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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rr.AIM.Q nv romrp fry Ai rat" of the CommittM appointed by tht ihiiiuiii wii, wiiii luu power to collect and fumtth evidence In relstion lo our clsims, nd to confer with the Government of the U. State on a fill In fkil.inf anil i 1 i tip iiij iim measure a they mrry believe conducive to tht Interest of the Clairswile it WS Rolved. That ihe claimante be requested to rnd (tctemantof thoirrltimi to the Secretary, No. 46 Wall in order to enable the Committee lo carry Into effect nux.iin nai.

aIIK.n, (Signed) PHBERVt'DF18H. Chairman Joscrit Bi.ttnf, Secretary. nl8 Im MR. ARNOLD, Surgeon Dentist, Member of tbe Rnjral College nf Surgeons, London, (late assist ant to Mr. Newton, Vssey ureal.) announce to the pub lie that his Office ia No.

195 Fulton (treat. North River aww. ramrs ot attwirtance trnm to o'clock. 1f RS. M.

PADDOCK'S MILLINERY DRESS aV MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, removed from No. 168 to 1 If Fulton atreet, four duori below Nassau atrael. o26fim fTIEN DOLLARS REWARD. Sudenfromlheuo A per entry nf hoiuie No. 7 1 Varick at.

on the evening nf the 3d, between 5 anal 6 o'clock, one blue cloth cloak. trimmed in front with blue black velvet, fur collar and tussnl, quite new one Spanish do, very large and full, with clasp in fnint of lilver with lion heada, and a very (mail rape; one fine hlnck heaver hat, made by Ilailet; one do, quite new, made by Bloomer. The above re ward will be given for the recovery ol the articlea on ap. plication to 76 Wall street. d4 AiN'l'fcD, a whiU) American woman, lo du the homework of a small tumily.

Apply at SI Liberty at. n'J "AIT ANTED, a aiore in Kruadway, at a moderate rent not higher up than the Hospital. Apply 1 i f.l inn iiimirn. U3 VCTAN'FED In a nourishing lemale academy, at tytsinngion, six mile I ram Natchz. Judy to teach mnain and dratvine.

Apply personally, or by nnteto Joseph Iloxie, No. 83 William atreet, corner of Maiden lane. 10 tf ANTED a ainart active lad, an apprentice lo a layinr. Appty at an. 3a John timet, nmf IjlURNISlIED Apartniema to Lei for the Winter A altting room and bed mom communicating with each other, well furnished, and aniiable for a finale jannemsn.

uppiv at xvit lirnnnwav. nl Tl 0 RDINU. A gentleman and hu wile, and three JLp i. le jam lemen, can be accommodated with board st So. 1 12 Fullmi alreet.

dllf WANl'ED, a person ol genteel addreu kxolhut aubacribera to new publication. None hnt those who can be well rertammended will be treated with. Arrival Mesn. Cirvills. 108 Broadway.

n24 I BURNISHED ROOMS To let, in a privaie fami ly, a bed room and sitting room.eommunicating with sack other well furnished and auitable for a 'ingle gentle, run. Applv at 1371 Broadway. d4 MONEY TO LOAM f.Hii), 2,000, $3,000. 1 OtO. and several ot rims, on real sstat.

Apply at 74 N'astau itreet. sis 1 il Iv sr nit is I'ltiun tj 1. 1.. i v.ini uu, tr) iuiuuiv isle, near tbe al. Apply at 106 Pearl Street n'JI ILLIAMS dr.

Allornersnealiyeieeuteo withnenpntch. nil fllO CAPITALId IS 0 00(1 waiiud tor a nn of J. yeara at pr payohlo quarterly npmi real eiale in this city, estimated to be worth above $40,000. Tlie title inlupiitabl. and the ioieml will be punctually paid.

Enquire nf John L. James L. Graham, reuntellors at Law. 143 Fullon mreet. n4 tf HAIIE uhncnbera have lorined a i oiiiii imn in bui J.

neaa. a Atlornir at Ijiw and Solicitors in Chancery, undor the firm if Blwher At Henry, office 57 tittte street. Albany, 6th Nov. armam blef.cker. n7tf PETER ETC IN HENKY.

MKKCiUNTS' HANK DIVIDEND is hereby tiven lli stockholders of Ihe Merchants Bank that a dividend of three per cent, or one dollar uud fifty rent on each share, for the last sii months, has this day been declared, and ill be pnid al the Hunk on Tiie av, the 1st December ueil. Hv order of the Board of Directors. WALTER MEAD. Im Cnhier. IVIDKM) Tk' Mutual limuiaurt Company of thtcitu ofXtm 1 ark The President and Direc tors hive this duT declared a dividend of three and one lislf per ennt on the capital stork for tbe laM six months e.ximp 31t ul' imo, payable tn the stockholders or their li tal reprasefilativeii on and after the 11 day of Decern M.ueit,ajjbjnrt to a deduction often per rent to meet iheitateUi.

Thetranifer book will closed until the 1st D. ember next. A. B. McDONALD, Secretary.

5ewYork.2IstNov. 182B. n21 lm VMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY The Board of Direrlun have this day declared a Dii riend of twenty per cent, ou the Capital Stock for 1 1 he lul ij( months, payable on or alter the first day of De mb neit. By oidcr, P. HAYT, Sec'v.

10, 18. nlO "I The coparliien.hip heretofore ex idling between N. G. Fitch and Edwin Law rence, dl'Fki'hing, Klund, under the linn of Fitch At Lawrence, is from and al'u lhi day dilved. The debts duehy said firm will be settled by Edwin whom all debit owing to said firm will be paid, he tlnna being authorized to receive Ihe same, and settle It ilfain of said firm.

New York. Dee. 10th, 182a. N. G.

FITCH. dll6i EDWIN LAWRENCE. moTHOSE WHO STUDY ECONOMY Broad I cloths by the piece or at retail for cash at I he whole sle prices superfine and eitra saiony blue, black and miie.1 from 21 In 93 per yard. Tbe quality of these loihs is as gond as has been sold in Ihe courae of three yian. for 4 and 5, for aale by JOHN II ART, d2 2w No.

4 Wall street, up staira. HORIZONTAL GRAND PIANO FORTE. To be sold, a most superb and briN font toned Organited Horizontal Grand Piano Forte, with flute, flagolet, drum, cymbal, and other accompaniments, forming a band of music of itself. Apply at the Missei Cowans' Music EatablUihmciit, 32 fourth street, Washinifton Square. "19 LA FOY, WIG MAKER, No.

27 Anii street below Nassau. Relumed I rum Paris, is well known for 20 yaars for making the but Wigi and Scalp in New York, informs the public, should any Wiq and Foretop de by LA FOY not give entire aalislacti lo the purchaser, it mar be returned and another will be made of additionaleipanse, or the money will be returned. ran portation at I he cost ol the pure haser. tfli 6m TOR AGE Goods will be received on storage on 3 aoplieaiion at 43 Pine t. a.

Counting rooms, lufia and cellars to let as a kove. nl4 SPLENDID COLLECTION OF OIL PAINT The lad if and gentlemen amateurs and csnnnisseur are invited to examine a fine collection of Oil Paintings, among which will be found several very kifh finished paintings. They will he sold at very reasonable prices which are fixed with a catalogue in ihst every one may bo able to select himoelf. There will be constantly new paintings received from Ik importer. Old painlinga cleaned and repaired, ex ttangnd and taken iu part payment.

No. 9 John ttreet, 'ppotile the Arcade. 2aw tf CAIN TRIUMPHANT. Drawing of the New York Lottery, extra Class, 16 draw Dec. 9.

I 313 (3 18 18 19 19 Comb. 19 4849, the Capital Prize of $3000, sold 6E1XAS. loan artist of this city who also sold in Clata Jin. 13, drawn Nov. 26th, the Capital Prize of in a share to a gentleman in this en y.

The avenue to tbe Road lo VtaUk, i easy of acres when fEIXASI take the toll! The next Lottery draw Friday, Dec. 18. 60 numbers, 9 drawn ballot. Tickets 14 shares in proportion. Order enclosing the cash, or Prize Tickets, will be timnkfully received punctually attended to, tl addresa to dlO N.

B. SEIXAS, 162 Broadway. ENT1L tor sale, at the French Store, corner of I Franklin st. and Broadway. nil HANDY it WINE Roc belle Brandy, Seigneite' brand, in pipe, half do and bbl Bordeaux do, 1.

Dupuy'a brand, in pipe, of the latest importations, fid entitled to debenture; 100 basket Champaign Wine perior quality. 60 task Claret Wine, entitled to de F. PELTIER, d5 lw 16 Broadway. 4 ACKaWAlMA COAL. 4 rareoe are now dis i charging at the yard of (he subscriber, which ia of superior quality.

Order can be left at the office No. 7 Broad it. at the "ore of Messrs. G. B.

Abral Son, No. 300 Front st the yard, which will meet with prompt attention. EDWARD DUN8COMB. Lackawant Coal Yard, Front street, 47 Iw near the Navv Yard Ferry. MADEIRA WINE In pipe, hhd.

am) qrcaskf, of various qualities and importation, received di a from the house of Wardrop A Co." In bond, enti to debentum for sale in lot to suit purchasers, and R.WADSWORTH&SON, Mo.SSouthttreeL ALSO Corn Meal, kiln dried, in barrels unseed uu, in hneininping order nir lawom 17LEOANT 6 4 SWISS DRAPERY Just recei JJ ed, I case more of those elegant 6 4 fig'd Swiss jjBpery Muslin. Familiea in want of the article will fsu to call soon St make their selection of pattern, wbjr SUYDAM at BUYU, Jilt 187 Broadway, opposite John st. BKY GOODS. Silting off. The entire etock of BKgliab, French A India pieoe goods, at (tore No '3 Broad war.

comer of Dev itiaaL will ba sold, whole "'MW retail, at laduced prloa. K3r Ail penuna indebted are requested to make im bai tata. dlO NUMDEU 8541. ANATOMICAL MUSEUM Tlie public la nv speclfull) inliirmed that thi interesting Exhibition la removed to Maaonie llnll. RrMidwa.) mmnrJ floor, consisting of Anatomical Preparation in Wax, urwnniuig inn most important parts ot the Human Structure, being the fruit of six roar labor.

The first preparalion exhibit the thorax laid open, exposing to View the heart, lunas. riisnhmam rut mrilh nmn of Ihe integument removed from the head, ehowing the nere, uiooa vessels, brain, membrane, Also, fourteen other preparation of variou parte of the hu man form, towther with natural preparation, the whole too occult to describe in adverliaemenis highly recom mended by the medical faculty. None admitted under 18 years ol age except medical student. Ladie may attend when accompanied by iheir family physician, by giving previou notico. Medical practitioner admitted freejif expense.

Person, by veiling this exhibition, can obtain a general knowledge of anatomy, without undergoing Ihe unpleasant cOweta of a dissecting room. Open from 8 A. SI. until 9 P. M.

Admittance 25 cent. Vimter by braving their ignnture can return a often a they plouse, provided they on each visit introduce a n2if Vail) THKLOUERUN SYSTEM. PIANO FORTE, HARP SINGING. 4 CARD. The Mitsee Cowan respectfully avail xV thotnselvee of the earliint opportunity to announce to their friends and the public, that having arrived from London, they have now firmed their establishment at No.

32 Founh strvet, Washington square, where Ihey give instruction in tbe COMPOSITION OF MUSIC, and HARMONY, upon the universally approved system of that highly gifted and eminent master, by which her pupils will, at once, acquire a knowledge of the THEORY a well n. of the PRACTICE of MUSIC. Tho Misse method of explaining the Logerian System" ia so perspicuoii. that it is rendered perfectly comprehensible to person ofibe moet ordinary capacity, and a grtaUr knouMpe of Mmir and Hi Throry will be imparled to thtir PupiU a (no Umom. than can be acquired by 'Jie common method of tuition by yean of clou applicutinn and practice.

The Misses Cowan give on Harmony, ie to Classes of elect nnmbarof their pupil. Such ladies a are djisirous of taking instructions on the Ilarp, and who wouly not wish at the commencement to purchase an instrument, will be permitted lo practice upon tbe Misses Harp. For term (which ire moderate) and further particular, applv at the MISSES COWAN'8 MUSIC ESTABLISHMENT. No. 32 FOURTH 8TREET ASHIVOTON SQUARE, and at No 78 MURRAY STREET.


respectfully inform Iheir patrons, and the community in general, that Ihey have opened a Boarding School, for the education yf young gentlemen, in the eleeant and commodious mannion formerly known as the residence of Judge Walls and William Turpin, Esq, and lately occupied by Mr. J. T. Weyman. Tlie situation i on a fine eminence, near the steam boat landing, and is sur passed by no place in the lale for it healtbfulneu and the he amy of its scenery.

Tbe citursoof instruction will embrace nil the studie necessary to prepare youth for admission into any college or counting house, or to enter immediately upon the study of any nf the learned pnifearions. Every attention will be paid, not only to the instruction of ihe pupils, but lo their morals and manner, diet, I'leanJinesi, and lieellh. The dormitory ia an extensive range of bed rooms, and only two pupils will be allowed to occupy the same apartment. The pleasure grounds and gardens are extensive; and it is the intention of the proprietor lo introduce regular system of gymnastical exercise, and lo instruct the pupil in agriculture and bot my. The useful and elegant studies of Geography and Astronomy will be scientili, nlly illustrated by appropriate transparent diagram'), which will render those science iamitiar and inu llmible to the toothful mind.

Pupils who have a desire to obtain a knowledge of drawing, iiinpping, and nanning, will, wnh the con lent of their parent, receive instruction in theae accoiu plihmenui. For further particulars, and references, applv tn Mr. John Pearson. 169 Broadway. Letters addressed lo Mr.

J. A. Lee will receive immediate attention. it tf mo THE LADIES. Mr: Dodfe will rommence JL giving leason in Penmanship, fur Iheensuin sea ton, on Tuesday the fint of December, at her residence No.

3 Chamber afreet. Mr. D. having.wilh unparalleled success, for many preceding years, instructed in her favorite art in thi city, and baying been ao long and ao liberally patronized, deem it totally unnecessary to make an advertisement the organ of her claim tn Iho continuance of the favor and patronage of the public. She is well aware that many of her own sex have neglected to accomplish themselves in thi graceful a well as necessary ana useful art and she is happy to be able to announce to ladies, of whatever age, that, let their former attainment and acquirement in this branch be a deficient a possible, she can, in one $hyrt course i lemni, enable tlicm to rite a neat and legible hand.

A Mis. D. will receive a limited number only, an early application from those who are wailing and wishing to commence i particularly desirable, to ensure admittance. For fnrihei information, ladie are respectfully solicited lo call at the room. ii25 JECTUKES fc LESMKNs IN ELOCUTION.

A By D. Haiber, 33 Vandewalerilreet. The course of instruction consists of public Lerluroa developing Ihe power of the voire, accompanied by diagram and vocal illustration, and a sene of Reeding and Recitation, or both, (with Dr. in which ihe jrrrtrs are applied to the purpose of a clear Sr tmpnstiet dtlimy in all ihe various descriptiona of reading, in the pulpit, at Ihe bar. and amid Ihe social circle ol life.

I jiward ol forty testimonials, untolicileJ, received by Dr. B. from Colleges. Theological Seminaries, and the most respectable School, of both sexea in various part of the United Stale, expensive of the value oi hi course of elementary instruction among which are ome fmm Princeton, Auburn, New York, Mr. Wil lard', Troy.

Ac. Dr. Beech. Alnny, Dr. Turner, Thco.

Seminary. N. Y. and many olher literary character, will he given ith pleasure. Private leasona given lo individuals, (ladie or gentlemen) or ciasse, at their respective abode al Dr.

B'. residence. The moat respectable reference, if required, will be given, in thi city. School attended on liberal term. Further particular may be known on application to Dr.

B. by letter (poat paid) or personal application. Barber' Exercise in Elocution" may be obtained a above. tf RHODE ISLAND STEAM PACKETS, IOK NEWPORT PRO VIDENCE onTueaday. for December.

1829. The PRESIDENT, Cant. R. 8. Bunker, leavea New York Dec.

1, 5, 10. 15. 19. 24. 29 at 4 P.

M. and Providence Dec. 3. 8. 12.

17, 22. S6. 31, at 12 M. The CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON, Capt.Cog geshall. leavea New York Dec.

3, 8. 12, 17. 22, 26, 31, at 4 P. Providence Dec. 1,3, 10,15, 19,21,29, at 12 M.

Stage will be in readiness upon the arrival of the Packet to forward passenger to New Bedford, Boston, die. Sic. without dulay. Freight taken on the customary conditions but cannot be received after 8 o'clock, on day of sailing. For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board, to Rich'd S.

William St Co. to Bunker Heron. 6 Cotirtlondt or at the Steam Boil Office. 222 Water, comer of Reekman at. n30 VALUABLE WHITE LEAD WORKS FOR SALE.

The whole of that valuable property, Iota, buildings and machinery. ituate in Water at. Brooklyn, lately belonging to N. Y. Labratory Aa aocialinn.

The Real Estate consist of five Lots, nf 25 feet 3 incite front on Water at. by a depth of 88 feet 10 inchea on one side, and 80 feet on the other one of aaid lota extending bark beyond the other and forming an increased depth of 45 feet. Of theae lot the main building of the Lahratory occupies 100 feet 6 inchea front St 42 feet deep, ia of brick, with slate roof, excellently and substantially built, and adapted by it dimension for, it convertible, at a small expense into handsome dwelling housa having a cellar 7 feet deep, and the ceiling of the first story 11 feel high. The old drying house, or east building, complete the front on Water at. on a lot 27 by 42 feet, built alio of brick with a shingle roof On the rear of tho premise are excellent sheds erected, of wood lined with brick, affording in store house and office the most extensive accommodation.

The machinery of tbe work is deemed complete, comprising therein a first rate high pressure ateem engine (worth, from it superior apparatus and foundation, 15000, to any munufocturing occupant) together with eleven run of atones, cast iron air pump, hafts and wheel, capacious cistern, corroding apparatu Si all the various implement and tool connected with, and required for tho process of manufacturing grinding white lead and other paint. For term and other particular apply to Wo. M. Udall, nearly opposite the premises, or to R. SEDGWICK, 27 Finest.

New York. 3twtf NOTICE. To all whom it may concern. The undersigned ia an equal partner with Pierre Jacquet, in Ihe whitening, refining and baking of Sugar, by acer tain proof in the possession of the said Jacquet he hereby warn all person against dealing with the said Jacquet in relation to the aaid process, or the said busi neos, either hy partnership, purchase or otherwise, a he hull hr.1,1 all nersona responsible to him at law and in equity for the proceed of any auch dealing. New York, December tth, Ittt'J.

F. CIIEGARAY. PALE ALE. SO hhd dt Ml barrel, eupenor ar tide, for aale by II. O.

DUSENBURY, corner Weal St N. B. Keeper of Hotel and Porter ilouses, will lea call and examine th article. nl6 ii i ail TOKSMAY, DECEMBER 15, 1829.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL of COLUMBIA COLLEGE. i T.hi, 80,1001 tw bn removed to the new build Ing, in Murmy t. of Tallinn Quarter. Latin and Greek, ith the English curse, $12 50 English conrse, in no French, (extra) 00 Fuel and 8talionfy, an extra charge. N.

B. The Quarter will consist of twelve week each, BlIowimT four wnrlta fiMlinn made. The Pnpil entering after the commencement of ui naianee ont will be charged. A month' notice ia required previou to leaving tbe School, I'" fy APP'y School to JOJI hrtween 9 A. M.

and 3 P. M. New York. 16th October. 1829.

nlfi tf ASH BUSINESS Jeromtd Co continue thebu lines of ncfrntintintf rrw.k. at INo. 43 Pine, third door alxive WUliamlreet. 'Ul'tl, and immediate possession given, the 2d floor of No. 41 Pine street.

with a nii room in the rar. and the unit iih lolls itir storasa of miinU anrl turn Limn tlirv Aru No. 41 and 43, with safe in each to ecuro book anil papers from fire, ono of which having a handsome en trance miiitahle for an office. MA IU1E INSURANCE. rfNIEATLANTICINSURANCECOMPANYOF NEW YORK having been organized, with a cash capital of $350,000, are now ready to receive applira on Vessel.

Cargoe. and freight. They are also ready to receive application, on Mortgaire, and ou Slock. Office No. 23, in the MerchanbExchange.

JOSIAHL.HALE.PreVt. Walte R. Jo.srs, Vice Pree't. DIRECTORS. Georcre Griswohl.

Gold Hovt. Jonathan Goodhue, Peter Crary, William W. Woolsey, Henry Kneeland, (Jeorge T. Trimble, O. Mauran, (knif Coggeahall, Silaa Hicks, Thomas G.

Cary, Perez Jonea, Thomaa Tileaton, nl8 Silos Holme, Henry Parish. Calob Bantow, Henry Coit. Frederick A. Tracy, George Huwey, Elisha Riggs, Oorgo T. Elliot, Wm.

W. JJe Forest. Jacob Brouwer. JOSHUA HALE, Sec'y. mfiS UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE fn Office, No.

288 Pearl street, comer of Beeknian street. DinrcToaa. John L. Bowne, Remamin Strong, John R. Willn, Beiuamiu Corli, Charles Osborn.

Saul Alley, Robert C. Cornell, Pater McCartee, William W. Molt, Thomas II. Leggelt, Jasnoi Barker, David Bryson. Lindley Murray.

Benjamin Clark, Stephen Van Wyck, Robert D. Week, William H. Leggett, John B. Wright, Sila Hick, II. Lawrence, Gerardu Poat, Wood, Thomas W.

Jenkim, l.aac Fmst, GeorgeS. Fox, tieorge Schmclzel, Jacob T. Doty, Walur R. Wood, Uwis Harlinan, Robert White, Jr. This company Insure dwelling houses, ware house, and othcrbuilding; nierca ndize.iiimituie, ships, (while in pon) and their carguca, and other personal property, agamtt lute or damage bu fire, on tbe most reaouable terms.

JOHN L. BOWNE, President. Asnatw Cock. Secretary. o29 2m REMOVAL.

r.LowJ, Piono Forte ranker, respect tully informs the public, that he has removed from 280 to 458 Broadway, nearly opposite tlie ud Circus, where he bone loreceiveacontinunnceof public favor. On hand, a handsome assortment of Piano Forte, well known to be of first quality in tone and touch, and at price advantageoii to purchaser, ho may rely on bo me honorably deult with. Second hand instrument taken in exchange, an Pianos tuned in the best runner. N. B.

All Piano Forte made by T. Loud are war rented, and exchanged within ix month if required, and also rned (if in tlie city) for one year gratis. m7eod3vtlwlf A NEW LAW BOOK. L'ST PUBLISHED, hv thesnhicrihor mnA at hia Ware Room, 45 John at, New York A Digest of me reported uecimon ot tho bupreme. Circuit and Di trict Cotirt of the U.

Slate, from the commencement of the Reports, to January term of 1829 being a continuation of Wheaton'a Digeat, the most complete work on the subject ever published. Price for the 2 vol, bound in one, $6. Usual discount to bookseller. R. DONALDSON.

For sale, at said place. Wheaton's Report of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the U. Slate, in 12 vtd. Likew ise, E. Pnine's Reports of cases argued and determined in tbe Circuit Court of tba IX efttwwrt Circuit, comprising Ihe district of New.

York, Con necticut St Vepaont. These invaluablelaw books should not only be found in every lawyer' library in the U. States, but in all ihe commercial cities St tow ns in Eu lope connected with ihe commerce of those state otherwiae, he is as a shin at sea without a rudder, his clients arc halile to lie cast asltoro without a wreck be hind. The pride or the profession forbid it. N.

B. Said Digest will be sold iu 1 or 2 vols or ex changed for that uow in use. R. D. d5 3m I lic.

coi Jirnau wav. direct Iv opposite Washington Hall. The ltUlllllV'lUI I.1 I.Ul. kl fLIaL'IV, 4ILJ II 1 Udie ol Sow lork are reapecllully inlormed, that all order in the above buoineea will be promptly executed in the best manner, and according lot he latest fashion, (under the management of an English lady of the first experience, ho ha lor many years conducted the busi ness of one of the most fashionable hnuaei in London,) at the following reduced charges Plain Dres. $1 50 Half Trimmed Dress, 2 50 Full do do 3 00 fdlO lm WILLIAMS ET WOOD.Cnpiste elTraducleur Frnnrai, Anglais.

Espanols, Allemauds, Iiali en, No. 44 Cedar New York. ITOR SALE, a good neat second hand Buggy, but little the worse for ware, mode of the beet maleriala, with a stout inn lop. For particular apply at the Livery Stable of J. BUOCHWAY, Varick itreet, opposite the Richmond hill house.

D6 BALLS. Mr. respectfully inform hi friend and the public, that hi first public Ball will inke place at hi rooms 92 Chatham st. one door above the entrance of the Theatre, on Tuesday evening the 24th inst. and continue on each Tuesday evening during the eeason.

n21 Ira DANCING ACADEMY. Mr. sky beg leave to inform hi friends and the public, that tie ha taken the splendid reoms No. 92 Chatham st. one door a bove the entrance lo the Theatre, and commenced on the 7th Nov.

Days of tuition Wednesdays and Saturday, from halfpast2to 5 for ladies from halfpat 5 to7 for Boys from 8 to 10 for Gentlemen. Terms, $10 per quarter, no entrance money exacted. The Public Balls will Inke place on Tuecdayi, the first on Tuesday the 2 lih Nov. Mr. S.

begs to intimate to those ladie and gentlemen who may wish private instruction, that he will be able to give lessons at his rooms on any day not connected with the public clss. A subscription hook will be left at the bar for the names of who may wish to become scolurs or subscribers to the Public Balls, n2l lm DANCING SCHOOL. 169 Molt street, three door above Broome at. Mr. E.

II. Conway respectfully informs the public that hi 4th class for gentlemen will commence on Friday evening, the 1 1th of at half past 7 o'clock the 4th class for ladie and pupils under the age of fourteen, on Saturday, the 12th, at 8 o'clock. Persons wishing to join either of those clause will have thegoodnea to leave their name on or before tbe above date. 2ry of Tuition. Tuesday and Friday evenings from half post 7 to 10 for gentlemen Wednesday and Saturday from 3 to 5 for ladie and pupil under the age of fourteen.

A public ball on each Monday evening during the season, to commence at 7 o'clock. Le Mail re de Dance or the Art of Dancing Cotillion nd Quadrille, for sale at 169 Mutt street. Mr. Con way recommend the ork to persons learning dancing. d8 tS EVERY MAN INTEREST TO MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS." PC.

WILLMARTH, No. 148, comer of Chatham and Mulberry si. Experience ha taught me Ibat is is utterly impossible to do justice to my customer in the present manner of doing business in my line. If I buy my hata in the rough, as i the custom. I may be diH eivcd consequently, either myself, my customers, or both, must suffer hy it.

To prevent Ibis evil, I have established afactory, where I manufacture my hat throughout, for my customers, under my own inspection. A my customer are able to judge for themseive. I ahall not follow the contempt ible fashion of some would be poeta, and publish a ailly I ullaby with a hook concealed therein to Fi.i them, and then Puffing "No Deception I will merely state that I havenow on hand, and am manufacturing, an extensive assortment of fash ionahle hats ome new fashion, among hich is a new invention of Four Dollar Hale, superior to any ever before offered to the public. Although I "puffand sweat to make them," there ia no need to "puffand sweet to ell them I find the greatest trouble to keen an a aortment on hand. Nor will I presume to ay they are all of "one quality," for that i impossible, (union they are all bad,) but they are worth the price asked for them.

On hand, a ususJ. an extensive assortment of Silk. Cloth and Patent Leather Capa, all atthe lowest whole aale and retail price. 10 dm 13ICT0U COAL AFLOAT 200 chaldron coarse I Pictoa Coal, the cargo of brlj Samaritan, direct imm the mine, lorsnie by dll 3t RUPERT J. COCHRAN, 7 Broad st.

NO. CUSTOM HOUSE NOTICE. I 'nvii iwnained ir it be i r.Z it on Cto llouu Aeie. York. I9 Nevmbrr, 1829.

aaa awPMtiwraB. Tils MCKAUr.9. 1825 October6 6 826 March21 July 7 7 7 1827 August'4 1 December 10 J82H May 10 8 20 20 July 19 7 21 21 23 August 19 8 8 22 25 17 September 8 11 19 10 October 17 22 II 18 20 3 13 8 November 18 10 29 3 13 29 29 i December 3 1 I chest lea 9) do 1 crate 2 trunk 3 de 9 do I keg I cask 1 bundle ihovels 1 rate 6 bundle shovel 1 bundle apade bag 1 case 2 boxe hook I bundle do 1 halo 1 box I rase 1 case 2 bundle 1 box 3balo Ibox 1 rase 1 cask 2 rase 1 barrel 1 package 1 case 4 bundle shovels 1 cask I keg win 1 case 1 chest 1 bale I package 6 casks I rae 5 rhest tea 3 boxe Ibox I case in diamond 44 1. 2 JBL2.3.4 0 3 a 11 DM8 M2 1 A. II Pin a diamond 137 in a diamond Tonnelly Hall JB1 JA1 Rev John Barlow I P7 129 in a diamond Sharp 1,2,3 Mr Price A 1 B8 II in diamond 13,29 John Glen A 23 EB 4 Book II 133 John Durand V3.5.

10. 12. 19,23 Mr Cndli BNlaS I in a diamond 4 Yin a diamond 4 JL 1 Public I rate 1 rase I package 1 do 4 demijohn 1 barrel 5 pipea 50 bale bop 1 parcel 1 du 1 do 1 box 1 do 1 do 1 hogshead over 15 IPS I over Thomaa Evan in a circle MB lad Burpee John Woods D. Smith, near Pills 1 burg, care A. Bell While Norman Mis Abigail Mead LB over 2 30 30 17 August 20 September 13 "18 October 20 16 Decembers 3 3 September 25 TAX SALE.

State or New York, I jimntmllAr'a Ollii, NOTICE is hercbv pursuant to the directions of Section 60, Tille 3, Chap. 13 of the first port of ura luvim eiiaiuies, milt a iistoi all tbe land liable to be sold for the afnte and county laxea prior to the year 1827. and for the tax asasesed pursuant to the provision of the act, chip. 302 of the law of 1828. ibl.

389, appointing rommissionen to lay out and open mad from Cedar Point westward, thnitigh Iho town of Mo riah and Newcomb, in tlie county of Essex, has been forwarded lo each of the county treasurers and town clerk in thi state ami that so much of the said Iambi a may be necessary to discharge the taxes, interest, and charge which may be due thereon at the time of sale, will, on the fifth day of April next, and on the succeeding day thereafter, lie sold at public auction, al Ihe Capitol in the city of Albany. Dated Albany, Novemlier 10th, 1829. SILAS WRIGHT. Jr. nl7 Iawl7w Comptroller.

CI1HE President, Director it Company of the Hank JL of America, will annlv tn lha LeoiaUiiiH. nf il, elate, a its next oewoon, fur an Act to renew and ex. tend their Charter. By orderof Ihe Board of Director GEO. NEWBOLD, Cash'r.

Nov. 21, 1829. n21d6w NOTICE i hereby given, that application will he made to the honorable the Legislature, at it next eauiiin, for the incorporation of a company for banking ptiroose. hy the name of the New York Funded Bank, with a capital of five hundred thsusend dollars d2 lawfiw NOTICE. The association heretofore funned in the city of New York, bv member of the bar.

under the name of the New York Lew Institute, intend in ap juy hi ine legislature ol this slate, at tht ir ensuing am tass, iscl rfsepmtifni. The object of the incorporation are, that the association may be enabled more successfully to carry into effect it original plan of professional improvement and tl formation of a public law library, and to hold, manage and transmit auch property a may be necessary lor their purposes. d7 lawfiw NOTICE The President, Director and Company nfthe Union Bank, in the city of New York, will apply to the Legislature at it next session for a renewal nud extension ol their charter. Bv order of tho Board of unw lors. DAIxL.

EBBETS, Jr. n30 lawfiw Cashier. mllE PRESIDENT, DIRECTORS A CO.MPA JL of the Merchant' Bank, in the City of New York, hereby give notice that they intend to peiition the lit piaimuni, ineir next session, lor a renewal and ex tension of their charter. By order of the Board of Di' rector. WALTER MEAD.

Cmhier. Nov. 20, 1829. n20laW6w I1HE Society tor Ihe Rebel of aged ana indigent Fe. JL male, give notice, that they intend to apply to the Lcguialure ot the late or New ork, at their next session, for an extension of the Charier of the mid Society.

By order. MARGARET DOMINICK, First Direct roa. Anne Innf.3, Secretary. New York. 24th Nov.

1829. n24 lawfiw TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an applica ll tion will be made lo the Legislature at their next easion, for an act of incorporation of ihe Now York Ga Workman' Friendly Society." New York, Nov. 19,1829. nl9 1aw6w fl'AKE NOTICE that an application will be made JL by the subscriber and his associates, to the Legis a.uio tn kno nismui nuw iora, oi iihi nexi session thereof, for a Bank to be located in the Bowery, in the cilyof New York, and called the Butcher' and Drover' Bank. Dited.

New York, Oct. 21st, 1829. o21 law6w DAVID MARSH. LAMPS AND LAMP OIL. COX.

respectfully inform their friend and the public, that they have removed to No. 15 Maiden lane, first door below the Arcade, where they have fitted up a handsome Show Room, and have just unpacked, and intend to keep regularly for sale, moat choice election of FRENCH GOODS, vis Rich China Dinner Seta Tea, Coffee St Chocolate, a variety of pattern Fruit Basket, and Flower Vase, richly painted Flower Basket, supported by richly gilt figure Bronze and gilt Candelabra and Candelaticks, very handsome, and a variety of olher article. Black and While Marble, Ebony. Alabaster Si. Mahogany, Mantel Clock, warranted to keep good time SHEFFIELD BIRMINGHAM PLATED BRITANNIA WARE, Cake Basket, Tray St Waiter, Candlestick, Castors, and Aitml Lamps, of the newest fashion Tea Pots St Coffee Biggini do.

in set CUTLERY Ivory balance handle Knive Forks, inset; also, in dozens; do. stag and bone handle; do. Carving Knives St Fork. LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM LAMPS. They have just received per recent an assort ment of Lamps, Girandole, St Lustre, which with their former stock, it i presumed will comprise a more elegant and extensive assortment than will be found in any similar establishment in America.

Richly rut one St two light Glass Lamp, mount ed with octagon brilliants, Newtonian St Ro man drops, splendid article Four, six light Lustre Two, four light Girandole Three Si four light Grecian Lamps, superb patterns Throe A four light Gothic Lamps, with foliage leave, spouts with union head Elegant Bras Bronzed Figure, with Lamp Rich gilt four and six light Buhl Chandeliers A choice assortment of bionze and gilt Astral Lamps, all sizes A greet variety of bronze Si gilt one and two light Lamp, with St without drop Liverpool stand suspending Lamin Square St Hexagon Lanthorna, glazed with plate glass, and one St two light lump inside Glass Hall Lamps, richly cul, painted, engraved Si plain With every neceasary appendage for the use and fitting np of Lamps. Their friend and the public are respectfully invited to call and inspect them They nave constantly for aale a general assortment of Lamp Shade, wick, and Glaraei, of ell ize, Oil Can, from one to ten gallon, Feeder, Ao. Pure winter pressed, nd summer strained SPERMACETI OIL, and extra PALE OIL, for Glas Lamp. N. B.

Partie upplied with China St Lamp in a perior tvle. nl4 3taw2m BLACK tJGROS DE NAPLES. Received thi momins st 62 Maiden lane, 10 pieree black Gro de Naole nf lie first duality, which ill be sold at 4s. fid. psr yard, and one of th beat bargains we have ever ottered.

dlOSt BATES, TAINTOR Si CO. I 49WIIiLIAM.STttEET. Store, upward, of nine month, will be sold at Anc lvemher. 82. by Jame Beum.

Auctioneer SAMUEL 8WARTWOUT. MaPTicaa. WHratraom Ship Indiana Rark Catharine Ship EdwBunalTe Lewi ieorgia Ailnntjc Thompson Geo Canning Cambria Dmiglaa Sully Curler Brig Seraph SchrCarpenter Ship Edw Bonaffe Mary Si Susan Bark Lady of take Ship Isabella Brig Orion Ship Montana Milo Brig Wm Penn Ship Douglas Brig Athenian Monument Warrior Howard I'hrrhe Ann On Viitoria Ship Jnaon Virginia Jupiter Henry Brig Noble Ship Silv Jenkins Francla 1st Edw BonafTe Mailt heater Brig Mt Parnasiu Paragon Ship P'a Charlotte Brig Pioneer Ship Florida Robt Fulton Atlantic Brig Castello Ship Ann Brig Napoleon Howard Parker New Orleans i Llverpoo Havre Campliell Funk Mary Smith Fosdiek Crocker Allyn Griswold Bonm Mary June Pendleton Carroll Hathaway Candler Leith Libby Bridge Smith Starr I lamer Bourne Sullivan Skiff Sione i. Pilman Cooper Ellis Howlund (Collins Clark Moore M.xw.ll Allen Skiddy Hathnway I Merion Pow Reed Hubhi Tinkham Britlon Reeve Young Gonsalow Jenninga Deming Liverpool Keirast Ijverponl Ixmdon Curacea Havre Greenock leghorn St. Thoma Havre Greenock Liverpool Havre "ibraltar Havre Bristol Bremen Ctiraiiia Cartbagena lghorn Bristol Mameille Hamburg Havana Rotterdam Bordeaux St.

Croix Iondon Bremen IJvrrpiMil Havre Liverpool Jeremi (inyana Newry Bristol Liverpool Belfast New Orleans Havana Madeira IRANKLIN BANK. Notice i hereby given that JL the ubscriber, a Receiver for the Franklin Bank, and pnder due authority for that purpose, ill expose to SlklitBt atll fifin. lit MuM.knr.ta Il.nn AT. day, the 18th day of Janunry next, at 12 o'clock, the ioiiow ing parreia ol land, situate in the county of Perry, in the (tale of Pennsylvania, viz 100 acre in Ttbotnt Townihip, Perry county, taken up in ine name ol Thomaa Wilson. 1J do.

in do. taken up in the name of f'hatlce G. Freirhcl.aiid adjoining land of Nirhula Dy linger, John Damn, ana ouiers. 423 do. in do.

taken up in the name of Frechel. and aasessm in ine name ol Thomas Adam. 309 do. in do. taken up in the name of John Skvrin and adjoining land of George Black and Nicholas Dy singer.

410 do. in do. taken up in the name nf Ferdinand irouruan.anu adjoining lands ol John famaeland Rich ard Lake. 398 do. in do.

taken np in the name of Charles Bo ra ru. 400 do. in do. taken up in Ihe name of Thomas Wil son. 397 do.

in do. taken up in the name of Bingham, and Snemed in the name of Abraham Howe. 100 do. in do. taken up in the name of David Admin iter.

100 do. in do. taken up in the name of Robert Ew ing. 100 do. in do.

taken up in the name of John Rine. 400 do. in do. taken up in the name of Philip Creek. 403 do.

in do. taken lip in the name of Joseph Kelly, adjoining land of Franklin and Mifflin counties, and the heirs of Kelly. 400 do. in do. taken np in tlie name of John Jame.

438 do. in do. taken np in ihe name of John Hayi. 31)0 do. in do.

taken up in Ihe name of Sumuel Rich ards. 100 do. in do. taken up in the namenf John Barr. 432 do.

in do. taken up in the name of Thoma Adam. 309 do. in do. Inken up in the name of Chnrle Borard.

391 do. iu the Tvanthip of Tifnme, in Perry county, taken up in the name of Charles Dremuin and assessed in tlie name ol Christian Leonard 363 do. in Greenwood Tuwnthip, in Perry county, token up in the name of Christian luuard. 900 do. in do.

do. do. 325 do. in do. do.

do. 1030 scree in Rye Townnhip, in Perry county, taken up in the name ol the aaid Christian Leonard. The above land will be old in distinct parcel shove specified. It appears from the deduction of tille in Ihe nsemiun of the subscriber, that tlm lamia II mid fir Txe under the authority of law in 1824, by nn Armaurer ma urn roomy in uurnnrrianu, and now county of Perry, and dood for the same were executed by him to the purchaser, and the title so acquired wa transmuted down to ihe lale Cashier of ihe Franklin Bunk, and by him to the subscriber. Th subscriber ha no informant which lead him to doubt of Ilia validity of the lillo though he will leave that to tlie risk nf the purchasers, and will only transfer such lit las he may posses iu hi character of Receiver.

He ha left sufficient time previou lo ihe day of ale lo enable crcd itor and other to obtaiuall the requisite iniiirtnution. The subscriber will, st the same time and place, and nnder the like authority, sell end assign to the highest bidder, all his right and interest as Receiver, in variety of judgment upon which he ha not been able to collect upon execution what is doe thereon. A list of the respective judgments, and the amounts due thereon, and the name of the defendants, will be exhibited al Ihesnlc. and i in the mean time open for inapection at the office of ihe Receiver, to all person who may wish to become purchasers. The judgment ill be sold separately, and in order to accommodate the creditor of I lio Bank, the Receiver will accept in payment from the purrhatter of the land and of ihe judgments, deposit and certificate debt due from ihe Bank, at their nominal value.

JAMES KENT, veiver for the Franklin Bank. New York. Di. 12, 1829. fcf 12 3t IVtW STORE NEW GOODS.

S. E. lenient ll would inlomi his friends and the public, dial be has opened store No. 154 William st. opposite Dutch Church, and where he will have constantly on bawl good and general assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Good, at a low pncee a can bo had in thi eiiy, consisting in part of the following article, viz: Black and colored Gro de Inde.

Gro de Naple, Synehewa, Satins, Satin Levantine, Italian Silks, black Mode, black and Italian Crapes, Craiie Lisae, black and colored Cir coasians, twilled and plain black and colored Boinba setts, a splendid a sorunentofnew stylo London Prints, Cambrics, Book, Swiss, Jaconet and Cambric Muslins, Ijnen Cambric Si Linen Cambric Hdkfs, Irish Linens, Linen Dumask, Napkins, Birdseye Diawr, low price nnd superfine Flannels, bleached and unbleached Mil, lins, Hosiery and Gloves, Kid Mills, snd splendid assortment ul Gurnitures, Satin and Lustring Ribbon, and millinery article, together with a general amort ment of London and American Calicoes at 121 cent. d8tf OPERATIVE SURGEON DENTIST, and manu. facturer of Incorruptible Teeth. DR. JONATHAN DODGE, at hi Establishment for Denial and Chirurgical Operation, No.

5 Chambers itreet, New York, continue to insert in his most beautiful style, which eludes tlie closest scrutiny in detection, elegant artificial, mineral baste, terre mclallic. norcelain. innw. ruptible animal and natural human teeth. Gangrene of ine icoin removed, and the decaying tooth rendered or tificially sound, by slopping wuli gold, metallic paste, or platinum; teeth nicely cleaned of salivary calculus, hence removing that peculiarly disgusting letor ofa had brealh irregularitie in children' teeth prevented, in adult remedied teeth extracted with the utmost care and salety, and old slumps, tang or mots remaining in Ihe anckols, causing ulcers, gumbile and alvelor nb scesae, and consequently an unpleasant breath, removed with nicety and rase; and, every Denial operation performed on tbe most modem, improved, snd scientific principles, with the least possible pain, snd correct professional skill.

rf 2 tf JOBER'l' TANNER, pocket book, wniing and ay drewiine rate manufacturer. N. IH9 opposite John ttreet, respectfully inform hi friendsand the public in general, that he keep a constant supply of Isdiea snd gentlemen riting and dressing cases morocco and rose wood, made lo older and repaired aim, general assortment of ladies toilet boxes, Chinese te. caddie snd stamp, toiloise shell card case, thread rates, work boxes, jmrt folio, album, Szc togelhor with an assortment of first quality perfumery, and a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. N.

B. Gentlemen dressing cases from S3 tn tfln All orders thankfully received and punctually altendC an lm WADDED COAT8 AND CLOAKS. Sarnie Vikilmarth Co. Mereer and Tailors, No. 116 Brosdwsy, opposite the City Hotel, have on hand superior Goats Hsir Cambist Wadded Conn, ramhi i i.iotri iioaks ot i tie imi quality.

d5 I DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THE fRESI DENT'S MF.8SAGE. i. fftvy ardprrecnt and pmpoeed, Navy Cosmiiatonsa's Orrrcef 9Oetber.l8. The Comminmnsrs of th. Navy bavs riven to the subject! to which, by your letter of the 13th ulr.

you wm pleased lo direct their inquiries, sll tbs attention snd consideration which their limited opportimity'snd iuT rwpsctfully ubmit the Th pirns of the aeveral Navy Yards Indicate IM improvements mads luesrh cormhrtiiif of officers' qur jers, store house, ship houses, blacfcmiths' shops, rim bersliexls, limhet dork, spar hls, boat 4c. wiih the dry dork in progress st Norfolk and Boston, and Hie paper A will shew the number and descripUon of shms ui ordmsry, and th state and condition of each. I he query as to the number of Navy Ysrds nor ss lablulicd snd in operation, is one of inch importance as to command the moat earnest attention and investiga lion. Tbe Commissioners are fully enible that its discussion msy excite strong local reelings and tbey are aware of tlie mporuibility of any opinion they may ex prens upon Ihe subject but referring exclusively to the unhisned dictate of their judgment in the performance an important official duly, and clsimlng lb mdul genre which liberal community will aot fail to xlenl lo honeetelToit, looking solely to the sdvsncemefit of the public good, they approach the question with confidence proportioned to the sincerity of iheir convictions. II Ii4 lliul I iii.

ntimka nf 1M X. iraicT uiau coniient either with economy, orth wsnUof thseer To maintain ny one yard beyond the number necessary for building and equipping our ship with the utmost deapatrh, ran, in no view he considered as consilient either with economy or the want of Ihe servirsx It is obvious that the grester number of Nsvy Yrd. Ihe greater must neressanly be the expense. A yard, used for general purpose, that for building, repairing, equipping and victualing Navy, require full set of nfltcer in superintend it, although it may be only occasionally used for uch nurpoe. The prlnclpto of acronntabilily in each yard being necessarily the sams, Uie same system of checks must be maintained, whether tlie amount of the ox penditure be large or otherwise.

In yard, not constantly used for general purposes, sum. of the subaltern officers might, probably, be dipened with but not in (Uflirient number to sH'ect, materially, tbs aggregate amount of expenses, if we keep in view the reservation of system. Were we to disregard econnmr, plausible reasons might be snigasd. even for an increased number of Vnnia If ivKl nwmmA tl, I .1 I u.i no uiuiii7iiif; invir niim" her, would multiply the chsnres of reselling on of them in cses of emergenry such as distress in storms or dissaters in bsitle; but when we look to the localities of our presort ysrd. there are but few of them that ran rlann decided nreferenre.

even on this. tl nmt favorable, hut certainly fallacious view of the subject. Tlie harhnr nf Itnafnn nan Ka. aninM t. 'Jill viu niwu HIV wind shall happen lo be fair.

Its snow storms in win ier. us logs in spring and tnll, present serious sndfrs qucnlly insnpers We difficulties. The same objections who eunsiueraoie lorra. to rorumomh, Hainpshire, New York, Philadelphia, and Pensarola, re all objectionable, as neither of them is easily acces sihlo! Blut Ihn lu lall Ka iahJ ka viiivicu 3 muium wi great draught, oven at high water. ins nuroner ot navy Yards were confined to th.

numlier necessary for the service, in peace, or in war. many advantage would result Th expenses would be reduced, atul AIi.ijmtu.w iaatla tmul w. (iivtiiuwu vjairflH and uniformily minht be mom Mail ncam inJ thm accountability of ihoae having the direction, rendered more certain and precise. By reducing the number 0f vsrd. more Work wnnlfl rtl hmvM tn Ka.

m.t each. This would enable tlie Government lo concert tmte artificers, ihip csrjienter, and other necessary mechanic, and give them constant employment and tbs government wld have it in its power to aelsct nd re tsin in iu service the most valuable, at fixed snd moderate wages. Ws should escape, the inconveniences in which we are now exposed, by employinn mechanics if ai m.n. IICu Mui. i i ill i i no.

f. uiM Hit. public works, snd discharging them when such works Thia.tB.t nfltiinm nnNr aammI IL pay high wages, but to accept the service of inferior ninniknMi iwMM in 1 1 utu inuif uiii IKUOII U1SCOX1 IVnlml uiKan JUmI mi, muni, uniesa from necessity. By having fcw yards, snd those judi eioualy rranged and provided with Ihe necesssry con Venienrea ffniw.h mitrlit ka awlna fJ i nivaiiuuuiit qi uniiy Isbor performed. Ship carpenters, and oilier mechanic, working under cover, ran not only do more work per dy, but lots no time from rainy or inclement weslher eonaiitpmlinn fn.

uuiuiiiuHa. mnM calculated to render employment in its service an 0b. ject of cempetition ith the best men. Wbiks no time ui am in linking unaer cover, wiinout cover. It IB Ihmi 1 1 .1 uuiuiui ui nan jrur Ul WOrK raT U'Alr UUnlllrf m.t Vnrmrrr.

I A 1 MiDgDiiiiini IIIUII Iff 11MJB. Mil orcaiomng Ins of one fourth of time to save which, mechnnica would readily agree to probably 10 per cent, he wages while ship built under cover worth probably 26 per rent, more then when built in th. open sir. rnnsUnlly exposed to sun snd rain. It would he difficult to estimate fully the vain, of chosen bodies nfmArhiinicfl alAwl (...

1:11 i mdtistry, and prepared with every neressarr cttnveul ence, faithfully to execute the public works in lbs heat miiitiM tn ai.A.uF llr0, inw. in pnu economy "ogiconji in nar, ine uiguest inter eslsof our country would be subserved. Amnlrff fl I K.1 1 i ,1 arm I i Ma.I lallIIIIUJ iKiiHuii.nmay he observed, that, by reiltieing the number of Navy 1 flarlu man. I V. iintK unia auiiaiui i mr ura consiruruoii 01 small vessels would, in the building of Urge ships, be i'rtmni siaie oi inings, men material are distributed among to many Yard, that the eipenss and difficiliiVftf enllccliniT Iharn nl anv ntu.

fi uvtii iinJUVIIUf ixeeed iheir value. Viewing this question then in reference to the expense, nd in tktt nr'unit nf nua n. I 1. 1 I. i 7 his t.oinmuaioners srn decidedly of the opinion, that the pi ii iiiiinirr navy i arua is gruaier man la Coin sistent eilher with economy or the wants of tbe tr, vico." The quetiion here arise what number of Navy Yard doe the Navy, viewed in iu rjraeent and probe, hie future state, require, to secure to it all the advanta pes and facilities necessary to render it in the liirheet depree efficient To form latisfactnry opinion upon this important point, we must look to our seaboard and consider well the localities of our harbor.

It will be found, that, tl though numerous, there are but few of them which can lie safely entered by aliip of the line, or even Urge fri gates; and lurely it will be concedod, that none other should be selected as general rendu vou for our Navy. Our maritime frontier present two prominent positions, of which skilful invading enemy would vor to gain pmsrtaion as enabling him, mors effectually lbin any oilier, to harass our coasting and foreign traileand cut off our internal communication by water while Ihey would Iw enable him, with but small military force, comparatively, to compel us to maintain morn than ten limes hia number of troops to protect points in the very heart of our country, hich he might be continually threatening, although he might never ae rioutdy design tn attack. These positions am precisely those which we should most vigilantly preeerve from his grasp. The very reasons which render tbentob eels of great iniercat to him, render thorn doubly im to u. If he, possessing them, could thus seriously annoy us, we, having them in possession, could tlienoe most effectually protect our line of coast, and snail him, should he attempt blockade.

An enemy excluded from these positions, can no where upon our roist find more than temporary shelter for hi ahipe. It is indeed confidently believed, that, if we had these two points well secured (and we surely possess amply the menus of rendering them so) the inducements to maintain a squadron upon our coast would he so diminished Ihe difficulties, incouveniencer, and hsxsrd, would be so numerous snd so serious that an enemy. even one physically end numerically our superior i force of ships, would find it his interest to avoid such ii attempt. i The history of our Revolutionary war, and our expe rience during Ihe limt Aar with Great Britain, indicate these two position too clearly for them to be mistaken. Our psM suffering admonish us, that the hem peaks Bay, tnd the waters near Rhode bland, are our most vulnerable points; but while this is admitted, there is gnat vatisfanlion in the reflection that they are known lo pe auaceptible of perfect defence and from their relative position to each other Iheir accessibility, at all times, to shi of the greatest draught of water, and their greater range of anchoring ground than are afford, ed by any other harbor on our whole line of coast, tbey form, in the opinion of tbe Commissioners, the two most important snd desirable points for the general ten deivou of onr Nvy, in peace a well a in war and these, ihey think, would, in every view, be the most judicious locations for our chief naval depots.

The central position, the mildness and salubrity of the climate, tlie facilities of ingress and egress, and the almost inexhatut ble supplies of ship timber afforded by the Chesapeake and ils tributary streams, render it snpe rior to any other place on our whole line of coast for great naval tnuon and depot and next, in the order of impnruxnec.forauch Newport, Rhode Island, or some other spot in Narrsgonsett Bay. Aside of all the considerations which recommend these as the most important positions for naval depots and sta lions, in reference lo the local advantages and facilities lliey afford for tho rendevous of ships, there sre other view which strike our minds with increased force and interest, and conduct us to aunilar conclusion. Let us, Sir, for a moment, contemplate a date of war. and auppoac these to be the genersi rendezvous of our Guards Costa, consisting of fine ol batlla ships, aided by (teem batteries. Those, co operating with the per manentTortificaiton now in pmgre, would place those points in state of security, snd ensble us to protect ex tenaively, if not eflbctual'y.

our inlsnd coasting trade, nd to render invssion difficult and hazardou at any 1 point, and probably impracticable at most while our frigates, sloops of war, and smaller vesse 's, ssiHng thence, as ibey would he able to do at all times, and to turning, hfJ might in wind, would annoy rhs commerce of ihe enemy in distant seas, even on his own roasts, sud at the mouths of his harbors to protect which, he would necessarily be obliged to draw the las ger pa. of his force from our coast (if stationed there.) We might thus compel him loact on th defensive, while.

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