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Buffalo Courier du lieu suivant : Buffalo, New York • 47

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
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BUFFALO ooumErK; SUNDAY.1 DECEMBEB 3,1 1916; i imC I It ii 1 I titW Jti (01 Ml 7 -T 1 hwfe- i ---i 3 ---r-jp'jrT -Jirtji ry rjtr-r rmj rrM ir -t- Sk-Bfcat. 1 k. is i YOUR BOY will his future be How are you helping to mould it? is the most important influence Jin his life, right now? What 'What Do you remember vour boyhood days? What do you recall A few games, but rather companions. AU LUi- i BJWfi i hazily. Your school work, more hazily.

Possibly a few of your boyhood; these, though, are hazy recollections, I But, strong and vivid, you recall many of the ibooks you read, many of the characters in those books! I' i ii; i i 1 I You can name a dozen of the books right thisi minute! You even; remember the names of the authors. The mention of Huckleberry Fim still gives you the samq thrills of admiration, pleasure and amusement that you! first felt oi making his acquaintance in Mark Twain's sparkling pages. That old book hero was mighty ireal to you years ago, arid others are just as real to your boy today! I I I The mind of youth is quick to grasp impressions imagination is i strong I in the boy. He must have an ideal a hero some goal to which (he aspires. What lie rads during these years is helping to mould his character; helping to! decide what sort of jmari he will be in the years to come.

the hollow of your handP Do you realize that your boy's future is in You can guide him right, help him to choose the right sort of reading reading that will give him high ideals and real inspiration. j' And nothing you can do for your bby will be of so tnuen benefit to him in after years as inspiring in him a love of good literature. Boy or man, whoever loves; to read, is never lonely. Every book shelf offers companionship; time never hangs heavy. jj 1 ii ii You may not have much time to devote to selecting the right literature for your boy to read you may not even know just what will interest him.

But there are those who do know. Men who have given years to studying tjoys what they want what they enjoy what will be of most benefit to them such men comprise the editorial staff of Contents of Christmas dumber nvv1 Ask your boy what he thinks of this list i I -II ft 1, This is only one issue of the twelve. It viH give you a fair caue of what the others are like. The Tounsr Man' and the Law. A message from William Ho wardTaft.

One of a series from national lead- ers, pointing the opportunities in professions and businesses. if j'l The Christmas ThatWoulda't Postpone. By Clarence B. Kelland. One of the regular holiday features that Just tingles with the season's spirit.

i The Lesfonarr said the Lion. By Harold Titus, The first of the 99 "fie biggest, brightest, best magazine for boys in alt the world Cover. "To Grandpa from Jick." Painted by Norman Rockwell. Blunderer's Buried Treasure. By C.

H. Claudy. Laid in the cares of Virginia. A story of adTenture, mystery and character. The Sacred Buffalo Hunt.

A serial by James WClard Schultz. A true life story of two Indian boys. Mark Tidd's Citadel. By Clarence B. Kelland.

A serial of the funny fat boy, full of mystery, humor and action. Boys Who Ued Their Brains. The boy who believed his head worth his hands John Wana makerby Judson Stuart. One of a series of fact stories that will help point a boy toward succesi The Boy Conqueror of the North-By Walter Kellon Towers. An article about Charles XII of Sweden, thrilling adventures of "Michael of hm Unirimm I I i the MOTiea." 1 Regular Monthly Features Excursions In Experimental Electricity.

By Terrell Croft. Scien- 4 tific knowledge aad interesting experiments forlhe young electrician. For the Boys Make. By A. Keely Hail Something useful for a boy to 4a with his haada.

How to Make Money. Practical hints for boys, and articles telling how boys are making money. Novel Inventions and Natural Wonders. Tfca scientific advance cf the world in words and pictures. The Fhotocrtphlc Contest, Opsn to all subscribers.

The American Boy Conteat. For the boy who wants to write, bringing forth helpful and interesting -experiences, Funnybon Ttcklera. A para of laughs In words and cfsvar drawings. The; Stamp Collector. A mcpthly page for the boy collector.

I Puzzles. A department of brain ticklers. The American Boy Correspond Theophlhu Jonea First Caae. By Every issue of this true-boy periodica! is brimful of things that boys like rattling good stories, clever pictures, sports news, handicraft suggestion's, pcientific information, and so ion. There isn't a single field of Activity which interests boys from 8 to 18 years of age that isn't interestingly covered in The American Boy.

That we have hit the mark of achieving the interest of our boy readers is proved by the fact that each month more than 500,000 boys eagerly await the arrival of The American Boy. I And that the contents of this magazine right for boys is proved by the hearty endorsement we have received from thousands of Y. M. C. Al' secretaries, librarians of public libraries, religious and public school teachers, parents and others interested in the welfare of boys.

Haynsworth Baldrey. A myste rioos and, thrillin etecore story ins del yal of ortraral portra, crime and without sordidness Prizes. By Gardner Hunting. A i story that will interest a boy in the great game called Business. Over the By Charles Bord- man Hawes.

A ririd storr cf ad- who conquered Poland and much of Russia while yet in Only $1.50 Will! Make Your oy --u nis teens. -r How to Trap. By Dan Beard. A fascinating, practical article by the 11 Tenrore in the North Wooes, Basra sad the Sand Flea. By Dennis H.

Storall. The story of a boy and Year agazine-Happy For A WhQle greatest outaoor-ooy man in ence Club. i an automooue. Fifty-six pages of Instructive and attention-compcUIns matter Tvelve nsT.bers cf The American Boy contain the equivalent cf, seven Ions story books, seven votenres Think of that for value! Can you picture anv other investment so profitable? A present that not only Beans a merrier Christmas, but also means real pleasure for all twelve months of trie year. The American Boy is a clean, straight, strong boys magazine By supplying good, enjoyable literature, it instills a love cf reading that is invaluable in after life.

It enccWages, inspires and instructs the boy the vj Miuii siurtzs, two voazmes oj eznieucs ana pnysicai caimrei a vol ime eacn cr nisrery, wooacrcft una nuiurs smaj, science, manual zraiwng, ana two on ers of new tnteresting Items, end fully illustrated equal to twenty-two volumes tvennons. pnotcrapny, uunorend worft at host $25, alt far $1.50, while it entertains mm. Its influence for good is positive tfirectj It makes for manliness and strength of ciiaracter. Give Your Boy This Ail-Year i neat This advertisement will not appear again. Fill in, cut out and thail with $1,50 today He's entitled to his own magazine just as you and mother have your And you'll know he's i a i THE SPRAGUE PUBLISHING CO.

Nc. 42 American Detroit, Mich. -i i J916 me iimencan toy maxes ine aanaiesr Kina 01 cnristmas present, mat son, or Dromer, or nepnew, or grandson, or cousin, or the little fellow down the street or riext dcjor, will have twelve months of Christmas joy if you send $1.50 and tell us to send him The American Boy for a year twelve bright, inspiring Herewith find $1.50 for which send THE AMERICAN BOY for one year, beginning with December 191G, Christmas issue to umbers bi'j2er brighter than ever. Use the coupon. Name i i i Street arid Number, i That couDon will brine the srgest measure $150 a year 15c a Copy at News-stands City.

JStatc i of Christmas joy a bo evjer, had! Donor's Name and Addrcss- If you want a Christrnas Gift Card sent t6 the boyj pat a cross (X) in this square THE SPRAGUE PUBLISHING GOiMPANY i 42 American Building Detroit, Michigan taaiasaasnai wt nin a www as awaratsac Mm a mmm trma a)a a 1.

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