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The New York Age from New York, New York • Page 6

The New York Agei
New York, New York
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i PAGE SIX 5bf Sirtn flork Aoe SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1Y. MAIL POST PAID ONE TEAR 12.00 SIX MONTHS IIS THREK MONTHS JS SINGLE COPY .01 CANADA FOR ONE VKAR 100 FOREIGN COUNTRIES ISO Enttrcl Second Clata Matter. September IS, 1112, at Port Offict it Ntw York Uader Act oi Marck 1JS Published and Printed By THE FRED R. MOORE CORPORATION Office oi Publication 210 Weet Ulth Street TELEPHONES: EDiecombt 4.M40 1 laterttet United Ncwapapcra, lac, Natieael Adreitiiiag Rcpreteautivet, S4S Fifth Ateaue, New York Addrew all mattera aad mail all thecki aad moaey order payable to THE NEW YORK AGE VOL. 57, No.

34 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1943 BLESSED BE THE MEEK; JHE SAGE of Tuskegee is dead. George Washington Carver, the slave boy whose masters once bartered him for a race horse worth $300 and who lived to become hailed as the one man who had done the most for the economic system of the South, last week laid aside his scientific in struments and walked quietly into the Great Laboratory where all things are known. 'It is ironical, looking back on the history of Trofesor Carver, one of the most outstanding scientists in the field of agricultural re "search: to think that he lived in the South and that the South partook of his richness of learning, his abundance of knowledge and experience and gave himnothing. It is ironical that in Alabama, where Carver toiled unceasingly night and day that the planters and the farmers might wrest a living from the soil justice was so bigoted and humanity so twisted that nine black boys were sent to prison on the accusation of lost harlots who had bummed a ride on a freight train nine boys condemned to darkness and torture in prison cells four of them freed, one of them slain, four of them slaves of darkness still. And the South in which and for which Carver worked, the South he refused to forsake even, when Henry 'Ford offered him $100,000 a year to do research in Detroit that South today is trampling the rights of the blood brothers of this great genius whose art was untouchable.

Many were the accomplishments of the 78 year old humanitarian who was kin to the dark soil of the Southern lands, who discovered scores of new uses for products such as sweet potatoes, peanuts and clay, developed ink, pigments, cosmetics, paper, paint and endless other articles. George Washington Carver. learned to read and write when he was twenty. Before he reached fourscore years, he had the world at his feet. Working his way through Minneapolis High School, Kansas Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts Graduating from the latter school with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and joining the faculty at 30 Two years later earning the degree of Master of Science Meeting Booker T.

Washington who interested him in Tuskegee Going to Tuskegee in 1896 and remaining there for the rest of his life inf of the Department of Agricultural Kesearch. Refusing money for his toil, Carver said ence: "My discoveries come to me like a direct revelation from God." When Carver might have had riches and luxury, he chose the necessities of life. He might have had servants, but he chose to serve. His life and history ought to stimulate the young Negroes to whom he has bequeathed so much a legacy of inspiration. More important, it ought to be a lesson about the sort of trash that is called white superiorty.

Holder Of great knowledge, doer, of deeds, George Washington Carver lived arid liked the life of the' meek. We knowwhat Christ promised for his kind. IT WORKS BOTH WAYS THE OTHER NIGHT, while riding on the Independent Subway, we ran into an in cident which left an unpleasant taste in our mouth.1 A profane, drunken sailor lumbered ntq the. train at pn uptown station and lighted two Jewish boys standing next to where we were seated. He immediately stag gered oyer in their direction and began to make an ass out of himself and misrepresent the Navy with a lot of hogwash about the fact that he was tired of fighting a war for the Jews; that all Jews were a lot of cowards and that he didn't see what the two Jewish boys were doing out of uniform.

The sailor continued his vitriol for about a half hour, then having wound himself down, lamped into a seat and slept the slumber of the drunken sot. He probably thought he had done a good job for the Navy. During the course of the tirade, one of the Jewish boys said to the other: "Let's go into the other rain." "No. replied his companion sjmply and quietly. "I'm not going to run sway from a fellow like thst He just don't know what he's talking about.

I can't tell him that I have two brothers in the Army and that I am the sole support of my family and still would have enlisted if I weren't too young to te accepted. So just let him rave on." h'ot the folks on that subwsv wefe THE NEW gracing the, uniform he wore and the whole affair' started us thinking how unfair people can be. It. is not true that the Jews are a cowardly race, nor is it true that this is their war alone. That was the argument of a coward in United States uniform there are some who fot all his swashbuckling, has the heart of a cra ven, i hat is the argument of a oerson who feels that the war is a personal grudge against him and that he is carrying the burdens of the world.

We know a few not many Negroes who would have 'inwardly applauded the anti Semitic ranting of that sailor, but the vast majority of Negroes know that if a man is mean and low enough to bear prejudices against any minority, he is worthy of the respect of. none. want. a stop put to Negro discrimina tion in We want segregation halted. We want to end the jim crow practices in our Army and Navy.

We want complete integration in the war effort and we want our desires and ambitions represented in the peace that is to come. But if we want equality, liberty and frater nity for the Negro people alone, then, like Chamberlain, we have missed the bus. The principle which demands justice is a good one, but only if it works both ways. The only rule that works both ways is the Golden Rule. As Negroes we ought to resent any slander against the great Jewish people who, like us.

have their faults, but who, like us, have con tributed much to the cause of civilization. SALUTING A GOOD NEWSPAPER yE SALUTE PM, Marshall Field's ad less daily paper which in a short but phenom onal career, has won its way into the hearts of the freedom loving with its uncompromis ing stand on the issues of world democracy and the practise of the same in our own American backyards. Not only does PM refuse to sell ads, but it also refuses to sell out. It takes nothing away from the credit which must be given PM that all the things that it is saying now are the things that THE NEW YORK AGE and the rest of the militant Negro Press has been saying and fight ing for for decades. It is a refllection however, upon the Negro people that they accept these things as new and startling.

Not that we feel that our folk should love PM the less, but we do feel that they should have appreciated the Negro Press, more. Negro editors and newspapers do not want admiration or acclaim. They, will be satisfied when the majority of the Negro peopje back the fight of their own press and thus help to make that fight successful. The more Negro papers sold, the stronger their circulation. The stronger their circula the more important their voice The more important their voice, the easier to win the crusade for the social justice of the Negro.

Think it over and stop getting your news second hand over someone else's shoulder. Speaking of PM reminds us of a little tribute we'd like to pay in relation to HARLEM AND CRIME PlTf ALBERT DEUTSCH did an exquis out with headlines about a "Jewish murderer" or an "Anglo Saxon killer" or an "Irish He pointed out that if the papers iden tified Jews and Irishmen and others racially in the headlines when telling of crimes committed, there would be a tremendous indignation on the part of racial groups affected. That is true. But Mr. Deutsch then continued to say that the identifying of criminals or accused criminals as "Negro thugs" or "Harlem slayers" was equally inconsistent and con demnable, yet arouses no fury on the part of most of the reading public.

Orchids to Mr. Deutsch and PM for joining the long lived crusade of Harlem leaders and newspapers of the Negro people to get justice in the daily press, and while on the subject, we'd like to mention a little matter somewhat related. Last week a white doctor, known throurh out Harlem for his charitable deeds attend ing many poor folk without charge was the victim of an attempted mugging by four Harlem youths. Word spread throughout the neighborhood of the mugging and an angry crowd of Negroes gathered ready to protect mm. it was a Negro who testified in court against the four would be muggers who were caught by police summoned by Negroes.

The Daily Mirror, which in the past has done nothing to portray Harlem in a favorable light, admitted that the worst punishment the court could have given the muggers was to Het them loose in their own neighborhood." This is a humane little slice of life and it reflects the cross section feeling of Harlem which is no different from any other American community except insofar as America has fallen down on its just aims nd rightful demands. This story rated the daily treys and most of the daily press was, for once, forced to tell the truth that the criminal, the mugger, the pimp are just as much outlaws in the minds of the people in Harlem tber are in the minds of the people in the ghettos iretty di.guMed with the sailor who was div of the East Side. ite piece the other day on the, policy of daily newspapers of hanging racial tags on crimes committed by. people who. happen to be Negroes.

He asked his public how would feel if one day the papers should come THAT CAMS A WEAPON TOO SHARE Across The Desk By LUDLOW WEXNH AN INTTOEQTINP tter came Ws week IVem Albert Norris, er API IMUUlMimi 4 W(lt ittth Wi, wh. ocW.ed a eopy of a letter which he had Jut written Pieeident Roosevelt Said Mr. Norria: "The accompanying is the text of a letter I sent by mall to the President of the United Stateg. The context i aelf explanatory. Of course, it may not find general approval or even credence, even among the so called 'colored' people, but such persons are just what understand by the term "I realize, on the otber hand, that the thinking is quite advanced for our day, but it is my most positive conviction that such.

a situation ahall be established in the United States before we can have a truly representative nation. "Moreover, most persons hesitate to think of a Black ciUzen of African descent as a likely President of the U. S. However, can see nothing amiss in having a black citizen of African descent since I have never fell any objection to accepting a white citizen of whatever origin as the' President of the sv i I tk. Ladio W.

Wtiaa, vi luuitt, we iiiiui piccMiuc uic uyyui tuiiiij to anyone, black or. white, to compromise the interests of our Black men and men of African descent in the U. "In his letter to President Roosevelt. Mr. Norris wrote: "Today the nation is engaged in the most serious struggle of its entire exis.ence.

This van global war is 'The Struggle Against Oblivion' for either side of "On our part, we make many loud professions that we are fighting for the freedom of th Individual to work for the community interests, while the claim is made that; the other side's purpose is to regiment the individual to the interests of the state. "On our part, we make many loud professions that we are fighting for the freedom of the individual to work for the community interests, while the claim is made that the oher sicVs purpose is to regiment the individual to the interests of the sate. "Now, it seem to me the difference is merely in the method of attainment, In both, the chief aim is the solidifying and unifying oi all elements in the nation in order first to obtain domestic next to oppose a solid unit to any foreign incursion of. or infringing upon the in of the nation. "On the other nana, we believe that everything starts 'with the individual and that the individual is the highest attainment, there tore, we must make every effort, to promote and protect individual initiative while we safeguard, the community in.eresls.

we must be prepared to admit at this lime that we have not always given genuine concern to the vital Interests of all the elements in our national community. Indeed, there can be no gainsaying that we have very palpably neglected to safeguard the vital Interests ol the black men and women of African descent in the United States. Therefore, it is high tune that we make real provision for the interests. of this one tenth of the nation with those of the entire community in every phase of our national life and activities. And so.

as a major measure and tangible contribution in this regard, I suggest that a new cabinet office be created by Executive Order. "This office sha'J be known as the 'Integration Department' It shall be headed by a Secretary of Integration, whose function shall be the comple.e and unqualified integrating of the vital interests of all the elements in our great country, so that we shall at last have one, truly indivieable nation "Moreover, I propose that this office, at least for the time being, while we are still disintegrated, be given over to a black man or women of African descent, a so called Negro, whose chief task shall be to see to it that the so called Negro citizens shall be represented equitably in every phase of the life and acUvitiea of the naUon. Further, there shall bo no compromise on this point, except on the basis of complete The purpose shall be to establish at long last, the principles of unqualified equality of opportunities fot all out citizens in and ou. of the country, in every sphere and section. 'Tor this reason we shall consider, all or moat of the presently known, so called Negro leaders, unsuitable.

We must have a person who is either now not generally known or who has always been known sufficiently for his uncompromising attitude regarding the elemental and vital rights of all American citizens, He shall neither over emphasize the interests of the black American citizens, nor yet shall be relinquish the rights of black men and women of African descent in the United State, in order not to place. racial bigotry. "finally, it seems to me that there is no be.Wr means to obtain true and lasting dometUc unity and win world wide genuine respect for our purported national aims. Besides this one vital move will at last vindicate the soul of the United States for the untold sufferings and Innumerable ignominies that have too long been the pa tient lot of these most patriotic American citizens tne black mea like to offer myself for the posiboo of Secretary of Integra ion. I believe that I can aerve truly and honestly the genuine interests I all the people and at the same time sincerely safeguard the vital interests of the black citizens of African descent in the United ales.

However, I shall be quite willing to serve and support a suitable selectee. "Inrldently. it is my firm conviction that the Offire of Integra Ion should be mergH with the rmldncy ef the United States. There tore, we should work for roniUluttAnal amendment to make the office the supreme function of the Viee Preatdent of the United States." a 1 ar AKOTKER READER, ir," wreta la te tig. hie aaae, feOewiag postal card LETTERS TO irr: TOE EDITOR Shocked At Randolph The Nfw York.

Age I cannot too severely condemn the program of "civjl disobedience and non cooperation suggested by Mr. A. Philip Randolph as has outlined in the current issue oi your journal. Because sucn program will be accompanied with a great deal of violence, I am at a loss to undei stand how 'a gentleman possessing Mr. Randolph's intelligence and foresight could recommend such a procedure.

The progress made by our group thus tsr has been due to an orderly process; why deviate therefrom? Nothing can be gained, while a great deal will be lost To say I am astounded, is but a mild expression. HARRY A. WILLIAMSON New York, N. Y. Negroes Asked For Contributions For Fight OnParalysis Negroes throughout the United States, along with all other American citizens, are being asked and urged at this time to make libera! contributions and Join the "March of Dimes" to the President to con tinue the fight against Infantile Paralysis.

Negroes afflicUd with infantile paralysis benefit from these contributed funds as do ail other Americans so afflicted. President Roosevelt has authoriz ed, for the tenth consecutive year, the use of his January 30, 1843, for the raising of funds to continue the nation wide fight against infantile paralysis. The Committee the Celebration of the President's Birthday for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is asking all to send contributions to the Prudent on his birthday. The fight against infantile par alysis is carried on throughout the year through the National Founds lion for Infantile Paralysis and its .900 chapters. AU funds contri luted or raised during the President's Birthdhy Celebration are administered by the National Fttindation and its 24)00 Chapter Each chapter assists those afiie'ed with Infantile paralysis, regardless cf race, color, creed or age.

Ne t'ces receive hospitalization and treatment for this dreaded disease throughout ife nation. If Yea Walk At Night Wear Sessethlng WHITE Victory sAd Mter Meeting To Be Held At PobEc Library "Victory and" After." the latest book by Earl Browder, will be publicly presetted to Harlem, Friday, January lSlh. at I at and women at African ilHrint in th. "7. it iu i ii tne narient sponsoring torn asae irv jv wwf Muiuwa, VUt mwvMVj, etn 1 A last luiitw SWT ws ejsitst arM vs.

VI which the James Robinson Is chairman. Benjamin J. Davis, )r, will be the reviewer, and Emmett May and John Velascq, two torpedoed Negro seamen, will speak about thir experiences in Africa, India, and other porls. Trim to lng to its Mr. May was chairman of the Harlem Legislative Conference, sad Mr.

Veiaco was best kaowa BWb'nsoa will chair the meeting. "Uaft It about time lor von inA tha Um aikm Krtn imorj ana wee wrn JZ ton by Mr. Browder soon after w. a In relaaaf troen Atlanta rtnitecv you think that we Wf as sv ths worthy these hotwrsT "At you win agree that all of our Harlem papers have been strangely silent on this matter. 1 tlary ttrSday llth President Rjoerelt the tnterfttg of "national unity The book is con cerned with the problems of war Saturday, Jtssatry 16, 193.

"Land of The Noble 1 I By A LAN LAND OF THE NOBLE FREE DR. CANDICE STONE, the guest editor for 'Ws week and next la a relative of the famous Lacy Stone of women's rights fame. It Is gr pleasure to present her reflections on apple picking not only because of Vie vicarious enjoyment conjured ap by the description of the orchards, but becaase of the reveUsiens of Job condiUona among a segement of New Yorkers. This fall I hired out as an apple picker to a man, Mr. Arthur who owns a fairly large orchard Just a mile from the village ol Peru, N.

where I spent the summer. Dr. B. teaches in the State College of Agriculture atCornell University and runs his place as an experimental orchard. It is one of ten or, more commercial or.

chards in the Champiam vsucy, nas 8,000 mostly Macintosh both the plain and striped The other trees are cort lands, snows, and greenings. 'Every tree was this summer, branches filled way to tin ends like the stalks of gladioli In full The orchard is spread out oyer a series of long slopes, market! off' In' largt sections, each bounded by tall Umbardy 'popular. one of my favorU walks with the' dogs was between the lonav aven nf ti hMidlna? over with the big A 1 red five cent apples one sees 'on ma New i York fruit stands. I usea swipe a iw, impossible to resist never dreaming that I was to" pick a. thousand bushels before.

I left Peru. I i I had planned to come to Burke the first of September but apple picking is a fall epidemic in Peru and I got the fever. There wera a number of reasons why I was such an' easy victim; one thing there was a shortage of labor, and my New England thrift made ma want to help the crop. Another reason. Dotty the girl who worked in Ue Beauty Shop across, the wanted to pick but dreaded to do it by herself.

She needed a winter coat and hat and this was a way of earning the extra money. We had studied together during the summer and thought we could practlca our vocbulary on each other while' we picked. (Thia was only one of our many illusions, as to the fun of picking' apples). Then, too, I thought it would be good experience. Although I have always championed the so called working classes, I had never hired out as a day laborer and I wanted to know what It felt Toward the end of August I called up or went to see a number of orchard owners to inquire about wages, hours, date of starting work.

etc. All said the same thing; they hadn't together yet to decide what they do this fall but would call me. It so happened that Mr. was. the first to calL Jiss a silken manner, speaks in a sweet cultivated voice and is always the perfect gentleman.

Smiles constantly; especially when saying something he thinks you would not like, and I am sure; be wss smiling over the telephone the day he called me up. He told me apple picking would start September 7th, the hours would be from 7 to 5 and this fall they were paying the women thirty cents an hour and the men thirty five, five cents more than last year. I replied that I was surprised at the differences in pay for men and women, that I thought discrimina lon in wages on the basis of sex had gone out with pre war age and made aome Joke about the need of extending the President's Order on Fair Employment Practices to apple pickers. He said, yes, he thought so too for he had always believed that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work but in apple picking the men had to carry heavier ladders and pick from the tops of the trees which was dangerous, etc. I didn't know it then but soon found out, after picking starred, that it was the easiest and pleasantest part of the work.

But it so happens I am quite used to being paid less thsn men for similar work, without even as good an excuse as Mr. gave, so I said noth ing more. Furthermore, I knew no.hing about the work. But now that it is over I can still say that I have yet to see women get equal pay with men for equal work. Only the Negroes know the feeling of this distinction' Well the appointed day came.

It meant rising at 5:30 in lh cold dark, getting breakfast, packing my lunch pail mine was painted blue 'with a rounded top tor the thermos then catching a rids out to the orchard. It was exciting that first morning, but never again. For five nine hours a day, six days a week I did the hardest physical tabor I've ever done, all for the magnificent aunt of $2.70 a day lf it didn't rain. Whenever it did rain our pay was docked for the number of hours it happened to pour even thougs, we had reported for work at seven and we were expected to hang around or come back to pick as soon as it stopped raining. Or wa might be told when we checked out at five not to come back the next morning, that we would be notified when needed.

It was of. course, to plan to do other things because you never knew when you were going to be called, so our spare time was usually wasted. On the other hsnd we were free to drop out anytime. But this was a privilege to be exercised with caution for it was known that pickers were hired as much for their fai.hfulness as their picking ability. There was not a week that I received full pay; in fact the most I earned was fourteen dollara and seventy cen s.

One day I was asked to help out in the packing room, lining crates. It paid no" more and the work was very monotonous besides indoors. But 1: gave me a chance to see what happened to the apples after they left the orchard. The women who sorted and packed were all old hands. Without looking at the apples they could tell ins.anUy by the feeling a No.

2 apple from a 2 1 2. or a 2 1 2 from a No. 3. And they seldom failed to detect what is called a finger print, an almost Impercept ible blemish caused by pressing the apple too hard when picking it, or by dropping it into the pall instead of putUng it In gently. We (the greenhorns) were instructed the first dsy how to pick apples from the trees and wsrned never to put any that dropped onto the ground in.o our palls.

This wss a temptation as the? ground was covered with gorgeous looking apples and often a most beautiful one would slip out of your hand or fall Just before you reached it But when the time came to pick tht "drops." it was such back breaking work, they soon lost their lure. The knack of picking from the trees is to grasp the eppla in your palm and roll it wi an upward motion of the hand. It is easy to do and avoids finger print. In filling the crates the apples have to be handled as if they were eggs, put In one by one, or two by two If you use both hands as you ara supposed to da. What makes apple picking so fatiguing is dragging the heavy ladders from tree to tree, then se.Ung them up first at this angle.

then thst, so as to reach every apple, then carrying the five gallon buckets up and down Je ladders and bending over to fill tht crates. The foreman disapproved If you wt down beside the crate while filling it Fortunately ht couldnt be every place at once. I used to wonder if I could hold out until tht whistle blew. The zero hours were from eleven to twelve and from four to Ave. Wf a fle mlnutt period at ten o'clock and at three, but it was much too short We needed ten minutes at the least and even that wasn't long enough to get so the toilet and beck.

There was only one for tht gang of fifty, women and that was in tht barn yard, a long distance from the orchard. After wt had worked about a week we were given cards with our number on them and told to put a csrd In each crate as we filled it We all thought we were going to be put on piece work and moat os the pickers were opposed. But it turned out thst tht cards were a check on the pickings to find out who tht flngei print pickers were, who was picking too green or too small apples, and the number of cres we eech picked a day. "DoMy and I wera among the first ten pickers; our average as usually perfect but we ware net as fast as sme. I swaged around forty aretes a day.

Tht general avenge was thirty two to thirty Ira, but there wera a tew people who picked sixty or crates a dsy. from Ota trees and as high as 99 cm tea of drops. tht csndltioaa tg victory for the, voted to tha plauinj cat tba st Vrftttd Kstlona, anUth prolJemi I cvWmy of pntt war reconstruction of th tt v.rt wirtit world. A special section is de Wear gosUli VrkUTE.

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