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Globe-Gazette du lieu suivant : Mason City, Iowa • Page 16

Mason City, Iowa
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Oct. ms City, towi Methodist women set self-denial CLEAR LAKE The Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will observe Octv 30 as the "Call to Prayer, and Self-Denial" day. The Syiil be "Attempt Great Things for God" at 2 p.m. in the church, following the individual circle meetings. St.

Patrick's to serve turkey dinner Tuesday CLEAR Joseph's Circle met Tuesday in St. Patrick's Church hall. Mrs. A. D.

Moeller, Mrs. Ted Elioff and Mrs. R. A. Winkle were hostesses.

The circle discussed the annual turkey dinner to be served next Tuesday from 5 to 8 p.m. at the church. Father .1. a guest, announced the Mason City Deanery of the Archdioccsan Council of Catholic Women will meet Oct. 27 in St.

Patrick's Church Hall. Mrs. Jones, Clear Lake, will be installed ss dean- cry president. Mrs. Robert Benncy introduced Mrs.

Helen Rycrson, a new member. Mrs. Jones led the lesson on "The Rosary." The Next circle meeting will be a 1 p.m. potluck dinner Nov. 30 at the church.

Mrs. H. F. Murphy is chairman and Mrs. Avery Lauber, co-chairman.

Leaders will be Mrs. Lauber, Mrs. Robert Turnipseed, Mrs. Amos Wood, Mrs. Don Eastman and Mrs.

Ruloff Roberts. Mrs. Don Garlock will lead the service of giving. Sacrificial gifts will be placed in flowers and put into a garden at the fool, of the altar cross. Projects this year are overseas mission, medical missions around the world, in-service (raining for nurses, medicines and hospital equipment and, for home missions, a new library for Scarritt College in Nashville, Tcnn.

woman is asked to save over a period of time and make a sacrificial gift as well as offer prayers for the workers in the projects. The "Call to Prayer and Self-Denial" is one of the oldest observances for Methodist women, dating back to 1887. Mrs. Robert Ockcrman and Mrs. Kenneth Swan arc in charge of I altar arrangc-j ments.

TILE LINE INSPECTION Hancock County supervisors appointed William llcnschen, drainage engineer, to make an investigation on a proposed improvement on a tile line in Drainage District 57 petitioned for by George Goodrich ct al. ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parmcly, Lament, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Margaret, to Leslie Rac Golien, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Golien, Clear Lake. The bride-elect is employed at Easter's Super Vnlu in Clear Lake. Her fiance is produce manager at Easter's. No wedding dale has been set. Use red dye to check water How HAIUUSBURG, Pa.

(AP) Federal hydrologists have injected a red dvc into the Susquehanna River to measure the water flow. Clayton D. Kauffman an engineer with the U.S. Department of Interior Geological Survey, said a harmless solution was injected into the water at 11 points. Conduct memorial for Wallis CLEAR Gray, Berkeley, district deputy president, spoke to the Rebekah Lodge Tuesday evening in the I OOF Hall cm California lodges.

Mrs. Gray, a daughter of the late Val Wallis, said she had the honor of being on the initiation staff for the installation of the national president in Chicago. Mrs. Henry Klmmel, Mason City, another daughter, and Mrs. Gray gave a gift in their father's memory.

Mrs. John Jacobs, Mrs. Oscar Spencer, Mrs. R. J.

Nelson and Mabel Roberts were in charge of memorial services for Mr. Wallis. Mrs. E. A.

Bump was pianist. Mrs, Harry Olson and Mrs. Waller Popkcs sang. Mrs. R.

J. Nelson, international color sergeant of Ladies' Auxiliary, Patriarchs Militant, was introduced. The lodge is invited to Founders Night at-Britt Oct. 28. Mabel Roberts was elected delegate to the assembly at Mason City to replace Mrs.

Beryl Hanson who resigned. Clear Lake may be stop for bus tour of AFS CLEAR LAKE The American Field Service (AFS) Chapter met Monday in the conference room at the; high school. Mrs. James Kennedy, projects chairman, reported that New York office of AFS is considering Clear Lake as one of the stops for the AFS, bus tour next summer. The decision will be verified in early January.

Mrs. Kennedy also reported on the public reception held Sunday in the Methodist; Church for Clear Lake's foreign student, Jose Costa Souza, from Brazil. A discussion was held on the activities of the high school AFS Club. The decision was made to add more members to several committees of the chapter to create greater interest for a larger number of people. EL RIFAI DIES AMMAN, Jordan (AP) Amman radio announced Tuesday the death of former Prime Minister Samir El Kifai, aged about 70.

Rifai had headed many Jordanian governments. His last Cabinet resigned in 1962 after losing a confidence vote in Par liament. CLEAR Club has 238 members it "was reported at the meeting Tuesday in the Congregational Church. The goal is 250. -The program was given by Donald Schoenbaum, ad minis- Woman's Club has 238 membership SHOP -N SAVE "Where ore Low on Brands You Know" Our Pleasure Is Serving You.


Hospital gets $600 from auction Approximately $600 was realized for the benefit of the RiceviHe City Hospital by the auction sale of the house- Hold goods of the late Mrs. Ethel Hendricks, according to C. C. Noble, cashier of the First National Bank of Riceville, which clerked the sale free of charge. A large crowd from many outlying towns attended the sale.

Jim and Bus Eastman, auctioneers, gave their services for the afternoon toward the benefit of the local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chapman, Pinedale, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. Hendricks, gave the hospital board half the proceeds if they would handle the sale.

Members of the board include J. B. Hendricks, Mrs. Carl Rasmussen and M. E.

Messersmith. Short course scheduled at Salsbury's CHARLES CITY A poultry short course specializing in chickens is scheduled for Oct. 18 to 21, at the Dr. Salsbury plant here. As in former years key personnel of the plant will lecture and there be representatives from as many as 15 different countries attending the sessions.

At last year's course some of the countries represented were Taiwan, India, the Philippines, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, England and Canada. trative assistant of the Tyrone Guthrie Minneapolis, which cost $2W million to build. The repertbrie theater has four plays weekly with many famous personalities participating. Scho enbaum said the primary purpose of the theater'is entertainment, not culture. A film on, the history of the theater and excerpts of plays was shown.

Mrs. Milton Duesenberg gave the. meditations on the end of summer. Caryl Olson sang a hymn and three'selections accompanied by Mrs. Ray Den Hartog and Mrs.

Elgin Morris. Sarah Senior, new librarian, thanked the group for the warm reception and spoke on the activities of the library. Mrs. Gordon Willard was appointed scholarship and loan chairman. It was announced the ceramics class is working with tile.

Note paper decorated with Iowa scenes will be sold. Mrs. Jerry Dwyer was pro gram chairman. Mrs. E.

L. Eaton was tea chairman. Fund drive begins for Retarded LAKE Retarded Children's annual Fund Drive is being organized in Winnebago with. Mrs. Robert Nickson, Lake Mills, in charge of the east half of the county.

and township captains who will be working under her are Mrs. Carroll Carson, Foresl Township; Mrs. Wally Cox, Newton Township; Mrs. Wayne Escherich, Scarville; Mrs. Erling Brudvig, Norway Township; Mrs.

Richard Gangsei, Center Township; Mrs. Cleo Langfald, Logan Township; Mrs. 'Gordon Levad, Mt. Valley Township'; Mrs. Howard Herwig, Lake Mills; Mrs.

Robert Fitzgerald, Leland. These captains will have their solicitors canvassing house to house during the balance of October and the first part of November. FRITTERING AWAY Not a nice thing to. think about but could be doinp just that if you don't have a regular savings program. Paychecks have a way of disappearing into thin'air.

And your best intentions to save often get postponed until the "next time around." But there is an easy and sure way to save called the Payroll Savings Plan. And it works automatically. You just ask your employer to set aside a small amount from your check each payday to be put toward the purchase of a U. S. Savings Bond.

For example, just $4.33 a week sulds up to the $18.75 you need to buy a Bond every month. More than likely you'll forget you even set it aside (A pretty painless way to "feather ytxir nest). way, those few dollars you never see now will be keeping Junior in tuition and textbooks later. What's more, they'll be working for Uncle Sam to keep the world strong and free for his generation. So why don't you point your willpower in the right direction! Join the Payroll Savings Plan, and see how you, too, can be a reformed fritterer.

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