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The Morning Post du lieu suivant : London, Greater London, England • 2

The Morning Posti
London, Greater London, England
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE MORNIM? POST, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2857. 1 LH A r-N I SOCIhTY act, the extension should be in the terms of the act in question. The proposal under the bill was very much like commencing an action in the common law courts, and taking a judgment in the courts of equitv. The LORD ADVOCATE said "that the clause in the bill referred to, and the clause in question in the present bill, IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS.

Wedxesdat. The third zotceri of the season took place cn evening, at the Hanover-square Rooms. we a-' programme: aaoe th. Paio- I. Sicfocia in A mmor, Mo.

Aria, Zeffiretti iuwuRlueri," UutaiEe Clara No '''-'xiho. The Leaser took the chair at 12 o'clock. I were in effect precisely the same, and there was noining The London and Citv Coal Duties Bill was read a second inconsistent in the present act with the provisions ol tue time. w. feuhMMotaa UFTITIUVS fr csir. a larfre i. S. "W'ttio. vcuu iuuiucucu; Overture (ou Suite) in major Concerto, Pianoforte, Hen- Rubioiua Pakt II. Si of -ma, in No.

Eeoit Nou, je ii esr.e re iilus" Petitions were presented by Mr! Gilpin, from inhabitant n1? judgments obtained in fffi JfJJg" householders within the London limits ot the metropolis, i hail nppn euil L. LJ 11 i Ul UUliUjeillS LUUl 13 1 lm- Aria Oh toi, qui proiongeas ices joiirs SSOSSX Prevention of the, practice of pit burial from the bh. -worncts of the MacUme Clara Novello the (Ipmtreme en TaariJe in anv county or burial ground witnin trie limits oi the 7r, Hp honed metropolis, and particularly to restrict the burial of more c.rown and introduced by he Government. He toped i a. -N Oct i flat ii sinn report upon all ships appointed to sail with troops, in order to obviate the sending of troops in -sessels unfit for that service.

Viscount Rayr.bam Select to inquire into the operation of tne Act 10 17 Vic. c. ill, for the punishment of persons convicted of aggravated assaults on women and children. Mr. Attorney-GeReral Breaches of Trust Bill to make fraudulent breaches of trust criminally liable.

Mr. Attorney-General Joint-Stock Companies, Bill to amend the Act 7 and 8 c. Ill, facilitating the winding up the affairs of joint-stock companies unable to meet their pecuniary engagements; and also the Joint-Stock Companies Winding-up Ac's, 1848 and 1849. Mr. Vance Dublin Port In committee cf the whole house, to move for leave to bring in a bill to repeal certain duties on ships entering the port of Dublin, and other imposts affecting its trade and commerce.

Mr. Spooner Maynooth College That this house do resolve into a committee to consider the acts for the endowment of Maynooth, with a view to the withdrawal of any endowment out of the Consolidated Fund, due regard being had to vested rights and interests. Mr. Scholefieid Maynootn Colleee as an amendment to Mr. Spooner's motion, to add, and to consider the expediency of withholding; all further grants of public money for religious purposes in Ireland." Mr.

Hutt Scientific and Literary Societies Bill to amend the Act 6 and 7 c. 36, to exempt from county, borough, parochial, and other local rates, land and buildings occupied by scientific and litertry societies. ORDER OF THE DAY. Married Women Bill second reading. Solos, 0.

in flat than one person in tne same ground untu alter the expira- r-- Herr Rubinotpm Overture (Berc-ceit tion of 10 years from the period of the last burial, unless 1km HmU thin- had been upon toe request, in writing of a relation of thejast' person JSSt eminYy dSSof tttk fbLtl buried in such ground by Mr. Clay, from London Mer- g.J ht to give its support to a bill before it bad chants' and Traders' Association for Protection of Trade, for yoeinmeui sf iaif ThP Condnetor Professor Steruilnie Judgments Execution Bill by Sir Codrikgtos 'from TZlM. was not fullv and iKi. mcf httma1 nttiorc l.z. 1 om.i,-'D iT 7 efficiently carried out by the bill.

The bill would lead to rf i S2 Ireland, and under these circumstances he ZL 5 tr0m C'V? thought tbev had better report progress. Dorset collection ot inland revenue appointed since 1829, K0EBUCK thJ asfcthe bin affected the law for the amendment of the superannuation Act by Mr. fa kin doms 0llght to have been introduced by Ckcjsb, from inhabitants of St. Peter's district. Preston, i onrim-spri the against the Maynooth grant by Mr.

Horsfall, from Attorney-General for Ireland and the Lord Advocate, who ti, tne Liverpool Guardian secretary, in tavour ot tue judgments Execution Bill; by Mr. Baikes, from the committee of West Luling Bankers' Merchants' and Traders' Association for the Protection of Trade, in favour of the Judg-cents Execution Bill. woula torn uave ueeu responsiiue iur me uiu. uui ought not to have been introduced by a private member, and patched up a it had been. Mr.

WHITESIDE also entertained the same opinion, and commented on the absence of the English law officers of the Crown on the present occasion during the discussion of an act affecting the three kingdoms. After some further discussion, Mr. NAPIER moved that the Chairman should report ST. JAMES'S PARK. Kir F.

BARING moved for a return of any snms expended for the alterations in the lake in St. James's Park, tocretber with an estimate of expenditure required to com plete them, and the vote of Parliament under authority of progress The ATTORNEY-GENERAL for IRELAND observed PARL1AMESTARY DIVISION. HOUSE OF COMMONS Tuesday, May 19. MINISTERS' MONEY (IRELAND) BILL. Order for second reading read motion made and question proposed, That the bill be now read a second time." Amendment proposed, to leave out the word now," and at the end ef the question to add the words, upon this day six months." Question put, That the word bow' stand part of the question." The house divided A ves, 313 Noes, 174.

MAJORITY-AYES, 313. which any expenditure has been incurred and copy ot any correspondence between the Board of Works and the Treasury respecting such expenditure, and of any order or authority under which payments have been made by the paymaster-genera! for such work, and the dates of such payments. Ordered. IRELAND. rro.M orR own correspondent.

DUBLIN, Wednesday Morning. REVISION OP THE IRISH POOR-LAW. The steadv decline of pauperism in Ireland during the last two vears has produced an agitation in tavour ot rc- dnced expenditure in the administration of the poor-law. To further this object, an important meeting was held iast month in Dublin, at which a committee was appointed, and other steps taken, with the view of procuring the araalga-mation of unions in certain districts. This eommittee has prepared a petition to Parliament, which is being numerously signed, setting forth the present prosperous circumstances of the countrv, suggesting plans for the more economical management of the poor-law system, and seeking the appointment of a select committee for the purpose of taking these matters inte consideration.

Ia reference to the law ot settlement and removal, the petition says our petitioners, in requesting from your honourable house a revision ot the existing system of poor-law relief, cannot omit to bring before your honourable house the system now in torce, by which poor people residing in England, but belonging to Ireland, or whose parents were Irish, are now, if they become destitute and seek workhouse relief, compelled to leave their homes in England, and are thrown, in miserv and starvaMon, into the nearest seaports in Ireland." A very strong feeling exists in this country regarding the poor removal question. In reference to the proposed amalgamation of unions, it is contended by some, that, inasmuch as a bad harvest or the recurrence of an epidemic might suddeulv call into vigour the slumbering powers of the Poor-law system, it would be unwise to curtail them but it is replied that the turn wjiich social affairs have taken in Ireland is of snch a character as to warrant the conclusion that a career of steady improvement i before the country. The subject is likely to occupy tbe attention of the Legijlature on an early day. JAMES SADLEIR. I A second letter from person appears in last night's papers.

It is intended as a reply to the charge of cooking the books," preferred against James Sadleir by the Master of the Rolls, on the ground furnished by a note of instructions from John Sadleir, found in tbe papers of James after tbe bank stopped. James Sadleir denies that he acted as his brother John wished, and maintains that he did not alter "one figure" in the acceunts. The comments of the Evening Post dispose of Mr. James Sadleir, and put the true state of the case on record very lucidly According to himself, James Sadleir is an innocent victim to his credulity. He certainly did not carry out John's atrocious suggestions I in form but yet, when the affairs of the Tipperary Bank were in total and hopeless insolvency with assets not amounting to the sixth part of the money plundered from the creditors the victims of the nefarious system carried out by John, through the instrumentality of James he, as the managing director, produced and signed a report which represented the affairs of the bank as in a most flourishing condition." FARMINtr PROSPECTS.

A Northern journal has the following satisfactory notes on Irish agricultural prospects Those of the" more desponding class, who a few weeks ago appeared to think that the Divine promise of a seed-time to the end ef the world bad been forgotten, are now ready to acknowledge that the weather of the past ten days has rarely been equalled. Oat-sowing is finished, and the lands which have only received the last stroke of the harrow a fortnight ago are now green with the young braird. Wheat lands show a rich braird, well coloured, and very thickly-set with the young plants. Barley, however, is not yet finished, and as the culture of that cereal paid farmers very well last season, a large extent of soil will be placed under it in the present year. We cannot as yet say much as to flax-sowing.

The more celebrated growers have sown a full breadth, but the lateness of the season has discouraged many farmers from running what they call the risk of a flax crop. It is within the limits of late sowing in former 1 years. The early fiaisbed portiea of the potato crop gets 1 on well. THE FUNDS CLOSING PRICES MAY 19. I Three per Cent.

Consols. 02 account, New Three, 92; for account, Q2; Bank Stock, 230; City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, 77 ex div. Cork, Blackrock, and i Passage, 12 cash Dublin and Kingstown, quarter shares, 1 51 Dublin and Wicklow, Dundalk and Flnniskillen, 1 13.J Great Southern and Western, 104 Irish South I Eastern, 7 Midland Great Western, half shares, 25J PARLIA ME.TA COMMITTEE. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. This committee reassembled on Tuesday, to resume the inquirv commenced in the last session of the late Parliament.

The following members were present Mr. Lowe (in the chair), Lord J. Russell, Lord Stanley, Mr. Roebuck, Hon. Mr.

Fitzwilliam, Mr. E. Eilice, Mr. Gregson, Sir J. Pakington, Mr.

Kinnaird, Mr. Christy, Lord Sandon, Mr. J. H. Gurnev, and Mr.

Matheson. Colonel Crofton was the first witness called. He stated, iu reply to questions by the chairman, that he waa in the Hudson's Bay Company's territory in the year 18443. He was in command of detachment of troops, iecluding artillery, numbering altogether 376 men. They sailed from Cork, and were destined for the Red River settlement.

Tbev arrived at York Factery about the August in that vear, and preceded from thence to the Red River. He went cut to do duty at the Red River, under instructions. He remained till tbe following July the troops remained till 1848. He had opportunities during his stay of making himself acquainted with the conduct of the officers of the corapanv, but never was at their councils. He should describe the company's government of the country as a patriotic government.

With respect to the climate of the Red River settlement, he thought it was pretty much the same as that of Upper Canada; perhaps less severe than that. By Mr. Roebuck He had a complete account of the soil and climate, and other details of the settlement, written by himself, which, if allowed, he should lay before the committee. (The witness handed in the document to which he referred, but it was not read.) In reply to further questions by Mr. Roebuck, he said the season at the Red River settlement opened about the first week in April, and closed about the middle of November.

The summer season might be said to close in August the finest weather was during what was called the fall, which extended from August till i the middle of November. The snow began to fall about the end of November, and was not off the groand till the middle of May. He had seen wheat, barley, and vegetables of all i sorts grow there. The soil was loamy, with a limestone i foundation. He had ascertained from the servants of the company that the soil of that nature extended as far as the Rocky Mountains, so that that part of the settlement was fitted for the purposes of agriculture.

He had nothing to do with the administration of justice in the colony except in what affected his troops. He 1 thought justice was well administered there. Supposing a case to be tried, the governor of the colony sat as chair-I man. He sat in tbe place in which a judge would sit in Westminster Hall. He could not say who charged the juries, as he never was present except at one trial that was a trial before tbe magistrates, and there was no jury in i that case it was for a breach ef the municipal in which one of his own soldiers was concerned.

He was told by some of tbe half-breeds that the chief fault they had to find with the government of the company was that they were not allowed to import spirits they also complained that they were not allowed to buy spelter. There was no means of exporting corn, if the people were disposed to do so. By Lord Stanley The laws of the company forbade any traffic with America but corn grown at Red River would certainly not pay the expense of so long a journey with any profit. By Mr. Roebuck The country did not held out any obstacle to colonisation quite the contrary.

He believed the reason why the country was not colonised was its remoteness and isolation. It was net more remote than Oregon, but Oregon was close to the sea. By Lord Stanley The prohibition as to trading extended only to furs and spirits there was no prohibition on corn. By Mr. Gregson The settlers could sell the produce of their farms to the company to any extent.

By Mr. Eilice Witness did not know any case of a settler who, having 50 acres of land, was refused more land i when he applied for it. He was sure a trade in spirits would be very prejudicial to tbe Indians. He thought it would be unwise to remove the existing restrictions on that i trade, because since the junction of the North-Western i Company and the Hudson's Bay Company tbe Indian race was increasing, as was shown by a census made by the com-; pany every five or six years. While witness was in the I country he never heard any complaints of the company giving spirits to the Indians in barter he never heard of any such complaints till be came to thiscountrv.

While he REGISTRATION OF LONG LEASES (SCOTLAND) BILL. Mr. DUN LOP moved the second reading of the bill. The LORD ADVOCATE approved of the principle of that, when the bill was originally introduced, decrees of courts equity came within its scope. As the bill now stood, however, it applied only to judgments of courts of common law, and there appeared to him no substantial difficulty to the successful working of the measure.

The bill sought to expedite, not to alter, the proceedings in the three kingdoms. Mr. MALINS supported the bill. Mr. I.

BUTT said the law of judgments in England and in Ireland was quite different. In England a judgment was a charge upon the debtor's present and after-acquired property. In Ireland there might be a judgment, but execution" was had by means ef a memorial against the existing propertv of the debtor. Mr. MALINS That being so, then, every judgment in Ireland must be specific against particularly described lands.

Mr. I. BUTT said his objection to the bill chiefly rested on the want of notice to the debtor before the registration of the judgment. Let there be notice, whether by an action or by mere notice, and his objection would be removed. At a proper time he would move a provision to that effect.

After a few words from Col. FRENCH, Mr. NAPIER said be did not know how the bill would operate in such a case as the following A judgment, 30 or 40 years eld, obtained in England the debtor died the judgment brought over to Ireland under such an act as this the bill, and would otter no opposition to the second reading, on the understanding that the next stage of the bill be deferred for some time. The bill was then read a second time, and ordered to be committed on the 17th June. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS BILL.

Mr- ADDERLEV moved that the house do now go into committee on the bill, and to which motion he trusted no opposition would be offered. Sir G. GREY hoped the bouse would only go into committee pro forma to-day on the bill, as many of its provisions were of a most important character, and must be I art-tier considered. Toe Government could not assent to the immediate discussion of so important a measure. Mr.

W. MILES entirely concurred in what the right hon. baronet said, and hoped his hon. friend (Mr. Adderley) would at once yield to the suggestion of the Home Secretary.

There were some of the clauses to which even the friends of the measure were adverse. Mr. GREGORY was entirely in favour of the principle of the bill, and approved of many of its provisions, but toought it was understood that clauses would be inserted fcr the purpose of providing against the religious opinions (A the children being tampered with. Many children who would be placed in those institutions were of Irish Catholic parents. The question of taxation, too, must be narrowly-looked into.

He hoped most sincerely a clause would be proposed which would lull apprehensions that the religious opinions of the children would be tampered with. If his non. friend had seen the fearful consequences in Ireland resulting from proselvtism, he would endeavour to remove all chance of the bill beine made a means of proselvtism. Lord GODER1CH approved of the object of the bill, but tee house was bound to see by what machinery this object was to be carried oat, and which was a roost important Addir, Hugh Adeane, Henry Akroyd, E. Althorp, Lord Anderson, Sir J.

Antrobus, E. Ashley, Lord Atherton, Win. Ayrton. A. S.

Bagwell, John Baines, Matthew Ball, Edward Baring, Thomas G. Barnard, Thomas Ba-s, hatl Baxter, William Beamish, Francis Beaumont, W. Berkeley, Henry Bethel), Sir B. Biddulph, Robert Biggs John Black, Adam Blake, John Bland, Lottus Bonham-Carter Bouverie, Edw. Bouvtrie: Y.

P. Bowyer, George Boyd, John Brady, John Brand, Henry John I. Brocklehuret, J. Browc, James Erowc, 'William Bruce. Lord E.

Bruce, H. A. Buchanan, W. Bucklev, General W. Bury, Viscount Butt, Isaac Buxton, Charles Byng, George Caird, James Calcutt, F.

Calcraft, J. H. Campbell, B. J. Castlerosse, Lord Cavendish, Lord Cavendish, C.

Cavendish, G. Chcetham, John Clav. James Clifford, Charles Clifford, H. M. George Cobbett, John Cogan, William Colebi ooke, Sir E.

Collier, Bobert Colvile, Charles Coote, Sir C. Cocingham, W. Lord F. Cotterell, Sir U. Cowac, Charles Cox, William Craufurd, Edw.

Crawford, B. W. Crook, Joseph Dalgleish, R. Davey. Richard Davie, Sir H.

Beisy, Rickard Btnison, W. H. Bering, Sir E. Be Vere, S. E.

Devewmx, John Livett, Edward Doilson, J. G. Buff, George Duke, Sir James Dunbar, Sir W. Duncan, Viscount Duct: as, Fred. Duulop, Alex.

inne, Michael Eilice, Edward Ellis, L. A. Ennis, John Esinonde, J. on. Earl Evans, T.

W. Ewurt, William Ewart, Joseph FagaD, William Ferguson, Col. Finiay, A. S. FiUgerald, W.

R. Fitzgerald, J. D. Fitz William, C. Folev, John II.

Folev, H. W., F. Foreter, Charles Foster. W.

O. Fortetcue, F. D. Fortescue, C. Freeetun, Col.

French, Col. Garrett. W. J. Gifford, Earl Glover, E.

A. Glyn, Geo. Carr Glyc, George G. Goderich, Viscount Grace, Oliver Greene, John Greenwood, J. Greer, S.

M. Gregory, W. H. Gregsoc, Samuel Greoffcll, C.W. Greville, Colonel C-rev, Sir G.

Grey, R. W. Grosvenor, Lord Grosvi-cor, Earl Gurdon.B. Gurcty, John Gurnev, S. Kwkblock, Hadtield, George Hall, Sir Benjamin Hanbury, R.

Handley, J. Hankey, T. Har-mer, Sir Karccurt, George Hard castle, J. Harris. J.

D. Hassard, Michael Kustie, Arch. Hatetell, John Hr.y, Lord John T. Eeard, John I. Hereby, David

G. F. Herbert. H. A.

Hindlev, Charles Hodgson. E. D. Holland, E. Hors man, E.

Howard. Charles W. Eughes, William Hutt, William Ingram, Robert Jackson, Wrc. Jervoise, Sir J. Johnstcne, Sir J.

Keatitg. Henry Ker. Kershaw, King. Boiion Kinglake, A. W.

KirglUte, Serg. Kingscote, Robt. Kiunaird, Arthur Kirk, William KnatchbuK, H. Langsion, James Langion, H. Gore Levinge, Sir R.

Lewis, Sir George Lxeoic, Earl ot Locke, John Lowe, Robert Maearthy. A. Car.c. James MtcEvoy, Edw. Mackie, jun.

Mackicnon, Wm. T. John T. Mar.g es, Rcss Mangles. Chas.

Ma-jor. backs, D. Marsh, M. H. MartiE, C.

W. Martin, P. W. Masscy, William A. Mai fceson, Sir J.

MtlgUiici, Lord Merry, J. Thomas Milton, Lord Moffatt, George Moncrieff. Jas. Wm. Moore, George Me rris, David Mostyn.

T. E. Muntz, George Napier, Sir C. Xeate, Chas. Donald Ncrre vs, Sir D.

Norris, J.T. North, Fred. O-'Brien, Patrick O'Brien, Sir T. O'Brien, James CVConnell, Capt, D. O'Donaghoe, The O'Flahertv, A.

Ogilvy, Sir J. Osborne, Ralph Paget, Charles Taget. Lord A. Paget, Lord C. Palmerston, Lord Pease, H.

Fechell, Sir G. Teel, Sir Robert Perry, SirT. Phillips, B. riiking'on, Jas. Pinner, Colonel Piatt, James Foreman, W.

Potter, Sir J. Power. Nicholas Puller, C. W. Ramsdcn, Sir J.

Ramsay, Sir A. Baynham, Lord Rebow, J. G. Ricardo, John Bicardo, 0man Ridley, George Roebuck, J. Ron pell, W.

Russell, Lord J. Russell, Hastings. Russell, Sir W. Salisbury, G. Schneider, H.

Scholefieid. W. Sevmour, H. D. Shafto, Robert Shelley, Sir John Sheridan, R.

Smith, Jchn B. Smith, Vernon Smith, A. Smith, Sir F. Smyth, Colonel Stafford, Marquis Stanley, Lord Stapleton, John Steel, John Stuart, Lord J. Stuart, Colonel Sullivan, M.

Sykes, Colonel Tancred. Henry Taylor, S. W. Thompson, General Thornelv, Thomas ThorEhili, W. Tite, William Tottenham, C.

Towr.send, John TraJi, George Trelawnv, Sir J. Truman, C. Turner. J. A.

Vane, Lord H. Villiers, Charles Vivian, J. C. Vivian, H. H.

Waidron, L. Walter, John War'ourton, G. Watkie, E. W. Watkins, Colonel Wegr.eiin, Thomas Western, S.

Whatman, James Wcitoread, S. White, J. White, Henry Willcox, Brodie Williams, M. AViiiiams, William Williams, Sir W. F.

Wiuyams, E. w. Wilton, James Wicgtield. R. B.

Wellington, Sir T. Wie, Ayshfovd Wood, Sir C. Wood, William WocidsH. Worsley, Lord Wyid. James Windham, General Wj viil, M.

rLLB8. Kaytcr, w. g. Mulgrave, Earl and an attempt made to charge the laHds in the bands ot the heir or devisee. How would the bill operate then He confessed he thought it would be a confusion of the law of Ireland, and therefore he would oppose it.

The LORD ADVOCATE reminded hon. and learned gentlemen that the only question before them was, whether an Irish judgment might have effect in England aud Scotland. He said he was quite willing that it should. After a few remarks trom Mr. WHITESIDE, The committee divided For reporting progress 89 Against 187 Majority against it 98 Mr.

AYRTON, after some remarks about this being a subject only intelligible to the initiated, advised the Attorney-General for Ireland to refer the bill to a committee ef lawyers. (Laughter.) Mr. P. O'BRIEN suggested that the hon. and learned member for the Ayr burghs (Mr.

Craufurd) should communicate with the 12 judges of I inland before inflicting this piece of legislation upon them. Mr. L. BLAND said the Scotch law was unintelligible to him, and would be an affliction, and therefore he must oppose the clause and the bill. The house divided on the second clause, when there appeared For the clause 179 Against it 92 Majority 87 On clause third being put, Mr.

M'CANN complained of the measure being wholly unintelligible, and stated his intention to resist its progress as much as he could. The bill had been for five years before the house, and during that time there never was a petition presented in its favour, and ke opposed the bill generally. Mr. DEASY took some technical objections to the bill. Mr.

AYRTON said the clause as it stood would deprive all litigants oi' the right of having a copy of the judgment in an action or suit in the superior courts for debt cr damage, Mr. SPOONER would like to have the objection answered. The ATTORNEY-GENERAL for IRELAND agreed to the introduction of an amendment at a future period, to remedy the defect referred to. Mr. ROEBUCK concurred in the objection made by the hon.

member for the Tower Hamlets, and would strike out the clause altogether, with the view of framing a new clause. Mr. CRAUFURD said that it was his objecr iu passing the clause to prevent a copy of the judgment being given uutil an order was obtained. After some further consideration, the clause was negatived without a division. Upon clause 4, Mr.

DEASY moved the fallowing proviso "That from and after the registering of any such copy or extract of any such judgment or decree as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful to issue anv execution in or out of the court in which such was in the Hudson's Bay Company's territory he never heard any complaints of the administration of justice under the company but, in fact, there was no crime, and he attributed that to the absence of spirits. The rule of the company appeared to him to be quite the opposite of eppres-sive. From his own personal experience he did not think they could have a better municipal government than they now had in the colony. By Mr. Roebuck He did not think it was the best government for a white colony.

He was not aware there was any prohibition as to whites going there. The company wished to keep all the country wild north of b'l deg. but they wauld be glad to see the other parts of the country peopled with whites and Sir J. Simpson, the gever-nor, told him (witness) that he should like to see the Red River in the possession of the Crown. The difficulty of conveyance aud communication in the territory arose from swamps and marshes, in consequence of which he thought it perfectly impossible to make a continuous road for the csnveyance of goods; but between road and river there could be regular communication.

casti. DUBLIN CORN MARKET MAY 19. Our corn market is still exceedingly dull. Quotations do not vary. White wheat, 33s.

6d. to 37s. Od. red, 32s. to 3Gs.

new oats, 13s. 3d. to 10s. Od. oatmeal, 15s.

to 17s. barley, 16s. 6d. 25s. Od.

CORK BUTTER MARKET MAY 19. Prices falling. Firsts, 107s. seconds, 100s. thirds, 82s.

fourths, 73s. Large supplies. CITY COMMISSION OF SEWERS. A court was held for -the despatch of public business cn Monday. Mr.

Deputy Harrison, in the absence of Mr. Di puty Peacock, from illness, occupied the chair. ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. Mr.

Deputy Dakin In St. Paul's Churchvard there is a projecting house at the corner of Cannon-street, the inside of which has lately been destroyed by fire. I understand that it is in the power of this commission, undi circumstances such as these, to treat with the owners of propertv, with a view to throwing it back, if it is desirable that that should be accomplished. If ever an occasion occurred in which that was a matter of importance, this is that occasion. Mendelssohn's symphony was mo-t delighi Every feature was displayed with utmost cWI a note was Isst not an accent was neglected It is tbe fashion to execute tbe quick intoeaehjarf'' fine composition much faster than thev weTe civ occasion faster, indeed, than possible, and we haveD fore to thank Professor Sterndale Benaetvs ledge for a very unusual, no less than a verv atm pleasure.

Anv one corapevot li -ead -he CttU i3e "-ore of -k symphony may see that such a mass of import tails as the quick movements include could not 1 ds tinctly expressed in snch rapid times is tac too (jaently adopted. Our popular conductors do nr- 1 the trouble to make themselves acquainted with the score of anything, but are satisfied with a knowie melodic outlines and points. Professor ever, is conscientious as he is 'earned and ah readings in the present instance were fully the result, for rarely indeed has this symphony excJtrtl enthusiastic admiration and unanimous applause' on Monday evening. If Madame Clara Sovello throw off that drawling, languid manner, which maKes seem to sing to the audience as though she nf 2er them a great favour, and felt eoosideraUy bofad ID? effort, how glad we should be for she has Pxtttordi physical means, and we verily believe possesses ulo 3 and passion, although those invaluable "uaii-ie very rarely exhibited in her public performances He exciuisite, indeed almost unparalleled, beauty of tasteful phrasing, we really could discovt; tunhim: praiseworthy in Madame Noveilo'sexeeutiun oi 'ne'twj allotted to her. Tnere was much 'he ear but for the head or heart nothing.

nihil." a Madame Novello had not attem-jtei! m0 positions requiring great intellectual and emotional xpT" sion on the present occasion, her shortcomings might haT passed with less remark, but 8pathet.e insipidity of manner, in the exponent of such -as Mozart and Gluck, cannot tie let! unnoticed "P' article devoted to musical criticism. We may mM that-JQ airs to which we have alluded belong to two of'the tin6 operas ever composed, both of which are a most unknot in England a fact by no means creditalA to our mnsk'al knowledge and taste. The Philharmonic Mtftr deflUi great credit for bringing forward the "Saire of gebastta Bach, for so far as our recollection extends, was neve-before performed in this country, and erj larej w0-i by so erudite a master must necesa: ime rest for tbe cognoscenti. Like most ef Bach's productions, it courts i ar admiration by unity of design, steadfast continuity of purpose, contrapuntal skill, rather than by abundance oi first idea? copiousness of matter, or imagination, fts elevation of style, too (one of the composer uest characteristics), commands nor respect, although iijthis is not quite on a level with other wcrks by the arr.e author. The instrumentation of this ine'' tor two oow.

drums, and three trumpets, in addition to mii quartet of striuged instruments, is remarkable for gel sonority and solid brilliancy. .4 better arangentot Qj tbe chosen materials there could not possibly bi ami viewed with reference to the period to whieU ilie work belongs (when orchestral music was in its infancy tfct instrumentation is really extraordinary. Ucich has wAim many pieces of this description for the pianoforte, Silfl which many of our musical readers are doobiW i -(painted, and a fair idea of the general jyje rind instruction of this Partita," -'Ot (for ail these titles are indiscriminately employed) tnaj easily be gained from the above-named piece The work immediately under notice -vas most ably played, under the able direction of Prcfessur Benne (who has long been making errors to mu'A love for the music of Bach in this aud warm -applauded. Directly after this interesting severe specimen of classic art, came s0 atte: different in every respect that the effect produced nothing less than ludicrous. We mean a loop, num.

incoherent affair called a pianoforte concerto, imptwl and performed by Herr Rubinstein, a Bussir.n pianist, we believe matte his dibat in London on the present sion. We cannot call it a fair exemplification of? the ultra-modern romantic school for in that, although the forsa established by the greatest masters are conteuiptuu rejected as lets and hindrance-," to trie soaring flight i genius, we know of some productions possessing high degree merits of a certain kind. may lic beautiful as new, melody, harmony, and in such "romantic" works, which no true musician fail to admire, however lie might lament the absence i other fine qualities but anything at once so beggar' conception, wretched in execution, and pretention i character, as this concerto we certainly never met with. has neither a melodic phrase nor an harmonic pr nor a passage, nor an i effect," that we can bestow a of praise upou and the instrumentation is thin, colourl--. and awkward as the first attempt of an ill instruct.

To speak of Herr Rubinstein as a player is a more plews; task, for he really seems to possess very remarkable His digital dexterity is predigious, and he executes de force" (as the phrase goes) which far difficulty certain kind have perhaps never been surpassed. The dity and force of his octave-playing is particulan's rentable, and he can run his fingers from one end of the instilment to the other in as short a time as any pianist i existence. He makes quite as much noise too as Leopold it Meyer, the famous lion-pianist," who can give the pia-J thwacks worthy of Ben Cuunt or the Tipton Sktfhei On this occasion, however, Herr Rubinstein did thoroughly accomplish everything he attempted, tor titfr? was an occasional indistinctness in his execution of bravt.i passages, which we should have attributed to nervosa but for the extraordinary vigour with which he every nt and then "pitched into" the keys. uch sledge-baiu: blows could scarcely have proceeded from a nervoi.s bB Noise, however, is not tone and, judging from He-' Rubinstein's performance on this occivsion, we should i him to be deficient in that most rare and valuable hope, nevertheless, to hear this new pianist a3 in much better music than his fwn, for such powers as he undoubtedly possesses, despite tiie sho?" comings we have noted, ought to lead to very istriking suits. The two shsrt pieces which Herr Ku'dnstein serjuently performed were no better as compositions the concerto, aud we may therefore be spared rhepafr criticisiug them.

Heethoven's magnificent symphony '-and enthusiastically applauded. An encore was denwmlei for the scherzo. On the whole this was one of the most certs of the season. Sir George Back was the next witness. In reply to I questions by the chairman he said he was a rear-admiral in I the royal navy.

He bad been in three expeditions to the 1 Hudson's Bay territory. He first went out with Sir J. Franklin that expedition occupied from 1819 to 1822. In I the second expedition he also went with Sir J. Franklin mat was trom ivoj to tne autumn ot mi.

The third expedition he commanded himself it was in search of Sir J. Ross and his companions, who were then supposed to be lost. These three expeditions occupied altogether about nine years. The cxpeditiens were supplied by the Hudson's Bay Company with articles of traffic with the Indians for food to the extent thev required. In the winter they for the house in question projects beyond the front of St.

Paul's School and if our powers could be brought to bear, we should effect one of the greatest improvements that could I possibly be made in the City. (Hear, hear.) The Chairman I am happy to say that this matter is at present under the consideration of the Improvement Committee. SANITARY CONDITION OF THE CITY. The Medical Officer of Health (Dr. Letheb presented a report, referring to 144 houses that had been inspected I during the week, and he submitted a list of 90 places that I required the orders of the Court for their sanitary iraprove-I ment in various particulars.

He also presented "certificate- spent the time in making observations. In the expedition which he himsplf rommnnHrri lip had ''ft mo judgment or decree was originally obtained or recovered, of the overcrowding of several bouses in St. John's-court, Smithfield, and Blythe's-buildings and Lainb-alley, Sun-street. He likewise drew the attention of the commission to the state of a wretched tenement in the vard at the back of 5, Thompson's-rents, Half Moon-street," where one man, two women, and two children are lodged in a couple of rooms not fit for human habitation. The mortality table for with him, chiefly Canadians; ihey received no trouble or annoyance whatever from the Indians.

At Fort Reliance the thermometer stood at 70 deg. below zero in the shade in I the month of February; the soil there was gravelly, with a massy surface, but sterile certainly. At all the establish-j ments of the company, as far as he saw, there was nothing but the utmost kindness and fairness in their dealings, Iu reply to questions by Sir J. Pakington, Mr. Roebuck, and Mr.

Eilice, the witness added that he considered the government of the company was beneficial to the Indians; they must have starved without the company. He should say, decidedly, that the country about Fort Reliance was not fit for cultivation, chiefly on account of the climate and the rocky nature of the soil. He slfould say the whale fishery could not be carried on in Hudson's Bay with aav advantage. At the conclusion of Sir George Back's examination the committee adjourned until Thursday (this day) at 2 o'clock. MINORITY NOES, 174.

Fanjtihar, Sir W. Napier, Joseph Colonel Neeld, John consideration. I fat bill proposed to place the guardians and justices in a relation to each other which might be productive of a collision of authority, and took away all discretion trom the guardians and transferred it to the justices, without testing the means ef the parents. Another provision of the bill was, that so far as it went, it repealed the Jaw of settle-meet an entirely new principle. A large number of children which the bill would deal with were of Irish parents, and how would the repeal of the law of settlement work here A third objection was to the 17th clause, hich provided that the parents might be summoned before the justices in order to test their means.

If the justices did not think the parents had the means, they might still direct the children to be supported without farther reference to the actual means of the pareBts, and without any relerence to the authority of the guardians. All these were matters of very great importance. Nor had the boards of guardians throughout the country yet had the means of thoroughly-making themselves acquainted with its provisions. The ease for delay was complete. He moved that the bill be committed that day three months.

Mr. HADFIELD seconded the amendment. Mr. ADDERLEY thought he would meet the assent of the house when he asked that the bill be allowed now to g-o into committee iu order to state the nature of the amendments he proposed to introduce, and then that the bill aud reprinted. This would somewhat facilitate the progress of the measure.

The country had had a full opportunity of considering the bill, which had been amply detailed and the principle had been affirmed by a majority oi 10 to one in that house. It would, under such circumstances, be very bard and very unusual if he were notallowed get the bill into committee. Mr. BAINES was favourable to the principle of the bill, but wished to see a well-considered and not a crude and imperfect measure. (Hear, hear.) It was most desirable that the boards of guardians should thoroughly understand what the provisions of the measure were and what its effect would be.

He believed his hon. friend (Mr. Adderley weuld gain instead of losing time by acceding to the proposal of the noble lord the member for the West Riding. Further delay was essential, so that the bill might be well matured. Mr.

ROEBUCK did not want to discuss the bill, but the conduct of the Government in regard to it. The Government ought not to allow members to bring in bills altering the whole force of the law. The Government ought to adopt or reject the bill at once. The real desire of the Treasury-bench was to shift off the measure by a side-wind, which was neither a proper nor a manly course. He called upon he right bon.

baronet (Sir G. Grey) at once to take a decided course. Mr. KENDALL thought that time should be given to receive the opinions of the guardians throughout the country before the bill was further proceeded with. Mr.

PALK considered the principle of the bill was altogether objectionable. It would work very injuriously upon The agricultural districts. Mr. R. PALMER thought the measure required much njpre consideration than it had yet received, but that it might go through committee pro forma.

Mr. ADDERLEY withdrew his amendment, and the went into committee. Mr. BARROW said it was important to consider how far he amendments proposed would affect the operation of the poor-law. If they were adopted, Irish children might be settled in English parishes, and taken up and sent to school lor an indefinite number of years.

Such a feature in the bill required serious consideration, and he was therefore very glad this delay was about to take place, as it would enable Fmglish boards of guardians to understand what serious alterations were about to be made. Mr. ROEBUCK objected to bon. members entering icto a further discussion of the subject. He understood they were going into committee pro forma.

(Hear, hear.) The amendments were then inserted, and the house resumed. JUDGMENTS EXECUTIONS BILL. The order for going into committee having been read, Mr. BLAND suggested that the discussion on the bill in committee should be postponed for a short period, to give an opportunity to the members principally interested in it to be present. Many Irish members were attending a deputation to the Prime Minister upon another subject.

Sir G. GREY said that the order having been read it was not competent for the hon. member to move. The house then went into committee. Upon clause 1 being proposed Mr.

BLAND said that having risen too late move the adjournment of the committee for a short time, he should now, considering the absence of nearly every Irish member, move that the chairman report progress, and ask leave to sit again. The committee divided, whtn the numbers were For the motion 10 Against it 157 Majority against the motion 147 Cpon clause 1, Mr. SPOONER wished to know whether, under the present wording of the clause, facilities for fraud by means of collusive judgments would not be He thought that the insertion ef the word "adverse" before "judgments" weuld meet the case. Mr. FITZGERALD said there would be no such danger.

The bill would give no more facility for fraud than existed at present. The amendment was withdrawn. Mr. FRENCH then moved that the chairman report. The committee divided, For the motion 11 Against it 151 METROPOLITAN BOARD OF WORKS.

A special meeting of this board was held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall, on Monday Mr. J.Thwaites, the president, in the chair. THE REMOVAL OP MIDDLE-ROW, HOLBORX. A report was presented from the Committee of Works and Improvements submitting the subjoined estimate made by the superintending architect of the probable cost of effecting I ot old materials, 800; thus giving a net cost of 40,02.:. Adderley, Charles Ar.nesiey, Hugh Archdall.M.

Baric Thomas Bathurst, A. Beach, Wm. W. Beetive, Earl Bennett, Philip Bentinck, G. W.

Bernard, T. Bernard, William Blaokbuni, Peter Eolitero, Colonel Booth, Sir R. Bottield. B. Eovill, VV.

Bramlev-Moore, J. Sir B. Bruce, Cumming Brueu, Henry Buller, Sir John Bunbury, William Bnrghlev, Lord Sir C. Garden, Sir R. Carnac, Sir J.

Cecil, Lord Child, Smith Christy, Samuel Clark, James Clive, R. W. Cobbold, John Cole, Henry A. Conollv, Thomas Cooper, E. J.

Copeland, W. T. Corry, Henry Cross, E. A. DalkeitL, Earl Darner, L.

D. Davison, Richard Disraeli. Benjamin Dobbs, C. Dod, J.W. Da Cace, C.

Dun combe, A. Duncombe, Colonel Dundas, George Du Pre, C. Geo. Dutton, R. East, Sir James Egerton, Sir P.

Egeiton, W. T. Egerton, E. C. Elphinstone, Sir J.

Elton, Sir A. Emlyn.Lord Estcourt, Thomas II, Fan. ham, Edward unless an application lor leave to issue such execution shall first have been made to the court or judge of the court in which such judgment or decree was originally obtained or recovered as aforesaid, nor Hnless it shall be shown to the satisfaction of such court er judge that the debt, damages, or costs for which such judgment or decree was obtained or recovered, or some part thereof, is still due and unsatisfied, and that no other execution for enforcing payment thereof has been issued out of the court in which such judgment or decree was registered, or that such execution was in the whole, or in part, ineffectual." Mr. CRAUFURD opposed the ameudment. The committee then divided, when there appeared For the proviso 9G Against it 1G3 Majority against the proviso 07 Mr.

AYRTON said as the clause was framed parties would be obliged to suffer the inconvenience of employing the three registrars instead of one. After a few word9 from Mr. MALINS, the clause was agreed to. Clauses aud 0 were also agreed to, with some verbal amendments. On clause 7, Mr.

ROEBUCK asked what would be done iu the event of judgment issued at Westminster being executed both in London and Dublin, and the monev paid twice over? The ATTORNEY-GENERAL for IRELAND said the court out of which the process last issued would, as a matter of course, make an order requiring the judgment creditor to pay back the raeney, with costs. After a good deal of desultory discussion, Mr. BLAND moved that the chairman report progress. Col. FRENCH complained that the Government had dealt unfairly with the Irish members.

The greater portion of those members, it was well known, were engaged in a deputation, and the Government had brought down such a body of their supporters that the few who remained had no chance whatever of carrying any proposition for the amendment of this bill. The house then resamed, and the bill was ordered to be recommitted on Thursday, June 4. BURIALS ACTS AMENDMENT BILL. This bill was read a second time. CHATHAM LANDS, BILL.

This bill went though committee. ELECTIVE FRANCHISE REGISTRATION. On the motion of Mr. T. DUNCOMBE, leave was given to bring in a bill to facilitate and afford more frequent opportunities for the registration of the elective franchise in England and Wales.

SLAVE TRADE (CUBA). Sir G. PECHELL moved for a return of her Majesty's ships and vessels employed on the coast oi Cuba for the suppression of the slave trade, from the first day of Januarv, 1854 stating the dates of their arrival on, and their departure from, their respective cruising stations, with the names of their several captains and commanders, and distinguishing steam from sailing vessels. Agreed to. CINQUE PORTS.

Mr. WILSON obtaiRed leave to bring in a bill for the amendment of the Cinque Ports Act. ASCENSION DAY. Lord R. CECIL moved that the house at its rising should adjourn un'i! Friday next.

Mr. SPOONER. I beg to av that I will oppose that motion. (Laughter.) The motion was then withdrawn. ELECTION PETITIONS.

Petitions were presented against the returns for Fins- Forester, Colonel Fcrster, Sir G. Eraser, SirW. Gallwey, Gai-d, R. S. Goddard, A.

Greer.idl, Gilbert Grav, Captain Griffith, C. D. Grogan, Edward Hamilton, Lord C. Hardy, G. Heathcote, Sir W.

Henley, Joseph Henniker, Lord Hikiyard, Robert Hill, Lord E. Hill, R. C. Hodgsoc, W. N.

J. T. Hereby, W. Thomas Hume, W.F. Ir.gestre, Lord Jermya, Earl Johnstone, H.

B. Johnstone Hope Jones, David Kendall, N. King, James Kiiigctley, R. Kuoi, Colonel Knox, William Lajogton, W. Gore Laslttt, W.

Lege, George Leslie, Charles Liddell, H. G. Lisbnrne, Earl Lockhart, A. E. Lovaine, Lord Lowther, Colonel Lowther, Captain Frederick Macartney, George Macaulav, K.

M'Clintock, J. Maiins, Manners, Lord J. March, Earl Maxwell, Colonel Miller, T. J. Miller, S.

B. Montgomery, H. Montgomery, Sir G. Mowbray, John Mullings, Joseph Newark, Viscount Newdegate, Charles Ni-bet, Robert Noel, Gerard North, Colonel Ossulston, Lord Packe, Charles Paker.ham, T. H.

Pakington, Sir J. Talmer, Robert Paull, H. Peel, General Pennant, Colonel Pevetsey, Lord Phillips, John Robertson, P. Russell. F.

W. Scott, Captain, H. Ker Shirley, E. P. Sibtborp, Major Smollett, Alexander Spooner, Richard Stafford, A.

Stanhope, Banks Steuart, A. Sturt, Henry Sturt. Charles Tbesiger, Sir F. Toliemache, John Trefusis, C. Trollope, Sir J.

Vance, John Vaasittai G. Vansittart, W. Verner, Sir W. Waddington, H. Walcott, Admiral Walpole, Spencer Walsh, Sir J.

Warren, Samuel Welby, W. E. Whiteside, James Whitmore, H. Wigraxn, Loftus Williams, T. P.

Willoughby, J. P. Wilson, A. Woodd, Basil Wortley, Major Wyndham, Genera! Wvnn, Colonel Wynn, Sir W. W.

Yo'rke, Eliot Tuxnas. Sir W. Taylor, Colonel tne weeK maicates a taveuraoie state ot the public health, tke total number of deaths being but 47. Mr. Abraham, in moving that the report be referred to I the General Purposes Committee said it was right that the public should know that the commission was doing everything in its pdwer for the purpose of putting an end to the abominable system of overcrowding, and that legal steps I were being taken to compel persons to register their houses.

A few cases were being tried with a view to see how far the powers of the commission would enable them to grapple with the existing evil. (Hear, hear). Mr. Barkly seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. GREAT CENTRAL GAS COMPANY.

The Medical Officer of Health read his quarterly i report of the illuminating power and chemical rrualitv of the gns supplied to the City by tbe Great Central Company during the past quarter, from which it appeared that the average illuminating power of the gas, as estimated at two I places widely apart, had been equal to 12.3 sperm candles, or 14 wax. This was about 10 per cent, better than was required by the Act of Parliament. The cmemical quality ef the gas was likewise satisfactory. The Court adjourned. I What shall we do with oik Criminals Yesterday afternoon, at St.

Martin's Hall, Mr. Hodgskin, whose articles in the Economist have attracted some attention, undertook to answer the now serious question, "What shall we do with our criminals In this lecture he endeavoured to point out the means of preventing crime his short answer to the questiou being, Don't create them." Mr. Hodgskin's grand specific for the prevention of crime is the influence of example and he attributed the altered character of the crimes committed, more especially the diminution of crimes attended with violence, to the change in the manners of the upper classes, among whom fighting has gone out of fashion. A considerable portion of the lecture was occupied in citing instances i of the force of example, and tbe lecturer contended that the same influence which guides the great mass of the people, male and female, to follow the fashions set bv the upper classes of society and to copy their manners, would have a similar eftect in the prevention of crime. Laws, he said, ought to be made for the good of the multitude, not solely for the protection of wealth, and among the causes of crime he mentioned the penal laws, the strict tenure of land, excessive taxation, and a State Church.

Mr. Hodgskin denounced war as aecustoming the people to bloodshed and murder; and he promised, in a subsequent lecture, to point out. more in detail how the influence of example may be applied for the prevention of crime. Xew Asylum for Fatherless Children. The anniversary dinner of the friends of this asylum was held on Tuesday evening, at the London Taern, the Right Hon' Dr.

s. Lushinaton presiding. There was attendance of the supporters of the society. After" The company had partaken of an excellent repast, the Chairman proposed '-The Health of the Queen," and alluded ver" feelingly to the proposed raarriase of the Primes Royal trusting tuat the marriage would be attended notonlv With much happiness to her royal highness and her family, but hat when she left this country she would always remember the and her otrth, and endeavour by her Zeal to disseminate the blessings which the EngJish peopleenjoved through he German The Chairman then gave" the the 'veiK e.t.bSh3 I on, Pnnwples, for the purpose of relieving fatherless children without respect to place, sex or religious distinctions, the only qualification being htf'the Thi but above the condition of the pauper The children were received at any age (from the birth i necessary), and were retained and cared for-the boys St of vUr6 -ru 'l JTr the short space noivln r-n' neen reeeiwd, and there were Snrfi the foundation.

The chairman con-ciuded by appealing to the company for renewed support. A list of -motions were then read, which amounted to up vards of 800 The proceedings of the evening were pleasantly diversified by a party of vocalists, under the able direction of Mr. Ransford. Agitation against High Pri. ls.

The inhabitants of Stockport lately organised a resistance against the high price of milk, and after an agitation of one month during which time twenty meetings were held, they succeeded in obtaining a reduction. Having thus succeeded aeainst mnk they are now trying to obtain a reduction in the price of sugar, and a number of the inhabitants have Pledged themselves to abstain from the use of sUo-ar till tho price is reduced 2d. a pound. Circulars have been issued to every town in the kingdom, calling on the people gr-nT-mlly to join ta the strike high-priced sugar. Mr.

right (Westminster) brought forward the fol-I lowing motion That as it appears from the estimate of I the superintending architect that tbe removal of Middle-row, Helborn, may be effected for a less sum than and the Committee of Works and Improvements having already recommended that it was advisable that the block of buildings called Middle-row, Holborn, should lie removed at the earliest possible opportunity, the architect and solicitor be instructed to endeavour to make conditional arrangements for the purchase of the propertv, goodwills, and other rights and interests, in order that this board may be enabled to effect the contemplated improvement wifliout the expense of going to Parliament. Tbe ultimate pur-' chase te depend on the financial arrangements with the I Government being satisfactory to this board." It was his firm conviction that it was one of the first duties of this board to open the main thoroughfares, and that Holborn was one of these was undeniable. Middle-row was not one-; half the average width of Holborn or Oxford-street and it now appeared that instead of costing 83,000, as stated bv I the deputation which appeared in support of the object ft could be effected for 40,000. i Mr. V.

Stevens seconded the motion. I Mr. Leslie thought it would be idle to attempt such an improvement without obtaining an Act of Parliament, and said that, in his opinion, the last two lines of the resolution afforded the best argument against passing it at the present moment. It would be a waste of valuable time to send the superintending architect round to the inhabitants of Middle-row, Holborn, for the purpose of endeavouring to effect the object by private necotiation. Mr.

Dalton supported the motion, considering that it would be better, if possibl to carry out the matter by private arrangemsnt. There were only 12 houses involved. Mr. H. L.

Taylor agreed with" the other meralers who had spoken in desiring to sec this improvement effected but, from his experiecce as a member of the Improvement Committee ol the corporation, he warned the board that if there was a single freeholder or tenant in possession unwilling to negotiate on reasonable terms a difficulty would arise which the board could not surmeunt without an Act of Parliament. (Hear, hear.) Such difficulties the architect would be unable to tackle with in these matters the architect was an infant who bad not begun to walk. It would be misleading the inhabitants both of Holborn and the metropolis to pass such a resolution, and he would, therefore, move as an amendment, That in the opinion of this board it is inexpedient to take measures for the removal of Middle-row, Holborn, without the aid of Parliament." Mr. Leslie seconded the amendment, which was opposed by Messrs. Doulton and Ware, and supported bv Mr.

Savage, Mr. Deputy Harrison, and Mr. DM Sanger. On being put from the chair, the amendment "was lost bv 12 to 0 after which the motion ot Mr. Wright wa aaieed to.

PAIRS. Majority 140 Upon the question that the clause stand part of the bill, Ur RT a vn cniH that as he had several amendments on J-CE. Kicg. Locke Wickham, Henry PaxroE, Sir J. M-Maton, P.

renwisk. Henry rn-se. E. P. Slaney.

A. P.iz.-e'y. Henry Martin, John Tc lleir.aehe, J. F. Sandcn, Lord Locke.

Joseph Rich. Henry Codriiigton, General Diiiwyn, Lewis Scrape. George Magaii. William Grenfeil, C. Price, William Gilpin.

C. Corhally, M. Warre, J. AGAlKsT. Moody, Ccarles Percy, Joee'iue Elaierxore, T.

Hamilton, J. H. H. J. Miles.

William Efcilv. Sir Fitzroy Stewart, Sir M. S. Mr. Kept on, George Bert-sford, William Tempest, Lord A.

Gilpin, Colonel Herbert, Colonel Morgan. Octavius Greaves, Edward Daviei. S. Joliiffe. H.

H. Wynne, W. E. Naas, Lord Lennox, Lord A. Hamilton, George oury, Lambeth, Bodmin, Dover, Wevmouth, Galwav.

'he miner to be inserted in nlace of the first 13 clauses of the and Lashel. They were ordered to be referred to i iit v.o chnnM nnn- mnr thr emission of clause 1. I the general committee of elections. Mr. AYRTON also opposed the clause.

Thf- house adjourned at five minutes to six o'clock. The committee divided, when the numbers were ItainsTit6 JS rua ta ryb sis ess this da Deer in Harness. A correspondent u( f1 signing C. who eau big no other than that othua supporter of Highland customs and tftgbisnd tue-u. Charles Forbes, of writing from the oli says: I have a very compact P011 deer-forest on ray own estate, within fourteen tntli house; and, having observed the nature tin- red perhaps the wildest of all animals, and having re." many as a dozen from their infancy as calves, shown very sociable qualities, feeding around my and some even eating oatmeal cake from my fevred with my coachman, who undertook to them, which were selected from my little hinds of three years of age), into subjection tor rhe i' of draught animals.

In about five otontbs he has sw in putting them into harness, and driving them ie wheeled pony carriage. One of them is perfect the other somewhat wilful, as many more timate draught animals have been found to he. appearing to me rather too heavy for these hinds conscience attacking me upon the subject oi -mals in consequence, I have ordered the animals stored to their native pastures. However, carried out quiet and kind treatment, exl" that, should the race of pontes become still ee our iadv charioteers handling 'he rti- nVT' to a pair of f'rric nttturte while paying their '-vnu Banffiliirc Journal. Mi K.MI.; RATION TO AtVrRALIA.

The Titan, belonging to Messrs. WiUm and White Star Line of Australian Packet', will 3 sey thi evening for Melbourne, Kf'iift very fall sargo of nereharri: HOUSE OF COMMONS. OF MOTIONS. Viscount To ask the Lord whether it is his intention to propose 3 bill on the subject of national education in Scotland. Major S.

Wortley To ask whether her Majesty's Government have considered the expediency of keeping the troops in China as much oh board ship as possible until the close- of the unhealthy eason renders field operations practicable and whether, when the troops are encamped, they ar to be supplied with 'h Indian tents. Major S. Wortley To ask whether Government would have 'anv objec ion' to appoint a board, consisting of two militarv," two naval, and one meucal ofneer, to examine and Majority for the clause 94 The clause was then agreed to. clause '2, Mr. AYRTON called attention to the terms in which the clause was drawn.

The clause was of the most untechnical character, proposing that judgment should be taken in one side of the court, and that execution should go on the other. The 11 and 12 c. 110, provided for the registration of certain judgments in Scotland, but under the bill the judgment was to follow and be of the same character as tbe proceedings under which it had been obtaiped. But this bill provided differentlv, and he certainly thoneht dat when they were practically extending the provisions of we act reierred to to other judgments not included in that Dei-l ikable Accident. A sad accident occurred on Thurriay at the Marshbrook station on the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway.

The liue passes over the turnpike road on a level, and an aged woman named Bright was in the act of crossing when an express train appeared in sight. Tiie woiiiac, who was deaf, did not hear the train, and a labourer named William ran forward to drag her out of the way. Jut as he reached the spot the train came rapidly up, and Williams and the worran he had endeavcureel to rescue were both killed. Daring Uurglaby. About one o'clock ou Friday morning last the house of Mr.

Richard Edwards, at Fox's-grecn, near Acock's-ereen, was forcibly entered bv thieves who carried off property to a considerable amount, including a note of hand for 400, drawn on Messrs. Spooner Marshalls, and deeds relative to property in Staniforth-street, and a few shillings in silver. The police have not yet succeeded in obtaining a clue to the perpetrators of the robbeiy. A reward of .00 guineas has been offered for their apprehension. Birminykam Gazette..

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