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The Morning Post du lieu suivant : London, Greater London, England • 6

The Morning Posti
London, Greater London, England
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE MORNING POST, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1856. LITERATURE. steamer. I was in the boat all the time. Heard that he was making water in the fore compartment.

I heard them pumping on board. One of the mea who came with me to Folkestone in the life-boat went out about two o'clock I in a Ingger to find the wreck, bat could not see anything of it. By the Jury The last I saw of Captain Canaey was when I left. He was standing on the poop. He was on the fore part of the poop, giving orders, when the steamer struck the ship.

THE NEW ORDER OF VALOUR. "THE VICTORIA CROSS." (From the Gazette of last night) WAR DEPARTMENT, Feb. 5. The Queen has been pleased, by an instrument under her Royal Sign Manual, of which the following is a copy, to institute and create a new naval and military decoration, to be stvlfifi And ftpaicmatoH The Victoria Cross." and to a it maKe me rules and regulations tnerein set iortn unuer which the said decoration shall be conferred. ictoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, to all to whom these nresents shall come.

greeting. Whereas we. taktner intn nur mul onnaiHoratinn that there exists no means of adequately rewarding the indivi- dual gallant services either of officer of the lower grade in our naval and military service, or of warrant and petty offieera, seamen, and marines in our navy, and neo commissioned officer and soldier in our armv and ciaga 01 our MNt Honourable Order of the Bath i limited, exeept in very rare cases, to the higher ranks of both service, and the granting of medals, both in our navy and army, is only awarded for long service or meritorious conduct, rather than 6r bravery in aetlon or ia aeuon OT distinction before an enemy, ach case, alone excepted where a general medal granted for a particular action or campaign, or a clasp added to the medal for some special engagement, in both of which ease all share equally in tke boon, and those who by their valour have particularly signalised themselves remain undistinguished from their comrade Now, for the purpose of attaining an end so desirable as that of rewarding individual instances ef merit and valour, we have instituted and created, and by these presents, for oa, onr heirs and successors, institute and create a new naval and military decoration, hir wo are desirous should be highly prized and eagerly sought after by the officers and men of our naval and military services, and are graciously pleased to make, ordain, and establish the following rules and ordinances for the government of the same, which shall from heaceforth be inviolably observed and kept Firstly. It is ordained, that the distinction shall be styled and designated "The Victoria Cross," and shall consist of stent are published Acting Assistant-Surgeon H. Rose, to be Assistant Staff-Surgeon Dated March 6, 1855-Acting Assistant-Surgeon G.

Baly, to be Assistant Staff-fcurgeon Dated April 4, 1855. No. 3. General Order No. 662, and tke Horse Guards Circular Memorandum (Anns, 6), dated Dee.

29, 1855, have been thi6 dsy distributed to regiments. No. 4. The following appointments to the Land Transport Corps are made until her Majesty's pleasure is known be Captains Quartermaster J. Baleombe, 57th Regiment; Lieutenant T.

G. B. Atkinson, 46th Regiment; Lieutenant A. Grey, 63d Regiment. To be Adjutant: Lieutenant Joseph Ashton, 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade.

To be Cornets and Adjutants Regimental Sergeant-Major "William Thompson, Land Transport Corps; Sergeant-Major Charles Sutton, 31st Regiment. To be Cornets: Colour-Sergeaot Joseph Clarke, 33d Regiment; Colour-Sergeant Michael Stapleton, 4th Regiment; Quartermaster-Sergeant Robert Davis, 82d Regiment Sergeant John Paekwood, Coldstream Guards; Sergeant Michael Cain, 49th Regimentfrom Jan. 20. No. 5.

In accordance with instructions received from the Secretary of State for War, the undermentioned Commissariat Officers will have acting rank as follows, from the 2d instant To act as Deputy Commissaries, tMicral Assistant Commissaries General H. S. Jones, E.J. M'Mabon, M. Darling, and K.

Osborn. To act as Assistant Commissaries General Deputy Assistant Commissaries General G. J. Webb, C. G.

Blane, C. Swain, R. Booth, J. H. Thomson, J.

H. Sale, A. W. Turner, A. W.

Downes, J. Marsh, G. Rennie, J.W. Murray, and J. Bailey.

To act as Deputy Assistant Commissaries General Commissariat Clerks Litchfield, S. H. Turner, A. E. Pitrie, J.

F. Manning, and R. Fanssett. No. 6.

Brevet-Major Le Couteur, Coldstream Guards, will proceed to Kertch by the first opportunity, and will act as instructor of musketry to the troops at that station under the orders of Vivian, commanding the Turkish Contingent. No. 7. Captain Tyler, Monmouthshire Militia, will continue attached to the 23d Regiment until the 29th February, 1856. No.

8. Veterinary Surgeon Stockley will, from thi date, have the care and supervision of all officers" chargers and baggage animals, as well as any public animals attached to head-quarters. He will receive an addition of Is. Gd. per diem to the allowance already granted to him.

No. 9. The allowance to farriers for shoeing the Land Transport animals permanently attached to regiments of cavalry, will be the same as for troop-horses Id. per diem for each horse or mule. Xo.

10. Leave of absence is granted, on medical certificate, to Purveyor's Clerk Adams, to 15th February, to go to the Monastery. By order. (Signed) C. A.

Windham, Chief of the Staff. MES10RAXDUM. Head-quarters, Sebastopol, Jan. 17. 1 1 is proposed to hold a horse fair in the camp on each "Wednesday, at noon, for the convenience of officers.

a MalteseCross of bronze, with our royal crest in the centre, bis own publications, Mr. Gurney has done much aad underneath which an eseroll bearing this inscription, I to raise (if we may so speak) the standard For Valour." of sermon writing and the present volume Secondly. It is ordained, that the Crow shall be sus- ay be safely recommended to the younger pended from the left breast by a blue riband for the navy, clergy as furnishing suitable models for their and by a red riband for the army. imitation. These sermons are not learned and coa- Thiidly.Itisordained.thatthenamesofthoMuponwhom troversial, but simple, earnest, practical discourses, we may be pleased to confer the decoration shall be pub- drawing frora the lessons of the Old Testament such lishedin the London Gazette, and a registry thereof kept I of exhortation and instruction as are calcu-in the office of our Secretary of State for War.

I t0 awake.n the and attention Fourthly. It ia ordained, that any one who, after having I 1 received the Cross, shall again perform an act of bravery, which if he had not received such Cross would have entitled him to it, snch further act shall be recorded by a bar attached to the riband by which the Cross is suspended, and for every additional act of bravery an additional bar may be added. Fifthly. 1 is ordained, that the Cross shall only be awarded to those officer or men who have served us in the presence of the enemy, and shall have then performed some signal act of valour, or devotion to their country The Corner" selected for this purpose is the piece of ground situated between the Bazaar (Little iladikdi) and the main read opposite the iron huts. A sergeant has been appointed to act as auctioneer.

A certificate of ownership and description is to accompany all animals sent for sale, and should bs signed by the owner or some responsible officer. The seller of each horse will receive from the auctioneer a certificate, stating the name of the purebaser and the price at which the animal has been knocked down, and this will enable him to payment. An entrance fee of one shilling will be paid to the auctioneer before any horse is put up; and, should the animal be sold, or a bid made for him, a second fee of ene shilling will be paid by the seller All animals for sale will be registered in a list previous to Sixthly. It is ordained, with a view to place all persons Collier, to whom, more than to any other a perfectly equal footing in relation to eligibility for the mentatori modern Shaksperian scholars arc ia-decoration, that neither rank, nor long service, nor wounds deDteili we cordially approve this new edition the day of auction, upon the certificate of ownership being last twelve, months on the Contingent would be sent to the auctioneer, Horse Fair, care of the Assistant thrown away, and the troops be demoralised by col-Quartermaster-General Fourth Division, and they will be Hskm witfa their faQatic bretW For these rea. put up in rotation as the names of their owners are en- jered i sons, and others which it would be prudent not to If a horse is not forthcoming in his tnrn, he will stand enter into here' 1 decidedly wish that the Contingent over until the others entered on the list have been dis- may earn its laurels in the Crimea.

posed of. During these days of peace, our principal occupa- AU animals sent for sale will be distinguished by a wisp of tion is in picking up Russian curiosities and an-hay fastened to their manes. ti ities of Q0 The first horse fair will be held next Wednesday, to x. hands of the native dealers and Tartars. The commence at noon.

Bv order. I (Signed) C. A. Windham, Chief of the Staff. PrmciPal objects sought after, I am sorry to say, sale.

1 are holy pictures, very curious in their way, but at At Division of Land Transport Corps, near Mrs. Sea- the same time slightly profane, and a pinSof of morality which does not throw a very sent out for Colonel M'Murdo and farailv. Also, an favourable light oa the Russian character. English thorough-bred horse, and one small Ar'ab. 1 We are gradually doming acclimatised to the instances I might mention, and many officers would long ago have resigned but that they found, on joining the Contingent, they must serve a year, or else refund the whole of the money advanced them, and pay their own passage.

A great number of re- situations have already been sent in to come into effect next May, when the year of service is ex- pired; and I am afraid that the next appoint-meats will be from bad to worse if possible. The 1 greatest misfortune, however, attaching to the Contingent is the arbitrary power invested in the Commander-in-Chief, viz. that he can dismiss any officer without court-martial or redress. I do not for a moment mean to insinuate that General Vivian would commit any act of injustice but, after all, mortals are fallible, and it is impossible for the head of an army to inquire into every case, with the requisite attention, to prevent abuse of power. Possibly this feeling of insecurity may be a cause for the general recklessness of the European officers but they certainly do require some excuse for their conduct.

Repeated instances of dismissal have occurred for positive crimes which, in England, would take a man to a felon's bar, but here are merely punished by cashiering, as if the other officers did not demand a higher satisfaction. Immense activity is prevailing here with reference to the -spring campaign horses are being purchased in Turkey and Hungary for the land transport, and are expected as soon as vessels can be taken up. If, however, it is really meant that we should proceed to Asia Minor, I hardly kow how it will be managed, as the water is so low in Kertch Bay that vessels of any size cannot come within more than two miles of the pier, and at the present moment we only possess one barge in the shape of an iron lighter, purchased at Constantinople for 2,200 and if we take into consideration the amount of animals and transport re quired for an Eastern army, it will be conceded that moving the Turkish Contingent is easier to speak of than to accomplish. I have not the least doubt, however, that they would prove valuable troops atea push but could not they be employed equally advantageously in the Crimea The great object of the war hitherto has been to establish troops on firm points in the Crimean littoral, where they serve both as a menace and an insult to Russia. Kaffi would be of the utmost value to us in a strategic point of view, for the whole of the peninsula of Kaffa could then be cut off, and the eastern portion of the Crimea would then be in the hands of the allies.

In Asia Minor, on the other hand, victory would, at the least, be doubtful and the campaign would be so short as for effective purposes to be useless while the experience we have obtained from Omar Pacha's difficulties teaches us the utter impossibility of wintering in Asia. Here, too, the Turks would fight well. They are full of hatred of the Russians, and under their European officers are becoming gradually civilised and tolerant. Were they, however, to be removed to Asia, where the old fanaticism and intolerance of the non-believer flourish, to the fullest extent, the labour bestowed during the Crimea, but we have had a very sharp ordeal to go through the thermometer varied in one week Russ, who keeps himself warm through the winter months by an impermeable and irremovable coating of dirt, smells comparatively sweet, and leaves no fragrant odour of old clothes and tobacco combined when he enters or quits your room? THE PENINSULAR MAIL. FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT.

SOUTHAMPTON, Tuesday. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's screw steam-ship Sultan, Captain R. W. Evans, arrived this morniDg, at three o'clock, with the usual Peninsular mail, in charge of Lieut. Herwin, R.N.

She brings 13 first class, 6 second class, and 40 deck passengers, amongst whom are George Renme Governor of the Falkland Islands, with his wife and family. The latest dates brought by the Sultan are: Gibraltar, January 29 Cadiz, 30 Lisbon, February 1 and Vigo, 2. On freight, the Sultan brings 10 packages of specie, value 3,308 also, 23 packages of sundries, 79 boxes of dates, 103 bags of orchella weed, 780 baskets of chestnuts, 65 bags of almonds, 862 half-chests of oranges, 11 tubs of leeches, 18 casks of wine, 1 75 cases of eggs, Paris Corn Market. In the Paris corn market during the past week a further fall has taken place in the price of flour. The four marks were offered at 94fr.

50c, and lastlv at 94fr. the sack of 159 kilog. The quantity at the Halle is" nearly 34,000 quintals. Wheat is also lower, the price being, for good qualities from Loraine and Burgundy, 50fr. 50e.

to 50fr. the 120 kilog. From the departments, out of 48 markets, the prices of 43 arrived with a fall. THE COLLISION AND FOUNDERING OF THE SHIP JOSEPHINE WILLIS IN THE CHANNEL. This shocking catastrophe has created the most painful interest along the coast.

The moment the intelligence was made known at Ramsgate, Margate, Folkestone, and the other places in the vicinity of the Downs, crowds of boats made off to the spot where the ill-fated Josephine Willis was reported to be on her beam-ends, for the twofold object of saving life and property but, on reaching the place, it was discovered she had gone down about nine miles 3.S.W. of Folkestone, and her topgallant yards were just above water. The sea, for several miles round, was scoured by the boats ha the hopes that some of the unfortunate creatures might be found floating on some spars or hen-coops, but none were to be observed. Yesterday, one of the partners of Messrs. Willis and the brokers, with Captain Eagles (who is connected with the owners, Messrs.

Fletcher, of Limehonse), and the chief officer of the ship, went ont in a steam-tug to the spot where the wreck lie, and several divers went down and carefully examined it. We understand they found it to be a total wreck, so great was the damage done by the steamer, and that very little doubt was entertained if any portion of her valuable cargo could be recovered. The Mangerton steamer the Teasel that run into the Josephine Willis remains at Ramsgate. She has been seized under Admiralty warrant for the loss of the ship. As yet the list of those drowned cannot be accurately made up.

As far, however, as can be gleaned, the number is between 60 and 70. CORONER'S INQUEST ON THREE OF THE SUFFERERS. FOLKESTONE, Tuesday Evening. At 10 o'eloek this morning, Mr. East, the borough coroner, opened an inquiry at the Guildhall touching the death of George Summers, aged 19, seaman a male passenger and a boy (names unknown), who perished in the wreck of the Josephine Willis.

The lad was apparently between seven and eight years of age, and his right leg had been amputated just above the knee. The proceedings excited the greatest possible interest. Mr. Irons attended to watch the evidence for the Marine Department of the Board of Trade. After the jury had viewed the bodies, the following evidence was gone into ester Clayton, chief officer of the Josephine Willis, examined The ship was on a voyage from London to Auckland.

We passed the South Foreland on Sunday evening, and at 10 minutes to eight p.m., the Folkestone pierhead lighthouse, about N. and by distant about five miles. The ship was going about seven knots. At eight p.m. a light was reported a-head.

I went forward and saw it, and then returned to the poop. I watched the light, then, from the lee-side of the poop. It was a white light. 1 soon afterwards saw the red light lower down, and shortly afterwards the green light, by which I knew the vessel a-head was a steamer. I then put the helm a starboard.

While standing on the poop, I kept her green light open. In about three minutes after I had put the helm a starboard, the steamer struck us just before the main rigging on the starboard side. She came bow upon us. She was a screw-steamer. Just as the steamer was striking us, the captain of the Josephine Willis came on deck and took the command, and I obeyed bis orders.

We had courses, topsails, topgallant sails and flying-gib set. After we were struck we endeavoured to haul the mainsail up, but our vessel filled so fast that we had not time to do it. When we found the steamer was nearing us, two or three men forward, and I from the poop, hailed her as loud as we were able, but the steamer must have ported her helm, or, I believe, we should have gone clear of her. Soon after having struck us, the engines of the steamer were reversed, and she backed off. There was a nice fresh breeze It was clear overhead, but rather hazy on the water.

We all did the best we could to get the boats down to endeavour to save the passengers. We had four boats. The starboard boat was stove in lowering, but some persons were taken in her to tbe steamer. The life boat was capable of taking 40 persons in her, but there was no time to get them into her, as ten minutes after being struck the vessel heeled over to the port side. By the Coroner I think Mr.

and Mrs. Ray were taken in the starboard boat. Most of tbe passengers had turned in. We had about 60 passengers, and a crew of 40. Coroner Did the steamer remain by the ship Witness She backed astern out of the ship, and went astern about half a mile.

After she had been on her beam -egds I got up into the rigging, and a boat came and took me off. 25 altogether were taken on board thesteamer, chiefly the crew. I know those five passengers. One boat came from the steamer the life-boat conveyed some passengers. Most of the passengers were below; they comprised men, women, and children.

By the Jury I kept the steamer's green light open, but when they ported they shut it out again just before she struck ns. John Sheen, a seaman, said About twenty minutes or a quarter to eight I first saw a light a-head. I saw the Folkestone pierhead light also. I should say we were six or seven miles off. When I first saw the white light it was right a-head.

I reported it to the chief mate who came forward. The second mate followed him. I soon afterwards saw the green light, and then the red light, and I knew it then to be a steamer. She was approaching us rapidly, and our helm was put a-starboard. We called out to the steamer as loud as we could.

We did ot see any person on the bridge or on the forecastle of the steamer on the look-out. To the Coroner Thesteamer pat her helm a-port the wrong way, and came into us. We were struck on the forepart of the main rigging en the starboard side. I do not exactly know whether the steamer's engines were going when she struck us, but I rather think they were. She was into us a minute or so before she backed astern out of the ship.

The first person I saw on the steamer was a man who came on tbe forecastle with a lantern. That was after we were struck. I can't tell how far the steamer was off when I first saw the light. I noticed it, perhaps, a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes before we were struck. wye hailing the steamer two minutes, and there was ample time for her to have cleared us if there had bee any person on the look-out, and had heard our cries.

To the Coroner I could see a maa on the look-out en such a night three or four ship's lengths. 1 1 was starlight. After the steam-boat came into the ship, all hands who were on the forecastle went aft to clear the starboard boat away. We put two female passengers, two male passengers, and some four or five boys into the boat, but she got stove in being lowered, and we removed the passengers into the port life-boat. There were three of the ship's company in the boat, and she was row ed to the steamer, which was about a mile and-a-half to the eastward of the ship.

Ours was the first boat that reached the steamer. Our second mate, who was in the boat, said to the captain, Are you going to render any assistance to the ship." The captain replied, Yes, I have got a boat alongside, with two hands in her." The mate said, "Two hands are no use; they could save no lives." The boat, however, went to the ship, and saved the chief mate, four or five passengers, and the carpenter, and I think two of the ship's company. We all asked the captain of the steamer If he was going back with the steamer but he did not do so, and still allowed her to drift up with the tide. She was not steaming. I did not go on board the steamer.

When I asked the captain to go back, he said he must first lighten his vessel forward and pump the ship. After we put the passengers on board from the life-boat I heard an order given for her to go a-head, which she did slowly. The steamer did not come back. We asked him to put back several times, and he seemed annoyed at ns, and used bad language. We were about an hour alongside the ship in the life-boat, and when a lugger came up, they told us to go back with them and save life.

Coroner But why stay se long with the steamer? WThy did you not go back and endeavour to save more lives Witness Because the captain of the steamer told us. not to go back until lie could take his steamer with us. The steamer gave us a line, and towed us to the eastward away from the ship. We then saw a white light, which was on board a Deal boat. The steamer then stopped, and sent up some rockets.

Some men then came from the Deal boat, and one of the hands went on board the steamer. Tliey requested us to go to their large boat, and that she would tow us to our ship. The lugger was some distance off. went to tbe lugger, and they then said that we were too big, and that they would not tow us there. I then hailed the steam-boat.

I just heard a voice from the steamer, but I could not make out what it was. The four of us in the boat pulled towards the steamer for ten minutes, bat we could not overtake her, and we therefore conclude she was under steam. She went away from us. We then pulled towards Folkestone light. We could just see them.

We got to the harbour at half-past 11. Corouer Did you not go back to the wreck Witness We did not knew where she was. We had gone away from her. Coroner Did you see anything the matter with the steamer to prevent her going back Witness I did not. They were shifting the cargo from the fore compartmeut, aft.

When we left the steamer we must have been some four or five miles from the wreck. We had drifted with the tide. I did net go on board the Hlttory of Christian Churches and Sects, fro Earliest Art of Christianitu. Rv tk 1 m. 'Vfaretan Vf A inonmKsnt nf Hi Ti a jucv.

1 -f ii. ll ii- Bn uiiugiiam, auuiur mc xiisiory Ot the 1 and Later Puritans," In two vols p.ur Bentley. 'ctUrl This is a rery useful book of referent i (rives a hrif nt vprv ramnnrphonaivA hut verv comnrehnuva I 't wwir Oftk. i and d13tlnctlTe doct nnes of the Vario Christian churches and sects, arranged in i orden Great credit due tQMr V'Pk- for tne ,,9 which he has bestowed upon intpr-tmr mmnilatinn in VUjeiV iuc uiscussiuu ui cuuu uveisiai points, aad himwlf tn a imnl( atatmipnt nf uer 1 doubt that this; dictionary of ecclesiastical higt 1 will find its way into -very general circulatin The want of a work of this kind has bee lonS felt 5 and nobody could have executed the task I wtn greater diligence, accuracy, and judgment tha Mr. Marsden haa evinced.

The titles are 44 importance into which the Christian world has be divided, from the Church of Home to the Shot, en 5 I IT "aKeri rS" a li' and a copious index affords the utmost t'arii; A reference to any part of the work. Sermons, chiefly on Old Testament Historie Texts in the Sundau Lessons. Bv Jr? Texts in the Simday Lessons. By John Hamnd Gurney, 31. rector of St.

Mary's, MaryleiSJ Mr. Gurney, in bis preface to this volume of excel lent sermons, joins in the too just and too eneral complaint that in our churches sermons very 0fte are not what they ought to be in respect of iuternal i ca.w numiwiiun ucuuit wmt. aBd he 8Ugge9ts wih g001 reason, that every can. ordination should be required to write I decently gd sermon, as an essentia part of that aptness for teaching, without which the bUhon ought not to admit, and professes not to ir.i i U- mit, any one to Holy Orders. The subject is one of great importance, andrve are glad that to able and active a minister of the Church should have drawn special attention to if for home services and we are satisfied that many heads of families will acknowledge the value of such an addition to the religious literature of the day.

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspere. The text carefully revised, with notes, hv Samuel W. Singer, F.S.A. The Life of the Pott, and Critical Essays on the Plays, by William Watkira Lloyd, M.R.S.L. Loudon Bell and Dalbv.

In all respects, excepting only his censure of ilr ot Air. binger Shakspere. The old authentic copies have been carefully collated, and it has been the object of the editor to suggest such emendations and explanations as an attentive and mature consideration of the corrupt and obseuie passages, taken with the context, seemed to indicate. At the same time he has sedulously avoided the too common error of encumbering the volume with li glosses," idle speculations, or frivolous conjectures, and in man' cases several pages of excursive discussion have been condensed into a few lines. The consequeace is, a brief and sensible commentary, which, without hurting the eyes of the reader xim the glare of a hundred flaunting flambeaux, just throws enough of light upon the page to enable him to Perceive at a glance the true, or, at all events, the most prooable meaning of the author.

The critical netices by Mr. Lloyd display a sound judgment and a refined taste, and the biography of Shakspere a well written and lucidly arranged. THE STEAM-SHIP 3ELGIQUE. SOUTHAMPTON, Feb. The Belgian royal mail 9teara-ship Belgi'iue, Captain Tack, which left this port for New York on the lith aud returned a short time since, having received as was stated) considerable damage, was placed in the "Tarins dock yesterday morning to be thoroughly examined, ia order to ascertain what actual damage had been received, The following is the report of the surveyors Ia compliance with youv request, we this day surveyed BeIfficlueJ steam-ship, in the drv dock at this port, and Whwe rePor' 33 Wc thoroughly examined the hull of the ship, and the only leak of importance we could discover was before the stem post, before the garboani strakes and the keei, wak-e of tlie an8Ie iron Pce there to increase the SSif-S Sfi tne.butts and rivets, more particularly in the midslups, slightly disturbed, and the topside of the ship, near to lie ports, exhibited symptoms of working, The mainmast haa settled down inconsequence of a wane oi strength that part which supports ic "ri'ii.

1 The port boiler has received dam aire in tbe furnaces, caused by the plate having beea overheated. One of the blades of the screw propeller is cracked, and some of the nu's and screws at the end of the steam- pipe are torn off or damaged. This raav have been caused by the screw having caught a hawser while it was id motiou, iu consequence of the symptoms ot working betore beg to recommend that the cargo ports should be entirely closed and plated op, to correspond with the rest oi the ships' sides, and that all loose rivets should be cat out mA replaced and butts of plates examined aad cauiked "We also recommend, in order to remove all doubt to the strength of the vessel, that she should be fitted with an 'ron stringer, wrought on each side between the main d. extending, at least, three-fourths of wii i and lower edge, and fastened to a reverse aole iron of i ench tlie frames- and put in jrood order, and wash-plates fitted on each side 1 under tbe floor-plates of engine-room, to prevent them being washed up also, that the hold and twixt deck pPlar3 be ProPer'y secured at top aad bottom to the beams; the step of mainmast should also be more securely tasteaeJ and supported on the top of the tunnel. I Tle furnaces of the defective boiier must be repaired aBd soade and the cracked blade of the prope.i" efficiently repaired.

Having given a general outline of the principal detects which have been detected, things of minor iraportanc arise during the progress of the work. We are, geatiemeB your obedient servants, (Signed) "Johx Ronalds, G. P. Rcbie, Shipwright Surveyors to the Board of tra- W. A.

Sl huers, Engineer and Iron-ship Builder. The repairs will be immediately commenced, and expected that, in a few weeks, she will be qui" ready sea. A Stbaxge Scheme to Pann rk 1 he ournal du Loiret relates the followingstrange hand 3 a damSl "i Sdhi band "A young lady, pretty and well educated. in the arrondisement of Pithiviens. has conceived the We to be ow u-- nf Hoiriia luim oVfi! was rv were yard on the 24th ult.

made, but no tWinVof ttSlSIS tha -'l I i tc the when it nucn ii was louna unuer a quantity oi appears to have been blown unon it from a stac teeding. The animal was uninjured. Ipsteich BP Adulteration. A tradesman named it may be remembered, sentenced by the Tribunal oi lo rectional Police to six months' imprisonment and aW for having adulterated with sulphuric acid a specV honor which he had been authorised to fabricate as a stitnte for wine and beer. On Saturday, tbe man Wf" against the condemnation to tke Imperial Court, and tended that he bad only made use of the sulphuric acid I wa" experiment but the Court confirmed Aucnuieu.

oui ine court counrmeu ru. merit, increased the fine to and ordered three of the judgment to be placarded at the expense of the pe mem, increased the fie fauiiuemneu. Uulignam. nrt Cetstal Paiace. The total number of vusiw ta the week ending Saturday, Feb.

2, was receipt, 198 19s. Gd. MS By the Coroner neara mm give orders to haul up the mainsail, but which could not be done, as the steamer was over it. He also gave orders to the chief mate to clear away the boats. Captain Richard Bourcbier, master of the Mangerton, screw steamer, deposed On Sunday eveniug my vessel i was off Folkestone at 7.45, about six or seven miles from the shore.

The weather was fine a little hazy. Wind 8.E. by E. We were steaming at the rate ef eight knots an hoar. Had no sail up.

By the Coroner Tbe boatswain was on deck along with his watch. It was my watch, but I had gone down into the cabin to look at the chart. There were five on deck. While I was below I heard the boatswain call out, Port the helm." I and the mate thenjboth ran up on deck, and I saw a vessel on our port bow. She was about a ship's length from us.

Our helm was still ported. I saw a vessel's head standing across our bow. I gave orders directly to atop the engines, and afterward to back her. We came in collision after the engines were stopped and it was after we 'truck I directed them to back astern. I ran on to tbe forecastle of onr vessel to see what damage was done.

I had no light with me. I saw the ship was very much injured, and i ordered our boats to be got ready to go to her. By the Coroner How long did you baag oa to the ship Witness About ten minutes. We had to baek at full power to get dear of the ship. We had four boats, and I ordered all of them to be lowered.

We had backed her out, and then turned a-head and came under th stern of the i vessel. Our quarter-boat then went off and brought some passeng ers, but I cannot say hew many. Onr veaael stayed i alongside her for three hours. On going down below I found my vessel close to the water's edge, and water was I coming in to the fore compartment. I then ordered the blankets and mattresses belonging to my crew to be shoved into the bow to atop the leak and also the squaresail of the ship.

It did not stop tbe leak the water kept going upon ns. Our vessel is built in four compartmen's. 1 By the Coroner What did yoa see of the ship all this time Witness We kept by her, and the last we saw of her i was about 10 o'clock. We were drifting, and could not use onr engines, as we were settling down at the bead, and i the pumps would not keep her free without the engine pumps. When I last saw the ship, at 10 o'eloek, I could distinguish her masts, at which time we might have a mile or a mile and a half to the eastward of her.

I Coroner When were yon able to use your engines Witness Not until 11 o'clock, when we had got the ship lightened forward, by shifting the cargo aft. We'aad 23 of the ship's company and nine of the passengers, 32 in all. I had 25 in my crew, and 34 passengers. When we got the eogiaes to work we kept close inshore, as we were ap-; prehensive of the vessel sinking. I burnt a blue light and rockets, which brought a Deal boat to me, and I di-I rected her to go in the direction of the ship with the ship's own life-boat.

I believe three of my boats went to the wreck. I sent four hands in a boat. I also sent another boat with two hands. We steamed up quite close to Deal, and rit into Ramsgate harbour. I was fearful of my vessel sinking through the compartment bursting.

I am sure tbe boatswain and watch were on deck when I came upon deck. I was below three or four minutes to take my courses for the Downs. When I placed the man on tbe forecastle, I cautioned him to keep a good look-out. He I wa never called off. Whfle I wasbelowall tbe cry I heard was Port the helm." When I came on deck I did not hear any cry from the hip.

My reason for not returning te the wreck was in consequence of my being afraid that my vessel would sink. 1 would have run into Dover, but there was not sufficient water for me. By the Foreman I should think that I could see a vessel I on such a night- as that about a mile off. I have had this vessel six months, but I have commanded other vessels seven years. I had been down below about five minutes when I heard the boatswain call ont Fort the helm." Peter Patterson, boatswain on board the Mangerton steamer, was next examined.

Having also been cautioned by the coroner, he said I was on the watch on Suu-j day evening from six to eight o'clock. The captain went below about a qusrter to eight o'clock, and i left me in charge of the deck. He told me to keep a look-out after the ship. I was on the bridge when he went below there was another man with me, two men at 1 the wheel, and a hand on the forecastle, i By the Coroner All these men were on deck from the time the captain went below till tbe accident occurred. I saw a vessel approaching shortly after the captain went below.

I first saw the light it was about a point and a half on the port bow. I then lost sight of the light, the weather being hazy, I thought it obscured. I did not see the light again until I made out the ship. 1 Coroner How far was she distant i Witness About a mile off. Coroner Did you alter your course when ycu saw her a mile off? Witness Yes, I ordered the helm to be ported to go clear of her, but I found the other vessel approaching and her helm starboard, and I directed our helm to be put hard I a-port.

I ordered the engines to be stopped, and sejdid the captain. When the ship was coming across our bows I did not hear the persons hailing from the sbip. Tbe ships came in contact immediately. The engines were stopped before i they came in collision. By the Foreman We struck the ship on the starboard side.

Wheu we ported the ship starboarded. The ship got too close to us for our helm to be starboarded. Mr. Henry Grey Ray wasnext called I was a passenger on board the Josephine Willis. On Sunday evening I was on deck about eight o'clock wheu I heard a man report a light on the starboard bow.

I saw the light it was a white light. I then saw a red light, and, about a minute after, a green light. Coroner Did yon hear any order given on board the shiD when the lisht was saen Witness Yes. I heard the order given to luff. I can't say decidedly who gave the order there were two officers on" deck.

I was on the poop. When the light wasreported a-head I looked for the Josephine Willis' light, and I could see the reflection of it on the bowspiit. I left the ship in one of the biats with my wife, another female, doctor, second mate, Smith, and two or three others. I Coroner How long before the collision took place did you hear any bailing from your ship Witness About a toinnte and a-half. Tbe vessels came in contact about four or five minutes after.

I first saw the steamers lights. The captain of the Josephine, Willis, behaved admirably, cool, I and collected, in giving his orders, but the confusion was so I great that they could not be attended to. He directed the mainsail to be hauled up, and the passengers to come up I i from below and go aft. Coroner Wa9 the steamer long about the ship Witness Perhaps about five minutes, or it might be a lit'le longer, We were about half an boor getting to the steamer, and I 1 asked the captain as to whether he considered the ship in a sinking state. He said that be must remove some of the cargo off from the forehold, and I went below to assist.

The life-boat remained alongside, for some time. I should state that the boat in question which I left was in a leak.v, sinking condition, and when I about 200 yards from the stream we bailed the life-boat, i and put tbe ladies into her, and then got in ourselves and I towed our boat after us. After I got on board the steamer, and while the life-boat was alongside, I asked tbe boatswain of the Josephine Willis why he did not go back to the wreck with the life-boat, and endeavour to save some of the passengers, lie replied that he was afraid of his boat being drawn down by the sinking of tbe ship. He also said that he thought the steamer was in a sinking state, and that he ought to stay by to render assistance to those on board. I said, if that is 'the case, there will be a rush, and asked him to pass his boat astern, and put a rope over the stern for the people to escape by.

By the Coroner I heard the cries of some of those on I I the wreck as late as 11 o'clock. (They were seven passen- i gers who had taken to the rigging of the top-gallant varus. I and were rescued by lugger which landed them at i Deal.) The captain of thesteamer gave his orders in a cool and collected manner. i At this stage of the proceedings it was proposed to ad-I journ the inquiry, in order to procure the evidence of the passengers hat was accordingly agreed upon, and the investigation was adjourned for a week. Several other bodies of the passengers have been washed ashore at Walmer.

State of the Manufacturing Districts. I There continues to be a good deal of excitement in tbe I worsted districts, and more is perhaps doing at the present moment than can be expected to last. The manufacturers are even a little afraid of present appearances; for they have been so Ion? without- nmtita tkr a hope for another time to come like 1849 or 1850. But thev should remember that it is some time now since the good Umes left them; and that trade was never always bad. That within their memories there have been good and bad times at least within seven years, and that, as the cycle may be expected to be shorter, consequent on the increase o'f machinery, so the time must be arriving now about when not only the worst must be past, but when the best will come again.

The present tendency to rise in the price of wool will only check consumption and keep it as free, as it ever may be kept, from speculation but when more wool comes into the market, so as to give the manufacturers a greater command of raw material, the effect may be instantaneous. Certainly, if we go to war with America, our local trade will suffer iramenselv for whilst our general exports to the United States, including California, in 1853 were of the declared value of our exports of cun corsposed 4,273,123 of that sum, and of woollens 4,750.731 and, although all these figures fell in 1854, yet it would still be of the utmost consequence to our textile interests, if they were either stopped or materially dimi-mshed. But we have better faith in the good sense of both nations for it can be no light matter to either country to destroy such interests as exist between us and America: and they who speak the same language and own a common religion, will be hardly persuaded to go to war again, about a mere matter of punctilio, which, after all, amounts to nothing. The woollen districts are not much better era-ployed than they were last week. They have, in fact a very wide mouth and require a deal of feeding.

But orders become divided and sub-divided, and thus employment is averaged. If it were not for this cause, there are districts wlucb, from local sources alone, would only be working two days a week. Provisions are happily lower and lowering, those of our readers who have noticed our expectations will have seen that this wis predicted in Novomber last We wish the millers would lower flour with the fall in corn .7 5 very Paten, bt that patience should not be too severely tried. The millers should remember that these are days of limited liability, and flour mills are springing up on that principle, and will snrine up, unless they go with the times'and give us eheapTSS as soon as corn JowersAeafe Intelligencer THE TURKISH CONTINGENT. nor any other cireumstaace or condition whatsoever, save the merit of conspicuous bravery, shall be held to establish a sufficient claim to the honour.

Seventhly. It is ordained, that the decoration may be conferred on the spot where the act to be rewarded by the grant of such decoraUon has been performed, under the following circumstances: I. When the fleet or army, ia which such act has been performed, is under the eye and command of au admiral or general officer commanding the forces. II. Where the naval or military force is under the eve and command of an admiral or commodore eommandine a squadron or detached naval force, or of a general com- mauding a corp, or division, or brigade, on a distinct and detached service, when such admiral, commodore, or cene-al officer shall have the power of conferrinir the decoration the spot, subject to confirmation by us.

Eighthly. It is ordained, where such act shall not have been performed in sight of a commanding officer as aforesaid, then the claimant for the honour shall prove the act to the satisfaction of the captain or officer commanding his ship, or to the officer commanding the regiment to which the claimant belongs, aud such captain or such commanding officer shall report the same, through the usual channel, to the admiral or commodore commanding the force employed on the service, or to the officer commanding the forces in the field, who shall call for such description and attestation of the act as he may think requisite, and on approval shall recommend the grant of the decoration. Ninthly. It is ordained, that every person selected for the Cross, under rule seven, shall be publicly decorated before the naval or military force or bodv to which he be- u- li. i.

longs, and with which the act of bravery for which he ia to be rewarded shall have been performed, and his name shall be recorded in a general order, together with the cause of his especial' dUtinction. Tenthly. It is ordained, that every person selected under rule eight shall receive his decoration as soon as possible and his name shall likewise appear in a seneral onW aknva Mnniwil such rnpr nrHer tn ha .1 1 wv.w raucu me uavai or military commander of the forces employed on the service. Eleventhly. It is ordained, that the general orders above referred to shall from time to time be transmitted to oar oeeretaryoi aiaie ior war, 10 dc laid Deiore us, and shall be by him registered.

Twelfthly. It is ordained, that as cases may arise not fall- aiioc uui ing within the rules above specified, or in which a claim, though well founded, may not have been established on the spot, we will, on the joint submission of our Secretary of State for War and of our Commander-in-Chief of onr armv ui imr army, or on that of our Lord High Admiral or Lords Coramis- sioners of the Admiralty in the case of the navy, confer the decoration, but never without conclusive proof of the per- formance of the act of bravery for which the claim is made. Thirteenthly. It is ordained that, in the event of a gal- lant and daring act having been performed by a squadron ship's company, a detached body of seamen and marines' Vn-' lnanaes not under oO tn number, or by a brigade, regiment, troop, or company, in which the admiral, general, or other officer commanding uch forces, mav deem that all are eouallv hp. rfi.nricka.i ,1 f1uau-v brave and distinguished, and that no special selection can be made by them, then, in such case, the admiral, general, or other officer commanding, mav direct that for anv such body of seamen or marines, or for every troop or company of soldiers, one officer shall be selected by the officers engaged for the decoration and in like manner one petty officer or non-coamiasioned officer shall be selected by the petty officers and non-commissioned officers engaged; and two sea-men or private soldier or marines shall be selected by the 1 seamen, or private soldiers, or marines, engaged respectively, for the decoration and the names of those selected shall be transmitted by the senior officer in command of the naval force, brigade, regiment, troop, or company, to the admiral or general officer commanding, who shall in due manner confer the decoration, as if the acts were done under his own eye.

Fourteenths. It ia ordained that every warrant officer warrast omcer, petty officer, seaman, or marine, or non-commissioned each additional bar conferred unrior i orncer, or soiaier, wno snail have received the CWq from the date of the act bv which the decoration ko' i 1 eighty degrees, and the weather, when I last wrote, from orp. own correspondent. I so warm and pleasant, soon gave way to icy easterly KERTCH, Jan. 18.

winds, and dense snow. After some days of this For the last eight or nine days we have heard agreeable trial, the thaw set in again with its accus-nothing of the Russians, and, as a natural conse- tomed severity, and we are once more knee deep in quence, the Turkish Contingent has grown exces- mua- We cannot, however, console ourselves with siveiy pugnacious officers, who formerly were satis- I the reflection that the winter is over, or our hard-fied with the taking of Arabat and Kaffa as the sniPs Past for a worthy Russian recently informed result of the next summefs campaign, now talk of me as I drank a glass of coffee flavoured with lemon nothing less than retrieving the honour of our arms at n's house, that the real winter never sets in before in Asia Minor by the recapture of Kars, and the tne 20tn January, when the easterly winds blow so utter annihilation of the Russian power in the as to De a There is nothing up to the present Caucasus. For my own part, I find it difficult to indicate such a change, but it is as well to he pre-to extract any great amount of truth from the pared, for the proverbial variability of English various rumours flying about but I think I weather is mere child's play to what we experience miy say with safety that the present idea en- here. tertained by our magnates is, that two divi- IQ m7 I181 1 tQld you of the expected attack, and sions of French and one of English from Se- tne rejoicings of the Russians in the town. I have bastopol will be attached to the Contingent (ad- i learned since that they were reckoning without their mire the modesty of the notion), and then pro- host, for arrangements had been quietly made, on ceed to Asia.

If such be the case, what will the enemy advancing, to take them all prisoners, become of Kertch I am sure that the whole ad carry them on board the vessels in the bay. of the Contingent is not strong enough to they are wofuliy crestfallen, and drown their attempt any offensive measure in the Crimea with- sorrows in vodka, which is their universal applica-out the assistance of a naval armament, and I can tin either in joy or grief. Indeed no language can hardly think that the preference would be given be too strong to depict the character of the lower them, and English or French troops left to pine in strata of Russian society the immorality and de-inglorious inactivity in this out-of-the-way nook. bauchery prevalent among them almost exceed Equally certain is it that Kertch cannot be given up belief. In all these points the Turk is indubitably again at a moment's notice, for stores have been ac- I superior but still I have one question I should like cumulated here during the last month in a manner to hear solved by some learned member of an ethno-perfectly regardless of expense.

We have enough graphical society. Why is it that Bono Johnny, blankets to last us, on a moderate ratio, for five who is always performing his ablations, smells so years, aad other articles in equally gigantic and confoundedly, and is so disgustingly dirty, while the 01 putting nerself up to lottery. There are each, and to the fortunate winner she will zi iuiu uu suca warrant umj iuem iu jijf or petty officers, or non-commissioned officers or m.n I mav tnink wil1 suit Ker, and in order to ascertain -shall carry with it an additional pension of 5 ner annZ i K-V a conversation with eachj rrr. .11 1 01 per annum, cant. There is no hmit of age reposed, but more tuaD Fifteenthly.

In order to make such additional provision ticket may be taken by one The lottery as shall effectually preserve pure this most honourable dia- drawuon the 25111 November next, at the mairie at P'thivf7v' tinetion, it is ordained that, if mrin 1 19 tbat a nunber of Englishmen have airei h.n i I 0n snch become purchasers, and applications are coming in a'' distinction shall be conferred be convicted of treason, quarters The whole account secerns to come ander ti cowardice, felony, or of any infamous crime, or if he be category of what is called a canard. accused of any sueh offence, and doth not after a reasonable Circumstance. A colt, the generous proportions. It' appears to me as if the Quartermaster-General of the Army at Sebastopol was very cleverly getting rid of his surplus stores by pushing them on to the Contingent, which has so bad a name already that any new display of folly on the part of its managers would not cause the slightest surprise. It is deplorable to find, in truth, that the warnings already received have not been in the slightest degree attended to, but the same reckless extravagance still forms the rule, and not the exception.

At the same time, too, they screw at the tap while they let out at the bung, as the following instance may serve to chow An unfortunate quartermaster, of the Land Transport Corps, landed in September at Fort Paul, and was immediately placed in charge of stores on the beach. He remained for three days in the pouring rain, without shelter, food, or other covering than the light summer clothing in which he had left England. As a natural consequence, he caught a fearful cold and ague, which rendered him a cripple for life. His reward was, that he recently received orders to appear before a medical board, pronounced unfit for duty, and ordered home, being paid up to the day of departure. The worst remains to be told he was provided with a passage on board a small transport steamer, affording no accommodation, and was absolutely compelled to pay the steward 20 fo leave to sleep in his berth.

Thus, then, he returns to England, probably disabled for life, gets no pension or half-pay for such were our conditions on leaving and will have had the glorious satisfaction of doing all this for a service which ii generally despised and ridiculed. There are other mmseii to oe tried fer the same, his name the individuals upon whom the said decoration shall have been conferred, f.nnf.mH au especial warrant under our Royal Sign Manual, and the pension conferred under rule fourteen shall cease and determine from the date of such warrant. It is hereby further declared that we, our heir and successors, shall be the sole judges of the circumstances demanding snch expulsion moreover, we shall at all times have power to restore such person as may at any time have been expelled, both to the enjoyment of tke decoration and pension. rjIvaT. a I Tl 1 i TrJ-lTriSSS 1019 lwe.nty reifpi, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight --j year or our u.uuuU UU III I -MJl.

By her Majesty's command, (Signed) PANMURE. To our Principal Secretary of State for War..

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