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The New York Age from New York, New York • Page 7

The New York Agei
New York, New York
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BROOKLYN LONG ISLAND SECOND SECTION NEW YORK, N. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1945 PAGES SEVEN TO TWELVE SftW Witlfnk NEWS NEWS LSI II II Ml III 1 1 IJ I CS li 1 This, That hasold umbolau SMALL TOWN BOY: Direcor of Reconversion, John Snyder, one of President Truman's home state buddies, has certainly proven a big bust so far. and the quicker the President removes or transfers him, the better off the Country 'will be. By abolishing totes. conrols on home building and other construe.

Uon, Snyder has paved the way I I VT bust" cycle that may wreck the gover nment's Itk I enure economic YV stabilization 1 asajnaanaBsaf. iMr0iam Ua tiasi told the building industry to do just what it pleases, and the result will be exp nsive homes at inflated values. Senator Tafft could have done no better, or is it worse? The government program was to bold the anti inflation line by maintaining essential controls during reconversion. Mr. Snyder gave this program "lip service" when he announced a "six point program" which is so much double talk.

The Snyder action is based on his belief that since the war is over. building materials will be produced quickly, that contractors will not bid up prices and the housing industry will police itself. Any building contractor will tell you that all the seasoned lumber was sent over the other side during the war to help the same. The stuff left, and to be produced, is green and suitable only for small units with a life span of fit teen years or thereabout. It will cost so high, unless controls are replaced) that to make a profit, the owner wi'l.

have to build large units only with multiple renting possibilities. In the smaller units, one would have to skimp here, skimp there, leave out this and leave out that, in order to make a profit and in four or five years, when the house settled, oh, brother. But regardless of what is said, a buyer can always be found for a new home. We have no argument with those in the money who can afford to buy this junk. However, the majority of home buyers are those whwo are hooked by the promise of a ten year mortgage at 5 per cent, with little clauses here and there.

Blinded by the vision of their own home at last, these mall fry will sign and take a chance at anything. And the lending agencies don't chase ony one away. Snyder's program calls for the building interest to police them, selves, but who will do the arresting? It calls for Federal agencies to do everything possible to discourage excessive and unsound lending, but gives them no teeth. It for WPB to prevent hoarding of scarce materials. There will be no hoarding as long as the sky Is the limit on prices.

It calls for Information to be supplied to the prospective home owner by the National ouiing Agency. Wouldn't protection the same as afforded the returning GI's when making an investment or borrowing a loan, be better? It really calls for the re movsl of Mr. Snyder, and when Mr. Truman finds time to let around to It, well lay you two to that's what will Add Indigestion sUliovodleS I MfTkHk WN MiwaA km mws Mtafal. wCVat ht M.

mil ml wnw. fcmJSt. mi mm mmm hb mm taVM Sfe at MM 7 Bklyn. Bond Buyers To Witness Mlon Dollar Victory Ball A million dollar victory ball for Brooklyn's bond buyers will take place on Wednesday evening, December StU. at (he Regiment Armory, Bedfoid aid Atlantic avenues, under uispice the Motion Picture Tncutres War Ac tivities Committee, it was an.

nounced by Al Weiss and Erwin Gold, chairman and co chairman of the Brooklyn Committee. With stars 01 screen and radio, topping the entertainment at this gala Million Dollar Vic tory Ball, tickets to this affair are available now only through bond purchases made at Brooklyn motion picture theatre, the bond buyer will receive a ticket of ad mission. This Million Dollar Victory Ball is the main event in the current Victory Loan Drive activities of the Brooklyn screen theatres. In addition to stellar entertain, ment, Frank Silvers and his or chestra, have been engaged to play for dancing after the show. Declares Britain Caribbean Colonies Speaking before the Foreign Policy Association at.

a Waldorf Astoria luncheon, Saturday, CoL Robert R. McCormick, editor and publisher of. the Chicago Tribune, said that if Britain gets a loan from the United States she should first be required to evacuate all her possessions in the Western hemisphere, particularly in the Caribbean. be set free. McCorick decUrdiM'u that "we cannot escape the responsibility for evils being per petrated on helpless people by the British, Dutch 'and French using American lend lease weap.

ons to force natives to work in rubber plantations for $3.29 a month 11 cents a day. We must insist that outrages stop at once." Science Society Isdacts New Meniere At Assembly SALISBURY, N. C. At the second induction of beta Kappa Chi, honorary Science Society, four new members gave oath of their allegience through the Livingstone College Chapter at the Friday morning assembly. Mrs.

Lorraine Johnson, biology instructor, presented the speakers of thi meeting. Miss Geraldine Gordon, Chapter reporter, delivered nrikmg challenge to the inductees. Benjamin Covington, president of the Campus Branch, outline the worth and value of this ah Negro national honorary organization. Those that were inducted by Dean T. D.

Drew were Professors D. H. Thornton and Marlow Shute; Miles Julia Beaty and Juanita Pitts and Ernest richer. At Lcsw's Brerwrt John Garfield starred In "Pride Of The feature attrse tion on the double screen program at Loews Brevoort Theatre, Friday through Monday. "Crime Inc." a timely thriller of present day criminal warfare, with Leo Carlllo, Tom Neal and Mirths TO ton, la the co feature.

(ill ffllWiiiUJfe St Joseph Aspirin necte every re I ouuement of toe U. B. naraaropoeu for atrength and purity. So why pay saore end wiry ever accept Im thasj the r'araotaa of spaed, quality sad ereooaay yes get an 0t Joseph As puisv. The big 100 table aisa casts yoaeeJySee.

Leek the hex, sad faaide, or the ssktssaaBy kaeem aaaee aiSesBk Mme. Eugenie Eboue, Her Of French Constituent Assembly, Lauds Work Of American Red Crob. By RUTH DAVIS SHERMAN "No, we didn't knit the names of traitors to France into our work like Madame Defarge," the short, dark woman laughed easily. "We used the wool you sent us to knit warm garments to "keep our chil dren and ourselves alive until we could see France rise again. But the traitors' names are knitted into our minds forever." It was Madame Eugenie Tell Eboue, one of several French Col onial Negroes elected to the French lonsuiueni Assembly, she was speaking to an American Red Cross representative about the aid that organization had given her country during the war.

Madame Eboue, president of the. French Red Cross delegation in Brazzaville, will re present the French Colony of Guadeloupe in. the drafting of the new constitution for France. The occasion was the recent press conference held at the French Con. sulate just before Madame Eboue took a plane to Paris to be on hand for the opening session of the As sembly.

The spacious Consulate room facing, Fifth avenue, bulged with re. porters and photographers vying to meet the distinguished woman with patrician features and brown velvet eyes, before the conference started. She stood in a ray of autumn morning sun light chatting in Parisian French and dressed in true French style a simple black dress with the Croix de Lorraine its only ornament, gold wedding bands on both hands (the one on her right hand was her late husband's) and pearl earrings. Madame Eboue. elected on the largest ii ci aiaum, ia uiv niuuw of the Jate Felix Eboue who, as Governor General of French Equatorial Africa, swung his people to the cause of France.

She was born in Cayenne, French Guiana, and her father, a French lovcrnmeni wucwi, nui nrr study at the Lycee ot An accomplished musician, she completed her education Paris and then continued studying piano and voice. She married Felix Eboue in French Cuiani Tshortly World War I. In 1923, they left to make their home in Africa. There her husband won fame as a brilliant administrator and a great tarian, selflessly dedicating his life to the welfare and progress of his Mme Biuoe's love of music was i completely shared by her husband. I The exhibit portrayed life street and 8th avenue.

U. S. Sen This mutual interest led them to size models representing all rac ator Robert Wagner. Colonel Rob study of the drum language colors and creeds marcfilng ert Wagner. Jr.

A. U. S. Christo French Equatorial Africa and the 'hand in hand in harmony to il pher T. Immet, director ot Free whistle Isngusge of French West Africa.

Their success astonished many who thought that these lan guages could be undersood only by the natives themselves. Mme. Eboue transposed some of the themes into modern musical scores snd she and her husband published book on each of the two languages. WAC Veluteer In 1941, she was among the first volunteers for the French WACs at Brazzaville and she devoted most of her time to working at hospital there. Like many mothers all over the world, Mme.

Eboue is rejoicing these dsys ever the fact that at last she has all her four children safely at home again. Henry, who is 30, and Robert who is 23, had volunteered In the French Army in 1339, and were captured by the Germans. The testimony of French doctors who faked rays of their chests and declared that the two boys and developed serious hmg trouble, convinced the Ger mans that it would be wise to release them, since, even If they died of natural causes, the Germans would be accused sf killing them as re venge upon their father. Through this ruse, Henry end Robert eventually made their way to Spain where they Joined their only sister. Glnette, age 2L Glnette had been at school, near Paris, but her father's strong stand (or deGeulle made her position lo France increasingly dangerous, and so, with the help of friends, she to escaped to Spain in 1942.

To gether, the three Journeyed bad to Brazzaville where GInett joined unit of the French Waves. Nineteen year old Charles, who is the youngest ot the family end la Mid most like hie mother, was a student in Caire al the out reh of the war. When the ar mistice was signed hewcea Get Gives ARC Praise it Mate. EUGENIE EBOUE many and France, he became im patient with his studies and cajoled his family into permission to Join the French forces of the RAF. Madame Eboue was a majestic figure in the deep leather chair in the Consulate office, unfazed by the myriad questions being fired at her from all sides.

Her charm and wit stimulated her listeners to broader discussion and at the close of the interview she thanked America "for helping us very very much during the war. Aside from the many shipments of wool, we want to thank the American Red Crosi for the many children's things they sent us which kept our young ones going during our darkest hours." 1 Brotherhood Exhibit Dedicated Friday In Show Windows Of Sach's Furniture Store IV IWhlVl MHUtl SHIM' VI erance, Richard Zinn, national di rector of Public Relations for the 1 Institute for American Democracy, iphC.lderon director of the Bronx Round Table of the National Conference of Christian and Jews, chance to win one of the many and George Gregory, Managing di awards which will be in the form rector ot the Forest Community of "Victory Bonds. House, dedicated the window The ceremones in the Bronx oc dlsnlared at the Sachs Quality curred simultaneously with the (Store. 150th street and 3rd avenue on Friday afternoon. lusUste the theme, A Better World Tor Our cniidren lo uve Philip Michaels, vice presi dent of the Sachs Quality Stores, Veterans' Service Center Forms Bus.

Advisory Board To AH Ex Servicemen Establish Bus. Resuming veterans who are Independent enterprise has shown coming out of the Armed Forces! with the determination to. "go It alone." and become independent businessmen will find that the New York. Veterans' Service Committee has established a BusL ness Advisory Board with mors than one hundred separate business panels to aid and advise them, according to Mrs. Anna If.

Rosenberg, chairman of the Veterans' Service Committee, which operates the Veterans' Service Centers at 10 East 0 street and 500 Park avenue in Manhattan, and 103 Court Street in The Board has been estab. llshed in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce and Mayor LaGuar dia's Business Advisory Commit tee. The Business Advisory Board is act Lp on pabel basis accord ing tr the trades and industries hlch returning' servicemen and women are most interested, based on interests of thousands of veterans who have come to the Veterans' Service Centav. Mrs. Rosenberg pointed out Panels include ever 800 experienced bust neseman who have volunteered their services to provide advice.

planning aid, and in some Instances, resources te veterans of World War IL Panels will also function to find Jobs for veterans their respective fields, according to plans now bemg drawn up. Tte number of veereits pfsti aing to eatMlsai uamselves ta Carlton Avenue Intercollegiate Chib To Give Musical Tea The Carlton Avenue Intercollegiate Society will present a mu. sical tea on Sunday afternoon, December 2nd, from 4 to 8 p. at the Carlton Avenue Branch building. The program will Include musical selections by the Young People's Chcn Stcrty 0f Brooklyn; piano solos by Carlton Inniss, Clara Graves, and Fredericks Williamson; vocal solos by Gloria Davey, Charles Wa'iace, and Nor.

ma Belle Reuten Pembeiton will render a violin relectiw Tea wil'. be servei following the program in the men's lounge. cf the. club are Gloria Foster, president; Gene Wiley, vice president; Muriel devious, secretary: Eleanor Jackson, assistant secretary and Margaret Cummings, treasurer. Marion S.

English, as sociate executive of th Carlton Avenue Branch, is serving as the club advisor. Peter John Flynn To Resume Former Post On N. KIO Board The Executive Board of the New Jersey State Industrial Union Council, CIO, announces that Peter John Flynn has resumed his duties as executive secretary after three years of service in the army, one year of which was spent in the European theatre of operations. Carl Holderman, who has been serving as executive secretary, continues his duties as secretary, treasurer of the Council and chair, man of the State Political Action Committee. 1 rh.irm.n the "I contest SJ rf tolerance to be sponsored by the Sachs Quality Stores, in which the children of all New York School, w.l have an opportunity to DartlciDate.

ant. will have a dedication ceremonies that took place at the Sachs Store st 33th dom H.oust insuiuie, inc. jonn b. sum van new xorx aiaie Director National Conference ot Christians and Jews participated. a rapid increase since the end of.

the seld. Over 11 per! cent ot the ex servicemen and servlceworoen interviewed at the Center at 10 East 40, street in October came for advice and information in getting started in their own business. According to the Center's statistics, 33.4 per cent ot the vet. erans in this group were planning to set up small manufacturing industries, with a majority of these in the apparel line. Iwenty seven per cent were op.

en Ing retail stores, including 11 Imiii m. wmwi pum nUDAT' On MOMDAT "KUD3CITfcf starring. JOHN GARFIELD PAUSE CLARK cnrH tt." with Lee Teas CAtSOXO NEAL In? Gamma Iota Lambda Regents Direct City Board Of Education To Answer Kareken The New York State Board of Regents on Friday. in Albany di rected that the New York City Board of Education gnswer to the state authorities on charges of "choatic conditions" and "administrative bankruptcy in this city's 801 public school organizations. The charge came last October 17 from Frank E.

Karelsen. and later from 27 other members of an advisory committee to Su. perintendent of Schools John E. Wade. The advisers resigned in protest against Dr.

Wade's alleged stalling on ponr conditions, par ticularly "paper teachers" and "paper planning." By unanimous vote, the twelve regents, following consideration of the matter, instructed Chancellor William J. Wallin, of Yonkers. to obtain an answer from the seven man city board of education, bypassing Dr. Wade The city board, under state law, exercise general management and control of educational affairs in cities of New York's size. quor stores, electrical appliance shops, restaurants and apparel shops: 17 per cent were planning service establishments, including photography studios, and gas stations; 8.3 per cent, wholesale trade establishments; 4 per cent, construction business; 4 per cent, amusement trades and camps; and 2 per cent, finance businesses.

I I Chapter Holds Initial Meeting In Boro if I Chartered as Gamma Iota. Lamb da Chapter of the Alpha Fraternity, the above group of men represent the 'initiator, of the Brooklyn Chapter whirh was' organized a few months Reading from lrft to right, seatdr Robert Anthony; Judge Myles A. Paige; Herbert T. Miller, president; William Holly, Franklin H. Williams.

Standing, left to right: Rev. Sandy F. Ray; Joseph Ferguson; Attorney Jesse P. Griggs; 1 Dr. Frank W.

McCoy; Or. Joseph A. Johnson; Attorney William H. Staves; Rev. L.

Franklin; Leroy Jeffries; Quentin R. Hand and Lyndon Caldwell. Serving as the youngest chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, which, by the way, is the. oldest Greek letter fraternity among Negroes in the country, the group met last week at the residence of John B. King.

1414 E. 49tn street, Flatbush, and outlined an educational program for. the months ahead in Brooklyn includ Mffisa Christms Seals 0a Sale By N. A. A.

The 20th annual Christmas seal sale of the NAACP got un way last week with the distribu tion, of one million seals, designed by Louise Jefferson, tal ented Negro artist The seals, in books of 100 selling for $1, are Jon sale through branch offices of the NAACP and at the national office. 20 West 40th street Advance orders include 100,000 by the West Coast Regional Office in San Francisco, and 50,000 by the Richmond, Va, and Baltimore, MtL, branches. je TT a wef To ew VL eA. 1 I Vo 0j to at 'l Uft' 'f Ing active partlclpatoa la read justment programs for reromiaj veterans; cooperation werthj, civic and political activities regarding the Negro and helping. te solve the attendant problems sa connection with our schookaj health and delinquency.

The Chapter will be represent ed at the forthcoming National Convention of the which meets In Chicago front December 27th to list Other members of the local fraternity are: George BosselL Isaac Canada, Dr. Jonathon R. Cook, George W. Grlssom, J. Harvey Kearnj, Albert Smith, Frank L.

Thompson, Joseph Thomas, Dr. G. Hudson Bataon, Joseph Mahood, Mark Parks. James Hairston," Hail Thomp son and Wesley Marshall. ABYSSINIAN BLOTJ8B 8HOr, located at 368 Ralph Avenue, will have a line of DRY GOODS and COSMETICS.

Rev. F. Jefferson, Proprietor. Decl tf IMPROVEMEIITS Degin io i fen lift HBK IMSHIEN. USKItK SOFTEN.

CUM OFF OUli SKIN, LOOSEN ItACKHEAOS Why wait any longer far hehy your akin and complexion oaa easily have? Enjoy the added love Bnees and the desirable beauty aid complexion Improvements that Back and White Bleaching Creaas can bring you. Aa eye opening, hope awtkraiag reward, which begins in a very few days hi ta store for you lf yed have htea relybig on ordinary heauty or all rorpeeo cmsaa fag your beauty car. Neither yea aos any other woman can expect such creams to lighten and brighten your skin the way Black sad White Bleaching Cream does. It brings yon a different looking; Brighter, lighter eomplexlos through the action that is special and exclusive to bleaching. Start using Back and Wait Bleaching Croaa new Just aa tall you and.

yaw can expect and enjoy a pleasant surprise. Caution: Ceo only aa directed. Larger etsee 33e sad toa at an lialara. la anra to i Ira.

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