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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

th. Kvmua. POiT. IsSUID DAILY, jr tKX DOLLJRM PER iWIVK, At Pl MnM, Itw Voik, By WI. O.

BOGGS. 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING HAL' SQUARE, DAILY consisting of 8 Una! orle Fint luHrtion, cent second and third insertion, each i cents and 16 cent for every ubequent in ertioa rQUABIC, DAILY 1( line, erover 8 andles thaa 16 Firtt insertion, 7 cents, second and third insertions, each caaU and 19 oBt for every aubaequaat insertion. ADVfcRTISEMINTS, apoa which the aaber of time lor insertion IS NOT MARKED, will beiaertsd and charged nalilerderod out. ADVEB.TI8EMENTS kept on the ituidt arechargedsn Lilri1 it iftnml nriia TCARLV AD EHTISER3, paper included, 40 without the 434 per ensnia, not, however, for a less period man aix monin. TUs.

EVENING POST FOR THE COUNTRY, AT FOUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM, (iSSUXD twtck a mil.) THE NEW YORIC WEEKLY EVENING POST, lit. 2wo D0LLAR PER ANNUM, It mablithed ml Mme jjlee. Br order of the Poet nam ter General. a Uiu A Taatmaater may may in a letter to the publuher of a nawtpeper pay tn subscription of a third parson. If written by himli7 tjtf All kin ef JOB PRINTING executed, will, dee rats, ia the neatest and mot improved style and en rea.

enable term. NEW RRULANDRILK COThe extensive Bilk Factory belonging to the New England Silk is new is complete order for business. is one of the largest Milk Fsctoriet the country. end esnsble of manufactur ing large amount of Serein? Hi lk per work. It is under theeuperiatendanceof J.H.

Cthb, a gentleman well known In the Bilk bnsinees. They re prepared to mann faetar all descriptions 811V, en such condition as will be favorable to applicant. Anyatnountof Haw 8i lk will be received and manufactured into Bewlnga, either on sharee, er at stated rates. Application to COBB. Uedkam.

Mass, a a MOUSE, BHAFKR at Ageau New England Bilk in Beaver N. York. 4 i MWERVKHKMTEH, No. ltt Broad way tar sale. l'lain lli'm 1 1 heavy (at bottomed Tumhlera 1 da Jserman light bottomed Tumbler 4 eW hineOiaaa gilt, and clear gluspainted Mugs I to ale etna 111 Flower Vases, assorted He Merman Lea 1 Pencils, assorted.

mo iper Statia Looking GIasrt tm do (Jmiiiin Tot do French and German Astral Lamp, Chimney, and lias llaea with his asual well assorted stock of Oerman. Krerrhentl Engtih fancy articles and glass ware. AIo the follow ing, entitled to debenture si esses Olass Prisms, assorted do Flower Tales. fed IEKTILIZIXO POWDER, FOR FLOWERS PLANTS, VINES, PEACH TREES, fee may be had in a bushel, haIf in uckafes of two or four quarts each, at IIS NASSAU STREET, Where Hants may be seen on which it has been used. These Towdershsve been used extensively dnrieg the Iwvpaat years in thiacitv with entire success, en Flowers, Plants, Vines as I rthmha.

A gill, applied to live or six quarts of earth, in a pot, will produce a vigorous growth aad a hcsutifnl deep green color and it mav be anidi on lowers ro Ike perlur without the least oltanee. COXES CENT HOME. Kf Sinks and Hlspools emptied by the N'ew York POU DRETTE COM PA NY, in a manner much less off nsive thsa that in ordinary nee. at the usual Orders will be promptly attended re, if left at the Company's Ortiee. at I IB NAHSAU STREET.

Ul'9lTO! CO'K Compound FluMExtrnct Ssrsa parilla, a remedy for all Jiseases of the blood, such scrofula, ulcers, cutaneous eruptions, ax and for removing all thofe diseases originating in the excessive use or abuse of rcurial remediea. It has also been proved to be ef great efficacy in rheum. tic affections, either chronic lnnsmtory.aaJ inchrei.ic niseasrofthe liver. In the Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparillas prepared by the subscribers for several years past, is contained all the valuable medicinal qualities ot sarsaparilla, unite.) with tlior. of several otUsk vegetMe reme lies which have keen fonnd efficacious in similar It yes susses many ad veiiUges.over the numerous preparations ol sarsaparilla new lu Use, end his keen used with the greatest success by mint physician in the cityef.the aighe respectability, also in the L' Navy, where it has met with the general approbation of the most aurgeoas in the service.

I( is it up in bottles nearly donMe the riie generally eold, and is warranted to be as good a preparation as any ase. Price $1 per bottle; ar a liberal discount made when purchased by the quantity. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by Haston Ce, Druggists and Chemieta, 110 Broadway and 10 Astor House Vork, where may alao he had Sand's Bristol's aad carpenter's Extractof Saiaaparilla. IB CHAPMAN'S MAGIC RAZOR STROP. lt is very vupleawentio shave with a dull rasor.vnd therefore the Importance of these unequalled strops.hoth in mod rata neea ot price and beauty of nuiib.

Thsy areems fcati eally called the pour man'a comtort and the rich man's fneud. To be ha at the principal hardware and finer tore at manufarturer'a prices, and in any quantitv at the un William street. Wholesale prices, i On. 3 00, a Ml, 4 INi, 6 IK), 7 ftt), 9 IS), and 1 4 00 dollars per doten. Retailed from 60 Cents to 1,40 each, according to isa and outward tinish.

13 I1ARMERS AND UARDE1IS, who desire convenient and cheap fertilizer to impiove their soil, these hard times, will do well to give their orders for Pou DstTTt immediately, whilst it is to be had che. f.ian ever, 81 0 ceuta per barrel, for ten barrcli and over ot the beat quality, of barrel for $4, delivered on board vessel. Of Orders should be addressed, or left, with the ea.h at Uieofnceoftk New York Poudrette 114 Nassau st. MARIN I SC ANCK The undersigned. Agent New York of tha MECHANICS' INSURANCE NEWARK, N.

continue to take Marine Risk on Ir most favorable terms. L. GREGORY, Agent. 61 Wall, corner ol Pearl st. This company was chartered in the year when BlOUOUO of its capital paid in, which is whole aud securely iuvested.

DIRECTORS. William A. Myer, William Rankin. Joel W.Con lit. William Wright, Asa Whitehead, Archer Giffird, William Oarthwaite.

V.lihn Day, Jsht p. Pennington, Fitch Smith, William 8. Faitonte, James M. Quimbv, James B. riuneo, JohaJ.Cha'.wood, John Chetwood, William Pii rsen.

Daniel, I liarles It. Ackers, Caleb Baldwin, Crane.CalebC. Ward. Jmes Crane, Daniel Smith, Akm. Amos Williams, Edwin Van Antwerp.

Abm. Button, David S. Crane, Thomas Cochran, Robert P. Day. Any losses whi, this company may austain ou risk taken at Mrs agencv, will he adjusted according ta the usage of New York, and paid ith promptness, in mouey current at the bank in this city.

WM. A. MYER, President. Wl. RANKIN, Vice President.

8. Graham, Sjcretarv. IJlwiod IIOIA RUBBER ARMY ASD OTHER BOATS 46 Maiden lane. F'ive Boats one to sustain fur sustain BvWO lbs; the Army Boat sustains ne too: the River Boat lauolbs, one to sustain aoi) lbs. Prices from $40 to 200.

Any pattern maile to order, and for sale by HORACE H. DAY. jatt Successor to Roxbury I Co, 4S Maiden Line. jCPniNU GOODS WILSON O. HUNT a.

7 'i ale, by are now receiving their aurplr of Spring Gaods. con sisting of Drap D'Ktas, Camlets, plain and figured Gam Drills, Linens, kc, together with a general assortment ot Cloths, Cassimeres. Ve.tinga.kc, for sale in quau title to suit purchaser. 464 1'eail st. jaia tgi CASES BOOTS AD SHOKS ConMst sWr4lF Ing of inner ralf Brats and Shoe.

Pumps, Kip Boots, Brogans, Women's and Misses' Shoes, Slippers, I.rce1 Boots. Bu'kins, Children's Laced Boot, Shoes, he a bich will sold verv low. to close connenments, bv JOHN E. II Maiden lane. nVTILISICIt a FI14K A can on I be had of the subscriber.

Old Iron Sales taken at their value in part payment. j4H SILAS C. HERRING, I39 Witar st. SMOKHY SJIIIMNIES Espy' Tatent Conical Ventilator, (a most anre remeilylnr this great evil.) my be found the store of the subscriber, sole paten tee GEORGE STEVENS, 120 Water st. N.

B. No pay. i3'l. I AVA COFFEK aoflhsrsfineoldvellow Govern 1 aaent, in handsome grass gs for sale by 8. T.

NICOLL.69 Front st. hundred barrels Meas Beef, and 200 prime Cee JL city and couutry impec'ion, tor sale by CHAS A. JACKSON. 29 Front at. I A NORMA SEUARS Justreceived fromHava A na, per the Rapid and Hellespont.

60,000 extra superior I. a Norma Segata, light colored, and in quarter boxes, for sals bv A BINNINGKRk CO 141 Broadway. Alao.olJ Government, Uegalia and Panetella Segais. OCHFINE IIKKRINGS Uf superior quality, JsLal for sale bv JOHN IM'NCAN SON.4U7 Broadway. between Waiker and Linpenaril st.

ALMSKY A DE1KA A few casksof very fine qaality. Ur sile by JOHN Dt NC AN SON, 407 Broadway, betw een Walker and Liipenaj I sfs. ALT II1KK1 ticuteh and Iri.h.olJ, and of superior qusiny. tor snie oy juun ut alam nu v. 407 Breadwav, fe between Walker Lispenard sts.

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A lot of splendid Ca meos, set in fine gold, fur sale at low prirea. by 117 WOOD FOLGER. 219 Pearl it. IIU BKST SPERM Oil. always on hand, at ONE kw utiLLAH rtll ttALLON.

A discount to those buy lag by the I or ID gallons. IB M. LENT. 60B Broadwas fvll KK.SK English. Imitation do, and Sapago, for aeie oy lunn st 407 Broadway, between Walker and Lispenard streets.

"INOOr OTTOMANS Three hundre.1 pair of Kcot Uttomine, mad of Brussels Carpet, aid every neat article, hich will be sold st I earh, by 17 GEO. W. BETTS 414 Pearl st. CiABII AND FAMILY STORES of eveiy dc criplion, furnished bv BLOODGOOD fc HALL. No.

4 Finest. ANTI TlOJi Regulus of Antimouv, a first rate article, a lew casks, for sale at 6 Hurling slip, by BOA RUM AN HART. rVB 4.CCO PIPKS Miort hunter pipes iTT 6g7oTs boxes; Negro Pipe in 3 or 4 gross; 3 gro'i long hunter pipes, kc. Engii.h or Dutch manufacture, for sale bv EDW. INNESS CO.

No. 21)7 IVater st. 1rKEE j.y. coffee, I.Vt bag, Sumslrs do. bags Manilla do, for sale by F.


ILKM AiCjrr A and 4 4 eoanUy on hand, and fci i. 7 8 LAWRENCE THIMBLE, teiiv.r.l. yORTLAND CO. Omaburgi, Drills, iau Cham M. bry, lor sale by LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, 1) nweveretre.

nl.T..(. LiAi.iv a.iu niiri Ri hiums, and 4.4 for sal by LAWRENCE fc TRIMBLE. B3 Beaver street tllETUCKET TICKS and B's. lot alhy k7 PONGK ale by ONGKE LAWRENCE kTHIMBLE, 63 Beaver st. AND BHITTANIA SvDKF'S, for LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, 63 Beaver st BLUE PRITH tow and medium priced, for saie by AWRENCE fc TRIMBLE, 63 Beaver st OR TLA NO CO.

CHAMBRAICS, OSNABLRG AND DRILLS, for sslr by i LAWRENCE fc TRIMBLE, Baswarit. rOMOjaXSD BRITAaHIA UDKFI For M. LA WHENCE fc TRIMBLE, Beaver at FORM Post, j2S Utf ME XLI. LE OR TO LET and airy OFFICES to rent in the building No. Pin cire.4 innuire at i5e office ol me li.veninir iva7 tf ITOKK TO LET.

The first floor and cel lar of the Store No. 63 Cedar street from 1st of February next. Apply to A. nii.iot.K at HI Broadway. TO LET The very convenient two story dwelling house No.

44 Rivington street, the third block from the Bowery. Inquire of RICH St LOUTKEL, 61 William rt. TO LET The Store No. 188 Bowery, next to the comer of Spiing street, from the 1st May next. EDW.

8. INNESS St CO. ice lw S07 Water st OFFICE TO LET. Ofce to let. No.

T7 Naasan street, first floor, fronting the street. Possession given immediately. Inquire of 4t H. at S.RAYNOR.76 Bowery. mTO LET A neat two story brick House, with a large gar len, containing fruit trees and grape villus, on the corner of 23d street and 6th Avenue.

It is one of the pleasantest residencesm the upper part ol the city. There is a small stable on the premise Enquire at this office. n7 tf TO LET. The house. No.

36 Broadway, with AP without furniture anA atahlu lm.1. H. M. SCHIEFFEL1N It BROTHER, 14 1 Front street, or at No. Prince street.

on Saturdays, between the hour of eleven aad two. The house can be seen daily from twelve to two. fell COTJRTRY SB AT OR SALE OR TO I VT A .1... Utrerh? withiu one mile ot the Rath Hou and eight of New York; contains arres of land, in a high stateof cultivation. The house and out houses are ol wood, and in tine order.

The alovewill be let or sold application to f7 AS. McCITLLOUOH.TJWall st. TO LET The Three Story Dwelling House. ISO. 60 Third avenue.

His been suilt but lour years. At present occupied by A. Carroll. Era. ,460.

Also.ToLet. Lofts, well lighted, suitable for Mechanical purines, in buiHings No. 6 and 7 Hague street. Apply to HARPER It felMf 81 Cliff street. TO LET.

The two story modern built brick house. No. 8' Barrow street, between Fonrth and flleecker streets. The house is in comnlete order. with sliding doors, marble mantles, counter cellars, Stc and within one minute's walk to the Fourth t.

or Bleecker atreet stages. Applvto ISAAC LUCAS. 90llcerker st to ISAAC NEWTON, 16 South st. flS HIRAM BAYNOR, 76 Bowery. FOR.

SALE, TO LEASE OR TO LET. A House situate at Far Rockawav. Lone Island. within a short distance of the Marine Paviliun beach and ocean, and fronting on the main Rockawav road. It ia well adapted for a public boarding house, being capable of aceoir.niodating one hundred or more borders.

It contains from three to four acre of tillable greusd, cultivated as a garden the whole enclosed in a good picket rail and board fence. On the nremise is a new barn. hovel, and other necessary out buildings, with a well of ursi raie water, it nas a Deautuui ana extended view or the ocean and the country. This place is a crent resort, during suninu season. It is considered perfectly healthy.

The stages run fivm this place to Ja tuaica twlc a dav. For urther particulars, aprly to 6A.ML. R. B. NORTON, ll on the premise.

FOR SALE. At the Little Falls, three miles iiit west ot I'aterson, New Jersev.on the Passaic river. the Mill and Farm, consiitinr of 160 acres or there abouts, late the property of Samuel Bridge, deceased This property possesaes many advantages for extensive and fartoriee requiring water power to any extent. One half of the river can be taken above the falls and dam, and conveyed aero is the premises to suitable milUeats below the falls, giving a head and fall of about 40 feet The Vor ri Canil psases through the premises and within a few feet ol the mills. There is alio on the premUesa large quantity of excellent timber, and an inexhaustible stoue quarry, of the same description as that which is now used for building Trinity Church, in New York.

On the farm then is a convenient none mansion and several other tenements. Also, the premises known as the Bleach on Peck msn's river, a short distance below the falls, with 40 acres ol land adjoining. Also, a small Tenement and Lot contiguous to the above, now occupied by William Storv. If th; said proper:) is not sold at private sale before the 15th of March next, it willtlinbe offered at public auction, at Stewcrt's Hotel, Newark, the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. For particulars, inquire of D.

OA KEY. 140 Pearl st. New York, orof flltf A GIFFORD, lis Broad st, Newark, J. FARttFOR ALE Situated at Far Rockawav. Lcng Island, within a quarter of a nil weal of the Murine Pavilion, cm bracing tw necks of choice land, being a beautiful situation for buildings or other im provements, and a front of three nnarterinf iiivuii mn uveiin.

it contains von acres 01 land, suitably divided into tillable, woodland and Meadow. The inland communication by the Jamaica Eav, which brings vessels to the centre of the farm. On the tremses is a con venient two tory house, barn and other out boil lings, together with a well of rood water. Also other land for sale. Apply to SAMUEL R.

B. NOJITON, Far Rockaway. The above can be divided into two farms. au20 tf PREMIUM SOFA BSD ITKADSS.McUtAW'i Pat. ent Extension Sofa and Chair Store removed to 43Droad ay one door above Grand st.

These' Solas are so well known and highly approved of. that scarcely ianv thine more need be aid of them than to inform the public where they can be obtained, having been exhibited ut six annuel Fairs of the American and Mechanic' Institute in thiscity. anu invariant receivea toe aignest premium 01 tnese Sofas was also exhibited at the Mechanics' Institute Fair in Boaton last tall, where it met the approbation of more than sixty thousandpersona who visited that Fair, and after being thoroughly examined by a committee of ol thx best cabinet makers of Boston, it was honored by the aw ard of a gold menai and diploma. 1 nesuDscriner also manutac tures Dr. Bean's Patent Rocking Chairs, which have elicit ed the admiration of all who have used them.

The run ur on castor, and rock with the greatest ease. entirely avoid' ing the inconvenience of rockers on the floor, so univer sally objected to. my 44 N. Broadway. NEW TORK II1PPONA The regular auction sle ill take place at this establishment on Saturdav next, Feb.

16th, at 1 2 mencing with a general assortment of uew and second hand Carriage, Harness, kc. Immediately after, will be offered a catalogue ot Horses, suitable lor all purposes, well worth the attention of purchaaers. Gentleman in the country having property to dipo.eof, ny senmng a description to mis establishment, will hi, ineir or.iers promtly attended to. Horse, Carnage, ko. kc.

at private (aleeverv day in the week. Coaches, Wagons, and Saddle Horse to let. Horse taken on livery by theday, week, ormonth. A number of fine Horses, just from the Western part ef this Stale, at prit ate sale. buuuiuiu.x a 16 Proprietors, and 67 Watt at.

IRv WATER, PUT TAniNG IN WITHOUT UP THE WALKS OR FLOORS OF BASEMENTS. WILLIAM WEST, Plumber, corner of Beach and Hudson streets, nearly opposite St. John's Patk. New York, having been licensed by the Water Board to lay pipes for conducting the Croton Water to dwelling and manufactories, will attend to all Older with pi omptnea and despatch. A general assortment of Bathing Tuba, Shower Baths, kc.

kc. on hand, or made to order. The subscriber pledges himself to use none but the best of Pipe, he having made airangemeuts with Messrs. Tatham Brother, ot Philadelphia, "or their best make. The following is a Repo.

of the Committee of the Franklin Institute, upon Tatham Brothers' Patent Improved Leaden Hill or the Fakli Ihstitute, i Philadelphia, Nov. 11th, 1541. The Committee on Science and the Art, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, to whom was referred for ex the Patent Improved Leaden Pipe, manufactured by Messrs. latham Brothers, ofl'hiladt 1 phia, Ta. Report, That they have carfuliy examined many pe ciir.

psof tliese ty themselves, 1 subjected tln to 11 peated trials by a suitable force pump. The presume was cautiously increased until the bursting point was attained in every instance, and the phenomena accurately observed. From the result of these trials the Committe are unanimously of opinion, that tl ese nipes posset important advantage over those heret ofore used. 1st, the itrtngth, 2d, ibtenceof flaws; 3d, the polish of ne uniiurnity 01 uore, etu, sue lunger lengt h. ny order 01 tne committee.

Signed WM. HAMILTON. Actuary. Tbe above Pipe for sale, wholesale and retail, as above. n.v PROTON WATER CHARLES K1LLSBCRGH Plumhel and Lead Pi; Mauufacturer, No.

43 Water street, New York, having been licensed by the Water Board to make and connect servico pipes for conducting the Croton Water to house and, tenement, ill attend to all orders entrusted to him with' pron.p'.ncss and despatch The public may rely upon having their work done on reasonable terms, andin a substantial and workman like manner. Having been long established. and stnc'lv attended to the plumbing bus.ness, he solicit and to merit a shareol public patronage. All the necessary mate iala and a riyurau 01 ine api mveo xinur. improved Lead and Iron Pipes, Brass Corks of all sizs and descrip Hose, Water Closets, Bathing Tubs und Ap paratus, kc kc.

kept constantly on Usu aud lor sale on the lowest terms. auS aj 1ROTON WATER Persons erecting new build ines. and those who are about to introduce the Croton into their houses, me invi'ed to call at lu i Uioad way, and examine Beebe' Patent Cooking Range, with a newly constructed end greatly improved Boiler, exprcsalv adapted to their Range, capable of containing forty gallons, and oecuping an area of It by 64 inches, and arranged a to prevent its making steam, being, therefore, perfectly exemptfrom the danger of bursting. Also for sale, Portable Laundry Ranges, a very useful and valuable articie for families. Ja9 11.

IUUKWOOD CO. CROTOS WATER MILLER COATE8, Plumber, lid Grand street, 2 doors east of Broadway. furnish Tinned, Lead, Composition and Iron Pipes. Pumps, Hydrants, Fountains, Bath Tuba.fcc and every article connected with the ne of Croton in Dwellings, Warehouses sad Manufactories. Order for the iutrodurtion of water are promptly exernted.

ROGERS' KNIVES, PENCIL CASKS, Vc Just received, aa assortment of Rogers Pearl and Ivory handled Pen Knives. Also, Gold and Silver Pencil Case Portfolio, plain and embossed cover. For sale by JSUWne. a t.u., rcarmreei, mr. W.U.

ITOHIK COVERS Made of India Rubber Cloth. J2 vary light, and fitted to the harm for sale low by HORACE H. DAY. Successor ta Rosbnry I. R.

Company, 46 Maiden Lane. Madeira. Sherry. Fort, kc, from ordinary iohns. or h.

ongtnu pacaagea. ior sale ny J2' uuha.x a nui, 4U7 rroaawsy, bexween Walker and Liioenard t. from He ysna, per the Rapid tna mnofr. en. iT hv Ul" ofed, sni in hoxs MNWUCRkLO, Alio.

Oovrnmeot isegalU, and oU BO LLERS. riHK BOOK OF PtS into Eng. M. lish Verse, by the Rev. George Burgess, Rector of Christ Church, Hartiord, Coun. Published and for sale, by JaiW HUNTINGTON SAVAGE, 174 Pearl rt. BRADFORD HOMER Writing of Rev. William Bradford Homer, late Pastor of the Congregational Church in South Berwick. Me.

with a memoir by Edwards A. Park, Bartlet Professor in Andover Theological Seminary, 1 vol 1 4 mo. pp420. A few copies of this much sought fur book J'l't received and for sale by feU DAYTON It NEWMAN'. 199 Broadway.

THE AMERICAN PSALMODY, a collection of Sacred Music, comprising and Hymn Tunes. Set pieces. Anthems and Chanlr, arranged with a figured bass for the Organ or Piano Forte, to which Is prefixed a system ol teaching musical elocution, on an inductive plan, by Elam Ives, Jr. and Deodatus Dutton, Jr. 8vo pp.

36S. A new edition, just published and for sale by HUNTINGTON It RAVAGE, ja 39 174 Pearl street. ISTCOSTINUED JLi Maclaurin'sSelect Works Malan's Narativesforthi Young Manners and Customs of the Jew Meditations of a Christian Mother Missionary Records in 6 volumes Monitory Mirror, Mothers Journal Naugle's Gospel Lever Neale's Emblemafor the Young Life of FelixINefT New Cobwebs to Catch LittleFlies Life of Origen.Owenon the CXXX Psalm Owen on Mortification of Sin The above with other publications of London Religious Tract Society, for sale by f9 J.C.MEEES,15i2Nassaustreet ll'ST PU3LISHED Book for March Litnf KnifieUisliments No. 1 Kratilematical of America. W.

E. Tucker's engr.ivins of Chapman's Original Picture of the migrant's Daughter. Tainted expressly for Godev's Lady's Book. No. 2 Emblematical of England.

A Country Village Church, Engraved by A. L. Dick, expressly for Go.ley's Lady' Bonk. Fashions Colored, designed byCroome, engraved by Humphreys, six figures, Ladies and Children'a Dresses of the most novel style. per in advance; single number 2cts.

felt ISRAEL POST.83 Bowery. I1TKRATCRE OF THE DA A (choice as sortment of the best books in the severalklepartments ef Literature, mav be found at the bookstore of It'll. O. 67 Chatham street. Who are to offer for sole on the most advantageous terms, all new aud standard work in Medical, and General Science.

History and Biography, aa well acinose doslgi eufor Schools Itc The following has recently appeared Life in Mexico, by a Lady. Qvi with plates The Queens of England ii series ift Alison's History of Europe, vol 1 Norman's Ruined Cities of Yucatan 3d edition, plates Perkins Visit to Persia, numerous plates Lester's Condition and Fate of England. 3vsSd edition Schlegel's History, of Literature, new edition, lv Brand's of Science the Reformation, fl BRITISH CRITIC and Quarterly TheologiTal Re. view for January. Contents 1 SI.

Anselin and William Rufus. 2 Trollope's Italv. Monumental Devices and Inscription. 4 Dante and the Catholic rhilusophy of the Utli rn lury. 5 Rev.

D. K. Drummon's withdrawal from the Church. 8 William's PoemsThe Cathedral, itc. 7 Church Au'hority.

The Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor. 9 Agricultural Labour end and Wage. lu Episcopal changps of the past yean notices ei COOKS, SLC Subscription, $4 per annum. Imported and for sale bv WILF.Y it PUTNAM, Bookseller.

Publishers St Importers, fel 161 Broadwav. D'Aubijriie's History of lh Reformation, in thre? olumes, 13 mo. hound, i. D'Aubigne's His orv of the Reformation. Philadelphia edition, per No 15 Alison's History of Europe, No 1,3, 3 and 4, each.

Erandc'sCyclopedia. 3 Nos, each Bulwer's Novels, uniform, cheap edition Handy Andy illustrations and bound Martin ChU7.xlewit,bv Dickens. Tom Burke of Our, by Lever. I 2 2 Jl 25 L. 8.

Accounts of Irish Heirs, by Lover. All for 12 Anunr L.f(iry. oy Windsor Castle, by Ainsworth. Wirg and Wing, by Cooper. Dowling's Reply to Miller Graham's Magazine for February Lady's Book for da rears' ramily Magazine 1SJ rur aie uy J.

S. RF.DFIELD. Clinton Hall. ja30 coine. Nassau and Beekman st.

rHlHE BRITISH REFORMERS A complete ci 111 i iviunirsw tne wriiins BOI Tne BTlllsn ttft formers.Bradford, Latimer. Ri llev.Philpot Hooper.Throx Beacon. Wick liffe. Tvnrial. Frith.

Barres. Cranmer. Ro gers, Saunders, Taylor, Carrlesa. JewelL Edward Sixth Quceu Catharine, Parr, Belnarcs, Fox, Bale and Cover Short Comment on every chapter of the Holy Bible. with a list of word not commonly used an exceedingly useful volume for those to have not the means to pur chase.

or the time to examine, a more extended work, 1 vol roval Svo. Religious Anecdotes A set of 12 vols. lemo. of ReU gious Anecdotes, such on The Bible. Tracts, Sunday schools.

Providence. Ministers, Grace. Christian Conduct. Missions, social Lite, Admonitions, kc kc. Missionary Records, of Missions in China.

Burmrih.Cev Icn. North America, Northern countries. Sandwich Islands. Tahl'i. and thfc Society Islands, West Africa.

West Indies, kc. with maps. With all the other publication of the London Relirions 1 rues nociety, tor sate ny 113 J. c. 132 assart street.

TOO MEDICAL STI IJENTS New Anatemical JI Atlas Now Ready A Series of Anatemical Fla'es ith refereuces and physiological comments, illustrating me structure i ine cinerrnt parts 01 tne ouiran no ly. By jones uuain. rrot.01 anaiomv ana pnysioiogy tn Univer.ity of London. kc. and E.

Wil lecturei on practical and surgical Anatomy and Physiology. Edited anc reviseu witn aauuionai notes ny josepb rancoast, MD Prol. of urgical Anatomy in Jelterson College, Philad This worlc 1 inveluahle to Mndents, as comprising abniit 100 beaii'iful plati eiecuted in the finest style, and developing wrntne moat laitniui exactness the entire physiological structure of the human torm. Having been sanctioned by the unanimous approbation of the Faculty in both hemispheres for its extreme accuracy, comnre hensiveness and portability, it may be safely regarded as the most desirable and important production that has ever appeared on the subject. Fiarly application by Student anu ouiera, who may aesire to possess tnemselve ol copy, is requested, to prevent disappointment, as the edi lion is now neariv exhausted.

Agents for the work. J. kH.G.LANGLEV. Medical Publishers and Booksellers, 67 Chatham st. A FACT WORTH lr THE ATTENTION OF AC n.

His an undeniable fact that individnalsof all Religious lenominationsand Political creed, are daily subscriliin for Merry's "Museum which is the favorite ol American youtn. AS an evidenced tne interest it excites in th juvenilemind it is only necessary to say, that many a little nrignt eyed lellow, witn in ninny lace, nas been seen almost daily at the publishers otnee tor two weeks prior its date of publication, inquiring "Is Roberts 'Merry! museum out yet. oan 1 nave 11 1 can to morrow? want to hear how Tom Trotter gets along, and what become of Philip Brusque, and how Beh Merry lost his 14 3: Are you going to have an answer to tne ruxzeli: next number." Ike. The modest little girl too is not emon the mining, she also hasquestions to ask. Shall wehave more stories like the Three Sisters I long to hear more about Fannv Gossip and Susen Lazy 1" A very sensible man says.

little daughter is up netime in the morn ing anxious to get the first reading ot it." he also savs "it has saved me moro than one dollar (the price of Museum) bv keeiiing my Henry in door evenings instead ol wearing out shoe leather with o'ner ooys at play." 127 Nasseu street. New York, and 10 School st, flO Boston 1 MARTIN 38 John street, up stai JL. Importer and Publisher. The following works in point of publication, are seldom equalled, and never surpassed Bartletf American Scenery, in parts or complete. Canadian Finden's Tableaux of National Charactsr, Beauty, and Costume.

r'inden's Gallery of British Art. This work has no equal. Viewsm Kcotl. ind, in parts or complete. Ireland.

Bums' Poems, illustrated, in parts or complete. Fletcher's Guide to Family Devotion, in part or com plete. Phillips'Pilgrims Progress, 2 steel plates. Viewson this Danube, in parta. And all the London illustrated work of superior merit.

A few exauisite eneravines on hand, suitable for scrap. 76 cents per uozen. As these are loose engravings. from the and other works, those who are collecting scrip book will find tb is an opportunity that seldom Azenls supplied on nnerai terms. jx.

JK CENTS FOR OVRR. SIIOES The Rub ojoer Establishment, 45 Msnd lane, have 1600 pair men's Over shoe of the well known Roxbury manufacture, to retail at 6s. To those who have not worn the cheapest of a. 1 Over shoes, we say they are perfectly waier prooi, ana tne sole will not loosen, ana are unquestionably the cheapest Over shoes extant. Also, every other style of Over shoes, made at wholesale and retail, by HORACE H.

DAY.46 Maiden lane. JIATENT CAP1LLIARY PEN Just received IA by Caleb Banlett, psr Garric.this new philosophical Pen, which when once dipped in the Ink is capableol writing a Ions Idler down three sides ot a sheet of paper. It ha the advantage ot any Pen ever yet offered to the puhlic, as it embraces every possible requisite. In it elasticity it is superior to any pen ever yet produced, aud is suitable for every hand. From its Capilliary attraction it delivers the ink more regular, doe not pirt, and avoids the unpleasantness of blotting tne paper.

The above pen may be obtain wholesale or retail, of C. BAR TLETT, Stationer, jail ai Piatt t. iJfOUDRETTE A superior article of manure lor fruit rrees, rinef, vegrtablei. grem and grata, may new be had cheap $6 for three iarrrfs, or fifty barrels for $75. A buthelolit is estimated, by good tanners, to be worth as much as fourteen bushels of tloblt manure.

A barrel contains four bushels, and is worth as much to the fanner as 60 or 60 bushels from the stable or barn yard, at half the cost. Those who desire to secure a supply ofthe geauine article, for early spring use, will do well to apply early, at jo. i ist jsiassau street, to tne dlUrhkMti NEW YORK POL DRETTE CO. BY USING CHAPMAN'S MAGIC RAZOR STROP, offour siile a good Razor may be kept in perfect order. Retailed at 60 cent.

76 cents, $1.00. $1,26, and xi.6iieach, according to the out a aid finish and size Wholesale prices S4.W. J7.60.V9 snd HI Sold at tbe aianufaetury, 104 William street, where may be had full assortment ol Pocket Book, Lara cases and other Fincy Articles. jais HKUMATISSl CURKD Thi nnivsml com avil, plaints cured by 8.1. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LIN1 Mtr, for sale at Rushton Co.

110 Broadway and 10 nouse; Ketxa. 89 Ueflarst; Wl Aspinwall, en William att John Bioadway; 107 Sullivan st; ana 70 lane. N. B. A cue wiil be warranted in nearly all cases.

RHKl DIATISJT, e. The most efficient remedy for Rheumatic pains, is Chtrrchi Chemical Frsence of Mustard. The as of this valuable embroea'ion will cure Rhenmatum, Gout, Stiff Joint aad nwollen Limb. nouiin IU Bowery, corner Spring street. Inn.

ss i i I American Goods for Exportation and Floine Trade. BURNS, HAYES 4. No. 4 ExcHAxnc Otfer for sale the following goods, received fiom vasiou manutacting companies, suitable lor exportation and home trade, vi7. MASsACHUSETTS 93Jand37 in.

bro. Sheeting and aninings 311 inch brown and 33i in. bleached and blue llrillinw APPLETON 30, 37 and4i inch heavy brown Sheeting and Shirtings. hnv Sheetings. I F.Ol NT CC 9lln.k 1 iulii inuwasna i incn nne oieucnca Shirtinrs.

1ERRIMACK 38 inch brown end 38 inch fine bleached Shirtings. BOOTT 30 inch brown, 2 in ble.ched and blue Drill ings! J4 mn nrov and 31 inch fine bleached ShiH ings 3 4 and 4 4 hite Cambr.cs, and inch Printintr ORE 27 iuch Mexican mixture. Denims, Cambletn, iiicy pes. nrcmiin mixtures, Tickings, 27 In. twilled Shirting inch brown and 2S inch fine bleached and blue Jeans, B2 inch tuperior quality Tickings Silesias, arsorted Colors, and .1 inch METHt'EN Tickit Denims, Duck, and 4 4 Shirting stripes.

LONSDALE 7 a and 4 4 fine bleached Shirtings. LOWELL 3 4, 7 8 and 4 4 Oanaburgs 7 8 twilled Osna uurgs iancy uouonaaes lancy Jean, white, Mack and brown blae.k nA i.inwi ALISBURY White, 'carlet, yellow, sreen and orinted Flannels, of various widths and qualities, and blueand scarlet Itoh Rnv fRINTS ICO cases blue and white and two bl large. ineiium ana small ngures various style or ma mimes one aoii two colored French Tlatea col'd light Check Jean and Cue BeugJl striped black aud red. blfc, red acid Chirks 1 one. tiro, three and four colored light and fan, ies: bine slate.

black and white, purple small frock pWtea light and dark two colored stripes crimson aud brown ground chec. and red choc, und Shirting plate and various other styles of Prints, from the Merrimack and other manufacturing companies. ALSO Printed Drilling? iJa.n wA tt Branch 3 4,7 Sand 4 4 Tifkinirs. and low nrir.ed Shirt inir stripes; 4, 7 and 4 4 flag Hdkfs; 4 and 7 8 fancy cotton fl l. i.

II L. I .1 otner style 01 stnpea mjiu i.jneys iveniuciiy jeans ratapsco 3 4 and a lain and twilled Gsnaburss, aud inch cotton Bagging; hlftt mn A 1 I 1 mmm UQCKings. Ill FASHIONED. We have a Urge lot of very superior Kidderminster sunerltne. lnerain Cameta or eold fashioned strli" br'.ern.

ami uualitv. which we II sell at re' ail at the loar tiric o. I.Nniiimnnl These goods are very celebrated for their durable colors, men can ne depended upon, and for family usearereal worth double of the present slight made foods, which are so much in use of late, families have only to examine rni to ue baiiFuea 01 tne tact ror sale ny fll GEO. W. BETTs It 414 Peailst.

True Econoniv in A LL PERSONS ABOUT TO PURCHASE Lamps, are respectfully invited to caHatCOI'THOUY NEVERS. S4I Broadway, and examine their SOLAR LAMP, burning: Whale Oil at 66 cent ner srallon. free from smoke or mell. at a cost of less than one cent an hour. gr.

ing double the light of the Astral, or Mechunical a nps, which burn at an expense of 2 to 3 cents an War. is. moreover, irom tne simplicity ot its constructs. 1, not mie, use mose lamps, to ne continually requiring repairs. C3 Prices 10 suit the i me.

I TXTOTICE The subscriber would inform his friend aud lormer customers, that he is still at 120, near Wall, and cover roofs with tin, in or out ot the city, in the best manneraud at the lowest rate. articular is pail the repunn of roots, Ue. kc. He would also call the attention of the public toEspy's celebrated Comical Ventilator, lor the cure of smoky chlmnles, Ventilating itc 1c. He takes great pleasure in reterring to the following gen tie men, who have in use ProK ssor Espy' Cones forth cure oicnimnies smoking.

u. jwin Vale, tsq. united Slates Hotel. Geo Bruwn, Auction Coffiaf House. John HiUu, President of Eale Ins.

Co. David Austen. Esq firm of Austen, WilcierdinguCo. 1 nomas r.cq 4U uroaj st. 11 Smith.

Esq.fey st Broadway. Seaman, Esq 162 Ebiridgeat. Wm Ridabock. 6 i Water street. Darid BngHrt.

Est. 16th st. and many others. They arc also on the House. Merchauts' Exchange.

1 1 i. alio lu mum 1 It'll e. 3m GEO. STEVENS. 120 Water street RCA5IDT BILL DRESSES, DRESS CAPS, kc PETER ROBERTS.

373 Broad wa v. re tsect ful ly acquaints the Ladies tu he has just received an excel lent assortment of the above desirable article for Evening jresses in a i lition to on Hand, nch emu ,1. ngold and silver Tulle Otesces. fivured end p'ain Blond, illusion, and oilier mateuais lurthesam? iiurDoiei also a splendid assortment of Drerl aps. Head Drcses.

1 urpaus, lie lies, itc. kc.oi tne latest Parisian lashions. din HEART DISEASE W.M. den death S.mptoms; The frequent cause of and1 pain about the Leait, ex tending at times to the lelt arm. shoulder, and between the shoulders palpitation of the hear shortness cf breath.

especially when excited, or going up stair. Ur st.Alts ties bad much experience in the treatment ol this disease. Omce John at. J30 ITl'KD'H 9IEDICATKD ti02ENGES. Ae4 KM.

FACTS ESTABLISHED ll is a fact, that Hind's Caledonia Cough Lozenges cure consumption in more cases than any other medicine, relieves coughs, colds. oppression of the chest, difficult or breathing and whoop iui: coiieu ia tew minmies For sale by Dr. hiDrug and Meuicin" Ware House, ItiS WasUingtou street, corner of, N.Y and by Dickie, 413 Bioalwiy, Dr Jams. 2I Bowery Souilar fc 0llu 6h way, and by agent through out ine united state. Jy20 DOCTOR SEARS, formerly of 4 Ann street, may be consulted at No.

73 John street, near William st. For eight years past his attention has been devoted in this city lo the treatment ol chronic or lingering diseases dy spepsia, dropsies, liver and lung comul.iints, kc. i 1 OKI Its symptoms u. an unpleasant sensatiou at the pit ofthe stomach, pain about the left aide and region oi inu heart, extending oiten to the shoulder blade aud between the shoulders, ar.d occasioning short ness of breath aud palpitation ofthe heart. Doctor Sears has had much experience in the treatment of this diseose.

am TfeU. CHURCH'S COUGH DROPS, a remedy Li for consumption, asthmas, disordersnf thit chest, kc. Perhsps na remedy in the whole history ol medicine ever acquired greater celebrity than Church's Cough Drops, v. nicnnas proved to nc apenectcure lor coughs, cold, asthmas, consumptions, and the whooping cough and no wonder, since tnousnnas ot persons nave experienced its happy and salutary effects many of whom have been im pelled by motivs cf gratitude, and with laudable reeard tor their fellow Mitiering under similar complaints to pnnusn ineir respective cases to tne world, therein exhibiting such astonishing proofs of incomparable virtues as are totally unexampled, and occasioned a demand lor the medicine hitherto unparalleled. F'orsaleatCIH'RH'S Dispensary.

183 Bowery corner oi spring st i rice a icennper pome. ja.3 tOCGHS, COLDS, INFLUENZA, Ac sL Rushton's Compound Liverwort Paste, exter sivcly usea during tne last tnree years, and is nighiy recommended by several of the first physicians in the city. In this pasta the valuable dualities ofthe Liverwort, in a con centrated state, are combined with several of most popular and efficacious remediea for Pulmonary Diseases. It promotes expectoration and a gentle and healthy perspira rioti, relieves acouza or iiimcuit respiration, and actsasa mild alterative upon the stem c. nerally, and is at the same time as agreeable to tberastas any ot tne conlection ary and candies which are so generally in use.

li renmr. ed, references will be given to many persons of the first re spectability, who have experienced benefit from its use. prepared only ny kimus a cu, druggists ana chemists, 110 Broadway, and 10 As'or House, where may be had a general assortment of genuine family medicines, Bermuda Arrow Hoot, swedisn Leecnes.atc.sic. 12 Tilt. CHURCH'S VALUABLE REMEDIES.

JL' Cough. Colds, kc Dr. Church's Coughs Drops wui ne lound a vaiuaoieremeay lor cougna, consumption, whooping cough, and painin the breast. this medicine iswellkuown to the public, having been used in this city lor more than lorty years with great success, bo'd at 60 cents per bottle. Rheumatism, kc.

Dr. Church's Chemical Essence of Mustard The unexampled success which has attended the use of this remedy, has caused it to be eagerly sought tor by thousands ol individuals aunering under the tor. tures of rheumatic affections; the relief afforded by itsap plication is speedy and most effective, it also ot equal efficacy in cases of sprains, bruises, stiff joints, swollen limbs, chilblains and numbness. Sold iu bottles'at 60 cent each. Pimple on the Face Church' Vegetable Lotion, an ef fectual cure for eruptionson the facetsuch as nimplex, blotches, tetter.tan, sunburn.

ringworm, and scoihulic and cutaneous eruptions. The use of the Lotion for ashoit time will transform the most sallow complexion into radiant whiteness, rendering harsh and rough skin soft and smooth. price cents per bottle. Itch! Itch! Scotch Ointment, for the cure of thi tron blesome disease. The most inveterate itch cured bv a single application of Church's Scotch Ointment, which for pteasantness.salety, ease and certainty, stand without a rival.

The above valuable remedies may be fonnd at CHURCH'S Dispensary, ISS Bowery, jalS cor. of Spring st. HE ART DISEASES. DOCTOR SEARS ha devoted mauv vein (eisht veers in thiscit ytto the treatment of chronic diseases, especially to dropsical affec tions and diseases oi tne liver, lungs and heart or sevetal years past he has notice I in hi practice that diseases of the heart have graitly increased. The most prolific causes are a disordered state of the liver, mental excitement, nervous irritability, violent pissionsof the mind, and ossification ol the va ves and small arteries of the heart Symptoms, pain at the pit ot the stomach and about the left side and region of the heart, extending often to the left arm, the shonlder blade, end between the shoulders, short HEADS OF HAIR.

a C. artist in hir, from London The l.m importance which all aaea have to the a clear in 'f of the value set personal figure, and when by aome capricious freak of Nature, the human fora. is deprived of its fair proport on, art is resorted to, tn order, by artificial mean, to sumdy the deficiency. Hence have' risen those wonderf il discoveries which bid Nature defiance. Barn Ventilating ami Gossamer Wigs and Scilp UU tand pre eminent above all other.

Their peculiar ligot, gossamer, and ventilating chaiacter. their being shaped exactly a the natural hair grows their elasti ity and their tuperior material and workmanship, as. ell as their style of finish and arrangement, all combine lo form such perfect head of hair, that they must be seen to be felly appreciated. An inspection ot Batry'snalheedsot hair will satisfy the must ia tiukus that they are the beat and cheapest in tbe city, shirk enly can be had at t4 Broad way, corner of Liberty street, up stairs. j0 3m2wi DRAPER AND TAYLOR, HU Broadway, next door south of the City Hotel.

The! tblri nf i r. iV friend in particular, and the puhlic generally, that he is prepared to otter lor their an assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Veating which be will make up for Ca h. at prices to suit the time, in the most durable and fashionable sty le. neii of breath, palpitation of heart, disturbed rest at night, I and often a sense of Sometiraesdarting moving jiniM. nictcuiir FmLuD.i mm uedo; si otuer times a null, heavy, indescribable sensation or pressure and fulness is felt about the heart, and a tightness or stricture across the chest.

All of these symptoms rarely occur in one case, and they are often at thecommencement so slight aud transitory, "as not to excile immediate attention, or if medical aid is sought, they are often attributed to hysterical or hypo chondriacal affections, and therefore an efficient tivatment is neglected. A return of the symptoms, however. is attended with an increase of their severity. which evcatually r. 111 eill.

until mer.tlt'.l aid SHOrtlS relief.ora painful. death closes the scene. So itniiortsnt to health and ltfeare the natural function ofthe heart, that the ft tat symptomsof derangement ought to receive attention. Dr. Sear doe not pretend to nv miraculous skill in hi profession, hut having paid nnutmal attention to th treat ment ot thesediseases.

he has succeeded in affording relief in many rase in wnicn otnermeansnad tailed. umereus cases of dropsical affections have been elfeotuallv cured by his treatment Person calling at hi office will be attend ed to. and those wishing it. will be visited at theirri. dene.

Office 7 John street, near William street. jaw am rjrOREEIOUND CANDY t20ct.perlb. Broaea Is. Horebaund candy, at 20 cents per lb, lor Mlehy R. A.

STUART, Greenwich H. JOHN HAVILAXD. CHEAP OIL AND GAS STORES, to uit the times, corner of Beach and Hudson itreeta. and Pearl treet one door below Broadway. uc oeuiora sperm UiL winter gallon Do.

do. unbleached Winter straint Bleached Lamp Oil Refined Whale Oil for Solar Lamps, kc. Bist quality Camphene.made in the city. Fiueuud Chemical Oil West's Patent burning Fluid lstpuality New Bedford sperm candles, 26c per lb. 74 7i 6X AO Ml 76 HEN'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTIIlNf.

fjl EMOVAL, GEO. A. HOYTfcCO. will remove their clothintr atore from No. 14 to No.

12 Bowery. door) on the first of ay next. Ia order to go into their new ttoro with an entire new and fashionable stock of goods, they have determined on selling their present stock of ready maue clothing previous to their removal at greatly reduced price. Their stock consists ot a very extensive assortment of Men', Boya and Children's clothing. All manufactured by themselves and of the veiy best materials and workmanship.

Also, goods mcde to order at short notice, and an the most favorable price. Term Cash. dlOlm CASH TAILOR, at 26 John J. JENNINGS. The subscriber effers to his friends, and the public generally, that he will hereatter cater to their wants in blslinccf bt'.

Ini Sif, rheap fur cash. A tood assortment ol good con Vti "3i1. Psitcular attention paid to luaking and trimming garment: of Pli desrrlptiona, cheap 27 ine loiiowing is a list lor making aaelnrrtrnma 1 Over Coats from UO Frock do from 11 UO Dress do from 00 Pantalnon lrom ISO Vest from 160 D. P. SMITH.

$10 Oil no 11 00 2 CO to SJERCUAST TAILOR. IS Maiden Lane, lvl ha constantly on hand a line assortment of Goods for Gentlemen's wear, consisting in rait of Plain and Fancy BEAVER CLOTH3, lROAD CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, FUin aud Fancy Dceskir.asd rici TESTINGS. of t.e newest style, which will be made up in the most woixmannke manner, and warranted torn, at the lollow ing extraordinary low prices, for Cah Fine Dress and Frock Coats from $10 CO to JO 00 Cassimere Pants Sattinet and low priced Cassimere Pant Satin, Merino, Velvet and other fine Vests Overcoat, of fine Beaver Cloths. filet Cloths Terms for Making and Trimuing Dress Coils Frock do Pants Over Coats, Plain do Full Trimmed 6 00 to 00 a 60 to oo 9 60 to IS 00 to 5 00 to 4 60 17 00 16 CO from $6 00 to $9 00 7 00 to 10 00 I Ml to 8 00 6 00 to 10 00 in oo to 14 no Economy being theorder ofthe day, gentlemen will find it gremiy toiueir advantage oy calling at tni esianusu' ment.

nio afYkLEGSTATIC LAMPS These 1 areacknow ledgedby all who have used them, to be the nearest perfect of any ever invented, for they possess all the advantage of the mechanical machinery or moveable parts, aud can therefore never get out ot order. I ney also auoid a light more son und steady than that any other lamp. They are a recent French invention, anu are as yet pat nine Known in tnis country. A small invoice ol tnse lamps. ol end beauuiui pat.

terns, has just been received, and is offered far sale by JOHN HYDE the cxcluive agent of the paten tee for the sale of them in this country, at their wholesale watcn Koonis, ISO. II Maiden lane. ja273w EAFNESS INVISIBLE VOICE CONDUCTOR SON'S. 8 Astor House, of a peculiarlv simple cor struction they require merely to be placed in the cavity of the ear to give immediate to tb is disagreeable malady Persons, non residents ol New York city, on, the remit tance of can have a pair forwarded by perl, or, sired a smgieoneior N. B.

Agent tortheaaleoi Simpson' Ear Cornet. 13 IIIINA, GLASS AND AUTIiKN WAU.E Astor House. French Porcelain Dinner Services White Gririte Frertchor English Porcelain Tea Sets, pieces, leiceiain ristes rer doren White Granite Blue GLASS. Cut Wines, per dozen, from umblers Lemonade Handled FINE TABLE CUTLERY. Insets, dozen or half dozen a unerior article is now offered at the low price ot $12 00 the set ol 61 piece.

25 00 14 Ou 4 V) i 1 90 1 00 I i 00 2 26 Just opuied, a assortment ot ouet are. SIMPSON V. Affcntfor the sale of Simmon's F'ar Cornet, for the ot assinm. iiH RAFTS ON ENGLAND. IREtiAND.S COT or sending Money to their friends residing in any part ofthe Old Country, can at all times obtain from thesub 'sight for any amount, drawn direct on tte Koval Hank ol IrvlanJ.

Dunlin, also on tne old estab lished Banking house Messrs Prescott Grote, Ames Co. Bankers London; which are paid free of discount, or any charge, whatever, in every Province and besides ail the inland towns tnr. the United Kingdom, and are constant lv for sale by ROCHE, BROTHERS, fc CO. 35 Fulton st. Next door to the ulton uik S.

The subscribers will, as heretofore, have a regular succession of first class American ships, sailing weekly lrom Mverpooi, during tne coming year.its u. ror pas sage, ac, appiT as above nor Mid, ItM. nl4 PEPPER, PIMENTO, low bags heavy Sumatra Pti.per 950 Jamaica Pimento ion bales Cayenne Clove 10 brls prime NulmegS ducetoor.s first quality Caraccas Ind'go 50 cas, Manilla Indigo 8V0 bags old Government Java Coffea o' superior Sumatra du 160 Kio do 360 Race Ginger lot) cases, 3, ma Cassia 10 ceroons Honduras Cochineal with a geneial assortment of Teas, for sale by 1. Front st. Also.

A Seigna te Brandv.of theold and genuine t.iand in half pipes, qr casks, and eighu; fi.n old Otard, Dupuy Co. and Dupuy Brandy, in hall pipes, ail under Custom House lock, entitled todebenture. jj26 A NDREtVS' COMBINATION LOCK AMI im. RICAN BANK LOCK COMPANY This invaluable invention, unequalled fur us perfect security against bur glars, js now exitoscd iu Boston with a reward of 600 to any one no snail succeed iu oiieiiing it, K131 iiite exposure wiil beugainmadein thiscity. 1 bus larit nas 1:11.

stood every assault ujon rt stands wituout inv rival in locks, supunor to ail, and the strong est proof that can be adduced of its supericrity, is the tact that every contrivance of humbuggery has lern resorted to. to depreciate its merits, and yet it stands invulnerable. Combination locks ot varioussizes lor banK, varying in prices from; $150 to $4tf. and for stores at $60 to $160 They are perttctlv simple and only require to be examin ed to commend thtmselves as perfectly secure. For sale by WAUsWUbln SMITH, Agents, ja2a 4 Jones' Lane.

DEPOT OF SLOCl'M, JII.LSON CO'S. SOLID HEADED PINS. Beaver street. New York. Manufactured at Pouzhkeensie.

N. Mr. Slocum obtained a pistent in England for making these pin, in the year 1835, and was th first to introduce tne manufacture 01 solid Headed cms into tnia (nis native) country, in theyear 1S37, and soon thereafter lodged his caveateforapatentin the Patent Office at Washington, and which he intends soon to complete. In 1939. tfce American Institute awsrr'ed the highest premium, a gold med al, to these pins.

Toe company are now manuiacturing 2500 packages weekly. consisting of four different sizes. and ar extending their machinery in oroer to supply tne increasing demand. ror sale at tne uerot.ov r. rsciv na.v, Also Lt STONE.

SWAN, CO, 49 Exchange Hero, in thiscity, and by their other agents inmost ol the princi pal cities. ja23 SLOCUM. JILLSONfcCO. 99 Beaver street. mHE WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE (Pre.

JL pared from the Recipe of a Nobleman in the country) Is so nighiy esteemed ior its superior navour sua gout that it has called foiththe highest encomiums, and be come very generally used by families in every part ofthe United Kingdom, many of wnora have pronounced it to be "the only good Sauce," and suitable for all kinds of Hot and Cold Meet, h.curnes. name, ana soup, witn wnicn it diffusible proptrty and high flavour render it the most economical, as well as the most useful Sauce. JOHN DUNCAN SON, 407 Broadway. New York. Have just received a supply, and with every confidence in your approval, will led gratified and obliged your giving it a trial.

Ws are, Your obedient Servants, LEA, PKRRINS SMITH, Proprietor. Worcester, England. Ja25 T1CONOMY being MIA bershavecomm Hooks of a verv fair over one half of former prices. Also, good fine Cap and Letter Papers Ruled, at liors 6i to 2 per ream. i Steel Pens from One Shilling to One Dollar and Fifty, Cents pergroce, and on cards in the same proportion.

Black an Blue Ink Four oz. bottles 6J cts half pint bottles at 12 et I Wafer Cutting 12 cU outside 26 eu Fine 37 et Extra fin 60 cts per lb. All other goods in proportion. The purchaxr will readily perceive that good selling at uch reduced prices. must be for cash, or its equivalent, i DAVID FELT fc CO.

Stationer' Hall, 246 Pearl, and 34 Wall street, opposite Merchants' Exchange. 14 I rjpilK SUBSCRIBER, seeing the great otj etion to the JL old method of putting Tens un Cards, hy which tbey are rendered not only more expensive, and uu. IW. ui, iir which sre threby well protected, that they msy be rarried in a Portmanteau or waistcoat pocket, without the sbghtest danger of injury. The superiorexceliencoftheebighly finished Pen, over almost every otheranicle of the kind imported, is now so telly acknowledged, ait render any comment oa 'hat head unnecessary.

nli KAiWARD, 122 Broadway, N.Y. JTEASIBOATBIIT GOODS, R. A.LANE. II S1 Maiden lane, have laid in at auction nrices a la re unply of Berth Blauket. do Counterpane aud Berth uits; also handsome heavy strong Table Damask, Table Linen and Htickabuck.

Diaper and Damak Towelling, Towels, Napkins, Bne ami coarse Crash, etlored Damask Table cover sua aoie covering, in the piece; ft liii NEW YORK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1843. BLACK BALL or OLD LINE OFLltEHPOOL PACKETS. Regular racket, of 19th of February The magnificent favorite packet ship ENGLAND, Caff.Dejil L. Waite, will sail positively on Mcartsy, lb 80th 01 aebrcary. her tegular day.

The accommoJ jtk'n if this Lire for cabin, 2nd cabin, and steerage passenger, are unvn passed by any other line or ship loading forthe above pott. Person abWt to embark will find it to their comfort and advantage to sr! this favorite packet for their conveyance. For terms ot pasanfe, and to securethe best berth, early application should "be made on board loot of Beekman street, tr to the subscribers, ROCHE, BROTHER? It CO, 16 ulton next doorto 111 Fulton Bnk. N. B.

The Engiand will saj Irons Liverpool ou the 7th ol April, those sending lortheJr fricnrtl, can have thtm brought out in the above ship, or in iwr ofihe Packrts on nrisiitv this manificient and old establiied Lre. whir Liverpool punctnally on the 7th and every monui. fer oasage apply a above. ll Drafts on the 'R i el r.i:S of Ireland, and cn Messr Prescott Grote. Ames Co haucees London, which Will tw nai.i free of discount or anv charge.

xverr town OLD ESTABLISHED E3T1KANT PASSAGE Sv. OFFICE.BI South street. New York. Scpiilar Lin eA i 1. Mihtfritvi.

kr.i.awl Packet The ubscriber ontir.uei to ert persons from ny part of Great Britsin and Irelimt, woi may teeneaged by their friend here, by the regular lino of Packet ships, sailing eveiy six day froia Liverpool. CIMllS IfOUJII IWr LUn, 1 w. will be taken to have them iihout delay in Liverpool, and willalway endeavsr to B.ert a continuance of the public patronage which haa been to Lb bestowed lor many years past: and the remitting money can have Dnsfta parable at all the Bank aad branches 1 pi mI aiiw nii ivp. For tanner particular aawir 111 cv letter, pot paiai to til JOhN II Soutkit. PASSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN ANu The subsciibers a.e now makftig tngagemenis (Mo bring out emigrants under thevr arrangements Z.lor ItilS.

ssith the tsUTdished house of FITZ HCZil WALKER CO Goree ft ma, LivHr.ol. and can with conidea: avrnie person Kndiag lor mere needs, from Enrland. irc.i d. WaiesMhat they w. II Bud it toll eir interest u.

engagements with tbls establishment. Theiivcketscomnosinrthisline.areall Orstcla Amer ican built shin, with accommsdation unsorpamed by any in the trade, and persons may rely on every exertion beinsj madeto promote the comfott of their friend. The vessel vt ill sail fm I.ivernool were week throughout the season thn avoiding the pcssibilkv of any unnecessary detention at that port if such should occur passenger will receive one shilling day frr ever) day of such detention, nrtivnled bv Act or Par.iament. I be priceoi passn is nieoat a tow raie.wy... rill be furnished with tread for the voyage as well as a free passage by the (teamen from the various port in Ireland and ScoUand.

When nartie settled for. here, decline coming out. the passage money is promptly retain ea wimuutany reuuc Lion. Parties residing out ofthe citv. wuhingto make engage ments for pasae or rrmittance ot money to their friends, in the old country, will receive every Information by writing per mail, and they may rely on being treated on a cheap term as if personal application Ld been made.

Apply to WILLIAMS fc CUION. 259 Tearl trrl. next door below Holt's Hotel. All Ittter must b. port piA.

FORLIV ERrCOL New Line R. gsalarPaCEet iith of February The splendid packet hip Wm. luOO Ion, wUl sai I as above, ner regular day. For treurbt or nassaare. Laying accommodationinnenzci led for splendoror comfjrt, apply on board at Orleansw harf.

root ol wail atreet, or io COLLINS fc South n. Price of Paeee The racket ship ROSCIUS. Capt. John Collins, of 1 100 tons, wiu succeed the Uarrick and atol on tne ao her reruler da. Pauengers mayrely on the shlpscf thisbnes ailing pnnc nallvas sfverticed Letters (or the ship of this lifts willotily be receivea at Uilpin'a and Hale' Nest FOR LIVERPOOL Packet of l1Ji cf Much rfffrTbe packet ship SHEFFIELD.

F. P. Allen, master, rsiwill sail as above, herrcenlarday. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodation; apply onboard at the footol Mm len lane, or to flO KF.H 74 Ssontn t. The packet shin VIRGINIAN.

W. H. Allen, master, will succeed ie S'lerXeld, and sail ca the ll'hcf April. rt vf nr fffTTH rtD aVrttV LIVERPOOL racket of tiielih February Th su' eiior. weil known racket hp UNGL.AND.

Cant. Waite. will positively sail as above, her recuiar Having accommo istionl lor catun. second cabin and steeraee paseneers. personi about to embark snouid make earir npnlieation on board the snip, at loot oi Brexman street, or to join youtn n.

B. Persons senline fortheirfrieadsnaidinginOreat Britain and rrelan.l.can have th mbrotiht out usual by any cf the shin comprising this Hne and Drafts fnrnisbed for any amount, payable without discount throughout the tiucq KiEg.icm. Apply as abo.e. ASSAOE FROM LIVERPOOL. The very sn superior packet ship MEMPHIS.

Capt Knight, v. ill st.sail lrom L.ivetpo.14 earlv In Marcn. rersons winn ing to send for their friend can have them come out in tier or any ol the regnlar packets, hv applying rannaiiy lif by li tter, post paid) to JOSEPH McMUlU' AT. 0 Pine street, corner 01 Drafts for anv anionnt. payable at si3bt ir.

any bank, branch or agency cf a bank, in England. Inland end Scotland, given by applying as above. fe9 DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, IRELAND. SCOT rjjfeLAND AND WALEs Which ean be forwarded TmSL every six avs Persona proceeding or srnJing money to the old country, can at all time obtain from the subscribers Drafts at sieht for any amoun' drawn direct on the Rival Bank ol lrel.nd. DnhliH lo or.

theold ecteb I'Shed bankrn? bouse of Messrs. Grote. Ames Co.l London, which are paiJfre anv charge whatever. in every province and county, beside all the inland towns cf England, Ireland, Scotland Lnd Wales, answenrg the same purpose as Bank of Ireland and tng lund notes.

Apply to or by letter, post paid. ROCHE, BROTHERS CO. 34 Fnltor st fl 3 next door to the Fulton Bank N. B. Tbe subscriber ve a rem lar succession ol art class American ships, falling from Liverpool every days, ror passage, apply above.orto JAMES D.

ROCHE, 14 Goree Piana. Liverpo STEERAGE PASSAGE DIRECT FROM LON AvMStDONDEHRY The subsrrilicr i now prepared to xjitf engage uasssges to come from Derrv in the spring Thegreatadvantcgeof embaiking direct from Ireland for New York, in eouequence of the additional expense and delay attendant on coming Liverjmo! at well known and render this a very desirable for person 10 Dring out ineir menus. Appiicstiona should lm made early to d24 ABRAHAM BELL, 117 Fulton t. FCR HAVRE Packet bt the 16th inst, The Packet Ship SULLY, Captain Burrows wiil msi. sail on her regular day as above.

F'or Freight or Pass ace. apply on board, orlo C. BOLTON, FOX LIVINGSTON. f2 22 Broad itrctt. FOR NEW ORLEANS Louisiana and New Vork Line Positively Pirf Tlcrnlar IpI I a ssil 2inli February Tbe fast sailing icet ship OCMl'LrjEE Capt Tct, will positively as above, her regular oav.

Per freight or passage, having handsome furnished ac commodations, apply on board, at Orleans wharf, loot of wail fit cei, or 10 COLLINS fc CO. .116 60 South Positively no freight receiv td Saturday evening the loin inn Shi'iner may rely upon havintr their roods correctly measured, rtid thi the ships of this liuewill sail punctually aaaavemsea any guarantee to that eneel Le given and fulfilled that may be required. Agent in New Orleans Hullin fc WoodruS. who will promptly forward all goods to their address. The packe ship OCONEE, Capt.

Jackson, will tucceed tne ucmuigee, and sail the 1st of March, her nvis' FOR NEW ORLEANS To sail A4 on Saturday 26th inst full or not full. The fast Tiir. sailing, coppeiel ship ALABAMA, D.M. Bunker master, is now loaiing and will positively sail aa above. For freignt or passage, apply on board at urray 'slwhar fl orlo WILLIAM NELSON.

A2 Samh The ahip VICKSBURG. Capt. Berry, will succeed the niuui iuu Hii oia iiirca rx FOR NEW ORLEANS First Packet Ship To gfajhaiIon 18th inst. The superior, weUkoown packet taViV hip AUBURN. Cpt.

Duifee, will posiUvely rail as above, ber regular day. Can handsomely accommodate a few more cabin, nronil cabin, and steerage paengers, if early application Is made on ooara tne snip, at pier 13 it to fl JOHN HERDMAN.M South st FOR NEW ORLEANS To sail on tfcu 20th seiust. i ne pacxet snip akuu, C. Anthony ifry will tail a above. For passage, apply on board, at pier 13 East River, or to fit WM.

WHITLOCK, 46 South at. FOR RIO GRANDE Saturday February ISih ESZS rappereu orig J. A. LUl LS, L.OPC, 1 will have despatch a above. F'or freight or passae e.

havine handsome fnrnishs.1 commodations, apply on board, pier II E. B. RICHARD. 41 South st. ift FOR BALTIMORE Union Line Saturday iSg Tbe fine packet schooner A STEVENS SsC.

Briges, master, is now loading at Her 12 OU Slip.and wiil nil a ahove. For freight or passege, apply on board, or to fl8 kN BRIGGS.40 South street WANTED good sei of iinO 3000 bbl. to the order ol the day, tho turner i fl enced the mwiuf5tu; of Account port It. Great Br.t in Apply uality. which wiU be sold atatriflo ",.,7 1 the order of theday, the subtler aua ve to to BELL, Hon street.

WANTED A ship for a Southern pert. ArM, to fc. K. COLLINS ja 66 st. WANTED TO PURCHASE A ood rr.rnered and cepper fastened brig of about 160U Barrels bur thetl.

liirht draft Alvar.r nn.4 alsoittfhrM. imti sLI APpl.v to B. RICHARD. 41 South st. DAILY PACKAGE EXPRESS CAR FOR ALBANY, TKOY AND BUFFALO, Via the Houiatonic Railrosd.runningfromthu city to Albany jn twelve hours.

The subscribers have made arrangements with the Hon tent portable form for hi I ens, each gross box containing: atooic Railroad company to run an ExpreaaCar over twelve small boxes, and each small box twelve Pen, their road daily, bv passenger train, running from thiscity umiture inu. in.i.t, wwi im iiuujaK. watered io rsens.kc A they navetnrneaiueir attention to the up ply of ship and steamboat, they cca furnish these articles ofthe right ie snd kind, in great variety eny quantity wanted, and at prices much lessthan imnorrine r.rieM oy tne pacaage. uwuei, uih rma in want are rerpect uuy invitea to can imrsiiniiwiw tnemseives. 02O sr ACS VEILS AT REDUCED PRirK MThe (ubwriberi.

being determined to sell otf thrir present slnek of Thread Lace Veils, thev have inirlxUhm down to uch prices a will make them decided bargain te those in want of Veils Larfie wiU de well te make en early selection. as the prices re extremely cheap. A full auortment of Lac Goods at low prices. ilt JAMES BECK Broadway. to Albany in 12 hours, are cow prepared to receiv and for ward at low rates, Speci Bank Notes, Packages, Bales, snd Case of Goods lor Ihe above named and intermediate pHce.

sviiia promptly to tne collection and payment of bill, notes, draft and accounts, together with such othel transient businea aa may he entrusted to their care. ui ru.vm.KOY CO. 2 Wall str et, N. Y. sItSSiSS iRlLADt.LPHlA zm i 'u autvure Line Via South raf T.

ADilinv by Steamboat and thence by Raii Roed I ne subscribers will run Banes as sbove thro'rh the winter. One of the barges is new loading at Pier 12, old Slip. For freight, which will be taken on moderate term, rj'7 joll J. Smil, st PCLLKN cV COPP. 3 Wall street, rcn tinne to forward packages by their Express to Albany.

Troy snd Moutreal. daily. 417 OOFIXC4 SLATES AFLOAT JUT, ton inxin 14.400 14x10 Lest Veiinhetli Slates Just received by the ihip Liters, ty, and for sale by SAMUEL THOMPSON, Peeilrt. ISMCTH Pure metaiic Bismn'h, for sale wholasalt MM and retail oy 0 AROMA HART. Burliagilip.

NO. 25 PINE STREET. MARINE LIST. TORT OKM YOKE, FEERUART 16, 1S43. rraauahy 1 sunrise suaaets ThursJsy Fntey 62 tl 6 37 CLEARED YESTERDAY.

Schn Aiibama, Ham, Tamoico, John Ogdcn; nc, fumed, WiinTinwoo, r. owell. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Bark rrir.ceton, ds lm "ew Orleans. Brig Hawk.

Robinson, SAdsfrn Rio Janeiro Brig Hcrtense Jones, 20 ds from Apalacliico'af with Nesinllh Lecd ti Co. MEMORANDA. The Teiegraah reaorted at 2 o'clock, p. the hip Korth America, in tlrt from Uie KithUnds. At 8 throuEhoutlEngland.Ireland tho pilot boat Johtt E.

Dari The packet hip OXFOUD.l aptam aohn Rathboue, wiTT I succeed England and sail from here on the 1st of March I the risating Light nip could and from Liverpool 03 tne iinot April, ner regular day. high water 10 31 11 7 Even Even Jsoa came in from not fee any vensela ww a ship at Shrewsbury fniet, with painted ports, tro and maiu nravt gone, (tump of snizeo tantr ing uppo il to be tlie Korth America. Wash nron, froia New Crlesn. reported as arrive', Been luaed up to tne city by ine xtcaniDoal Samson. The brig John Endets.

fs iie 1 fiu Rio tirardeforN York. IW 3. to alr.n at St Carharvne nan r.arvo. Tni lighter sea American System, vrson, can. apoa "7d) night from tha wreck of the ach Jesf.trom Baltimore, bomd to Providence.

K. I. with corn. On Friday meht last, th 1 running Into the Hook for a harbor. went ashore on tne purr vessel ana cargo lost captain, crew, tails, and rigging saved.

A letter dated Key West. Jan 26. rat ed by Walter Esq "A bark ha been ashtTe on what ia caile 1 tHe American SheaL Her name is not know aid ta be Viilt." Accounts from rrig Ganges, from South America ashore at Provincetowa, Ct. Cud. up ta Friday, 14th inst.

1 1 A. .1 repreaenten bar tv tight and chouid tne weather continue favorable, she wouM be got off her cargo had all been landed in good order. Charles, which sailed from Salem on Thursday evening, wits the unisrwriters agent aad 12 men. arrived at rrovineetowa early on triuiy taoraing. and taey immediately commenced taken In caro.

The Oaagea carrs and fraight money are fully insured in eiT Sch Lapwing, McCloud, ofauuirot Sritaate for Vi ballast, anchored off Nantucket oar tn anew storm oi 6ih inst and rode until the afternoon oi 6tu, pilot wanton Doara ana toot her into harbor. She parted one chain eth. andin attempting to weigh the other anchor intae w.vw oiow.toreup part ol windlass, ana len ootu anchor back of the bar they will ne recovered ia mode ls weeiber. The ach Samuel Philips. Prettvman.

of Vienna, from Georgetown, D.C to New Yeik. with a cargo of flour, kr. went ashore about 12 mile north ol Pirnr.i.eT.h night of the Mb inst. The flour, fwhkh i msnisd in th Mutual Safety and Arlantir ofhee in thai city) will problably be saved in a damaged state. Th sen iitpnet, (before reported; aanore on Keedy Hfani bar) ith a cargo of flour and corn, and after bgatening 06 bbl flour and 1000 haihels corn, succeeded in getting oo.and retnnungto Lelewar city on batnrday.

a be it completely rut through, and her cargo all dwaizad. Sen Onlv Daughter, (of New York) Tocaer. from rcrt land for Lnbec dragged ashore on Mooae Island, near Dear laiana tnorournicreiignt oi tne atn inst. anorsedont part of her keel and bilged? Fargo, It hhd olase aad 30 ton bay Id for $4 per ton. Sen Amazon, (of Deer Isle.

Haskell, dragged aahora in Thompson's Cova, night of 6th loot anchors, roouer. au Uioeei on part Ol her keel. SPOKEN. Bv the brig 'Black Hawk, arr yesterday from Rio Grande. Dec IS.

let 27 22, len 4 97. ship Hales, uf Halloweil, 63 York. f. Valparaiso. Doc 26, lat 27 31 r.

Ion 34 49 ship Coria for Pacific Ocean, on a whaling voyage. PHILADELPHIA. Feb 16 Below bark Renown. Wat son, fm NOrlesns: ch Watchman, fm Attakspa. BALTIMORE.

Feb la Cla sen hudson, Cooiry, lor Yora. 19 Ar ach Jamea Urquhart.Wombie. fm Tork; Wm Henry. Baker, Dennis. Febll Ararh Virginia, wniooie.

Torn. Feb 13 Ar ch Aurora, Woodbur Nrahsrvport. NEWCASTLE.Feb 14 Arbng Joseph Cowperthwake, Lvle. Udslm Cienfurgos. Jau 3ath.

(itTCsnc St Antsnio, distant 16 mile, was in com with three bngs and a bark some and brig Bulln. ef Boston, fm Trinidad de Cuba, bonnd to Voik left st Trinidad Jan 20, brig Madrid, Capt Bonnell on shore sickof lever. TLiRTLAND. Feb 1 1 Arch Franklin, Kellar, Thomas ton ior rrede'ickabnrg. FRANKFORT, Feb Sailed ach Melvina, Staples, for Havana.

NEWBURYPORT, Vbl3 frliitch Joseph, Pike, for Porto ico. BOSTON, Feb 14 Ar shipPersi, Johnsoa, Orleana 31st ult. Bark Philena. Baxter, fm Palermo 20th Dec passed Gib raliar list. Ship Logan.

Woodoerry. left Palermo same dav for Menina, to load part cargo, and return to load re mainder for Boaton. Left at ralerno, ship Coriolanus, Hal, lor fork Jaa It 1 brig Cecelia. Snow, for Boston, soot. On ltn mat.

isle 01 snoaia, rsrsw 10 miles, leu iu with sch Trio, fm Eostou lor W.r. in distress, with feet water in her hall, ard loss of tame rail took off Capt Peru ms and one man isi tne crew 1 naait mien, lbev had been unable to make a ire lot Area day, aad were without food or water. Bark Richmond. Andros, of Providence, from Orleans. Last Friday, od" Chatham, (poke sch Melt tea, fa Bangor ior Cuba.

Bark Hy Newell, Martin, fm NOrlean Sing, Pearson, do 1 brigs KoMdo. Cook, Mobile: Now England, Crooker, sen out si. vs ainwrignt, ruenmond lor rorts month.snt in for harbor. HOL.v.S' rrtri.5.. reo i at anasid on uover.i ase.

fm slumcre for Bton. Pated by brig Com Hull. Hammond, from Mobile for Boston ship Marion, Weeks, irons Apslachicolator Boston. Ar i'Tist Mutner. si Mam, bm in ta witn bri? Republic.

Gate, for York. Left brie Statira. Bab bane, for do. ready; Deborah, for do do; Virginia, Tabot, for LiverpocLldg; Agnes, ilrou, lor York do, Ciaraoa, wtg freiehl F'eblS Arbng Tnltnro, Walker, fm Care Hsytlen for Boston Lelt schs Sara, lor Pbilada: Illinois, of I'hilada, nnc. Off port, wh Watei loo, lm bound in.

Ou Jath ultimo, tn Turks Island Pasture, spoke lij Larrb. lm Boaton lor ruxuio. EUGARTO WN, Feb 13 Ar sch MaiL Nkhols. lm New York for Boston. Ih coming in ran ashore on tha list.

hut got off at night, with the existence ol i boats ciew In cgartown. TARPAULIN COVE. Feb 13 port brig i.unroe. ef Warren. fm NOrlean NEW BEDFORD, Feb 13 Signalized, a whale shin.

upposd to have gone into Tarpaulin Cove. PKOVIUtx feb ij Ar sen renobscot, Tutber, fm Vork; sloop harles, Ash, do. NEWPORT, Feb 10 Ar sot Independence, Stuart, fm Fall Rjver.for NYork sloop Midas, Dennis, Providence Ltmphcer. Kennv, do fordo. Feb 13 Ar baik Highlander, Mi) berry, fm NOrlean ior 1 1 ont.

Review ut the New York SlarPtrt. lViDini'ii, Feu. Ashes The mark fur both Pot and Pearl, remain extremely inkjtive Caudles A sale of 100 boxes Nantucket Sperm has been rnnde at 30 cent, I mos. Coal Liverpool Orrel, there being no other aflat un sold, is very dull, and previous prices ere barely main taint J. Coffee The sale include 1C0 Brazil at 7 a SJ cts Lagnavra 7 a 7 for inferior, to 6 for prime green MCnba 60 Java 12, 4 mo and 360 St Domingo 6) a cent, cash.

Cotton The transaction embrace 1600 bale Upland aad Florida at 6 a 7 cent 660 New Orleans Hag; and 800 Mobile 6 a Sc. Dvewooda The market remain ex rrwielv dull. Fish There ia an occasional inontrrlor shipment enJ for thi purpose packed Dry Cod have been sold si 2 60; snd 60 bbls south No 4 Mackerel 37f or 4 so. both four month. Tbe rug ulsr trade price ior these sre 4226 and 126.

cash. Floor snd Meal The msrket for Western Flonr remain very firm, there being a steady moderate demand for home use. Genesee is taken in lot a wanted at F4.J0 flit hoop Ohio and Michigan are very scarce, and probably neither could be bought below round hoop Ohio maybe quoted 41.3644.371 and Troy. 44.371. without ale of importance.

There have been mm arrival of Ohio via New Orleans, from which 464 bbl. cf a lanev brand have changed hands. supposed at 44.31 snd 460 bbla on terms we did not learn 100 bbls. New Vork City Mill brought 44.12. In Southern, there ha been no va nation tn pi sc.

and no transactions since our last. Jersey Rye Flour is steady at our quotation. Tbete is no North River in first band. The sales of Coin Meal since our last reach 1609 bbls. at $2,60 for Jersey aad 2,62, cash, for Bnndywine.

1 Fruit The market i very quiet the enly sales are Bunch Rsisins in small lots st 41 6. 4 sr.onths; Havana Oranges 1 1 per I0CO drum Turkey Fit, 4 a 10 cents, cash; and 26 case Bordeaux Prune, in, 'he last of the parcel, on terms not mode public unun From parcel anoat. wo bus nets lumoi have been taken for milling on term not transpired. Northern Rr soH Mo iduy lo Uie extent of 1600 bushels, st 66 cent, delivered. There isnothing doing ia Barley.

Oats are ia good demand, by retail, for city use, at SO a 31 cents for North Rivr no fsnal or Southern in first hands and 27 a 2a for Jersey. The reception of numerous parcel cf Com from New Orleans, since onr last, ha greatly depressed the article, end buyers for distilling now decline purchasipg.except at a raa'eml decline in price. There is little or no demand lrom eny other quarter A cargo of 4600 bushels Delaware has been taken out of market, ea term we did not learn and a small lot Lung Island White at 26 cents, weight, 40 bbl Southern Pea Bean sold at 41 IS i err.nk Hemp Thre is nothing oieg in any description. Indigo We have beard ol sales since our last. Lead There have been sales of 300 pig Missouri, for Canton, at 44.32.

cash. Mnlawe We notice 61 hhd New Orleans at cents; 400 bbls in lots, 17 a 191. the former price Mr inferior, including a lot or 46 bbls extra prime, at jn cants, 4 mo. Naval Stores We have no sale to report. Oil Nothing doing in English sk Olive or Crude Sperm.

Manufactured Sperms sie selling st very low prices, say 60 cent for FalL and 60 a 66 for Winter, 36 eases Florence, Lynch, brought (4 26. rssh. ra.nts A rrel of 60 cask Rocaell Yellow Ochre has chmg hinds at 2 cents easti. Previsions There is a steadv fair demand for moat de scription of Beef and Pork, without change ia prices, if we except rrime lieet, hicn has aa upward tendency, the stock bang much reduced. Among tbe les since our list, we no lice one lot of 1060 bbl Obie new Ma Beef.

eity inspection, et 140: 6 600 bbl new Prime. I a 4, latter nnca fureitr: and 64 bbl Beet Hams, in psrkle. II cents Heavy arrival ef Ohio Lard bsve rendered the msrket very dull st anything over cer sale are 400 eg at and bbla 64 cent. We ouote Smoked Hani 7 a Pickled do 4 6j; Pickled Ssao ked Beef. B' rl Rounds, 31 a 4 cent.

In Butter there is Utile or nothing doing. The better qualities ol caa enrese nave Deer in request mr shipment to Englaao at sis cent. ce Since ou lat. a few hundred lea. have bees taken for rxpo't at ti Tbe stock is large, aad the market heavy.

Ball We notice sales of 103O bbls. St. Msrtia aa private terms; and 1000 sack Liverpool poeed within our rargs. eds Clover dull. Timothy maintain the la'e advaore.

Rcugh Flu haa advaared. ihe lattsl being 100 Ir. 8 75 previously, (50 tb s. sold at 4 1 214 25 per bbl. ol 3 1 bushsls.

iiugar Th re have beea laige arrival It an but aa there haa beea hu or sou laadiag. the ales of ibis description have beea too onimportaat to pariicularixa. 250 bxs Brosva Uavanoa hsve been sold for refining oa terms not transpire, aad 0 do. take a by the trade al 4 3 4 cents, 4 mouths. Tobacco Since our last, the aaarket for Keatucky, thong firm, has beea quiet, aed we hare heard uf ne Wool Th market remain dull, with but little tsiry fat Foreiga.

ornciau SPECIAL, MEETING. WuHtiDAi, Feb 15 Present en tha eaB of tha roll WVHtasa Aaaeaa. (Prevalent,) Asa sat al Aktersaaa Itrabit, w. Dodge, WUliaitst, Alwell, Wash, Ward, Esqnvrol, Bra. dy, aad Potiigrew.

Aasutaat Aloeraaesi J. Dodga, soon after earaa ia ana took his seat. Tea readme of the annul ol us last saeaxwf wov aupaasoa wills. rsriTios. Of ir.

natnoa oneamg 39th aL or discoorurc prorecdiags. Ret erred to tha Coinsnitloo streois. Of Uanrv C. reaxiasioa of lax. Kcletrea I ComsmUte oa Assrssrornts.

A message waa received iroaa tha Mayor, maasais tiaa lhaaaiaaal nu au.k tsaviac ia saa city of New York, aid asm taw annual report of the Trcaaasrsr ot tha Sai ar's Saug HarboJ, tha City ot iXew i or, uroeteot oa hie. A eoeamanKXUosi was rrceina frnea tha Coaasalksr of the CoTBoraisoo, suioig that a bill has aaea raosatly lalroduced ia the sleaate, Ihe object of whack is to Pr snit owners of land ia Brooklyn, froatmr oa the East Ki ver, to butsd rises ana xa troa4of tha aaate. Aa such aa act woa te is rseoi at Ike caartaraa righu of tho city, the Counsel jcosasaaad the preaa t.iMi afa remoaerranee against tha saaae, aad ior ward ing it to lire Legialatara. Referred lo tha CoHBalttsa oa aad ibe Counsel of iha Carporatioa, with directions ta prep a remonsirmm. Aa Htvitalsoa arms reeeevao us aiisan aweawsiauoa rf a banner to tha 1st Coeapany of tha asiunftoa temfrmmee Guard, oa the 22 irssl.

Areewted. AssasUM Aidcrwan Alwell, esilaa mp DiiaaoBt 42, beuif the Rctirt of the Comnntte oa Police, Matcfc aad fnsoas, on rrorgaMralloa tae ponce, nvsissf with the a Dr perianal of the Pa Ike," stabmutedtherewnh. Section Ut of i iJe lat ameadaa by striking out shall bCia the 6rst Lim.xm mserung the weras it Tho sectioa as atnar.dsd waj adopted. The quest oa bc'ng oe section in ot ouo 4, jtssisxaax Aldermao Ward ottered aa a stihetuote for taa aaxaa that the Mayor shall be authorized in asanrnttuiy efficer of pciice, who ihall bo uaslet hi immetLxte dt reciioa, and receive for their services C600 per anaata ana no less." Laiuoa tbe tabic. Assistant Alaersnaa Williams moved te intend by max ins the trne of the Superintend eat two year msasad of six year.

Lost. Assttaat Aldersmta Pettigrcw nred ta amend er strikiag eat tjt terra of su years," aad laeert tha pleasure of lbs Comasnsi Coaacil. iUtoated. 1 ha aectioa, as amewdod, was thea adopted. SeClHsa 2d was adeped without amcadmeat.

Sectioa M. after aa amotidtnent, was adopted, aa were alio those ol the 4th and Ml. Assistant Alderman atermaa meveo that the Hoard go anto a onwuius ot the vt awie oo use ream soar ol the ordiaaace reK tng to police. Adopted. Aitirman Scnlr waa called te two cvsas Title 3d.

crt.tmmt ei" vim ssrtioai. alter a aliahi adostej. Title 4th was aim adopted, slightly anaeaoed. Assistant Alderman Eirowa aatvvrd thai the eoaxmittee rise aad rep jrt and ask leave to sat team. Adopted.

Oa Ihe President resuutiag the rnasr, the chairman reported thai ihe committee bad made wogrea ra the or dinance, had passrd several sections IborooC, aad Lsk leave to sit agaia. Leave granted. Tha Board then woat aga mlo the Coinasutco ef the lYhore oa Ike above ordinance. Amgtaut Alderman heole asked ta be leased from serving as ehvtraian. Granted.

Assistaat Aldsrasal! J. Dodge was caUed to ihe eoair Assistant Alderman frwn moved that thecoaaaaittee rise and report, aad ask leave sit agaia. Adopted. On the President again taking tSe chair, the chairmaa reported progress, and aakrd leaTC mt agaia. ava granted.

Assiit A'd. Seoles offered a resolution, that all tbe paper on the table referring to a reoti niralaaa ef the I Vice, be referred lo the emmiuee of the whole, aad that the Board go into a coauai ttee ef th whole oa that subject. Assist. Aid. Pettigrew moved that the reselutioa os fered by Aiisl.

A Id. Dodge, laid oa the table a short irnie since, aad which leiaied Jlstrictiag the city iat Police Districts, taLea ap. Anopied. Assist. Aid.

Crowe moved that the amendment offered by him to the resolution be adopted withdraws after some discussion. Assist. AI1. Seoles moved, at this stage of ihe report, thai it be referred te a pecial eneamiuee sf loar, te re consider ibe subject, and report as seoa as practicable. The report wax adopted, and Aleesrs.

bcolcs, vvaier nsn, Brewa and Brady appointed the cemmitiea. Assistant Aid. Nash presentee laeevan at a moms rial to the Lexis latere and aa ordinance ta a boils the Sueerior Coon ef the city of New Verb, tegether smla a resolution of approval, aad that if approved by tho other Board and ihe Mayor, the ateaaorial aad ordinance be transmitted to the lilature lor it sanction, ree fer red to the Cesnaitiee on Laws, kc AssistasU Aid. AtwiH cflered a resolalioa I bat tne CowimiUee oa Laws, ke. tosirocted te apply ta tho Legislature for ibe pass JC of a law er end lag the jurss diction of Assistaat Justices Courts te auma oft 100.

Referred to the Committee mm Uws, kc. Ass bnanl Aid. Brown offeree a reeoanioa max tao Comminreoa Streeu inquire into the expedienry of re Bnmberieg street, or such pans thereof as will procure regularity in tbe nembera of eaid etreet. amended by inserting after "Huosoo, "Wan. deferred io the Com ni ttee oa Streets.

Assistant Aid. Seadee presentee iu pe'itioa at Mat'hew Tea Eyck, lof relief from tax. Beierredlo the mimlaee oa Amessmtnta. Assistant AMertnaa W. Uodge enered a raeeiirlioa that it be referred to the Commutes ea Polsce, ate dburietsuch parts ofthe city as may require any pet sea upervisioa, and report a plan for the employ asset ef a suitable timber ol policemea tnersia.

Assistant Aldermaa nrowa meved a aa amenemoat lo ihe reonratina. mat June R. Whiting, David bra. ham, and Robert Taylor, Esa be appointed a Special Committer, te prepare and report to the Board a Police bin. or such alteration in the present ordinance as ia thriropinma will remedy existing evil in uepreseat police organization.

Laid oa th (able. KESOLCTIOK. Assistant Aid. VT. Dodge, offered a resolutioa la re.

peal tbe 4'li stacdiaf mie of the Board, together with a uhxtitoie for the vame. Laid on the table. Br Assistant Aid. Williams, that the Committee oa repRTt to that Board, ike propriety of asaruding the law iclauve to burials, so as to permit inem te be ade in all vault const i'nied for that pwpoe. Referred to tbe Cmensirree rm Laws, ate.

Ur Anrtnt AM. Nara. Aa ordinance lo hi Ibe salary of the Chief Jux'ice aad ihe Assortate Justice of tho Superior tonrt of the city of New Tork, aad dimmish the same adopted, and tae s3mael axdered prepare a remons trance. Uefcrred lo the Committee, on Salaries, kc. Adjourned.

HDWD. WILLIAMS, Clerk. I Naval Court Blartlal, Fur the Tnal of Alexander Slidell JUaektnzie. We iksdat, Feb. 15.

The examination of Lieut. Ganzeyonrt was her suspended at the request of Commander farken zie, lo allow ol tlie testimony tit Samuel F. Hol brook, a member of the legislature of Wamachu aetta, so that be might return ta his duties at Boston. Mr. Holhroolc wai the sworn, ami testified as follorrs: I am a shipwright, and live in Boston.

I hare bean acquainted with Eliaha Small, lata a seaman on the Somen, for several years. I am likewise acquainted with his father and mother. That was bis proper nam. I hare known him, from his childhood. He never, to my knowledge, passer! by the name of Andrews.

I know that the man I knot as Elisha H. Small was tbe on oa board th Somer, because I know the time be went on board her, alo lrom frequent conversations about him with hi father and morber also, from having seen letters from him wh'le on board of her also lrom tbe fact that when tbe occurrences on the Somen were promulgated, it was known and talked of about the neighborhood that he was one of the persons hanged. I bare a letter from him in my pocket. I know his band writing. Cross examined.

It is about two year since he was under my immediate examination. I became mora intimately acquainted with him from the fact that he was rather wayward, and I remonstrated with him several times, and told him that he could never expect to become an a Teasel unless he reformed, and 1 promised to use my infiuence wilhThis employer for him, be amended. I took considerable pains with him, but 1 am sorry to say to little purpose. Darin; that two yean he was a eonstdeTabl tim on tbe Coat of Africa, in the employ of a Jlr. cookhouse, of Salem.

After that be was on board the brie; Angola, owned at Eovton, and when be left entered on board of the U. S. hnir Sorters I never had any knowledge of bis having assumed the name of Andrews during; these two years. Lt. Gatuevoort crrms ezami nation wm men continued.

When the Commander told Mr. Spencer he was to be hanged in ten minutes, 1 think I beard Air. S. ak of him whether be was not going too fast. I believe from what I bare heard since our arrival st New York, that Spencer had thought of this project previous to our leaving New York, arid had confederate otber than those on board el the brig.

At three i. clock, the examination was sus pended, and the Court adjourned till thi corn if Reported for the Evening FosL Police Otticc, Wednesday, 15th February. Mr. Henry M. Ritterbraud appeared at the Police Office this morning, and identified JerTi.

McDonald, who was arrested last week by officers Stephens and Fallen, charged with diver forgeries committed by him, as being the person who came into his stole, So. 679 i Broadway, on tbe 20th of last January, and stole a watch wotth $100. It was a patent lever gold watch, and be entered the) store under pretence of making a purchase. The indentity was fully established, and be will have to answer for thi a well as the ether offence. The A'otnriou Chauneey Lor kin, again ar retteJ.

This individual, who has been passing: himself off as an officer in tbe Navy, as Uahrial Ravel, a a son of Corn mod ore Porter, etc ktc Also, aa Lieutenant Wilkes, of the V. S. Navy, was last evening arrested by Officer Sweet and. Tappan, charged with obtaining a watch from Mr. Reese, No.

70 Maiden lane, oa the 15th of last monL, and giving his check therefor for $112 on the Bank of America, signed Jamea Wilkes, but which, as a nutter of course, was dishonored. There ate numerou other complaints against him, grand larceny, Vc etc. Fully committed AbkarsasBostds. The Supreme Court of Ar antra, in delivering their opinion in the case of Conway and other trx parte, a Trustee ef the Real Estate Bank, upon an application for wriliof Mandamus, "should the corporation prove insufficient to psy if creditor, then th state is responsible for whatever amount is justly and equitably owing, and the bolder of her bonds, and other public securities, need Le under no preben ion, but that she will taithfully and honorably discharge, lo th utmost farthrn, all her en reement regard alike whether they be in the binds of foreign or capitalists. The principles of viitoe, as well a of pubuc justice (which we are confident our citizens and our go vernment will ever respect and obey) utterly fog.

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