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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 4

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UHKimATISM, die. cCHICDf Dr. SoLmon' Venetian Liniment, prepared by J. I. Mai don Lam.

For rale 8 Aapinwall', 80 William street John Meeklns. Ml Broadway; Hutching', 100 Boweryj Tho. Wheybrew', 306 Broadway, and at 107 Sullivan at. Jali Iw RHEUMATISM CIBEO A. Lyon, 19 Maiden lana.haa been entirely cured of Rheumatism ami psina In the limbs by S.

J. Tobiaa' Liniment. at i lana. ja II RHKU.MATISJtlt RHKUMAT1SMM RHEUMATISM! This disagreeable and plaint, which bat heretofore baffled the akill of the moat i i. hv H.

J. Tobiaa' Rneumatic i. aeious in the apeedy cure of apraina, atiljhes. in the limhe, sore throat, a remedy which no family ought to a without. For salaoalv at 43 Maiden lane.npatair.

DOCTOK SKAKS, attend! to the treatment ol liver and lung complainte office 73 John street, near Wil liam, where hi Vegetald Renovating Pill, ao peculiarly efficscioua in dyspepai and billioua affections, and cough ayrup, may ona. auwuviicij excepttunaay. dl YYEART DISEASE The frequent cause of and' I Amn death Svmntoana i tiain atmtit the heart, tending at time to the left arm. thonlder, and between the houl.lers palpitation of the hear: shortness oi cream aspeclallv when excited. or eoinir nn stairs.

Dr. SEARS has had much experience In the treat rent oitnisaisease. uillce 73 John at. DOCTOH RK A It S. formerly of 4 Ann street, may beconaultedat No.73 John atreet, near William at.

For eight eara past hia attention ha been devoted thia city to the treatment of chronic or lingering diseases dyspepsia, dropsies, liver and lung c. ANGINA PECTORIS It svmptoms an unplearant ran sat inn at the it of the atomach, pain about the li tt side nd region of tho Lean, extending Un to the shoulder blade and herwern the shoulders, and occasioning short nets of breath and palpitation of the heart. Doctor Sears hat had much experience in the treatment ol this disea.e. dm Bacitii'H MKint i.ozkn(;ks,u, I. FACTS ESTABLISHED It ji a fact, that Huid'a Caledonia Cough Loiengca cure consumption in more rases than any other medicine, relieves coughs, e.ilds, oppression of the cheat, dirticult of breathing and whoop tog cough in a tew m.nnite Forsalebv Dr. hisDrug and Medicinu Wire Houte, KM v'Vesbington atreet, corner of nd by Dickie, 411 Broadway; Dr Jarvis, 318 Bowery tto'iiUrls AH I Uioadway.audhy agenta through oat the Lnitrd States. Jy il DR. CHURCH'S) COl'UH DROPS, a remedy for consumption, asthmas, diaoideraof the cheat, tic. Perhaps no remedy in the whole history ofmeJiriue ever acquired greetrr celebrity thin Church'a Cough Diopa, which haa proved to be a perfect cur lor coughs, culJs, conscmptions. at the whooping cough and no wonler, slneo thousands of person have experienced its happy and salutary effects many of whom hwe been im palled by livs of grVtmde, and wi'h laudable lor their fellow men.

surtanug under aimilur rompl ni.ts to publish their respective eases to the world, therein exhibiting ft astonishing proofa of incomparable viitu aa aretotillv unexampled, and occasioned a demind for the medicine hitherto unparalleled. Farsale at CHURCH'S Dispensary, 198 Bowery corner of pilng it Price 6 1 cent per bottle. jVj3 HEART devoted many ye ira (eight years in this city) to the treatment of chronic diseases, especially to dropsies! nllec tions and diseases ofthe liver, lungs and heart. For aeveial years peat ha has notice I in hia practice that diseases of the, heart have graitly increaied. The moat proline causes are a disordered state of the liver, mental ev.iU Bant, nervous irritability, violent piasionsof the mind, and esaiflcation ol the valvea and small arteries o( theheatt Symptoms, pain at the pit ol the stomach and about the left al io and region of thn heart, extending often to arm.

thn shoulder blade, and between the shoul lers, tiesa of breath, palpitation of heart, disturbed rest at mht, nd often a sense of suffocation sometimes darting musing pains are tell ah mi the sua and heart; at other times a dull, heavy, indescribable senaationor prrasuro and f.llins is felt about the heart, and a tightnesa or stricture across th chest. All ol thesn symptoms rarely occur in one case in 1 they are often at thecoatmencement to alightiand transitory, as not to excite immediate attention, or if xi 1 is ought, they are often attributed to hysterical or po choa lriacal therefore an efficient tiea'iiifiit ia neglected. A return of the symptoms, however. i attended with an increase of their seventy, whicheventnully becomes more and more urgent, nntil medical aid oil relief, or painful, agjninng death closes the scene. So important to health and life arc the natural functions of the Heart, mat me nitt lymptomiui ueiacgemem ougui i re.

oaive attention. Dr. fteara doe vnot pretend to any miraculous skill i his Drofesaion. out having naid unusual attention tothetie i. nent ol thaat; diseases, he has succeeded in affjrdiag in many caies in inch other means ha.l tailed.

cases dropsical attections have been effuctually cured by Bievteatmant persona calling at ma omce win r.e at i to, and those wishing It, will be vi.ited at ttu r. dene. Office 73 John struct, neor William street. a to 6m; UKMEDI 'Coughs, Colds, ice Dr Church's Coughs lir.ips will be found a valuableremedy for coughs, col la.asthnt consumt tioti.w hoonina cough, and pain in the brea This medicine is well known to the public, having be ti.ed In this city 'for more than forty years with great urres. Hold at 60 cents per bottle.

Hhenmati'm, ice. Dr. Church's Chemical F.ssei.ce r.f Mustard The uuexumrded success which has iitten.i I the use of this remedy, is caused it to be eagerly nr; for by thousands of individuals suffering under the turesof rheumatic atfectians; the relief alfordid bv is 1 plication issnerdy and molt effective. It is also of tu ial efficacy in casea of sprains, bruises, ctilf joints, swollen limbs, chilblains and numbin ss. 8cld 111 bottles at 60 cut each.

Pimples ontne ace Church's Vegeianie Lotion, ei fectualcure for eiupti mson the as pirn; blotches, tetter. tan. sunburn ringworm, and scorl.utk aud cutaneoua eruptious. The ui eof the Lotion fr assort lime will transtiirni the most allow complexion ir whiteness, rendering haith and rough skinaoitand Price 76 cunts per bottle. Itch! Itch! Scotch Ointment, fur the cure of this trrr.i bletome disease.

The most itch I a ungle applic tion of Scotch Ointment, hi: aUj certainty, standi without .1 rivsl. The above rem lies may be found at CKURCH'S Dispensary, IsS Bowery, JalO cor. ot Spring st. iTAMBt)AXIHV GOODS R. it A.

LANK, Maiden lane, have laid In atatirtion ptices a re upply of Berth Blankets, do Counterpanes mi t'h Quilts; ulsohan laome heavy strong Table imask, Linen and Huckabtick. Diaper ond Damask Toweliicr, Towels, Napkins, HneJRusiia and coi.rse Crash. Damask Table Covers and Table Covering. In tho Furniture Dimity, limit, orsted Dumask, walen reeni.ltc. As they htavetumed their attention to the tii ply ol ships and steamboats, they can furnish these 1 ofthe right sues and km in great variety 111 tit jr wanted, and at prices much lessthan in es by the packag Owners an.

1 asents in want are re 't ully lavre I to call and ex for themelvrs. O'l'll'K miIuci ilier v.oiii 1 intorm bis XI and lormi customeis that lie is still at l. near Wall.anJ jiprrpn cover rot fs v.ith tin. i 1 out of the city, in the st iiiHiinerand tha lowest i.ivs Pellicular attention is pai 1 to the repairing of roof. :v.t He would alw call the attention of the public toEspy'a celebrated Conical Venttlittor, lor tho cute of amnky chtmuies.

ventilating vaults, lie Stc. He takes great pleasuie in ra1 erring to the follow ia t' 1: ti tie men, who hnv use Professor Espy 's Coueslorthe cure ofchifnnlessiinkiiig.AVc. F.lwie. Yale, Esip States Hotel. Oeo Brown, Auction Coffee House.

John ll President of Eszln Ins. Co. ivid Austi 11, E'i firm of Ati'len, Wilaerdinf Thomns 11 Cfi.i.ini;i.,it, so Bioad St. OH Kot Bioadway. I sinan, Eq 16: K.l ln.lgest.

Wm Hi labock.Kcq. i V. atreet. David B'igart Esq llth st and many others. They are also on the Astor House, Merchants' Exchange, Wall st, a ad the Blind Institute.

d7 Im fiF.O. KT F. EN'S. 130 Water stre t. OltUAMOY DtAI.I, DREMS CAP fcc I'El'ER HOPfcHT 3T3 Broadway, resnt 'bil ly acquaints the Lahes that he has iut received esc.

1 lent assortment of above desirable article lor Kv. 1 Dresses in addition to which, he is on hand, rich 1 d. In gull and tilvrrTulle ne figured and Blou ll'usinn. an I other matei i ds lor the sams as also Is stden lid aiurtmetil of Dres Caps. Heal Turbans, Robes, kc kc latest Parisian fashions, till rilOul'SI DKAUKH9.

A. W. SPIES 1c 313 M. Pearl st, have a larger and better assortment of emit than usual, comprising every variety of single and jut le barrel Guns for Woodcock, Peer, and Ducks. Also, Pocket, Belt and Duelling Pistols.

Alao. Gun Furniture and lock limbs. Capa, Flasks, and every article appertaining to the ttadu, which they are determined to sell lower than hare ver before been offered. "0 IFK PRKSKKVKUS. The recent ncri Vi and loss ot due on board tho neral Lewis," remind persons similarly exposed, ofthe necessity ol 1.

av log atniui or near tnem some i.itu rr'serving Apparatus. Mauy of them have saved lives, and when they are goo such as are manufactured by the greally improved method 01 preparing tne runner now prttciiteuomy Dy tneni under nirectionoi 1111 will las: lib tim. Day's l.tfe Pres. rver. may be kept in a trunk lor ten years, inuiu tbrn to re perfect hoblcra ot air and not in least leeoniposea ns win ttioie prepared Dyotii Life Preservers trenartd alter the nrocets of other fscturers and warranted in every respect equal, at fioia 10 10 retail.

Orders lor shipping, executed with the utmost prompt ness, cat article bearing our stamp nnn warranien. HORACE 11. DAY, successor to Roxbury I. R. ja0 46 Maiden lane.

TsVT WKNG It AND SI t.KCOThe extensive Silk Factory brlonclng to thn New England Silk Cj is nnw in complete oiiler fur business it is one of the lenrest Silk Factories in tha country, ai dcppableof nvinuf.icti.r. In a larsre amount 01 Sewinir Kiik ier we k. Lis under the sunerinteii of J. II. Cbh, Esq a gci.tlemati well known in the Sillc btltir.ess.

Thrv are nrei are 1 lo MutiU fjrture all descriptions nf Silk, on mch conditions us will favorable to plicants. Any 1 mount of Raw Silk will be received and maniilactuied into Sewings, either on shares. or at state! rates. Application to II COBB, Esq Dedhi.m. ortoMOIIE.

SHAKER It Aftiti New F.ngl Silk 3d Beaver X. York. Ii V0n FLOWERS 1 LAXTS. VINES. I'EAMI TREES.

Stc may In had lu boxes, containing a bushel, half in packages of two or four quarts ech. at IH NASSAU' STREET, Where Plants may bo seen on which it haa been u.e. These rowdershave been used extensively dtuiun the two past rears in this city with entire success, on Flowers, Flants. Vines and Shrubs. A gill, applied to live or six quarts of earth, in a pot.

will produce a vigorous growth and a beautiful deep green color and it may be applied on Flowers in the parlor without thelaaat ollenco. BOVE8 cc. 1 lit 1 (11 Sinks and Cispools emptied by the New York DRETTE COMPANY, a manner much lesa od nsive than that in ordinary use. ut the usual razes. Or lei ill promptly attended to, if 1, ft at the Company's Office, at dt I in NASMAi: STREET.

OLA II LAMPS, 1, MCI) I.AMHy, CHKMlCAIt OIL. bAJlCS. 5 VST received and oif red for sale at Low and Reduced Prices, at the establishment of J. C. HOOKER, Broadway, (cheapside.l near Grand street.

The public are respectfully invited to call and exnn lne a large and ltd assortment of the above mentioned Lamps, consisting ol moro than til new and beaxitul pattern ot Chendaliere, Shadowless Centre Table. Parlour, Astral, Hanging Liverpool, Study, Desk and tsi 1 Lamps. A Iso, the POOR MAN'S, Oil ECONOMICAL LAMP, lor 1 urn. tug Laid or Oil, which is an anted to please all thoe ho wish a cheap Lamp an I Economical Light. dlt w.

nirilo'LIt HU I WIIO'Mt IIUY A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, at reduced trices Th subscriber, lu order to encourage the present existing aystem of compulsive economy to meet the exigencies ot tn timea and not to hluch the last nennv from the collap sed pocket of the people ould respectfully inform the inhabitants of old Gotham that ha is now manufacturing an extensive and splendid assortment of gentlemen's boots and shoes, which he intends ts dispose ot at the lowest ran that said article can possibly ha artarded beauty and du rstuli of course, considered. He is ready to accommodate gentlemen with the best of Drsnss Boot at I Cork Soles at ,,60 Half Boots at S3 60. lla would further give the public lo understand thafbe I now aalliag off hia old stock at a alicht advanre upon actual coat. LOK1N BROOKS, 13a Fulton street. 30 SPRINO GOODS WILSON G.

HUNT fc ate now receiving their supply of Spring Ooota, riui istln of Drap Camlers. r.lain and figured tiim broona, Cotton Drills, Linens, fcc, together with a general assortment ol Cloth. Cassimers. Vesting, fcc, for site in unUUe to suit pure baser, at 464 Pearl at. Ja 1 3 A fl SEY'8 OELEBKATEO Chemical Cosmetic SHAVING COMPOUND.

TIO any gentleman who may purchase thia article, the JL money will be refunded, if not entirely aatiafied, after using it on month. To be hid of tha inventor, at hi manufactory and warehouse, 4b Maiden lane. ALtAA.ULK lUUISIil From Rev. Fitch Keed. Mr.

Alexander Ramsey. Sir I have made trial of bo of Your f.namptie. shavinaT Comnound. far at I can judge from the use of many celebrated articles, wnich foryeara have been betore the public, I have no hesitation in saying that your compound ia decidedly the best that haa yet been otfured. The lather ia readily formed, and is peculiarly soft and agreeable in lla application to theface.OMpeciallv.aaisthecase with myselt, where the heard ia'harsh, and the akin is tenser.

FITCH REED 31, 1S I3. Ma. A llisitr Mv dear air: It (rives me sincere pleasure to he a'jle, in perfect honesty, to recommend your recently invented Chnmical Cosmetic Phaving Compound. Foryeara 1 have been under tne necessity cf shaviug my sell, ana have, you may be sure. taken some pains procure the most highly recommended shavingaoapa many of these wereexcellent in their kind, but revet before I tried your Invaluable compound was I fully in the article.

I feel con fidentthat when your' Chemieal Cosmetic bhaving becomes known it will bo extensively used. I cheerfully and confidently recommendit. With respect, voura. ate. WILLIAM STOPFORD, Tastor of John street M.

E. Church, New York. New York April llth. 1S4 J. Ccrtilicato of Dr.

T. Bond, Senior, Editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal. Ma. AiriAisDKn Ittan.r sir I nef.irU tried our "Chemical Cosmetic Sha ving Compound," and having always been in the practice ot shtivinc mjSi If. ha 1 preiutisly many of the various pripaiaii'iMis which had benn ottered to the public as Ucilitmin? this operation.

I have no hesitation in sayii.g yours is the bMt I hive tried. 'I he lather ia readily ma le, and ol a proner consilience it is mild indeed, wholly tlieniivn to this face, even where there may be alight abrasions ol the skin, and adheres tenaciously and closely, so as to give tho necessary sufl'uess to the beard to render loe sbBVing pi a nnt uud easy. Dint luix, April 121B, IWi. I. a J.u.

From William C. Bryant, Esq Editor of the Evening ost I have tried tho Chemical r.osm. tic Shaving Com. prep red bv Mr. una fully concur in the above rcemrneU'latiouof Dr.

Bond. WILLIAM C. BllVA.T. Nw Yoaa, April 14th, 1B4J. ja At RUSHTOX'S COJfrOUNn I.IVK11" A M'flll'P WACTL' fnr I nnvhl tte Inflll, Dieai of the etc.

In this tu.i valuable tnities ol Liverwort, 13 a 1 coiicen'rtttcd st.te hri combmid aeveral ni lljcnio.t lopulara edic icioi remedies for Pulmonary Disease! epe tor a ion ani a geuiie anu neaiiny prpi ra.ion. reli acnuh or tlira'ult respiration, acts as Id alterative tii'oti the system generally. Itisat the satr.o time as sreeabi.i to tu tateas any ot tne conieciion ary eid which are so generally in use and in this form it can alwavabecirriedm the pocket or work bag, and used at discretion, v. ten the use of the other preparations mltrht be very inconvenient It has been exlemlve Iv ust lurins th lant season, and it highly lecommeuled by several ol the lirt physicians iu the city. Prepared only by KU.

4 iTO.N' 3c CO Chemists and Druggists, jalo lit) Broadway, and 10 Astor Hon F.VV YORK HIUI. SCHOOL. MESSRS. CODDINUTON at Mc.MANN", proprietors ofthe New York H'piHina, No. 64 and lis Watt street, having tit ted the second story of that spacious and airy establishment for the of a Riding Academy, and have engaged Mr.

w. II. Diaa. a gentleman well uuulini to teacn tne art of irscmitiship, and to take chat ge of the same; and aould beg leave to niloim the ladies ande entemen ot Votkand ii i vicinity, who may ljcr tliem with then patrouage, that every exertion shall be made to give satisfaction and to meet their confidence and support. Tha is situated luonrnitnc most convenient uud heilthy location in the city, is fitted up with every regard to the cumiott an.i convenience 01 tne stu ilents.

a. 11 a 01 oruer anaretpeciaDiiuy ill be adhered to. Fur terms an 1 particulars, information can lie had at the offices, No. 64 ai 87 Watt atreet, where the Greenwich stages pasaevery five, minutes during tho day. au6 jpillWS NEW E.U COUTKOUY 1c NEVER, S4I Broalway, have jnst received from Rurope.

one of the richest assortment ot goods, suitable for Curistmisatid New Year presents, ever ottered fors le in tins combining elegance ana utility, i ney re: spectiiuiy invite tneir irienus to can ana examine lortnem selvu. or sale as above, the celebrated SOLAR LAMP, or brilliancy and economy surpassing all othtr in SJlLKt year CTI11C IIAIll liLOVEIS Within a few past. the irorortance of keeping the pores ol the sUin op n. tu facilitate perspiration, and assist nature in throwing ott theimpuritiea ofthe blood, has received a shared the attention it so justly deserved Flesh Brushes, coarse towels. Sec.

have been restored to, the great benefit experienced from their use but the introduction of the l.lectric Uluver has almost superceed the use of them. they are murh more thorough in their operation ami more convenient of application. Bv exciting the action of thi small vessel near the fiirlace of the body aud increas ingth eircula'ion ot blood. they afford certain and fpeedy r.diel in Dyspepsia. Rheumatism.

Gout, and all diseases ari ing from a torpid state of the skin. For sale Wholesale tind retail by RVSHTONSt CO.lio Broadway and in Astor House. If 9" A ft. hl, cloth. tooth, and lather Brushes, avS.

Pocket Books. WalletH.CardCases.segar Cases. Hpecle and Tobacco Pouches, Pencil Casea, Knives, Razors, Silk Turses. Magic Shaving Cream, Backtrummon and Cheauer Boards. Al u.

avery superior article gilt edges andbackfl, Maving arils, at Bs, itis ana 14 per pacK or at lOj'Wiliism at, Manufactory of CHAPMAN'S iic Ratorhtiup. ja.a 17IHK PRCOF SAFES AND MONEY CHESTS I These perfect property preseivers can be furnished by the subscriber, who has the control of the sale and dinesal of all the Patent Salamander fire proof Safes, man ufacttired by Wilder, well known to be the o'lly tskich has resisted the action of the hotest flames pro ''i ed bv ablast furnace for more than eight hours, and whn Jesse Delano's patent, Gaylor's Patent double and scott rateut Asbestoa bales, were each destroyed lu less than two hours by thesameheat They have been put to the mat severe tests in the burningof buildinirs, such store houses, containing oil, candies and drugs, tvheu the heat lies been so in so at to mi It utf the cast iron het Is upon the safe, the liooks r.iid papers ciitic out without receiving the slightest injury. Those ho are willing to trust to safes ol other wkeis.t'ati be lurnisned witn second hand on twhich aie in part pit m. ct for.WilJcl't) at lots u. nan price.

I al! end seethe trial safes, nnd committee's report, an es the lure asrtnn nt of Iron ies, constantly on i 1 at the lamufltr Safe and I rn 'hc Store cf. SILAS C. HERRING, 2S No 1.19 Wat. st. nOUTHOVY fc STORE 'KVKUS respectfully their frian is snd the public generally, to call at 311 Broa way I examine their assortment of LAMPS.

N1)EI, VBRAS.GlRANDOLEs5,ic, SILVER PLATED AND BRITTANIA WARE. TABLE CL'TLEttV, and HOLSE FL RNI3HING GOODS, of every descrijitiin, which they fcavej ust opened, and now oler nusaie at thatcannotfail to snti purchasers. En; it: superior aniges in the cnan and i ttire et thsir I.nmps, IJirHndolts.Car.ielahi a. Sec C. are eitf'le I toonertnem in great variety ot pattern ana finish, suitable for Churches, lio: stores, dxv clinics, and steatn or sailing packet.

These last are a new and most deairatiteatticle, weltwottuy 11m aticnuon oiownvrs ana ship masters. Attention is particularly inviteu to tne cauip, ss jr.ftlv celttiiattd loi i superior ana economy his as ti i by a curue experiments, a1101.1t twice the liiiiiut an Astral, while it Lurut torani ptai number ot i'ira at ill the expense. OU rllt)U EitS ill keep constancy on nana. aomplete asir.meut ot the artklus above, enumerated, a nope ny ineircu ietvovs 10 meet tne tastes ana wisn ofthe rr eri' a fivorabic thirn ofthe patronage which is now solicited tor their ol3 1LIEG.NO'S PATENT AVINTEIt 1NDI PEXSABLE3, OR FEET WARMERS These articles aie most a ItniraMy adapted lor warming the feet. and are leMgnv.

Unmake the place ol the imperfect arrange ments now in nc tor that danger natever can arise lrorn their use, insuring at the same time a steady and nnitoriu heat, for five or six hours without expense. rorcuurcies they will be foun very convenient, and to el lerly p. rsons particularly, very desirable, as thry have a.i the a lvaiitng of a cnnriTn ia foot stove, without the trout'ic of so frnueutly replenls.ung them with fut.1, as also thedisireeabie an 1 iinwiuii sonie gas nat arises from the ch ircial lann. i ijury Bhoes or danger from fire. I hrv ai in.iwise uselul in stores as a nr antf of wairriina the ban placed uinn th counter.

To travellers they will bo invaluable, inmring th comforts of warm feet 'v liile in the cars or duritii a ish rid For ib, wh desale and retail, by the manufacturer, 651 vvery. Dealers supplied on reasonable terms. d6 3m TRANSPARENT WASIIAULJ5 WISUUH BLIND MANUFACTORY, No. 13 Sprucestrcct, New York rSll att. ntion ofthe public is solicited by thesunscri EL lu to the elnirant and useful article of household fur niture.

ithout which no room, however well furnished. nn be called con.tdete. and which are considered by com peteutjtt.les,to be the most ornaments that can De nossiniy a i res irvr now hen In general use in ail ell ates for more than five vears, so tha experience cow urovea tin fact ol theirdtirahility and that public opinion their favor is sufficiently shown by thcgreM nd const increasing lor litem. Tbec.lK'ction now oflcren 10 ttie public comprises every vari. tv ever inventeil ol the rai rransnarent wasnanle in.

low tjlinus an 1 tnose articit are warranie'i 10 wasn well and easily, aid to la with proper utage ot least tn yeaic. Their pi i mountings completo, varyfrom 1,7 per pur upwurus. It isncc, ssarv to remark that all shales made blishment have the suhscnhf i's name attached to them. GEORGE PL ATT, 13 Spruce street. New Yer.

N.B. A liberal discount is ma le 'nere quantity ia ta 'en tj" I iJO CDltKT'TK A superior article of ainn lor fruit freea, vt'llrs. rec; i6tf cr llll flnd frats. may be had cheap $6 for three 6 ri rfi. or lift barrels lor A bushel out is estimated, by good ir rs, to be worth as 1 much as ruurfeepi bushels ol sfaMe manure.

Aunrreicon tains four tmshels, and is worth ns much to the farmer as 60 or lrcm the stable or barn yard, at half the cost. Those who desire to secure a supply ofthe c'rmi'nc i tide, for early spi intr use, will do ell to apply early, ut No. IIS X'assau stteet.tuthe dIO I'hfcMlf NEW YORK POUDRETTF. CO. SACK VKILS AT PRICKS The ubs ripers.

being determined to sell off th. ir present stock of Thread Lace Veils, thev have marked down to such prices as will make them decided htrgaitis to thuse in want Veils La 'irt will de well to make un I early lertion.n the pricjs are extremely cheap. I A full assorinient of Lace Gnats at low dU JAMES BK'K ScCO 3 9 Broadway, i The late fhm of Rusliton fc Aspinwall hav i Xw in been dissolved by nm consent, William L. business st the stores 110 Broadway an.l lu Astor Hausc, in connection with William Hi pi man. hem lie has taken I into partnership, ana tne tiu.i.ieta ui uc couc.ut.teu uuuer thefiimof Rl'SHTON fcCO.

Ic CO. will alwayt liaveon nami. tupiiivoi tne uesi Drnes and Medicines in the market, Bermuda Arrow Root, Seidlit and coda Powder. Concer.tiaKd Syrup and Fluid Extract Sanapanlla. nsprcsenbed by the most eminent physicians, and used exclusively in theU.S.Navy with decided success.

Also, a lareasvitment of Medicine Chests for families, ships, and plantation. English and French Perfumery, Soups, Tooth. Nail, and Hair Bruthef.geneiue Farina Cologne, ftr. fcc N.B. Families hotels nnA eVets can alwavabe sun plied with Soda.

Seiliitx ard Saratoga Wa'irs. and al! the nilueral alert iu genei al putjr in bottles at the shortest notice. St CO ja6 110 Broadu ay and l'l Astor Hoose. ItA ....1. KLi? ratten I JxSO CAHARL.ES Pine atreet now reoeiving and opening hia assortment of 8FBINQ GOODS, consisting of 60 casea 4 4 printed aeon eta, selected pattarna, aaaort ed pink, blue and chocolate, purple, he.

do 4 4 French Plate, small figure for ahirU or 100 do 7 8 do do gameaU 100 do 7il French Plate, on cambric cloth. 100 do 7 8 Light do, on medium cloth to do 7 8 Spring Fancies Caahmer patterns, cam do Earlsloa Print bri Cloth 60 do 7 8. Mousse deLaineChintx Print 100 do 7 8 do PricU 100 do three and four col'd do, entire new style 60 do three col'd madder do do mourning Prints 9.S do 100 do navy and two blue do new pattern, well 10 AND L.EAD. 30.trJti bacs Shot, aasorted ira s.from BBB'S to No. 10 J.

SU.SSS T. 10 13 tons Bar Lead, in ca 01 1350 to 600 lbs each. 0 old Lead. 4'M) pigs Foreign Lead, entitled to tiibentnra. 360 44 Hun), suitable for type founder.

A supply of theahovaartit'e dwayann hand and for saleby JAMES Formerly George Ynule fc Co 77Waiistr.t. assorted I'l'UVITT'TJL pprVTA 33 casei extra rich London Chintx Forniture, white and rnlnrft ffmiindd 60 do rich Chintz Furniture 0 do do rolled 0 do madder Furniture ao low priced do 10 do Forniture. chenertjle. for cerer and carriage linings. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS.

100 casea inch New York Mill Shirting. to do 3S do do do Si SS 24 30 do No 7 English Long Cloth extra supernna ao do Sea Island Shirtings, ice. PANTALOON STUFFS, do Log Cabin Jeans 60 do camblet Jean do Denim. Ice. ax.

do Ainu PliMtirarl 3d do twilled Sileaiat. aasHed, drab, pearl, salmon and black 60 do white corded Robee, extreme and quality. 19 do white and colored Satin Jeana 20 do 4 4 super power loom Checks 4 4 Domestic Gtnghaips 4 do Check Blue Ko nM Handkerchiefs Veruna Hdkfs; Madderand Fancy de Morcheto Net'ing Knitting Cotton Black and hite Wa.i.liug imitation worsted Plaid All of which are offered on the most favoi able Urn, fl GREAT BARGAINS. ItHBAP DRY" GOODS The subscriber would call the attention of the ladies, to hia tock of Dry Gods, which he ill continue to sell at tne present reduced prices, until the first of Febinary a rare opportunity la offered for bargains. Rich India Foulards for evening dresses at ts.

nrorne striped silks. Ombre do do Chine do do irerlilk and Bine Black Poult deSoie. 'o inch'Xide do to do 0 tjr tieunine. do 4'J no Mousliiie de Lames, superior cjnalitv 1 1 la ftcta. do Cashmere patterns at shillings, do do all ool 6 patterns mo irning and second mourning Mousline ae i.Tuc.,trom3 to 1 sniiiiugs.

Irish Linens Liutn Sh'e'ings, Cotton do Shirtings Linen Cambric Hdkfs Hem Stich do Linen Damasks Dainak Napkins, Plain French do Fig'd do do English Cotton Hose, rancy mjkis Together with an assortment of Bombazines, Shawls, an I other articles; will be sold at great redaction from fuimer prices, by V. w.ur,tn, fl 313 Broadway. tjPHINti GOODS. WILSON G. HUNT Ic k7 have now on band a large aasortmict ol Spring uooas, consisting of Super West cr2cgiand, Yorkshire and American cloths risper rench, various qualms, ao Low priced Blue, Rrown and Black do London and Kiench Cassimeres, various styles, Stipeifine Lupins, Black and Col'd Drap D'Ete's, Fancv single Milled Cassimeres, Cotton and Linen Drillings, nibbe fig'd and plain Gambroons, Merceiles.

Valencia acd Satin Vealings 1 3 ons Velvets, super plain Satins, Series. Homhazinea. Linincrs. Buttons, see Ice fcc. 'Together with a general assortment of Goods, suitable for Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, for aale in quan'ities to suit purchasers, at 461 Pearl street, cornel cnatnam.

ja. AND PARTY DRESSES. The sub scribers have fitted up a French Room lighted gas during the day, for the sale of Evening Dresses, iicn thev now oner to tne ladies at very low prices. lie following ill be found to be a very few of the rich arnods offeicd I'aris mtiroidercci ureases, some 01 mem tne most ex lisite work ever imported. Paris Embroidered Scarfs and Cardinals Brussels Lace Dresses, real Do do do thule Lace Cardinals end Pelerines Lace Scarfs and Barbes Ottoman Crapes Embroidered Crapes I'ekin Crapes Silk Illusion and Nets of every color Silks and Satins Black and Hold Lace, and Edging White do do do Do do Ribbons Mechlin Laces aud Edging, very cheap Val nciennas do do do Velvet Points, Bags, Gloves, Hose, Evening White Parisian Jewelrj, and fancy articles At such prices as will ensure their sale, at JAMES BECK ai Broadway.

2JR.1XTEO VELVETS, BILKS, stte. The tubscribtrs have opened the following desirable coo Is 3 rases splendid quality and beautiful patterns of Paris printed Velvets.fordrc tsea. the first imported. cases new style Paris Silks, just received per the St. Nicholas, different and more elear.t than any yet offered.

3 cases adies' and Gentlemen's Cravats, Scarfs, in ni oattprns. 3 cases Ladies' super quality black, white and light col'd orse skin gloves. 3 cases Genilemen's Bajou's straw, white and light col'd Gloves, at the extremely low price of 6s. per pair. For salebv A.

T. STEWART at Ja9 367 Broadway. ARSONS, CANNING Hi No 6 William street, (removed from 44 Pine st.) are receiving by ia arrivals, an usoitnientot new and aeasoname gooas, consisting of Cotton, gimp and thread edgings, laces and inserting Book aud cam hue da ao Mutlincollars. various styles 4 4, 5 4 and 5 4 filet, blond, wire ground and bot binets Fig'd aud spotted uets. black ana wmte Ladies' and men's silk hose aud half nose Brown and bleached cotton shins and pints Women's and men' silk do do Brown and mixed cotton hose and h' If hose lgWsh white, black and slate cotiun hose S'lpernll and stick tw ist l'urse'twist, sewing silks Stay.

quality, carpet and other bindings I inVn threat, spool cotton, Stc SeAirgtin large skeins, for manufacturers ALSO. Sho? threidi. brown, hall bluacbed, yellow and green, in ox anil hall oi. hails. jaju im TRTKtl ROBERTS.

373 BsoAD i war respectfully Invitee the attention otthe la liea of rorx. nrookirn. ana otners. to snriieniives twu merit ofthe following goods, Just received by the latest arrivals iroin turope incases 01 lam camnnc ridxis, irom isojto as, very fane. do hem stitched do, from Otto 13s.

do llive.e do, double the money, do richly ercbroid. do, banrains. do 3s 6d to SI, worth do SI totl 60, worth do $3 to $6, great do plain Tarletir. Muslins, 6 4 to 4 wide, 4s to 7a, finest quality. A do plain col'd do do, 8 I wi le.

10 do richly ambroidered, in colors and plain, or sraudy Muslins for ball dressea, in endless variety, very cheap. KKfl imrn ot plain and embroidered Dimity Bands, ioflo do Muslir. Bands, la to 3s 61, worth from Ss 6d to fl each. 3CO0 do real Lisle Thread Cap, Is to 1 61, finest quality. cartons of real Poult Laces and Elgings, new patterns, very choice.

6 do real Vallenciennes do do, quite new, very chetp. 34 do Canton. other styles in Imitation Lacea very desirable. in cases of black Veils and Demi Veils, from fl to (3 60, worth from $3 to (6. 'SO do Paris embroidered Collars, (new shapes from great bargain'.

10 do do do Chemizetts, from $1 to 3 60, verv cheap. 6 do Infant's Frock Waists and Robes, decidedly cheap. 6 cartons Infant's richly embroidered Cais at half price. roffc ther with an xcellent assoitment of winter Hosiery th it will he sold off at half the usnl prices. fl OUSSEL.IN 5 DE L.AINES.

SILKS, VEL lTB. VETS, fcc The subscriber would call the attention nf the ladies to his assortment of new and seasonable Dry Oao which have been received per recent arrivals, and ill soul nt tne lowest mat net prices ich black and blue black Silk Velvets, (all silk 30 cases Mousseline de Laines. SILKS. Strii.ed,Cbine.and Broche Silks If lack Satin Striped Arraures, plain and watered Silks. 30.

34, 3d and 40 inch plain black, for Cardinals, iilk and Velvet Cardinals. MERINOS. Fine super and superfine French Merino and Thibet Shaw ls, Broche and Woollen Shawls. Black Bombazines, a full assortment. Together with an assortment of Mourning ami other fronds, which will be sold at prices to suit the times, by 1 D.

W. GEER, 313 Broadway. IOIIN BROWN. 103 Chatham stieet, haa for salr Plates Tagger Tin scissors Thimble Tapes Ivory Bone Eyelets Pack Pin Spool Cotton Welting Cord Silk Cord Skpiu Sewing Silk Suspender Braids Pound Tins Hooks and Eye Stay Bindings Black fins Ferrits Mctalir. Fyelet Cotton Sli de Garter Needles F.Ustic Gacter rear! Buttons Lamp Wick Boot Cold Knitting Cotton Coat Cords uiaoer.

Corset Lucer Boot Lac era Bone Button Knitting Pins Be.tton Mould! Gas Wicks Side Con Hair Pins Wooden Pocket Comb Bed Quality Binding Bodkir Shoe Ilihboni Galloon Horn Comb Eyelet Machine French Working Cotton Shear Thread Sewing Silk Bobbias Cotton Ball Whal'ibone Worsted Binding Stilletos Buttcti Rings Imitation Coral Beads AUCTION DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, AT WHOLESALE The subscribers now oiler to their customers and the public In general, an ex Rnshtun will in luture give his nudivi.ied attention to the t. niive assortment of Dry Goods, for family U6e, embrac i extensive vuueiy, uiuou use, among which are 6, 6, 10 and 13.4 Irish Sheetings: 6 and IS 4 Silesia do; 6, 6, 10 and 13 4 heavy English Sheetings 6, 6 and 10 4 Russia do Saxony Sheetings, new stvle. Table Linen 6. 7, 8,10, 13 to3l 4 doubledamask Table Cloths; 7,6, 10.

13 to 34 4 King's do ao do; to 4 lOto 13 4 broidered diaper do do; 6, 7, to 13 4 heavy stout do do do: 6.7. 8 to 0 4 Irish diauer and damask 6, 7 and a 4 heavy English diaper; 6, 7,8 and 10 4 do do damask. Toweling 6 8 to 4 4 damask and diaper table napkins; sto 4 4 King's damask do; 3 4 neavy srotcn nucxaoucx, 3 4 bordered Silesia 3 4 Enirli Udo dodo; 4 8 dodo do; 3 4 Russia diapers; 34 Irish birdseje Blankets and Quilts 9,10,11, 13 and 13 4 rose blankets, 10,11, Hand 13 4 do do double milled: 9. 10, 11, 13 and 14 4 nuiits and counterpanes: 10. 13 aud 14 4 summer quilts: 8 4 blankets, for sliipberths; 8 4 counterpanes, for nits.

Tablet overs 8.6. 7. 8 lo 30 4 colored damask table cov ers; 11 4 do do piano do; 6,7,8 and 9 4bluecloth table do 11 4 do piano do; together with 4 4 Irish linens, soft finish, ed round thread and snnerior bleach. longlawnsdinen cam. brie and cambric hdkfs.

nonree silk do. cotton andailkho. si err. fine flannels, best do. 4.

6. 6 and 7 4 coiton sheetings, best ticking, floorcloth baizes, and mull muslins, black silks, crapes and bombazines, fcc. lei. fcc. The aiioveeoods aie of the best descriptions, and warranted in every particular.

For sale eery low, at aoiesaieana retail bv R. fc'A. T.ANE.ll and 18 Maideulane, Merchautsf oic neighboring cities and villages, ore re ei uiy in uea 10 can and supply themseive witn goou tjctta ijua.ny at me lowest auction price. nv WIL.L.IASJ. H.

WBUtUT, No. SO Front street oflera for sale HAVANA BEOAR8 33,000 Demi Imperial, entitled to debenture. 8,000 Uques.Canonea, do de PR1NCIPE 8EOARS. 130,000 Rendon SegarajTery auperior.ent. to debeatnr 80W0 Perex do do do do.

CHAMPAGNE WINES. Basket. 90 quarte, pint Juno, all very npenor, from the 9S0 6a. an da Venn. celebrated bousa of Van IS do Sillery.Jder Yecken, Frera Fila, Rhaims, 230 at 30 38 30 100 940 9 26 70 to do 30 do do 126 do do 93 do do do do do do 16 60 do Fountain do Tippecanoe do Anchor do Great Western do Pine Apple do Evening Star do Comet do Fanny Ellsler do Naxard do De Greasier do Champ Mosaeux All entitled to debenture.

CLARET WINE. 40 case Chateau Lafitte, r. 30 do do Clotaman fc Co. itamM BURGUNDY WINES. 76 case 8L George.

Chambertin fcRomanee. HOCK WINES. 60 Cases Sparkling Hock ALSO. SO hhdsand460 quarter casks Cortes varioua grades, paie ana goto, some very superior, unaer ua torn House lock IS case Sherry Wine, rerynperior 1 do Spanish Chocolate. do.

11 dox Madeira, via East Indie 6 do Lachryma Christy 10 bales Corks, pints and other. caaesglass Bead. jan31 MM pi. SCI11KI" FKLIN sV BROTHER, 14 M.M Front street, otter lor sale Alcohol 60 bbls Druggists full 90 per cent Alum 100 bbls Salem and Philud Blue Vitriol 10 bbls do Epsom Salts 300 do and hfdo Baltimore Castor Oil 30 bbls Virginia, No 1 Isinglass Cooper's, for jellies and blonc manga Powdered Rhubarb JM lbs India Quicksilver 10 flasks raleratu3t0 bbla first quality Sulphate Qninme 600 01a Saitoetre 100 kcara Boston reined Tartaric Acid 60 caaea Kidder's powder and ehrystala Kocneiie salts 30 ao ao in powaer Seidletz Salts 30 do do do Glue 200 bbla Cooper's, Philad and Albany Mornhine Sulphate, Acetic, pare and Muriare Mercurials Calomel, Corroa. Sublimate and Red Hydro rblim Calomel in ib bcttles, similar to tha Ungli Flares Bentaiu 700 or Frussiate Potash lm lbs in 60 lb boxes l.brrl nil 1m allons Glassware A full assortment of druggists white and a reen PAINTS Crrome Green Tiemann's, Baltimore and Norwalk, dry and in oil, direct from manufacturers Chrome Yellow Baltimore no 1 ana Imperial Ureen Tiemann's.

in 76lb cans Litharge 100 kegs alto and England Glass Co Red Lead 100 kegs do do Prussian Blue 1 lbs Tiemann's and Norwalk Rose Pink 10 bbls Tiemann's Spanish Brown 170 bbls Baltimore Vermillion English and American, of prime quality Yellow Ochrr 60 casks Baltimore and Vermont Venetian Red 100 bbls Baltimore jw31 A ItKX. uroaa street, nas oa nana anil i offers for sali LONDON DOCK AND PURE JUICE PORT WINES too hbds. and ar. casks of London Dock Port Wine, shipped bv T.J. Smith.

of Oporto. These Wines are the same as hinntil Iftr tne lohqqq cm, aci, bliu mme ui ir.em stl tin REX and REGA brand. as shipped to the purveyors of wines to the Queen of England. 60 qr. casicsav? eel pure juice run iue.

40 do dry Port Wine, brand A 8 10 do very old Port Wine 30 do white Port Wine GranePure Juice Port Wine 340 nr. casks ofthis very fine and rich Wine, now landing from schooner Boundary, direct from Olrto. All the above wines are siorea unaer ivunom nouseiocK nd key. Also, rort inea in ooxea. Junipitr Berries 30 bags Italian.

Furniture Oil Cloth 3 cases of a great variety cf hand some patterns. 1 1 1.1 I. rtair oeatiue 1 ctae ui ujicuu, uciiuu uitus ntu 8eating.for sofas and chairs, assorted widths an31 KDATKNT JAPANNED LEATHER, JL 300 sides Japanned Harness do 160 300 100 300 do do do do do do do do Belt Grained Horse Dash st Japanned Calf Skins. do do do our 1 ieet japanneus suiu. 300 Japanned Skiver Also, a quantity of Oiled Silk, for sale by jan3l GEO.

WATSON 171 Water s. ss lua rout street, oor. 01 Jones JI5 Lane, offer for sale Sumac 960 bags superior Palermo Ingham Ic Rojero branda 46b do Messina Almonds 30 bags soft shell Walnuts 10 do Sicily washed Argols 30 barrels and 30 casks red crude Citron 14 casea Marseilles Seed 76 bags Canary, 66 do bags Hemp Wines 63 qr casks San Placidb 160 do do and 40 hall pipes superior Sicily Madeira. of Tiinacriaand Colli brands Rags 160 bales Messina Manna 7 cases in sortsand small flake. Licorice Paste 160 cases Calabria, of Barecco and Morgia brands Olive Oil 143 casks of superior quality in iron bound packages.

Jan31 T., No. 69 Front street, offer for sale the 7 followinsf merchandii tMio Dags 01.1 uovernment Java conee 600 Sumatra do 100 Rio do eno Jamaica Pimento 600 Race Ginger 1000 heavy Sumatra Pepper, entitled to debenture 100 brls Cayenne Cloves do do 360 cases, 6, mats Casria do do 30 brls first quality Nutmeg 60 cases Manilla Indigo 30 reroons Caraccas Indigo 160 kegs Malaga Raisins 600 pigs Bancs 1 in 30 Manilla Cheroots, with a general assortment of TEAS. JanSI GUNPOWDER FOR STORTING 6000 kegs FFFG Kentucky Riile, J.dbseach 1000 13jlbs 1000 ojlbs 1600 FFO 34lbs 1000 FO 600 FFR for sea shooting, 361bs 5i50 FR 3ilbs 3000 cantiisters American spr.rting, lib 6ut)0 Indian Rifle, lib 6000 Kentucky Rifle, lib Cannisters packed in cases, ass'd, 251bs GUNPOWDER FOR SHIPPING 3000 kegs 36 lb each, Fair Lawn I00J lb Sato 13 1b 0v00 cannisters. I lb each All the above described Gunpowder ia mannlactured by f.oomisea Hazard Ic and warranted equal to any pow der made either in thie country or in Europe.

For sale to hippers and dealers, by A. G. HAZARD fc CO. 67 Wall st. jnri3l cornerof Water at.

rpoBACco JL sun hnas neni'icxr. common ana nne quality 30 hhds Ion; dark Kentucky 460 bales St Domingo, part wrapper 109 do da low priced 60 do do old crop 600 do Cuba, selected, entitled to debenture 10 cases Florida part fine, for sale by ja37tf WM AG.N'EWfc SON, 9S4 Front sL MliLTl'M IN PARVO. RING'S VERBENA CREAM is acknowledged to be Ihe most superior Shaving Soar now in use. The proprietor is well con vinced of this fact, by the increasing demand fortbe same. Tne article is much superior townal wasiormeny maae and it has only to be tried, ts convince the most skeptical of the truth of the assertion.

It makes a superb rich lather, has a fine fragrance, acts as an emollient, and leave the akin soft and moist after shaving. 1 ne lact is, mere is more real comfort in shaving with this Soap, than any other now in use, either of foreign or domestic origin. Ob serve the new label from steel plate. None genuine unless signed SINCLAIR, Proprietor. lot.

rsassau atreet. Wholesale bv Haydork. Corlies fc Thurston, Rushton fc Aspinwall, H. Schicffelin fc Co. Bailley, Ward retail by Stoutenburgh, Broadway Delavan, cor.

Broadway and Broome stjand Woodworth's, late Bonfanti's, fcc 016 JOSEPH McMURRA 1UO Pine street. Sew York, gives Dra'ts in sums to suit applicants on the Provincial Bank of Ireland, pay able at Corn, uannridge, Limerick, Ballymena, Clonmel. Parsontown, Londonderry, Downpatrick, Sligo, avail. Wexford, Luigan, Belfast. Omanh, Waterford, Dungannon, Galway, Bandon, Armagh, Ennis, Athlone, Ballyshannon, Coleraine, Mrabane, Kilkenny, utingarvan, Ballina.

Mallow, Tralee, Moneymore, Y'ougbal, Cootehill, Enniskillen, Kilrush, Monaghan. England Spooner, Atwood It Bankers, London, payable in every town in Great Britain. P. W. Byrnes.

Liverpool. City of Glasgow Bank, payable in every town in Scot and. Jan31 ARCHER'S PATENT LRD It AMPS THE CHAAPEST LIGHT EVER OFFERED TO TUB PUBLIC The undersigned, beg leave te state that they have pnrcnesed from the proprietor, the sole right lor the 8 ate of NEW YORK to manufacture and vend thecele hraied ARCHER PATENT" LARD LAMPS. Thisar tlcle ia unsurpassed for beauty and skill ot workmanship, and is decidedly the most economical ana agreeable ngni ever offered to the public. These lamps burn Lard, Wax, Tallow.

Oil. or any concrete aubstaace, lapidly reducing ibv means of a heated hollow tube) the material to a nuia. thereby sunDlving its own nourishment until the whole is consumed. The 1'gtit produced, is entirely void oismoxe or smell, adesideratum that has been long sought lor. Although we have belore ua some 01 tne strongest testi monials of practical and scientific men, as to its simplicity and economy, we forbear laying them before the public, but desire them to call and test the lamps for themselves All la Tips made by the undeiugned, are warranted to give satisfaction, or be returned.

nave constantly on nana a targe asrortmeui uiasnni, Mantle, Liverpool hanging, acd other fancy Lamps. Also.Jappaned stand. Brats, Britannia and Glass Lamps, in all their varieties. Shade, Chimneys, Lamp Glasses and Wirks. for sale.

Astral and common Oil Lamps, altered and adapted to I burn Lard. aicGRATH fc BARKER, No. 64 Jahn street, one door above William street. New York. Patent rights for sale, apply above.

Agent N.J. )a3tf ROXBURT 1NOIAN RUBBER GOODS, 43 MAIDEN LANE. The fabric ot thi tabluhment took all the first premiums at the resent fair, five in num ber, being made by tne aid or the heaviest ana most complete sets of machinery now in use in the United States, ana Dy workmen wnose great experience ana hiii euimo them to the very first ranlr in their profession. The com pany now uirecung tnis establisftrnent, commenu ias the verv best India Rubber fabrics of American manufacture, th articles furnished by this etblishment will ail ar the name of the undersigned, and be warranted. Orders, especially for heavy goods and such ss require great care in the preparation, promptly executed, at extremely low prices.

HORACE H. DAY. ja3S Successor to Roxbury India Rubber Co. INARMER9 AND GARDENERS, who desire convenient and cheap fertilizer to impiove their soiL these hard times, will do well to give their order for Pon oxxttx immediately, hilst it is to be had cheaper than ever, 31 60 cents per barrel, for ten Isarrels and over ol the best quality, oi 3 barrel fur 6, delivered on board vessel. CTJ Orders should be addressed, or left, with the eah, at theotfice of the New York Poudrette 119 Nassau st, N.Y.

Ja36WfcS MADDER PRINTS. cases of new styles low priced print, received thisdsy and for aale by CHAS. CARVILLE, 31 Pine t. I NSURANCE. Lose Islasd ImcaAHca Comtasy, No.

41 Fulton at. corner of Front Brooklyn, L.l. CAPITAL 200,000. THIS COUP AST continues to Insure against loss or damage by fire, on terms a favorable a aimilar inatitutiona in thia at ate, and all losses sustained by this Company, will be adjusted with liberality and promptly paid. i uas.

Joseph Sprague, George B. Fisk, Henry Young, Frederick Marquand, Peter Morton, George 8. Howland, Charles E. Bill, Stephen Haynea, Robert T. Hick, N.W.Sanford, R.

V. W.T home, ames Sheldon, Samuel Oakley, John Lawrence, W. Horace Brown, Nexiah Wright, Jarvis Brush, Freeman Rawdon, John H. Prentice, Charlea Taylor, John Rankina, Thomas W. birdaall, B.

W. Delamater, John A. Lott, Whitehead J. Cornell. N.

B. Applicationsfor insurance left at stores Noa. 19T and 130 Water atreet.or with Mr. N. W.

Sanford, No. 144 rearisueer, nrv i ors. win meet witn prompt attention. xtrooiciyo, jauuarv i4 z. JOSEPH SPRAGUE, President.

B. ALrtixra Sstith, Secretary. jat lmis fr 1FK INSCRANCbi. THE OHIO LIFE 1NBU JLal HA.tut A.ND TRUST COMPANY willetiectinati ranceon Lives, at their omce, No. 64 Merchants'Exchenge, in thia city.

The capital of the Company ia (3,000,000. Tabu (A Mfti oj insurance of tne kundrti dalUrt mn stngfe Lift. Age 1 year 7 years For life Age 1 year 7 yearsVorlif 14 73 66 1 63 3S 1 4S 1 70 3 Ot It 77 8 1 66 39 1 67 1 76 3 11 16 84 90 I 3 40 1 69 1 83 3 30 17 86 SI 1 66 41 1 78 1 88 3 31 18 89 0 1 69 43 1 86 1 89 3 40 19 90 93 1 73 43 1 89 1 93 3 61 30 91 9a 1 77 44 1 90 1 94 3 63 31 93 97 1 83 46 1 91 1 96 3 73 33 94 99 1 S8 46 1 93 1 94 387 33 97 1 03 1 93 47 1 93 1 99 4 01 94 99 107 198 43194 3 03 4 17 38 1 00 1 13 3 04 49 1 96 3 0 4 4 49 36 1 07 1 17 3 11 60 1 96 3 09 4 69 37 1 13 1 33 3 17 61 1 97 3 30 4 7 38 1 30 1 46 3 34 63 3 03 3 37 4 90 39 1 38 1 35 3 31 63 3 10 3 60 34 30 1 31 1 36 3 36 64 3 19 3 S9 49 31 1 33 1 43 3 43 66 3 33 3 31 78 33 1 33 1 46 3 60 66 3 47 3 66 6 06 33 1 84 1 48 3 67 67 3 70 4 30 6 37 34 1 36 1 60 3 64 6a 3 14 4 31 6 60 36 1 16 1 i3 3 73 so! 3 67 4 B3 7S 36 1 1 67 1 If 601 4 36 4 91 7 00 37 1 43 1 1 osl 3 601 I TnisUtt rcttding in Kaitrrn Utiict. Goold Hoyt, New York. M.L.Bev'uu, Philadelphia.

Rami. Hubbard, Boston. M. T. WILLIAMS, President.

8. R. Mills, Secretary. 4 H. D.DcLkLri, M.

Physician to the Company J. N. Pcaxms, Cashier of the Company, is the Agent in rsew xors. jam riTIIKCITYFIKK INSUHANCE COMPANY, JL OFFICE No. 44 WALL STREET.

This I omptny (vith Capital of $310,000 paid in. in cash) continnea to Insure Dwelling Homes, Ware Houses, and other buildings, Ship in port and their cargoes, MerchBndiae, Household Furniture, and other personal property, against Loss or Damage by Fire, as low as any other similar institution in this city. DIRECTORS Cyras Hitchcock, Richard A Reading, torneuus w. Lawrence, reter 1 tins, Josiah Macs Robert J.Walker, William H. Falla, Joseph W.

Corlias, John D. Wright, Amos Willeu, Abraham Bell, David Lyon, T. Cr Charles H. Northam, William Kellogg, Edmund Howe, 8. W.Goodridge, Hezekiah King, 8.

B.Grant, He iry Waterman, Ebphalet Averill. Lemuel Humphrey, atner omces. Jemes McBride, John Moorhead, Joseph Kernochan, Abner Weyman, Henrv W. Hills, Robert J. Dillon.

William Mandeville, John Brouwer, Hamilton Murray, Thomas Neamitn. Daniel Trumble, Thomaa Carpenter, Thomas Chardavoyne Henry A. Nelson, William Binlsall, Ralph Mead. Richard Field, Thomas Townsend. Elias Hicks.

Jr. H. A. READING, President. Secretary j30 HliOSON FIltE INSURANCE CO, of trie City of New York Office Nos.

and 64 Wall street, continues to insure all kinds of property against loss or damage by lire, and also against loss or damage by inland navigation eud transportation, on aa favorable terms as any otaer office in thiscitv. DIRECTORS. John H. Ilurtin, William D. Cuthbertron, Samuel Wetmore, John E.

ley, Robert L. Case, James Mulford. Johu Pirnie, Samuel J. Berry, James Rej ourn, Tobias J. Tobias, John J.

Van Nostrand. Peter Van Neat. Elijah II. Kimball. JOHN H.

HURTIN, President. Arent S. De Peyster, Secretary. IN51UANCK AGAINST PIKE ONLY. rBIHE PROTECTION INSURANCE COM PA A NY OF HARTFORD, insures dwelling houses, ware houses, buildings in general, merchandize household tumiture, mills, ana manufactories, on terms a favorable as other offices.

The following gentlemen com pose the Board of Directors William W. Ellsworth, Henry Hudson, George R. Bergh, Aa8hel Saundcra, Daniel W. Clark, Willis Thrall, Eldridge Cutter, Ellery Hills. Nathan C.

Ely, John H. Preston Eb Oilman. Edward Bollea, Robert Buel, Beniamin W. Green. ELIPHALET AVERILL, President William Corssca, Secretary.

or the renewal of policies, and all business connected with the office, maybe made to the subscriber, duly appointed agent lor the City of New York, with full power to receive proposals and issue poli cies on terms mvorau us mny omce in tins city. A. G. HAZARD. Agent.

No. 67 Wall jal6 corner of Water street. If I'TUAL INSURANCE Combined with a Stock ifM. Capital EAST hIVER MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, 49 Wall New York. CAPITAL 300.000.

This Company having been invested by the Legislature, with powers of Mutual Insurance. by wnich the assured, in addition to the security furnished' by the capital Stock, participate in the profits of the Company (witnout incur ling any responsibility) after the payment to the Stockholders of sever per ceat. interest on the capital, continues to insure against loss or damage by fire. Dwelling Houses, Ware Houses, and other buildings alto, on Household Furniture, Merchandire. Ice, including the risks connected with Inland transportation, on as favorable terms a DIRECTORS.

John G. Ilic'is, Joseph Kissam, Robert Boorman, Jacob Brouw er, Abiel A. Low, George Pomeroy," Edward Cnkhart, David Thomson, Xieoll, Henrv Cotheal, Wakeman Burntt. JACOB BIIOUWER, PrMilcat. GOLD S.

SILLIMAN, Sccre'enr. New York, May 33. 1843. jalfi 7J4TNTNA FIRE yVSURANCK COMPANY USld OF HARTFORD Agut.fa Office, No. 67 This Company was incorporated in the year ISIS, with a peipetual charter, and insures against lbs or damage by fire on dwelling house, stores, manufacturing establish.

furniture, and merchandise in general, on the most favorable terms. Any losses which this Company may sustain, on risks taken at this Agency, will be liberally adjusted by the agent here, according to the usages ofthe best Fire Compa nies of the City of New York, and paid with promptness, money current at tne Darks in mis cuy. This Company nac never contented a loss made in this city. But in case differences should arise, touching the loss or damage, the Company is pledged, by a resolution 01 tne ooaru 01 uirecrors, to aiiiiniit to aroitratorx inuii ferently chosen, or at thn option of the assured the jurisdiction of the courts iu this city will be ouAna ui uirtcui vnt. Thomas Brace Frederick Tyler Elisha Peck Griffin Stedman Samuel G.

Boughton Joseph Church Joseph Savage Miles A. i utile Walter R. Jones. Josiah L.Hale, Georce Griswold, Jonathan Goodhue, Elisha Riggs, Henry Parish, Thomas Tileston, Henry Coit, Charlea II Russell, E.D.Hurlbut, Joseph W.Alsop, John C. Green, Wm.

S. Wetmore, Augustin Averill. Samuel T. Jones, Lowell Holbrook, P. A.

Hargous. Edward li. Gillilan, Meyer Gans, Wm. fickersgill. 3Mh June.

James Thomas Samuel Tudor Robert Buel Ward Woodbridge Joaenh Morgeo Whitehead J. Cornell Ebenezer Secly Joeph Pratt B. Hamilton. THOMAS K. BRACE, President, 8.

L. Loohis, Secretary. Application for insurance, or the renewal of policiea and all business connected with the office, may be mndete the subscriber, duly appointed agent for th City of New York, ith full power to receive proposala and issue policies, eu terms as favorable as any otliee in this city. A. G.

HAZARD, Agent, ja.16 67 Wall street, corner Water JARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE The ivfl. ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, with a Cash Capital of $100,000 and Notes now subscribed on the Mutual plan for 360 000 $460,000 PerEons wishing lo participate in the profits of this company are informed that the company is now prepared to make Insurances on Marine and Inland Rirks on terms favorable to the applicants, ho art assured that the company will be disposed to settle claims with such promptness and liberality as to warrant a large share of the public patronage. The Board of Trustees have endeavored to furnish the insured the means both of safety and profit, and they trust. that when the plan fnr accomplishing this is investigated, it will be found satisfactory. Under the charter of this company.the excess of certifi catesof earnings, over $600,000, can be paid off auccesive ly, which is a resultthat will be looked Ior in a reasonable sns.

TRUSTEES George T. Elliot, James Mccali, Ramsay Crooks, Edwin Bart lett, Caleb Barstow. A. Pillot, A. Le Mnyne, Leonardo Snarex, Christopher R.

Robert, Ric ord T. Hams, Leroy M.Wiley, Edmund LfuTan, Daniel S. Miller, S. T. NicolL Wm.

F. Hsvemeyer, Isiah Lane, Josiah J. Henry, Wm Sturgis, Reuel Smith, A. A Low. WALTER R.

JONES, President. Josisu L. Hale, Vice President. JaSO 49 ARISE AND INLAND INSURANCE. The IT ft JACKSON MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, with a capital s'nek of is now doing business on a plan combining the principle of Mi'Tcaj, l.vsi aAitcs.

giving the atUrcJ a participation in the profits of the compa ny, with the additional guarantee of safety in the security furnished by the rdedare of the Camtal Stack. Thia company is preparedto make insurance on Marine amtlnland risks on the most favorable terms, and all losses win De liberally ana promptly a.tjus ea. Simeon Baldwin, DIRECTORS. Jnstus Harmon, William W. Todd, Joseph Fonlke.

Jr. Robert H. McCurdy, Russell Stebhins, Wm. Augustus White, Wm. Van Aradale, Anson Phelps, Wm.

D. Thompson, James Stacey, Dennis Perkins, Charles Kneeland, Edward Bement, Samuel byerly. John B.Lasala. Samuel L. Mitchell, George Collin.

Henry W. Barstow, George F. Thomaa, Silas K. Everett. Thomas W.

Gale, Thomas P. Stanton, L. L. Sturges, Wm.H.Townsend, Wm. S.Miller, Edward Stucken, Herman Oelrichs, Peter A.

Hargous, George Bulkley. SIMEON BALDWIN, rresiaent. JUSTUS HARRISON, Vice President. William W. Dibblce.

Secretary. A statement showing the investments of the capital stock will be open for the inspection of any person wishing to do business with the company. j30 WHITE LE AD, manufactured by the New York and Sangerties White Lead warranted equal to any made, on hand an.l torsate rjy COOKING RANGES AND HOT AIR FURNACES. The anbscriber offer for sale, at No. 331 Water street, gtimsrm'a Patent Improved Cooking Range, calculate! sa euectuai core lor (money caimnira, s.w nomy lu fuel, despatch in cooking, and especially for carrying osf the steam and other sapor, which axe ao offensive cooking apparatus ganeradJy.

Tnis range ia warranted to perform as aoove awnro, in all cases. Any iuformation in regard to the same can be obtained by calling on the subscriber. Also. Brvanl at Hermans, tin Air Tnnisrs. for heating churches, public buildings, dwellings.

Ice. Over 600 ol these have been put up in Boston and vicinity, and have given tuueni aatuiacuon. These Furnaces, erecua 117 the uoscruwi wia De wamnte.1 in all case. CHARLES FOWLER, Agent, 17 431 Water street. 2 TASL.KY'5 STOVES We would call the atten tionof the public to our NEW COAL BURNER, for wanning Halls, Hotels, Parlors, Churches.

Stores, Vessels, Ice. which rands unrivalled before the public, not only for its economy in the consumtion of fuel, but for iu cleanli ness, th beauty of its castings, form and ornaments; and oeing simple in iu construction, is easily managed, and not liable to get out of order. This Stove is constructed on philosophical principles, i as to radiate the heat directly from the stove and near the floor, which saves the expenss. and unsightly appearance of large quantities of pipe. In this consuls the great difference in Stoves, as to economy in fuel and 'heir healthful influence upon the atmosphere oi a room.

Borne loses large proportion of the heat by passing it into the chimney, others, to obviate this objection, radiate the heat by means af long ranges of pipe near the ceiliug. when the chief object, ao tar as regards economy and health, should he to dispense the heat as near the floor as possible. To corroborate what we have saia as to the superiority ofthe Coal Burner over any other Stove before the public, we refer the eader to the following CERTIFICATE: We, the nnr'ersigned, having used the COAL BURNER recently invented by Messrs. M. N.

Stanley Ic hereby certify that we have found them to be an economical, safe, and comfortable Stove and Uke pleasure in recommending them to the public, aa a suitable article for the parlor halL church, hotel, sail or steam vessel, and in fact, wheie ever beauty safety, and cleanliness are desirable objects. Coleman Ic Stetson, Astor House. Jus. Ic Geo. Brooks Ic 17 Ferry st Asa Gardner, City Hotel.

Mason Ic Thompson, 166 South it Randal Smith, No. 31 1'ark Row. Gilbert Davis, 43 Pine and 63 William a. F. Hederick, Fritz HoteL Riell at Arcularius, 3t4 Broadway.

Thomaa S. llaniblin. Bowery Theatre. Chas. McEvera, 3 Broad s.t.

Leary at Nos. 4 and Astor House. O. Michell, 8 Catharine and 478J Greenwich. Carvui at icx nroaaway.

E. Hopkin, 35 Ferry st. Henry 600 Broadway. C. S.

Benedict. 4 Chatham St. F. Clark, 47 Water street, John S. Summers, 37 Pearl street.

(rancisMann 101 Maiden lane. In our ROTARY COOKING STOVE, we have made some important improvements, viz a stationary iron oven covering the entire topot the Stove, which serves not only for baking, but to convey the offensive fumes into the chimney, and the boilers being enclosed in a hot oven are heated with much less fuel We have also added to the orig.nal Rotary, which Las always stood unrivalled for boiling and toasting, an elevated oven, constructed on an entirely new plan, which obviates all the objections offered to otherelevatedovens, and is considered valuable improvemenL Our PARLOR STO ts, nn loiaing aoors, ior ourn wood or coal, maiutain their former high atandiug in the estimation of the public, and are too well known to re quire particular description. in ad iition to tne aoove, we nave b.u.sll sjwiv ING STOVE, with an elevated oven, a cheap and convenient article for families occupying small apartments. Persona about to purchase Stoves tor warming or are solicited to call and examine our stoves before purchasing elsewhere. M.

N. STANLEY fc ail rso. aso water street, aew aorw. SURGICAL. AND DENTAL.

INSTRUMENT manufactured by WM. R. GOL'LDINO, 66 Gold stre A genei al assortment of the above InstrumenU kept hand and made to order, of the most approved patterns The dical professors in genei al, and dealers areinvi to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Syringes, stomach ana cupping pumps. spunu ana irac ture apparatus InstrumenU for clump feet andotiiar distortions, ou hand and mad to order.

Cutlery and Surgical Instrument repaired in the best possible manner, and on reaaon. ble term. References Valentine Mott, M. D. Granville Sharp, Patterson, Allied C.

Post, and John C. Cheese men D. j3U )IASO FORTES FOR SALE OR 11 IRE ss a variety of good toned liano fortes are constantly kept for hire West Fourteenth street, Dctweer. the Fifth and Sixth avenues. Also, a goou assortment cf new Piano Fortes, of superior anality.

with ill I octaves, of rosewood and mahogany, for sale at reduced prices. sv 1ABINET St UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE No. 666 Broadway, near Prince street Thesuhscriher has on hand, and is constantly manufacturing every artl I cle in the above lineof business, which for style and work mansbipis not surpassed by any in the city. ana wnicn ne will sell at prices lower than the same quality of furniture can be purchased lor elsewhere, person snout to pur chase or give orders for their furniture, would do well to call and examine his stock, as it consists of the litest patterns, both English and French, some of which cannot be found in any other archouse in the Lnited States. ja.MI KUtSCttl S1E.WAKT.

1tbAI WIIITC AND WHITE AND GOLD FRENCH AND ENGLISH TEA SETS The subscribers are selling their present stock of Tea Set at a great discount upen former price. Those wishing to purchase had better embrace the present opportunity. W.M. LEXT.609 Broadway. F.

LAMBERT fc Importer nd jalO Painters of Fr. nch China. Good IVc C. lal Tidings rwxHE subscriber is happv to inform his numerous cus JL tomers.that he is now fullv prepared to supply them with FULLER'S PATENT LIQUID OIL POLISH, for polishing Boot. Shoes.

Coach Harness, fcc. To mo sew no nave never useo tne 1111 ronn, ne win juu that it is nut nnin tincana.witha brush attached. by hich it may beappfiedWITHOUT LABOR. It not anly renew tne leather, tmtaaa trie Hiunr si logether tne most neautnul arucie ior renovating leoiner ever invented. It is particularly recommended for ladies' and children' shoes.

For sale by jyl3 GEO. WATSON. 171 Wtert. REYNOLD'S SUPERIOR TOKK IfECKD' LINEN AND CAMBRIC SIIiRTS The above ar. tides are manufactured with strict regard to eleeranre and durability, and have given the most unlimited salisfucticn to his numerous customers.

F. fi.hasbes'.owedthegrt attention on this garment for the lat ten years always selecting materiala of undoubted fabric, employing none but the best seamstresses, and never making up any inferior or slop goods. Oer.tlemenwiit ao well to can ai tne ou store, 10. ns Broadway, where they will also find a cheice assortment of Hosiery, ttnder Shirts and Drawers, Glove, Stocks, Cravats, Suspender. Blouse and Alorning coat, fcc.

dl CLIREHUGII'S TRICOPIIEROUS, or Patent Medicated Compound for the Human Hair, is acknow lodged by thousands, who use it daily, to be the ONLY REMEDY TO PREVENT BALDNESS, and to restore that hair which has fallen off or become thin to prevent grey bair to cure and remove every appearance of scurf and'daudrifffrom the hair, and to keep the hairin the most healthy, soft and glossy state, yet free from all oily and greasy appearance. What ia here promised will be warranted, undera forfeit of the prof. sijnal leputation of the proprietor is deemed sufficient that every thing Lke quackery is dis carded in prom of which, the proprietor ran lefer to hun dreds in New York, who have experienced the mostsuc Nrw Yoax, August 1, 1S43. Mr. Clirehugh Dear fir I have used in my family several bottles of yourTricopherous I know of nothing in my expel lence so beneficial to the hair, or so well calculated for the immediate removal of scurf or dandriff also for strengthening the hair.

A member of my family, possessing a good head ol hair, became, from a slight fever, rotten, and easily removed by the comb Your Tricopherons, by two or three applications, entirely recovered it to its wonted strength, and natural gloss and beauty. ours, rcspectf'il'y, A. C. CASTLE, M. Dentist, 397 Broadway.

Principal office, 306 Broadway, up stairs. Entrance for ladies, first door in Fulton street. Advice gratis in all diseases of the hair. c30 IT. IIANFORD, Architect, Sun Buildings, Jt Office No.

16, second story, (entrance on Nassau street Designs for every description of buildings neatly executed at short notice, ana on moierate terms, rer epeciiveviewsuf taildirgsalresdy erected accurately ta ken. Specifications and contracts for buildings prepared. Buildina sunerintended during their progress, and worst ing drawings furnished. Drawings of machinery for the Paientoffice and other purposes, also of bridges, executed with accuracy and neatness. iSl NEW EXPRESS LINK FROM NEW Y'ORKTO NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD AND SPRINGFIELD DAILY.

"AJESSRS. HARNDEN having pui chased if a. of Messrs. Hurlburt fc the former propneter of the New Haven and Haitlord Express Line, their right end interest in said line, and having ariangrd with the Steamboat and Railioad Companies en the said route for the exclusive privilege of running Express Cars thereon, would respectfully inform the public that they are now prepared to receive and forward daily (Sundays excepted) parcels, packeges, bank notes, specie, fcc, to collect notes, drafts, bills, and lo transact all business in each of said places, of a lixe nature to that which is now done by their establishment. A special messenger will accompauy the cars which contain iron sates.

All parcels to be forwarded by the above line most be maikrd 'Careol flarr.den Si Co." and sent to their otficea, as the proprietors ofthe vteamloat end railroad corporations assume no liability, therefor Messis.Harr.den IcCo. being alone responsible. All parcels intended for the above named place must be left at No. 3 Wall st at 31 o'clock, M. OFFICES.

J. M. Thompson. General A gent. 10 State atreet.

Spring field. O. A. Hamilton, State street, Hartford. W.

Webb, 60 State treet. New Haven. nSO HARNDEN Ic 3 Wall rtreet.N. Y. CARRIAGES nt st Redaction of 39 PerCcsit The undeisigned ha on hand a number of Lierht Wagons, with patent axles, and finished in the best manner and newest style.

Gentlemen wishing to purchase Liirht Wagons, would do well to call and examinethrse wagons. Also. Duiliiing a new and handsome style ot Roekaway Wagnns. with a higher finish and more conveniences than any others in the city Also. aecona nana wagon for sale.

Carriages repaired and done up the very best manner, at pr.ces to suit the times. Apply at JOHN C.HAM, Light Carriage seS Manufacturer. No. 199 and 301 Mercernreet. STRENGTHENING PLASTER, for the cure ol Rheumatism, Weakness of the Chest, Back or Side.

During the Fall and Winter, (ihe time of year hen we have such audden extremes of temperature) many persons are subject to colds, influenzas, nthmss, and otner affections of the breast and Lungs such persobs will pre. vent much suffering aud ill health, by supply ing themselves with one of these invaluable Plasters. They are convenient and pleasant to wear, and highly recommended by our most respectable rhvsicia Prepared and sold at the Drug and Chemical Store No. 3f 8 Bowery, three dooisbelow Prince street and John atreet, IS Y. Price One and Two Shilling each.

0l7PhysiriHCsand Familie can always depend upon obtaining Pure Medicines, of the best quality, carefully pre) arcd.accoidingto the most approved pharmaceutical rules at. T.R. HIBBARD'S Drug and Chemical Store. No. 3iS Bowery third door below Prince street.

ft4 nR. CORBITT maybe consulted confidentially at hisnftie riiinne clrn.1 rnm.rnf nitv Mall near Chatham street. Strangers are reectfully informesl that Dr. Corbitt is a member of the University of the City of New York, and that he haa exclusively confined his practice Irom being general, to the treatment of a certain class of diseases, (now over eleven year in the city of New York.) which engage hia entire attention. The an nalsol medicine do not record greater success than ia to be found in hi practice The Doctor cautions the unfortunate against the use of mercury, a it ha itsthouun.l.l victim.

Recentcasesarein afew day entirely removed Irani me system, per mat you ere juaiciously treated by a person legally qualified.and not by pretenders and nnacka aa there are several of them in thecity. Parsons afflicted with protracted and inveterate cases, need not despair of being restored to health, by applying to Dr. Corbnt. A practice of many eara has established the Doctor's reputation for skill and respectability The Dartn, re i asant and agreeable to the palate, and devoid of smell. The Doctorgiresa warrantee.

if rwinirerf Office sic wen airitugeu. mu inn tatweuiacan never meet. Btrictureseogasethe Doctor's profoundest attention. I medicine may be had to prevent a certain disease in any suionaa. OUce hour from 7 A.

M.tiil P. al ssll BANKRUPT NOTICES UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Cmr Hall, Niw York. IN BANKRUPTCY. JVbtite to show cause aeaitut Petition tut DAY ID TUTHI LL. Riverhead, Suffolk connljr, late Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, Feb rnary 16.IM3.U A.M.

jaUSOt PERKINS MCHOLS.ofthecitTofNew York, Commit sion Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Tnursdsy, Feb TtiarTl.IS43.1l A.M. i14 30t JOHN D.W. BRINKERHOFF.ef the city of New York, Gentleman, (and aa one of the late firm ot Walli Ic Company.) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 16, 103, 11 A. ial4 IK JOSErH FLEMING DONNEL, of the city of New York.Clerk, (and aa one of the late firm of Donnel fc Arge vine,) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 16. IS43.I1A.

M. ial7 30t HFXltY 01 the ciiy of New York. Builder, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February Id, 163, II A. 31. )an xOt T1AVIU VRF.DENBURGH, of Olive.

Ulster eonntv New York, (oneol chelate firm of William fc David Vre denbnrgh.) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 10. 1943, 1 1 A. M. jan sui WILLIAM coun tv.New York, (one of tha late firm of William fc David VrededbiKyh,) to be declares! namcrupi, a uuiaaay, reo ruary 16, ItVIS, 11 A. M.

1 7 Jut TABI.V.TDN VARI of thecltv of New Yoik. Build' er, (and as one of the late firm of A. Lock wood fc Com kin fc to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 2j, isu. 11 a. jasa vut ERASTUS V.

of NswYoik. Coun sellor at Law, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursdsv, February 33. IS43, II A M. ja33J0t BENJAMIN SUTTON. of thecitv of New York.

Man ufacturer, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 33, 1143, 11 A. l. jail WILLIAM 8. MACY.of the city of New Y01 k. Board ing House keeper, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 33.

Ir43.ll A. M. j3330t GILBERT BERTHOLF, of thecitv of New York, Cabinet Maker, to be declared BankruptThursday, February 33. Ib43. 1 1 A.

M. ia33 30t JOHN C. BLOOM, of tbecity of New Yoik. Clerk. to bedeclared Bankrupt.

1 nuisday, February 33, lk43, 11 A M.i ixiSSOt WILLIAM VAN EMBERGH.of thecitv of New York, late lie neclareo Bankrupt. ary 33. I43. II A. M.

ia33 3(M CARL KING, of the city of New York, late Metchant to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 33. IH43. 11 A. M. ia3630t AMORY GAMAGE, of the city of New Yolk, Broker, to oe aeciarea nanxtupt.

1 nurxuuy, enruary 33, 1H43. 11 A M. U363UI GEORGE ROOT.of thecitv of New York, late Mer chant, to be declared Bsnkrupt, Thursday, March 3. Is43, II A.M. ia36 3H WILLIAM E.HALL, of the city of New Yoik.

Clerk to be declared Bankrupt. Thursday, Febiuary 33. 1S43. II A.M. JASPER E.CROPSEY.of the city of New lork, late Stationer, to be declared Baukrupt, Thursday.

February 33. 1S43. 11 A. M. EDWARD VINCENT, of the city of New York, (and as one of the late firm ol Biett fc Vincent.) to be declared Bankrupt, Thuraday, February 33,1643,11 A.M.

ia ii Jilt GEORGE HENRY HEALY.of the city cf New York. (and aa one of the late 6 of Weston fc Healy and Jsggar REUBEN COMSTOCK STONE, ofthe city of New Tork, late Merchant, (and as one of the late firms of Kissam, Stone fc Co and Kiasam ic Stone.) to be dsclarrd R.i, Saturday. March 4 1843.11A.M. ja3j JAMES B. GLENTWORTH.

of the city of New loik. Merchant, (and a one ol the late nirr.s ou. i lcntwoitu at Edward H.Ludlow kCo Ludlow fc Glentwonh. to be declared Baukrupt, Thursday, February 33, IS43. 11 A.M.

jiaattiit JESSE W.BENEDlCT.of the city oINew Yotx.i una elloratLaw, (sndaaoneof tho late firm of Benedict fc Benedict, and Benedict, Benedict fc Watch makns) lobe declared Bankrupt, fiatuiday, February ia, lsii. II A.M. ia.6i0t WILLIAM W. BETTS, of Brooklyn, Kings county. New York, Clerk, to be declared Bankrupt, Tbuit luy February .3.

1313. II A jai6 .31 Creditors, that JACOB ROWE and ORRFN A. V.1L LIAMS.of Poughkeepsie, New Yoik, be declared irk Tknrsdav. February 33. IH43.ll A.M.

3i 101 JAMES T. 8TRATTOX. of the cuy of New Dentist, to be declared Bankrupt, Friday, February 31, 18U.1I A M. JACOB ARNOLD HOWARD, ofthe city of New lork late Merchant, to be declaied Bankrupt, Friday, Ft br iary 34,1843.11 A.M. JaiO jot ALBERT H.

DORR. of the city of New York. Broker, (and oneol the late firm ol A. il uorr a i ia wi cr clared Baukrupt, many, 4, is a. m.

Ia r. iOt CALEB F. GILLMF.R.of the city of New Ycrk, sah MuVtr.i and as one of the late Irm of Glllmer It Baushet to bedeclared Bankrupt. Friday. February 34, 1633.11 A.

M. iaiOiOt HENRY BAUSHF.R, ofthe city of New York. Sash Maker, (and as one ol the late uim ol Itiilmer ic Buiier.j tn be declared Bankrupt, rriaay, enruary X4, is4 1 1 a ALI.EN LIPPINCOTT, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. Grocer, to be declared Bankrupt, Satuid.v, February 3A, IH43, II A. M.

j26 EBENEZER T. LANE, ofthe city of Brooklyn, land as one of the late firm of Randall Ic LaneJ to be cerlaml Friday. February 34, 1843,11 A.M. ja Jd FREDERICK THOMAS, ofthe city of New Yoik.

Chemist and Druegi bedeclared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 3, 1M3. II A M. ja ,17 sot ALANSON UDELL, of the city of New Yoik, to he declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 3a, 1813, II A. M. Ja37 SOt THOMAS PERCY WATERS, of the city or Sew York, Forwarding Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February IV 1643, II A.M.

ja37 0t EZRA WIl.LMARTH, Junior.ofthecity of New to bedeclared Bankrupt. Saturday, February lSlt. II A. M. j'i'7 WILLIAM L.

HASKINS, of the city or New to bedeclared Bankrupt, Saturday, March 4, 1643, II A. M. jaST 30t JAMES McVILLAN, ofthe city of New York, Inte Grocer, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday. February 36, 1813 II A.M. jaJ7 3it JOHN S.

NUGENT, of the chy of New York. Wine Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, March 4, NS HA j37 CHARLES RADrLIFF. ofthe city of New York Ui to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 36, 143. 1 1 A.M. Ja37i0 MARTIN ASHLEY.

of the city cf New York. Gentleman, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 36. 18 :3, II A.M. jav7 30t THOMAS the city of New I oik. lute Clothier, to be declared Baukrupt, Satuiday, Fehmarv .5, 1813.

II A.M. j37 JOHN VALF.NTINE, ofthe city of New York. Machinist to declared Eankrupt, Saturday, February is. It3. 11 A.M.

j37 90t THOMAS WHITE, ofthe city of New York. Mason, (and as of the late firm of Kidder fc While to te declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 36, 1643,11 AM. Ia37 em GEORGE B. BOYLE. of the city of New Yctk.

late Merchant, (and as one of the late firm of Boyle (c Hum. phreys to tse declared Bankrupt, Saturday, Fchruxiv 36. 1813 11 A. M. ia37 ilt DAVID fc TURTE VA NT.

ofthe city cf New Yoik, Broker, (and aa one of the late firrtof Simon Rockefeller fc Co .) to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February JA, 1813 II A. M. ia37SOs JOHN KEELER.of the city of York, Commission Merchant. (and as one of the late films of 8. G.

Starr fc Company and Keeler fc Starr.) to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday. Februarv36. 1843, 1 1 A M. ja J7 Snt GEORGE H. GESSIP.of the city of New Yeik.

(and as oneol Ihe late firm of Grssip Co to be derl.irrd Bankrupt Friday, March 31, 1643 II A M. Ja37 30t JOHN CATLIN.of Tompkinsville. Richmond conn ty, to bedeclared Bankrupt, Satuiday, February. 36. 1M3, II A.

1. jaa siit HENRY MUNGER. of Ghent. Columbia county. Ne York, Inn keeper, (and aa one of the iate firm of Mnngi fc van ueciareu uanxiupt, Baturaay.r "iii arv 36.

ISIS. 11 A. M. Iai7 30t ABEL BRACE. of Catskill.

Greene county. N. (: rd as one ofthe late fit ms of Brace fc McKir.stry.and Cross ell fc Brace,) to oedeclarea nannrupt, Baturaay.rebrcarv 36, ISIS. II A.M. Ia3730t JACOB EDWARDS, id Allien.

Greene county. New York, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, February 36, ima, 1 1 a.m. ja JT WILLIAM FREAN. of Castlelon. Kicbmnnd county, New York. be declared BaukruiK.Fil Jay, Vnrrh 31, Its43.ll A. jaiTxm STEPHEN ROAKE, of Peek skill, Westchestrrcouiity ew iorK. ury uoo.i to De declare I Bank rupt, Saturday. February 26, 1843 11 A. M.

ja t7 Cm Creditor that JOSEPH CINN1NCHAM. of the city oi s.ew lora, uroxer, ne acriarea Bankrupt, enruary ai, ji m. i XX GIDEON TECK. of thecity ofNew Yerk.Brirk Cart man. to be declared Bankrupt.

TLuracay, March 3. IB43, 11 A.M. 3l3t JOHV P. JOURDA.of the city of Kew York. lUtt.

r. to De declared Bankrupt, Thursda 3. IS4, 11 A. ja3i trnt THOMAS SHEPARD, of thecity of New York, Black smith. to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, Marrh 3.

143, II A iot ASAIIEL JONES, of the city of New York.Cleik.'o be declared Bankrupt. Saturday, February 36, 1843, II A. M. ja.ti Tin. JOHN RUST, of the city of New York, Brokrr.tobe declared Bankrupt, Thursday.

March 3, A.M jaxi vt HENRY HANINOTON.ef the city of New York to be acciare nanainpt, i nursaay Marrh ii jl. 1 131 7lt CRAWFORD.oflhecity of New Ycik. Ver. chant, (and a one of the firms cf Jostnh I rawfjid St Son ana trstmia ac lieea,) to tie aeciarea uanarcpr. iiurs dav.

Match 3, 1SUJ, II A.M. jslism JOHN l.AWTON. of thecity of Nt York.Majn. (and aa one of the late frmof Law ton fc Baines.l to bedtclarej Ba krup. Thursday.

March 3. 113. II A. M. j3l if AMI IIOLUK1DGK.

Of Red ROCK. Canaan, iniumma county. New York. Mason, to lie declared Eankrupt. ttur day.


to thaw cause against Petition of NATHANIEL WASHBURN, of th city New lurchn 8ATTERTHWAITE. of the city of Nrw J.2a bild Bankrupt, Thnrsxlir. Mare EL1SHA New York.Clerk. and as one of the late firm of utile fc Sherwood,) be declared Bankrupt, Tnursday, March 3, 1643, HAM. fe4 30t Tork, BlKktmrtb, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday March 3, 1643, II A.

WILLIAM WINNE. ofthe city of N.w York 'lata Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday. Merck 1. ivajet JACKSON WHEELER, ol the ehy of New York Clerk to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 4, le' 1 1 OLIVER H. WATERS, of th city of Brooklyn Cm be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 11 A.

M. 2ot EDWIN of Astoria, Queen's eonntv. N. land aa one ofthe late firm of Edward Mills fc Co) to be declared Eankrupt. Saturday.

Mirch If, 113, 11 A.M. ftlot HOB BINS TRIPP, of North Castle, West pany,) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, Februaiy 16, I cheater eonntv, N. to be declared Bankrunt a.t ,1 A VI talt 1.01 I rm aa 11 A Jala FRANCIS HORTON, of Sag Harbor, Suffolk county. New York, Ship Carpenter, to be declared Bankruiit, Thursday, Febiuary 16. 1843, II A.

M. ja.7: 1it Th Creditors that JOHN MORRISON, of Hudson, Co lumbiacounlv. New York. Merchant, be declared Bankrupt. Friday, "February 17, 1S43, 11 A.

M. j3l Sot MORRIS MEYERS, of thecitv of New Tork, Trader, Thursdry.Marchl.le43. II A.M. fcoot "JAM1N WATLIXGTON. of Brooklvn.

ceunty.N.Y Mariner, to be declared Bankrupt, Thura. aay. March 3, 1643, A.M. IstOt to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday. February IS.

1843.11 TskTOTICK Tne k.nfor.1 tv. A.M. javixuy Atwenthe.ufccribersnnd.i.i..fifTi:ii:r JONATHAN D. WILSON, of Kinsrston.Ulster county. New York.

Hatter, to I declared Bankrupt, Friday. February 17. irsis, II A M. ja3l SOt GILBERT BOWNE, of the city of Brooklyn, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday February 33, lc43, 11 A M. ja31 sot HENHY LANE.

of the city of New York, late Merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February 33, 1843, 11 A.M. ja31 30t MARI.NL'S W. WARNE. ofthe city of New lork, Cedar Cooper, to be declared Bankrupt, Tnursday, February 33.1H43, II A. M.

ja3l SOt JAMES H. HAMILTON, of the city of New Yolk, Clerk, to be deeUred Bankrupt, Thursday, Fibiuary 33, 134 1, 11 A. M. Ja '1 PARTNERSHIPS. hoc kco 7 ons 1 aimivea.

wm. J. Hoe New Yt.rk. JONATHAN W.VINCKNT.ofSincertown,Co!urr.Via county. New Ynrk.blndent t.t aw, to bedeclaied Bank a.

ii jssmi BENJAMIN H. O'NEIL. of Shaarlalcen. I irerrotlnty. N.

Fanner, (and as on of Ihe late hem of il fc North, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 3 1M3, II A. l. ERASTUS BF.LDF.N. of Chatham. Colmnbia county.

New York, Blacksmith, to declared Bankiupt. Saur dav. February 36, 1843. 1 1 A I 31 3( WILLIAM V. MILSPAUtiH.of Mamakatlng.

county. New York. Tavern Keeper, to bcdeclare.1 Bank rupt, Thunday, March 3. IS13, II A. M.

js3l Jut WILLIAM BEYEA, of Memakaung, Bniuvan county. New Yoik, Miller and Fanner, to be declared Bankmpt, Thursday. Marrh 3. 1843. II A.M.

ja3l 30t STEARNS A. HOUGHTON, of thecity of New eik find as one of Ihe late firm of Hon ton and Shailer)to bedeclared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 9, IS43. II A. M. fl 30t JOHN M.

Tork. Farmer.lo be declared Bankrupt, Thursday irch 3, 1 84341 1 A. M. I 3iit iriti'sr 1 nw ctAVkORD. of Ihe city ol New Ycik.

to bedeclared Bankruj March 4, 1843, li A. JL fl 30t SAMUEL ROWE, of Windhani, Greene county. N.Y. I.ahorer.(and as one ol the 1st firms of Rowe fc Psire.and 8.1c I. Rowe, to be deciarea Bankrupt, isi).

3.1843,11 A.M. 1 301 wii ftiM ADAMS, of the city of New Yoik. Agent. to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 3.1343, 11 A. M.

I sot WILLIAM MOLINEUI, ofthe city of New York, Printer, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 3. 1 Ml, 11A.M. HM DAVID FROBT.of the city of New York, Hatter, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, March 1343, 11A.M. ft30t the city of New Ynik, Merchant, be declared. Bankrupt, Thursday, March 3, 11 ji.

wi. 1 1 NATHAN H. CORWIN, of WalkiU, Orange Coacty, aw, rtmier, to ue acctatCa Bankrupt, 1 jiursaa' Much 3, 1843,11 AM. fSOt I. 1 be settTsd by either oTihe The sunacriber hacriber continue fc CO.

JONATHAN STURGES, WM. AS. ROE, JOSUH S. BENNET. have lomd a copartnership, and will business under the Dim of STLBOF.S.BENNET "URGES.

JOSIAH 8. BFNXFT. k' I a ri BENJ.G. AHXni New York February 1, 1SU. frt tw SAMUEL HOTCHKIN, ofthe city of New York.

late I 1MITED PA ICTNFRSHIP Nir lahere as one cf the late firm of Baldwin, Hotch I I i I pureuant 10 ilie act retatmr 10 limid part ni un.serf;r:fu nave lrmr1 a hmited rsl ip. si.tliliai the terms ot sai partocisuip sue as falow I. 1 l.e name or firm under which fl.e said partnership is I inMicte 1 1. liraprr A laik i. sue cceiai nature of the I usuieaa intended to bo tlanstrlrd it I iiui wrusn eign an.l lkmrnmie Kr.w Halm lrf Hw, Ac 3.

D.Tperan.l ItaAie; P. I lark are the gen eral 1 antlers, ana aioi zo Dr.ser i the special psitner in Ih sskI 1 anuerJ.ii.,wl,o iCftHsciively In ihe est of 4. The said A lorxs Draper, aa enrh ar tlil partner, h' rni.iiii ire "ia 01 iro llK'Uaand dollar in cash to tho ww Mm iniertlilli. Ti tai nartnert mmencesnn the assth tyl rbiuary wiU m.inate on lie firth day of Feh Nrw Yoik, Februaiy 6.ISI1 Will 1M c. DRAPER.

PANIRL LaHK, fes43t DR APER A CLARK have taken the at No. 160 Peirl street. ftlw I IMITKD PARTSFRIHlPNohesis hereby A riTen.that the ttitM tinued their limited partnership, formed pnrsiunt to the uiiean tneatsi rnapteroftbe 3d pert of Ihe Revised Statute of the state of New York, for tho 7 rai cosamisooa nd produce business, and hirh rxpirrs on Ihe first day nf February next. That eaid renewed and continued parsnertf.iT. will he conducted inr nrm 01 JAMf.S S.

BROWN, and ior the transaction of a genei al rr mmission and produce tsuai ness, in which, Jasae 8. Brom awresidirg is the city of i P'nner, ana Knn Xcble. Ilsimon Ncble.and BrldVn Noble, respectively residing in the town and county of tsaex. and state of New Yoik. era ibs parmer to tne comsnon stork of whk the fc Healy,) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, February I said Ransom Noble.

Harmon NeMr, and Brlden Noble 33, 1643. 11 A. ja I rontriuuieo tbrve tbouund three hun died and thirty three dollar ccdthirtv lhrre and one third cents, in ch. The said renewed and ecutiried mnstr. hip commence on the 1st day of Frwrcarr, 1843, and will as uy tn em ary im.

iicsi iti aay oi jatiuary. IMS. James's, brown. ransom noble, harmon noble. BELDEN NOBLE.

PpilK und rsirned, Henry Van Wvek. and Jraeph awrettee. hereby yenmle.e. this the 1 a binile.1 pannevh uoder an purenant tn Ihe ptisrssion) n. ia uit ani me i aie ol fir Vork that Iho mid pa tnerahip to be cordurlt under Ihe name or firm 1 1 llenr.

Van Wvck thai the (eneral na ure of Ii isiiiis) inlrn le.l lo be trmn arte I IT the taid rssrt ner.h.pia, Tli Aucrion and iiiuii.m to carried en ia th ciiy nf iliat the ta.1 Heorsr I. neral panner interened in llie i aiii.cisl if. and Hiss rtmefes in fie sai I city of New n.k and that the said Joseph lewtvaee. is the special sneer interest the eud and thss he also reside in the ait city ol New York; thai the eaid eneclal oarner.ihe eaid Jo. Uwrenre ha roosiil.atrd the eoan of Th rtv fivethnunnil dolltraa rapiial to the cnanna rrrk the pa tn rabip.

which sum ha beeat art ually i. bv bun Pi rash; and tM ihe id partnerablu ia la thia February, one Ihous od eg lit and fbrce. and terminate on Ih fr dxv Febrjary.oue thousand eit ht hundred and fjr ty six. Oa e.1 New Ynik.ihe fourth day of February, one thotr eaml cisht hundred ainl loriy tl re. HENRY VAN WYCK.

(r JOfPII I.AVskKHIE. XT OTICK is hereby giv that me inilrni i.ed have a limited issimeskhin. Tmrmiant itt laiii.s tn hunted i anii rehips.anoiuat the nuaof Ihe aaid pai itereh.p are a follows to be carried m. i iainue: C. Ogden 2.

Tne general nature rf ihe buaineu iiueitdril tn hn transactc.1, tsageceial sucrcaniile and ecwunerctal bui 3. Samuel olcn. rf New Orleans in th l.ii Miia is the oiy gen ral psiiiMsr; acd llertnaa Le ll NiwboUl, of ol Wnt cbesier. its il.e county I Uci, l.eM. ol New York oniw pai liter ti a.

td partnerliip. sue ki iiertu i.c ic. isewttoku. aa smch pceial rofilril.ulcd Iwcn ihnuaanl e.nii.iv.ii a oi tiie Kj 5 The hairlpar iiertliip islo Cunuuence Ihe list day ol and toleio.lite on U.e niat'y of De 47. 1 he unders ned, injalx.ut tn (ortn a pastneridip "iu rtuun.

ii.Ijui "or liuiiud nxrtnrrslun. iin.w caruetluti by Ihe said Saniurl Ogdeu at New Or ran a would state. Dial il above notice su enceto thai partnership, anil is not intended a a n.a.rt any luiiliercr niber aitiieriiip or coonrxMsn between i eone ao niteucea to be es abliitied and lormcdal New Orls anr. New oik, UeccuiL er 1. 1S42.

ein. OGHEN, HERMAN I HOY NEWBCLD. J1HE undersigned. in pursuance of Ihe provisions of Revised Statutes of th State of New York, do hereby certify that they have harmed a limited partner ship, under the name or firm cf W.SCHMIDT and VO wrc inai tne general nature or the business to be Iran. acted is the buy ing and wiling of anerchandlie en cam micttun that John William Schmidt and Maxiasiliui Vo gel.ekchof hem reside in the city ol New York, a.etha general pai tners; that Frederick William Schmidt, who reside at Hsn.bur.

in Oersnany is the (uecial raitner that the said Fredenck William Schmidt hath contributed" the sum of Thirty thousand dollar a capital toward th commcn stock and that the said nartnerahin ia ta Bienceon the thin) day of January, in the jrat one thousand eight hundred and forty three, end will era mate on the thirty first day of December, in the ear one thousand eight hundred and forty five. Dated this thud day ol January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three. J. w. SCHMIDT, MAXN.

VOGEL, F. W. SCHMIDT. J47wd (by B. McEvers.

his Attorney.) 1 IS1ITED PA RTNKKSH IP Notice i hereby given, that the undersigned have agreed to renew and continue the limited paitnershin. heretolore termed nd carried on by them in the ehj ot New Yoik, under tha riame snd firm clEZRA WHEELER, in which said Ear wneeler, is the general partner and Levi lav lor is the pecial partner, which aid limited partnership would 1943. on 1 January, The aaid Ezra Wheeler and the said Levi Taylor, do hereby certify. that the name wider hich raid limned it to be conducted ia "EZRA WHEEL! that Ihe general cat are of the business to be conducted nd transacted is. a Wholesale Grocery and Commission business.

That the said Exrn Wheeler ol thecity cf N.w ork feneral partner.and the said Levi Tay lei.m ho reside in the city of Phiiadelphia. ia the special partner and that the amount of capital stork Inch raid Levi Ty lor contributed to the comsnon Mock is Fourteen Thousand Dollars that the period at which the renew ai or contism anceof the said limited partnership at ta tako etTect and commence, ss on the firat day of January eighteen hundred nd forty three and the period at which the same I ta terminate. Js the first day of January eighteen hundred and foit New York, Dec. 31st, 1943. EZRA WHEEL EH.

Ja3 8w LEVI TAt'l OR. notice i hereby s.vcn. urtuai.l fire art a r. Unve lo parroershirvt. tlati a itwi'ed ranner hip (.

imrd by li.e, iiM naine 7 f. AI I INWALL. cou.r.r nrii on til II., IMi and 3 )e Th Gardiner ll.iwian an.i (saotuel S. and ihe tp cul run er.

vrul have each coturib i.t!,euin of oi.e l.iio.lie.l aitl fi ty thfiutai dollar to ihernmn nn Kinrk ilitirolin rash; bat H'i ham A pirwali. Widiaui E. II. and and AtNawal aia each gt neral partner ia il.e sad panneralup thai general nature of il hujmesVurtei ded lo benanaacied ty Ihe aaid pancerslup. cr mrrcia.

mriranti and con' i. usnas, llieir icspecuve places of re i is l.erl rf New York. UJtca dial clay of lcceint r. 1542. .31 Cwl UTIC" COM A WM.


I S. t.r 1 A.t i. O. Ill IW LAN II, 8. i HOWLAND.

sSt tjClttCNKCTAUt RAILROAD COMPANY Thirteenth Dividend Declared New tice Is heieby given to the ork bolder as ti abeye named Company that a eni ecnual dividend of Fiv Dollars on raclsthare rf stock heid I them ha bt a de claied ami made payable on tha first dsy of Frbtoary next. stockholders Lose strck is registered in the city of New Yoik, mill pply for their divtoenos at the eflseefor the registry and nanrlesof Ihe Company stock, at the rhenix Bank in raid city; and stockholders whose eteck is rt gisteird in the city of Albany, will apply for their dividends at Ihe Albany City Bank, in that city. Dated Albany. Janoery 18. le 43.

By order of the Director. GIDEON HAWLfcY, Treasure, fcc. jv34 ilFlO sa. "Hit. sse.SAe.isir GIVES, by tha a Iicicli focit ly of New Ynik.

that they intend to In lo the Legialainra of Ihi 8tie, at hi present essfn, tor an ret ra aubManre, vesting In them lit curate given or intefhled to he green by Lewis erombe dstaed, the poor ofthe Frencls communuj of New hi ks wi'laad testament. New York, January S3. 1813. i ScSf jk.) S. in Itfc htret fiven.

tliat general meeting of all 1' Ihe ei editors of Bei.janiio C. Ictoooover, aa abacos nir. preoneealed debtni, will be held at tit 1 fflee of A Moi.c r. io Hie vil ag of Oweo.ia ihe county of Tican. oai inefrt.

day of April nest, at one o'clock ia tLo arientcam at which I as and place the "aid creditora are piesent Ih. irsrromts and cWrjenrle for and aiaatm tha said lrhir ttr a ljuamei.t. The mount of mooey in hands. ihe trustees, will then and there ba rleclarred and afivirlend made amnrgst alhtsoe creditors who aball have xhil ited Ibcir clanua a creditor, and what debt shall have been ascertained, ia proportion to their rasneeuva dtuiar.d. FRANKUN SIXrSSON.

JOHN R. BI'CHaNaN, ALANSON HUNGER, Trusses of the te of Hrniamin C. OwetTmgtrounTy.N Y. Jan. 10,1843.

f2tA OOKISO GltABBKSt ItOOKISG GLASSES I for Exportation nd Chy Trade llWPER Ic BROTHER 3 Prarl 1 sre FrJkuno0. tuiers of Gilt Mahogany framed Ijmkin Glrale. of l' A Piin rn. ent p7.

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