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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 20

Logansport, Indiana
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BARNES. Lionthain A BarneM. OITOH8 AND PROPRIETORS. TEHMB OF Dally per week, 10 per month 40 cents: per year in advance) J4.50 The Weekly Pharos and the Saiurday Pharos, the two forming the Senol-Wee $1.25 a year, strictly in advance. Entered at the Logansport, ae clasH matter, as provided by la THE cold wave has effectually driven out the yellow fever In the infected districts of the south.

But one death occurred in New Orleans yesterday, and but oae new case developed. IT seems strange that our city council should buy a chemical fire engine abroad when one could have been obtained at home for a smaller sum of money, and which is believed to be equal to the Baltimore apparatus. IT Is not known what congress will do on the money question, or any other question for tdat matter, until Speaker Reed maps out what shall tod what shall not be done. The government could save millions of dollars by abolishing the office of congressman while Reed controls legislation. year a through traffic of about cwenty-Mx millions tons The entire commerce of the great lakes must be between thirty million forty million tuus annually.

This Is a traffic equal to "one-third of all that carried -upon the two hundred thousand miles of railway in the United States, a system that took $10,000,000,000 or 000,000 to construct and equip. The magnitude of our lake commerce Is strikingly illustrated by comparing the traffic with that or toe Suez canal, through wblcb the commerce of Eu ope, Asia and nurthein Africa passes. Its trafflj amounts to about 8,000,000 tons auoually. Tbts Is less than one-third the tonnage which passes through the Detroit river. MR.

GAGE'S NOSTRUMS. Outline 01 His Scheme of Monetary Revision. WOULD KETHE THE GBEEffBACKS. IT is reported that the Republicans of Ooio have a deficit of $11,000 in their campaign funds and that Hanna has been asked to make it good. Hanna lias replied that no more can be obtained from him after he Is re-elected senator, He baa already spent a fortune in an tndeavor to get back to the senate and now they threaten to knock him MARK HANNA, Boss Platt and Lobbyist Thurston are not the kind of men the American people should for senators.

Yet they are the kind of men the "Sound money" movement has brought to the front to make laws for the people. They are the kind of men chosen to reform the currency. Their motto is: Oar Interests first, the government afterward THE Chicago Tribune announces that its editor-in-chief has restudied the money question and that great newspaper now comes out unequlv- tcally against the retirement of the greenbacks and- the Issue of gold bonds. This will be a severe blow to the gild conspiracy. If the government would provide for the free of gold and silver there would be no demand for the retirement of the greenbacks.

is true," says the Indianapolis Sentinel, "that the annual product of gold is increasing, but it is not increasing so fast as the commerce and industry of the world, aud there Is no probability that It will. For this reason there is a constant apprecla tlon of value of gold, or decline of gold prices, which In the past six years has amounted to 25 per cent. That Is to say, in the United States, notwithstanding an abnormally high price level caused by forelgu crnp failures, average prices for the year 1897 are 25 per cent lower than they were In 1891, as shown, by Brad- itreet's index numbers. Falling prices mean business ruin, for no legitimate business can be transacted profitably on falling market. And the gold standard means a constantly falling market.

South and Soutnwest. During all the years of depression that afflicted this country from 1893 to 1807 one part of the lurid -went on quietly having a little boom of prosperity all to itself. That was the south. The boom overflowed also into the southwest. It is nothing but truth to say that the south did not feel the hard times as the other parts of the land did.

The northwest in its early settlement had a boom unparalleled in history. The depression that followed was a reaction equal in effect. The movement of. southern development advanced with no great bounds. But today it is perhaps, take it through and through, the most prosperous section of the Union.

For years the population of our northwest has been slipping quietly southward to Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas and Missouri Along the lines of railway agents bought great tracts of land, divided them into small farms and sold these to settlers from the- north, who have quickly transformed them into fertile fields, gardens and orchards. It has been found that everything needed for food and clothing can be produced without limit in the south. While northern industries languished those of the south took on new life and growth. Her mines of coal and iron are inexhaustible. The coal strike of 1897 did not touch her.

Manufacturing plants, cotton mills, rolling mills, foundries and machine shops are increasing so rapidly that it seems marvelous. The only wonder now is that with her mild climate and unlimited water supply, with her mines and productive soil, the south instead of the north did not become in the beginning the seat of population, of manufacture aud of hustling business activities. Figures are dry reading, but if recen commercial reports were to be quote they would show that at no time in. ne history has the fair south been so pros perous, so rich and so all round happj as she is today. The old days did no begin to be so good as these days are.

IN a speech delivered in Chicago night this week Senator Thurston of Nebraska said: "Every anarchist In the United States voted for Bryan. The silver will die, but the leaders will remain, and under the banners that they raise that vast army will form Under their banners will rally every nan who Is dangerous to the government of this free 'republic. If any man raises the red cry of anacby. I shoot him on the spot." Thurston Is a United States senator by virtue of the Influence of the Pacific railways of which he is the paid attorney. Mr.

Bryan halls from the same state as Thurston and in all the elements of citizenship and Americanism is a far better man. It is the work of such men as Thurston that breeds anarchy. He Is the representative of trusts, the managers of which are no better than common thieves. He Is the representative of the Pacific railways whose managers have robbed the people of millions. It.

comes with poor taste for a man like Thurston to call gome other American citizen an anarchist. Onr Inland Commerce. It may surprise many people but It 18 true that the great lakes bear today a greater commerce, In point of tonnage, than all the foreign trade which flowfi In or out from all the ports of the United States. A siagle lock In the wilds of northern or Sault Ste. last year some eighteen million tons, and it merely a connecting link between Superior and the lower lakes.

It Is estimated that the Detroit rirer bears each in order to prevent the remains George M. Pullman from being stolen out. of his tomb the coffin was incasec in a frame of steel bars filled in with solid asphalt and concrete. The mass altogether is so thick and secure that i would take a ton of dynamite to blov it up, an expert says. Outwardly grave looks like other sod covered mounds, but beneath the turf the coffin rests as in a fortress of solid rock.

It the soul of George M. Pullman is as secure as his body, then the great millionaire is indeed well off. The intention of George M. Pullman to establish a manual training school at Pullman, his beloved village, was laud able altogether. Schools of industrial art are more needed in America at present than colleges for turning out lawyers and doctors.

They are necessary to enable us to equal the fine finish and workmanship bestowed on goods made in Europe. But with duo respect to the millionaire's intention, $1,200,000 is not sufficient to build and maintain a thoroughly efficient manual training school. The Tammany victory in New York was looked for by all who understood the situation. The opposition to Tammany was sufficient to have downed it twice over if it could have united, but it was, split into three parties; hence the tiger banner waves over the municipality of Greater New York. As it has done many a time before, Tammany gave political parties an object lesson on the strength of union.

The funeral of General Grant in 1SS5 was attended by more people than that of any other man in this country ever ftt any time. Next to that the largest Was the funeral of Henry George, attended by 100,000 persons. Most of these were working people, with poor clothes and hard hands. Not more than half cf them understood his theories, but they inew he was their friend. Banking System Will Be a Soft Thine Fur Bonds to Replace Our Present Bonded to Be Increased.

The secretay of the treasury has broken his long and tantalizing silence. He has given to the country a long list of the nostrums which he thinks will recreate the alleged prostrated credit of the government of the United States. He doubtless thinks they will add to the prosperity of that limited class in the welfare of which men of his school are most interested. ilr. Gage's document is the narrowest and most hidebound gold standard, aiitigreenback, autitreasury note and antisilver document which any public man has ever presented to the public.

It out-Clevelands Cleveland. Ho mourns for the existence of the greenbacks, he mourns for the existence of the silver dollars, aud he mourns for the existence of the United States bonds payable in "coin," instead of gold. He would have $200,000,000 of the greenbacks retired by being placed in a reserve in the treasury, from which they should never be disbursed except in exchange for gold coin, dollar for is to say, he would take $200,000,000 of the greenbacks out of circulation and keep them for sale, when anybody wants to pay for them in gold. He would increase the gold coin reserve tof 125,000,000. To this reserve he would add net only all the silver dollars now held for the redemption of the silver certificates, but all the silver bullion and the dollars coined therefrom, which were bought under the Sherman act of 1890.

He would place all of the 440,000,000 silver dollars now in existence on a level with the greenbacks and redeem them in gold coin at the will of the holder. How is that for an "endless chain?" He would refund all of our present bonded indebtdedness for the purpose of issuing bonds expressly payable in gold. In exchanging the bonds he would make the bondholders "an equitable allowance for the difference in interest. His banking system provides for a 50 per cent inflation of national bank issues over and above the amount secured by the deposit of is to say, for every $100 bond deposited with the treasury the national bank to be allowed to issue $150 of its bank The government is to guarantee the whole issue. If the bank should fail, the government would redeem all of its notes, although the bonds deposited would only equal two-thirds of the amount of those notes.

The government would have to recover the other one-third of the amount from the assets of the bank. This, of course, would be no security at all, because no corporation ever has any assets -which it is inconvenient for it to have. There is to be a tax of 2 per cent on "unsecured circulation" to create a safety fond to help the government out with its redemption of the notes of failed banks. This ought to be payable in the unsecured notes. Mr.

Gage's scheme would realize the fondest hopes of those who desire to lend paper money furnished to them by the government without interest aud collect the loans in gold alone at whatever sacrifice of property may be ueces-1 sary to produce it. The only fault Shy-. lock could possibly find with it is that' it omits a provision destroying the legal tender quality of the existing silver dollars. Maybe -Mr. Gage thought it wise to withhold that for the present and have it either incorporated in his annual report or in the president's message.

This would be following the cautious policy of the old servant who rushed into his master's presence saying: ", one ob yore oxen's dead, and t'other, too; didn't want to tell you. bofe at once for fear yo' couldn' bore Say of the Of Trenton, N. J. recently Assigned and offered for sale by the OTTO GLOTRINQ GO. "The Stock is Entirely Fresh and comprises the best Manufactured, goods and consists Entirely of Staples." Baby Moccasins worth SOc for lOc Childrens shoes 7Sc 40c Misses 1 00 50c Rne Misses 1.25 75c Ladies warm lined slippers 10c Ladies shoes 50c Dress Shoes 89c $2 shoes 125 Spring Heel Lace 75c 4 Extra Fine Warm Lined 85c Finest are Proportionately Cheap Men's Leather House Slippers 3Sc Good quality artics 75c Drt ss work shoes 98c Satin calf, coin toe 15ft Real calf, new rope stitch 1.9& Winter tan, patent Dress calf enamel Soys and Youths sample pairs all finest Shoes one pair of a size worth $2 98c Boys best Rubber Boots 15ft Little Gents Fine Dress Shoes 98c "We display as many Styles outside in front of onr store as our space will accomodate he that runs may read" and to givt you an inkling of the Genuinees of the Greatest Bankrupt Bargain Sale now Cut Glass given away Free with Cash Sales at Regular or Bankrupt Prices.

nd Furnishing Goods. The Otto Shoe Clothing Company. going on. China Also with Clothin; Foot BUI Prohibited in Georgia. Atlanta.

Nov. The fooi ball bill, providing for the prohibition of the playing of match or exhibition g-amos where admission is charged, ihtr senate yesterday. The bill has already passed the luwer branch of the legislature and now awaits the of the governor, who will sign it. Suicide of a Cliicaaro Man. Escanaba.

Nov. J. D. Cook, of Chicagro. representing the Cosmopol- tan club of the American Encyclopedia i and Dictionary, committed suicide last evening at the Oliver House by shooting himself in the right temple with a revolver, Cook left a.

note addressed to the coroner directing that his remains be buried ir the potters field. Odd Fellows' Home at Matloon, Ills. Springfield. Nov. The grand ledge of Illinois Odd Fellows yesterday adopted the report of the special committee in favor of locating the Odd Fellows Old Frlks' home at Mattoon, the citizens of which town are to furnish a bonus approximating ABBREVlAcTELGRAMS.

Sir nry held of the Lambtih Mrs. Louise Forney, of Xeenah, aged 91, run into by girls on bicycles and sf-'ously injured. Sheriff Schaur, of Brown county, whose bill cut $600 by the board, will sue the county for the full amount of his fees. Fritz Horsmann, a scorcher, rode into the river at Chicago and was rescued with great difficulty. He was badly injured, but will recover.

St. Paul's, London, will commemorate the 200th anniversary of its reopening after Sir Christopher Wren had rebuilt the edifice, on Dec. 2. Edward Nic, an employe of the Diamond Match company at Green Bay. was fatally hurt by a truck load of lumber filling upon him.

THOMPSON'S HERB TEA FOR THE Bloud, Stomach Liver and Kidneys Composed of Roots, Herbs, Leaves and Barks. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Khenmatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Nervous Debility, Sick Headache; Loss of Appetite, Blotches, Pimples. Scrofula, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Eczema, Weak Back, Fever and Ague and all other Diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood or Derangement of the Nervous System. Price 25 Cents, PREPARED BY THE THOMPSON HERB TEA CO.

NEW YORK. Leonard Hein. aged 55, a Bavarian of Secretary Gage's scheme will furnish ro al parentage, once a colonel in the ample food for reflection and discussion. Enquirer. PROSPERITY FOR A FEW.

Trusts Are Making Money, bat the People Get Benefit. Mark Hanna is prospering, so is J. P. Morgan, so are the dealers in Union Pa-. ific, who -were made a present by the tf Illinois school at Normal, administration of $7,000,000 on Mon- day last.

The federal officeholders are Jrosperous, the highly protected mann- 'acturers are prosperous, the Coal trust and all the other trusts are prosperous, and especially the Sugar trust. They re $15,000,000 more prosperous than lt fa hey were before the new tariff ou sug- knives to take his life, John Polack, -K-as made certain. The railroads i Chicago, jumped from the window German army, died Wednesday in the St. Louis hospital in abject poverty. Dwight Moody will be in Chicago next week and speak Wednesday ati'tr- noon at 3 olock in the Chicago Avenue ta church, corner Chicago and LaSaUe av- enues.

General Charles E. Hovey. one of the originators of the normal school idea Illinois and about the first president of in Washington. He was 70 years old. J.

L. Hoover, of Pleasant Hill, was fatally hurt and twenty-two others more or less injured in a railway derailment on tbe Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphip, near Williford, Ark. During a dream in which he imagined several men were chasing him with The Mighty Fallen. How are the mighty fallen! Mark Hanna, autocrat of the Republican party a year ago, is now begging his in Ohio to "let up" on hiuj and givr him a beggarly half dozen members of the legislature in order that he may keep his seat in the United States stu- It is a spectacle to make every Democrat and a majority of Republicans grin. The Rubber trust could secure an ample supply of material by extracting the rubber from the necks of those Republicans who are looking for an indorse- ment of the administration in tbe returns from the election.

Pern, among other South American republics, is moving for reciprocity treaties with sisrer nations, particularly her great neighbor the United States. A properly adjusted system of reciprocity in trade is a system that will meet the views of protective tariff men and tree traders alike. -Robert A. Van Wyck. the successful candidate for mayor of Greater New did not make a single speech -oring the campaign.

This shows the power of silence as compared to vhich carry grain have had an increase business, owing to the Targe crops of vheat which the administration caused grow, and because of the blasting of he wheat crops in other countries by rder of that administration. There are some buying and selling of ood and clothing for immediate use. ople do have to eat something and aye to cover tieir nakedness. Howev- limited this trade is it is trade, and it goes to the retail merchants. They cannot sell goods even in driblets without buying some new goods to replenish their stock.

And so they buy of tbe jobbers, and the jobbers of the wholesalers aud importers. In short, hard as the times are, compelling people to live from hand to mouth, as the saying goes, there is all the rime some business being done. The only benefit which has come to onr people since the election of Mc- Eonley was the result of the disasters to wheat crops in foreign lands by what the lawcalls a "visitation of God." will never be general nor permanent so long as the trusts control trade and the usurers control our money City of his room to the pavement, sustaining probably fatal injuries. Charles Buschy, of Biiyfield, was married and sentenced to jail for 100 days within the space of ten minutes. He was arrested for larceny and plead- ed guilty.

Immediately after sentencing- him the justice performed the marriage ceremony. This ia part of- one day's record burg-laries and hold-ups at Chicago: Jewelry worth $1,000 taken from Hiss Belle G. Masters' fiat; house of E. Whitford, ransacked and $200 worth of clothing stolen; saloon of John llark- wardt, held up and $10 taken. J.

W. Ulm. of Chicago, has commenced foreclosure suits against the Ohio Paper company, of Xiles, for J153.960, ard the Niies Paper Mill company for $40,731. The county board of Winnebago county, has demanded that the register of probate pay back $25 a month allowed him for clerk hire on the ground that he did not hire a. clerk.

THirty-Sve counties' in Wlsconsm re- ceivad about J12.500 for deer licenses this year. The money received in each county from the sales of licenses for deer hunting is set aside by the law for the payment cf the deputy fame McCoy's New European Hotel COR. CLARK AND VAN BUREh CHICAGO. FIRE PROOF. One block from C.

B. I. Ic, f. and. S.

-TI. Railroad depot. Improvements costing $75,000.00 hive just been completed, and the house now offers every convenience to be found in my hotel, including hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat in every room. Rates 75 cents per day and upwards. First class restaurant in connection.

WILLIAM McCOY, Qwntt THR First National Bank CAPITAL 1250,000 A. I. MURDOCK, PjsasiDnrr, W. W. ROSS, CASHUB, J.


B. firloxhum, Jtanto 1 X.Jhrwood. Wflwm..

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