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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XLV YORK EVEXIXQ POST. KONDAY, OCTOBER Sliding ecetien. The paragraph WBich rs puLlUbedoa Saturday, from the New York respecting the ihockin; accident which LappeMd to llr. Hoffman'! ton, ft lad of about 12 ftui of age, be.g found to be incorrect, we have ascertained; the following to hart been tht facta. The toy ra standing apoa the arharf, trailing; till th boat approached near enough to permit hum to jump on board, at be tupposed, at he entered the ilip, in order to get a riJe, at it called, of ft few yards before the ttopt He however, jumped short, and ooe of bit leg was Caught bet wee the boat and the wharf; and minted in the Btott thocUmr Banner.

lie then I turned and caught hold of the wharf with ooe band, creaming for help; bat he would bare fallen and death inevitably ensued, bad be not been retcfted from hit dreadful by the retolatioa and activity of ft tailor, who sjhded iron the rijjing of a vettel lying at the head of the dip, jumped orer a high fence an ran and caught the boy in bit arms, calling to several nrW. who were lookinr on. to know who be wu. Although Use youlh was man agony iot to bt detcribtd, with bit leg twitted twice round.the bee ran torn from its place, the bonet quite lare end all covered with blood, be jet had his antes, and told the kind preserver of hi life, hit same, to what tti est, and at what No. bit lamer lived.

But he enquired for the nearest surgeon, and carried him directly to the house of Doctor I CMam.wha. however, was not at borne, but WW coon came in, and be again carried him to the Iwom of hit father, where the limb wat amputa led above the knee During thii painful opera fion, and from the moment the shocking accident happened, thit honest, hamanetar, waa incet to encourage and console the unhappy you th, and cheered him to keep np hit spirits, and hope for the beet. The fortitude with which he bore his sufferings, both from the terrible wound, and from the amputation itself; 1t spoken of, by those who witnessed it, ia terms of astonishment. The lad recollects that tome one was at work to sear that he might have caught him and saved him from the injury, but the poor man, in 'iMiB i his presence of mind, and ran away. lie says, too, there were several people near him when he lay between the beat and the wharf, but that fteoeef them stirred to hit assistance, or offered to relieve him 611 the tailor ssppeared.

auorus us unieigneu pleasure io do aoie io mention the name of the young; man to whom he. it to much indebted, and from whose mouth we have just received the particulars a hove stated. is muse is Arthur Thome, an English tailor, 43 years of age, who came last 'J from the West Indies. He has just been to tee the boy be preserved, who instantly knew him a pia aad who, we lean, it likely to do well. We take this occasion to caution the hands belonging to steam boats, bow they permit the dangerous practice among boys of jumping on a board tha boats as the jr apptosuJi th wWf, longer to be continued.

Deaths in Savmnah, from the 1st to the 15Ui Oetuber Inclusive, reported by Ike Doard of Health males SO, female 1 2 total 61 Of this 59 died of yellow fever. Fortv three ef 'the above deaths were oea rcsidculs, 33 of horn 'vereteaaaea. i The Schuylkill Bank in Philadelphia has been defrauded out of J3140 4lctt by means of a forged check in the name of Thomas Har per. The check was paid In one hundred dollar notes of tha Schuylkill Bank. Six hundred and fifty two soldiers and Ger man settlers arrived at Quebec from tho 7th to toe 15th of this month.

From the following account we should judge that the fever still rages at Savannah with una bated violence. CHARLESTON, Oct. 13. The schr. Eliza Ann.

Fiord, arrived last evening in 1 dav from Savannah. The A sailed from this port for Savannah on Saturday last, bat did not go up to the town, on account of us lever. Twelve persons were buried ia one day among them the masters of two New York packets. The Fever was not confined to stran. gen, but was equally fatal to the natives.

A ship and brig had gone up, but bearing also of we lever, came out. immediately. A ship bad tailed from Savannah with passengers. Extract of a letlir from Hamburg, Stpl 9 A vessel belonging to Philadelphia, from K. Orleans, Smith, master, has arrived at Cuxhavea, and is under quarantine, in consequence of the death of three of her crew.

The Jason, Briggs, to tail soon for Hour lion; and the Thomas, Smith, of Dusbury, Mippo sed for Charleston or Havana, are here. rVm tht BallimoTt Ftieral Republican of Oct 24 We andertiaad that ft netting of the principal traders in Baltimore hat been recently held, Oft the propriety and practicability of importing goods from all parts of Europe; that resolution were adopted to this effect, and that a committee Wat appointed to make the prclimirary arrange meets. We have understood that the capital to be embarked in this business, it to amount to 3 miiHoas of dollars. So large a cauiud. nropcrrr and judiciousl) directed, we have bo tort of doubt, would contribute to the present and permanent prosperity of Baltimore.

FrtmOe Mimtrtal erald October 18. Tk betutif iU A Unruis Tha female known in England and a poo. the continent of Europe by this appellation, has lately arrive in Montreal, and inleod to visit the United States. The aime of Use subject of this article is aotlsbe was born of English parents at town in (ssei, withia 40 miles of London. They had slacMidren, three of whom inherited the same nrir oomple aieo with themselves, aad three, ie cludiagtbe Albineae, were of the same extraor olniry appearaoee.

Her hair it most wonder fin, it remble the apoearanre of the finest sik. ht beautiful glossy teature Jnd tbeprwMrvetUUe.utyby freqeeoUy tmtnert st Bvim water, and nver uses neither a comb "'OKi. lerexetareapparenUyinaitateof eonuaual motioo, ovtr which the hw no con with Position of to. hglrf, but are uhic8 of a toft Indian uinlc or itwuiiao. ru colour and Uac Hercoun xeawsce aniaixted and WavtraUcaaxeVeJitwdsjid ftccoiuplisU ei, and ber demeanonr dittiuguitbed by modest and feminine dignity, and she is said to siog with taste.

A lock of it has been brought by Mr. Feele from England some yeart ago, and il now in hit Musewm at miadeignia. GEORGETOWN. CD. Oct.

22. A correspondent at Baltimore writes ua, that ao a the Bile not Arret Tng luo ae riau, nas arrived there, after a four month's cruise. She saluted the fort, which was returned She ia said to be very rich with plunder. NANTUCKET. Oct.

18. Arrived, thin Ganeres. Ray, from the Panic Ocem, with a full load of sperm, oil She hat been performing the voyage 762 days, era int lOthlune, she put iuto Talcagnama for tup plies, and laid there 8 days we puce was gar rifoned with about 2000 king's, troops ihey had had no action with Use patriot troops since the Utter took the city of Onception. no garrison was short of proviaioo, particularly bread bow ever, capt Ray obtained wood, water, and some bullocks, in exchange for bread, and was well treated. Tftere was wen laying ai i aica guama, one frigate, one tloop of war, three gun brin.

and ft number of ships, Left no A merican vessel in that port. The patriots pot tested all the country round except the peninsula on which the garrison stands. The Royalists expected ft reinforcement from Lima should they be disappointed in that, they talked of vacuatin? the place in about one month they bad vessels enough to take all their troops off' They were not annoyed by tne patriots, woo, having cut off all supplies from the country, cal culated upon starr me them out. The cannon in the torts were dumouuted, reaay io oe taxen off should they be under the necessity of leaving. The Ganges left there the 23th une.

In doubling Cape Horn fell in with largo bodies of ice, was coiuidf rablv retarded in getting round at one time was completely surrounded with float inr sheet ice, so as not to be able to run. Spoke, in the lat of Trinidad, ship Horatio, Bayley, SO days from iV. Scotia. Four days past, spoke ship William, Coffin, 30 days from London, for York among other passengers on board the William, were captains Thomas Fokrer and Obed Folger, with their families. Lift a Whale Ship tpokt and Uflin the Pari Jic Ueean.

Nantacket Vcwels Jan. 1, ships George, on the coast of Lima, 600 bills. May 15, Boston, cnatof Chili, 180; Lima, 1750; Charles 1750; Weymouth, 1500; Globe, 1750; North Ameri ra, 250; John Adams, 1500; Maze, 200. Bedford Vessels Ship Barckley, Coffin, coast of Chili, 1G55 Swift, Price, 150. Arr.

brie; Betsey, Cash, after an unsuccessful cruise of 3 months. Oct. 19. Ar. brig Betsey, from the Banks no oil.

Oct. 80. Ar. brig Liberty, from! ygrr Bay, Coast of Africa, with 1700 bbls. oil.

Oct.ZI. oAr. Experiment, from Boston. An English brig from Liverpool, for Trinidad and Turks Island, 20 days from the latter place, bound to Portland, with 10,000 bushelsof salton on shore this morning, on the south side of this lland. With some diihculty, but without loss, the passengers, fire in number, and the crew all got safe on shore the vessel and cargo will probably be lost.

Arr. Ship Martha, weeks, from the Pacific Ocean, and 100 days from Valparaiso, with ft full cargo of oil. this vessel put into Valparaiso for supplies the port was blockaded by a Spanish frigate, which kep the Martha in port about 20 days The patriots bad taken possesion of a fast tailing vessel belonging to Brown Ires, of Pro vidence, and lilted ber out as a crueet, pressed part of the Mrrtha's crew into the service, and after ft short craise, restored them to the ship. The Martha gives no later newa from the whaling fleet, than the Ganges, which arrived a few days past. NEW.LONDOJT, Oct St.

At Lyme, on Tuesday night of last week, a most during attempt appears to have been made to plunder aud burn the store of captain Charles smith, it was discovered next morning, that some person had penetrated through the under nuuog, and, liy nicant otan old saw and noser, had cut a bole through the floor nearly large nouch for ft middle sized man to enter. Still farther under the floor, a fire to have been kiuuicd, that must nave ccntioued some lime, as it had burnt through tbe under floor, aud a number of bran of considerable bigness were I he saw and auger were left under tbe floor, and upon enquiry were found to have been stolen from a blacksmith's shop, about a mile distant. There was a quantity of pow ler in the store, and considering the situation in lucn the hre was placed, and the time, tbe still hours of the night, had it succeeding in fas tening upon too store, it must inevitably have destroyed it, with the dwelling house and build iugs adjoining, and imminently endangered the lives of the family. Various conjectures were ma le respecting the author of the mischief, and suspicion seemed at length to rest upon a person who had been seen lurking about the place, for tome dayt previous, uuder suspicious rireum stances. He was traced as far as EaM Iladdam.

arrested, charged wKh the crime, and admitted the principal facts. A small trunk, the only article missed from the store, was found with him. He called himself Weston Allen, and said he was from Windsor, in this state. He was committed to jail to await his trial before the superior court in January next The repeated larcenies, that have been committed of late, in that place under shelter or higlit, seem to call loudly lor the vigilance of the magistrates and executive officers. And wbeu they progress so far, as endanger, not illy property to a large amount, but the dwellings and lives of individuals, il is hoped that no exertions will be spared, to bring the offenders to justice as the certainty rather than the severity of punishment must be relied on for the prevention of crimes.

MOSCOW, (JC. Oct IB. On the 8th ult the bones of a man were accidentally uW ovrrd in the woods about two and a half auLrt rout this village, by some children living In the neighbourhood. Circumstances warrant at ia stating them to be the remains of Mr. Aides Jioo who fur some time previous to km death, resided at Nunda, Allegany county.

nr. KooJ, been employed iri Air. C. Da moo's clothuir works, at Mt Morris, and oil the tills of Jaavary, 1818, left there for the purpose of reluming to his family in 2iunda, driving with Sum some cattle be had purchased. proceeding six or seven miles on his way, he stopped at a house a few minutes, atd while there his cattle strayed into the woods aid took a course leading back again towards Mount Nlorns, but I a shorter route than the one usually travelled.

He pursued, but it is presumed lost track of them, and not being near any road or habitation, was overtaken by the night, which proved to be an extremely cold one, and perish ed where bis bones were found. A piace of cloth, whk be had dressed and was carrying noma with him, was fouud en or near the spot, together with his pocket book containing a number of paper, the writing on which had become entirely effaced. Mr. ltood was ft natire Litchfield county, Connecticut, and was about 23 yean of age. What is very extraordinary is, that search teas made by hundreds, at the tunc, but no trace of him could be discovered, although be rished within 40 rods of ft road considerably travelled.

On the evening of the 13th inst. about 1 1 o'clock, a meteor passed over the town of Genesee. Its course was almost directly north. Me taoroloists would probably call one of the aerphths (or stones of the air) which have, more frci'ttsUy of Ute, rlilci the earth. Our in formant, who, with soma otiwr were returning from ft singing school, witnessed the phe uomenoa.

He stated, that from extreme darkness the horizon was tuddesly to that the smallest objects were distinctly docerft able, or, to use hit own words, I could see to pick up a pis the road." Looking up, the biasing train which followed the fterolith, seaav ed to him twelve or fourteen feet ia length. A part of the nucleus broke off, or separated, and was followed by a shorter blase, which, how; ever, was soon extinguished. The principal one was out of sight in ft few seconds. The company, after walking tome rods, heard an explosioB which resembled the rumbling of thunder. It was alto heard distinctly in this village, aad pro bably other places in this vicinity.

NORFOLK Oct 2 In aaar row xoahs Brie Elizabeth, Colls ran. 54 days from Hamburr, and 42 days from the land, bound to City Point The ship Reap er. Torse, ssiiea aoout 13 oars oeiore for Philadelphia, with a Prussian Minister, French officers, an English gentleman and bis lady, besides several steerage passengers. MARRIED, On the 23d inst. at Rhinebeck.

by the Rev. Mr. M'Murrav. Archibald Smith, Esq. attor ney and councellor at law, (o Mist' Cornelia Heermance, daughter of lien.

Martin iieer mance, all of that place. In Sebeaectadr. John K. Ptirne. Esa.

Alter ney at Law, to Miss Yates, daughter of boh. Joseph C. Yates. In Utiea, Fraaeit Granger. Esq.

Attorney at Law, of Canadaigua, and son of the late rosv Matter General, to Miss Cornelia Vsn Rensselaer, eldest daughter Of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Esq. DIED, In the TJpper Country, Col. John Mercer, of rredenckkburg, (Va.) son or gen. Mercer. On the 4th inst.

at Woodstock. Shenandoah eouoty, Vs.) William C. Williams, Esq. Councellor at Law. At Baltimore, last Thursdsr.

Mrs. Marrareil At Charleston. Mr. Jacob Kinrssrood. a aatrre of Engtsnd Mr.

Peter Thomas Ryan. At Johntbargn, Warren county, JS. i. on the 10th inst. in tbe 55th vear of hit tse.

Robert CO ehrist, Esq. formerly a merchant of this etty. At xnew urieans, ot tne prevailing refer, Mr Lewis 8. Humphreys, ton of Mr. James Humphries, Bookseller of Philadelphia.

At bay brook, con. on i rtday, 3d inst George F. Hover, aged 10 years, a promising son of the Rev. Aron Hovey, of Saybrook, brother with two other boys, went into his father's barn to amuse themselves with jumping they ascended to the great beam, and all agreed to spring off together; but George happening to jamo a little too soon, and turning upon tut back, brought nun directly under another boy, who came with bit whole weight upon tut ttomacb and Dowels tie languished in great distress till the Monday fol lowing, when be expired. At his residence in jonnsbargb, warren coun ty, on the 10th instant Robert Gilchrist, Esq.

aged 55 years, formerly a respectable merchant of this city. At Norfolk, on the Zlst inst. capt William Rind ire, of Portsmouth, master of the ship Hetty. At Elizabeth Citv, JV. C.

Mr. James Clarke, a native of Ireland. In Matthews county, captain James Blake. snip master out of the port ot ortolk. Kyzxixa post mariwe list.

CLEARED. Schr Export, Chapman, Blakely Peters nerricx. ARRIVED TIUS fOREMVOK Shin Criterion. Avenr. from London, aud 40 days from the Downs, with dry goods, fcc.

to E. Morewood, owner, Thot. Dixon, J. OImstead, Collins Co. D.

D. Arden, A. T. Goodrich, J. Ladd, M.

Hognn, Jones 6l Clinch, Anderson ti Shearer, T. S. Umngton, Le Roy, Bayard Co. T. Si W.

Proctor, D. Oakey, II. Brevoortjr. D. Bazelgette, Fanthaw, J.

Bowerhonk, H.Gat ley, if. A W. Dilufield, D. lime, Mills Napier A. I appaii, J.

tastnurn a co. uevresar, j. Blase. G. Chance.

J. Smith. Sherriff. to or der, and 300 kegs of specie to the U. b.

Bank passengers. Ship Brilliant, Geer, 38 days from Htvre de Grace, with dry goods, plaster, bio. to N. L. ti G.

Griswold, owners, L. Sailes, Taylsrtt Wilder, Fricot Lachaisc, M. Hyda, de itcofville, J. D. Durand, B.

Desobry, C. G. Fontaine, D. Crestcy, G. V.

Hersan, L. Larue, Cursier, Kav esier A Co. D. L. Dodge, Gosselin, S.

Marsh Si Brooks, M. Hogan, Henderson Si Cairns, N. L. Si S. Delonguemare, J.

B. Marie, II. Brevoort, Mr. Fetteral, F. V.

Revier, E. Rovert, Mr. Lar eniceur. and the captain. Passenger, E.

Rovert Mnp lonitnoanre nogers, tanas, days from Dnricn, with ship timber to Eckfbrd. Lelt schr Union Drinkwater, for York ia 6 dayt tloop Linnelt, Weeks, from NYork. uncertain. French brig La Bon Gabrielle, Capt. Berho, 56 dayt from Bordeaux, with platter to Larue.

British brie Georee Thomas, Parkinson. S4 dayt from Antigua, with rum and molasses, to tenox. ten British schooner Lady Augusta Smith, Gains, for York in 14 days. Brig Actress, Hurd, 7 days from Savannah, to Horton Woodholl. Schr.

Betsey, 21 days from Newport, with plaster. Schr Nancy, nilt, IT d7 from the city of St Dominf o. vfhh ntahotranv and hides, to Harmony the mate of vie Nancy died 4 days ...1 4 ago captain mil sick in ine noepiiai. ARRIVED LAST EVENING. Schr.

Welcome Return, tmall, 5 days from N. London, with fish and oil, to (he master. Schr. Hope's Lady, House, 18 dayt from Harwich, With fish and oil, to the master. Schr.

Juno, Dickerton, 14 dayt from Dennis, with fish and oil, to the master. New Schr. Tontine. Hovt, 4 days from Sand ford, in ballast, to Saul Alley. British Schr.

Mary Elizabeth, Burkitt, 14 days from Anapolis Royal, with fish, to the master. Schr. Stark. Haskell. 20 days from St An drews, and from N.

London, with plaster, to ward Bishop. Sloop Lucloda, 30 days from North Carolina, with shis'Us. to the after. Sloop George, Kiliiourn, 6 dayt from Boston, with uiolastet, tail, duck, to VVm. Davis, ana others.

Sloop Volusia, Sherman, 8 dayt from Cotton, with rum and suit, to the muster. Sloop Manilla, Bulkier, 3 dayt from Boston, with piece goods, iron, tea, tugars, alum, tic. to Goodhue 4: Co. li. W.Fieid, IJ.Haslingi&Co.

Van Shaick Si Givan. Cunningham tz Baylies, Sniilh Si Nicoll, D. G. Hubbard, 1. ti Sons and others.

Sloop Nancy, Tyler, 20daysfromSt Andrews, and 2 from N. Lundoo, with plaster, to Ward bi Bishop. Sloop Ann, Comttock, IS hours from Newport, with dry goods and lime, to the mas'er. Arrivals at the Port of Queues, from the 7lh to the 15th Oct Brig Rambler, from Lynn, with settlers brig Sarah Mariana, from Maryport ship tphyr, London, with 7 officers, Hi men and 10 women and children, of the 37th and Regiment, and lb9 men, women and children, German fettlers, and l'J English seltlere total 259; brig Earl of Dalhousie, from Halifkx, with 7 officers and 159 men of the 60th ltegt ship Canada, Iondon ship Camilla, London brigs Picton, Belfast, with 114 settlers i Nich olson, London barque Aurora, Gibraltar barque Industry, Iiondon ship Crisis, Shield with 14 settlers ship Uerkly, Condon brigs Flora, London Paragon, Liverpool) ship Isaac Todd, London Perseverance, London, Willi 12 settlers brig George, Halifax, 4 officers and 60 men of the CO Ji Regt ship Rebecca, Greenock. The above vessels brought out 652 soldiers and settlers.

The brig Teleroachus, Wood, lias arrived at Marblchead, in 35 cUys from Surinam, for Boston. Tbe following information wu politely forwaicd by Opt Wojd Left, sliip Charles, Freatpn, BostoOj trailing for molasses (brigs General Jackson, taring, of do aittig for do. Rotund, Cook, of Salem, waitimr for da. i William Charles, Sheppard, of do. to tail in 12 days Uiram, Brown, of East Greenwich, diseharred part of her cargo, to sail in a few dsya for the Islands Reso lution, Gardner, of do.

discharging Catharine of New York, Allen, late Denruson, Aew.ioric schrt Contract, Lewis, of JVewbury, wailing for molasses; Amazon, Otis, from Bath, touch ed 9d Sept. and sailed the 4ih for the Island Oct 1st 1st 38. N. lonr 67. W.

snoke schr Le fert, Andrews, from Baltimore for Martinico. 5th, lat 82 10, long 71 SO, W. a ship from Ken nebtink fi.r New Orleans. 15th, brig Travel ler, from Cape Ann for Mariagalante, 3 dayt out FROM OUR CORRF.SPOJVDENT. Office of the Freemant Journal,) Philadelphia.

Oct. S6. ArnvecJ French ship llonna Emore, Isaurel, 50 days from Bordeaux, with specie. Br." schr Venus, Dixey, 80 days Guernsey, with merchandize and passengers. Schr Lydia Mary, Rowland, 9 days from Boston.

Schr Mary Palmer, Hallet, 8 days from Bos ton. Sloop Romeo, Pcckham, 6 days from Ned Bedford. Sloop Burtus, Hall, 3 days from New York. Sloop Eagle, Tompkins 8 days from New Bedford. Schr Decatur, Hill.

12 days from Eastport Hostoh Oct 24 Arrived brig Plictnix, Low, from Marseilles and Gibraller Passengers Messrs. John 1. Itenry, ot savannah, Samuel rurber, of Providence, and Messieurs Uavard, Huron, Bantoux, Cursod, Binon and Sive. The brig Superb, Haradcn, for Salem ami schr Hen i 1. j.

i ry, sav is, ror iew iur, uom ironi pasel through the gut 4 days before the Phoenix. Brisr Joseph, Allen, 54 dayt from Gotten burtr, cargo 1010 bars iron, to Samuel R. Al len. Sailed Sept 1st in co. with brig Ann Maria, Buck, for N.

Orleans. Left no Ameri can vessels. A Turkish frigate from Constan tinople, was in quarantine 3d intt Spoke lat 44, long 51, thip Albion, Clark, 33 days trom N. Orleans for Civerpool. 5tli lat 43, long 53, schr Rebecca, Ross, 5 days from Marblehcad for the Banks.

20th Cape SMtJV. 9 leagues schr Robert Anderson, from JV. York for Halifax. The Joseph has on board confined in irons, one of the crew of the Plattsburg, who murdered the Officers or that vessel, and car ried her into JVbrwtv. Last JVight, schr Uncbin, Farley, 41 days from Rochclle.

Passenger Mr. Jenney Left no American vessels. Spoke on the Banks, schr Elvira, of Yarmouth fish inr. Ckaxlis ok, Oct 18 Arrived, Smack sloop Liberty, Crary, York 4 days. Ship Prince Madec A pnlewhtite.

Liverpool. CO dayt Sept 27, lat 31 ions 5., boarded tloop tiaymaxer, Mix, sro flays from Madeira bound to Boston being short of provisions, purchased half barrel of Bread, tbe only article we could procure from her, the being al.o khort. Oct. 7th, lat 35 50, long 62 30. boarded brig Swift sure, Lindsay, 143 da) from Macoa, bound to Boston, who generously supplied us with provisions, as we were entirely out, fur which tender him our sincere thanks.

Oct It, lat 30, long 57 30, spoke schr Rambler, Rich, 26 days from Caitine, bouud to Guudaloupe. Ship Orion, (of New YoW.) Burns, 'Amsterdam, 44 days. Left, ship Canton, Rogers, for this port to about 10 dayt thin Hope, lor Baltimore brig Ann Si Louisa, for Portsmouth, iV change, both trom Baltimore. A barque, of Bos ton, had arnved trom tooth un ihe 10th intt. lat 39 23, long 71, spoke ship Atlas, Jenkins, 65 dayt from Liverpool bound to New York.

Bchr Pbcebe Elif Green, York 6 days. Schr Calypo, liilliard, Philadelphia, 8 days. Passed ia the Riyer, thip Halcyon, from Liverpool, having on board the capiain of the ship Ltutara. fkhrJotenh. Doinieinue Dirun.

3 dayt. A Mexican privateer arrived at Amelia from Galvettown on Monday last informed that four other vessels, with 400 men, Lad sailed from the same place for Amelia. SIood Rambler. Barlow, Weathersfield, Con. 8 days, and 5 from NewJYork.

On Wednesdny evenmf, otf Hat terns, spoke sloop Boston and Newbern racket, 7 dayt from Cotton lor ft ew bern. Sloop Nancy, Randall, York 8 dayt. On Thurarlav oieht last off Georgetown, spoke sloop Decatur, 8 dayt from York for Savan nah. Smack sloop Sterling, Appleman, York, 6 days. Smack sloop Concord, Stark, New York, days.

The ship Morning Star, Bishop, from New York is coming tip Below, two sloops, from northern ports PHILADELPHIA, Oct 25. Arrived, ship Maryland, Hammond, 55 dayt from St. Peters burgh. Brig Active. Turley, 50 days from Cork 30 patrengert.

Sailed Sept 2. Oct 18, tpok" ship John Adams, 2 days from Richmond, for Liverpool. The ship Ruth and Mary, Brown, of Philadelphia, had left Cork for Cadis and brig Fanny, Lewis, of do. for London, a few dayt before the Active. Schr Lydia Si Mary, Johnson, 9 dayt from Boston.

Schr Minerva, Craighead, 5 dayt from Savannah. Sloop Eagle, Tompkins, 8 dayt from West port. Sloop Brutus. Ilaller. 5 davt frnm York.

Sloop Komto, Pinkharji, 5 days from Bed lord. NoaroLK, Oct. 21. Arrived, brig Arator, Robinson, Montego Bay, Jam. 24 duyt.

Schr Three' Sibters, Lovel, Barnstable. 5 days. Schr Quiz, Mott, Yo? 46 hours. Sloop Polly, Low, York, (Maine, 12 days. Spoke on Friday ml, schr lnuustiy, from New Yurk, bound to Bermuda.

Sloop Fair American, Reyuolds, York, 3 days. Sloop Atalanta, Sbaler, York 4 davs. Came up from Hampton Roads, British brig' S'ar, trom Antigua. At anchor bclQW Fort Norfolk, schr Rising States, Wynant, from Richmond, bound to N. York; Beliidera, Johnson, from Petersburg, fur do.

Cleared, sloop Stranger, Plum, York sch. Quiz, Molt, do. CHARLESTON, Oct. 19 Arrived yesterday ship Morning Star, Uifhop, New York days. Saw two brigs and a sclir iu the olfing yesterday.

Sloop Spartan, Montague, Hartford, (Conn.) 7 days. Cleared, brig Renown, Scudder, Boston. Boston, Oct23 Arrived, brig Mary Jane, Moore, 15 days from Havana. Ship Beverly, Lovett, 125 days fi om Calcut ta. Left at Calcutta.

June 17th. shins Prkin. Dexter, disc Brainin, M'Gregor, do Oscar, Hart, loading for Boston: William, Bifciclder, do do Albion, Conway, discluug Palladium, wniir.tor sateni, nearly ready; Wm baverr, Harden, Philadelphia, unc Trident, Rca, York, do jKamdoloWay, Goodn in, do do Cri rie, Humphrey, di de; India, Tompkins, do do Cordelia, Magec, for Hostvn, dropped dyii the river bry Miles, Stindish for Boston, ready for tea ship Columbus, Blancliard, sailed from the Sand Heads 4 dayt previous io tne iseveriv, winch sailed Julv 3d. July 20th. lat 0, 13, s.

long 93, 50, x. was boarded My the Hon. East India Company cruuer Teignmuuth, 21 days from Pulo Penang she had been cruising live weeks for the Hale of Cotton Kork, but could not find il. pt2Ab, lat 10, a. long 38, w.

spoke ship Packe Gallop, 102 daysfrota Sumatra, wirli a full cargo of pepper, fbr Oct 10th, lt 62, brig" Afenoria, Crabtree, 10 dayt from Machias for Martinique. Urg Joseph, Berry, 33 dayt from Livei pool tailed loUl bept and left ships Beue savage, RusselL for Boston. 15 davs Concordia, Cof fut reDairinr. had been ashore on North Bank Geoige Watson, Foster, discharging; brig Recover, Burnham, Orleans, 15 davt Ceres, Cullender, for Charleston, bad sailed and put back, having been ashore on Norm uanK, ami man Cant B. broucht no list GiaaaLTAB, Sept 13.

The bries Alfred, Bernard, from Leghorn, arrived ana tailed 6th for Y'ork Gen Jackson, Brick, from Genoa, arrived 2d, and sailed 9th for PtiiU delphia Gen Jackson, Rabbins, from Leghorn arrived and sailed 1st for Philadelphia) ship United States, Surget, 40 dayt from Havana srrived and sailed 5th for Genoa barque Camel, Breed. 7 days from Lisbon arrived 4th and sailed same day for Leghorn brig Or leans, Jones, 56 dayt from Orleans arrived 5th. now dischareiiiEr davs from Havana arrived 7th. just out of quarantine ship Mary, Clark, 29 days from Trieste, arrived and sailed 9th for Boston brig Rambler, Craft, 29 dayt from Boston, ar. i ived 8th, and is in quarantine, in consequence of having communication with a vessel from Havana, bound alou i ship uura, Swdt, 73 davt from Orleans, arrived 9ib, now disc brig Abiooam, Moody, 12 days from Baltimore and 12 from Madeira, arrived 1 1th and discharging Brazilian, Baiter, 12 days from Leghorn, in quarantine, arrived 11th, and sailed first Wind for Baltimore, i Cant Backus, of the briir Eunice, received tome damage a few night prei ious to his arrival, by running afoul of a ship, which was also much damaged, lie it quarantined 10 days, having no bill of health from Havana.

THEATRE. Last night but 2 of Mr. Engagement. THIS EVENING Oct. 27, Will he revived, the Comic Opera of the BEGGARS OPERA.

Caot Macheath. Mr. laclcdon tn act 3d, (for the lit time) a Hornpipe in chains bv Mr. Chamiaud. The new patriotic song of Hail Columbia, or the Birth lace or Liberty, having been received with rapturous applause, Mr.

Inclc don will this eveninc repeat it. To which will be added, the petit comedy of MIDNIGHT HOUR. Marquis, Mr. Pritcharsl Performance to commence at a quarter before seven o'clock precisely. crY Another Golden prize from Allen's Ticket No 2,100, which drew the rich prize of hve thousand dollars, on Friday last, in the Philadelphia Lottery, was told at Allen't Truly Luckev Office.

No. 122 Broadway, to a sheriff of one of the western countk of this state, to whom Messrs. have this day forwarded the pleasing intelligence of S5000 in ing ready fur him. The rich prices of 5000, 2 of 2000 and 8 oflOOO have already been sold and paid at Allen's, and should the 20,000, 10,000, fcc. which are to be drawn in a few dayt, be sold at Allen's, they will be paid with the same punctuality, und in GOLD.

oct 27 QT)" Mr. George llavlin, ou nerofthe Ticket which di ew the prize of 825,000 in the Alt dical fcoence Lbttcry, and which he pur chaseil of Messrs. S. M. Allen, arrived in this city on Saturday last from the Cherokee Nation.

oct 27 Mr. Retoectlullv informs tlie Ladieland Gen tit men of INcw York, that bit RiniKfi School will re open on Wednesday, Oct. 2t)th, in Canal street, near Broadway, for the instruction of Ladies und Gentlemen, in tlie art of ruling. i ne Ms Divisions ot the Broad bwoid taueht. and tbe attack and defence Horns hroke as Charees.

Hunters, or the Road, and likewise for tlie ladies. B. Ladies and Gentlemen's Htrses taken in at livery, and a Repository for the sale of hor ses. Terms made known al the Ridine School from 7 o'clock in the morning till 5 in the evening. ocizi im Literary and Phtloiophical Soeitty Js'ew lork.

'Jj 1 ransacuona ol 'he society for sale bv oct 27 J. EASTBURN Si CO. OT" Tbe Co nartncrsliip betetofore exiitinr between Uie subscriber, under tbe firm of Ml.N TUKN CI1AMPL1N. it toil dav. bv mutual consent, dissolved.

fliew York, October 25 1817. BENJN. G. MINTUOX JOHN T. CHAMPLIN.

oct 27 1m llTl iCt rXTT rfT xm CINE OF AMERICAN PACKETS BETWEEN A. I OtiK LIVERPOOL' order to furuik frequent andregvlar conveyances for GOODS aud passengers, the subscrihet h.ive undertaken to tlalilish a line ol vf betweeu NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL, to sail irom each place ou a certain dav in every month throughout (lie year. i ne louowing vessels, each about lour hundred tons burthen, have been fitted out fur Out purpose chip A.Tiii jonn siauion, master, Wm. Bowne, PACIFIC, Jno. Williams, ja.mks Mnmir.

And it is the intention of the owners that one of these vessels shall tail from New York on the 5th, and one from Liverpool on the 1st of every nth. These thip have all been built in New York, the best materials, and are coppered and copper fastened. '1 hey are known lobe remarkably fast sailers, aud their accommodations for pniscngert are uncooim nly extensive and commodious. '1 hey are all nearly new except the Pacific she hat been tome yeart in the trade, but has been recently thoroughly examined, and is found to be perfectly sound in every respect The commanders of them are all men of great experience and activity and they will do all in their power to render these Packets eligil le con reyanccs for passengers. It is also thought, that the regularity of their times ol sailing, and the excellent condition io which they deliver their cargoes, will tnakt them very dciirable opportunities tor tlie conveyance? of goods.

It is intended that this establishment thall commence by the departure of tho JAMES MONROE, from NEV YORK on the 5th. and the COURIER from LIVERPOOL cn the 1st, of irst iioMh January) next und one or the vessels will s.iil at the sluul periods from each place in every sucieedu.g luoDth IHAAC VMilGHT F'tANCIS THOMPSON, BENJAMIN MARSHALL, JEREMIAH THOMPSON. 10rno4 ir tor ST. CHVlX, The reyniar tradin? ship SOUTH JiCaCAROLI.A PACKET, A. J.

Csrt w.sgiii, master, will sail about tlie 20th of November next. f'or freight or rsm ainiiiniw nil i i very extensi re accommodations, apply eitlicr to uie or io BF.NJ. DF. FOREST 4: CO. oct27tf 45 Perk slip.

tor Ci. 1tl.r.cU.V. The elc ant packet ship CORSAIR, Slwaf Sutton, will sail on Wcdnes.l.iy 23Ui inst. im ireight or pattti'e, apply ou board, ca4 side Old slip, or to CL ARK, MOORE CO. ct 27 2t 41 Soulu t.

rr tor The schr. SALLY ANN, Cruthits, W1" sad in two djiys. For freif hi 'I'P'J i CAMBHELENG st, For SAVAXKAH, The brig SALLY ANN, "Smith has a considerable fiewlit now on board, and will sad ti week. For the remainder, or passage, board, at wnarr, or to oct 27 N. Si D.

TALCOTT. FOR CHARLESTON, (S. tel The brie TELEGRA PH. J. Mun nirMrtro WR ad to morrow morning at nio cioca, winu jierniiuuij.

i as euers are re. quested to be on board at 9 A. M. A few more passengers can be handsomely accommodated Apply ou board, at Steveus' wharf, or to If. COWING, oct27 o.

191 rront st DUCKWHEA MEAL, Sic 20 do Indian meal Supcrune and Rye Flour io bbls. and halt bbls. suitable for families, for tale by HEHRY HOLT, No. 229 Froot ttreet, oct 27 3t 2 doort east of Stevens wharf. SILK TWlaT 3 trunks fcTJa Twi, sliorf sticks, assorted colors, iust received, for tak by F.

REM SEN oct ti so outh stnt '1 TURPENTINE 400 bbls prime softTuT pentine 150 do fair quality rln. for taleii D. BE I'll UNE A CO. oct 27 Vt nll ttreet. Ql TK.iS, tec.

rhejts hyson skin tea 20 do yomig hyson 'do 6 do hyson do 135 bags Jamaica pimento 10 pieces Russia theeliyg i 70 boxes Castile sqap 1 8 do tweet oil, 30 bptties each 1 j0 do do 12 bottles each For sale by G. TALD0T, oct 27 55 Pine st mm a ii vowEE. Sm VJ Boxct white Havauna sugar 72 bags green coffee Laud ne from schr. Ca. tbarine, horn Havana, at Minluin Chansplia'i wnan rorsaie uv GOODHUE Ac CO.

oct 27 44 Soutb st. 24 MIHflUNltV dozen of Chambertin I of the growth 24 do 'ofltouiaiiee 1015 first quaL rorsaitDy uuua.i imuiajw, ort27 lw. 15 Vhite Uall ut MEM.VO dHAH LS. JOHN L. EM BR EE offers for sale an elegant assortment of superior quality Mcrint Shawls.

oct 27 St 4 cases toutaiiiuig 200 pieces Platillas Roy ales Just received aud for sale by GOODHUE CO. oct 27 44 South st. COTAA'TLY kept on hand, of every denomination at ten per cent, discount, at the Bookstore and Lottery Office of G. Si R. WA1TE, oct 27 St 54 Maiden lane HuAnOlAU THREE or four gentlemen can be accommodated with genteel Board and Lodging, by applying at 1 1 John street, near Broadway, oct 27 lw SAMUEL MAVERICK, engrartr and top.

ptr platt printer, 73 Litrty street, 2 doors west or Broadway, takes this method to infcra liis friends and the public, that hereafter hit cii ulallitlitd copper plate prinling uflice, will known and distinguihed by the title of the FRANKLIN COPPER PLATE PRINTING OFFICE, Of tht dry of jVew Fori. Where all orders will be executed in the f.rtt stile of elegance. fry Punctuality any always be sspecbMl, Cards of addwss aad visiting card piatcs no graved and printed, at usual, at tbe shortett do tire. oct 27 tin IN CHANCERY. State of Rew York, st.

IN pursuance of as order of thii honorable Court, will be sold at public auction at tbe Tontine Coffee House, io tbe city of New York, under tlie direction ol the suhecriher.oo the 19th day of November next, at 12 o'clock at noon, all that certain lot, piece or of land with the sues suages, dwelling houses, stables, stores and buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being ia tbe present first and late second ward of IIm city of New York, fronting on Pine trrct and Maiden Lane, which wre granted and released to Robert Hunter, deceased, by John Read, survives executor of the last willaod of Joseph Read deceased, by conveyance bearing date the second day of December, in Uie year one thousand seven hundred and ninety, and which trr therein described in tlie words following that it to lay, all that certain messuage, tenement or dwelling bouse, piece, or parcel of land, situate lying and licing on tbe northeasterly tide of King street, in the east ward of tbe said city of New York, and running northwesterly oa King street seventy four feet and eight inches, then northeasterly on the ground now or late of Henry Kip and John Alsop, ooe hundred and forty feet and eight incites, thence running southeasterly oa the land now or late of John Stevens and Doctor Kemmoaa, forty one feet and six inches, then northeasterly on land now or late of John Stevens, one hundred and sixty nine feet, then running in the rear, southeasterly oa Maiden lane, twentv six feet nine inches, then southwesterly hkmg the land now or late of Elias Brevoat one hundred and sixty nine feet Ihea southeasterly along the land now or late of Uie said Elias Brevoat twenty leet and eleven inches, tbewce southwesterly alone tbe Und now or late of William Ludlow fifty feet, then northwesterly along the land now or late of William Kipping twelve feet ten inches, then southwesterly along tlie laad now or late of tlie said William Kipping eighty three feet to the place ol beginning, together with the hrriditamentt and appurtenances to tbe same belonging or ia anywise nijrtairiing. Oct. 27. 1017 THOMAS BOLTON, Master in Chancery. For partiru'ars in relation to Uie above tsJa apply in the Master No 44 FiM st Oct 27 lawtoNovtOdts IM CHANCERY.

Cilbtrt Field, 1 w. 5arttJVVr rrt. Caleb Fouler and others. pursuance of a decretal order of thihonora blc court, made in tlie above cause, will be sold at public auction, at Uie Tontine Coffe House, in tlie city of New York, on Thursday, the eleventh day of December next, at twelve) o'cloc nt noon, under the direction of John Towt, one of the masters of tl it Vourt, all tbst certain tract piece or parcel of land, situated, lying and being ia the town of Southeast, ia tha coaut) of Putnam, and which iu a certain indenture of mortgage executed the said Ck Fowler and Jerusha hi wile to olio Meyer, deceased, and dated the 3d day of Jour, IbVO; it, described in the words following, to wit All that piece or parrel of land', situate, lyipg and being iu the town of Sgulliea't, atofrsaidj' bounded at follows Uegiomrg at a staler and heap rf stones in tho corner ol Moses Foster's land by Us? road, an from thence runs sou lb sixty eight degiecs, east twenty seven chains, to a stake 1 thro south seventy nine dejrree bftct a fortyix chains and tvtetity tipkl thea south twenty lour chains and seventy links to Colonel Morris's lot number nine and tin a by it west eighty two chains th aorth fourteen degrees, east forty tixclmiiis and seventy links to the jJare of beginning; ontiiikig two iiiimlred aod sixty acres of Und, free and cltarcf all incumbrances whatsoever, excepting one buo rircdand five arm sold to Major rowfcr, off of the west side of the taid laii, before the sigoing and seeing of these preseV TcgeUier wiu ali and the WedirlwrfWs uitd appurle namel Uiereuuto belonging or in any wie eppsr taininr. Dated tt Im ery fijth day of Ocibrr, ooe thaiunft eigtit hundn and seventeen.

JOHN TOW 1. Miitur in Chancery, lfl lsatds captain fj part of her le last of the "ppJyou.

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