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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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TEN TiV Pif rghf Court V. HOW YOUR RATION BOOK NO. 2 WILL BE USED AFTER MARCH 1 MMajiiMiiiiiiiaiiiiiii ft ill li 1 lira ifl iii if Hi JK. 1 I li It ii lasi Hi liii II Is? Mrs 1. Every, eligible man, womarv child, and balrr in the United States is being given War Ration Book Two.

(This book will not be used for sugar or coffee.) 3. The stamps in this book are POINT stamps. The NUMBER on each stamp shows you how many POINTS that stamp is worth. TM Orsus Absvt Mad UM Uttt sV mm Wkii. mr.

al iMm hrfhr ISSlltSS, wtmt sm Mks swjsts St mw Out Srisk tot sbMt ytu arm nu tMi mim. icsls sir Mrnt Sflnr Irtt sS am It Aur sal SuS ssS Ssb MS Srtl cars. winiiSB. hihmim s.ia. Ma.

Oil, trMtmMt. Cmto rtv Otam mm. H. UIit mi wist Hfkt Msm nut sws ns. Sfrv Say.

ZH vm.f sa mmn mmmt IM rwr HSU. TSY IT I If It Inm'i Ms. mni Um stttlss. Wrlti ru' sasw asS aS Srru ss SMtSl ind la Dts't Mil wrr swstr sra. fay wfcts ss sat all tha asaSt.

Is a Mall coupon bow. FX. fa San, tiH tat Ms aMstk tUa uai i MaSawra Seals FsnmiU. StoSaia Hat Oil. Crsaat Oil.

Skamsaa. Mtsals Fmflss OH. tall tflrtttltaf sua htt tasifitt il MtSala Pact ft Sit as PtrfwN amJ Ox Missis Basklrt. Pn tM sastsiss sslv S1.9S slm casU ssttasf. IHa a ancM aaS aat asaalirtaly SattaStaa.

ajaaa sack. Wrtttaa Suamrtaa caaias rlO all vast aaaSi. Witt sawi oeorgt Peick. Gold Hedii Hab Co. esrr.

pn. avenue o. Brooklyn, n. y. 4 ST" I I I I FOR MEN ivor.iEH SEND HO MONEY Here Is a quick easy way to test "LUCKY amaxiac new hair preparation, without risk to you.

8 END NO MONEY. Just the coupon below. Whesi yoer paefcat; of LOCK BLACK FENNT arrives, pay Mo deposit to your postman pins Use LUCKY Black PENNY." Try it! See for yourself what amaa taf results It will produce. Then tf not satisfied, return In 10 days' and YOUR MONEY WELL BE BETUBNED for. the 1 askiar.

1 NUMBER SHOWS POINTS 4. The LETTERS show you WHEN to use the stamps. The year will be divided into rationing periods. You can use all BLUE stamps marked and in the first rationing period. and stamps cannot be used after the first rationing period ends.

nnfin ONLY BLUE and STAMPS CAN BE USED IN 1st PERIOD VEGETABLES ARE RATIONED Every, week' we re tending, shiploads of canned good to feed oar 'fighting men oar fighting allies in Africa, Britain, and the Pacific islands. We matt see that they, get all the food thej need. ATIONSOOKS FOa ALL 2. The BLUE stamps. are for any.

kind of Canned or Bottled FraiU and Vegetables Canned or Bottled Juices and Soups Frozen Frulta and Vegetables Dried Fruits (The red stamps will be used later for meat) Bess9 Secrets 'Bout Good Thing To Eat By BESSIE II. GANT thine to let the youngsters of to day know how the problem of meatless days was met tnen. You'll find these menus nutri tlous. but economical. Try these menus this weeis ana you nna you don't mind doing without meat so our Doys over mere can nave all the meat they need to meet the Axis.

FOOD FOB VICTORY Vegetble Soup Baked macaroni and cheese Thee Quick Stages Works Almost Instantly OR NO COST At last! A sensational new discovery not only straightens short, ugly hair dux also makes Taded. dull, off color hair look beautiful with a new Jet macK coior tnats lovely to behold. isow. no one need miss out in love, romance and Dooularltv because of urty looking angry hair. Simply rub a utile blach rENNi," as this new discovery is called, into your natr and scalp.

Different from growers and greases, LUCKY BLACK PENNY not only straight ens ana dresses tne hair but also actually colors' the hair to a youth iui appearing jet duck snads thars tnruung. MAIL COUPON TODAY BR. LUCK'S CURIO Dttt. 85 M. 1 308 M.

Mlckisas Ckicsia, III. I Yat, I wauis Ilka ta fast "LUCKY BLACK rtNNY" at raur ruk. SaaS a bai mm at I laaca. I'll Sasaslt 50c slus 107. Fasrsl Tax) wiet pastauM slut aattast chaitaa as I SXtrarr If sat ntiiM, tt't inaSmtaaS ll caa rttoa tha aaasatS "LUCKY BLAACK sas MONEY WIUiBE RETURNEO! IHt nw asaias.

Chact Sci if yaa with 3 baxas far $1.00 Am 105. FcSaral Tax ta absta ritas. SAME AB0RESS ltlllMMl errv mrv Mli is. Mil AND SOUPS We at home will share all that is left. Point Rationing will be tued to guarantee 70a and everyone a fair share of Americans supply of canned and processed fruits and vegetables, soups and juices.

HOW ttey zro rationed 5. You must use the BLUE stamps when you buy ANY KIND of the rationed processed" foods. See the official list, showing every kind of rationed processed' food, at youf grocers. Different kinds of these foods will take different numbers of points. For example, a can of beans may take a different number of points from a can of peas.

RATIONED FOODS IaHw rLil tniii Frotts fwai mcm Mm tM Smm enfWt MfeM IM a Ttv Bncm) Bess Recalls Food Shortage Problem Of World War I Dear Readers: The list of menus I'm publishing this week are some I had used during World War I days. I had tucked them safely away and the other day while lookingover some old papers. I ran across mem. i can them "Food For Victory." Sinee we are again faced with the problem of stretching our food I thought it would be just the Celery Graham Bread Chocolate cornstarch pudding Custard Sauce Cream of, celery soup with croutons Pried lima beans Buttered carrots Betty rl 'If Pitt' pea soup French fried' potatoes Mashed turnips Sliced oranges Bananas Pineapple cookies Cream of tomato soup. Crackers Fnfb ViUbiH Mcm BtFms Of course, the more of anything you buy the more points it will take.

For example, a large can of peas takes more points than a small can. 7. The Government will set the points for each kind and size and send out an Official Table of Point Values which your grocer must put up where ir. til 1 you can see it. ine lyovernment win Keep careful watch of the supply of these processed foods and make changes in point values from time to time, probably not oftener than once a month.

The Government will announce .1 V. 2 UCNI (2 nucu IV 1 makes them and they will be put up 'in the stores. 8. The number of points for each kind of processed food will be THE SAME in ALL STORES and in all parts of the country. WATCH THE OFFICIAL TABLE OF POINT VALUES POINT VALUES OF MOST POPULAR CANNED FOODS GRAPEFRUIT CRAPEFRUIT TOMATO PINEAPPLE TOMATO CRAPE JUICE SOUP VEGETABLES CONTENT SIZE OF CAN PEAS 1 lb.

4 ax. CORN 1 lb. 4 ax. TOMATOES 1 lb. 3 az.

ASPARAGUS 1 lb. 3 sz. SREEN BEANS 1 lb. 3 az. SPINACH 1 lb.


lb. 14 az. lb. 4 az. .2 lb.

14 az. .2 lb. 14 az. .2 lb. 14 az.

.1 lb. 7 ft. .1 t. 2 lbs. az.

POINTS 16 14 16 14 14 11 21 21 24 10 23 32 32 17 15 6 Baked potatoes, spinach Prune jelly, thin cream Salted peanuts Rice and nut croquettes Scalloped tomatoes, brown bread Ripe olives Floating island Nuts, raisins Potatoes O'Brien Peas Nut bread Celery and apple salad, mayonnaise dressing Hot soft gingerbread, whipped cream Cream of spinach soup Carmel sweet potatoes Stewed corn, rolls Apple pie Cheese i ti Rationing I Protection For You WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 Point rationing which gins cn March 1, protects the American family because it provides a fair distribution of scarce goods, and the re moval of stamps from War Ration Book 2 for all in ex cess of five cans of food per person under the point system is not a penalty, Miss Frances Williams, Office of Price Administration rep resentative, told the annual meet ing of the Baltimore National uoi lege Women's Association last week. In no case will a consumer have more than half of his points removed in any month, Miss Wil liams explained. It was pointed out, in answer a Question rrom tne auaience, that the benefits of buying In rea sonable Quantities were retained under the system. One of the rea sons ror Duying in quantities was to cut down the number of trips to the grocery store.

Another was to cut down tne price or articles, and a third to nave something on CHILDLESS VOU lay COPY iWiVES hi Who Wish BABIES Doctor's Information SENT FREE! 1Mb an MhaaaS st asaw tha fasMta ersaas Is raliesabla ctJaaal sterility may ha astistsS. YOU AMP YOUR HUSBAND MAY LATER THANK THE DAY SENT FOB THIS FREC INF0RBATI0SJ. SB' has star Dm BaUaa ami at nmr is Bsc Nathan at last! FOR FREE jrlta ta WARMER 406 w. Lata sc. hand in case of an emergency.

Point rationing takes away none of these advantages, the speaker stated. Answering: a question about how to obtain War Ration Book Two, Miss Wililams said: "If a oerson does not now have his War Ration Book One for coffee and sugar, he should go to his rationing board, state his difficulty and find out what can be done The Government is the agent of the people. The rules and regulations are a means by which we get done the things ail of us want to be done. The people who represent the Government iat any spot are put there to see that these things are done. I PGGO.0.DC1GA MILLION DOLLARS with that million dollar look for your hair.

A famous Black and White creation, Pluto adds radiance and beauty to vour hair. Don't use just anything. gel a dressing that really dresBes." Economical big sizes. Amber, 25, White, 60 Sold at all toilet goods counters. mm.

Dw Four OLD Ration Book for 1. The Government has set the day when this rationing will start. On or after that day, take your War Ration Book Two with you when you go to buy, any kind of these processed foods. 14 POINTS YOU GIVE MANY POINTS FOR SCARCE FOODS YOU GIVE LESS POINTS FOR FOODS THAT ARE NOT SO SCARCE 2. Before youbuy, find out how many points to give, for the kind of processed foods you want.

Prices dd not set the points. The Government will set different points for each kind and size no matter what the price. Your grocer will put up the official list of points where you can see it. It will also, be in the newspapers. points will not change just because the prices do.

3. When you buy, take the right amount of blue stamps out of Xhe book, i Do this in front of your grocer or delivery man and hand I them to him. The grocer must collect a ration stamp, or I stamps, for all the rationed processed foods he sells. Every rationed processed oo4 will take points as well as money. 4.

Do not use! more stamps than you need to make up the right amount. For example, If the food rou buy calls for 13 points it is better to tear out an 8 pbint and a 5 point stamp than two 5 pomt stamps and a 2 and a 1 point stamp. Save your smaller point stamps for low point foods. You can take the stamps from more than one book belonging to your household if you need to. SHOW YOUR 1 IlOOK PliASe TAKE THIS WITH YOU OPA Form no.

1801 United States of America OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION 5. Every person in your household, including children of any age, hasta total of 48 points to use for all these, processed foods for; one ration period. This means that yon may use ALL the blue stamps inarked A. B. and from all the books Fora Approved.

Bndf.t Baraan No. OS 126 43 On ropT thla Declaration aaaat a Sled with tha Ottca af Prica Aaainiatratioa br aaeh paraoa applying far War RatUn Boot Iwt far tha mambara af a family antt, aad hr aadt peraan wha is nat a aaaahar af a family anit. Fila at tha ait SaalsnatoS. Caa pom will ha dedaetad far aseaaa asppliaa af tha fooda liatad halowaaccardiBK ta tha aehcdalaa annoaaead by tha Ofira af Pries CONSUMER DECLARATION Processed Foods and Coffee I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am authorised to apply for and receive a War Ration Book Two for each person listed below who is a t.4 member of my family unit, or tne other person or persons for whom I am acting whoae War Ration Book On I have atibmitted to the Board That the name of each person and number of his or her War Ration Book One are accurately listed below; That none of these peraona ia confined or reaident in an institution, or ia a member of th Armed Forces receiving aubaiau ence in kind or eating in aeparate messes under an officer's command; That tio other application for IT'arr Ration Book Tteo tor these peraona has been made That the following inventory statements are true and include all indicated foods owned by all persona included in this Declaration Coll am 1. Founds of coffee owned on November 28.

1942, minus 1 pound for each person included in this Declaration whose age aa atated on War Ration Book One ia 14 years or older. 2. Number of persons incluatain thi" Declaration whose age as on War Ration Book One is Ul years or older. Catameaf Faef IncHde all commercially canned fruits (including spiced) canned vegetables'; canned fruit and. vegetable juices; canned soaps, chile sauce, and catsup.

Do not include canned olives; canned meat and fish pickles, relish; jellies, jams, and preserves; spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles; or home canned foods. 3. Number of cans, bottles, and jars (frounce size or larger) of commercially packed fruits, vegetables, juices and soups, chili sauce and catsup owned on February 21, 1943 minus 5 for each person included in this Declaration. 4. Number of persons included in this Declaration The name of each person included in this Declaration and the number of his or her War Ration Book One ia: Print Namta Numbmr 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. additional tpacm is needed, attach separata iheet NOTICE. Soctioa IS A of tko United States Criminal Coda makes it a criminal affeass. paaisaahla by a maximam af IS ysafs impriaan mant. SlS.aM ana, or hot, to aaaka a falsa statement or raaraaamtatiaa as ta any matter within tko jnriadic tJoa of any department or asaatcr af tha United State, (Sisnatarc af applicant or authorised aarent) RATIONING FACTS! SUGAR STAMP Valid far 3 aasads taraasfe March XS.

SHOES STAMP 17 Valid I far aat pair, thraash Jaaa 15. i corrEC (Oat sassd far tadt stnas amy 15) STAMP 2S Valid tnraush Barch 2X. (Addrosa) (CSty and State) DEADLINE lasaectiaa af track A ttrts, arch 31; tint, 6AS0UME A COUPON 4 Thtat aaMa arch 21. rUEL Ola, COUPON 4 saHaci rah. 28.

28. Asm OStTHIIUJ. STAMP WITH I A 1m during the first period. You may use as many of the blue and stamps aa you wish at onet time. When they are used up you will not be able to buy any more of these processed foods till the next stamps are good.

The Government will announce the date when the next stamps are good. S. Use your houBchoMpointreareTully so that you will not run out(Of stamps. And buy with care to make your points come out even, because the grocer will not be able to give you change in stamps. Use high point stamps first, if you can.

IMPORTANT Yon may roe ALL the books of the household to buy processed foods for the household. Anyoneyou wish can take the ration books to the store to do the buying for 70a or your household. A fAXk SHARE FOR ALL We cannot afford to waste food or give some people more than their fair share. That is why canned fruits and vegetables are rationed and that is why meat is going to be rationed. Rationing of some foods 'is the best and fairest uay to be sure that every American gets enough to eat.

Careful Planning Of Meals Necessary When you go to the ero eery store in the future, you must take alone two kinds of money cash and your Wat nation book no. z. Shoppers must not only have enough money to maJce purchases of rationed food stuffs, but must know If they have enough points. Beginning March 1 all canned or bottled, milts, vegetables, soups. frozen fruits and vegetables: dried fruits and.

processed; foods MUST De purchased with stamps from War Ration Book No. 2. Housewives must also learn to turn morn and mom in tfin nasi nf fresh fruits and vegetables to pre f'are weii Daiancea meais. a epara lon of meals for the duration of the war will require intelligent planning ahead with the use of such vegetables as: sea role, chard. kale, col lards and rutabaaraa to supply many of the vitamins for merly found in rationed foods.

WHYS AND WHEBEFOBE8 Food rationing: as of March 1 will be enforced by the U. 8. gov ernment to fissure ALL citizens an equal and fair share of present ana zuiure stocks. Under the Point System, the housewife must allow about 11 points a week for EACH member or the family. She should study, the cnaix piacea in ner neigntornooa grocery store to learn the value In points of the rationed foods.

Scarce fruits and vegetables will require toe giving up ox many. mora points xnan iooos mat are not so scarce. a nousewiie maites a nuH chase, she should find out how many points she has to rive up; a at ior tne auna oi processea xooas sne wants, but remember the nrice of a food item DOSS NOT set tnel points. The Government has set the points for different kinds of foods, no matter what the price is. The nointa WUJj NOT chansre Inst because prices change.

BEFORE USING, STUDY YOUB BOOK THOROUGHLY Registration for War Ration Book No. 2 is being held this en tire week. Before you apply for your book, cud out the Consumer Declaration at the bottom of this page and fill ft out. This declara tion is slmnlv to acauaint vour Ration Board with the amount of coffee and canned goods you have on hand. DO Include the ellies and canned fruits and vege Sim SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 After VOU have r.y, larjcer stamps first.

I jii table you put up youi peif 1 Include tb. number of cJr.bul'f commercially 7 vegetables, fruit or vPgeiahl 1 I I Iir rtrva al CTir AT rnWWKK EACH member of 1 HOW TO USE YOUR Mlp RATI TO BUY CAMMED OR BOTTLED FRUITS. YEGFTABLES, AIID JUICES; FRUITS AMD VEGETABLES; ORIS FRUITS Ration Book No. 2. hi study.

Jt carefutlv. you know these things beiore a purchase: J1.AJ for nun Hill Immediately. 1,1 BJED stamps arP fr will he used latr tionlnr starts. The letters B. rf.

stance, von can 1 1 WA stamps marked it lUMi nuoiunr nr nd tl eminent will set this nerinJ 4. The NUMBER fJ5 shows you how mam Poix Vi1 oi you now mam Point? stam BL tnta duiinr the pvMssw i raft oerlod mod CANNOT iw, FHiST the flrst rationing period setV uovernment exmrp 9. mju nui reni(Hf i tinm. your dook until you hZ rn 6. HE UAttU' Ll, not in 6 DIFFERENT VA1 TO CHANGE 1 VERY LOOK XA PC OF YOUR iMU Black and White Magic Mist) Powder actually otters you 6 data wava tn chance the verv look Jn 3 7.

you may use all tw. .1 of your family to bu proi3 rationed foods and Ayov the family can teki the the store to make the nnT for you. COLDS KILL JO? EVERYWHERE THESE So This, Famous Colds fak never is rirsi tnoice or The first choice? first thougUsVf lions at the first warning of win'tiJ ul miseries or headache, is paj, pure, St. Joseph Aspirin. That'n aspirin isswr, none more aepeadjjj Uoont on tne worm largest sdis 10c St Joseph Aspirin.

Yourn can buy noniore in quality, no nai; aspirin action, jtemeiuher, even mure BavuiKB iu inc larEetaMJ 36 tablets iJUc 1UU tuhlcU rieep rfosepn Aspirin dandt.j stantlv ready to fieht olU' miie distress. Refuse substirutos genuine, purest. Jobtjih Abpirii lace. In txme, texture, monueit color, power harsh lights and shadows. A tcajij Black and White Magic Uthal Powder renews the look of ftdsasj your it offers you faa (cweliness.

You'll thrill to thewamz choiceofsiz harmonizing colonbrai to ask tdday for Black and WM new Mactc Mi Face Powder, economical Ianji counters everywhere. ll Latf. aoo a tlMfSSMtSlllimill SeHtlsaktas kalr. tam MB tftae i 9mm mania fca uuia wm ujs aeiattmiim ot Mill niTiStwTmtm. ma atora.

BO sin Exa no MUMETl of Meeam TMtAlT i. antt st Km Im bay maU I BLW OUMI Mf OMMO Wt LOOK AT that, kJ fit ft, flrlne fcanr. fmm aeaa owmf kMiir mil nn in I JOel a itmn HAIS 1 sa. Soar an amiAil lOnktae kak? Kk Mem Umi H''v ir MADAM JONES CO. 2451 Michltaa Dtpt.

708, HA0 AM JONES Ocst. A 2451 MJcahjas I anva aiatr. otM sl5 I Treof aat tetl rt reifj" tfiMti, I oil rnaa at ort. VfSa' firm aajr iiihih UJ prta oKamBBw ooo oa oe a emafatto flM I jg. mm.

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