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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HITIaJK AND LAKE ONTARIO DAILY HTEAMHOVr LINE, laxcarr sphdats.) atKKjxliSxaa. A II HI" AW ITE1.11 A VIUATIPJI COMPANY KKW VOOK TO LONDON, i i aim 0 1) queen, am Ions, 5U0 horsr. power, Lieutenant Richard Ro. bens, R. commander, will ail tar Ihe re.

maiiider of the year, imia thia port on the 1st October and the I I TA and from London and Portsmouth on the lit September and il Ptoveniber For freight orpaeaige. anritv to WADSWORTH A SMITH, 4 Joae lane, rer of 103 From at. second rla paaa nr er taken. No good will be received oo board without an order Ifaantna Agent. Au experienced surgeon is attached to Ihe ship.

Plus of the cabins can be seen at the ageiu'a office. IV KAN .3 ATLANTIC STE IM SHIP COMPANY NEW YORK LIVERPOOL. I 1 I ii Haiir i 1 a iTi "iai7 The Steam Shm LIVKR POOL. 1160 ton a burthen, and 468 horn power, R. J.

Favrer. K. commander, is appointed to ill aa louowa From New York, I From Liverpool, 19th October. 21st SepU I IWwmher I 16th Nor. Pare to Liverpool thirty five puineas ($163 33) in I fae aft, and thirty jruinea (9140) in the fore saloon, I including: winea and all i tores.

No second class pas I Mngere taken Children under 13 and servants half 190 ions freirht will be taken, application to be nade at the officii. An experienced surgeon accompanies this ship. For passage or freight, apply personally or by letter to ABM. BELL antt 117 Fulton street. New York.

fcTEAM IIE1'V KEN NEW YUitK AND HKISTUL. The steam ship GREAT WESTERN, 1340 tons, as. Hosken, R.N., commander, is appointed to sail daring the vear. as fol lows: From Bristol. From AVuv York.

24th August I 21st Sept. 19th Ocu 16th Nov. Fan to Bristol, including wines, dtc, in main Sa Iowa, and cuddy elate rooms, Thirty Five Guineas, (163 33), in (ore or lower saloons. Thirty Guineas (140); steward's fees, 11,10, children unda servants half price. No second ebsr sieerage passengers taken.

A experienced surgeon is attached to the ship. For freight or passage, apply to RICHARD IRVIN, mtt 98 Front strecU The Htcanibnats IIN1TEI) KTATES. GREAT BRITAIN, and fihe new boat HT. LAKENCE, 'will leave every itav. I (eirept stimlava) Jller Ibe arrival the packets, al Jo'clc k.

P. as follows, vii rNiTED HTATE Mondavsand Thursdays. BT. LAWRENCE Tuesdavsand Ftidays. GREAT BRITAIN Wednes.

lays and ialunlav. and arrive at Lewtstnn at 6 o'clock the next morning. affording in eenneeiion with Ihe Lewiaton railroad and stages, said iWfto stages and packet Pnes.ihe mwt expeihlious and pleasant route hrtwen Buffalo aiid Albany, paaaing in view of Niagara Kails The asm boats will leave lwtstoti daily, (except Sun Tavsl at 4 aclock. P.M. a follows: CtT BRITAIN Mondays and Thnrsdaya.

TnlTED fTATM Tuesdaysand Kriilays. ST. LAWRENCE Wednesday and tfaiurilaya. Andarrrveat Oswego at 6 o'clock next morning, in time for rkar par It el boat a from tswgo to Tries. From Oswego the reat aVitaia will ran to Kingston direct, and Ihe United Siatasand t.

Iwrenee lo Ogdenshurg, via Haekcts Harbor, on KuihUv. Thursday and riaturdiy al tha potts on the south side of the St, lwreoce. Packet Boats aud Mlages leave L'tiea every after ooa for Oswego; and packet boats leave Syracuse every saoi King and evening for Oswego. Oswego, June, im je28lltN REQl'LAR FISHING KXCVUSIONS, FOB THE SEAHOS. The steamer SCN.

CapL R. Peacock, will commence her regular trips to the Fish ing Banks, on TUESDAk, 4tli 1 June, and run the season as fallowa, viz: Leave New Yerk; every Tuesdav and Friday, wether uminiiu frnm Pier No. 37. foot of Market K. at a warier before 8 o'clock.

Old State Prison Wharf at half fatal 8. foot of Chambers street, quarter be tore 9, and Pier Vl" 1 R. at 9 o' elock. A. M.

Ball furaiahed on board gnu a person will attend with naea. BO The Butler, Machinery null of Ihe aheve boat Wv heeo nut in eomntete order, and her aneed increased a as to give passengers more time on the Fishing Banks, thaa they have nail neretoiore. Para tl. meal extra je6 FOR HUIMO.i. mrO FOR NEWBVKGll.

LAJflllHO AT CALDWELL'S. WEST POIXT ADD COLD SPUING. The si earn boat WESTCHES TER, Capt. P. TAYLOR, will leave the foot of Liberty street every Mouday, Weduesiiay ak Saturday afternoons alon'clock.

For freight or passage. apply the Camamon board, or 4 CROOKE at FOWKES, cor. West and laberty. The steamboat HIGHLANDER, Captain Samuel Johnson, will leave the nier Vi Mm, foot of Warren street, every i i ji ii lalTr Monday, Thursday, and natu, Sv aOernnM, at 4 o'clock, im il further notice. nmummm anolv to the (Captain On DOaTd N.B.

AU Butgvge, Bank Bilk or Specie, at the rtak eflhe owners thereof, uulcss a Bill of lading oi receipt aurasd for the same. PO ELL CO. oH) FOK PEEKIKILL, VERPLASCK'S POINT, UHA04Y POINT. HINO TARB.Y TOWN, DOBB'S PERRY, HASTINGS AND TOSKKRS. The new and splendid last sailing steamboat KOSCI USKO, Cap.

l. Ilaywootl. 1 'e mt 1 1 1 mc. nni inn. irom mj Ia loo ol Robin ton street, act above Barclay.

EVERY MORNING, IFndaya exempted.) st o'clock and returning, leave Peekskill same rhailo o'clock, p. M. Landing at ihe Old State Prison Por Vnhe7mformation apply to HAWKINS WIL. LlAMSON, 97 West street, where Packages, Freight, c. will be received for the Boat.

Notice All freight. baggage, bank bil's, specie, or any other kind of ahtppe or put on board this boat, mast be at the risk of the owners of such goods, tretghl, baggage, ate. POR POUGIIREEPSIK. LANDINCJ at GHASY POINT, CALDWELL'S, WEST POINT COI.D SPRING. FiSIIKlLL, HAMBURGH ir.

MILTON The new and splendid Steam. aW KeU MJW K. Robt Mitchell, will leave new torx irom ine tout 1 of Chambers t. every afternoon, tSmidav exeeruedl at 4 o'clK k. Retnmiog.

leaves Poughkeepaie, from near the foot of Main street, every morning (Sunday excepted) at 7 o'clock. Istnding st the Old sutes nan, iuut AUiwe each war. JT" t'OR HINU SI.MCi AND CKOTIIN. The Steamboat TLLtiiilAI'll, I. S.

Odblu will leave rtewlorx, irom me toot oi nan. ber street, EVERY AFTERNOON '(Sunday's excepted) st 1 o' vfoek. Returning will leave Croton EVERY MORN ING, at a paat 7 o'clock, and Sing Sing at o'clock, toocbing at Yonkers.llaalinc, Dobb'a Ferry, and Tarrytown each way. Freight. the risk of the owners thereof.

Passenger will be landed and received oo board at the foot of nainmond street. New York. Pol further Information inquire of T. E. IIL'LSE, HH Weat.eor.

of Warren anTO or of Ihe Captain on heard. PALI. ARRANGEMENT. FOR NP.W Rot IIEI.I.E. GLEN COVE, PEACOCK'S PO'Vr, OirltR PVY.

andCALI) SPRING. SkKtZyi tod alter Monday. iVpl kh, fsSl v2 2f AMERKXAN E. r.l.F.. I pt Charlea B.

Perk, will sA rVTKiX ijCTwt i is miows: Leave New York fallen Market every Tuesday, Thursday od II o'clock Returning, leave Cold Spring, nan MoivUv. Wednesday vnd Friday at o'clock; Ors ler liar anmmutea nasi Peacock Point quarter past 9, Olea Cove, 10; and New Rochelle, quarter before II. led on board. 25 can be ascet. rejects the prebwEN.iAVOOD.

think tbey insy TON MARKET SLIP. 1 On and after Monday. Sept. 16, BJV0C lion of ita orgam steamboat STATESMAN, capt onard, will run aa follows daily, the brain, aa well aej Uy. excepted Leve Plush only in one of two rooming at half past 7 uarter past 8, and Ravenswood (facing Irom its New York at in o'clock.

ks. i. ftern on at half past I. Mallei's ann; Kavenswond at half paat 8 o' the lafer, as the Vork ai 4 o'clock. ithing Pavilion 1 now open fortnere trOTO IbO first and Visiter at a reduced pi ice.

of thefimfonoKEN I' ERR I EH. the bejrl The Steamboats HO Y. BOKENand PIONEER will ply constantly between Barclay street awf Hoboken. The NEWARK leave Canal aireel at the commencement of each hour id every half hour.and.Uoboken every iniennemaiequar trrdunn the dav. Ths FAIRY QUEEN, will lesvs Christopher street si the eotnmencement of each hour and half hour, and Hoboken every quarter during the day.

A boat runs from Barclay street nillillOo'clo k. P. iel SEW YORK, NEWARK, BELLEVILLE, ANU ACUtAVKlaUSli. On and anerseptemner ir, the Steamboat PASSAIC, will i i alryxtyaaaw run oawrca lull biiu 'K ,1.. Newark, in eonneell'n with I the steamer OLIVE BRANCH nt Nswstk, which sat will befn readiness on ihe arrival of I tie raaic, to convey paci.gera and ireigntto Bellevi.le and Acqnarkanonk, ami leave aa follows, vix: Fiot ot Barclay N.

York. I Centre Wharf, Newark. 10 o'clock, A. M. 7 o'clock, A.

M. 4 M. I l( P.M. OuMunday'sIhe PA J6A1C, will leave Oi o'clock, A. M.

I 71 o'clock, A. M. 4 P. AL I 3 P. M.

Pare to Newark IS cents. Fare ta Bellevin 23 Para 10 Aetrtaveksnonk 31f CAM DEM A AJMltOY RAILROAD 1.111 or rnuaaeipnia tfaUy, Sunday excepted) at 1 irTomneriNa.z, Worth River and arrive in Philadelphia a little after 2 o'clock, in time except when detained bv txMaordinnrv circtuns'an ces) to connect wiih the Baltimore Line, which leaves at zt o'clock, P. M. Fare to Philadelphia, 3 TO Forward deck ts to Philadelphia "S'i 25 To Trenton 2 01 Forward deck to Trenton SI 60 To Penh and South Amby 60 To Freehold and Monmouth, via Stae from Highstown 81 50 Breakfasrand dinner provided on board. Breakfast 60 cents.

Dinner 50 cents. All baggage at the risk of its owner. s24 IKA BLISS, Agent. NEW JERSEV RAIL. ROAI) AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY.

MEW ARRANGEMKNT Commencing Oct. I 1838. Newark, Elizabethtown. Kahway, and New llmnswlck. NEW BRUNSWICK TRAINS.

From foot of Liberty street. N. York Daily. Leave New York, Leave New Brudswick "AM U.iily. 71 a.

M. Daily, 4P.M. noon, 4 P. On 91TNDAY, the 7 A M. trip from New Brunswick, is onntied are between Jersey City and cents; ct iiis new in imswirR, 7f cent.

WBWARK ACCOMMODATION LINE. From the fooiaof Cortlandt mreet, Daily i uni'ays Iavc New Ynrk. at 9 o'clock, A M. 11 2 44 P. M.

4 4 7 12 excrpien. leave newarK, ai 6 o'clock, P. M. at 7 A. M.

at 9 atlO atlj al 3 at at 10 OX ftllNnav P. M. PaenieM for Newark will take New Brur.swi. train fiomthe foot ol Liberty street. New York leaving al 9, A.

aud 4f P. M. remitting pays ihioutih Newark at 1 P. an I 111 P. M.

Fare between Jersey City aud Newark 37 crnls. Passengers who procure their tickets at the officef receive a lerryttraet gratis, itesules prcvenliug coniusion and delay after crossing the river. Tickctsreectved by the Conductors only onlhe day when purcriMtert. TheTownTrar.ks in ihecityof Newark havebeen under let, and passengers are ran ied lo and from tlie depot to meet the at rival and departure ol thelratnsforot ctseteh ror ireigm trains seoadveittsotneni. er EXPRESS A PlOXEEll PACKI.T LINKS.

I ia Rail Road and Canal. FROM NEW YORK TO PITTSlll'RG. Leaves Xeic York daily atT and 9 o'clock A. and A 1 2 P. M.

The boats of ihe lines ar. fitted upexprefsly for the accommodation ol assensera and are the only packet Une running on Ihe Pennsylvania tanal. ire cars cm ine iaii roadaare oi the Liraesl and rv bert class Persons secnrini theit passage in this city, have ihe pre ference in choice of erths on board the boats, end save all ejnenseof nonerage in Philadelnbia, an omnibus being al waysin waittngon the arrival of the boat, to cenvey pasaeu ger ami tneir baggage lo ine nepoi to the depot. i nc xpies i uie I Morning Wrappersand Fishing Coats. Ac.

c.constanily eivcs PtuUdeiphiaat6A.M..andtheonl,3nat F. REYNOLDS', ioneer at 6PM. eveiy dav ror seat apply at theouice asnington street. e7 A. B.

CTMM1NGS, Agent NEH VORK AVI) PIIILADCLPHIA RAILROAD LINE. DIRECT. Via Newark, New Brunswick. Princeton Trenton. THROUGH IN SIX HOURS Leave New York, foot of l.ihertv street, daily.

9 o'clock. A I a o'clock, P. M. FARE THROUGH IN BOTH LINES $4. Fare to TRENTON t' 30 Farelo PRINCETON fi Passenears will procure ihcir tickets at the office, foot of Liberty street, where a eoinmodiens steamboat will be iu readiness with hagjage crates on board Philadelphia Iw gage crates are eoovevea tromcityio City, wnhont being opened by thewav.

Each ttuin is wuh a i.adies car, in wnicu are apartments and dressing rooms express for their use. Kctitrniug, tr.e lines leave rmiadeipina at a. .1. sou P. M.

Sa'KACCSE AND UTICA RAIL ROAD. This road is now open for public travel, anddurins the rummer will he run as foil, ws trnrs will leave L'ttcafor Syncue at 5 o'clock A. at 4 P. M. Returning.

ears will leave Syracuse for o'clock A. M. ami at 4 P. All baggage mut he marked and deposited the baggage car bv it owner. ir the person tiavmg cnargeol it.

All bagtage at Ihe risk ol the owner, r. recuse. July VW. JOHN WILKINSON. sifKtN'l President.


F. HARNDEN having made arrangements wi'h the New York and Boston Transportation, and Stnnington and Providence Rail Road Companies, wi.l run a car through daily from New YorK to Boston, and viee versa, for the pur pose of carrying specie, package of good, small bundles. arc. ravages sent by nits tine win go inrougn wuti ine mail.ami be delivered early the billowing morning at any oar. of the city.

Iree of charge. Resionsible agents will accompany the cat foi the purpsse of purchasing goods, collecting draft, notes and hills, and will transact any other bustiiemhal mav be enirus ed to his rare. Package for Charlesiown. Iwell. Andover, Salem and Worcester, Mass Portland.

II and Gardner, Augusta Portland and Bangor, Me. will be foiwarded immediately oo their arrival in Boston. REFERENCES. Boston. Geo Bond A Sons Bryant.

Sittrgea A Co John Thayer A Bro'r Co Nathan Hale, Esq BBMussey New York. John Smith A Co II Winslow JaW Hale B. All packages for Boston imi it be marked lo the care of Harnde.i.anu sent to his office No 2 Wall street, '2d dror below Broadway, or at News Room, corner Wall and Water sts. Wil iam F. Ilarnden isal inc responsible for the kss or injury of any articles, or property committed to his care; no' is any risk asumed by.

or can any be attached lo me Rismnand New York Transportation Company, in whose steamer his crate is to be uansported, in rtspectto it.or its contents, at any time. I'm NEW YORK. AN IHRLAEM RAIL. ROAD. SvS3S OS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.

On and after day of June, the Cars will leav the Ci'v Hall, Walker streetand 6 o'clock. A. 7.C.S 30. 10.11.12, a'clock, A and then ev ery half hour. until ciock.

r. I1TY HALL AND FIFTEENTH STREET LINE. The Cars will leave Ihe City Hall and I 'jthsireet every 10 minutes from 7, clock, A. until o'clock P.M. The following are Ihe rales ol tare irom Cily Uall lo Irch street fj do do 4Jd st do do jj do do Harletu ...25 From Harlem to xorkville 6 do oo 4 id street la.

do do Ibih st do do Cirv Hall 2T, Fare on Sundavs between City Hall and 42dst. and inter mediate places, lt cents. H. WHIG AM. Superintendent.

FALL PLANTING. The subscriber has for sale at his nursery at II. vorK, a large assortment 'CSA FOREST TREES of Urge size, fit for Plant iSf ing Street and Avenues, cons Bting of a bout 1900 Calalpas 20 to 05 ft. hich. 1013 Sugar Maple 16 lo tfu it 5f ack W.

Jii it Jto 15 ft. fJ0 Larch Trees 8 to dOleet. 500 Magnolia Acuminata to 12 teet 500 Negundo. or Ash leaved Maple, sj to i ft. 500 Horse Chcsnuts, 12 lo 15 feet.

500 Weeping Willow 7 10 13ft fiOO Enrhsh Beech, 10 to 15 ft 10U0 Linden, or Lime Trees, 12 to 15 ft. 1000 Norway M.iples, 10 to 20 leel. I'b ria Nut. 10 to 15 a. 500 Umbrella Magnolia, 10 to VI et.

X) Eoiopean Ash, 15 lo 25 feet. 1000 Horre ChesnutF, 6 to 8 feet. 600 ATiamhes. 10 to 16 feet. lout i Engtish Elms, 12 to 20 feel.

200 Kentucky Coffee Tree 10 la leet. Alt. Shrubbery for Plantations and Clumps, among Ibe following are ol urge size ana nusny 800 Mountain Ash. 8 lo 12 ft. S00 Ju.Ias Tree.

PtI2 feet, 1000 M. xnolia Glmca. 5'o ft 3n0 Locust, 10 to 12 feet. lulll European Privet, 4 l6ft HM) for Hedging, 2 to 15U0 Double flowering Allhe as. 5 to III tl.

1000 Persian and Siberian Lilac, 6 feet. I Street Comtr.lS' lonrr'sOfbcc, o.toUr sin, Is. 3 feet 510 Amnrpha. Indigo Shrub. 5 to feet 500 Corchorua ft Also, about 2000 Roses of finest kinds, with Ituny other kinds ol Slu nlis, and a general a sonmetii oi rniir irees of laree size, among them about lOttl Apple Tree, hi lo Diamine in orchards a bo in 'JtKIO do.

for shipping SH0 IKvarf Apples and Pears lorsmall irdens. selecl soils 1000 isertannes. year Irom I tie bud and bearing reac Trees, do: Al. finest sorts of Penrt Pluiiix, Cherriei Gi ne Vinea. Uninces, Filberts, Ac arc 1LU1, llariem isursery.

Tlie fall Is hy far the best time for anting. Very eon aiderahle deduction will be made to those itiat take nuan tines. The tree uvtcn up wuh good roots, and carefully Kin io urocr. fit. o'.

lino ARCHITECTURE. Designs. Plans. Siweifirfttloii. Working Drawings, and Superintendence for every speriecol Building in any pail of the Union stan uaiu iMMiK.

lurniahuig t' best examples from all parts of the world. rncientand modern, and treatises oo me intellectual An, wuh a new work on rural residence, suit edi.iilie wauls ol ihe Am Tican ontineni. mav be obtained at or below cost prices, at ine i.tDrary aim i imce of Al.EX'R J. DAVIS. Architect.

No 3 North wing of the N. Y. University, Washington Park Desiiri.s mat be drawn on letter pap' and aent loan panotitis Union; and communications, oat paid, will be attended to. Jin 11 rtlV NOTICE Pobhe. notice 1 i riven a resolution has been offered in It Board of Aldermen grade and pavelhe2nd Avenue from 26th loifith atretl.

Persona interested in the above named proposition, and having objections, aredesiied to present them in writing at itusomceon or neiorc me mn msi. JOHN f.WEN, Street commissioner. atT 117 PLATFORM RCAl.ES. Tlx ge scales receive' the Bret premium, a silver ilialaat Fair of the Mechanic a1 Institute, siuca whieh una numerous impmve Dents hare been tnadt The Interior coistrurtion. Iw been much simplified, rendering iinpnesUala Sir tliem et out of order.

T. aiiperi Tt'yof these acaltsovcr alio cbecs consists, pnticiitaliy, hi their simplicity of eon. 4rur. riou. and very gieat, aa they use onlv lw au.all wruttila to porforui all (he weighing from lialf a pound io twenlv three hundred nounds.

inn he nr afTtrhrol in the Bv steam boat INOPPENnPlVfE. tn Snuth I hraina areaiwayaiiireaihuettsfor weighing. Allihoineon Amboy from thenow to Borrientown. via railroadt I eviicenseoii. theneii.

Kctv o.r.r ihn if a I are liable to become inronect fr the adherence of dirt. thence in steamboat NEW PHILADELPHIA, usl. orainall panicle being broken off. Being maiiular iiirexl ilium tlie luo iinuroved nrincio'es. all ihe no nia and ueins inafe ii I BEST IHl HI.K REFINED CAST STEEI, and wirranleilin ev.

ry respect pi rf ct and accurate. Ihe' Cinnol falllo fivelhe luthert Isfartlnn The bnnna all of lliem iraluated by an insenioiig machine, invenied by hit iiicuiiiinuiurer. inurinE ine fthipa mmi i a Of which we have jroinuleie aesortiuent rarlicl in Imn MHiiiuirciiuDlf lurpuiung up. rilEOUUKE WALRIT. ael73in 111 From a'reel.

roraer Wall TVTliW FALL. GOOIIS l. A a UROWN if.r.. nal Mreet. I to inform the Ijriienl Neu.

thst Ihey have at preaent on ha a lare an I beautiful avfon nient of rich and fashioi.aMe fancy and staple Drv (in is, lo which ihey are constantly receiving atldiiions aa" Ihe European packets artive; having he, all purr.haaedwiihintlie Uit few dava. on ihe mow aJvantaeeoua terms, P. Ac G. B. feel confident that no where can goods be bought lo gretttr mi, cute uimi wiiuuiein.

i neir stcK consisia or I .4 1. 1 I uo oiacK urosiie lap, roiuc rsl, Keus and GriMd'Atiigu Rich figured and fix'd stripe, colored and blue black ninsm creai vanety A Hlenrii, aartnieot of Cashmere and Brcchay Shawls, iincouiiuonly tow English, German and French all colouie. very cheap Englirih Calii oea. blar and cofd groumb, chinle colours, best imported, per yard 4 4 Fiench CdicorH. best quality, nn'y 2s per yarl Blnck and col'd ground M'iiih de Lainea of every aiyle Linens.

Shect ngs, Table Linen and Diapers flannels in great variely, all kind llilihons, Hosiery, Gloves and I.scca Veivets, Saiins and Einhrnidery Pomearic Mns Sheelingiand Canton FlanneU Woisted Plaid, t'rwl I colors, for boys dresses B'ack Bombazines, Crapes, Cambric IliUfs Ac. 4c. o7 I7VAL.I.. ANIJ WINTER DRV GOODS cases lamden Cloths and Casiini res Yorkshire do do American 00 do Bates Ih aver and Pilot Cloths Mohair Coiling and Flu dungs Cases Satinets and Keriiucky Jeana BnlTalo Cloths. extra heavy l.ons black ilk Velvets; fancy fig'd do 'u Woollen Velvets and Valencia Vesting Figured and p'ain En'lisli Satin do do do French do do Si'k Uuiltinzs for rnnt collars and facings Silk Coat Cord and Bindings Coats Il.iir do ami worsted Bindings English and Freuch Silk Serges Verona do French Bombazines and Hunk in G'nves Merino nod Vigouia Shirts and Drawers I.wii!k Wool.

Vigouia and Coiton Hose G11111 Alasiic S'ispeiiders, asVd qualities SpiUliiPld and Punzee IMkfa 1 willed and a''n SeleMas Paddings and t'snvass Butlrns. Sewing silk. Twist. Thread. Ac. cemrlete ashoituiein ot g'K suitable for merchant tailors andcloiitiers, for sale by the ptce or package onli'ieral teruii. lor approved 1 iius. ni'iN 1 01 importers ami Jobbers s' fl 9m 92 William st. ror of Piatt. I.KMI.N'S KKADY MAUK JI HOSIERY Ac An exiciitfive asortinpnt of Fine Linen Shirts of latest Parisian style do Cambric do, with Linen fronts ilo Fancy Printed.

do Fashionable Linen Fronts lo do Col ars Silk, Cotton, and Woolen Under Shirts do do do Drawers Linen and Cambric do, with French bano oiik, oitoii, an.i woolen Hosiery Best Ifoskin. Silk, and Linen Glov ap II IN I'll AM Ell STATE OF NEW YORK. IN CHANCERY. I.V Puisuant hi a decretal ordr of thi Honourable Court, will nety eight leel nine inches to th" centre ol block between Thirty filtli and Thiny sixth rreels, thence westerly par. aiiei vtun 1 inrty art la street li tv leet.

thence soiitherlv nglit a.ules Th lhirty rilth s'reet ntnetv eight feet nine inches to the northerly side of Thtrtv I'iftfi street: thenre eaterlv along the northerly fide of Thirty tth street fitly feet to the place of hesimiimi' known anddistinguishedas lots No. 657, on a map ol and of George Rapelye, made by Ihiniel Ewtng City Sik yoT. IMJ. hied K. etter's omce.

tin case. No 0 Together with all and singular Ihe tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Uuted, xh Ociober. Is33. S.

fWVDREY, ocS2awts Master in Chancery. TATE OF NEW YORK, rs Pursuant to an order of his Honorable I' ouri will be 1 1 by i under the di reciion ofihe subscriber, one of the Ma ters of ibis public Auction, at the sales riMim of Ilia. H. Franklin. No.

15 Broad sireet. in Ihe city of New York, on theSldt.lay of October, instant, 1J o'clock at noon ALL. those two certain lot of land known and dis tuuui.hed on a man of property in the Eleventh Ward of the city of New York, belonging to ihe estate of Mangle Minlhorne, o.adeby Edward Ihittghtv, i.y urveyor, ed twentieth miiary, by ihe tii'iber HO, 111, boumled as fillow northeaaierly in iront bv roiinh street sotithea Jtorlv by lott number 1 10, 147, 14S, and 1 19, fronting on Hi. first nue sotnh westerly in the rear hy lo's No 123; Northwesterly hy lot So. 19, containing in in nont feet, the same iu the rear, and in length oil each side 06 feet 2J in ches.

Together with a'l and singular the tenements, he reditaments at.d apnintenanres ihereun'n or in any W'seappertauiini. Da'e 1 ith Ocfoher, Jawt sr. ovv iHr. Mist tncntn ery. IN CHANCERY.

Bbfore the Vice Cua.ncei.lok. The Triton Insurance Company. I Gerard Stuyvesant, George G. lio and Peter Sttiyvesam. In pursuance of a decretal order ofihe Conrjl ofChanceryi win o.

sit piionc aoeiion. a ine siiys room Ol rvl ward H. Ludlow A Co No. 13 Broad fre the city ofNewYork, onlhe thitty first day of Oitober instant, at twelve o'clock at noon, under Ihe dir. etionof the subscriber, one of th uiaer.n of the said Coon.

A f.l. those t''o certain ol in.l Ivin n.l l.siris theThir.i war. lot ihecty of NewVork, and distimrutshe I on a map of the laud ol the Rector, Chiirrliwirdeusaiid Ve. iryinenol 1 nnt'y Cliurcn larin, hy 'he number I I7'j; the said two lots taken together extet.ding from War lo Murray sireet. containing twenty five feet in front on each street, at.d being one hundred and seventy five feet in length from street to street, hounded on Ihe southerly side by lots number three hundred and six'v four and three hutidrel an I seventy five, and on the east.

rly side by lots number 3i and 1177 on the aforesaid map the said two lot adjoining each other hi Ihe rear. New or, ociober mil. i. i S. JONES MUMFORD, or92iwts Mister in Chancery.

rJtQYPTIATJ SOILi OR, CONCENTRATED NATRON A.NLKE! lor preserving andmrreasitii: the growth ofihe Multus Mtiltirariiin and all other roots and herbs that require peculiar heat; and also, to destroy worms, grubs, and insects, iu the groiui that u.uallv aback young settings lis application is simple and never failing. DiHECTioss. On setting your root and shrubs, put about a pound oi me lomid each, luixt with the same quanUty of your setting roil at fine as il can be had, then CI. rc up in I lie iihi wav. Price tl per 100 lb.

42 50 for 50, including package. Or.ler.lirected.S'Siaiil.toilieAgeiil.JOSEPII A RE.A, si Pine street, New York.incl isttii p.tyineut. will he attend eil to without delay, and forwarded to any purl nt the Under rsaie. r.oioii' an'3Jtas7a OliTIIERS DISTKK TOK NEXV VORK" 3 ss. Whereas, iniorinat nn hath he filed in the District Court of the United Slate for the mthern District of York, on the lr day of October, 33, hy II F.

Uui ler, ITnited Stales Districr Attorney, on lehali' of tne United St lies, against the following packages of goods, wares and merchandise, to wp One truss entraining two pieces of etoih and marked John Mead. New York three trmse inBrke.l L. No. 1.2 and 3. containing rlmhing; one case marked in a diamond wuh in a squ ire under, containing steel pens; one cheat containing sewing bilk, buttons.

Arc. And whereas, the substance of the said information Is, that Jesse Hoyt, collector of the cusoms for the port of New York, en the21th day of September. 1339. st the cily of New York, seized fori, ited lo the use of ihe said United Stales the said goada, ires an I inerch uvlise, imported into the United Slates in divers ships and vessels on and nines between the lt of June and the ay ol September, 1 irom some foreign port or place, and which were subject to the payment of duties on so being imparted. That an entry of the said goodn.d.ily signed, wpre on Ihe several elay and times of the impci ration thereof, made at the olKce of the said collector, and on Ihcin'ry being made, invoices of the ud goods were produced and left with th.

add coPcctor, ho caused the said park.igeslo be cxtimned, i ispcted and appraised; and up su. ex imination. insnec oil and appraisement, th said invoices ere loundto have been made up by a false valuation, and lh.t said package and invoice were lannd, and each of them was found lo have been made up by a false valuation, extension, and otherwise, to evade and defraud Ihe revenue of ihe United Sales, in this. at the goods contained in the said ic were charged in the sod invricestt a less price than ihey actnal'y cost the imimrter thereof; thereby in. nding io defraud the United Stales, by pay nt a lest duty t'ian by law ihey weie required to pay, on lhe importation liereol.

That the said goods, being composed wholly or in part of woVs or cotton, on ihe entry being made and the invoice I It a aforesaid, an examina'fon. insjicctioti ahd apprais meitt. the said goods were found not to correspond with the a foi letted to the use of the said United Stale, sixten half I Srr iMaii i AUKU'8 PATKJIT VIRE PROOV CIIEsiTei Gavler'a fmenl fira nioof Chew the only chmt that has aithaaavd the lest of fire when exposed in huil.ltiiga. Numbers of Ihexe ch. sl Imve been in stores and ullices whuu burned and in no one instance have ihey been known lo fail.

Thia is the only rue way oi teMing the mertu of a fire prool chest. A rtilam uder may stand a fire built for it bv iic owner: but it is morn doubted 11 it coo'd guard ita cemerla if exposed whtre it uot be taken care of The reputation of uayiers clieata is baaed on reel tnaU, as may be en by iiue aiei in uy me auoHcriucr if in iiiUivhiu.ui wuo have seen them tiied where there could be no jugglery. Nearly tidieg thoiband of these rhisiaare imiilii ne In the United e'latea. and sa inanv of them hnve heen evtiodil ure in Duuinirss, ttiai n.ik neen neeUlea to mark a tire to show their uuuuty. Exhibitions can be made lo de reive the public a Fire King or Juggler can swallow live coals, or creep in an oven apparently red hot witli.iut being HC'rrlied but thcpub'ic are aware thai hey are beiug deceived ihey do not see behind Ihe seem s.

It is precisely Ihe Mine wi an exhibition r.f a fire if thew. Seven years eierienrt in Ihe manufaclure of these chests, will warran the subscriber in saying that he can tindilocsuiake In his thai will stand fire; and he is fun her borue out in his asscrtioiM by the approbation bestowed on his Chestr bv Ihe public. A large assortment of double and single Chests of all sizes constantly oo hand, aecured with Locks made in Ihe sutixcnbeM own wnrkshep, which cannot be forced or pirKen.'J oinet doors mane to omer. Mer chants, Jewellei.

and others, wantinx a eouinlctc safe guard for their property, will do well lo call at the store of the subscriber, 102 Water street. I. BROWN, a'Uffif Successor to C. Gayler. LEW1MIF.RO CO.

pracilral opticians im beg respectfully lo inform the public, that thy have ot in their store, 135 Fulton street, a new supply of all roods in their line, as stiectacles in gold, silver, steel. Ger man nilver and horn frames, Brazil Pebbles, glasses of all descriptions. Ac. 1. larwmberg has studied optics for 3n years, in some ot ihe first universities in Enrol.

He is the first Inventor ol the amber lenses lor wcav. siglilsand visomelre or opticians well kaown. His mveutious in optics have been paironraoc and recommended by his late majesty George v. aim ins roal nigtmeKS Dukeot.ciissex,as well as by fourteen eminent members of the facu'ty, among whom are Dr. Httfeland, phyr ciaii to the King of Prussia, Dr.

Ki'ei. ic, physician to Ihe hit'g ol haxonv, Dr. Sievenso, oculist to his late majesty William IV and Dr. Alexander, of xmdnn. lesumonials can be seen al Ins place I Jo Hilton street.

From the great experience has had in npliica, he is coiiful. nl nf giving every satiiifactionto those requiring the aidnlGlaaces I. A CO engage all spectacles bought from them to fit the eight for three years, and Ihey ahull feel obliged if the wearer ol their spectacles will say if they do not suit for three "lays, as it frequently happens, that a change lakes place within Ibis tiuie from an affection ofihe nerves or from the blood 10 the head As L. L. confide! 11 verv pernicious lor the sightsto wear spectacles merely lor fashion's sake, our advertise mentis respectfully directed only lo those persons who are actually in want ol the aid of glasses ORISON'S P1I.I S.

Or the Vegetable Universal Meoi cines of the Biiiish College of Ileal h. Copy of a letter Irom Jamea Morrison, the llygeibt, to Mr. C. Freuch, Bal timore London, British College of Ileallh. April, 1S3R.

"Sir 1 have loarkuouledge the receipt ol vour letter undenlate March 13, anil in answer thereto, I beg to in form yon (hat Mr. Horatio Shepheard Moai was superseded in the agencv for the sale of my medicines in Amerira, hy ir i.eorge laytor.o: iew 1 ors, on or annul tlie month ol September. IS'i7. who in now the only person in America from whom my medicines can be obtained, und to whom I have to 1 efer you on the subject of the agency fur Balti more. I have communicated with Mr.

Taylor on the subject of your application, anu nave rne nonorrn i.esir,.c. trailed) jA.viisr siUKlsoN.the llygeisf. The fuilowmg C'ity Agents have been for ihe sale of the. above medicines, at whiwe stores only Ihe genu ine iiiiisirieo ionson rips ran be obtained. Messrs.

Firth Ac Hall, Music Store, No. 1 Franklin Square. A. Hagerman, Postmaster, Brooklyn George Kmlicwt, Lithographer, Broadway. successors to D.

D.Smith, 190 Green. sneer. Samuel Earl Hon, 435 Broadway. TiioiliasFosler.Sag Harbor. L.

I. GEORGE TAYLOR 6J Wall and 6 New t. mrlfi General ifnt. lltKt KWITUVS AKTl.BILlOl PH.L.S. Frequent appiicaikiiis from those who have confidence "Berkwnh'K Anli Dyspepiic Pills," and in their Amhnr.

lor a P1.10I more actively purgauve properties. have indue ed rum 10 issue one calcmated to supply the ilriimi These Pills are, therefore, designed expressly as an ac live pin possesses highly Ami Bilious qualities yet without a particle of Calomel, or any other mineral. Ca loinei has been omitted from no 1 reiudice aiainst it. when by a j'H he sold a. public auction lo.he liighes, h.ddet, under TA by vriT tan i Vt 1 .1 1 I troduclion into lamilies for domesac prescription, is often JA.

those two certain 1 lots. or parce's of ground, fl)ow, consequences iniun us to get e'al hea" with the dwelling house thereon, situate. u.g ill U.iia.llill luri'iri it a. 11.. 1 3" jiiuwor is reinnreii (aii'i mere are hum lir.l QL 1 1 1 11 CT.

I Bllil it, iv mis ia' I iiiemseive "roi' ii. iiiiiiiiiicciiiiiri ui ilium venue, roi'iiui" these Pd a iiuv be vnf.U aj a n. "7 should not be taken riviuetiiii hv I. r.r uinariiy. wnti purgatives ot this class.

The laborer, the hearty feeder, with sluggish bowel, the habitually bihoua. in snort ait who desire or need to have their bowel ur: to more active duly, may rely upon the efficiency ol these I IIIB. They are handsomely put up in tin boxes ith directions, and for sale by Henry D. Turner. 160 Broadway.

New York up stairs, and by most of the other agents for the sale of Beckwiih's Ami Dyspeptic P.llt throughout the United Slates. Price '5 cents per box D3 A hheial ihscouni made to those who buy bv the quan'itv. i'K2 DR. G. R.

PHELPS COMPOUND TOMATO PILLS. FIMIKSE PILLS roiiimiie lo maintain the eelebrt'y I whicliiUey so rapully aud extensively aequircd; and have proved an iinequa led reined an lia'ive in Dyspepsia. Chronic and Glandular diseases: and as a C. in all Kih itis all'ec lions, and Fau.ily Pbys' ic a from their nature and compo itiori llo are Daitiro laily mild andsalu arv in tin i. cper liou.

Tlie testimuuials ot their suierior hen. Cc al tTects from Phvsicians and dts tniguished individuals place them hevnu'd the doubt. ul remedies of the day, ami ihe proprietor in claiming lor tiiein superior ronsideralion. As Meie are ether an I ditferent Tnmit Piils now, rtised, and some even as Phelps" those wishing the "mime should be parbru to get tho esign.v! PI.elp. D.

HaPloid. I U.nn. For teslin.oiiials. see Pamph et in ine nanus oi those who sei them. For sal.

by the proprietor. Ilartl.ird.C nn; an by Ager.ts Hie prillrioal 1 iWIIS 111 Hie I lllle In Nw A or, by Jo' ti P. Macy, i U) P. arl street H.wdlcy. Pin A I A 111 .1 i i i sireei .1 11 ratios, corner ol Kulloti and Gol i us; llaviland Kmc C.

HI Madeii Ijne; r. i i.leAI rorner ol Fu ton ami Water sts l. oiine wtiiiiesaie ueg.ts. auw UORM1I OltMSI SIIKH MAN WORM I.oIINGESM diseases arise from wonn without its betnir suspected. Sonietnnes a very rouhlesome c.Migli, pains in lite joints or limbs hleedtne at the nose.

Arc Ac are occasioned hy worms, and will he easily cured by 'ising this celebrated me.licint. The following symptoms in I rale the presence of worms, viz headai he. vertigo, to por, tur.led dream. sleep nroKen off by tright and screaming, convulsions, feyerisbnes thirst, paih.l hue, bad lasie in ihe mouth i.tT. nive breath, cough, dirllcnil breathing, ilehing at the nose, pains in the stomach, nauea, aqiieamishuess, voracity, leanness.

tenes mus, ircning ai me anus towards night, and at lemtili detec tionsolliluiHand mucus. Read what Sherman's Worm lozenge have ilone. Mr. Johnson, ol tt averly Place, says his child had been alnVt ed with ht saud asthe Docbo ihoiiL'ht with waier on Ihe Eve.y Hung was to help the child without eltVct, luiiila boxol ShariPiin's Worn. Ia7.engtwere tne 1.

wiurh lo ihe atontshin. nt of all. ailccied a perfect cure in a lew day a. They brought awav an l.noal incredible number ol worn. which hrouxht immediate relief.

Ask for Sherman's V.nrm Thev are theonly Worm Medicine that never f.iiU 70 OX) famine have used 'hem within the la. wuh timfoini succes. Wholesale and retail at IUU si. N. iy2b O.TCCKER, :I.D Aa to Dr.

Kimball, No I Pa DENTIST, Ku. ark place Doctor Tncker having completed his Professional Studies under the able and meient imitriiriton of ILirwood Jc Tucker, of Boston has upon making the city of New York lusplace of permanent residence. To those who may wish to consult him, he now respect luny leins r. ui sl services. New York.

April 13. 119 Doctor Tucker begs leave to present the following testi nooial from Dr Kimball Dll II KI.MUAI.L having derided upon relinquishing ine practice oi ins proicasion. ann oemg aisaut to leave New York, begs leave lo present to his friends his sincere ac knowh confidence in his protession skill which has been inamlest bvthe extensive and highly re spectable practice with which he ha been honored during nisresideneein INew ioiic. And he is most happy lo know that there are in the city a number of gentlemen of deservedly high reputation, and to whom he would with the grraiesf confidence refer liis I'heiiilayel It" would take tins omsim nilv to recommend lo their patronage ami conlidenre Dr. Tcckek, who has come to Ihts cily al Ihe solicitation of Dr.

Kimball, audio whom he would refer his former patients In Ihe belief! hat he will fully sustain the high character he has elsewhere at.ained aa an efficient and l.iilliltil operator. Doctor Tucker manufacture the same kind of Mineral Teeth which which have been exclusively used hy Dr. Kimball, and wnirh tor strength, durability, and close imitation of natural teeth, are imsurriassed. New York, Aiwil 2. 1839.

Testimonial from Doctors Ilarwood A Tucker.of Boston. We have perused iheahove recommendation ol Dr. g. Tpckbr, ami do most heeriullv confirm, the very handsome testimonial of our friend, Dr.Ktmh.ill. IIARWOOD Ac TUCKER.

Boston, April C. 1S39. je 10 SIIKU WOOD'S ELECTRO MAGNETIC rent dies lor chronir diseases of the organs and limbs including all the foims of scrolul.i, are perfectly safe fin pcrsonaofall age and conditions, and nnilorm'ly cure all tr.ecasea.if the disease, excepting only a few in the laal slaie. Oirire J'JIiJ Bioadw iy. 1 S.

Dc S. has no connection with the Institute of Medical Philosophy i No. 3 Park Place. N. B.

My alien ion ha been directed to a pamphlet rf cmni paxes, rei eiiny issued irom tne above institute, in which one of the iiinuagersof it Dr. Ma'l he is acquainted with the composition of Iheahove remedies; andanother by ihe name of J. hp g. announces ihat he hat nmaineu article lor their nianut.iriiire ofine. botli of which are entirely liil having not ihe least in last se5 H.


New York. This Institute is conducted by an Association of Physicians, termed lor the treatmentofdiseases generally, upon Electric, Gavauic, and Magnetic principles. The success of this mode ol treating disease has already been wall ami thoroughly es InlilixliMi anil ifr.liun.a nl i r.o. A ST, 1 1 iiimian lesiuniv tZ. ...7 niik.

7. i.r T' ma ne.t'nf,"'' most valuable, safe.and saluta. oeei. ry iiMire particularly in al Sarnlu oils and Chronic forms. made no Willi inteiil IO IVAile and defraud! herevenna r.f it.

nr m. luriua. e. r.en as nere treated, has lot Sin. .1...

mi.l 'n nrglerted.ill ihe last stage 7 T. 1 A 7, i Jto uoioen ivemeoy or Electro l.alvanic Pills and o1 'oof. ei.e.i mom. ran oe omaineitat this otttce boxes, marxed A and No. 1 to 16 inclusive.

conlainmi se I I. COVERT'S Rtl.M 111' t.ii'i,' led States. Now, therefore, in pimuanre of the monition under the seal of the said Court, to line directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice ro all persons claiming ihe said goods, wares, Ac or in any manner interested therein, that they he and appear before the said Court, to be hold en in and for Ihe aaid Southern District of New York, at the city of New York, on the fourth Tuesday of October nexi, at 11 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, (if the same sha I be a day of juridiciimi, otherwise on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter.) then and, there to interpose ihcir rUirus for the same, and, make theit allegations in that behalf. Dated, New Y'ork. Ocfober4th.

1830. WM. COVENTRY H. WADDELlj Untied States Marshal. B.

F. Butler, U. B. District Attorney. octa 14t Jc.AitisiiKii xi WARE An assortment of a.

I'i'ca ware and lloiiae fiirnishing arueles, con ttantly for sale hy the tnanuSictiirer. T. THOMAS A PON, "21 Kl Vvspm f. CvANDIA SOAP 20 cases, whhe. for sale bv na OliAMIIIUtLAlNALA'RENClu, lOOFrutUat.

i OHANCBii. HlUViSg TUB Vica L'HAtlOaXlOB. Margiret A. fetuyvt aant, i James Van Benschoten. and others STATE OF NEW YORK, s.

pursuance of an order of the Conrt ot Chancery wi'l be ami. I at puhbe auctioa. onoVr the direction ot the subscriber, otie of the masters ot the aaid Court, at the sale room of lines M. Miller No. VS Bioad J'l gars, one cas't conuinmt gin, ninety three dozen eat.

hit! A NE andvahiable remedy mr the cure of Consmnp tk ins found in a case marked in a diamond, and No Asthma, Itaionchitis. Croup, Whoopii.gCoii"h.and taid last mentioned goods were unladen and deliver all diseases ofihe Lungs and Windpiive. Exlensivoiy used no I. Oil. trw wiuvii ll.e nmiib nrrr iiiipui leil iniO ivo.imir.nn i.j mg cat aCUtly to WhOtn ttlC the port ol New York without anv Licence oi Permit Irom rereipe has been freely made known.

Ihe Collector and Naval ofltcer of this district, contrary to i tor numerous certificates from the most respectable the Sikh section of ihe act of congress, entitled and act to I physicians, s. circulars in the hands of all who sell Ihe regulate the collection on imports and tonnage. medicine idso the proprietor's advertisemen in the vari in.l aravint (bat aiii.l trnnd4 area an. I mere handle. I OUS lieWSIiner of I l.j may be condemned as forfeited to the use of the said Uai 1 Price SI per bottle.

A liberal discount made to those 'o sun again, ana me privilege of leturmng it always granted. HOADLEY. PHELPS dc CO. Wholesale Drnggista, 142 Water el. N.

General Agents. au3lf I. COVERT CO. Proprietors, Auburn, N. Y.

GrSS, PISTOLS, Cl'5 AND RIFLE BAR ELS 2000 pairs Pistols assorted all kinds, Boys Guns, assorted, sinale and double, 1019 single barrel Fowling Pieces, 200d. iiible do Cocking Guns, Iff) do do Deer do, 1(0 do do Ducking, expressly for Loni Island Ducker. 601 Afsorted Rifles, 3.0 Kill and Gun Barrels. The above wiUbc sold in quantities at auction prices. A.

W. flni l'I' url street. HObAs 5ICKLKBV, JSe. I The Iev AN York edition of Nicholas Nicklehy. H.i published and may had at AS R.WNOK'S.

BssMartv, 7C Bavrti. street, in the city of New York, on the 19th rtav of epiember, A. U. 19. at 18 o'clock at noon of that dav ALL.

tiiose certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, aitu Me, lying and being in th Eleventh Waidof the city of new a ora. ano KlliWli anrl ilisttnvniMlieil on a man ow HZ a division of part ol the real estate late of Nicliohu W. stuy vesam, oeceused among his heirs, situate in the leveiil'i Ward oft' city of New York, as loU uumliers one bun dled and six, cue hundre.1 and nineteen, one hundred ami seven, one hurdred and eighieen. one hundred and forty seven, one bundled an. I sixty eight The said lots, nuinoctsonc bundled and six, i ne hundred at.d ii'ii' teen anil one hundred and seven, and one hundred and eighteen, being at a point on the southerly side of chth street, one hundred and twentv five feet ilinmm from ihe southweteler ly corner First Avenue anil Eieluli street.

ihence running along lots one hmnbedand iit and one hundred andsev a enteen. and one hundred ami eighty seven feet to Seven ll and twenty and one hundred and five, ime hundred and glitv seven feet to Eixblh street Ihence eatrrly along Eighth street fifty feet 10 the place of beginning The laidlots numbers one hundred and forty seven and one hundred and sixty eight beginning at a point on the uiberly side of Ninth street, two hundred and fifty fcer westerly from ihe south westerly corner of First Avenue and Ninth street; thence along lots oue hundred and forty eight and one hundred and sixty seven. me hundred 30il seven' nine feel ten inches to Eighth street; thence westerly along Eighth trect, twen five feet lolot one hundred .111 1 sixty nine thence along lots one hundred and sin nine, and one liuu lr. aud 1 led S.ab far six. one hundred and seventy nine feet leu inches to Ninth street; thence easterly along Ninth street, lo the pince negtnntng Dated Angust 28, 1839.

PHII.O T. RUGGI.ES. au2S awu Master in Chancery The sale nfths above described premises is adjourned 10 the 17th day of October next, al the same and place. 19.

PH1LO T. RUGGI.ES, i Master in Chancery IN CHANCERY. Before the Vice Ch anceixor op I st Cmcrrr. Thomas Lyell, trustee, ice. VS MASTER'S SALE, harlcs Farrington and others.

IN pursuance of a dee rets order ef Ihe Conrt of Chancery oittiis matePKide in the above entitled sun, will sold al public auction, by or under the direction of the subscriber one of the Masiers ol said court, on the twenty day ol October instant, at the salts roomof J. Miller A. Auctioneer number twenty three Broad street, in the liisi ward of the cily of New York. AIjIj thai certain lot of ground siluare in the city of New Yoik, known on the man of Ihe Bose Hill farm, uiane by Stephen l.iidlam. cilv survevoi.

un lertne direrlion of ine coioiimsmiiera oy me onn Chancery to rivide ihe same among the hi irs and devices ot Nichol is Ciuger. dereased. bv the number seven hundred and lvei7l'A)the satd ht beini. situate on the norm st.le of iweu'y I tun street, between th.rd and fourth avenues, together with ail and singular the lem merits, hereditaments. ami aniiurtenances 1 hereunto belonging or iu any wise ap ew iork, October DW1D CODWISE.

oeil 2aw 3w Master in Chancery. in Before the Assistant Vica CnANCStxoj Fibst Cmccn. Washutgtoti K. Venmlye, Ace, vs Daniel B. Tallti ailge.

Ac. STATE OF NEW YORK. ss. pursuance of auWretal o.derof fho Court of Chancery wi.l be sold at pub'i; nunion.i the salts room t.f James M. Miller A Co Auctioneers, No.

23 Bread 81 1 eel. 1:1 tlie ctty ol New on the stx'eemh d.iv of October te xt, nt noon, under the direction of the subscriber one of the master of said LL those certain leasehold premises whit were bv A. the Sailois' Snug llarlmr in the city York. by md 'ntureof lease bearing date the iwentv s. venln dav of July, in ihe year one thousand eight hundred and thirtv tnree, ueuiiHen.

i. asea, audio t.nn let unio oue William II. White and 10 his heirs, executors, administrator and assigns for and during and umii Ihe full eed and term ol twenty one yrarj from the first day i May, in the year eighteen hundred and tirriy three. at ihe yeaily rem or siiiuoi one Hundred dollar. paal le hall yeariy.

and by ine sa'n niiein it v. nue asntueu 10 James 11. ii.y and bv the said Jameo II. Kay to James Tripp and hy the aid Jamea Tuppe loOliver Wi'rox and by the raid Oliver Wilcox, hy assignment b. aring de il.

brst day of May. in the year eighteen hundred arid thirty five, lo liie sai.i 'fend ant. Daniel Tallmai'ge, and whLh said leasehold pre inise are bounded and sciihed a follow, lo wit Al' Hint certain lot of land sun ue. lying, and being in the Kit lecmh Ward of tbeeity of New York, being p.ut of the formerly belonging to the Trustees of me Sailor's uug llarlsrr In the ci'y of New York, and na mapol lie ir prooeity in the late Ne th Waul, mate Thomas R. Lud.ain city siuveyot.

dated hun drrd and ilunv, hy the number eighty mil" ded northerly in by Ninth sireet. southerly in the rear by loi designaled on sa map a numner one bundled a I twenty Ituee. easteily on the oue side by hadesina ion said map as nmnoer mneiy. anu westerly on the on er side by lot designaled on ihe said man a number euthlv einhi. con taining in from and rear eaeh twenty five feel, and in length en each side nine'y ihr feet eleven inches, together wi.h all and smgularilie cdttici s.

building pii vueges ami appuiienaiices lliereunio Leioning 01 in anv wise apperiaimng, and aliall I he estate, rig lit. title, mier esuiennol year yet to come, end uueiired property. possefion, claim, and demand wlis.tan.ter. as well in law ns in equity, of ihe said Daniel II. lallmadge t.f, iu an I to tie said demised premise and every pari and parcel there of, with the appurtenances and also liie said indenture of lease and eveiy clause, article and therein ex pressed and contained.

t.aiea i ors, ttn, is.r... STEPHEN CaMBREI.F.NG. 21 2aw3w Mas er hancery. IN I II tNCERY BsroRE the Vice Chancellor. DavidS.

Began, i vs Joset.h Barnes. STATE Or NEW.) In pursuance of a decretal ord. rol the Comt of Chancer, will be aoldal imbue auction, under the direr ofihe snbacriber.oiienf tie viastersoi the said I ourt. a Ihe sale room oi ones Miller Co. No 23 llruad sireet.

in the city oi lors. on tuea ni.n dav ol October, A 1). al twelve o'clock at noon ol ihat dav LL that crrta lot ol l.oid. s.tuate iniheTwenlli Wan' of the city of New Yoik. ami ku.iwn and Ihe map of Ihe park or square 'aid out I.y Mainurl 11.

gles by the nnii.oer Ii (iwrlve land it butted and bounded as follows: hegiumng at a point in the Soutli west.r!y aide of Twentieth street, distant two hundred and six foe; and ootli e.isierlv from the S.iutherly corner ol the av. nue and Twentieth street; thence running S.uth westerly.on a hue parallel witii the Fouiih avenue, iniieiy two feet theice Soutii a line parallel wiih SiiiilTweiitieth street, twenty six Iceland eight inches; thenre North easterly, on a line parallel wuh Ihe Fourth avenue, ninety two feel, lo Ihe said South wc steily side ol Twentieth 'r et thence Nortii wesi. rly, along tee same, twenty fix feet and eight inches, to the place of beginning being Ihe same premises conveyed to Nathaniel Whitman by Samuel B. Rugglea and bis wife, by deed bearing ilale the third day of January I to hich deed, for a particular description of the said I t.

and th rmhts and Ihe privileges lo which it is ei.tdle,t, and Ihe conditions and covenants to which it is subject, re errnre is made; together with ail and singular ihe tenement, hereditaments and itieri tiiiio helnnttug or in anywise appertaining. Dated New York, October 3d. I. PH1LO Kl GGLKS, e3 2awl25 Master in Ci.anrerv. IN Itbpore the Vice Chakcelior.

John Rathbone, v. urge A. Fir st. Ac. STATE OF NEW YORK.

s. In pursuance of a decretal order ol the tuirt ol Cbince rv, will be sol I at nubiic aiic ion under the direcuon ol the subscriber, one of ine misters oi sa'd conn, at the sales room of Jaa. M. Milier A Co. No 23 Broad street, in the city of New York, on thevSlhday of October, A.

D. 1S39, at twelve o'clock, al neon, of ihat day ALL that certain lot of land ami dwelling house thereon st.uiil iic. itnaie in the Sixteenth Waul ol tlie sud city, bounded as follows: beginning at the nnrth astctly corner of ihe Third iiiy. first stree them nonhrasier a ons the soiiiheas'erly side 0 tne Third Ave aue tnenty lwo I. el, thence si as'eily paiallel wi li Twenty first street seventy five feet, thenre souiliwea eily and parallel with ihe Third Avenue iwemy two leet to th'; uortiteasicily side of Twenty first tare, and ihence nor wesierly ahmg ihe same miv nty five feel to the piafe of be ginning; I gemer with Ihe right and privilege of ll.e arty wall in common with the lot adjoining (he above desciil.ed premise on Ihe northeasterly side Iherof being pan of the p.

cruises coiivevd by the said famii. I B. Knggles and his wife to the said George A. Furst by deed, daie 20ih June, IW, which is recorded in tlie oftice of Register in Liber 370. ol conveyance nt (vaxe lli l.

Dated New York, October 3d. KI9. PHII.O RUGGLES, lawt25 Masierin Chancery. IN CH ANCERY BEFORE THE VICE CHANCELLOR, Amos VV. Gate.

A n.n isti ttor, Ave. of Gerard Smith, I v. William Shaw, and al STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. IN pursuance ot a decretal order oi the Court of Chancer will he sold at Pnbl Auction, at the Sales Room of Messrs. James Miller A rue loneers.

No. tiffau "iin uiii intrciir ui ppiv iirs. ine loiinh dty of October next, at no in, under the direction ol the subscriber, one nf the masters f. aid conn. LL that certain lot.

piece or parcel of gr oind, loaie. X. ij ing ami neiiig in Ihe tweiliu tt srdol thel nv nl New Yors.on die south we. leil corner olthe Seventh avenue and Nin teetilh stri ct, bniiii.led and contaiinngas follows viz east erly in front hy the vent aven ue af. iresaid i wem three feet one inch.

southerly on one side by ground now or l.te nl Bela Bacon one hundred feet, es eily in the rear by ground now or ol the heirs of Ahiaham Biiuckerhoof twenty three feet one inch, nod northerly by Nineteenth sti eel alorena one hundred le Daled New York, September lh STEPHEN PAMBRRI.ENO, seliPawts Alas'er in Chancery. Tiie eaie of the above described propenv is nnnnoee.i until the eigbleenlhdaynf October instant, at tlie same hour and ace. Dated New York, Octolwr4th. Is39. STEPHEN CAMRREI.ENG, "4 2awts Master in Chancery.

Peter Perry IN CHANCERY. I MASTERS SALE. Henry llyard. In pursuance of a decretal order of the Court of Chancery of the Stale of New York, the following describe I premises will be sold by or un lerihe direction of the subscriber, one of the' masters of said Courl.a public auc ion.on Ihe ilay of October nett.nt 12 o'clock al noon, at the saies room eif James M. Miller A Co.

auctioneers. No. 23 Broad street, in the city of mew iork. viz: ALL the right, title, interest, prnpeny, possesion, rlaim. or demand of Ihe said Henry Bvar.l.

of. in.or to a cenain indentnre of lease hewing dale die Cist of May, in ineyear lski, executed py rerer i nn ihe e.ity of New Yoik. lo Ihe said Henry llyard. for ihe termni twenty one years from ihe said first day of May, lKJO; also, all his right, t. tie an I interest ot.iuoi lo the buildings now erected, or lo be reeled nxin the premise in siid lease described under and bv virtue of said lease, which premises are in aid lease described as follows, viz: All that re.

lain lot piece or parcel of ground situate, lying and being in the Ninth (late Eighth) Uardol the cny of N'. York, bounded soiitherlv in front by Christopher street, northerly Ihe rear by ground now or late oi jonn oxnoway, easier' by ground now or late of Mr. Vaodervoon, and wesie r.y by ground noworiaieof Peter D. Christie, containing in front duty I wo feet eleven inches, in Ihe rear thiriy i iclit feet five inches, in le ngth on the ea terly side ubiety ir feet nine inches, and on Ihe westerly side nine five leet stx inches, be the same more or less Dated New York, 9th Sept 1839. CHAR.

MOORE. sl0 2jwtOl Master in Chancery. The sale of Ihe above described property is po tp mil. I the seveutli day oi November next, at the aaine hour and a'lt. New York, 2.1 October, 1639.

CnAS. B. MOORE, oci StweN Msstei in Chanrerv HAVANA PHESEttVES Asinl in lasa tare. For sals try R. ATWiLL, a20 sal BrMdvnry.

i berau inl.uiouiiuu l.a.l. il. 1 AT llini lwrrrnv i ttm Colin ol tlx Vuited in ten Ihe eioutueni District New Yoik.oo the iMih nay of etember, S. by Benit pin P. Boiler.

1J. Distrii Atuirne. ui beiuilf of the II mWA rttares, against the fuilowmg gmala, wares, and uei oaraiiae.i.1 wit nine iaien k. il 1, in a uu mond, nu Noa. to 71)9, uiclnnve, and containing elolhw.

Ami wi.ereas tlie subMance ol iiieram u.ton. at ion is that lesaeHoyi. Collector of ll.e I umouh lor ihe dii triclot New York, on the M(h Uny of, ItSai. at me cny oi new ore, se zeo, aa loileneU to ine ue ol the ulled ntaies. the said fo area and merchandise, tui poMed into the luitexl mates oii the Sd rtav ol Smimbfr oki in ine A'l.'.iroui ai me loreun toil or the time when made at.d place when and wLere ptorured I sevr ntv thereby intending to de'raudthe Unit) Stales, by payuig I of range less duiy than by law they are required 10 pay on ihe mi 1 G.ven portatioii lliereof. That the said gnaala being or in psrt of wool or cotton on the entry being ma. ai.d ihe invoice left as afore said on an examination, mspernvii and a p.aisi ineni ihe MiHiroofia were loundnol Willi the said entry but lo be wholly variant an.t ihfV. rent llieiel oio. ami earl of esaid par I.

a v.a ouml 10 have leen irade upvii an mnni 10 ami uei, aud the revenue ol ihe said nt A ft! iiraying thai Ihe raid goods. wareand errhandi may he comlen.ned a forfeited lo the use of the said died Statea. Now.therefore, in pursuance of the monition unci Ihe seal ihe sai I court, tome diiee.ed and lUlitsrwl Ol THKItS DISTRICT OK NEW YORK, ss an information luuh been filed in Ihe I District' am ft ol the I nit citrate lor tli Sou'hern ln. tnctof New York. on Oay of September.

KI9. bv u.iii. i. i.r.,.eui i.tes Lllsiriei Al.omev.on I cl.altt I Hie I ntied S'au ag iiiibt the following packages of g.mds. wares and merchandise, to case u.arked in a circle, and No 140.

Ul.ccntaming cloil.s. said United States ine said good airr. and merchamUs. imported ii tothe noediaies on il.e2".:h day ol August. i u.e n.

itn i t. ivoiu some kiieign or place, and which were subject to the payment of dudes oi so being iu Thai an ehiry of the goods duly signed, a.r.n the Mill l.m r. j. 3. ii hi i ii, ,11 i saju 1 i lector and on Ihe entry being nnde an nvoice olthe raid goods was irMliiceil and lef wuh the said collector, whe caused ihe rjd ci igos to be examined.

iii ami api.rai. ed. and uion such examination. incb and ap praiseii.ent.the aid invoice wt fouuil to have of wool or roi ton, on the euirv inim.ide ami ih. invo left as aforesaid, on an tarn.

in eiioii and er piaiseii.emihevaidgn.s1s were liuond not It. roresKid with fa rnirv. lu.i be wholly and dim rent tl ere 1 Irom. and each of ihi sai.l lucki res astound io Iiave been made up with ini. evade and fraud Uie reveuue of I Ine tai.l I lilted fvai.s.

I And praying ihat ihe raid good wares. and mercl. lie in he i ondi mned a forfeited lo ihe use ol the. said Ur.i Htaiea. Now, therefore, in pursuance ofihe itioii'tinn under the i salof the said ouri.

to ine.h.ected ile'ivced. I olN'W V.rk.oe the tlnr.lTu. sdavo lob. next. at llo' I ick.

in ihe forenoon ol that davlnf ftie same he a lay of jurisdiction otherwise oo the nexi elav of iurisdic t.oii leafier, then and there to Miteipo theii claims lor the tame, and lo make ir al'i itions io It al beljuf. t.aieuivew or in. i WM. COVENTRY II WAD DELI, II. S.

Marshal. Ac B. F. Bptlej. IT.

S. DIsi. Atiorney. se SOUTHERN DISTRICT YORK Whereas a libel has ii. en filed in ihe District I nun of ihe United Slates for ihe Southern District cf New York.

onihettl of September. A. I) Bmler. Esq U. A torney, on bt lialt'of the United Slates, against the Urn Wyo.ning.

her i.trklo, apparel. Ac. And whereaa. the substance of the said lib' I is that Ihe said brig heinx an American vcs el. was.

on nrahoji ihe'jtd flay of December. lSJb. at the pon rf New York, duly le ciieredas: hipor tesael.if Hie iited State, and being registered was, on ihe 4th elay of March. A. D.

Is 19. at the port of Havana, sold or transferred in hole or in part to some jH rson persons, then subject or ci zrn of some foreign Prim or state, and hat ine said a or i.aiister wasn't! made known io theCollecbiruf New Anrk or lo any other Collector within the United Stales, comrarv id the act ef O.f irea approved on Ihe 31st of December. An Art concerning tlie registry and leoid ingot stpsand vesstds." Tha by reason ol the emss and by force of the str tute insii. case made and provide iL the said hne. her Ac.

have become forfeited of the United Si ami praymginat tne said brig, her iaekle.i may be condemned and Hold as forfeited to the use of lb. UuitedSi Now, ilierelore, in pursuance of the munition issued out of and iiie'er the si al of ti.e said court, lo ine directed and delivered, I hereby give public lior ce to all persons claim ing the said schooner, her lackle. Ac. or in any way interested therein, that they be and apiear betore the siil D.str.ct Conn, lo be held ai the City I'api. in loecify of New lorn, on liie third 1 lies.

lav of I tanner 11 o'clock, A.M. of i ha. day.tproyiderl the sao.e shall he a dav of is. lie Hon, otherwise on Ihe next dav of jurisdiction thereafter 1 thou and there to interpose iheirrlaims. and make ihcir allegations iu that behalf.

Dated New York, September itih, is. WM. COVENTRY II. WADDELL, V. Marshal.

B. Bt ileh. U. District Auoruey s25 14t CORPORATION NOTICE Public notice is heiebveive i. lliil a Retolunon has been oner.

il in Ihe Boat of Assistant Alilermen to flag Ibe northerly side walk of Grand streel, berween Columbia and Cannon streets Persons interested in the above named proposition ant) hating objection to the same, are desired lo present them o. mm mi: at tui on or oe lure tie luiti day ol Oblo ner next. JOHN EWES, Street Commissioner. St. Commissioner's Office, Scptemher25.

KM mOfitpHT) lORVOIl 1 IOS SOTlCEPuhlic no ice beret given, thai a res ilulion has been off red Ihe uoam oi Ai iermen. lo pave the southerly sidewalk of Coin ui Tt oerwe'en uc.iiordand u.Tome streeL i ersons miere ieu in ine above named propositions and having objections are desired to present ih in in wiling at this office on or before the 10.h uV.v of October i JOHN KM Sireet ConimUstoner. wreei e.omnns'ion. r.s otlice, Itvi9. Tl I s26tlOO WM.


ttareroom, Ghatliaui street nearly opposite Roseveh Biiei, iorK. i resperii.iny informs hi ntlineron. in n.isan'f riiMomers Ihat he lias now on hand, and cm. stantlv receiving, large ol all k.n.u r.f Scoirh. and American Carpetiugol the newest patterns in 1 nmsi i appiovcd colors, Irom 4s io 16 per yard and 4 4 Venetian do Als.e Firor Oil Cloths, from 2 to 24 feet wide plain and Mailings; Bnissets.

Wilton. Wool and Woi led i.eaeiii yvooi. Aliraiit and Fancy Mats; Lain eiianei, laide and ptano C. vers: rial, oval and iii paieru vtm hiw Shades. A'SO in nna.

All ol wlii. will be Mild at low prices, corre. ponding wawa. asuics, try WILLIAM C. PROUfY, mi i are.

ouse. tialham nearly opposite Roseveli N. B. Givnd are shown freely a. .11 i witbouicharge.totnepurchaaer.toany partol this cily or Brooklyn.

CO Carpet made and fitterUt short mrX A "CWDOWIASIER on i.i'iiiiuOI Monon or the Memoir of a Provincial. Walk on Literu.arri ige A new assortment of Pocket RiMe aI nJ lore. No. 2 Chatham street. LEVISON A BROTHER.

Scientific Conver Ad on Card A new a id of Pens. II anK BtMikfof ee. rv The Ctrci'litin labiary contain UlOd lowsl ie r.iy. i ''hattiaiu. e4 f.lll.

I.tlVEr,S. li'ion Just publiHho.1. the I9i and 2u volumes of 'he new and cheap eibfon Pt the Wave'ly Novels, being The Abbot. fill. j'tTI IJL.

For tale I.I EN FKNXPLU wav 'lMvV yKEKS' SKALIXG M. WAX. Ac English and Am ricari flui German Slate. End'sn and Genntn W.r..,L eTar'by 1 A SMITH 11 tV BKS ULI), BANKS A CO Hirttrj ineir ii. I vol Alabama Stewart Res.ns 3 ,) Siewan Ar Porter's Report 5 v.

di r'irter' Renorta fi not. a ai.l. II 1 1 n. I complete set or Ala conunencing May, H20, and ending in Jain ary KI9. Hawks' 4 vols.

North Carolina Law do Murphey'a 3 do do Term (Taylor's) Reports 1 C.ineron A Norwo.sPs ptfrts, I vol, da Haywood's Repons I vol do Devercux' 4 vol do Do. Equity 2 vol do Devercux At Bat He's Rcort2 vols, do Do. do Equity Reiwns. 2 vols. do.

Oct Sv APAYETTE CII AMPACJXE. The subacri ber is prepare I lo receive nr.ier. (. of Ihe Hh n. web I.

"I "rati. nn ui dispose ol the hai ance ol thiyeara stock at the usual term. ZLl AiEl.l..r4 Exchange PUee CIMM'H NE NOVEL Ti le lla.nml nf mifi, iy Riv rs. Melli o.

Ill sale at Ihe Bjokstnroof 12ino. Jutt ptih'ishrd and for GEO. B. POWELL. 134 R.wery, UiweeuG and Broome And mtvj)e liad roireTirc.i'aung Library, or 4 I'' ii A.iiiCAPPAPER PaPr.

for sale whole A few cases ot HANSOM. I.Vi Pulton th ae.t..reatof Hroa.lwav RAWSOM, jr Fulton street, htve inst receiv "iter for Fale.the Hvis iHin, a Pn LcTWf.lUfSaT aanhM aa at 1 1 arauaaaai. Vtlj; ou v. OFiOrt i OTICK ia areby fiiwo, poblir rate nUn, or d. red in lake uiare rl 7.L JT.CT? moc 1 of Iowa, cummettcirt on MotMtsv.ihe (, faurlk daw TL ettnber next, bv Pioelamatloo ol nJ led PMatea, beanof rate the suy ot iur I t.

am clared to be jwii oued until, and witl TTl mT bv. he NINTH tiaynl MAKCHoexl. iwe is also fivrn the sale of the (Alow. brlt 'lillll U.lrrrd l. Ilia B.L...

rati larars) on M.uay, the Hreyjlr day of OrJaoer Krxt.a. dm. cared lo w.r"tini uniitand v. ill c. nniM rceoa Mosw the (TMV TlUUUd Sut th place, aiidwl.irhweie subject to the payment ot dunes or I ef ikcooseUnt and eat of He nitk brisu no beina imnoried I That an entry of the said goods dulv signed, was on the 5ih ci iy of September, lt3U.

nia 'e at ihe ctBre of tlie sai.i ol.ecor anil ontneenn ben uiatle, an mvoire ol lli. said goMls was producer! and leli with the said Collector who canned the raid packa tes lo xamim inspect. .1 and appraised, and ii on such exaniiuati. n. inaiertion and appraisement tlie said invoice waa foimd to have been made up by a false valuation, and the nan I packages and Invoice were fouu.Uand each of them mi Inuml have been ma up by a talse vaiuaiioti, extennon and otherwise, lo evade and defraud lh revenue of the L'liiled Siate.

In thia. that Ihe ani ff.MKia cnnlained in tl.n tmiii ftaeLupes Imnna street tiience westerly along Fieveutli sireel hny leel lo lot I proeuieuutnerwi.elnan ny the same were chart one niuicueu and twenty tnence along iota one nunoreii en in bmiu invoice ar a ies prn man me actual vaiue Fractional township seventy seven, of rangesoce.twn ud e. Aer. A cftht bate line cmdwnt flhJifih yrincipal mend. Tlie fractional section sis in fraeiinnsl wi fractwriaJ towmdni aevenryre, three and Ihe thiuy one, fracth ial Uiwriship aeveniy K.ur.01 ranre one.

1 ractumal,ips el 1. tiiry nine and Severn Uwnsh seventy il.ree.and fim.onalipwnah.MTev.ntV h.ur seveniy live. and eveoiy ol fao two T' Fractional unsi.ip Mxiy icht. fowa.hips srventv one svenly three.ndseei ly 1. ur.ofrangf it.r.

e. iunsirp stxty aevep sihi 1. mnshtl eixtv "eul3, atv.ii Wvcn, BythePre idcnt: M. VAN BUR EN. james wnrrroxB, Comu issiont of the General Land Office ol 3tawlw tmiuiai 2 vmc I BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE tvnri.

IN pursuitiice oi law, I. MARTIN VAN III kV deniol I nited Maie.o, Au.ic..on and make known that a ublic sale will I IuJ'l Oniceal B.TUJXOTOit. oM.w. ti' er lite lucnlu cf Zr 21 V' ed Plofesot s6 pui.uc laud of Z. I Hon.

r. by give public nonce to all persons cUinnrg Ihe I ships and Iractiotia townahira tovci Main a. ,.1 I in I u. I 1.1 L. 1 ir snillhrt fo luwa a manner imr rested herein.

XvriM of the bwn line and tomt cftht fik nt i I 'he principal me. ii. oe ann i.eiore ine sain i re noklen in nnd i. ll.e said oith.rn District of New Yoik, allhe city of New rkon the third uesilav of O. next.

before ihe satd Conn, to beholden at II o'r leek, in the forenrsin of lay (if Ihe same shall headayof'iiirisdtrtiou. oherwiseou Ihe uext dav of tuna. thereart. r) then and th. re to interpose their claims or ine nu.

and to mike rneir aiegvioinin ihal belialf Dated New Ycrk. September Klh. I 39. WM. COVENTRY II.

WaDDELL, U. Sutes Marshal. Ac. F. Btm.riB.l'.

lljst. Attorney. fc27 Ht Fractional township seven! seven. of Svrlk of the tuim Iiwm. ji one, two Surtkntke ba.e line and of the fifth principal m.

The fractional section six. frarrierT.n lia. ii.inal township, atvenrv one. sefentv two three and the Iraclion. tann thirty io'liacui township seventy four.

olrane one. "cixii Frai tiii.inallownslii.Hixlv ei. hi i., ai.d verry three, sad frTciioZIt we "uty live. and a IV ti Frarti.

nal township siiiy eig In, townships sevt my.r even tne, ven.y i Iree, swuty fc urWttxuT re.aii.lseveiity s.x.t.f...eth. ut.aeviBty live fractional nxty seven, andtowrsHrs my acv. one, soeo.y four, 6, vein six.and4. vemy ra. geli ur And rubsanru said inrrrmation i.

I rcmniencing i A. hai Jesse ll.iyr. Collector of the Customs for i.c port and I fourth ioy mn lor the tU itsud (Ustr.rtot N. York, on ihe 25ih d.iv i SepiemU IK. au within the hn its td he i.lei m.Viior at the city of New Yoik.seiz.v.

as forte ted n. ti.e noniihr I 'ownthips I iractioi al wnsl n.aio lior.ed ef iyim principal rintan. Fractional township xtyx, v.n, towmd.ip, eighusev one. ter.niv 6 nr, stveitj It. if venty six, and set ni seven.

of racgc bve. fracmiral wnsl.ip sixty and townrtiro aixtr. My four, settnt veniynt.ol lanre six. F. acm nal townsh seven, and pt ne net.

ntt two. nty Ujte, Vv.nt iids.v. five of lantc I Hal Ihe Sai.l ro. la l.ein t. in n.ri 1 uiiinaiitri I'lf riliimjiulliil I it eight.

my lour nacHattownsmp sixty cet. n. m. n.k,n. up by a talse va nation, and ihe said parkage and ir.v.itre I iiir e.

of reuse eight. were fomi 1. and eael, of th. in was foi.inl to have b. eu maile I 'cscii iui township wn seven, and ic.wn ship sixty eight, lip a lalse valuation, extension anil otherwise lo evade I escept a Iw.

uiyine. of ranfenh.e and d( 'mud the revenue of ihe United this. Hal lwuslup s'xiy tibt, exc. pi st twenrv.of rarge lea he fai goods ed in the said pack.ges having hern 'wnslup sixiy aeveti. ami temWnm aiatv cuht.

proenred other wi than by purrha the same were char range eleven. 4 in lie invoice at i. price ihj.ii il.p a. inn value ai Land appropriated bylaw, forthe use of schools, nnbta. An.

.1.. i.i... i jm. neuano nere rrociiri .1 1 i mum ironi sale. nieii unu io iieiraii.i tt.e nit.

ivaies hy paving I f. open tor iwo Weeks, run less less duly titan hy taw were requued lo pay ou liie im I re stmnei dispell si of.) and no longer; aid no poriarieii. thereof. I pntate entriest.l lacd in Ihe iownshit so trTei.dl aid be va m.j auuv avevuuiii i yry. ByU.ePresi.len.: MVaXBUBEN.

JAS. WHITCOMB. Cuuuiitenuner olthe General Ind Office. NOTICE TO PR EMPTION CLAIM ANTS Every person claiming the of prr emp.H.i. 'to anv of lands des giuued Ihe above is qutie.l to p.ovetbe same lo ii.e sad lacuo, n.r' I co hirebygive piii.lir notice to all p.

ons rleiming ihe said I "J' ecftnr thu order lliai lherL. ni g.aals. wares. Ac in any manner ioiei tted 'herein, that by these ofj.c. rs agn eahiy lo law uiey oe a'ni a ar I i iore ine I ourt, lo he lailden in i r.r r.e cominei lie ailrUims al the I It ptiblir sale and "I pai fol pnortou.e.Uteal..resaid.are declared hy Uw lo ft oi i.

ii. u. jiuih tt in ii ritf i. ai5 novt Comniisskiner ofihe General I.ui'i irbc. IJi order ol tne iloi.

JcV. LansinT, first 1J judge of th. Court of Ccttmoa Fieas lor ihe Ch nc cmaty of Albany, notice is hereby eiyt. nutsaaeJ he piovtotona of Ihe statute xgtinst and c. nrcaled dei tots, that aa au achment ha issued against the ol Israel fvcete, an it hibuaniot this su.e, a concealed or sb tcrsadmg debtor, residing in city of Albany, that the same will be sold for the payeaent of bis debts an.

tess he appear and discharge such attachment ac cord.i.g to law, with'a threa con bs from the tiat inanimation of this notice and that ihe patn eaiU andebt and the delivery of any property belonrteg such hun or to ute, and the Ira safer i5 I purpose whaiever, are forbidden bv law, ami are void. Dated tlie 1st August. 1859. VVHKLPLKY HILL. RUI7 3m Attorney for Attaekia.

fE.VAKM OR TEPID BATH. The riical larult have ng been aimed in be opinion that a a au of preyentrng disease. Ly uivaoratmg and pre,canimalfiin.tKHi. the warm or 'epid bath is pre errrnentlv useful "1 am confident an eminent edicaJ amh that ita as'a is marii cr.sler than either toe urolession orihe Diil.lir have l.H ft a. liv of nur.y uid ihsease itsatvamage liave long be known and fell.

I.i our variable chais e. Ibe bc ly ol.en cmil. some hours an attat of est. rral or id mil immaiion; im cl iline ii pi riniucd to ren, is finally ihe of the wlumiiiiiiniL the rutulaiion of ihe bWv d. and ru hne irom ir leg itluaie rlutnn.

U. Here. Ihe warm balh. I a temie aiure beiweo 94 an.1 degreea. rauahzea aisjo.

and reaio. es lo the orzan ineir piooer io a. 11 in also rlt.ui.1, fi.l n.W..wuimuu.Ii: mil i. atrMW XlVnt hla iwa at la caseaol marasmus or couHinijon inebUdien.and dyspeas. sia u.a u.t.

1 he immeehaie cause ol old ate aaTT U9ni. il i 1 fi. s. r.f.a.uiesioeintne irritabiliiv of iba nei 1 ansr.r vesreof hence they e.aae ta rt, and collapse or become he.ri.v or Th tne irritability of iha act. a ll He CMitmues "Ms tarucularry adaotej l.

1 a i. "iccexsing. ar irritaoiiny. en ngtne ain and the exuemi tiesof the finer vessels which itruiii ate inir" AnJ w.rh le.0tues,pariiciiuirly,(heal.han.ckne,a out ofihe rraa. tie ii is an m.iM.nai deaideratarn'o pie. a lair cora muni rr. in temper, and wnhal, the debghifal associations ol cleanliness T.hos who are rs I tuniished with ira.n.i,i sopplymg the warm bath, and are therefore domed U.a roiulort and advamnge above des. bed. are invited to xtn.ine the su. senber PnUTiri i viimh ii I.D1I L0 S.

designed foi tlus purpose; and which prove lo ai.ordiliemosl and tcono.aieal mean of any C'41'rivanreiowinUHe With one of these Ikaiei a. seventy fie illous ol cold water Ina be heated lo the rempeiaturw r. q.i:rt l. wiihonly two quails charcoal, ai in iw.niy fi.einmue; aud Ills, i accomplished wi.h but one ro labe.r.aud wiUioul ihe shriK st rnconte. it nce of any C.

LANCASTER. Patentee he boilers are made and told only by JAMES GRANT. No. I.d Broadway, New York. He refers i Brown, Merchant, 41 Nnh Front at.

Phils. Chariewllall. 14 South Front at, John C. M.iitin, 150 Market at. Henry Vethake.

Prot Mathematics. Samuel Davis. Attorney at Law. 9S Walnut st. Vta tnnjlon ll Bank, II.

Rowley. P.u.nber.'N. W.con er of Decatur aud Carpenter st (arid) DR. COkhll 1 may be consulted in toe most confidential marine rat bis office, 26 Ciry Hall Place, near Chatham street. New Vork.

ah persons afflicted with delicate disease, old obstinate ulcers, dyspepsia, worms, diseases of the bladder, urethra, and kidneys, and a. disease arusine from the abuses of mercury or impurity of blood are invited to call. Thebanefuleffccte arisinfromtheabueenf mew. cury needs no description. Persons troubled with a certain disease may apply to Dr.

Corbitl, with the pertoct absuranreol havmgit radically cured without a particleof mercury or any other dangerous medicine. Hie charges are revonshle, and proportioned in I hp mi nna I v. efffin.aill. Dr. Corbitl has been educated in Europe, nndet teacher of acknowledged talents, and has bad cob iiiterublcpraeticeinexteneive hospitals and dispe tyrants.

Instant relief Fiven to those sjil cted wrt piles, and a pertect cureefTertcd in three days, without confinement from butfinass, or the least pain ti.e pauenL. A medicine mav be had to Drvver.t the rwri.mnn ol a certain disease. The most homiurable see rec will be observed. Admittance daily, from 7 A. M.

to 10 P. M. mv22 HOR NfK conluiues io lr cotisnue.i usual Stiaugetaarer. ai.iaSui itnm. loihe Medical Profession n.

r1IT 0 jjS been A practical menibrrof said Facility Plus year, for Ihe iasi Ji the city of New Yoik. II practice, flora i.ig u.nieriy general, lie has cee Lued a pamctv 'ar brxnrh of ui. dirine. which In. anetv fio.t viz: Ijies Veueruu oi bom I l.

"5 ud, in hort, all diseasef. arising licio a viiiated sraar olthe bliKxl. Il.a uce is ver great. Iii ticcesa atKoiiiehmg. Iu many ihousandsi.f rloe.

con. null, a ic hk care, of all grades and every degree of be baa testored hispaiii o'isto lieaiib aud a sound censu tuiion. He cautions the unfonunateaiaifsl ihe aLli.e ierco ry. Thousands are iiierruiialized out of Kfe. Seeyouicaaei.

eradicated, ma pate Ih np. The lea Tee. Dr. Iluchan rmphatirahv Mairird pt rsonT and rs.m about to inai ned. should Ih rrarncularty oi iiHfee amirriona tt list a inl.erttrnte lo transom io posteiuy." Pels, led mil; nroitariej and deplorable cas need ihi dejOiHr 0 a c' pl le re cov by applying lo Dr.

Horne Ker. lit at ecti. ns. when la cal. are, wilboiit meTcuiy.

eximiuished in a lew da. Gleets and Srricturra rrmovetl by an eav nicllfOd. Vt Ka gr eve iheDtH ior is. that et, instead of la kt ig bis as'inary advice, have recourse to ovei'is. nos tr mis, here there is no i ii.ail tlM c.

uqa und ers unknown by surh means throwing away then money, (wherethev vainly hopctoMve) and ruining forever their const it ution Peraons who may have contracted disease, or soaped bv lent poison, are invited lo make app'tratHin te. Dr. III'FNE. at his establishment. Fulti street, belwren Grcetv ich areeland Broa.lwxy.

A restiletvceof I bin la tears New oik eiiy.ha radically eeiabh hed l)r. characicr for ererhng bonor.and based oa real lespectabil. ty and skill. Dr. Ilorne offers to his uairutu a sure naraav Office for separatecotiaaltations come in conract.

Faiien a can nevef Attendance until I 2 past 9 in the evening. iLT" Uken paid. Ail city letters aiosl ulcere celat." desires to beaeElthe pob i 1 JiHc I )'ouM bis a.rveniscn.eni.fov thegoodof stranger: a it even where a Phv.cianii.pre ciwcesafnl KA( MOI KTAIX COAT nrfittn i Trie tnibsc cihera superior Peach Motm. mnk which ihey mi laellat il mrrket price, in lump, broken, eg.oi oui sixes, in Iota irt purchasers. LAING ar RANDOLPH S50 Washington at.

sod 1J cor. East Broadwaw and Covemeur a fnverneur ata to Vj ACaJJlR.OX RATE. AnJaim, vy ca a and Russia Iron Grates. 17 r.csuntlyon dtM, a a A.

TiftTatjVS, S3 Njatw tL.

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