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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Assistant Publisher A. A. rREDRICKSON. Editor PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Managw National Advertising Representatives: Witmer New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis.

Entered as second class mailer at the post- office at Blytheville, under act of Congress, October 9, 1917. Member ai The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATER: By carrier in the city of Blytheville or any suburban town where carrier service Is maintained, 25c per By mail, within a radius of 5H miles. SS 00 per year," $2.50 for six months. $1.25 for three months; by mail outside 50 mile zone, 112.50 per year pRysble in advance. And the woman to Elijah.

Now by I kmiw that Ihou art a man ot find, and thai the Lord In ihy mouth Is Christians are called saint- 1 for their holiness; believers, for their faith; brelhren, for thnr love; disciples, for their Barbs What you think yourself really means something, it you can prove It. An untruth travels mighty fast when von con- lider that It i lef to on. This Is the season when truth isn't stranger than fiction. Just listen to the average fisherman. We yon enjoy the summer jou'vf taken out of the clonei, aa much the moths did during the winter.

A health expert says that two apples a day than one. Maybe that would keep the dentist away, too. Los Angeles Voters Decline Federal Housing Rejecting the ok! theory thai "if we don't get the money, someone else will," Lou Angeles voters last week thumbed down offer of the government. The Public Housing Administration was going to make funds available for the gigantic project. J.

Q. Public got wind of it and got hot about thwarting the deal. Result wan a gpecial flection In which the voters of Los Angeles saved 1110,000,000 in their and our tax money. This is indicative of a trend of thinking. The people have had about all of Uncle Sam's paternalism they can stand.

The price is too high, the reward too small and the impending loss of freedom unbearable. But the public still has a lot of convincing to do. No doubt the Public Housing Authority has team of bright young men at work right now to find out just where that million can be spent. Why? Because the very jobs of the men in Public Housing depend on spending money. When they cease to spend money, they'll automatically be out of jobs.

House Con Repair Damage Of Cutting Aid to India Climatic and economic conditions being what they are in India, there will he another famine in thai populous land one day not too far off. that time arrives, the Indian government may be compelled to seek aid from the United State? in the form of grain or money. And thf'n certain righteous members of Confess will get to their fret and shout: "Why can'l these people take care of themselves? Why should Ibis country be burdened with their Unless Congress changes it? mind now about something the House- has just done, the answer to those possible future questions will trace back to the spring of Ift52. It will be fair to say that India is then a burden to us because our lawmakers failed earlier to take some rather easy and not too expensive steps to help the Indians get onto a sound, self-help basis. Specifically, the House, in its customary blind wielding of the "economy" axe on the foreign aid bill, chopped the Point Four program for India from $115 million to million.

If this cut should sland. the U.S. will he able to assist only six million Indian farmers instead of 22 million, as planned. Projected gains in food supply will just wiped sut. This program is not a dole, not charity.

It is designed to provide technical equipment, advice and certain special materials which India needs to boost its food supply. If these things ran be successfully applied, then India thereafter can do a better job of taking care of its own food needs. Famine will he- come rarer, and so will desperate appeals to the U.S. and other more fortunate peoples. What India requires are "steel points" for its plows, fertilizer, advice in channeling and using irrigation water, irrigation pumps and other tools.

A tun of fertilizer will add two tons of food in India. A six-pound steel point on a plow, if used to turn under a green crop, can add 40 per cent to the crop yield. mean two crops a year instead of only one. The proposed plan called for some U.S. technicians to cooperate with 17,000 Indians lo teach them sound farming techniques.

This nucleus of trained Indians would then helyt to fit millions of other Indian farmers for a list tor job of food-raising. All this is now in jeopardy because the House, eager to pose as economy- minded in an election year, has beon whacking away wildly at foreign aid in general and Point Four in particular. House members apparently didn't even know they were hurting the Indian program when they reduced the Point Four total. Bui that is hardly an excuse, since they are supposed to understand what they are doing. Conferees on the foreign aid bill have a chance to repair the damage before it is seriously felt, they do not act, then Congress need only look back upon itself at some future date to find out why India is again on the door for help.

Views of Others Battle of Bunko Hill Erskine Johnson. IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD fNEA) Be- ed Evening man, who's starring as hind thf Screen: Samuel Goldwyn Feodor Challapin In Fox's "Tonight has dethroned Errol Flynn Hol lywood's bravest man. While movietown is slashing budgets and the economy axe in circles to meet TV competition, Sam'5 pouring $3.000,000 into a su- We SiriR. 1 "I theenk I make more merer. We arc too afraid cen Hoi- I wo oct.

Ee.s not a question that the poobleec ees not faddy, The poob- leec ees raddy. If Fox or MOM do a movie opera, the poobleec wee! pcr-rolossal Technicolor fairy tale about a fairy tale teller, "Hans Chriftian Andersen." His reasoning "Only preat motion count toriay" he told me, "I'm doing' something unusual. I'm Roing 10 show people things they've never rn on the screen." Danny Kavr and Frrnch hallrrlna Jean marie, of ballet, rludlnR a 15-mlnute, eyr-popplnjr i there's a dazzler in moviptoan "l.itllr Mermaid" number In which i her not to refer to her rosh to see eet." Finza's playing Chaliapln In a hlnnri wfg and doesn't buss a single damsel, explained: "Kes comedy side of heem 1 play, but eel not mr-an Challapln was not rnmantrer. Een all hees life, Challapln never passed up a beautiful woman." Fasten your seat straps, .1 rnnmarie rtances on ncran waves and In an undersea jr. rot In.

And take it from GoUUvyn: "H's thp most, effective number I've ever pur on the screen." Ar an Independent, beauty. She's gorgeous Janice Rule of MGM, who has me poppine my eyes like Eddie Cantor over her "I'm- not-Hedv" cry. who's PetRr producer, Law-ford's co-star in "Rogue's Grtdwyn'K free to sell his tremend- March," tolrf me that "I want to be mis library o( films to TV and he fcnown a good nnrt cpp admits hes had "fabulous" able actress, but I can do without "FJut I'm (urninp them all down," this rav beauty stuff. I don't lie said. "I still believe streat motion pictures belontr in theaters." how it can help me It Anthony Reaurhamp, Rar- CrmrrhllPs photographer hus- Diana Lynn is bristling over the band, who Janice, squirming out-loud guessing that her busty: over the Aiiper-Tnoker tap when lie likeness on the rover of a national named her as one of HoMyivond's 10 has put of sip and preatent heautlen last year In a na- tlona! 'It into her movie career.

r's way out In front of the "It a very embarrassing "Ifrkrrs again. It's not herause Hoi- thinp sighed Janice. "Thank eood- lywood suddenly discovered that 1 nsss, most people have forgotten the, Peter Edson's Washington Column Ike 'Knows Too Much' to Suit Pentagon as Chief Executive Sugar Cane Newsprint Successful priiUinp ot a daily newspaper on paper made from supar cane has been reporlsd from Savnnnah, GR. This newsprint, called ba- gdssp, ivnA developed the Herty Foundation Laboratories, nnnied for the man who proved (hat Southern pine also Is suitable for newsprint. according to the inven'or Lhfl new process, can he manufactured for lew than a Ion, compared with the price of $120 for Canadian newsprint.

This price is being raised tin to Aggregate $130 ton for the Canadian product, Development, of a large, at newsprint Irom Cuba, where sugar cane can be produced In Almost IlmltlcM quantities, would help to hold down the waring cos (A of publishing daily newspapers- These costs have forced publishers -several times to raise their subscription rates and also their advertising charges. In many ciiies even the increased revenue was not enough to keep the newspapers solvent and some of them have been forced tnerjze or go out of business. Newspaper publishers strive to hold down subscription prices for several reasons. The cheaper the rate, the more people can afford to buy it. The greater the number of readers, the better son-ice SP given to advertisers.

These- newspaper readers as a mass make up what is known as ft market. They are within the trading area of the town where the newspaper published. Their patronise suMains the whole community. Thus the newspaper Is not only a purveyor of Information hut an essential part of the system of mnr- and distributing goods. Aside from and salaries, newsprint Is the larccst item of expense for a publisher.

The crrater the circulation, the larger the rw ic ml ace of total cost paid for newsprint. Cure thf nows Is gathered and snt In type the chief acid it tonal rest o( printing extra copies Is the paper. In recent years, there nrver has been an am- pin supply of newsprint made from wooripulp. As the Canadian forests are rut farther bark tn thp wilderness thf supply cft.s and more rvpeiiMve to haul, Row hern forests can grow crops of wood morf quickly than the Norther ones but their production too Is limited. A neu source the Cuban sncar fields would not harm tiir nnrkri for Southern pulp- WDon.

of it ROP5 into kraft brown v.inrty for wrapping parVacrs anrt boxr-s. Savannah has born a pionfer in tielrt and WP salute our city for It-s enterprise in of all the rtaih newspapers. The inventor of thr proems is Joan.mii dp la Ro7a. a native of Cuba, wh oh as, boon wmkmc at it 101R. him too.

in the hope that large seals production may not 'ar off. Meanwhile newspapers must continue To pay high prices for wood pulp paper, ar.ri must continue some- hnu to stay solvent. Thnr only source? of revenue tirr (mm artvrrliMne and circulation. Through (rarcity of IIP pi In not only the profits hut also fhr freerlnm of of newspapers micht be controlled Abxindsnre of cheap newsprint would he.Ip assure frr-rrinm of the Charleston iSC.t News and Courier By DOTG LAS LARSKN NEA Staff Correspondent (Peter Edson Is on special assignment.) WSHINGTON (NEA) Ppaclion in the Pentagon to the possibility of General Eisenhower becoming President and commanrter-in-chief o( all U. 5, forces ranges from lukewarm enthusiasm to violent opposition.

Only in a few of the high places The military boys have gotten ACTING UNDER orders, he had grip on this town since a key part in helping former Scc- the war by hammering away at one argument whenever they are chal- retary of Defense Louis Johnson pare military expenses to a post- lenged on anything. They say to i war low. And what Petnagon offi- senators. congressmen and budget cer has the gall to suggest that he experts the same thing: "Who are i is more of a military expert than you to ruipstion us on military mat- i fke? ters? We're the military experts Except In one case, there's not you've created and you've got to i much fear in the Pentagon that take our word for it. ike as President would be unfair for Fabulously expensive turkeys have to the other services.

He has been there do you find genuine support I alrericly sold to American ap ardent a supporter of more air Ike's caneli-! taxpayers on the basis of this ar-j power as any flying general. And gument. And the mistakes can al- he has always given the Navy a fair ways be covered up by slapping on ideal in his commands, security restrictions. The ls the Marinp Corps. The leathernecks are con- eliminate pub- sbe was Russelt-lsh In mustard plaster region.

She'd like to think, Diana remarked, that. she earned her new rr'ie in UI's "The Great, by of hard work on the and In television during the past vear. It's al! kind of embarrassing," shuddered Diana. "Suddenly. I'm ft flash.

About that cover. looked like A sirl. And I am girl. What's all the fuss about?" Ezie Pinza may have hts doubt? about making another great lover mcvie with Lana Turner, bill he's ready to earuble with any Hollywood studio that will star him in a filmed opera. And gamble Is Just what Erio means.

"I'll do eet tor snd take per cent," roared the Enchant- dacy. At first elance this seems stranep- You'ri think that the brass would deliphted to The Johnson Preparedness Corn- IF THF. PENTAGON brass had miitpp riue up pn rhe military on xvast and poor planning to point up Just see one the 1 now serious this problem Is. starrer! brother- hood make good and be handed the wa the kee President Truman in the White House forever. His military background as an ar- least you'd expect is rejoicing among tlllcr ofnccr in Worlri War in the Army brass.

The fact that there ish dirt nn corruption "ferthii military purse The veiy rinrrrinatpci him with just- the right amount of reverence for stars on enthusiasm for Ike for President th shoulder, among the generals and admirals As a result they've more or less il down to one phenomc- hari hjm in tne alm of thpir hands. it's got nothinp to do didn't have It anywhere near with Ike personally. It would be thp- that witn Roosevelt, same with any military man. They ho had to many of own mih- seems to boil non. And that Fke knows too much about their business and that the tary theories.

The brass can't see amnn? the licly by Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois, a Marine reserve officer who once MiErgesird fke as the candidate both parties should nominate. AT A RECENT Marine Corps reserve officers' mcetinz he accused Ike, when he was Army chief of staff, of signing a secret, proposal, "which would have destroyed the Corps as a combat unit. 1 Senator Douglas say. 1 "This was a shameful blow and clear indication that General Eisenhower never Intended to abi by the spirit of unification." Reaction in high Army circles bridge standards.

He pally makes a cue-bid with a broken spade suit and not a single diamond In support of North's suit. This would be unsound In ordinary bridee. but- it's all right in Ghoulie. North has to have a very fine diamond suit or eood support 1 for paries to bid three When he shows the spade support. South can gallop all the way to slam; East's double calls for a lead In thp.

suit bid hy dummy, so Went opens the eight of diamonds. Dummy plays low, and East plays the six. South knows that West has led about it." Myrtle, the smelling salts, please. Here's ft CONFESSION. Joanna Dm didn't get dead-earnest about acting until after she became a star.

Honest That's what the pirl said. Co-starring with Richard Widmark in Fox's "Bib Man" as a Topaz blonde, she declared: bepan acting because was plain bored. Even when I did 'Red River' it was fun. Then started doing stage plays with John 'hubby John Ireland), things way over my head, and suddenly became serious about acting." Someone asked Spike Jones, Just bark from a tour, if he a satire on Johnnie Ray, "Dirt wft!" flashed Spike. "We alrr.oM drffrrned the first two rows In Portland." Budd Boetticher.

direct-in? a character actdr in a death scene Tor "City Beneath the Sea," quipped: "Let's try it once more, And when vmi die this time, please put some lil- Into It." HERE'S SOMKTHTNG we'd like fro have the average, middle aged man explain lo us. What has become of all of the women who were In love with him and of all the men he whipped? Lamar (Mo.) Democrat. turn UN a 1 1 ten a IIILU me chance of pulling Ihe wool over his "ndldai" of both a man Ike HS Prcs.rtent Is complicated. The eye. 1 are prettv slim i nearly as pleasant to no business so-called Eisenhower is not I with as President Truman Usually In the sartrtle n.vr.

Many generals 1 It would fnll to the Pr oe mili- feel they'd be out of key posts if THIS FEELING in the Pentagon tary aide to act as the white House about Ike as President Is probably I brake on the Pentagon. President. Ike's barkers' most exploitable nn-f Truman's military airio. however, svver lo the criticism that a military happens to he Harry VRiiehRn. man shouldn't be President.

A darn The Know? Just how frosty pood rase ran be made for this an eye General Eisenhower Is ra- bcinir the perfect time for electing pa hip of turninc nn padded requests President background. he became President. Others, out now. feel they'd be In with Ike. It's generally Assumed that Ike would make his cood friend and European aide.

Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther. Army chief of staff. It's actually the Gruentbcr, rather than with a real military for funds and waste anti extrava- i the Eisenhower group, that hopes ilke gets the bie Job.

the Doctor Say BT ED WIN F. JORDAN. M. D. Wrlllfn for NEA Service JACOBY ON BRIDGE BT ASWAI.T) Written for NEA Service 'Ghoutie' Making his highest diamond, so that East Is primitive, skotchy marked with A-Q-10-9 as well as Nature the six.

This means that West start- ed with three diamonds at most. Armed with that information, South proceeds to strip the diamonds out of thp Wrst hand. Declarer ruffs the first diamond, gets to dummy with a trump lo ruff a second diamond, and gctfi to dummy with another trump to ruff a third diamond. Now South leads the king of clubs. At this moment West should look around for a lily to hold in his right hand, for be Is as dead as a doornail.

He must win the club for-otherwise he will never act a trick 1n MIR suit, South would ruff two clubs in the. dummy and give up one heart But what does West then return? If he returns a heart, dummy's queen wins: and South later discards a heart from dummy on the quen of clubs. If West, returns a club. South makes the queen and the trn. and rummy discards both losing hearts.

The frequency with which re- the second. ceive inquiries concernintf psoriasis The remedies often used by 'pronounced with the silent) is skin specialists for psoriasis include evidence of how badly more mtor- ointments containing coal tar. ex- mation if- needed on this rourious posure to ultraviolet rays i psoriasis skin disuse. W. writes, (or ex- is usually be tier in the summer) Manv years aeo bridge players ample, "Pleasp tell me what causes X-rays.

Almost- every year, (oo. to be very fond of PERHAPS the kangaroo was a attempt on the 'oreseeing a future need) to design a pedestrian. she vile Citizen. Tt must be nice to be able to vote yourseH a lot of new in- come tax deductible expenses, as the congressmen in Washington did- If the idea spreads, the first thing you know they'll be talking about irrrensinK taxes to the rest of us so more of the i government boys can be on a home free basis. NEA Cinema Star Answer to Previous Puzzle SO THEY SAY Xnbortv that controls fli'e for (heir own sake, hut they are nccessfiry since our lareer Iibfrt'es are Jeopardised from mlliUry point of NV.ian Fcmsinger, chairman of the Wage Subiliz-iuon Board.

psoriasis, and is thfrc a known cure?" These are $64 questions since thr cxart cflUKe of psoriasis is no! known and rhrre is. as yet. no cure Po far ns cause is concerned, it is known that nf the same family may be afflirted, but Is not- clear. It also known that IF quite often associated with certain kinds of anhritis. thu'ich here 1 what thf 1 rnanprfion is between, the two conditions is un- i is a source of a cood deal of worry to who have it.

but fOthoach one physician hcis written me ronrprnlns sfnous com- a lions from (he disease, tl is 1 11 1 a 1 I considered trlativelv harmless so far as life and cenerM health concerned. If The psoriasis starts suddenU there is b'-cely to be severe iichinc In thp more chronic casrs, i which are more frfniuent (here is nr no itrhinc, Those parts ol the which have become involved ior a lonr tune Generally become cmrvf-d with a thick scale. Whf-n the scale scraped off. tiny bleed- spot? appear underneath. Many troal are he me usni for Most of them prodire iTsulr.s the first time they rue frird.

but rno often thr lmprov ft menr turns nut to lie only temporarv, nnci when i' tlie coon 1 thrre is a report of new and and They seem to be paining in fa- ''better" Treatment, bll' as ypt there vnr neain. The cards are. not shuf- is none has stood tip and fled for a poulash band, and rhey really dops tbe Job for everybody are riealt out five at a time, then without any failures i five- again, and finally three at a Pome day the rinhl treatment time. will come, but until it tiops. psora- The full rules ol the came are sis uill be to treat for: amusinely and clearly explained by patient anri doctor alike.

However, it is beinc carefully studied and improved come at any time. treatment: 75 Years Ago In BlythcYille Mr. and Mrs. Max Loean and Mr. I.Dean's brother.

Walter, have rte- for anrt Toledo, Walter I.rc-in is snnn to hi? riuties ns nf the United Pros- Mr and A Omninzhim rleparleri Pan Francisco. Cain Another nivttievUIr rhilri riirci from colitis. NORTH A KJ04 WEST A3 KJ9fi? 87 5 A J43 EAST ATLANTA Terminal i in A 11 i ft 11 i a box toy I.inrr>1n Iocs, Atlanta SonUi 3 6 A Pass 42 AQ 1096 SOUTH (D) A AQ 108765 ASS N'one North-South vul. West North EMt 2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Double Opening 8 my friend Phil Wertheimer in his little book Ghoutie," from which today's, hand is taken. Any bridze Journal.

player can pick the came in about one minute fiat, but 'hcr's WOXTF.N WTI.r. nevrr br surrrj-s- more to it than meets the eye fit fiil They the words' firs' elanre. all rirht. rni't the biddinc. Is Uiat happened the flrel time (ail (Tenu.) Enterprise.

somewhat ambltioviB by ordinary HORIZONTAL 1,4 Motion pichire performer 8 He Ihft role of Petronius in "Quo Vadis" 10 Bacchanals' cry 11 Make unfit 13 Cuddle 16 Seine 17 Stoop quailing .19 Beverage 20 Golf devices 22 Atmosphere 23 Winged Rarer 26 Meddles 28 Burmese wood sprite 30 Bound 31 Collection of sayings 32 Sun 33 He Is a popular actor 37 Restrain 41 "Emerald Isle" 42 Point Certain 45 Bustle 46 Bridal path 48 Disencumber 40 Bridge holding 51 Idolizes 53 Angers 54 Nostril 55 Vehicle 56 Encountered VERTICAL 1 Endured aSoullihUld 3 Auditory 4 Military men 5 At all times 6 Numbers (sb.) 7 Prickly planl 9 Greek portico 11 Preposition 12 Require 14 Shakespearean king 15 Auricles 18 Humor 21 Legislative 5 A A fj A rt tt A -j m. fc A A 0 A 1-1 1 1 5 is A 1 1 A 1 t-" A L- 1 1 I I oh i-j -r-o S'r- i 25 Hindu queen 27 Disposition 29 Most palatable 33 Cudgel 34 Be borne 35 Satiric 36 Possessive pronoun 38 Tower 39Iroquoian Indian 40 Communists 43 Scheme 46 Genus of maples 4V Kind of chCCSB 50 Brazilian macaw 52 Native mclal.

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