMM 170.

containing lugeiher la mnt and roar Ally foot aan aa baatfih ea each tide eiaety all (set two and a hail kiln tna sawriy bniday bae of tile aaid hMa hereby raatad, ar as imaaaa.1 ba, balog a Uaa parallel as, awl at the dMaaace ol Imadrait aad aaveoty ore feat (rwn turn waaav, i mum ui in au avenue. thaaw Maw luib, IM1 David codwibb, ralAtawSw toawer Chancery. IN CIlANCKKV BsSsas tbs Vsta CBAircsi4oa. Jba (e Malr and James aaooMU.nar'i Esceaiora Tbaesa Uwlghiiiauatdeo'i va. 1 of I J'd.

I ra WIRmubL jrrlnaal oibara la fwrauance of a decretal Pjtifr of thla Court, mad the www nuun cars, wiu som at puouo aucuoa. wader iba dlr actio of the nbacr'bar, on of th Mmr ef mtt Vaurt, ai th aalea ravm Hi tb Marcba haaaia. ta lb My mi Mw rk, by Bdw ard H. iataaaay aiwiikwesr, oa aha rareBlieta fwy tl Marsh Beat, at 'clock at aooa ef thai 1 ayaa ALL tnoee aevw. lot of land st rtate, lflng aad being la the Taeltih Ward ai lh By of New Yore, and kairwa and abiginabad apon a cenaia map aoii.led a aaap el ground vJ heeatateet Clarke, aUuatrd at Urea wkrh.ka lias ciiy el New korB.anade toy Aio Cornius aad laai amwan, aud tiao Ui tbdiceal Reglater of thee and eeuiuy ot New lb numbers (ihra bun ttrsd aad nmeiy foar,) 3A.

(1 hi humlri and uiuety tr) JBS, tthree DUBirrd aad uiurty kundrodand tnasty aavea) 3M tnra bum tied end nuMiy eight) SIM, tlhrv hundred aad abaity bum) end 400, (four hundred) Ivaag aeeawuoua 'y io'irof the aaid laaa vuaitng oa the Teaib aveaua, and tnreef tb said tot froatiug on Twea ly aaveath uai. aaai tug ether are boended aad coaudua aa Biuowa: betiBorng at a pouit oa the easterly aide et the Tenth avenue, th caotre of ths block be twaa a Twaaly aevwiib and Twanry stgliUi streets, Bleary eagre; atne mchee Boot the nerry eorae af the Team avenue and a ati at hud out but oat yet opened called twenty seventh sin at, frem theses ri.ruiina aouthariy aloog th easterly aada of iba baath aveBua aluety eight feet uiB inc Ilea le tb aariheasierly eoraer of the tenth avenoe and the said piaevnad atraai called tmeaty seventh streer, thence east es aioaathe aoitbarly srduol said Intended atreet called twaaiy envMh atraai ana baadr, and aeveaiy nv foat. tbsaas aiibny oa a Bae parallel to ike umih aveaua ana ausag iba baeol ku auinbar luur haadied aad oae oa said asp akaety eight faet Bbie bmliaaie tbe ceatie of Iba aald hkaak, thmiBa weeteily aking the centre of the said block ae haudred ami seventy Bva feet to the tenib aveaua aMl pint, of begianlag bmg lb asm prevtse ron vwyad lo IB aald Wliaaia Minna by Jainea Uavtilaon, Ike gaonraJ aad Bvi (uardlaa ai Bayard Clark, by deeu baaiaig ante May (wanly aecsad, slguieea huadred aad Ibntytve. a. ianedNaw 3Wi.

lail. aj.JONES MTJMTORD. Master In Chancery. C. 1 DaWIrt, rtoNeMev'.

fclM Haw 3w im uiAKirRt. awasa rnaTiea CvaBoaxxoa ae rs Frarr Cisotrrr. Kiabaid wuydaea and va. Id. DEWTTT.Borr.

faaae Qraea Parsi aad ethera.J ka purauaBca of dscrae af the Court ef Chaaeerf the aurte Nw York, aiada hi tb above cause, wUt aaid at public aucuoa, iiadsr tbadlrcctBM of lha isadaiaBiBeil, oae el tlx Master ot aald Coon, at the aalna room la the Merchant's Eaebange, la la cay af Mew Vora, by KdwardH Ladkns, Alio, tlni.air, oa ibaiwaotlatli day MarskneiVal twelve 'aioas auoa ot that da; a tJL tast eanaiB lot ef toad, ahuate la lha First Wsrd mi ibeohy ot Nsw York, bouode! northerly In Irnai by Reavvf Mrvet, southerly by Marketflld strcat. easterly kypraaaariy aww 0 toteef thesaid laaaebraca PeaxeoB, 1 rr by pruparty toia at Jaeob Breawer, eootala. hag breaikb ta from ea Beaver atree: twenty eeia feet bur Baahaa, ea Abu keiaeid atreet tweniy two Ba seven ancrtca ew tae wsi srry mom any one feet three aaa a half iachea, aa sa lha saa sry tufca hfty eighi loot nlue aacliee being fee aaeaa preiaaeni eoaveyd ka the aald laaac Oreea Pear aaa by 4araaaa lley.r, Adrtaa Vaa aaaderea and Henry prn. SI sneers ef I aae Heyer, OVcaaed aogether all awe nanaaee.s, hersxhtsiiwaute and ajipurteuaocca IB risasa kelaiigiagorlaanr wiaeapperuatliig. Dstad New Sitb, A.

D. lHil. 1 R. J. WHEELER, aawthTM Master ka Chaoeiery.

ttt ATK OP NEW YORA.BS. IM CHAfM EhY. Jswiaa vaa Tags) Ciawnai teaerraa Four Ciaccrr. Re aavah.) bsuj job tdi ef iUm tcade the kbeve at pubii aaetiua. node, ilia 7T th maau rsof the the MSI au.keerf ThJTo.

"ork 000a ol AIL, Oal aeruua lot nf land ahsai tB ,1., 1 Ward la aay ot New YurB. dtuhtfe.D awvw a en aakl wattl. by TaanaiiR L0ub.C airaet lesriy Uie reat by aa alley a 1 avarty aa akia by tot cWaun a Ual tei.1 aaaai aBarty aa aw aai uv mn laled oa MM uae mm Iw weatarly oath other ana, by lot am aaa Hasp a 163, eoetaining la trout aad rear each 'ii fm, aaai toagu, ya each ata at aaa aangalar th a. 1 16c a b'Jlklliiga, lights UMiubara, pn vaVaaw, aaat inatuaana Ibotwuaaobetoagiugr any WNSV appanauwitK niw aw mm auui. a.a HWae bsaraag itaia Uvuiuet 14.

saau bv IK Trusteaa el tha alalia. 2 a aae Haruos mtbesit el New Yore, wneraoviha 1H inaauss dal aar. and farm, an auto Jaisaa A BjaBiaj aad a bars the aaid prauiisea, trout ha lat Uay ml lawvauihwr, 1st), A aneouiuu) thatena ol HI yearaUica BSSI eaanias at in ysarty rrnaui aavvmy twu ouiira. Bar aaal liuiMMi all iharaiofih said larin of ear vet lu Sims sad aarsatitrad, sib)cal Bvnhalaas to tlrS rewut, aevaasBis, iaiiiaa aaa piuviaiuas hi th aaid hadeoiuia of laeae aarBiionej wal contain oq. laawdlww Ull.UaJf MlTCTTELL, Mastnv in i.

tiaucery 4 Wall street. bMbbi Da Witt. PoacHor. mhlSawts B.t aa aaiiivo i' uiuouaaVuaa. VX his Brand aaal ta auau ui lumt uevtn hlioaelf lite If liia ai.a aai, aa aa, ana nmaia.

Ufl. raauwad anee.noa. Invamiranaaaot! lb heM arttowaod warkmi partoot aaaenuwry aaal aaatecjala, auded as tha aawaiaagt of uaa, year, prar.ilcai exiwrieaaa, to deserve asaaauauaaee the Biierai euupoit tiarauiloro racciled PsMiraiia, Vt wa, every deacnu. tVMa, Mafja, aaia of baaaauica. Cheek, Caru aod Curia aara, UMSwd lb aeeiaiyki af art, aad at reasonable Tahirapaie Preeaes.

Btoaa aod Materials eoasnmrly Sir aaia. Herr AlkUwHAPMiU PHAbb, kuiu Lane, y. air aiata ia bt ata laeaa T' wMbenea uudtraatoii ibroiuu TnB eaa peieai BMtea ia The araH aaara. 7 bat diilr wbii ad ia eeerae Bwa Aba baniltM cap, 1 1 panel 4 do Paaa do Vic da; M. rtui eaa and rV.

JV and To tcok uaa tn I caily the war a Aw in the at Clar Hoc no bt tl his ere nf mil aoe aeif 1 ita Jha 1 I I fTUlK aubae. Kax bavbig purcbaaed the valuable Skack A ot aUctilory aod Onjiaal pMtea of. the wa firm O. Wiuhi At Praadan, tabic are eut surpassed bv est asiabhsniiisBt a Uakad shale, taaaa Una method 10 hauwa Uruxaiaia, I'arluitteta, and all otheiswbo era in vaa ef Copperplate saw Xftagiaphie Kograv.of snd anoWia. that no at aiamard to execute ail oriiora aa tb awva But to bs squaded ux any Mneresta Wrappers IHmiaw, Bears rappers, aad a geaeral Baaoruuew I I STiSwiSTf ef arugaiata, aaaaaatcturera, Beifuiaera grorers sad La Bala, at wBileaala aad reuul I Patent chseka.

notaa avasa, btuaf aeiia.iga, btonka, ball ttckats, prufasslnaal. aud viaama aa iiia, cirt aiars, snow bun, (Mils Afoy, Job Prtottog.1 every variety ol style, execatad aro rv oe uaa aaoat raaauaaoie leiois. v7 catxa vwrtTtrt na 1tAIOabUar sasoraaieb 1 eJl aW ,80 ftWUGJaAavLSA TU1SSPAEHIT WJtlHUBLK AV1HDOW otbet HMND MANUFACTORY, WotttTirOI TUlt. ttewweof ibftaubUcb) oticltdb tilaabfcW bar. lathe eleait mi kAliil arrlrlh 'lmnebvt WcH'bofn m.ewe'Tef welt turnwheif, be call.

eeaaMared boo rw )udAn ba tba awat enacihna.iiaiirarai taai baobl)(tiitioluced. 'v n.i Thaeal4lca laa now beea Jb aarlaala anea farnsire It Bva Ttara. aa that eiparlaaaa bow wwtaetli i aunoitbebr warabilha aadibai decMtoiMy tawr i aafluMeBl' anowa by Ue aMeaiHlticcrraaingafluauaioriiieii.i 1 vm' collctloa bow to lb imWle corer utetarer tnenied of the real Wmd.w Bltaria and theae anlcle are taalnea te la. Their prteea, with bjoububJ eJlt. 7 par pair apwarda, A JtitZi aide atthla pi New Tor K.B.

ularaldlaeniBw inwh Vnrti Uttkeo. AXFrSK.afcai qgORBB at EDGAR Blfc yMM Merchwua. No, Burbac at to. of. nr luiea No I and Si Leanorn ran SJI do Triaaia ri VJX Haa, Jomcalla raja, wudr and colurea uiokuuii powaw nj in CMC, luiaiu twine.

1 They alp nr tun, 1mm soma of th prinrlpa paper IBMlnKaiartBg rompaa ira, in ure eaatern KBiaa, tna tonaw imAexl i jiuS reatria tnr neWBBaper nrbiline. of arko anuntiea andaisoa 9w rtamto( tnadmai, royal aai aapei rnyai pruiunipaper ii Daoaa, irom eaarae to auporba qua to eupcifinr, wtilte, blue, aaaortevl bud worn, rutoo ami pam packet nun. kMio DeaL ilatean. deml and medium rl.tiaj, uaeun aad snralopa paper praa paper, boawat, and Madera" boarda. sUOO teamaof CKXh, bardware, dnabl aad wraprwrai paper, at lfWf at price.

leio IA1IDW1HU. CERwAN GOOIMl ate tWI Iroaa; da Tailura do SO do Carolina lioei mnnra; a cQ maaiin aeiliaai nrigui iiksvumwi lc dps I do line ateel File BeiM; 3 do hand and buck ftawa erate Jaoanncd Coal Hot or ai) bag ilorae Nailar teaka breaa Clark's eoutpoau baa ttaad Tea Rattle adadoalaaea 3di Water lroaaiU 00 patent Wafle doi AraaMeaat Ma.lrj,nl.l., 1 hrivhi Mail Hammxre I lOUdoBea Carnngron'a covered Coffee MiMa; 60 do WUaon'e 80; 70 doSimmea'a Axeai 40 dn PaTtCdo 1 25 do Alone'adoj 8 White do 30 eaaes DUtea 12 00 rJhtte Fenclla 3 do ane Seatka brae KettU. do brtmble rJcythe 8 ai.u.. joumraiai IE da retlew Ooa Flluu uiHaMMM 1 16caaba aicaies. antl 3 do oa 4 do Carman rVythea; 8 do Straw Kuirea; II loboa Coffee Ji to 2 do Rnitiing Pina 6 do Ottmas liarpa; 4 eaaearielamra: Win RewUnd'a Mill BW Wilkin aoo'i AneH.

btlgb. Vl ace. Ax. fjr le a. 9Jfcid.n Une rai A ji? CAUOOaiC fOrl ala ASD TEAM BOATS.

T.H snhaeTlbare offer la tba ptrbli Bew and bnpra tb eoaeeateneea el tna nuuaniant lluua Cuokio lito. wkb lace rood a. In I row which are aceeaaable at alt timet aad la aU wrotAer, concnuuog lrt luol, and doing more rooking taking lea room In Cabonee Houe Ihio aoy atber MhipBtore bow made Theawnaaed ttera trom Htilp laaaierB who liavo uaed tbeia a voyage, apeas lor una 0" Vof P.ckard'ft Paten TaroOr Caooara oa board the elilp Alabainian oa trial, and bv aaart mini to New Urleena a back I now uo iinei aar.HIa lha bew tbeoae for eeirrenlcnee. aeaaoaay, that I I think kazeatdeaBya cbuigeflh kiadaww Bud. 1 I BBS Terr ftaraiMiciiuiir, louiao.

1 CEOROg P. UARKNtoU, Muter. PAcnMTani SorrHPoer, will; New Vora. January aXU. Jan H.Keymrat(.a.

uentieinea racaaro a run 1 wo Ten luaauuau, inei 1 aw you for the ajuihort on trial, has ttren entira attafarllon. and with we caa do atora arl better cooking wkb any ether article tliat ever eaine nadet say ou aerrailoa. or eoiupacin'wa, eonsanienea ami ecoootcy fuel, It euidoee any aabooae I eeer be lore used hope you wiM aaaol with aa exiaaaite patronage, for it reiiurea Ui ba knowa nura aalea. I XlCUeVe B40 IW UD) Oea llemrn.yoare.'dre.:'' TUOi.R.m!RBET, Master. AaxBT iwrr at Pntuiar Ilsvtng used one of the above described Cabaoaea on Pliillipa a voyags to Mobil and back.l du fully concur with Captain Hurben in every panico ar.

DANItiL PRATT, Msster. 'fttt pablie are invited to call at our etnte and exam in iBeuaaarvea JOHNH EEYSERakCa 808 Water at, felt betweet Fulton and Bcekman ata. ojW I In I buuua run, ins srainu ane bhb. senber has luu op, ned the touowina desirable at vies aw goods suttsbis lor lue pressot aeasoa ana Bpraig Brane, via 1 40 piecea Paris nuallty Chens Silks, very rich 40 do rv liiiu an I medium Calicoee Ooe case of splrra id auueaalio ae Lames, from the ee lubrated boose of uioa udicr taooian at no. ran cooaBX af their aeaaat Uallof ua.

Aiaa, the sainp.e cards of 3 eases conulning 78 pieces ef aawaea daaurne of orinted Oriandie. jconetr. ani Muakna. which will be ahowa to tu customers, and offered metieraU prlrea, aviioieaaie or retail ROtaKRT W. Rroerhvsv, fef edjoiimig lite An.encaa Hotel 1 alesnd retail.

Those in want of the above article are infoii ned that the subscriber has oa bead tha dm cmn olata auar.k the ekv.ooinDriaiiia event anlcle la the trad' tHienaaDaraiUria. umblers. GuHleta. Wines. C.

rduUs ata. Jeliiee Cliamoaiane and Hock Glaaaes. Claret and A Decanters, Lemonades, Watei CarroAa, Water Jugs, Hnola. ftowia and etauda. balla.

ta tsand dtamis. Preserve Dirshea, Wine Coolers, Finger Cups, Sugar aad Batter win. Castor Bottlca, a great variety, caicuiaieo to rem ak60 frame Astral aod Hall Lamp Shades, Harp, This a. Tulip, ate. i IBoon tor ursncn tauipa, mn.

arc. bum wi 1 be aotd at prices than can but give aalisfacbon: we assure pnrohasera that a like opportunity will not wen ocouf.of aoieeaog from so hu ge sn assunmentortbe aaest new aad nsriaMiaoieanieiee. a auen a reaucea pnee. Jim. xtAUUtrrr, 71 uoerty street, WS Btt Hneffeltaleat BroartwaT.

Mew Verb: t. kAVbliUU'S MMTALLIC TABbUf RAIOH ITHOP, THK merewfung domaad for this Strop, Impose on Ita proprietor tlie grateful dutv of tendering to lha pablie eiucere ibanks for their extensive encouragement. Th eeiuioiiiea rappnbauon which accompany every older highly Battering to ma faeli aa, awd evtnoee on the pan th community a rheeeirnuieot wiiich 1 not to be dceetv Dy uoquaitueu ouuaeu oy inuirMiiaeni sturdy puffs, nor woidy paragraph. The polios aophical and chemical superturiiy uf ihia strop, to lo every acquainted wub the piiiKijuaaof tlieae acieucea ao evident as make ssseiuoo tain and srgameat en per iuons. This superiority insims from the lour surlacea, nd the pmgresaive power of the composition, with which three ottbein are focaled; tlie flat shape preserves the orlgieal aeuteaeaa of U.e eilge, wblie the gradusted atrengtb ibe part enable the user to accowutodale the degree of keenness to the sensibility of Iho face, nr the growth of beard.

O. MAUNDER. 163 Breadway, New York. 1 rr A libcral'diJCOBnt rmrte to wholesale tVI9 aAl)L, jtialahl a ea tuk have leceived per feceut ar rivals, aud offer for aale at No 61 Pine street Jrisli Liuens UOO caaea 4:4 heavy ehirtings; 6:4, 6A Bed lit Bbeetiuie: Datoer and Danmaks, 1.4 re 10:4 3.4 Diauoi Hucaabucke; black and biown iioilamta 5:8. 7 and 4.4 Lawna and light Lluena) let inch Udkts Di aper and Daniaaa Tabic Ctoihs, Ac.

yc. woadckrtha kO caaea wool black and eoi'd Clotha UMvdmeies caaea taney checked. Us at and dark, hew atywe BJaahuierettea caaea super silk aad cottna Warp agambroona 1 caaea drab EkuMlc Crape and mii'J vrluinakiuaand Cords 'aV caaea heavy drab 'Velveteens'" case super black Dtap Ete 3 caaea fine, all wool Hewings 10 caa, biaca and olue black Itallta "rwiat I eaae besi aupcr black RliwibazBMa 6 ease low priced jot black Manebasasr pruiia cases new styles, Hl and dark fancy Shawls itO cases silk snd worsted, 44,47 snd (0 hick aluuaeiine de Lalna i MI caaea law priced, new styles PaLrirucbl'aUrrto and Vesting eaaesprn llT.l Ala Vaafinaa Wk Velveia 9 eaa, blue sad Ul black. Arc Ac fea GAYLEU IF1RE PROOF IRON CHESTS patent double fire proof Book Safes and Client have in every romance proved what they purport to be, "Are proof." In the great fire in this city In 1835, aw at any other time, uot oae bae foiled end ao person can aay ttuu iney teat tnetr oonasor money lo saa ol way vera Cbesta Mora than SiiOO of vai lous sizes hsve beea ia use kii log the laat eight you and many have beea fully teat etlbyare. tneanitscritrerean wnu ciHititebce warrant hia attests Ar proof, aod offer Uiem for sale at Bi Pin arrest, betwoea pearl and Water.

V. J. GAYLER, Portable Platform Scales and PatuM halaanaa, oa band aad for sale at iuwui paces tuas at aay otbet store In lue city. IrraCheitsvarnishcdanJreDeireduy C. J.GATLEtt, Pme strent ev3 WINK1 Newu Madeira.

Iaal's, bum's ion's, Taylor's, aud other brands, ol varioua prices, in wuouaaugtaaa. onerry, rate, nrown ana uoia, en wood aad glass, a variety of breads and prices. Port, of axtra quality. Ch mpasnea. Oil de Perdilx, Ueidseick, 4.rape Rhenish aod Moaelie Wines, Clarets and every deacrip itioa.

TeoeitrTa, aticily, Lisbon, Ac, for sal ia quar iler casks, dkoiij'Mina, or bottled, by jo ATWFLL, 3SI Broadway. DVHDe.E LISBBBa The subscribers otter for sale on acconiiiiiMtiiiug teiuis complete assortment ol Hundee Uuene, comuranng a Craum tMraetingS oi superior qualily, 36 to 41 laches wide. Imitation Rua ia Hheetings, brown and blcachsd. Cream Dow as, k7 ani 3u inches wide. Osuabarfsaiid Bear Duck, very superior.

Bui laps ileaaiana auit etacktngis varioua wuhba Cauvaas PsddiagS, handsome liglit stylos, tor Tailors, Do do very heavy fabric for sacking bottoms, 'i A e. BeaspCarpcoiigsnf vartona widths, patterns and colsra, Health Rugs anil Door Mais, Alao Cotkaa Baggiiif, ale Rope, Baling and Sewing TUMt, AC feta 1 MARTTrCOPmetit. CvoaAAauTlU COLD CKEaM Wuii uiaay at Urn only euie for Puui'les, Blotches, Chapping, and athei auociiiar annoyance. Equally bcBaficBU ui foiancy aa ate it one rales is cool the urlacv preveat arupikm aad a1i.1V tn uaia. TaMai a met or 1 lair rswuer Being an article 01 cxrenerve use.

"J1 the loliet and Ui the aurseay. has beea a msuor concern to rend It worthy ol ns reputatioa uiaquauty of niatcrau and skill la the prepara tody's toilet or aunery abould be WHtaaut una beaiuirter. if. ira aVThTn! J00'1'0 iuj unes miiicted on the foce hy The flrkl appearance c.Dasd paiucuuu uwmemafili", aueiuearraamg at IWltw" WrCTeolby a judiclamsuMetlhe Pd kps. erVyPW.

for sere erchap. pa, put to ibbsih 11 humor. ClMi.ped rum.rvi ws iJl "Waaated P. at tha kanii.aeiorr, iB of ill tSlB? he had waiapwweoi retail. au aiaMies) fell I swffKsl rtvo aa l' 1.

a "ohas 1 VOrt'e Pateat Wardmbe 1 aVrT: 1 who nave used to be tt JT? dute 1 a n.vaaAn rm those eeret Bedstead ever It 00 wo, and wUl uV ra the eniBarv bedatead In aU rasea tpcrce to for, asmmea sixeil bedstead ami wbe IT ac a ot aay coaaequnc, it ia a auttabie for th A rn lor tha booiooJ. hui air the parlouraa or tlieaiek or Invalid, for chiMrsn, (or store aaal of Is of great value. Skea no than a bureau keoTMslas aU the lw lnLe f00 estiy vuioi repair and in a nwinent ia curiTenaii hdad whh the bed inade tit for rue. lmo wholeaale aod retail Fea. her, Bod aod Faaibers urssactl and Martrsas repaired la the bait CSm.

aad 1 KfwtllSiTaT! rofemaer, aaocorPskl'i)sIieJBraa ray, f2a Wna. vaBTaeO. ol GARDe GENUINE OATMEAL, iniup by I denning Philadelphia, km 25 aad 10 I lyinABlllJS AUD ORNAMKMTfc Eaaea.GrvTa r. rueukto i' awTietly and M3ttfvM OfjR'l telfJkTtfl. ltkalisaad meaad ATM.I.

Giavw Ik a This far wevaan hi lh ed teea iraoaxe. "ina and cnJara the the Ac ata Joan aver Re. tf let ale ni itu ality elan large 'grain and gea nri and and AND boys 1' supply nf Japted or froca and damage and Top. to ti south been of lute. bis the R7J1 are anu Tra ux of 1 I I'" I Thia Batrttkre and valuah nieu, ia.

r.rTir aeck SB WeU BS food for Children, ao hiahlv rMaam.aal bribe Pbtladniptila phyaktoasreaa aow be bad in lota lo Burehaeaxsirom ibetr areota, rleiAV 1W JOliirTON.WPronAsh sail TOIRRVI rKKALai IKRIIUT. Inaiiiatioa jatttaktea ea the beak aftfe YMaaa auner i Bertb ef tba albwia of YaaJtarr. auneub ivinduuiiA riaaaiijiii Si is. braJthv sttuailoB. walkireiteiidiag cax saaay acraa abadad by brea wa earj accnaai roa ins cny.Deing only eeren miles distant, rerobitncnd this (ocstioa to public Hammer Taimcmasencea odTDm Brat of May the Winter Term aa lha firat et Navembe each, ui wlirehiaanaceededhyaTacaiasBoflbarwaeka i auniiicBiaaa tna axmiantna at bobib) may ew asBen uy uLaddreaaad to the rubaeii b.

at lb rVsiarT.i Ctfv aaay ba obtained front Mr. Gworge Bruve krtar a offiee of the New York Tiaaea, Wlliiaia auvet; at bookstore of Mr R. Carter, em ner ef Canal and Mar ana itom nr. ioearu Bieeeaer, a ma tba Part. REFERENCE.

H. Cenav Dr. Jou NsauoB, STaraaw I iutA Baa. Aibabaji Bcuraiisaiio nji, baa. Mraara.

Maaasi rrosau, Meaara. iastaa Bubbcb a hlh: ntl'a. Aneilnaeere, ami AarraosT Br nn ITnharf BUM ITeWTOTII a i. p. 1 'PhiladelDhia Kceus Ca6wBjJld sij kiwwuwuwn Mm Dowium rraeioaaos awl.

Fnaania Ilvut Jun E.q, ofthebouaa aHM na DwaMaa. Ar MUl. Taaatas Maaomtf, and KewOrleanj a IIhu.ii Wn aV' Ruirrr. I R. rSarehe ani i imAl.yzm COLEI da CO.

S5 Paavri aret would remind the pubiie that they cotuiaue to keep untlvairaatabliahad chaiaater ta aet'inc the firat etaUMy Fho.aaantbnea.audaias reasonable Dricea, at wuou and retail, as at any place la tba my. Acting oa tba that food ahoea. at tmlr Dricea. are ebeaoer at re Maui poer ahoca (or aneh aa are termed cheap shoes) eriee. they wooM hvfite tlioae tbasamo war of thinking lo call and exajnie tar Maeaaaehre their present supply af boots and ahoea, aaoong which are the SJUtarina a 1 WEN FINE CALF BOOTS frorn 4 A5.50; kipp aad boots from trlfB to double aole boots, aver Ivneyland ruhtar.

MEN'd aND BOYS' LACVV BOOTS AND aJH0E9, 4n eoarae, seared aiM pesced. FlREMRIfd WATER PROOF BOOTaVaad etnat peg. mca gaaer noots, pumps aaa ereBtngaup 1 4 nUAtlHtS" (CAITFK BOOTij UtCED BOOTSt Sboea Slippers, of staff, morocco sod leather, furred bnskins robbers. LADlKaV PATENT WATER PROOF OVER 8HOE8 CARP8T MOCCArilNS. ClUkltea'a laced boots aid ahoea la gTBat rariecy.

BOY 'at MMTL CALEB COLES at CO. nave bow oa hand an aari railed kssonmentaf boys calf, klp.and stout boots, suitable for of aU ages, at low prices, ana wanweu 10 uo aoou aetrlcea. CALEB COLES CO. 335 Pearl atree, fr3 col tier of Franktort it OIIL.AKDO WILLIAMS' Snjienor imprcnreo Premium Trunk Manutacoljr, 171 Bmadwa corns CoortUndtatreet. Where he constantly keepa a band a ol every arucie ior irareuing susreetence, I Black and asset Folio and Foiling Trunks, axtauiimbly a foraa aitenaive Wardrobe.

Also, a euperb article Ladle, arranged that HatB.Chotcr Dresses, are. ftha oouiorassioa are. liable to kQisrv.) have each aanerate aecure preventing the poaaibiiiqret during the longest journey. tAoies separate superior wster t'rooiiiat rsatia.Bnaeot Black Jaiiaung Trunks, nf vanouataxea. Beautiful Carpet Bags, with patent Ir a frames.

Bellows Plaia Black and Morocco, Fancy Trunks, valises ot alstaea. Army Officer sTnrakB, of any dlmeasiona, maBafcetnrad order to the moat superb style aad at the abertesi notice. B. wuums'unproveo travelling lira, is extauav and favorably known to the travelluag eouununity, both and West, aad for durability and convenience has pronounoed an unaurpaaeed article If further proofa excellence were Beaded, be might edd that be waa a warded the Premium, against strnng competition, st Sevea tucceaarre i airs 01 tna Mechanics and AiaencaB inati Mr. W.

aafe Ir can and(loesCruilIeareallComieUtkin in line of manufacturing. Allortlera exeented wim the atmoat eispatco. and npon most reasoaable terms. N. B.

Any of the above articles exchanged or repahd Haw York. June. IHWit jalO AUUlt SASa, A.I) L.BKX, JAPf AAkHM ai.9 ANO PleJTOtJ. Tba subecribeni have oa bend aad eonatanlly lecetvlng a variety ot the above ciaaa af goods, coneiatuuj ol Ivory Tab Cutlery la sets of SO pieces in uuseaa suae, bone and slag hsmtlea, In great variety, small title rv. Pt a.

Pocket and Dirk Kalvea. la dozens aad on cards, ef Rodgers, Clook'a and Wooatenholm's makes Raaorh irom euuunon 10 the very naeai qaaaiy scissors aad Shear a. Tea aad Table Spoon of all klnla; Bread and Tea am great Variety: Dixon's BrUtania Wat of all pattere Tea Pans, Ac. With a eeueral aafiortuient of Biiiklinr Hard Ware also ABvils, Vices, Hammers Does. Halters, Trace, Log and wnaina axea 01 ixiiina, nmmons ana otner Bluer For sale os aceommodatiBr tern ta, by Iel A W.

SPIErt CO.818 Pearl st. JOHN tV. UtiliBEttTUli, 60 Mai. ten Lane has received per recent arrivals, aad offers for sale. TOYa almall wood, assorted Ma ieal, Drams, Guns, Swords, Pistols, Baile.Marv biea.

Tups, Wausnex, Gamee bexee, Wagons, Tin Lions, lloraes, Doga, Carrtagea, Ratth aiib a complete aaaertmeatof every artic le in tha hne, PERT UMtRY' Colog Lavendrr.Roae aad Hooey Wa ter Hair Powder. Pomatum, Macassar, aad Antique Ola: Wmdaur, Almond aud Rose Soaps; Powder Cream, Ae BRTJSIIEA Haii BWuabaa. of ordinary aad flae qnalit'ae Teeth Bruslie4sof3, 4 and rows, pointed, ate. Mail Brashes, nhaving bruabea. Ae.

FANCY GOODS Snuff Boxes, Playing Cards, Dominoes, Dice, Bachauuuiou Board, Cbesamen, Cualnons, ro ewood and ebony Work end Dresaiug Caaea, ica hud with pearl and ivory; fancy paper Bexe, wub rich gilding and palntinga; Travelling Hags; betul and silk Purse; rMka Boxes; hair, hex. tooth and nail Brueb' nisies andsiaie Prncila; Carpentera' and Red Lead Prncila pencil Points, steel Peaa, pen Holders, Toy Books. Camels' hair Pencil, iiooka and Eyes, Twme.andGE Sovpeadera, lu great rait aa Aa. 7 SNUFF uUXKA Oval back boxes, square black, with spring covers, louoa unriatieei rvoty, piain an i parni el, hoi aodsliell Soaff Boxes; braaaand Setmaa silver To kecco Boxes; wid Tobacco Boxes Uaed with shell and horn, and an unequalled aaaarurient at goods their hne. felt aai a Va.ll a MaavhAdAXtaa.

TELe), (STATUE AND ORNAMENTAL. MARBUt WOkRd. The aabaeribers bsve for sale the most extea sive saaortiuent of Marble Uanieto and rkatuary ever offered in this country. They aaiat ef the richest patterns ot Statuary Mantels, both ol their own manufacture, and also those unpolled from Italy. A too, plaia Mantels of every form, sotu foreign and American maible.

Tbeir Gallery of scukure surpasses, both fat the number piece and excellence of execution, any similar collec Don ever exhibited in this country, and contains copies ia apienaia atatuary maroie Horn many onne most eeieoratea works of Canova and also, the antique Stataea in the Vail cian and Florence Museums. Aatoag which aio The Vonua De Medici, as huge aa the oriaii. The Venus ef the Bath, The Veaita of CanuVB, The Dancing Girls of Canova, The Hebe of Canova, The Hunting Diana, Antique, i The Giaeea of Canova, AtoAe. Ax; Alao. the celebrated Warwick Vaae.

and several other splend.d Antique Vases, Mouumentu, Marble Baths aud everv mber article In the Ornamental Marble One. Alao, i gnt Italian cnairs, a very superior article, tots to suit purcbaaeta. urtuisKniu, ec rttt kib, jai corner Greeawich and Beach sta, FRESCHAKD FOREI6H BOOKeTOHK, OF O. BERl'EAU. 73 Chambers sL Poarierat son Systeiue, par Madame Gattt dcOamoTid, Realisatloa d'ane Commune SocieUlre, li'spres le Sys nine ronner, i vol, ou, Heine (Henri) de l'Allemscae.

2vota. Bo. KeiMbilder" ou tahkaui de ou. de la France. 1 vol.

4n. SS Pure.trdBs.par C. J.TU tocycaajraJ.liledesBriences Meilkales, pubHee par une sfociete de volume per 9 vols, appeared of 1840., Jumiai, Baronde, Vie poUtiqoe et uiUuiae de Napoleon, wt ttl. aajtM. BpinUSjagj aiJlUl.

Oross, L'Eatt Fraiche, Ac. traduit de rallemand, I vol. Schlosser, Hunolre nniveraeue de PantlqaiteJraduiet pax HI Golbery.avol. 80. "Lee i'raocaia peints par eux metnes." AlSa latnemleillina nfl Unnl.

I. Ik. tUa branches uf science an Li eratore in the Fiench, German, "1 wuiiiBa Also French Circulating Library. fe.1 YELLOW PINE STEAM SAWED LUMBER The aubaerlbera havine tha Aaetu of ih. Waii arnk Steam Saw Mill, laNassaa county, on the Florida aide of tb river, above St.

Maty 'av, prepared to con. traa for auy deaeriptioo of Lumber, aod (having a quantity seasoned oa band) furnish at the ahortest notice at Ilia Mill, for West India or Home Market, on moderate tciuiaa 1 conaequeuliy of fine graio. atrons and durable. N)LSMlTH1BDsV27Bouthat. B.

Vessels aot drawing over 17 feet water, caa toad directly at the Mill Wharf. From the oeculiar locaiioa at ia almuat impossible for seamen to desert, sod as so liquor at 10 iwg iigM.ate aiwaya in a aiiuaiiow tor ouxy net DM. KLLIOTT, thedwuuguishediacuitat, says he never uaed a cVntrifice equal to rthermau'a PREMIUM TOOTH PASTE. Bat Sraah sal wm HUH JUieiW neas and tartar prevented and removed, and the Teeth whitened and beautified, by SHeRMAN'S ORRIS TOOTH PASTE, which took the premium at the late Fair of the American aesthete, as tba beat article ever off to ibe pablie It Is at ranted free from aU detctenoae substance, and re roarkably peasant, leaving a dekcioua taste in the mouth after its use. Reference amy be had to AC Castle, MD, Dentist, S97 Broadway; Daniel Fry, Esq: Prof Bingham; Rev Dr Ka almond; Prof Ward; Col Haines, aod ail woo have sued h.

Sold at 106 Hasan at: 221 Bleeekcrst: Church's Dispen sary, cor Bowery aod Spring st, aud 136 a ton aireet, airoofclvn. UtX KaiC a0 MOaT'A' AN a SsAOK OabAAaSaVbtS) I iM M. eases of Men'sHoota, ssuprior anlcle, wade in the best style, ol prime slock and latest fashion. comprising ageaeral aasortiuent ot Calf, Kip, Seal, and Grain Leather Boots will be sold to mnUieUmes, by the subscriber at 20 per cent less than former prteea. Country dealers are earnestly so Kelt ed to c11 ad exam IB 8 liia BOOVS BLOCS, bi tne score 01 ino aumarriiper.

tabu. wiiJi. aaent, A(, Forth Brastea Warer at. Xjtt VV FUKNCll OOODS. CLARhK A UM PANT, 234 Bruadway, are receiving ttanir eiiring supply et Preach aoods, consiainff of Silks, i.L itt, Laoaa.

Ltwas, Mueina, Cam brics. Prima, Ac Ac and icb wlU be soM try retstt or wholesale, at as tow Dr.cea as at auy store In tbto city. Country merchanu are bivHed call snd examine, uetrassotrjoeat. Taey have lately eiasoed Big caaea aew aryiw aan a aw. mw, OnecaSe" eitra rleh Ombre srpd CUeae cotors 1 Ons case extra rich chene strd Gr oe Africa One do do eoW etpd Veiour de Ispafaaa One do do eheoe fifd Arnmr Pur eaaas plain and aada stpd Week sad bins batei Is Fur caaea spring color Mousse la in tie part of which are of new ai anl mmhw aevla and nuaiitv wuw, a 1 wa BaurrwiKl la ooaw at ia tic auca do extr.

qu.Bty black snd bins tlo HX Caaea Bew rani P.l. an.t ainr, nuall. I yflVS'Z'S savieuand mtuBns I A kuTa" I IJfJjnnatugooda. fe2S ef Brows aad Cofd auperaar I reaii Butiooa A lane rocaer a a atena riTZTI. auream a Gould's PaiDrnav HITtJ GaultP "TT" orsau puoi and v.hhva.arii a Lsrae aawmmant eflm tf flkan, a "XjKvV axitn' ii a.

MRLSkJAMah) CAMPErj? have a neaml aIM iWaaaT km, la Carpets, eauraiy saw peiuarfli? fWwaait i aa soil uneceamoaly cuean. fa. a eaxaa. heeauBa.Alao,Baargelotor Three Pit Caipeta, ingiata on. Damask snd orhar Vetastians, Health Ruga of every style, Eogiish BodAMicaa OU Cloths, Druggets, Table A.

iJT Sa'ia LAWREStE Bi i The lumber Train the Mill hi not eut by a single saws, but I joi.n, iroaaaaira ut inajuence 01 aaa air. aod 1 ajacb jra r. fti, i. by bv oftje. 1 .) 1 01 I i k.Tn thi.

But Incase' rfTHSCITY FIBK IHSTJal AwlBB want. R. hY. 0Ve No. Wall at TH lnmaji atkti uanua nrSranr tbssAi.i aa as any atharwaw.

I kwikbaca. ahtpa ta pail aad anair aery. nwaaaoin wrwaaaa BTSfltntaMI IB una cnr. a Til w.a 1 rimm W. Laarrenee Peter Tiros Macs fanioi liimDi J.

Bahen Hicks Benry A. Fieieon VjPV a Robert I Walker 7 WtW ar FbUb rAnaaasiuaw Bupaoea Joaepb W.CorNea r.v Wiilaai auioaau Jaeenh D. Wriabt Ralph M1 Amos WiUeta Rasbard naw j. imthi a I CYRlla loi rreaiaeaL A. REAIHNS.

Beeretary. TtaVID LYON, starvemr. s8 IKRDIAABCK COM FAB Office No. 47 Wall street, eoraer af Banaeer arrcat. TM.rnn, raniinim to iiunT Beajnat toaaor uamaae fire oa baiidinga.

goods warea ar met ban diss gener also oa reaaela and eargoea, ajaium uaw nland narigatMm, en aa faroraahe terms aaanyetaer i UiBSitnvrBUBa 1. TloamW.TVirn. lr.TaMRefa;''t'" jotui Dr. Benjamin R. Rubaoa, ThvsT.Woodrttr,v, Joha R.

Daauoa, j.t Joaepb Drake, MoaeeTueker, JouTtl :CebC.Tmi Tbomsoo Price, JameaR WhUtag, "Anaoo Baaer, Ph Allen, Wiliam rHbbaaa, Mania HosToasa, SamoelllBiluthm. ElWia Riasa. THOMAS W. TUORN Preajdeof. 1 GeorseT.

Itope, Secretary. fe4 rnlciTFIRE IMICRAHCE COHPAIT 8 WmU atreet, New York, wUl make lnaursDce axaiustLoeanr liamago by Firs, ud. the moat tarorabis mKkeraB. JobaWWrwrlght, Thomaa 0 Tslrnaga, Joba Peters, i 1. George Doughty, RijaseaStebbiae, ft Alfred Coh lll, l.

1 Joha 6reefiid, Valentine Uall, Tunis Van Pelt. Henry Erben, i rj Richard II Wloslow, Bmlth banian Holmes, David Leavttt, Jeremiah Tappejl Ricnard Hntetaleaoa," ,1 a. John Rimetf. c. Win Clarke, md IbarrWaheanaawC va A 1 BenJ WtalbAwpjaTbeniBB Jaekaon, ri i Wa Whitewrlght, 1 1 JohnCarow.

I JOHN WHEELtTWGHT rrejiJeBj; JohtiNeilstm Jr. Secretary. The Trust Fi ro 1 naurance Corapeey havef removed their efllcere 43 Wall aireet, Joaea1 Buitdinga. fee OPFICK OF THE EAST RIVER. FIRE INSCKANCB COMPANY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Me William atreet, aoe door South of WalL V.

NEW YOKK.Mav9t.l3aO. THK following gentlemen were, on the lUbinatant nanimouely elected Directors of thla Company for the vkartlieuceBextensuiDCViSi William Mandeville Campbell P. White Joha Peters Joha Morebead .1 Joaepb Kernochaa Robert Dysons i Abner vVevwuBt 1 5 Joha Broawer Hamilton Murray Thomas Neanrfih JotraCI Hieka JohaJobaaoa JarneBowee Henry Hill v. Joha Lawreaca Robert Dillon Joaepb Kunem George Coggcsltall Jacob Broawer i Jonathan Goodhoe. Ajad thia day Jacob Brouwer waa unanimously elected President ef the place of WilUam Mandeville.

who decliued a re election, liaving received a anaaV mnns vote ol thanks from the Boardior hia fakbiuiaad aa I skratins service during bis term ot oloee. The Company continue to Insure axaioet Lose aad Da mage by Fire upon Goods, Merchandise, Buildings and Bhipeinport and by a late act of the Legislature are now furUior "authorised to makeallkindsof Insurance agalnat lues on Goodsauid Merchandise lu the coarse of inland Transportation." fe4 GOLD B. BILLIMAW Bee. milE WABHISGTOB MARIN IBBDJaI J. ANCE OOMPANYef tneeity ef New York, with a Capital 01 all paid in eash, continue to Insure Marine and Inland Navigation Rtekaonterma aa favorable aa any other uompany ui tne city 'I VIA.BH1VIB1B.

Jacob Harvey. Oliver H. Jon na. JohuTborne, George Leland, Alben Wood hall, Jonaih a Osoeu, A B. MorreU, R.

U. Wlnalow, 1 Purdy, John Bishop, .1 1. N.eymour, Richmond Vvbiimarth, Wil torn Braacker, Daniel Stanton, IT Kanam, Franklin Delano, iriye, aamra aveyuum, 1 Diaosway, WiHiam Blnns, F6. Thurston, William Maitland, SiH.Horrick, John V. Greenfield, JamesLawsna JACOB HARVEY, President.

i JAMES LAWSON, Vice Prest. WM. H. BIRD. Secretary.

fe4 imUHAMCIIi aUAlNST FIRE ritHB PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF A HARTFORD, dwelling houses, ware haiMea, baildioga ui general. merchandise, houaebold fur aiture, mills and manutocvuriea, en terms ss favorable as otheroffices. The followiag gentlemen comfKnathe Board tnreciora: WUliam Ellsworth George Bergh Aaahel Ssuodera Daniel Clark Willis Thrall Eldridge Cutter Ellery iillls Nalham Ely John Presto Eli Gilman Edwuo Holies Robert Buell Heary Hudson Charles Northam William Kellogg Edmund Howe 8 Uoodnitge Hesekiab Bant Grant Henry Waterman Eliibalet Averitl Lemuel Uumplurey Benfamln Green. EUPHALET AVERILL, President. WnxiaB! OomcBa.

Secretary. AjiDlieatioBB lor insurance, or the renewal of Dolieles. and all buaineas eonueeted with the office, may be made to the eubecrioer, truly appointed agent tor the dty ol new power toreeeivepropoaaUandissuepoUcies on terms as favorable aa any office in this city. A. G.

HAZARD, AJteot. fe4 No. 67 Wall, corner of Water atreet WILLIABISBURUH FIRE TH8GRAKGE coHPm Abrtcy office WALL ST. MR lORk, iVWVHyB Company coudnue to inaure against loss or dam A caa bv Fire on favorable teruia. jnaxa tuH.BV Genrge D.

Strong, Samuel Willeta, u. AanniiKie, I enraet Richardson, Waa.aHW JohaSkillman, juna jina vaoireu. Richard W. Re. field, John Van Bosket k.

jeremtah Jotmeoa, i cnanea u. nantiv. i C. ZABRIsKlE, President. Ahbxbw B.

Ho does, Secretary Applications will receive immediate a lection st 62 Wal St. A HINGTON POST. Agent lKk lASLttASCK Annuities and Deooaueauf JLJ Money at Interest THK FARMERS' LOAN AND kijst ujirt x. no. an wail street casiut suuujijn Kilect Insurance on lives, by which in can a aafe piovis.

wa may oe roaae tor sumvtng uiniues, in tne event oi me ilevuh of the insured. Grant Annuities, which is the resdieat mesne of securing aa aged person a large and safe lacouie during life. Receive ineucy in depoaite in Trust, and allow iKcTeel ttiereon. Tabic of the rates of Insurance ef one bttndied dollars oa Corr da da do do dn do 1 ASailTBABT TUMUfl ASkjl TSAAT TSXXS SOB UFA 14 72 I 88 I 63 33 1 43 I 70 3 Ot 15 77 83 1 66 3 1 67 1 7 3 11 It 84 SO 1 64 40 I CO 1 Si 3 20 17 86 91 1 63 41 1 78 1 83 3 31 13 69 93 1 69' 42 1 86 1 6) 3 40 19 90 14 1 73 43 1 89 1 98 3 51 90 91 96. 1 77 44 1 90 194 3 63 81 99 ij7 183 46 191 1 96 3 73 22 94, 69 1 89 46 1 92 1 96 3 23 97 1 I 03 1 83 47 193 199 24 107 1 98 43194 202 4 l7 25 1 00 112 2 04 49 1 95 2 04 4 49 26 1 07 1 17 2 11 60 1 96 8 09 4 60 27 1 12 1 23 9 17 61 1 93 2 2B 4 76 29 120 129 224 629 02 987 490 29 123 I06 2 Si 63 2 10 2 59 634 30 1 31 1 36 .2 38 64 2 13 2 89 149 31 132 l2 2k3 ES 832 3 21 673 82 133 146 960 2 47 8 66 6 OB 83 134 113 267 67 2 70 420 6 27 84133 160 264 68 3 14 4 31 6 69 36136163 976 69 3 67 463 675 36139167 9 81 69 433 4 91 7 00 87 143 1 G3 291) LEWIS CURTIS, President.

R. E. PBt.AVIBLP,8ecretary. 1 fcl2 ASTM A F1RB INBURANCK COHPAIT OF HARTFORD Agent's office 67 WaU sueet corner of Water. This Company was incorporated is the year 1818, with a perpetual Charter, and insures against loss and damage by lire, on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Manufacturing EatshUsh menu.

Household Furniture, and Mcrebsndixe ia general, oa the moat favourable terms. Any losses which this Company may sustain, on risks taken at this Agency, will be liberally adj ust ed by the Agent here, according 10 tneaaagea 01 tne oesirire lawipaniea ffeieneea should arise, touching any loss or damage, the Company Is pledged, by a resolution of the Board of Directors, to submit the same to arbitrators ladifterentlv chosen, or at the outloa of the assured, the jiulsdicUon oflhe Courts In this City wlllbeacknowledged. puaauui xrin.EA' vavo. Thomas E. Brace Joseph Pratt Henry L.

Ellsworth Thomas Belden Henry K.U bourne Griffin StaUsnan Daniel Biirgess Isaac Ssvsge Joseph Morgan Ebenexer Beelr Samuel Tudor Stephen Spencer James Thomas Ward WoodbrldgS EliehePeck Elishs Dodd JesephCbureh bubs a. tiamuLon. THOMAS R. L. Laoauseetetsrv.

AniUeuoas for iosuraoce. or the renewal ef Doilelaa. aad all basin eaa connected wuh the office, may be made to the ambeenber. dulv anoointed Axent for the cltvof New York, with BUI power to receive proposals acd laaoe poii ctbb, oa tsnva aa aavuswuia aa muj viuce in tuia A. U.

UAUAU, Agent, feia 67 Wall street, eoraer ol Water. fcW 1UKK lalKK lXSSUKAINCE ANH.TKliar CXJMPA NY Persons auy fleet insurance itk this Cosapas oa the ir aara lives, or the Uvea af others, and either for the whole dumioa at Ule.ertor a limited aenod. I be psymentsor ptei ems mv basithsrmadeAaaiially oris agroas'sJBt esruttmsoa swiiaau(saUAraior Utll 1WI. 9 iwt an, 1 yg lk 0 77 1 2T 1 121 39 167 1 61 197 1 0 64 23 1 20 1 40 1 69 62 9 03 17 0 66 29 128 41 1 TS I 63 10 13 0 89 30 1 311 42 IWl 64 2 18 19 0901 31 1321 43 ,1891" 66 2 32 20 0 911 33 133 44 1 901 66 9 47 21 0 92 33 134 45 1 91 67 2 70 2 094 34 136 4t '192 63 8 14 23 0 97 36 1 88 47 1 93 6 3 67 4 4 99 St 43 194 3 100 W1 143 49 1 95 I Moawy wxllberenWtediB deposits by the CtatDpaBy, ad aald ia trtat rBoa wttiek Alarsst will titawa BstoUows i rjoo anvsiunewettlOS Irredetsxablefor I year, tjperet lot) at jim The New York Ule intrinuice Troet Uotn will alao give lettcra of credit on their extrresspoadents in Uoado oa the opoaaiof fiiadsof saprevsd seca roro. The tarma ana nanner oi Keeping; ine ao ecmnt will made known oa kpplicauoa Rt tb WB.Bara, rhrjmas W.iaadlow, Wmu B.

LawraBca, Peter HarmeBy, N.Derveveaitg. Oeiisji C. VarylABek, Henry BrevooTt.Jrt JOBktAAB WOtBUtBe. JamssMcBrida, Joha P.Q.StajvwsABt,' loBBO.Uostar, Thos.SuUera, at, i. a.a i Uhae.J.oaxiey, "JiLw.L a n.

XIi.aA aehertRay, Joha JehBstee), JhAfU 7 laAaesKeat, 1 I i Wga. P. Vaa BsbbssIsi OerBsv, W.tAWhvjejjJaasee J. Job. Wax, B.

Aster. I WM.BAEO. PreodaavU rr: A.NIOOLL,SeeretAry. Bf ATBin. kysieU to Ike CoatptBTr SJrT REAL SKIBB AOOOhnd gBosthe, toxti eap nker.

for sale by nj 7 MM CHIBVBI.IX at, BROTHER oOcT foe aale at la and IH Frpnt strtry KCQ, II. 4 1 I SJzZZTTZ. I MAI trTI ftp. Biowa too baraaia. Venecia Red 76 barrels; Tallow eeaaa, Cassns OUIOO barrate freea, 1.

ri ifmn IttraaraTti 1 Dml Clirotn Ye11owl00eaaasJkiiBnre. fHoe RW brls New York, Phiuukjpbm aad Albaay liUIIU 1" qmk ma, (.. Bed Lead 50 kift Uaitunra aad Boatsa. Beidlita atUture Wcaaea s. 1 Tartaric Acid 75 case hi Bewderand ind rtu7Vale, aparaaTTarpiarhsa AapBBirnm AooB Aaanaia CarbMagueata OBjaKiwr.

MaerlesiOil Indelible ink' Sp.N.Dole Cayenne repper Cyanorat Mercury do Phweaium Oalossei "abfimale las rowdere lodrde Sulphur Jniuhe Paste arruagee SulfihurPetT Tin Foil Veratrtaa i eetttee Paste Lupuline lesaj Canctlc Liver Suinlimr White Lead CraMBBaiia Bluei Conleetiaa Senna Morphine mnr. Vsraish reune Ritract of Optnm no pure da acetate Eatr. ag otbIca do UuinlBe etofjBa, doaaxsapvOesB'1 1" do ealpbate rTepared Chalk fjwuo Mercury Piperine Patent Black Red China Rhubarb Root Red Precipitate SodaPowdera SeMlitB de Bmalts Silver Bronze pure CMd Fsai HyuradaBsPotaa Ipoca E001 A Puiy Oxyde Biamuth Orange Peel Red Chalk Sponge fine Jalap alkaliae da pare do reainnoa SarSBBa laid FVirsEroc Beaioia' Oolocvntheam Ferre Cyamuatqni tarnus Grains Paradaas crrvenaiaa fe9t OUB UROWB, bB Chatham for aale Plates TsKsars fh, CoraolLacara Scissors Thunbles Tapes Ivory fJomha" Bnae Eyelets Pack rise PHiaei Cotton WekkigCord RlachrfilkCord Bkein Sewing Silk SuapeBjders Brmda Pound Pins Hooka and Eves Stay Bindings BtockPioa Perrits Beta lie Eveleta BootLacera Bone Buttoaa Eolttlnc Pise Buooe Mouaia GaaWieka Side Combe) I Hair Pins VY oaden Packet Comb BedLaee ttnaluy Blading Bodklna ShosaUbboaa i Horn Corobs Eyelet Machines French Warking CnKoa Cheara Thread Sewing Silk Cottoa Slide Garuss Needles EtoarieGattera Pearl Buttons Lamp Wicks Cord Bobbins Cotton BaUs Whalebone Wonted Biadiag rltulesea "Entttlag Cotton Button Rings Coat Cords all cocked aad primed for the fall trade. WIBKB, CORDIALS, AC A RKNaCLH ft. Be.

30 Pme street, op atairs, offer for sale: iuu oaaaew lueoaKS itamipagiia, laaoaiusaapints. 3U0 do Victor W0 eases Hock Wine. 800 do irdeaui Clare ta. 60 do Burgundy Wioee. I 100 do Aheyathe Pernod file, r' 0 i do do of Coo ret.

I 200 J. (to BOrschdstoforatnoire. i Su9 do trdiata, compriiuBg Caracaa. Maraechlno, Ban de Noyau, Ac Ax. 50 taskets Bordeaux Anisette.

90 half pa IXptoce Brandy. SO do Champaaa Brandy, of Calerier A Co. SO noarter casks do. do. SO hall pipes Coguae Brandy, of Celerier A Co.

20 quarter casks do do. 9U0 cases Picklea. fegt I Li AM H. WRIGHT, No. 90 Freotatreel Oders tor sale the to lowing i "CHAMPAIGN 380 baskeu qoarta.

Juno, exira superior, from the eaie bouse of Vaa dot Veekee, Pare ah File, Raima. 87 do mmru Venue, very uperlnr, from theeelebrn. a heose ol Van Jet Vecksa. Pera 10 dODtota Mla iaRauM i jo quarts. do DUMB PoontaSn Anchor 600 do quails 140 do plots to quarts 160 do innts uinta f.

200 de quarts Ilk) du 4U0 du quarts Tippeesaoa GoldenEagto ao pmia 60 do quarts ar.bad doo pints I Odoqaans Shell 25 du quarts Star. CLARET WINE. 900 cases St. JuUen, Poartsl, FilaA Co's. stamp.

70 St Julien, Cloaamsno Co a. stamp, 69 Clwteau Margaox, do 60 Chateau Lafitte, do BURGUNDY WINE. 100 esses Volnay. C'hambertin, Romanee, A Voogeot. HOCK WINES.

V. 80 cases Spar kBn Iloek. extra sancricr. 900 varioua gvades, aome very superior, ef tha vtntagosef 1822 aad 1834 30 hbds. snd 90 ar.

casks. Carter's Sherrv. varlona trades, some very superior. SHEIKA. 9S Dozen.

Blandy's AUiUotb. very atrperior. frat A iHANBKRLtlh LAHRE AAA i rBOe.T rT offer for sale iaWO lb Oil Peppermint 199 casks superior Roll Rrimaton 60 eases "Tamelm" Licorice 30 caaea umi rkick Licorice 900 bags Sicily Sumac 70IU Pomlce rHosM Firo Brick 30 bale Sicily Riga SS0 bags new crop Filberts 9rtaaa sew crop Walaats eases Fresh Zaau Currants SSeasea Preaerwd Ctrroa i 8n box Pameleria Raiaiaa IQU box Maple Maecaronl Baskets Market, Clothes and Fancy Wines ctlv Madeira. "Caaoita." PeTartdyHa" and the celebrated Fknto" bfaada, ia pipes, hods, quarter casks and Iodiaa barrels extra Madeira intage, 1813 Cahibrw, Port, In rheav httda, larter caaka aud In liaa barreU. f.17 jJATEiT JAPANNED LEATHER AT.

1 Beb ifo. uo. 3mi do Grain'd iw soo 60 6ttO tJalf Skins. Horse Hair. atdes Collar Leathar.

do Nailing aod Welting Leather. de Enamtneiied Leather. feet Japanned Cloth. Sheen rltrns 900 Alao. aaaanutv of oil'J Silk.

For sale bv fr9 GEO. WATSON, Agent, 171 Water St. GUS POVYOER FORIHIPPISO 3000 kegs 25 lbs eacli, Fair Lawa Mdto" Vm do 20 His co 9000 do 12 lbs do do IdOOO cennistera, 1 Tb do do SPORTINf! GUN POWDER. 2000 kegs HIIFG Kentucky Rifle lqH) do HFO do do W9 He for8 aootog BPi)0 9poniDg'' DOOO do Indian Rifle All (he above described Qua Powder le marmfactured bv auuiiKi. uomiu aa auu I a.

cu cuuan auj iuw der manuiactured either in this country or Euroie.For sale to shippers and dealers, by 1 A. 11. as wi. fe9 67 WaU at corner Water street. iWitoos White Lead, ground In ou, tn aseorted kega snd caaks 2110 tons dty do do 100 ksos Sheet Lead and lead Pipe 60 tons LithragA and Red Lead 20 tons Bar Lead 900uos Kg Lead 10kega Black Painf 3U0 do Yeilow Pamt 300 du Spsnisn Brown laiido VenetlsnRed 25 tons Putty la bladders 2B00 lbs pure Verdigris, In keg and can 1st era IOU) lbs Crone Greea do 600 lbs do Yellow da S9RIHs Prussian Blus do SnoOibs Sugar Lead Fur sale at 176 Front street, by the Union white Lead Company.

fe9 W.J CORNELL lAVAtiA AND PRINCIPE SEUARB 6UO.0UO Ha mat I bnported; alao, Canoaea, Trabucoa, luiperkua, Ragallss, I I uaiuo rriaciiw ecgars, eteam ttoat, la vnu and reres orauda. 2 cases Mansanllla Principea A small lot of prime Regalias 20,000 Log Catun He aliaa 5 boxes superior Cavendish Tobacco eases Tuntish Smoking Tobacco bbls I'sperScgarv, for sal by fe i. HOUGH, 68 Wall, corner Water at. at at.SCUlEFFKL.lIf ak BROTHER, 1 rroutatreoa, vuer pr aaitr Alcohol Draittists' full 30 per cent Blue Viirob 20 bbls Koibury Castor Ou 2D bbls Virginia, No. I and 2 Hescaruls CaiomeLCoros rJublimai and Red Pre cipmve EpaomKakv 200 bbls aod hfd Baltimore Ones bbls Pbilad and Albany manafacinxs Jujube Paste 20U bbto prune quality tguieksUver 10 flasks Saltpetre 60 kega Ration refuted Madiler 10 casks prime Ombrtt IiHllgo lat qaality Maaii Starch 100 ieaUsMer Poland Tartaric Acid.

Rochelle Sails and RefcUets do. Eldders Glassware A fubaasonmentcf Druggists', while and gieen jm riBARLkkCARVILLE. Mo 33 sera tor aale on liberal terms, the following good. vrx 100 esses extra sopernae Sheetings IOU Improved 83 ia. New York HlUShirting RA) do No 3 do do IcO bales Ns 7 Bngltsb rhirtinKS lOti ease white ana colored Corded Skirts 60 Nsrv sod two bhiB Prints 200 a Prints, eon tfautng ot choice Assortment 100 Indigo mixed Gambiooa IU0 Jeaa 100 Hght and dark ground ChlntxFurn'itiiro.

Silesia, twdled aad pane, a good aaauruoeat Wiggins, black, white aad drab Aproa Checks, Turkey, red sad Indige blue Verona end Romalt Hdkts IOU tasss imaatioa lauia Pongees good saeoitment ol aad 6 4 red sod mixed Pad Vorated Tare frt apt REAT IMPROVEMENT IN WEBB'S BURNERS vJg The Lsmps so exieaaively used aad knaaa aa WEBB'S BURNERS," have lecaollv onlerroaa aweh impvoveroents, as te reader tbem the aaoat perfect Lamps aow ta use. For Ecweocny. Brilliancy and BxmnweJtT. thevrsBawt ha SuTpaaaed. Tbe CaMPHENE OIL, BTepared expressly lor Ii uiaiiag la said Lamps, together wkh the aepnreed csaistraetioa aa the Baraers.

will prove ta the seseumer a aavtos ot at am half, wbea compared wiih Gaa, Oil, or any other liq aid aow aseu lor purposes oi xJfuv A fuk snnolv ot Buraera oi vartooa aixea snd sail sins rmgether wuu ibe Camheaa Od wiH suppUed re order wuii pruroiaawa, 07 miVrJ MW aaiijna ai. aa aoa 418 Broadway, eoraer ef Caaai street. ot a. ii naaa, rnsientee a iBCwUt, COLOR, Ac Componnd UTerwort KJ Paste, tan ave as Big the properties of that valuable bet h. hi enra biaatioa with oi tier well kaowa aadsppruvtd remedies mr ou Inmate affee ions It pretnotes expodaratxm snd rarirve a eooghor ehtneak leapemiioo.

aae) mas plea sent ts the uusie aa any comect. onary Prepared ead sold by AueHivin at trmwAtx, tivi Broadway. 86 Wilnam st. snd 10 Awor ilotae. Ah for sale, AJOJ fb French and Amevtoaa Jtijnbe, at nrera prteea.

ly iTORR ah MORTIMER, of New Bead atree k3 Uwiton. Maaiifsetiirwag aivrsnaios aae Jew ner a aa tb Aloe eat, beg to announce that they have a Braaeh Eav iBliliahmaat la New York, at No. 356 Bsaaaiaray, tw dcoraabove the Cat ka House, where they will eoeaatant ty keapaa extenarre sasortnaeot af aew aad tastunnabto axecaaaia Jewelry. Plate, PUted Ware end Table sad Da aart Caaiary. ftbe beat Locaioa taauratoctnra, and will ro eeraeiegularty, by tbe aloam aew pBtxerssaa hrv urnduced Crasa their taaaaaxetoiy is lasadoa.

A bavatg eo npleted tbeir arraiitecoeaua are bw ew aUedta BBlact rB here every deweripttoa of Plats aad Jrtvexry.and troea Ui great laonini a uay po fident that for qaakty af wsiknaanahip aad herv eaannt be awrt i ClAR SALE A CHRONOMETER A RrmPtat, ahw 1 Bx aaie tot, by If Efla 9l9mmV. a Wool i oTa Casaauer Drree Caaru fM Hal ns will als tag beaefit honaal credit Caasi port. a ent hau Frock great earty groat vari ERs aod ting aew ally all ail ia ry to BOTICK. I CLIREHCGH8 1 UairTEB IP ARTTiRRailIPT. IhaMk.T rfim.

to a' 73 efoelleaaiMl ether aooaa pariiraiany aairt JJ bair n.aslamsa'atafagaanwraiaswear; wuaaiioa a tKa fvcterilieThs I ZZZZZZzrZ.r Laa capkat Baiae iib a aaaca. a. 7 wraved etswnrioBa piedi I ZZlZr.T:T" wui.b. ih aaaofU a compoiud, bn. I ZTZrV'?" V.

iiii.l iaitmuiiy and rrguawiy appiaru, I ui CKION. i i a ii in i mt aa i. 1 a HI KIT ill III A svBiBismsaf Bah. Rmadclntha, IToetDyed 'Wnaaatait 'TIimm VatKannatf. wartaa.

aimnau v. 7 eolDred aek axl CoronaUoa Do Sal a laaaitaere. Dyed SrMeSrCaWCeSletaV aWser ninaa an oracB aaaaar. aauaa.

a. ari OF PRICES, DtvamOaMtnTMBatowwb do iroia a tn Verkahlre Dreaaaad FiocB v.L sUbJ and extra so pa. fine Weatef Aauaa Casainaera rtaaetwv altrw pevisectcaaw Pantafrom extra an reaaj ng rw.kmrHnts. 4 60 namhroon aod Drilling Pams 4 Vrtaa, from aa I. OeersaesjaTevieBlBriy sue.

at uataaieaas an amnv mwm aaa Ilia lavr, atawaia aa j. will aeaaadeapia AUG 6t Entrance toour lemna la uirougii Tt. Neat maw ertttvaagbm Kail i D. fAMTTH at tXk PEAt CKBT cash. KELSON JARVIS, i AVB a.

A iaBvia.1 1 DRAPER aV TAIL03. 112 Broailway, Coogrcaa IU8. IT ILL hra earterd Mbr II par ni discount irou for aaerprieea. I ilry resolved to carry out this prloclple. which eftactuaily cleee btodoorasarnat that eUasofuukvu who arc in theibuly babtt ol' preying oa lha hard earnings of the tailor, thereby compelling turn to levy aa estra on bis more honorable caaaotuera.w liich resnha in ao aa the mecbaoic, while it bears heavily apoa the tnnaimur Ihna Mninelhns him toaubBBt lOBB Ufl" posidoa whtoh baa beea created by lb a ruiaeua saem among the talloss.

He baa a choice and extensive knppTy orihe Cloths. meres and Vesrlngs, and Batters oimselfniat by strict attenaaa and aopertor workuaaaahia). to merR the aypmha boasndpatronaxeol allwbemay boner litra with their sup. IRK AT INDLCEMKNTw CHARLES COX, Sa of Ibe Golden Fieeee. eoraer of Fulloa and Ni streets, lo order to make room, for an aotiteiy aew and fiahionable aaaoiiaient of aprhig gocto, which are daiiy expected to arrive, wrH for tlie remaicmg part of the pre month, sell the balance ef bis well aeiee ed stock oa below nrimn coat also, a amall naanittv of fasha inaable ranly made cloihiug, eonsisring of Dress and Coats, Vests, and Pant', with a few Pilot Beaver Overcoats, all made lu the very best style, and will be sohl bargaias tor oasb.

Gsatlemeawlahiug to avail tbeuuehrea of the present rarecnaaeeei oDiainln really Brat rate gwmema, can Dy appacalioa bsva them made to measure at the asm xwdwetfoa in prices. fe2 CLOTHS ADD CASBlMIvKKS WlLStIN G. HUNT 4c NOYES have now en band of lecent ia BuftBtioa, luge saaaHtmsal of Cloths aad Casalaaeiea, lisliajatlllg llf I SuperfTne Wool Black, Blue, Olive Brown, Light and hr viaible Green, Wee of Bug land Cloths, Super AmericaB lowpricad Woal Black Doe KHinamt ntala Caasiinerea. Faaev Cbeek. Iliam.aad auad waved do Together witb a la ge asanrlmnut of Faary Vrnllnn.

of itts stvies, for sale, by the piece or yard, at 464 raari a reoi. feica b.a.TlbRPRlZaa UBItAHl, ha. g.S Beaih way, between WalKcr and White atreeta. MY. at C.

linger' store(La)e a. C. Juluea') Uuale Store. This Library rootains a vsiusble eatlecitoa af rare and standard works, and an extea site variety af luiarellaueoaa taalrtouabie nteratiue, ajacax, at least, to any Ctreuia Libraiy in this cky. Tne praprietor Is coosranily adding to at great ex aenae.

the ehonceet unxluctiunsef lha Bniau, arraa. both atid old, which bis tatie and (udgment iwllcste as re. aaaiol for biMruction or aiuiueuMBt, augtbr with anea aa are published or reprinted in I hia country, aad adapted to general reaiiiag Care ia taken to esrkide trashy or immnm bouks, and to merit public pairoa ine r.n 1 Ksrsixa usktat wih eoaturaa increase extent and value ia proportion ts ibe patronage, aa it la oniy expert en sueuuo seen a me income. HEW WORKS it, be rat ui acd is three days. a TERMS Sabaritpttotslorooe 00 six 8 00 a.

tlireem satha 9 00 These terms emarjoaaidered very tow whea the ibra eotatneaced, wiih only twothousaad voiumes it bow contains naarbr seven thooe nd ROOF.S REPAIRED AND WARRANTED TIGHT ALSO, SMOKY HIMNEYS Ur ARRAHTED to be made to DRAW. No ear no par. CISTERNS repaired and TraatedTlCJ ITT. grjT Ordera will be promptly attemled to, oei appBestioa THOMAS SHERIDAN. Slaser, n2 211 William aTreet.

COLT'S REPEATliNU FIRE ARMS. TVITK Patent Anna annfaeinring Company in fot the nuhlle that the have lust reeeavad fiwea Ibear saaaa factory a number of Repealing Shot Goae, af six charges awn. waken I new conniaui I adMBUiien in invanaiicw Sponataea, aa equall a workmanahip aad naiah to any thuag from repeal edexperiineota.ihey are sadaBad Iney ami tarow snot eapenurio any gun ever nwaiauuurea. aieo i.aroiraca,roroauaorapca; aiswoi omereaiptxaa, and Piatoto, from pocket to bolster star Perensstan Caps, of a very superior quality: Powder and Shot. Allof wtoch are offered at greatly reduced prices, at their store, lot Broadway.

4 SOUTHACK'S PATKBT WtBDLASB BEDSTEADS. The subacrtoera, enle roprietorsaud manufacturers afthe abas, ia cflering them ts the pablie A not hea tat to staiav that thevaiBaupertorioall other fc was ever nvsniea, in point oi aeaiaesa, eomisrt, initrnaa. inn the present REDUCED PRICES of ecoooary also. These artrantages, together with the simple and easy method by whtehthey are pot op, or ukea apart, will it is hoped, be a aalnctent inducement for those wanting, at least ta Mil and aee them heiore purchasing elsewhere Also, const anily on hand FEATHER BEDS fc MATTRESSES. of the very a very LARGE AND PPL'iK viu aaaortmeoioi an ainoaoi CABINET FURNITURE, attbe very lowest prices, FOR CASH.

Ir at a 1 1 1, tr 4. ti.ati.. dvij a nnvn, i Brtwarway, tBk directly oppneit tlie Frankhn Hoose. SHOT AID LKAI 90jOOO bags Shot aaeonad No. 10.

20no bags Buck, 8. BG. SSS.T. 60 tons Bar Lead, la casks olxSOto 6001b A eactl, 60 Old Lead. pigs Foreign Lead, entitled to debesture.

369 Hard, tmhahle for type fouadere A supply al the above artieles always oa hand and for ale by JAMES M'CULLOUGH, Formerly Geerg Youle A Co Bili30 77 Wall street. WROUGHT IRON PIPES AND FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS FOR aflJtw ttMmr Mmdmmitml Purrmmt. mix COBTAJflE AND nrrvvtnnxTw aa aw arnos wrra Tea aseva bv vr9c3ao DOToa 38 alasi Srraal, Htw Ymrk. aas far Psrkhav. By.

Ileal sag xHutouags bv Irealaima af Ilea W. laaaa Isaaaas aad skwaai Oaags Pma, Dies, sad ataaw Taaaa, Ac aZ PATROS1ZED BT THE ROYAL FAMILY AND THE NOBILITY SHARPS ROYAL BRITISH CERATra No. It CAMPHORATED. DU. POWELL begs to inlorm ibe pobHe that ow.

ins aa tha ueurececVoted demand f. rsH ARP'd CE RATE, be to compelled to refaaquish all other huaaoeaa, snd devote his eoilre ume to the aale ef tlris iraportani new ebeuilca diacovery. He has tea ana found it nece aary to ajipropriaie large double store, 157 as eaclusive sale. Tbe eomuiaaiioii forming tra Itrvalua bie exieraal remedy to baaed oa hilosoHiieal prlaelplee, and to tree from every thing la tbe most remote degree sl bed to quackeiy Power ul in ks effrcta, vet Inaueent hi la destined to tags tbe highest arand aa the Me uea! world. PractMoaers arillflnd a a great deeid erw aaa.

especially ia that aaKimaloue dtoeaae Rlietunatuan. for to this disuesaiog comphUm never hula to give prompt lebet Being aa sxiermi.appbCBtioa no tiersoa will appro head aay injurious consequences from us use, oar will cause auy BBissaaa of the auraate, ahhoiigh puaaosaing sack extraordinary powers. It to particukuiy tal obeerved that there are five kinds at Cat ate, aad each only applicable tbe varioua cuuoe aus sad inaacnlar din aass which have beea proved to yield to tae raSaeoc of its extraorikihary power, vix. Nal.fxAXBl laeasea nf Gem, Relaxed riore Throst. iwlled Face aad Gums, Desfness, Eryapeias, Eiteroal bflammaUBVMkt, Burns, Scalds, Coins, Muaquxo Rites, Ia RhaBjrawim, ParaHaht.TV: De Iowibux.

atpraoia, Bruiaea, ramp, Gaaadular Swallinaa. lavaora, VV'h ovtng Coagh, Creep, CM bkuaa. For Uwppelisads sd lancers, Are. 4, i Ns4, RauaAinct For Brnhte, where the skis at braksn, saidetharaaea sores. Pan 6, SetA massBl UaWt Rheum, Rang Worm, Itch, Scad Haaat, awapitron the tae Ac The Unxsiajrr is sjpueable In ai! exacx wTiere Nolls eaed bat to a assre powerful prenarain.

Each variety to pot avm aoxeaot lour sixes, at 37J cente. 671 umra. tf B36ataacb. Printed direcuoas and XsntcAi. juries eaaheehtaha ual from J.

VV. POWELL, Dttole Agent, fcU 157 Broadway, New Vork. 'IIK SICKT WILL RE AD I TO THE CON bUMPTIVE Dr WUttoma1 Cooapouad Extract of Horrnoaaat. bUua of Gilead xui riHm fJm. is offered aa oae ot ih uaaat popertor recewt roeihrM for the cure af asasnmpiawi, la ka lacipietit staaea thu remedy nure lo eaeatavateavwry sympaxn of the dxaesse.

In Ka mors the nogs become atoerated sad i BWBuy cure caa be meiaxaoe. BTom as aoouung stag haalaag qoaliuea. eotireiy itec nw aay to jawiotm atihataar to aa com paw skat, la equal aay sainegiooe. ABe aavjfsnetor oaoauaeinait auoaajoa aa as lavur. i DISEASES Of TtTB StcaRT AND I IVE1L pltlrisr.

rbooeaaaj eopga, bb fax lbs ie and clatM and sUdaassses ariaaag faom imparity of the blood or a duurderedaa. aaBch, aa CDVareaily eared by a resort to this medfc ioa. Tewae vrhesrv hoxae snil ant Ml to use a seeoa Urns, rr0ESOLra I I gists for tbe cay, RafusR. Jlibbsrd, 76 Bowery; Dt I Rutnett, 1)0 Fitkoaat ax. i.

wriuaa aooa tne nui va i.ii" a. FreaerB BBa aawicaa, stool aaa rieew.i rlrJrrrT', .1 yTflr gaaiiaiinw an i aj.ff'i I Mr I wtien bsa be the arek. Sie aae will their case heir habr rr nil MT la a.l ot the hale asiaws oeeay, 4 r.u 4 Mill1 vaa fallea eff ooBBsnev fcasaerhat aaa no oanfVtrwUy sssiire bctn keles aod gertlemea that ibe hair wiUaevrt aset, ban wia be restated to Its natural healthy ngr. Gaar Htm Atailgeatheanpearaeeofgrsy hairBv oteaiea a relaxed stale the nerves an blood wsae's eoa aeeiad with ibe root. Nuasoroaacanaeateadtoii.flaefice cnanteof color, such aa atady, trtthi, fevers, kg sack" beaitoche, sbo great devotwtitobnwnres, or th very common praetiee i wearing tlie bat within door.

The aroaieaao' rTB, Lairai all periods of nf, inav. U'sttraded be prevented, and those hairs Hub have preniatnrely eaanAed, nay ba rcsicrcd to tbeir anginal eofor. Te effect ttia recommeaxied that at adnnvre and seaama had be keve cool, the hair cut rather abort, the free of the hair bruah evening aad munibig, and the apnH catioa of thu Cotnpoond every eveni: for a abort mor. mereas the activity of the akin, promote the eu colatbaB, aa.l reatere tlie serve, btoad vaasels. eat a to) Wealthy acunn.

Persevere thif enuraeand Ui re. grnvrnr aim This Corspourtd h) moiwy Tea laniBiiakd in snip Ilia hnad nnrin I Ireeot sH srorf aad daadruT. Nothing IB snore rMortens to the giewth and saiTT oflhe hair, arte healthy sue of lha asm. to alt svher the head Is swbjeet to where may he accumulated la the application will reader reaaav apyeaiaace en it, aad ka oeeaebwiai "Me wilt kre the clean, sett, and glosey wbhout any of the greasy ap poaranee which ml, potnstum, Bird her fairy mattcra ''to Labix la hmhaible, bomg stirs resawallve ef flat tlaat has tal.ea eaT from the aeama or rHvHaVma, cee nTM tiy oeeog everairaaae i ov taw iisnuy noi ai rue same time it answers sll tlie purposes ot a waaa and aa for while it cleaners the hiir. sdds all that aoft gloaa syaatdsaicy cUaivcier lo the curia, vcittw.ui lht greaayap peaisnee akich kwks ao ill aucrs otlor pomatuat has been awed.

rtrad at hia HalrCutiiag Rooms TV Broadway, earner ef Pakoa street, where he give advice grao oaall ok awe Mr.iienw wim row iau RKRI40SAL HSPEUklXCK CHARGE UNTIL THE HAIR ai innaer a Baootad oueeuon whethet ihaaDBlieauoo uf Beahr1 aVsaeratirn tharti are tnauaaml who have Bartsriiule and lair are willii. SU eat to lha rrutll IW M. even, anvawji waa It is low nearly two years atoee REALS At eoan anntvine in aeaMiemoa wvM were Beruauy or nlla haU arlih lliai Ibe Hair WBS BOl stored, mj pay would be expected aor takea; aao boo iieds nave aireajy avaiteu iiieaBaocveai in iiii uow Una beads oi nair. SValaB 'a enntinue fhetr loVhaliaB all StK'h SS BTS anfoetu i It have leettboir lisir.lo Call aaal re ceive as th 'irowup uieuaiu. to tbe eaters! ed auuiance lust uo pay will le requiretl the hair ui reatorej.

1 Ladies, sad peraoaa irvog at a dwn eaa kav it an I'lied ag hesnc qube as by folfoaing the tu rccitona A I i 1 eerenaTwa ifnllv bilbrmad the anlcle can beobtsiaeelatthe LADIEri' DEPOSITORY, No J9 hVtaadwiy.wber prevfo Ka efficacy can be aeen Pneee Bouiea f. Jra kj. Llberei dlaoounrs made to retailers. Hair Brashes of tbe light eWnrtioa for tit applicartow, sapplied lo order. aVahl wholeaale and retail at tha principal office, 104 Broadway, anil by appointed agents la aowa sad evaatry.

S0 I hR. SMITH ISDlAX'ft PABACkA 9 valuable aieinci eia aataaered to the nubile sa aaoa reuamty, Bawdy sjotsm aanely for tha purpose of seal. Ual, regard leaa ol Ma virtue ar at us amcscy an remin dbteaaesaadpartfyingihe avatem Itiaa aiedieiaethai bssn used for aiany years, with naparallaied aadasioo Ing aucceaa. It Isaa efK etnal cure ia all esse of Rbennuv tBMkSereuilA.Ooa Fist nla. aad art mercurial aoe lioaav It alao la aa amcentcure foralldtaeascsef edeacate aatura.

It stands anr.vailed tor success ia rnatortng coa utisinasthst kav a beea broken dowa or impaired by juve Bile iinprauiencs sad ladoed it rew.vates aad ponfiesibe whors aystean, leavmg lha patieat ia a regenerated and neailhlul stats Thera need be bo spprebenatonof coar rracting cold white uauar it agency, sa thera ia ao aSiasral etHKStnea laitscomposnjua. tl was Brstmirotiuceauaiu practice by my taibvr. Dr. avnafa. wvasebtainrd a knosr eaKe of ha propertieB frcuttte rvslaaaa of lh.

fori at. (heuceita name. Theladaaa's Pnnscaa.) during ibe haw war. No one need now despair from befog cured of en) of the above affecttoea. for there lay at baltaia Giles Prepared aad sold by Dr.

P. Stnnb, sole proprietor. No. 486 sueet, eoraer ef Cky Hall Place. Prteeaipei bout a a reasonable discount Blade te merchants onrebaae to resell A II eotnuHinication directed as above pald.wiflra eeivedue atieniioa.

TUB MOTHER RELIEF. A highly valuable meritcta tomothere during all stages ef i eat auoa. It quiets el ieevtle ar aarvoua auaya Baoroing stcaaeaa, i lanaranainralaail mmtri it riiniliuTt ihn ctrcuaatsaa at tl vehiood, and aiai) sail paiuato which laetberBars aabaaot. iitoapareiy Botanic Monctrie, and ta perleet haiaaw.y ma aatBr. or aaie at av 3P remit aim, aa Caty Had Place.

Price 0 wer pottle. S4 DISEASES OF WOMEN AND (CHIl.t'REM. DR. WARD, No 113 Chamber Btro eouBaea hie prae iv, tn iha maiioa ol otwiMnea and chi ureal He baa bad great xperteace ami extensive practice ia tbi. braarhnt btaproti it, a aequeaace eH cW voung hia artwito lime.

auemiua andaia ty auibesn disea e. kwaotoe better acquainted vrub their Baiure and trt aunem The eucc eaa aveodms hia practice at audi aa be expect ed Irota long esperleace and aa) foarrat detern.maiino te well BautoraiaiMl the dia eaaes be prufeaars euro. Tbe nubue berin la andrMasl the utitilv of tlie enure trartu aai by IH Ward paiiea.8 eutae to bun from dtataat parts me country, anu Biter ing auoer ai traaimenta lew waeka.ibe Tctaia pei (ect ravaored lo hesith u.y of me pattern nav uea sacs sur year, aad Booer in, ereof oanaerooaphyalctaoa, bin webou any Di Ward tiakee no pretaiaaona to snaxie or sat faciei tint be does eeatecd thai by Ma exclusive attention to disease r.f women, ne wanie as core wnere nave fallea A lady la Virginia had beea aa art aud for 7yeara ahe bad hwea under lh eate ot many pnyaUiana at borne, bad spent aaontns ia rntraoe pnta uier tne tieatmmt ol very aistingutsnen meutcal man, but WMhout tenefit. eh havit'g heard that Dr Ward coaoeied his practice ts dtotaaae of wuaieej, bream lmrease4t witb tb ihai he toatltt noderataod ber case Mae caw lo New Y'oik to obtain his erice. lu foui weeks she returned penectiy eavrad, iMwuhaaaecBna ab bad iaeen haw ilfiak wiih aa Bffeciioa of th liver, and W4h all the atteadiug ayinpmui ofalyap psia, protopsna uteri, and weakneia It he aaa ex tremely nervosa and srestly dcbijtaieiL Dr Ward operate for strabesuus or aqaiotiog, clubfeet.

and otLci disuiTions ol the human body, with entire rucce. Dr Warty a metliod of treatuig sapresaun, Irregalarity weakness or wtutea. barietuiraa, frioa obatrucaona, and all cases whete oat ore aae stopped irom aay cauan wiiatever, isaucb a to require but a abort time to effect a cure Petsoas at a distance may conaak Dr Ward by letter. (post pakl,) but married wdies at boring nader bstrustaa irom aai uraicauees. must coOaU the Wuctor personally, or iiaoaiural results nugui follow Ibeuktug aouieof but remedies.

OBice hours Dora 9 to II AM, snd fro 4 to 8 FM. Ne 113 Cttambersst, New York, E. ALLEN WARD, U. D. Pw feasor of Dixcasesof Wanes and Chiktrea.

niHE MOST EXTTMUlVEl.Y USED AND niGRLY 1. APPROVED REMEUY POR COUGHS, COLD snd all Diaeaaes of the lonrs. THE VEUEl AbLS PULMONARY BALSAM is be Beved to be deservedly the most pnpulor Medicine ever known ia America, for Cougiis, Colds, Asthina or pathl toe, Cimsaaiptioa, pulmooaiy affee tioea of eteiy kind. It was first offered to public shout twelve years the sale has been teulariy, and to now nearly, Knot quite equal ts lhatoi' AtAolhur pteira ttons for he same complaints, The proprietors bare received ami are recelthn numerous recomtueudaikona from inany uf oar bestjibyal clans, whs uiske use of A ia tbeir practice. The names ofs few individuals who bsve arron ihcur tetunony la la vor of tls article at here sod for mors full accooot, aee the eavelope to the bottle, where ntuucroua ecrtificau of Hsgood effecu may be found.

Doctors Hajums, T. AbU, T. Brown, Wm. Ferry.S. Morrill, T.

Baylies, Elhtwonli, A. Gnild SZW COUNTERFEITS BEWARE OP IMPOSITION. Aa there are many articles Inraring the rame. or paniailv the aame aarne as AauutCAa Pvusobabt Baxsab)' and others each genuine buttle isenciuaedia a biue wrapper, oa which is a label, suneil by SaaunaRxsn. NONE OTHER CAN BE GENUINE Tbe outside vctiow label wili have, ea and after TW.

39 ia add ui at to ibat ot Sampaon Reed, Uie siguatuie of Wm. Jouat'B trtUB, oueuf bis banners. PaBTaccLAB Nones lia)ulre for the article by lis whole lauue. vis: VEQaFABLE PULMONARY BALSAM." aad obsuve tha it has tne markssnd ngnatures at tbe genuine. Prepared by REED, WING.

A CUTLER, DrtigriAs.M Chatliam etre, t. Boaton. For sale in New York wholesale, by Lnwreare Kc se A Co, A BAD. Sands, Diogxl ta. No 79 and 100 F11U0 street, at Aspiowau.

rrl at Maine, and the Dtuggiata genrrally K. uiled bv M. C. oeoia, 274 Breailway. Milhau, 183 B.oadvray.

T. Gioen, 337 swnanway, ji aaiinor, liu Hroatlway. and maay a bof apotameaneav cousuy uierciiaoisgeoerailr, Pnaead cents. Jia 3uaJAc "AjOTlCE My attention has beea iBreeteJ to aa a 1 J.W vertisetnem la the New York Una of ue tKtl. aa.

aigned DbvhI L. Malliaon, the object ot whteh to to deceive aod defraud tboae who are unacquainted with btochawcter hy the as ol my aame. I theiefoie give notice iliat I wid pmsecote au, oerane orDeraona aba aliall heveakavarf. veniseurptibliabniy reiueekee for, or mv pamphlet oa chronic dHV aswa. orthone that amy be repir eoted be he shall herealter owe my nam for any each purpose I ohtamad aa tajaaetloa in the Court of Chancery, oa the 3th ot July taac against' Dr.

Holmes Parvio, and Georse Gmlford, for the auuaeri.aa frauds they had practised uuua me und the pubbe, to the maoagetneot of oureou pat af. lair amoBg wkleb was tbe nsuinractaring of aa inferior artiele, aad advertising and salbng hem, and alao a dam seed article tor ay remedies. I also obtaiaed at tbe sum time aa mjur.ctiu againM Hid aaid Malliaoo, the agent of Parvta Guilford, tor thesaleof tbese fraudulent remr tbea, ka which ihey wet a "enjoined fiotn maoafactaibig, selitas. sdvertiaing or expowog for sale, earning mr um tnbuting th aaid maetkea or my pamphlet aceawipaey mgtbem and all nther per aooa" wer enjoined reia Pa) ing over, oeliverine, or accortnrlng for, to the said Hsxmea, or George Guilford, or itbei of Uiem, or their money, effeeta.orlrdng in action belsnglngor due to the flnaol Sherwood A which In one boo they are endeavoring lo evade, bat they will ba eu. forced againa tbein.aad all etherpetsoaa ofrodtng to the Car aa lies la my power ng.3I i ii.

H. If SHERWOOD. R. Since the above was pnbiibed. Malhsoa has beea artewed by order of the eoart fur viouuing the aaid mjunc bea by bis said advert iaement for the sale of my remedies, and is now under aa sitae nine ot for a contempt of conn ia pubhabliwt the saaia.

I hae examined a box of the Pills offered fot aale bv MaiUaon, in presence rt aorenl competent wtinnaaea. and have buowb by three aflVUviuj ead upon the sppee uios for artachiueat, that they are sn inf. rtor and wonblewa arrtcle. They are a part of a large (Oanrsy which Fuvlg aadGuil ford have beea for aouas rime arteamting te srO and diatrV bule aa my gewuae remeitiea, and whacll has been one of the priucijial causes ef drtvtng me to a eourt of luetics ts protect the public and nryaeif Iron their fraada. Sept.

12, ng h. rtrrveraal Med ernes oftbsBrBMCtopsaraafHesI h. Ceeyolaletta French, bai Omora. lamoma, araaauaueri at ttleairh. ApriLIeOB.

"tvr ibavemaekeaawtodsatba receintef vour letter March lA aodaa answer Uratu, beg September, aowtlie only perwa la America ftoaa whom my meexciaaaciui beetxaiaod, aad lo whom bsvsioiefer jousw the subject of th agency for BaltV I have Mmmimiea'edwltk Kr.TarlorM the auhia vour have the Iteeoribeair.Ae. (Signed) JAMES MOKIriON.tJrs Hneist. Thefollowinx Cy Agcma base beea apawioled fo the pale ofthe above inoOicmea, at wboee atoreaoaiy uie genw. bm Imported klonaoa (Ml caa beobtamed. Heewra.

Firth A Hall, Music Store, Na. 1 Prankus Square. A BVooklrn. George Eudlcott. Utlkasuhcr RraedwAT.

Ptonier A SBealucsesanrs ia as. D.Sbmia, 130 Si ttouel Vul A BViat Broadway. Harbor, L. I. 1 WiAJMG TAYLOR.

94 thsdwa. GaaralAeB, foVS rgTHE MA6IACHCIETTI SCHOOL LI. this Mipe, inT horary foYia Ir lt war lirw.lSA araSAaBtaiasilw eaaw. VS a riaThTa. k.T.Z.LT.i' prabattoa of too many distiiwiiaaicd avea.

ta AmfmSL feat H. A. CBAPTat A GO. VA A pi all frets Mvrr Trust Ba tlaat lb I I KMIUttlll I Ne. hair eaa be reetor I dav Cnmponbd.for I 4 la the bcacat I 5 aaa I lab 1 a Acaaxs.

ROBERT vn 1 1 A 6w OTIC la KeiMia iTTI'a. aaedBavraaBAiryBliaiWee)rBa rea of Jan sa WHkaa. mjZiml7lL. ZSrT CT araxieq inr aaia BBe WBBhid aa UR! Iba aVt.iaia.1 a x' 7Bief aaee. rerDeetrvelv.

anas iba aai.4 Tn. TI'T? line it. at ibe, is thai Mranits bevanr I nf he saM drbiwr. era icoaatarl a. a UieaaidTraaare by she day aaaweryaa ttaw.

iTT ITerttorsef de read cevaerav slssewadiaAa. tbeir teaperiire Caa an. ee A aeacto IkValTi ere, nrooe tlaaavhy the ta at rlav af ato sen Daitd A Ibaay, FrtljTlJ 1 3 cAcwcm. 1' ROBT la KEARNEY. a 1 AFrir, salt IICBDKKD AND a rk TSIM Vlfam iTREETOPUSlAG av Kaa aaa.

il TlT! a iBwotaaiaa has beea ffattd ia th Baa, 4 ofAaatauwa Aidarmaa.i diaronuaaas the eiatata ta His waa Aaalll mT''' ri" Talr Aveaua topith Putsoas aaterreted who a he at Mvce 'af'bMsaMaaoaaa' prorewlauaa'id thoae wuoHaay ta.i,.a. 1T aiedearred to parM ut their view rrttjaji iia. eii kig, at the rnraw iiBaiasS am i On.T Mairh. IStl.trwberwkhasiaia. aaoat at their i rcoerty arTeoed by aaal aoeu.

aa. MHS tw Kv tmiaaicnc Street Coinmisjlmit IT Ui3 h. UBITKD ITATES V1BIH1L1 BALI By vinee of writ af a Vraditinai lUpoaaa, toa L'url at turn ttbiied aYaies lx the NV J. ECnTER. UkdeaeaMarahat.

Tb shoes vessel Hr at Rroaklyw. aar Cathari.B Fany. The mvenwry way be area at IB Marshal's OOo. feB7 ta CITY TAAKSa rtae'iaa Utyou.vt uae mni vVarda Bid be to el troikas i at th Og. erefortliepaipoaeinancrrnaja) Mae 4 legato saae.

ratio, tost, wa BATHS DAY EXT. bat a saa th heasra flO A.M.aadlP. aer dara at tkwiesawe tire office as foflews iitlCilt erne Tax awtasvi wta wish Baavaad tin aataBu, an Baa i for delay at pa meat, at viwtiuily aiM aa xyv as as, ead apoa pay ibear taxes the Cssat4aattt i'a vffxm, mm as rail ape the Coltertoraet tbeir ttaperiive cflVcea, as a harga a ass ml tog af tovaat the tuioaar Ptooe aauat ceaaarily pre, at tb affcrrwt Cetasctors frasa seraOBar A. A.

BKiiii.tjcmprrellrv. New Yerk. Jaa. IB.iaal. 9 aj taKUU.n.

ks UJV At 1 Rat irea. 07 a atvtotemswvatBBsSlsshng. aad sH eiber minerals are BaamuraJLaaaarcaaaaaraa, JurtottarB tha treat tnrvat ny mr atowaaa They Mr. prnarn, ucanux Btiaau tor the correct Waatuital of Cooa, Prai ar Casta annua foa.ljver raawpl ilaia, Fevara, Ac, mmom ibaaae p. aa puhkely advacate IBairaabof watt r' aaia ii leiwaijoai Bey give i aninmirniTS, Miriiral Examiser rubhsaed as Brndsrsv.ihobtoc luedaea' eone ual orcctkr aa, aad riam aa eh comprehae of i ll, in leal aaxare ml aaavaa aad as pi otT ii.eiliealt.ia.

Term i per awm. (alt ra. kOMR.Fkat lib, IStt bR WrTlUBT: Dears tr. r.iv aoere than a gbtyswrsl laaa beau effiicted with a severe eeugh, arrmapaaii ii ash aaaa at the siile, (hills and Mahtawaara, for which I have oases riausi uimtA pnys Onwervirig yoqr reenissmsat iaraded Cnaatuiaa As traa mi U.irenuad, Baiaa mt G.Uan aaS4pawrv Baaa I anea a iaag It. aea eaaaew eiBll, aoioa uutog a aerand botrte.l am ao bm advanced Bam ioitoren fokwawidb aaytaw toase.hotb to yaaraetf aad lh rtablea.

If I AJaat I valoahMyqualuie mf year oa.paawd.rbal ttieted. loav be Induced iw try I Wouhtalav. oave esea i aai a hs asLivwr betaerr, Mr Harper Couxh Rrme.Hr ii. Bad Vara, are kberty make what waa yw pi tiawteataar aietS BSrBllOO, By viiucu iiernanaaiiy BIBB. HAS AH IrodBBBSt The abave Cwpouad for sate as 47 BWwary, aad IM Fuiton etraet.

klwat Brravrway, ial avwery. sad at tba pruicipai Drug rvore. the ekv. ah I is a rare oeeanece to the I 1 die, that anv article Aa good rcpctalion fortwecty years hajetiarr. sbhI eonaaae aa receive rtcau teatimocy lu He ksvor frsaa rrniniasa uf knowa toted sn.1 nregrgy.

BucK tawerer, to the fortune, of BKtKWiTH AN II DYsPEPTpT! PtiaUL aa will aiipear from tlie (oltowiog letbM. ta aadtttoa to) the torxa tnaasof evidrvtce bereiofore pubhshed: FROM Mr. WILLIAM IRVIEBHYfLOP, New York.JBtvH. rtskt, 2rVarl rreet. My Dear Sir I bare debtyrd tot tosna lujoiha, eeoehng a yoa In scktatmletigemeBto vrkach 1 hava foil Siyr fitul aae, for th benefiia I hsve rertjved st your hsnda 1 had beea la a low Me of haahh nearly two years ml tertngtraea aalatesiioa, paUduilna a the heart, Leartar he.

Ae Ac rxtrrmety nervous, aodeipcnee. cang all the many changing and ihaf reaamg muuti aaa kn mind aod ovdy arM adieg anna this aaatody. I had the ad vice aeveral eutinewt Phyalcauis which I followed wUrf out aoy seeming 111, aod was md need la vish the twth. sad pass aiy wuders iher.witb ilat lava uf pnjtractuw aai ueoumkiruble kfe. At Cutnmbus, Gee gia.

iua mv warr cm.) I met wkh a friend. wlm rearvr i myVwrrtB tomi. hwn uu anVwdyspeptio PUnld afoirtTial I xilved lo fiuarw tin edvtce. aadtook four boxea aceoruiug to I he dxrvction The eff.ct aredn eed was most happy, ling me case aad comfort ankwaww before for year. And new, air, I am a moving heskh aad etoatichyofboibboe aod mind, for wbjcfa yoa lisvsms moat avnecrr.

haaka. and the beMtegsrdef abated. Verytruiy, Te Dn Bsrrwrra, HTSLOP. Ra ewh, Nov V7. IbAu.

The Pills sre put up snperior style, ks tto hne. Bvtommg forty, wuh fuk duecuoa. Pric M) enu par Tf1? tcor active srttrU.srareferrad lo lieckwi h'a Ami BUuoua rtUs. Price tweuty five cents MW 6 X. A bberal dlserruat saade lo ageats sod ibotie who brry aa, sell Sfain.

To be had of H. TURNER. 1) Rroadway, M. Y.BWstsaw, Aad for sale ly moat of Hi raspectabte druxaiais rha Ln.a.l i I Ol 1, KHB C.MAT IBM. AU A OLlAsw A MOKANOi." MEOICATtD OIL fLE, Av lha aa fsJiibr cur ol Goat, Rbeniati Coarla, skea.

rriaas tnt adeil by lb most eauaeat BsXyaKaaa of iba Cased ftsit.Frarrre.a England. aaaew Tbo ef tbe eetohrsted Physletona wwaea camcs ar aitactied a the foik ng, preciauea tlas aeees ay of giving a lottg etrkng et eeruflcatea, wt.irh tkeexah. ae Iber caa paodiire, wahowt a doubt (ha efiV cacy af tuia wuadcrMi remedy The Medhrs edOn Sflt, Maautorrurad bVaBloraaxTto eapable of beua appli wrh greaa sdvasssg towawt eaaeeelGour, khftimaji. t'hruaie whajasBrwu. Stiff aess ia tl tO', I fl mmaiBMis, aad GUartelar Taiaara.

aaid ha moat caaea at proterred to aay remedy whh waack are ee erquatnied 7 a Vaamoe Muer, D. Jnka Wans. If aw. Mib tMj. D.

Wnght D. If DewAeklM J. Kawsm, l). Joha NsaMoa, M. IX Felix Paecxtla, VI.

I luliy eeoeer hi the abw noinaia. PaattH M. rViBQte, etidewl mf (he I concur iTu rff Vark. I concur the al ove vi tr mm "hl adelpliuv. rVpt.

la, lii 1 1 TbT 1 i i i a New York, Dee vfmm 1 have bean iba. haiin of asfmy Mavassre. Bedtoaresf P' mrdlCAl and sargtcal caacavawd bekses Bval abl. Mxikaj 1 the beaOog art. TalentaM Matt, D.

XarBBS aenT.HM artk fli lrwat Bill IIIBallM AlfafBI hi the iotms, Watne ia ibe Beet, Panax ta lb Head, Pains mine breast. Para to the Beck. Pan la the back ar aoyol store Thro t. Cldlbtotoa, 1 ntnrraga, and LuAammzuooa caa be erarfMy cared by app ytog Mob Medicated OH rrik lo rbe part affecteil, a. ki nat any rerpect lo th ages tougtk of tsae rh paues anaj have beea affietedprerioosloiistoc the sbova, Each packace eaeeloped srah carecoeasfor aneryhaT tlie Methcaufl Ok rats None gent tne antes aroeerpialed vrbn iWniina.tiBat toatheiuan'itaciarei'a tae amuhe, aad Brgaed by Ibeautt tcribera.

Poraaonlvbv 3 MOB ANt.E A CO 21 Cedar at. np si Ira. IsUTOS A AkPUWALL ai (era air sals 10 tw Pearl, snd laiia aada. 10 obis saHMtiur Tapaara. eaaas aaata she 1 Lawglaas, 30 eases Tarkcy Gum Arame Frewch aod A artoaa Jeiafce Paawr.

3 esses Oa Juetper. 9xltoy Rom. very supsarior. wUIbaPa. Moot, bales Vkgima Soake Rant.

mM DR. CORBITT mT be eonaaitrd ttt tat BaeemeonfidAntjal ta a sale, at rt mn af Bireeker A Vaa IWk, 13 Btnad afreet, at li veelnr o. of IS 1 1. tte arhouov TaTll iLla a sraarrl sid fora tor Dated New k. Fabrwar tort ANTHO fcr a Bttr fe gc a Bg a K.

I iu st: tit a e) ay 1 I ttt I hi I. i aia 1 S5 S5 ae lo 553 55 5 5s I k' 'I tit er ves f. I i ii. Ullv i 3 aaau aaaka aaaa tt tin ritt n't "I ,1 A atueet, New rorkf where PfTwsaflljeted vtlto uacliiiiMuii amsw, ayaraspeia, worms, diseases of th buAttdar ind Ii djMvaesaiBmanxM ue Bhosws of xAercury or imparity of blood srstRa kwcr. nry needsuo detscrmuoa.

Perwows trrrbed wrth a coriam tisoase Day eppiy to Dr. Corhtrt, with like Vsiect aABiiTAoceo! havutgit radateily cuiasl artahoat AparUctettf Aoercsry sr asy tKher sUiiAtowaa Biaati fiikt fineiirRowAB Olhe aneaiiaof taaanpbeasl. Dr. Corbitl hss been dors ted I a Eortrp, aataT wBCksTBOfAckBOrletlrtaim a tevlcprscuccinexteasri hottAls aad ahaaaaato rana. laatant raiarfxnvss) la thoaw efrlitwad wajgh pilee, snd perfect csreeSeeted ta thrwadayB, wwJx oueonxUMaAcAtiroMbMW at UmuaL awaiamna star be Had to prsvaBttava adaeartAtB dtoeaee.

Thsnwst stoBaarahki will beelerved C7 Atlsntiesee daily, freak atrxx va.A B.BAb BiA nh'to lust raccrvad aad A asat vhi LtWREXCB A TRUAAiJs, mi Awavrrat..

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