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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • 3

Springfield, Missouri
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THES0UTHWE8T TO ATTACK WAD 1U0 in Jasper county but also in Ba: (ountv frnm wlilr uiniMtin rotv COH but the telephone URNISHED ROOMS Minn it that tile plans will be returned and iung remedy Kogers Baldwin Hardware CHRISTMAS LIST of bar vil! take I 't STOKE OPEN ns EVENINGS DR WIENER DENTIST Removes Dec 15 to 300 South St next to Meh! Anderson 4 1 Sets Teeth $5 to $12 Gold illing's $1 up 1 UrUhiua isetrjr Tut baM a puii in the Court rt the same pro rata committee was ap three tons of coal purchased and de ci Blggy charge cf theft of a house last leading to being trunk riday CONIRMATIONS I WASHINGTON tioauk at doctors New York Tenant Retel XTW YORK Dec A A BAND OR COUNTEREITER ARE WORKING IN COUTH WEST MISSOURI BY Dee The Young Christian Acsccla tlon Suspend ManuMrturtra and Oirtributir 3d tr Cu jy nu ort Utt) Iiuic Cjm' flutrltlrru Ct i is tLu Ve Zo es ffitMUl Phfot with a dis her Rifles Carpenter Tools Machinist Tools Wagons bkates Stransky enameled Ware Albaugh May Recover TOPEKA Kas Dec 1G Morton Albaugh's physicians expert him to recover since ho has outlived the shock which immediately followed the breaking of a thigh bone Saturday He was very restless last night but the physicians say this was to be ex pected He sent to his office for read ing matter this morning letter at last roared tn be a vfr trie and yr fterday a meeting of the I teimnts was rolled and it wag decided rari luira three teas of co anti de duct tje price of from the rents A pointed and today at $10 a tun were llvcted to tlie apartment house As the Janitor has been freezing to death in the basement and his wife I is ill from cold lie willingly undertook ti feed the furnace The landlord will receive checks for the current month's rent minus the amount tributes! by each tenant past rew days now murji better Hubert Lxir Is aix inu di luiprua cd fiura iv re pttr ck uf fever ancy Mercerized Hop Sackings 50c yard A Crepe Etainine Oxford weave handsome mixed shaded effect Combination colors of pinks greens and black and white Brigtstou rwlkr ullU jil ship loti of tbv iwxt ot week DM tuber Mr Polly Ana iudvr wife a ender Mra uauer bora and reared uer Uriykt a devoted church member The remain wm Intel ej in the cejitud Huhut fur btfuj uajf (0 ter band Doesn't Wart to Be Prince BERLIN 1C Count A TIMELY TOPIC At this season of coughs and colds Is well to know that oley's Honey and Tar is the greatest thrnnt It rilT'C Ml vpuvnm ullU prevents serious results from a cold Sold by Stancil Denton and XV Crank Drug Co Ha 3 ihy Makes It easy erk Lie Policy will prove ubia and acceptable Christ Plain Mercerized Hop Sackings 50c yard A line line plain colors in mercerized hon sacking nines rvn fira rose reseda royal gobelin white and black Mercerized Crystalines 25c yard A hne £llttr si'ik cepe effect Has a beautiful mercerized finish AX nite crepe ground with mercerized stripes of olive castor black A lazy liver makes a lazy man Bur dock Blood Bitters is the natural nev er failing remedy for a lazy liver AH other fillings 50cts aJnless extracting 25c Teeth extracted free daily 11 to noon auid 4 to 5 bid or bids placed as called fur die' to bn payable to the president of the building committee check to HOLIDAY Mrir i niiN i Martirtd Cal used and tecotrmc rde Tnblrts because there Is noth the and Countess Von Buelow took luncheon today with the i Bissell 9 Bearing Carpet Sweepers II Dztis of Hampton Va I doctored dve years for dvr pepsla but in months I got moT benefit from Dyspepsia Tab lets than In five years of the tit ctor's Phil Brooks Detroit Mercerized Nattes 40c yard oteu exactly like an IriUi with stripes of revering Colors are Nile green light Liue rose yellow old rose grev Th trboot aud Uttoru of tn Gumbo MhfiijJ dlstikt will btv a I Chrlwnu tn th hool how in that dtotrict Christmas Mrs Healey and Wa! 1 (t are till very low with typhvid Mercerized Oxfords 50c yard A fine Etaniine "round fabric in tinrv ivravr I 11 rt I 'J li I IU 3 witii Stripes and figures in red blue castor black and Persian effects Mercerized Satin Liberty 40c yard A beatitifu! td inch mercerized fabric rn nlaln cm! rf piw ii xys UllV kiikk stripes and dots in Dark Mercerized Etamines 35c yard A fine mcrcerizml Etamine fabric 27 inches wide Colors run to pink liglit bhte white black 'A'hen tie stomach won't work th whois body suffeis as evirv tis uf the bouv uetends cti stomach fur nourisbrrert and I cl 1 If the tomaeh Is ak Inscti'v 'n 1 unable to properly digest feud it i cr only subjects the bud to a state of chronic setnl rtar eatlou ur habitually half fed condition that weakens ft and rende It lets productive of and less resistant case lotting matt rial that is th poison to it and taxer the atne organs to expel it from til? bodv Thus it will be seen that tre incon venience and distress the disturbed 1 rest the horrors of Insomnia end the 1 dreadful cap: Kes of nightmare are th" must Insignificant part of and that eal danger lurts bcipnd condition ew people sc em to realise the 1 gers of veak defective and disorder ed cligstion Health reports do I give It as a cause of death cause I some other disease sets In to work de structive changes only made possible by the Imperfect digestion and death Is accredited tn tlinni There are many medicines on maiket Intended to correct and McIntyre St who has been troubled ordered stomach says lain Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken" or sale by all druggists I Mercerized Novelty Silks 50c A fine sliken mgreerized fabric rivaling fine ntdanl xilbs Tb material haw been thc roughlv scoured and shrunken makiti" thc 1 Ji' ill iliiv 1LJUH I() fO U) I mini TV XVlt Wiitt 1A linet 'v wu ivur HdiJi I lam gruitnus 'jt green grey and white with beautiful Persian stripes Brighton News BRIGHTON Dec The rains of the past few days have swollen the streams almost out of their bunks and made the roads next to impassable Britain proprietor of the I Library Building Springfield Mo Sealed proposals for the erection uf a library building at Springfield Mo will be received up to noon December 25 1902 at the office cf Reed Heck enllvely architects Springfield Mo according to plans and specifications prepared for same by Patton Miller Chicago and Heckeulivelv' Springfield associate architects Plans and specifications may be en at the office of Reed Heekenlively Springfield Bidders st tiding for plans must semi check for twenty five dol lars if required as a guarantee be returned when plans have been returned guaranty bond required each bid to be accompanied by a certified check for 2 per cent of esti mate owners reserve the right to re ject any or all LID DR ULLER President CHARLES A M'CANN MURRAY Building Cummittae High Class Mercerised Waistings meC demand of our patrons for new Cot ton Waistings of a high order we instructed the importers from whom we purchased these goods for coming spring season to forward a shipment to us at once vfTSe neW Waistings go on sale to morrow at the White Goods SzcUon on second floor The following fine styles may fee seen Lunch Counters for Eritcnc storjius LONDON ee I can quick lunch bars are suurtiy tn bo opened in London Already tha appetites of business men and clerks A Mew in the neigfihboihooj of the bank and a most sc: the Strand have been cxcltad by the 1 mas present ts the whole family and announcement that thirty kinds of pie! If it would bo inconvenient for you to will bo served daily besides other rr make ycur first payment in cash Mr tides of food plain and fancy The Jerome 3 Boarman the bars will be run without waitsre the general agent will give you 30 CO or customers helping themselves and pay 90 cays' time in which to make this ing for what they rat There is much payment Later on the company will Interest In watching how the Araorl return every collar to you with Intn I can habit of eating rapidly while est added' trot I nounced that Buckfoct gang went up against the strong arm cf Mei'avley was evening a statciiniit to Burcess end in eorn pany with Al Williams i ame to him and aaid they had the money and wanted a hatchet to open the trunk A telegram received from Spring field stated that Hetfernan had been arrested at that plate and warrants were Issued for the arrest of McCau ley Heffernan and Williams charg Ing them with burglary and larceny Williams Is said to be In St Louis and Officers Ennis am! Jaclmon left for that nlace last night Tin will probably return tomorrow mi'ining a ha? worked I suffered for frt is out am now en enjoy life as I never 1 gladiy recommend Knawlng the need In the city ror mocerr furnished rooms lor men nave urovidc in their new building 27 such rooms new ana clean with steam heat and eiectric fight and baths They can ret be equaled in the city Now ready Inq'e at the building a 1 I'pS'Afi Carthage Democrat: Epedmt vf urlotts cola ll lewd lo fiu the work I Cf a Land nt counit ifi iteia working In Sciihwvit Mm i wrr? fftthThif tai In Carthagu yesterday and toieJ 01 sml Mrs tling to Ln excellent Imitation of tha i ltta sk I nil rA 1 1 out rcne are so safe so economlcai I so concenlert so effective so satis factory so popular as are Dyspepsia Tablets Whether the dvs pepsin is of long standing Is onlv a case ot temporary indigestion gi'e prompt and ironounred yptjm cf Jvart trouble and came i ir tncie was a sympathetic re ll tijii between the two diseases or Irathrt lUii the stomach trouble was the cautr fig disturbances I hit UDCT1 Tcklnin lor a remedy and invested a dollar I and a half for three boxes which lasted Vvza hvA at uiuiuna auu i can eat any ii ui moo i want and have a good Higus appetite Although I am tea cit en years oid I now feel ifll and witnout being re ito ted any one I make this state ment us a compliment to the virtues cf Dyspepsia Tablets" Henry Kltkpatrlck cf Lawrence Mrs say and women whose thrv upaticu precludes an active outdoor IiBf Hfe should make it a daily practice dr regular use for a time will nu Io JS0 Dyspepsia Tablets after forms of gastrir nenffi iem rn I mc als I nave done so rayielf and I that I uve my present uUd to their daily use lne i ho time I was 22 when I grad lurtid from school broken health until I was 34 I sesree ly knew what it was to be tree from stonidtn Weakness I had no appetitt) Whatever for breakfast and very little for any meat I had acidity and heartburn neatly etery day and some tl izs was alarmed by irregularity and paipitation of the heart but all Ibis gradually disappeared after I began using Dyspepsia Tablets and I can eat ray meals with relish and ealsfactlcu which I had not known ince was a growing If your stomach work try ftrar Dj isa Tablets be con tract i of their merits AH druggists 11 them at Hue a box Once tise them and yum will become their advocate and the Harve The facts han arrest are he propaganda today upon recom MeCauley 'mendation of Cardinal Martinelli alto to the decided to prepose to the pope the ap pointment or the Rev Regis Crnevnl rector of St Paul's cathe dral of Pittsburg as co adjutor bishop 01 Pittsburg There was a large as semblage of cardinals at college of the propagan la to consider the an poiutntents Cardinal Gctti presided or gastrir nsuffi lem tiai good mgerttoii will wait on petite and healtl on By promoting pmtoct iiig ion tissues and rtriierure? nr' better I and take cn healthful activity blood breoires lieb the fl sm and iirni tbf iwrvos the bright the skin dear the ind alert and cheerful and one begins tn fc! the lust of the joy of mere Lv inf Mr Tloinar Seale fays: Stuart's Ing like them to keep tight Mr I I A Thousand Worth cf Good A Thures a well operator of Buffalo writes: "I case hits attracted much navo peen atrllcted with kidney and bladder trouble for years passing i grave! 1 pain I got no until 1 began taking Cure then the result A few doses started like fins stones and pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man It has clone me $1000 worth of good" Sold by Stancil benton and Crank Drug Co A Welcome for "Lotus Guds" JAN DIEGO Cal Dec popular reception wa given to the 11 Cuban chlldrvn who hav arrived at known coal the Point Loma homestead and whose ntientlan I he affair was held at tlie Isis thea ter which was crowded Mrs Ting I lay Theosophlst loader and founder of the Point Loma brotherhood calls the children her biius" WERE MONETT BOYS Aiuutfit Otar uniCvrS Jackson yesterday afternoon arrest i ft 4 iHaoaX Vf a nd I ru I xuyob cULuauitj uu utJisnup James Quigley of Buffalo ft Ci 1 1 1 1 1 UU aiinuisnup Ui llicago Hl succession to the late Archbishop ee aceom 1 I vu uu Ivke me tc tr a jTad ts anti fun genuine A number cf tb coin iv raid to le la drcnlatlun in the ritv aad their source arousing no end cf sim ulation Many Udleve a baud ucli has known before thia county to Lt the menufatturcr hud dUtrihutoi of tiling uptown and Hie false product The nney seen landicrJ who cannot or win not ke here yesterday was a tounterf It dol 1 Xbetr apartment Ioum arm ar lar So cleverly molded and i i pired feeding iiina Dm the movement fl frk lib ilmntl nl i 1 51 Ivw (K3j Tha usual lead color and lightness I03 wst 1 Jlot far trom had been skillfully avoided an from the tenants have been com i appearance at a glance the money ap laicing of a belt of heat tut the lared good Its comparlaon th turned a deaf ear to their the genuine however produced a I vowed that he could not get I tell tale revelation the coin showing I Poal toughed when the price id a slight east of green not sva or the a ea WC! cuoted to him in varlont Pjjei oniiitary dollar known whether the veil jf he counterfeiters has vxt tided to the niftuufucture ijf Lilia as none Intve Ji been discovered but it pinbable 7 that such is the case It Is expected CArt that officers in the employ cf the gov ffci eiument will Le asked to csrlct In ae ferreting out the makers cf the I seudo coins and developments cf a irtTX 1 sensational character are looked for The operators are at work not only rten vuuniy rrom wiim uumeious reports tf the fake money's appearance Lave Leer received gTO ATTACH BUCK OOT'S WAD I Carthage Press: According to th? ftdj lav of Arkansas when a man Is ar zSsl rested he can be searched and all his yyij personal belongings held It Is an 'oJa emperor and cm pt ess wnen tnu supposed vtuum curing me visit ms maj esty handed ite chain of the Royal Hohenzollein order to the chancellor The emperor had Intended to elevate Count Buelow to the rank cf prince In recognition of the successful passage cf the tariff bill but at Count Buelow's request this idea was aba ndoned Count Posadowsky Baron Von Tbielmsnn and Baron Von Richthcfi respectively home secre I tary secretary of Imperial treas ury and foreign secretary also have received decorations tor their efforts In connection with the tariff bill TUB IELD REl LIClN WEDNESDAY MOnXrW' nttRMRPn or stones with excruciating from medicines oley's Kidney was surprising the brick dust now I have no Rogers 1847 Plated Ware Beef Carvers Game Carvers Bird Carvers ocket Knives Razors Shears and Scissors of Assyria hae sunt rtl fromr and five gave me only tern Mr Barro ad Stuart's Dyspepsia boxes dm me more Lian all tnc 1 ifi ine: that I have ever I Ki Hoag of Wymore Nb iitrs six yean I have been tioi'uled with dyspepsia Last fall I ibccame eiy mu alarmed at some SENATE 1 I Iftct masters Indian But ler Vinita Poole Chelsea Searman Tulsa XVilliam Ha gan Marietta: Everitt Madiil Smith Poteau: rye Sal lisaw XX Keller Coalgate Arkansas Hall Stuttgart Anderson Pocahontas Kansas Nichols Atwood the law there last week $35009 was thus taken away fjgH from one cf them supposed ts have been the notorious Robert Boatright himself and Attorney XV Curry or xv cbp city representing seme clients who have obtained or want to obtain judgments against the gangwent to Hot Springs Saturday at 1 tach the $3500i)i He was to report In circuit court at Joplin today wires were down at the court house and results could not be learned by tho Press Two New American Prelates ROME Dec 16 The conereeatlon Ennis and of the propaganda has decided to pro pose to the pope the appointment of I implicated in the from night sulrtantlaily as follows: auu xiunv iivuei nun vtni i hotel one day last week and asked for a lean of $5 from rank Nehel who owned the trunk and Saturday morning after the robbr ry Heffernan could not be found uot arrested until and ho tlion made Pi recent ing Attorney said that Harry I lefiorian I jQ 1 1 is Ki 131 i55 S5 St 1 i i i i i A 1 PI BSy KO Vfr 4 Wra to 1 i iJ XX I U' 'v XvvfHik Jfc f(vs 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 kJ i ly j' 1 IJVdA S)V ii 1 A Vraa 1 1 u'v MA WJ ri 'it L' Vi ar SBSsBSK? Shotg i Cl 0 3 0.

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