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Harrisburg Telegraph du lieu suivant : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 22

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG 5 TELEGRAPH JANUARY 14, 1921. 1 i. A CLASSIFIED AD WILL SERVE YO IN SOL VING THE QUESTION OF DOMESTIC HELP Harrisburg Telegraph ant Ada Indexed Fur yuick Reference LINE RATE PER DAY list anu 2u days, each Each day ajtcr iu oay aiscouul from above tail" ad runs uuily lor one month mote. Lunacr Term Kales For Business Advertisers upon Request lu discount on prepaid classified aus and leiepuoueu paid wumu one Wtet Minimum charge 4 1'nes Pef diLy Misclassirication not permits No advertisements accepted alur. 1.3U ciuck.

auy ot puulicaliou. TlLEPHONE YOU1 AD. i leli 410u Dial 2liJ Ask lur Giuaaiiiud ueyaitmtnt UE.THS hAKt In. on eUiiesuay, January 12, 1921, John Crawioru iiartie, oi tile late Jolin una jtaliAaini liarvie, ayeu oa yeufi. imieiai caiurday atternoon me lesidencc oi M.

r. i 'wyer. lw Caicier a. lUiui'ii 6 i''' ate, LOSE George C. Hose, died on ury lo.

i. a in. at U'S IviiuclKC, mi auiJuci Aieuuc. lllO ruuuui on Sumruay ancrnooii clucit liom me uuue uuuics ,,11 2 iii IfhutuLJ.nvau. Ii.f.ii.

January 13, a921. i mwiua. wuc i S. jidnOvc i 1 1 jh at iier itSiuiiK Norm SUui ot. lrienda are invited to aiiinu the lunerai tcruas oav al'teiiiuou at oo ClOCK UOlll tut aoue auurtss, x.uriai cast nai iemii'ir uouy may ue eu Friday evening, i to a clock.

l. iiL.ti 13. 1921, vuiii eider. wiuoW OI i.halles elder, ageu bl years. lielatives anu iiieiius aie inMted I lllllrthl SelMCes Oil oay morning at lu clock lrom her lesiueiice, ltt luiuu a i i.unai is.

Louy may ue SJUv.ay atternoon anu e.eii imuWi Fheb Dowhou i oi Sieunen S. Dowhoiier, Tliursuav at lei noon at i.u ruhcrai services will oe Held auu resilience afternoon at o'clock, the is survivtU oy aim unee chnaren, alter 1. Wi houer, liariy J. Uownouer and Kva l.rud, all oi tins city. CUlOjLFTll VSiKS Mr Mr.

'Oi K. Wolfe and Mr. Jwreiice wisn to mank lrienas un. i m.c.s 1U1' lneir Killullei dUl mg nit ir leceni iieican uni" H1S0 lliaiiv thanks lor me iwioi LOST AM) I'utM) LOST A lady's Elgin gold wrist watcn on either a Hockvuie or lata and Leiryhiu streets car or transiei mg troni one to the other at and Market Sis. Suitable reward ll letc at liius Leriynm su, or Beil phone 3s4 H.

Case tii613a4 and movement 21S6 i LobT Masonic charm, liberal re waiu. U. o. Mattress 1 tn and Heir Sts. LoST The ladv who picke 1 up pucKeiooOK.

in tue press uox, leii sidt. ineatei. scuiul snow, pwaso return to Hos titei. uewaa. Hl.LV WAX TK VI.

WANTED AT ONCE One or two wood and metal workers Must be experienced. Apply to C. A Fair, Carriage Aulo orks. Mulberry and Summit Hamsourg. A good farmer on Gray Homestead, 4 miles east of Harnsburg, aiong pike and trolley.

Renter receives tme nail ol Iwheat crop this year. Afoul 100 acres. Possession gnea April 1. 1921. Inquire of Juil.N E.

FOX, Attorney, Kunkel Building, Harris ourg.Pa. XvTnTED Experienced dairymen and te'nant farmers. Apply at the Em juoymeju Bureau, Jlersney, 1'a. BOY, 16 years old lo work in fac torv chance to learn brush trade. Call Gordon Brushes, No.

2 North loth Street. A nTLD Men to learn the automobile and aeroplane business. Some of our bovs are making 4oc per hour while working between ciass hours. Call at uto and Aeroplane Mechanical School Training Wuarters, 14th and Sycamore, office 2a North Cameron SL EXECUTIVES WANTED, We can use the services of. two men possessing executive abilitv.

neat in appearance and forceful personality, to prepare for a position worth per vear and upwards. See Mr. Garges, after 10 a. Room jo. No.

10 S. Market Square. "Iv'ivtKD A man to build a mau soleum out of common stone. Address 21S2 careTelcgraph. "im.krks.

over 17. for postal mail service $130 month. Examinations januarv. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write R.

Terry, former civil service examiner), Continental Washington. D. VN ED A grod representative broker to handle chain store security for a first class Philadelphia house. Write to H. Shoemaker, general deiiv erv, Harrisburg.

and arrange interview for near future. HE LP WAN 1 EU FEMALE EXPERIENCED OPERATORS wanted at once. Apply Deitrich Thomas Mfg. 6th and Herr Streets, City Star Laundry Third Floor. HOUSEKEEPER want, iwo in familv, good home for tvht paifty.

Call 433 Crascent Street. CLERKS, over 17, for postal nail urrirp. J13o month. Examinations Januarv. Experience unnecessary.

For Jtee particulars, write R. Terry, i former civil service examiner). 50S Continental Washington. U. L.

CoDllnue.l km Next Uliail FOR RENT HOLSES 1. Oakletgh, beyond Paxtang, 17 rooms, 6 baths, furnished or unfurn'shed. 2. 2005 X. 3rd St.

13 rooms and bath. 3. Front St. 13 rooms, 2 baths, furnished. APARTMENTS 1.

410 N. 3rd St. three apart ments, each 2 rooms and bath. 2. 1209 X.

3rd St. furnished apartment, 1 rooms, kitchenette and bath; for rent from May 1 to November 1. STOREROOMS l. 208 N. 3id St.

Two desirable storerooms. 2. 1121 Market St. Storeroom. 22x33 it.

with 2nd and 3rd floors for storage. Bl'SIXESS 1. 1113 Montgomery St. 3 story brick building, suitable for manufacturing. 2.

Two story rear of 116 Pine street, suitable for garage or light manufactur ing. MILLER BROS. CO. mcrw AND COURT STS. REAL.

ESTATE INSURANCE SIRETV BONDS Mmbri Uarrtbars Real Estate Beard HK1.P A. Ki KKM A LE ANTED LADY STKNOGKAFH EH FOK 1NSUHANCK OKI STATE EX1JEK1ENCK AND SAUUtl EXl'ECTKU. AUDKESS INSUlt CAKE TELKGRAl'H. W'ANTEu lleliahle experienced white girl for cooking anu general housework, no heavy pleasant room, good wages, lmihjic at 2ii3 NjSecondt. WANTED Woman for cooking, washing and ironing, good wages.

Apply Eye Specialist. 222 Locust St. WANTED Stenographer, one with knowledge of bookueeping. Must im nish relerence. Address laol tare Telegraph.

EXPERIENCED MILLINERS ALSO Millinery Apprentices Wanted for Spring Season. ASTRICHS. Second Floor. 30S Market St. WANTED Experienced proofreader lor night work.

Address 1342 care lelt'giupll. WANTED Young woman, agu 1( to 20, for mail clerk and mess, nger, witn some knowleuge or stenography anu tNpiug. r. Nieiletii chance lor ai vaiiceineut. In lepiy state age, eua.a tion and saiaiy txpecteu.

Address l.Mi tale ieit grapii. WANTED Htliable girl to assist with liuiiscwork, no washing. Apply lNorth Harrisourg Sleeiion. AStiSTA.NT secretary. Yv oiuun capable of taking entire charge of gcu eral office, iviiowieuge oi oookkep nisr and stenography.

Stale age c. Derience anu salary desired. 1512 carejrclegiaph. TWO young women oi neat appearance lo denioiisiruie and lane orders tor sanitary rubberized aprons an bibs, experience unnecessary. Call CToruon iuiiis, 'EXl'LHlLNCED WlflTE lllKL FOli GLNEHAL iiUL'SE OlIK.


WliiTE woman wanted for washing ana cleaning, two in family, bungalow, easy place. Call ul oliec. 3oo2 liinherford i'axtang. iicip ju, it'll Aiaif it ml finale STENOGRAPHER, man or woman capable oi connucting business Mioiiaence in wnoiesaie house, address stating age, experience, salary exyeci ed, wnei'e last tmpioyeu and witn lef ert nee. 1'.

O. Box Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMIOX VAXTE1 SALESMEN Write lor list ot linos ot opening and lull particulars. Earn 2.ouu lo yearly. Big demand lor men inexperienced or experienced.

City or traveling. Nat I'l. Dept. but, Chicago. OWING to an increasing demand among the farmers for the "Golf td light iheir homes and cook their meals 1 am in need oi some more salesman l) utmohslrute anu take orders in Pennsylvania.

Range ami sewing ma chine salt smell pi eierred with train you for one eek ixpeiise paid. Then give you a noeral coiuraci witn weeKiy trawling expenses, ll you desire to your earnings, call or write O. G. Werner. 205 Franklin Building, ilajrrisburg, Pa.

isil ATlOAS VAXlt.lMALE iot'NG man wants work of any kind. Phone Bell3t17 W. WANTED Position as mechanical draltsman, blueprints turuished lor inspection. References exchanged. Ad ress i 2 12 leareTelegraph.

LAPr.Klij.NCiD salesman wishes position witn reliable concern, travel tr siatioiiaiy. 1, uoj care Telegraph. YOUNG, olored man desires position as porter in store' or' in hotel. Apply ii N. Seventh St.

1 1 AllUN is A.M Itl) FEMALE WANTED Position as stenographer by young woman. Address 1j4J care Telegraph. WANTED Middle aged woman wishes to keep house for small private lamily. Aadress 129 S. YValnu'w Mechanicsburg.

Pa. WANTED By young woman position as typist, has experience. Address 129 S. Walnut Mechanicsbuig WANTED Colored woman wattt i day's work ot any kind. Apply 13u8 Currant Ave.

COLORED woman wants day's ivork washing and ironing. Call at HJ2J Apricot Sl WHITE woman wants washing to do at home. Cail Beil 2is2 J. WOMAN, coloied, wishes day's work or work by the week. rile or call 1322 Marion St.

WANTED Sewing of any kind. Call at542 S. 16th SL YOUNG colored woman wants po sition in restaurant as aishwasner or short order cook. Apply 913 North Seventh St. WANTED "By middle aged woman housekeeping in private family, an ex; perienceu cook, reterences given, wages liom to $10.

Must bein city or nearby. 15o0 care Telegraph. T' HIKING and ironing and cleaning wanted by colored woman. Call ai Reily St. ROOMS FOK KENT fTirTrENT Nicely furnished room.

city steam heat, all conveniences. entlemen preferred, reterences re uuired at Roslyn 2o Walnut St. Apply 226 N. Third siore. FOlt KENT Two communicating second floor rooms, furnished.

Apply U3s Walnut st. in 143. Warm, clean rooms, run ning hot and cold water, bath included, 4 per week and up. Wilson Hotel. For RENT Nicely turnished trout room, heal and use of batn, in fourth floor apartment.

Inquire Mrs. Owens, pott's Third and Herr Sts. FOR RENT Furmsneu rooms, ail conveniences. Inquire 113 Locust SL TWO unfurnished third floor front mnms. eitv steam and alt conveni ences.

Call between 6 and p. soi N. Second St. References required. MARKET STREET, 51S.

AleU Alu.eX. Rooms $3.50 up. aler in rooms. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms in private family. Bell phone 365S J.

Af AKTM VTS t'OK 11EXI' XPARTiTENT Two rooms and kit chenette with use of bath, seconi Moor. Two rooms and private third flooi, gas plate and electric lights. Located along car line. Oamo HilL Desired without children. Rent, J2a.

Address ivti care leiegrapn. APARTMENT to let. 214 Pine. At trartivelv furnished bachelor aoart mcnta consisting of living room, nert room and nam. rteierences required.

Can be seen oy appoinimeni only, Phone J. FfRNlSHED apartment. 800 North Third gtreet. Chas. Adier son.

APAKTMENXSi WAN1EJJ APARTMENT wanted by a refined couple, four or five rooms down town section. Phone 394b J. Bell. "KE Ui EiTA1'E VK SALE AT REDUCED PRICE 223 Maclay SL, a large semi detached brick front i porch house, steam heat and electric, in a beautiful residential section. KOUGH, BRIcJlITP lLL KLINE.

B. Kunkel Bldg. Dial 4503 CALL FOR YOUR. ART CALENDAR FOR SALE On Allison Hill, nortn of State Street, a 2is story I lame house with improvements, on easy oavment plan. Immediate possession.

A. V. ENGEL. 2131 X. gecond SL Bell5741 FOR SALE Three story brick house with improvements, near Broad Street markeL 2o00.

A. W. SWENGEL. 2131 X. Second SL Bell S741 ICaalUiuca la Next Celaata) REAL KST.TErOH SALE t'OK SALE On Broad Street' be tween second ana linrd ots a.

i story brick house with all improvements, loeal repair. Possession April 1. A. W. SWENGEL 21S1 N.

Second St. BellSTjU LOTS FOlt SALE ON DERRY ST J. K. K1PP. FOli SAL 2 story frame bouse, lot 20 It.

by lull excellent coiui lion, all impro emeiits. rooms bath, electric anu gus throUrftioiu, front and rear entrance witn four foot alley on one slue, steam heating system, both front and year yards. Apply at li'3a N. 6Ui St. Also large bakery with two ovens and garage for three cars on lot 40 it.

by 1UU adjoining other properly. Bakery fronts on alluee St. Will sell separately or together to quick buyer. V. E.

HOOKER. 1942 Wallace Street I axtonia. Johnston Street. 6 room bungalow with feet plot, thre blocks from car New Cumberland, East Fifteenth Street, two story, 7 room brick and stucco home with 100x360 foot plot. 100 bearing fruit trees, conveniences, improvements, unsurpassed view, ek viion, location, a square from troUev.

S00Q TUG END ISO ICG ER REALTY 10 S. Second St. Bell Valuable property in Paxtang. For particulars inquire at office of H. G.

I'EDLOW. Pell phone 270. 409 Market St: ll.i North Summit '8 room frame house. Can be sold to colored people Price J200. H.

G. FEDLOW, r.c'l plume 270. 409 Market' St. H43 Vernon room brick house, terms. Price $2700.

1 1 G. FEDLOW. Pell phone 270. 4u9 Market St. 2V.

storv single frame dwelling io rtd on "Park" Avenue, Camp Hill, containing i rooms and bath, gas, elecuic light, steam heat, good condition, lot 120x120. IKOO'i X. Third 3 story and frame dwelling: 7 rooms and bath.rf elegant location, attractive at ol00. 1314 Swatara good 8 room brick dwelling with all improvements, well located. Price BRINTON rACKER Second and Walnut Streets.

FOK SALE Desirable residence, coiner Market ana uoover i.ue thanicsburg. rooms, bath, nans, ai tic. porches, large lawn, garden, price reasonable. Can be seen by appointment. Ida G.

Kast, Mechanicsburg. Bell 5 J. FOR SALE A 3 story brick house, 8 rooms and bath, porches, steam electric and gas, room for a large garage. Will consider trade on other property. Possession 30 days.

Address 2194 care Telegraph. I'OR SALE New 2 story brick houses, 6 rooms and bath, all modern tonveniences, Meirose St. at 2od and lt rry. a UB 1 1 3 9lSi R. THE NAME D.

A. CALEY means a "Good l'eal'" in real estate. Place vour business, property or dwelling i i 7o7 Kunkel Bldg. Beil I'LAX TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND FAMILY Jonah or johnnie on the Spot which? If you are Johnnie on the Sput for good real estate, get in touch with us. New property being listed daily.

KOUGH, BRIGIITBILL KLINE. B. 3902. Kunkel Bldg. D.

4509 AUTO TRIP BY APPOINTMENT X) FOR SALS 17th just north of Market 8 rooms, brick $5200 Ptnorook, corner brick housd, all improvements, bargain lor uick sale. $2600 Steelton, 36 N. Second Street, two detached frame houses, a buy. Both J50 J9 Pcnbrook, 232 stain i room i with all improvements. garage and two chicken houses, lot 40.19i feet with plenty of iruit.

Price lor uuick sale HiVlt iso we nave many otners. Ask us f0TrGEND KROEGER REALTY 10 S. Second St. BellJJ963 REAL ESTATE bought and sold. Harrisburg Homes n29 N.

Seventh Sirtet. HILL apartment lor sale. Excellent condition. Special price to quicn ouy er 10 per cent, investment, dniail amount ot casn required. Call Dial phone 4973 i'uRN'ER properly on Nortn second Street for sale, 10 rooms and bath, excellent condition, most modern im uiovements, suitable for an apartment.

1121 X. second St. Bell Realty BergrrejBldg; DEP.RY CTREET, 3 story brick, furnace, gas, hot and cold water, cem erted cellar, ironi anu uses porcn. Very desirable property, centrally 1j caled. MAYNARD M.

FULTON. 326 iisoo will purchase a brick dwelliug with 8 rooms and bath, other improvements, located on Penn Street. Bell Realty Bergner Bldg. SINGLE brick property for sale, No. '431 Montour Street, Paxtang, looms and bath, electric light, steam heat, stationary wasn iuos.

trio. 30x100. Bell Realty Bergner Bid Manada Street, 2009, 1 story brick bungalow, (single), gas and furnace 80x100 feet. MniK street.

1902. 2'4 story brick. semi detached, steam heat, front and back porch, gas ana eiectric, cemen cellar, room iui gaioo, tiuoc to tu innrp of Keuevue rarn. r.rn Street. 1941.

2 story brick. heat, eas and electric, iront ana rear uorcjries. two open nrepiaces. a ,,1 iMiranie Jefferson Street, 2658, 2H story brick and frame, furnace, hot ana cold water. A good invesimeni.

christian street. iinJ JJ. i siory frames, centrally locatea, gas, water. furnace. MAYNARD M.

FULTON. 326 15th 160. 3 story brick and frame. Now vacanu Price 2i4th 1201 to 1211. 3 story pressed brick with all improvements, 8 rooms and bath, steam heaL Price $6700 each except 1201, corner, which is i200.

$5000 can remain on first mort BKittatinny SU 1241 1243. These properties nave been reduced to $4000 for both. ExceUent loca Wallace SL, 1319, 2 Vs story frame dwelling. Price $2100. COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES "Liberty Garage," 16th and Walnut Sts.

This property must be sold. Originally listed at $60,000, but we are now authorized to quote a ligure of $4,000. Mortgages of $39,500 can remain. Second and State Sts S. W.

stock and fixtures of drug and confectionery store. Seventh SL. 1014. Ice cream and confectionery store. Small laundry doing nne busi ness.

Overhead expenses about 50 per cenL Good reason for IBS' Big Bargain. Cigar and grocery store and pool room. South Cahieron'SL, doing fine business. Quick sale price, laO0. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO, INC.

331 Market Street. "iCoatlataeti la Next ClaauU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Penn 411, 6 rooms, semi deta eu, uci, modern, enclosed trout por.ii, bas. electric, steam heat garage. N. Third 1013, store and dwelling, 9 rooms, improvements, gas, devil ic, James Street, rear.

N. Sixth St. Apartment house, attractive, modern, excellent, investment. CURT1N 45, Penbrook, detached, large lot, brick, gas, electric, vapor vacuum heat, naruwoou e.y attractive, home. Washington Heights, cor.

vVasnrng lon Avenue and walnut Street, tot 03x140, gas. electric, lumacc, pur.ti.. garage. Briggs 1621. buff, brick, lot 35xllu.

all improvements, place, tor three garages. ISth Street, 357, semi detached, porch, gas, electric, steam heal. State St 1840. 8 rooms, all improve ments, semi detached, iron, porch Mechanicsburg, High detached brick, lot 60.ii9, nardwood Moors, new, modern every way. Swatara 1217, 8 rooms, all improvements, iront porch.

Jefferson 2229, corner, Camp 9 rooms, rick, porcn, all improvements, attractive uoine. Jefferson 2314, 8 rooms, brick, porch, improvements. Jefferson 2420, corner Ross rooms, orick, gas, eiectric,, ill good condition. GEORGE E. 1CLINGKMAN, Bell 2020.

11 N. Second SL Dial 274 $2700 wiil purchase a uwelling with 8 rooms and oulh, locateu on Muencn Street. Bell Realiy Hergner tlog. Oik SALE A bungalow with one acre ot' ground. Call ueil phone SJ65 DOUBLE dwelling tor sale, each i rooms and oath, gas, electric lifcht and furnace.

Price ioyu for ootn. Utll Realty Bldg. dwelling for sale. on Pine Street," tnoiL Plot 7xl5o. t'r: Je Bell Realty Beigner Blug.

REAL ESTATE COM.MONSENSE Last week gave us 53 real estate inquiries, six listings and two sales. If you have a property yoa desire to sell before April 1, will sureiy be worth your while lo list it with our BEE HIVE. KOUGH, BR1GHTR1LL KLINE. B. 3902.

Kunkel Blag. D. 4503 Call For Your Art Calendar Now. BRICK and stucco house on Herr Street between 16th and 17th Streets, vacant, steam heal, electric, gas, nard wood lloors, 7 rooms and balh, small payment down. D.

A. CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell phono 589 IMMEDIATE possession to a very fine home on Derry St. A semi detaoti ed 2 story brick, steam heat, electric and gas, room tor garage in rear.

J. K. Kipp Emerald 626.. 8 rooms, brick, front porch, all improvements, price reduced for quick sale, immediate possession, not much cash required. GEORGE E.

LING EM AN, Bell 2026. 14 N. Second St. Dial 2274 129 Summit Street, 2 V4 story brick semi detached, all improvements, $5u0 down, $30 per month. Possession io days.

Bell 626 1 L. B. COHEN. 308 Bergner Bldg. Dial 6226 Fine suburban home between Harrisburg and Mechanicsburg, along Slate Road, all steam heat, electric lights, 8 room brick house, all necessary outbuildings, 5 acres land, lots of fruit, etc.

This is a very tine home and must be seen to appreciate, FACTORY' SITE. R. R. SIDING riot 52x132 ft. along P.

R. R. siding with three frame bldgs. on fine site for factory, warehouse, storage, etc. Lo cated in city limits.

Also along trolley line. Possession April i. APARTMENT HOUSE 239 S. 13th Street, three story press ed brick apt. house, 6 rooms and bath to each apartment, steam neat, elect, and gas.

Will take $2000 down. Pos session April 1. Row of five 3 story brick houses. eentrallv located, all will seil each one separate or all together, Small amount down, easy payment plan. Possession April 1.

Bungalow at Colonial Acres, one block to trolley and State Road, all imp. except batn, large porcnes, moms, cemented cellar, about one vear old, one acre ground, fruit, berries and grapes, chicken house. Pos session at once. (Vacant). 2' storv brick house on MoRke Avenue, all side entrance, seven rooms and bath, newly painted and papered, small amount down, easy navmpnts.

DOSSeSSlOn ADTll 1. L' V. 3 Story DT1CH, tacant, iu oiicii, oo down. 3 storv brick house, N. Sixth St, fine home.

storv brick house, jviarxet ot. hrirk. S. 13th fine homa. 2 story brick, N.

5th Street, good heme. 3 story brick ureen eu Several apartment bouses. Several building lots. C. H.

CORDER. Bell nhone 560 J. lUi dreen bu Real Estate For Sale Suburban ci ri rram homes in all directions with large plots of ground. Call 107 Chestnut at. liiTH 4 vir.sBURG 8 room brick house for sale, lot 50x170.

located at 211 North Market ttreei, possession at. once. Price $2400. Call at 107 Cheatuut StreeL REAL ESTATE FOR REXT FOR RENT riVP HILL. PAIGE 8 roomed.

detached furnished nqme. ROHRER SOX. BERGNER BLDG. RT'STXESS building, east end Mul horrv Street bridge, suitable for auto business, cnas. Aaier at oon.

FOR RENT Small house in good condition, rear of ernon Street. Call after 6 p. 1339 ernon street or Bell 1094 M. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT Suburban property with conveniences; with large lot preferred. Will consider buying if satisfactory.

Address 1028 car Telegraph. WANTED To buy from owner, a modern home. Will pay cash. 1078 care Telegraph. hoitse in city or suburbs; price not to exceed $5500.

Write particulars to 1541 care Teiegrapn. The Tugend Kroeger Realty Co, 10 South Second SL, wish to increase their list of homes for sale to meet tbe inquiries of customers. Owners who desire to sell will find a good market here. Bell 33 J. urn will buv or suburban ral estate, ranging in price not over $309.

Address communications to p. Box 625. WE buy real estate, oena us your HOMEg, 1129 Seventh Street. iCaattaaea' tat Next Celai THE SMALL COST OF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING arTortls a pleasing contrast to the no longcr small cost of about ervthing else. Even a CAMPAIGN of classified advertising by which is meant KEEPING AT IT UNTIL YOU GET RESULT will cost so little that you can finance it out of your loose change pocket.

REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To rent suburban home, six rooms or more, preierabiy with conveniences, good sized plot ot ground; yearly lease, iteterences furnished, possession on or beioie April 1, 1921. AaUrtss 12b6 care Xele graph. FARMS FARM for sale known as the iiiium berger Farm, 40 acres, 7 room house, bank barn, Al place, splendid fruit orchard, good loeutuu in Cumberland County, 0 miles from Harrisburg. $6000. 5o acres, good bidgs.

15 to 29 acres clear, rest in woodianu and tnn siouo. 50 acres. 4 miles from Diilsburg, nne home, Al condition, only $2soo. f.0 acres, a miles lrom is acres, seeded, sbjoo.

BOO acres, miles lrom Hbg. $40,000. JOHN A. UK ANU, a 1 la 1 0 i FARM for sale, eight miles from Harnsourg in iors county on Mat Road, llo acres, completely stockea ISfiOO. possession at once.

Xo44 v. are FARM For sale or rent. 200 aeresc clear. Nine miles north of Harrisburg. Address 1584 care Telegraph.

FARM FOR SALE 147 acres, one mile northeast of Progress, good ground and good buildings, inquire S. W. SHOEMAKER. 1545 North Sixth St. WONDERFUL FARM VALUES ncres i 2 Jnl! 2 acres JSUOO 98 acres 157 acres 240 acres 114 acres 3 miles to city.

t570J H. C. EMBISli, 914 North Sixth Mreet. I FOR SALE 114 acre truck or dairy farm, good buildings. .1200 feet Con odoguinet creek frontage, only 10 mm utes walk from Lnola car line, scenic view, would be an Al investment to cut into 5 and 10 acre lots.

Price thisjbounti SOia ana repaired. If any one month only $100 per acre. It lies oota tella you that your machine is worn sides main road. Cttn uiu xtose Street, near 430 1 iri.iS. 1013 iState Bl.

Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 FARM 32 acres, good buildings. good fences, pure water, close to trol ey and pavea road. iTice 4200. C.

A. CARE SON, 409 Market Street, or Care's Store, Linglestown, Pa. FARMS WANTED rvr. 3 st i re FARM wanted near Harrisburg Vvith nrk cmn and minlements. eive not st ock, crop and implements, give hot torn price at once to itri care leie gaph.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The inventors and patentees of three new garters, which make the biggest manufacturing proposition of its kind in the United States, desire to connect with one or more parties who possess ample capital to put this proposition over big. Dies and tools ready for manufacturing. Address P. O. Box 72.

Harrisburg, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS WANTED Every man in Harrisburg to see our big special made to measure suits at $21 Thpv are fully worth $40. MORTON C. STOUT TAILORS, 9 NORTH imnu oi. PLEATING OF ALL KINDS Done right here at home by 3killed inriipm.

48 hour service. Also Hem stitching and covered buttons. Forster, 510 I 1 11 octw w. i nzr tj a yarn Buv your wall paper wnere you can buy the cheapest and drop me a card and 1 win nang it ior juu. ru "auci where you buyit.

1513 Vernon Street. MILLINERY READ! TO WEAR ARNOLD'S, 228 CHLSTNUX BONDS EXECUTED DUPH1N INSURANCE AGENCY, 202 DAUPHIN HARRISBURG. PA. bOTH PIIONE3 Contractor will give you interesting estimates on alterations, repairs, bula indows, houses changed into apartments are 100 per cent, more prorit able. No jobs too small.

Address l4a care Telegraph. ROACHES. RATS, MICE. BEDBUGS and other disease carriers permanently exterminated. Leon G.

Henson. 604 Foster Harrisburg, Pa. Special nrires to hotels, restaurants, clubs. etc. PhnneBellJ613.

Dial 4007 CRATED. J. A. ai.hnn. 1736 Logan SL Bell 1837 Y.

i a Men and women who suffer witn aching, burning leet, corns and callouses, to Knive 25c Works wonders. guaranteed by F. J. Althouse. 13m and i ov.

iv. AlMrltr Ainmei; it. a and all drugstores. i.iAMONns bought for cash P. tL CAPLAN CO 2Q Market JStreeL UPHOLSTER 1NU oi tne oest.

ami Furniture repairing and rehnisning. Vork guaranteed, called for and Ue USTAKR UPHOLSTERING WORKS lilt James iSL BeU 28 EXPERT TREE. SHRUB" AND VINS PRUNING Work approved by City Para UepanmenL Call Bell phone 3485 A LANE and second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1U22 Market StreeL ilea 323 vt ROOF PAINTING Work Guaranteed.

Get Our Estimate, HARRISBURG REPAIR CO, 140 S. 13th StreeL Beli 40 tCeatlaaed tat Next Celaataj IHSINKSS PEIISO.VAI.S yClNLNE Look out lor that grippe leenng naeiy to eaten you in, a changeaDie weatner. our; LAAATivrJ PHoot 'HO QUlNlNE will slave it oif if taken in time, uoss Drug totoie, ua aireei OAl AUHITlUllNli wkujinu Any metai weiueu. tvura guarauteeu. Carbon removed by oxygen.



BAKGAIXS 816 set Worlds Greatest Orations, vols. $1: large $16 Siandard Dictionary, to. AurarjQ Book Store, 925 N. Third St. WOOD.

WOOD. Cord wood delivered to vour door at $10 per cord. 1S25 N. Seventh St. Bell phone 8S7 J.

FOR SALE Never used No. 9 Oli v. Bargain to quick buyer. Rubin Rubin, 320 Market Street. Bell phone J.

FOR SALH 500 square eel plate i frontage glassi can be purchased reasonable. Write J. Allen Barrett, P. o. 505, Lykens, Pa, SEVERAL weli known makes of tires at reduced prices.

Come and see DAUPHIN TIRE SERVICE 211 213 N. Second St. Bell J405 "FURNITURE, carpets, stoves, all to be sold at greatly reuueeu price. Come and look tnem over. A try will convince you.

Central Furniture Store I'Peu tellings. 324 Reliy St. Bell FOR ''SALE American walnut Ued room sun, ued, uureau, ciuiionier, springs, 125. owner leaving town, in. quire Mr.

ijongsiau, nui jiaritei st. FOR SALE Rebuilt cash registers, We buy, sell and repair all mukea of cash registers, etc. All work guaran teed. J. D.

Kunkel, 21 N. oth Street, Bell bb4 J. machines. all makesl iju. nrt 1 ueill rcDair it.

Needlasi lnr Bell blO Y. TYPEWRITERS bought for cash All makes reniea exchanged. GEORGE P. TILLOTSON. 205 iJoust Street, opposite Orpheum Theater.

Both phones. QUARTKRKD oak buffet, 54 inches wide, value iiu; saie price a. FORNWALD S. 1321 N. Sixth St.

Dial T554 LATHE, drill press and lot siua.l tools trom macnine snup. aiso molor. Prices reasonable, 7, P. rn tools from machine shop.

Also 1 11. F. R. Laverty. 1857 BeU phone.

MORRIS SAIS savo money Duying new and second hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris O. I 1 1 fccnmertz, ivio t. utu nat.

FOR SALE 75 shares of common stock of Smith Waring Corporation. Price $200 for the lot. COTTKREL EBNER 9 X. $125 quartered golden oak 'itiffet for $S6, table cover. Bell phone 5021 FOR SALE Local druggists are now offering Cherry Mul to those afflicted with coughs, colds and run down condition.

Cnerry Mul keeps you well. Every bottle guaranteed. Recommended by F. J. Althouse, 13th and Market; H.

C. Kennedy. 321 Market, and all drug stores. NATIONAL cash registers, sold on easy monthly payments without interest. Bell phone 2406; Dial 3890.

N. R. Black, sales agent, 105 Market St. BRASS and iron beds at factory prices, also single and double heaters at low prices. S.

Gold, 901 N. Third SLBell phone 5809 J. i MisC'ELLAN EOL A TED MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paiu. Call or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market Street.

Will call, city or country. Bell phone 5321 BELL PHONE. 3370 J. DIAL 1939 S. R1FK1N, Shoes, Furniture, houerht and sold.

Highest cash prices paid. 407 Broad Har risburg, Pa. WE are in the market tor all of junk. Call Bell 4974 or writ i Cohen York and Ash Aves. write L.

MO.Ex TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a speciaiy, uusuicsa uuiiiiueiiLiax. payments to suit borrower's convenience. Positively lowest rates in city.

PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO, N. Market Square. Room ziu. SMALL LOANS AT LEGAL KA'i'Ja. $15 to $300 In furniture, real estate or guaranteed notes.

Convenient monthly payments, interest charges based on tne actual time the money is in your possession. CO OPERATIVE LOAN AND IN VESTMENT z4 unestnut st, LOANS We loan money on clothing, shoes, Victrolas, records, jewelry, guns, revolvers, etc. Nathan Natuan, .2. Aueraecu sat. MUSICAL FOR SALE Here is a real bargain, Castle phonograph, plays all disc records.

Fine mahogany cabinet. Good condition. Less than half price at $40.. Call 212 North Front Street, Worm leysburg. WE WILL buy your piano or player and pay you cash.

Spangler's Music House. 2112 N. Sixth St. Call BeU 4012 J. FOR' SALE Gibson guitar, in Al List price $80.

Bargain sold at once. Aoaress i4b care Telegraph, WILL sell practically new player piano and large size phonograph, at irrttii Btei care Telegraph, for appointment as 1 am not at nome mucn. HARRISBURG Talking Machine TTosnitaL AU kinds of talking ma chines repaired, also supplfea. Bell 2184 J. 1302 N.

Sixth. MAK (EARS' EXPERIENCE. SLIGHTLY USED RECORDS Victor, Columbia. Okeh. Emersoj 10 inch.

S5c 12 inch, 0c Used Records Bought Csed Records Exchanged. 10c ETOUFFER'S, 12U N. Third St. ICvatlaaed La Next Celwauu MUS1CAL PIANOS Tl NED AND REPAIRED Oyler's, 14 by a skilled tuner only. South Fourth Street.

WHERE IO DINE TA15LM BOAKD1NG Home ConkiiiK 6 1 Ki( LAN lljsTU U'ET SlOltALE STOUAGE I'iiMilt. rooms lor househoni goods in i.i eui'ool ware house, $3. 50 per uiontn anu up, lower storage rules in non ill eproot a re house. Hart'isuuig Storage 4ji 4 45 S. Second St.

liAl'LlXU AN li MOVING R. rl. hauling, urivai.e H. rooms lor nouseiioiu kouus. riama and Logan Sis.

Hell phone 1632 R. MOVING One ol the largest and best equipped pauueu vans in the State, hiotinied on Lon white chassis. backed up by 15 years experience, is evidence oi sure anu quick delivery. Any distance, livin Aungst, Mgr. Beil phone.

Vj. uruutr, rieisney. ra. PAUL BECK, Geuuial Hauling, local and long distance, rates reasonable. CalM61iNaudain Bell b23o AUTO Hauling and locul anu long distance, rales leasonaoic.

E. E. Koll er, 444 Hamilton St. Call Hell ISoa PElS AND Ll lis'l OCK THOROLGiiHBEti uileoule, tmini'u beagle unU beugie youngsters. beautilul young collies, while Homers and while iviugs, several breeds ol nun ui ma anu ruuoiis.

i'ets ana puppies wanted. Maugun s. iJaupmii at PHILIP F. KL1TH. Undertaker, uiuy Assistant, i l.iiibaliuer, Bell 5932.

1215 i. 6lh St. Dial 4310 SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Deny Sireel.

BELL 1956. DIAL L133 ETEH 1 LU1 FOli SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market Street, east of Twenty sixth and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moderate. Miller Bros. Agents.

REPAIRING A P. nut mntnrft'ele pvlinder re bored and set with over size pistons and rings. Remove the noise and re place the pep. 1212 FULTOX STREET. 57C4 Dial 5149 Dial AUTOMOBILES A GOOD USED CAR PROPERLY BROUGHT Represents GREATER VALUE Than Any New Car.

Only three or four makes of new cars can be bought for less than $1100. Yet we will sell you a "Pedigreed Used Car," your choice of several makes, carefully overhauled with good tires and in good running condition, retinished like new, at a price range of $250 $600 They are not Just "secondhand cars." Every one of them has been through the shop, tightened up, worn parts renewed all "ready to run." Tops have been dressed, upholstery retinished. Our aim is to supply the critical buyer who appreciates quality and realizes that from our slock he cn select a real car at less than half current new car prices. Place your order now ve will hold your car till spring. Open Evenings.

Time Payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO, 2lZ oecona otreet. ENCLOSED CARS. SPECIAL VALUES 53 Cadillac victoria mechanically right, good tires, prices low. 07 Cadillac Suburban has been rebuilt and guaranteed by us. Chalmers touring, equipped with winter top, good condition, only $650.

Cash or terms. CADILLAC CO. OF HARRISBURG. 311 15 S. Cameron St.

1918 Chevrolet 490 coupe NEW CUMBERLAND MOTORCAR CO. New Cumberland. Bell 5264. VELIE, 2 ton, 1920, express body, canopy top. new rubber, first class condition.

MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, Factory Branch, 300 S. Cameron St. Bell 3290 Small first payment. One year to pay. 1917 Chalmers Sedan, fine shape.

sacrifice. 1920 OldsmoDiie touring six. 1918 Oldsmobile touring, eight. 1918 Studebaker, roadster. 1917 Haines six, touring.

1917 Paige six. touring. 1917 Vim delivery, stake body. 1917 OverlanJ. model .5.

Panel tjommerce, i tuii uuta. 1918 Gar lord truck, 2 ton, over hauled. tjll r. JjO lit A AO It, A. Schiffman, Mgr, 22 26 North Cameron Street.

rSR SALE Studebaker roadster. good as new, cheap. Apply 260 Meyers Street, Bieeiioiu USED CAR BARGAINS HUDSON Super Six, 7 passenger touring car, renewea ana repainted, usual new car guarantee PAIGE 1920 Big Six, 7 passenger, almost new, repainted, overhauled $1600 HUDSON Super Six roadster $1000 OVERLAND Five passenger tour ins 0 stitDEBAKER 1918. cvlinder. passenger $900 BUICK 110 roadster, elegant bane OVERLAND 1917 touring car' ISO GOMERY SCHWaRTZ MOTOR CAB Court and Cranberry Street The above price subject to IS per cenL discount.

BETHLEHEM 2 ton 1919 stake body, lights and self starter, new rubber, first class condition. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRcCK CORPORATION. Factory Branch, 300 S. Cameron SL Bell 3290 Small first payment One year to pay. WE have same parts of aU cars and all parts of some cars in stock all the Ume IDEAL AUTO PARTS CO, Hancock and Christian Streets.

Pinr Factory. Cameron and State Streti GOOD used Jeffrey Sedan automo bile at a oargain. v. aj, it Derry StreeL OVERLAND Sedan, fine shape, sacri fice price tnis wu. ocu Dial 5430.


1 3 3 1 4 5 S. Came ron Street. USED trucks r.t bargain nrlcea. Internationals, Vims, Republics. LNTEii.NATlO.SAL HAktlifl'iSK CO.

IMMEDIATE DELIVER! Ford coupes, sedans, tourings and roadsters. NEW CUMBERLAND MOTOR CAR CO, i vuiiiuciiauui beil 6264 OVERLAND coupe, like new, $1100 SELDEN TRUCK 2 10 moa, old. new motor, cheap. REO SIX. PULLMAN New paint and top, extra tires.

THAN spurt truck, New; sev. eral dump body jobs, different sizes good cunuition. jjiiNux irsuc rt. i's cnean. DEN BY SALES.

1205 Capital Street, 2 ton Republic truck $J00 2 ton Bethlehem truck 6 passengcr Crow Elkhart $500. 4 passenger Crow Elkhart $600 6 pussenger Overland $260 i passenger Studebaker Crow Elkhart, 6 cylinder. MONN BROS Thirteenth aud Thompson Sts. Garages, At wssorics and Repairs FOR RENT Garage room" for on" or two cars, fireproof and cemented floor, rent $5 per month. Inquire D.

M. Clpin, 1412 N. Second St. SECOND HAND tires bought, aold and exchanged. George Tire Service 107 Market St.

First class tire repairinc Bell 295 J. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under. and as directed by, a decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, entered DecemDer 14, 1920, in the suit ot the Commonwealth Title I nu, ua il rvu AlUOb AOUlaiJ JttUS uuuc, UCU Ul UOt CACtUbCU UJ, Midland Pennsylvania Railroad Company dated July 1, 1910, against ilia lanu l'ennsyivania Railroau Company, No. 665 in Equity, the said trustee win at the courthouse in the City of Hai risburg, l'ennsyivania, at 2 p. on Wednesday, tne 9th day of March, 1921.

ntler nnrl extinsa tn nunhe Aitie as an entirety all of the nroDerlv. es tates real and personal, corporate rights and lranchises of the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad Company, a brief description of which is as follows: All and singular the partially completed standard line ot railroad beginning at the junction thereof witn' the lines of the Northern Central Railway Company at a point immediately south of the intersection of the same with Shippen's Run in the Borougn of Miliersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and running thence in an eastwaroly direction through the counties of Dauphin and Schuylkill to, an intersection witn center street at or near Fourth street in tne Borougn of Asiiland, including rights of way, easements, station ground, tracks, passenger and Height houses, engine and car houses and buildings and structures of every kind and description, and including all equipment, lo comotives, cars, machines, tools, wires, poles, and all material and fuel for, constructing, operating or repairing a railroad, and all franchises, lib erties, privileges and Immunities of said rauroad, including the franchise to be a corporation, and all property ot whatsoever kind or nature owned bv the railroad at the time of said deed of trust was given or thereafaer acquired. CONDITIONS UF SALtt No bid less than $25,000 will be ac cented, and no bid will be received from any bidder who shall not have depositeu with the trustee as a pledge that he will make good nis bid in case of its acceptance tne sum of $5,000.00 in cash or certified cneck on a oaua or trust conmanv of the State of Penn sylvania. The deposit made by any un successful bidder will be returned when the property is stricken out and the deposit received from the success lul bidder to be applied on occount ot his bid. Twenty per cent, of the purchase money must be paid in cash to the ti ustee within ten days after the property is stricken down the deposit above provided for to be part of said twenty per me rest, oi tne pur i'hs monev shall be naid to the trus tee within three weeks after date of pinfivmatinn of the Male for which con firmation trustee shall make appuca lion within two weeks alter sale first installment of purchase money has been uaid in full.

In making pay ment of said balance of eighty per cent, bonds secured by the above men tioned deed of trust may be usea at such value as trustee may estimate may equal the amount such bond would receive in tne pro rata uis trihution of the DUrchase money; in case of failure to comply with terms of sale the amount of deposit shall be forfeited and applied as specineu in th ripcre. The property shall be goia iree ana it clear ot an encumurances except ments or other evi dences of indebtedness that appear of na nnor in lieu lo tne mort gage or deed of trust above referred to, and free and clear of equity ot redemption and of other interests except taxes due tne uommonweami ot rcuu evit nnia. which taxes the purchaser or purcnasers win ue reuuircu in addition to nis or men uiu. ANCE TRUST COMPANY. Trustee.

Northwest corner Twelfth and chnsinut Philadelphia. JUNK1N NEWBOURG. C. H. BERGNER.

Counsel. PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY. JANUARY 20. 192L The undersigned trustees appointed by the Orphans court oi iur ih real estate of Catha rine Cook, late of Carroll Township, said county, deceased, will offer public sale on tne yreuuoco, divestea oi ncuo, d. having a 3 story dtick house with front porch thereon erected, known as No.

1913 Susquehanna Street, Harrisburg, Pa, fronting tour foot more or less, on SUSQUC hanna Stret, ana exienains is wrm sixty two feet eight inches, more or less, to an alley as described in a certain deed to John W. Cook, recorded in the Recorder's Office at Harrisburg. Pa. Record Book VoL 13. Page i9i Thin house is vacant, contains L.

conveniences and possession can be had at once. Can be seen by calling Jacob E. Cook. 115 Swatara Street, Harrisburg. Pa.

ALVIN I. COOK. j. william ALBERT. James J.

Logan, Tprk, Fa. S. B. Meisenneiaer, Samuel E. Basehore.

Mechanicsburg. Attnrneva. vnTifE TO CREDITORS AU creditor of Edward Adams, in solvent, are nerepy notiueu proof or tlieir Claims agaiosi. tn nf 'rlwurd Adams, within six (6i months from the date of this notice, (December 23, 12). in such manner as prescribed by law or be debarred from COIulIlK in jjuii auv.

irom oui.uB KUNKEL Assignee of Edward Adams, In 410 Bergner Bldg, Harrisburg. Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE OFDlSSOLUriOXJ OF PARTNERSHIP Vntioo ia hereby eiven that the partnership lately subsisting between Samuel Etter and R. Scott, of Har 1 risburg. Pennsylvania unur i name of Etter Scott, was dissolved 4.

1921. by mutual consent. All debts owing saia partnership are to be receivea oy mbiuw aa sum all demands on said partnership are to be presented to mm ior W. R. SCOTT, SAMUEL 8.

ETTER, Trading and doing businea mM Etter fe Scott. BBAuUWa. arwraaja.

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