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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 23

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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UlL SDAY. TJb P'CUZzrzh Cozier. til a il wttTTjikJHrr" pi 9 iff it IT iACK OF FUNDS 3 gOOO i A t.r is lee Viag ra. iT.rJiA'.T cL to develop fjr scale of tiaa allowed 3 of Uo ij rirBUon of 3 CcsaootoUo ocU rtty. 5' iAsca 9oorior 01 vi A rria octrrtty, ao is ji9titriioe ex I jn lb ocbool i txs.

of CothoTto iloirtrytnt support of UM VJiera. LXsegreetaent as a 5 presides of the tzvjzz Dr. elsoa's reefg i a reeeoa for Dr. hf mas. rttaiaed as act ftt agalast ZXCard of edacatloa ts cj narreooT wua ac aes of odacatloa la 30 2r The charge to that 'oo far fetched lav rrct ratal aspects.

ca expectancy pro oa bypotbeals la a rvrkxt odacatteBa er articles la everai ae sasrfwinco that lit Zfz j'isss manager of ihrt rg g.uoaied for a po Hoostoa Hospital. ris vamrm coos as a a ox rsat hers. His re titt. It to thoogbt. a vat ticw to both Xii 12 rUat Goodrtdge 3ITS MATE TCN.

HEAD WITH AXE luu: a Tex, Oct. A to cure a 5:: z'. crkecaesa. gghtleg. a zp farsltura.

Joha ifci. IJ12 Orange treed, hocoe drunk. tbe axa 1LLARD AUD nSK SET FOR HOMECOr.lKIG ij rarry this 1 2 ya 1 nr of 1 UsJveratty. Satar Iaa Radolph to preaudo Ma, was tbo 1 aad she wta tbe re other caaiTVratos. SevtUe.

Mary Grace Zzcm aad Vtrtoa SUa 7 a the bsJves rf a a jOoH wI3 act. At tbo CTL 1 ta tbe Bafsctsry Z3 tie eveaag abo el place af CV Devfto vfl ts far tbo Jj and era artarspt ta ZT 1 la uilii is Se 1 Devn isaaii bad Craderp bos drOed le sain ass as Welch 1 la eartUr to ga swlOaBw4ye osae, tbo DevOa are Nw i7" a aad parade bas 11 o'clock thrwaga pp a uUuQuljuljT mas sgeSqil IN TIGEiySBSPOT vrx ORLEANS. Li Oct. 51 fBv Lm T. jp.p cairtrxity ia New Ortegas, wbich wu fanned Ln2 veirs tareed to go into the hsry.

soenxee, The! ol bete, Cifti arllMtl DQu4 JJZ rn Nelson, wbo rT r.JV at Howard STRUCK BY R3EIT upunux. Tex, Oct. Henry ngnx root 'ILK SP0S0tlE0 BY A.LA.'s nouirai. Oct. Tbo aaanal it week.w a week set aside bv tbo Alpha Xappa Omen Chester lof tbo A E.A.

sororlrr. to hIm Tor Xabcrcalar aad under the cne peer October zls. doth vpoa which were clusters of glaat seatos. a otner foot Uuv bo was Struck Irr a woes, ttwj acrlAMt left Cktr iptht. It to tyr bo wm fd about DO Ne rt.

to il not olo ooouoMisx ior bio body were: Sorors Vera Codwen. Esther Parse. Mattye Bedford, Marda J. Pendleton, WXOto Caanoa Thomas. Dorttboa Ger Bradford.

Erma Wal tn 1 BTwsgnowt to esty mUk bot Dowtlag tbo publto might chapter la ralstag ohtoctrea. A Tory fine for the was reported by the chapter. At recent ssoetmg, Sorors Yelma WCUmi and Beatrice Joaos boa a to the chapter at the SALESTJAIl llr. Mack H. Hsnnsh.

Port Ar thur. Texas. morUclaa aad member of the Hannah firm to the first race salesman hired by the Orange Casket Company. His territory covers tbo Southwestern Division, fire states. He Is a etvlc leader aad prominent la circles la TUO UB1 SHOT ACCIDE1TALLY HOUSTON.

Tex, Oct. 1 were piacoa la nnslnass places right leer as baaded to who Uvea at wttb Deaals. accidentally George be tlfal residence of Sorer aslghbor. Hs tbe WftvsaaaNMal VfeaaVPw.1 VfimS TSaSM bBSh 1 I Mr. aad Mrs.

Leo day taiaod wttb a bridge porty la tnetr Orleaas which saooaced. It the DCard rrtday evening aad pra ted tbo gasats wttb a gui. Mr. nmu' wtta a Soaaisb sapper at their raH an ce Svada Mr. aad Mrs.

L. a party at tbe El DcabeJlrooes. A eUaaer party was tendered tbsm br J. T. Meeks.

Mr. aad Mrs. Bog aoaor tbem wttb a aapper sar. asm je. party ta their boetor.

Mr. ae CatleyMrmjao erodes JKra, ta a awmber Kha Vimri Ttay bsaSgaewag g(staaLsaaswK3Fe eaab eswsaaiiaBssaa aasaa tba eafcrrebU ta TX.aoir.XLS to wttb a I TJrnts xscaa ussa wxus pralr VWw by tbe Watkiaks who wtottaa Mr. aa Jara Ceett Han, mm Alvta. Jr, IWmanr cbOdresa la Hen tba Wife's to tba ain AaakSBsa.sB rskSBrwwsBBBa.aaaBBa east win as Gym by a two; Houston Society to tho tune of 24 to Mrs. Boaale WalLoev.

physical educe too teacher at Tales is to be commended for perfecting tbo swlfUy exscated pre dsVoa drUl by ber drill squad which I was tbe center of attraction during to, tbo hart period of tbo game. Tbe lassies lest macb to tbe boos grtdders wheimingty dsfestsd their eppo neets. aad doing rri .3 to beauag bis were: Lillian 1 i Ill raed Ji i trooce Pa t.ead over the rr.ucml coeidition at to charged with Lorraine OockreQ. By EVA DAWSON Society makes Ms weekly pO grlmage to tbo axeaas of sport where King Football regally sits oa his throne. At tbe most recent Tate aad Xavier prep game la which tbe locals were victorious twtrnng tbo batons pretty "strutting" drum major; Ross, neateaaat: Susls Marjorle Blanche Sbettoa.

captains Browa and Laura Bsttean. sttea, sad Phone 10O2 Richard Moore. The play Is directed by C. A. Ladner and attraction win be thai masterly playing of tbe violia ABea Norton.

Fun galore to pected from this comedy. 1 1 m. a nnr AT THE mTT TXirrs Jberty. Tbo cheer las ii era aad pep squadjEETA ZIU BETAS ader tbe direction of Mrs. Audrey I When tbe Tambda chapter of the KnmV wTskTlei evwaaaas, Sykss MTT1 1 gin.

DILLARD GETS S4.500 Glrtr NEW ORLEANS, Oct. XX great of H00 to DtHard Uatvar slty by tba Caraegto Corpora tloa of New York this week by Acting Deaa Radolpb nan Tba grant, one af TOUBtlJi a ii'" of the Qhrary by the of boaka for gwaersJ reeding. Tbo great wUl bo paid la three ir tbo first of which to ta be made srranabte immediately. This to the as wit grant which the Carnegie to Dtnard University. Za XS3S tbe tv gave tba arrarslry chndresv to records, ISO a 100 I eaaa SS fa SLATOSt ROUGE.

La. Oct. XI Beta lata chapter of Al pha Phi Alpha xratemtty. It tba I mJI Vsaoaa Ayers. Maxaeiej Beta 11 YEflEa HOCSTOX.

Tx, Oct. a Smith. Smith. a tuMQwm from jostieo. was sxrostod la Ptacmxo ucuKMr it.

zor a Bar to mmmtttoi bors to 1230. Smita 4. for tb nuxrdcr of his swoothomrt. ssio Vu ktos vtae Urod at ISIS Bastroo KmltK aeoordlax to poBeo to tbo roddcneoof HOUSTON'. Oct.

XI The T. W. A. social ban was the setting of the L.O.U Business Girls Annnsl Silver Tea, tost Sunday evening. The members wore white chryss them nan corsages trimmed wtta maiden heir era cutlets.

The go were registered by Was as Mary E. Headersoa and Gtodys Merle Oeoorne. Tbo baa Simmons. 9013. burned Delaaa street.

Ia tbo at 11 f1 blp tbe buSet la the the 'number of packages from bis i tractive dialagrrooea tbe sorors ea ade aa exit through Kyod a very tasteful turkey dla aa nlr1 boneath, aer wttb an of tho trimmings. Tbs tae ert leg. The pistol' was told with a beautiful tare discharged as It was being! Pacific to Charity hospital here aad suf fared lacerations of the left arm. a badly effected kidney aad eye. Statements of Individual eye witnesses to the flogging describe the Incident as being one of tbe most brutal attacks upon citizens la the (history of tho State.

According to these statements she was beaten for ao reason whatsoever. worts Lewis stated that a recent con wortb. NssHarrto. Berry kw ir dent of tbe League for tbe Pres ervation of Constitutional Rights; Itbo Anti Crime leagus and himself netted the LPCR support ta ths forcing of prosecution against Wtm That lai isd loasbQled bird' Tbe Attorney General, who prom who to constantly 00 ths go made ld to force thorough Investlga a brief stop at the Jefferson Davis was assured of the support hospital aad left a baby boy for of the Anti Crime league and ths Mr. aad Mrs.

J. D. Comae, Jr. League for the Preservation of Con Tee, you ruaesed it tbo name to sUtsUoaal Rights. The latter or J.

D. III. Mrs. Collin a aea Carila' renins tion to composed of a group Kll patrlck. aad tbe baby are doing of tnftuentlal wblU dtlxens aad atone.

Mrs. Conine has served as torn eye who won fame ta their aurse at tbe hospital for tbo past continual fight agalast police bra four years. Mr. Conins to doing a tallty. jjougias wrong weyj uwnru I im.

Jackson was assaurted on at 1 a a anajoy reveisuvg cuaxonz ana is couect the night of July IX. this year. whQe la compeny wttb ber hus 1 uua 00 uar wit nwm viinim 1 mm I Hackett Inspired the Tats Lloas Zeta Pbl Beta sorority met reeeat greatry. A gala affair at tbe school ly at tbo borne of Mrs. Mablo V.

XoTJowtag tae gameicweus resiaance. tne rouowxag1 kli m.rm I mitmrti tmwm WtKI U.rf I Point. She was bee tan aad kicked by the enraged officer, who reportedly when be asked ber where she was going lag. Bertha Mae Spriggs. Same A.IWTlT1 1aliif 1 I T9 trTVi.

T. r.t..IUUBPh That very per sorts ne coupe wop mwm, wuii mm nnju, saaoet; vn vr xxr uav. ff! 2 ZrSj: beating bar to Mrs. Alvta "Watty" Watlins. ware I Leigh Davis, Audrey McCoy.

Lossle thotr Tmx taic Koootns, revaaa Edwards. tbe Sphinx dab University at a party." Tuesday replied "home." Aa ac panytng officer pleaded with to let ber alone, It to TTa fT (a I I aad handcuffed bar aftsr al tbs ground kicking aer about the body. PEOPLES LIFE CLUB GATHERS NEW ORLEANS, Oct. XI On Oct. IX.

tho V. F. Comas" Agsacy crab of the People's Industrial Life Company mat at the company's breach office la Alexan dria for tba third quarterly meeting of the year. Tba mooting was by agents Uvea of tbe compost. Divided Into the opeaed by President R.

W. Needham. Aftsr ceiling of tba rou aad coOection of duos, tba meeting turned ever to Sunt. A. F.

Smith. wbe wttb bis fine porsonanty aad kaea tasigat of tba Inauianta of today. Thrilled an agents wttb an address that made fatherly advice. A timely talk was made by state Hsary Braaco. His to the.

agents was: your jobs what tbey ought to be; I get ta tba right spirit; let your persoaaury saiaa. Mr. J. W. Traits, visiting minister, ad tba dab Tram tba points: have a drvtno rvretoUoa; help nft up your brother; X.

foDow after Christ. Tbe morata wltk Dtrodactkm of aad coments by other agents of tba dab. Dtmaer for tbe dub was served at Das Cafe. Tbo evening sessioa consist ad of quarterly reports of tbo and told her that bo to talk wttb her for who aad wbca abo cams to tho door plaeod a gan barltfs ber tem pi aad mortaur 'wooaded rata. taa shot scToral tzmos at Elisabeth Jones, a eompaalon of his swsothoart.

Ho was retaraod hero last to face trial for tho sonrdor mlttod a docads asjo. BUSINESS GIRLS HOLD ANNUAL TEA rated with flowers of the season aad lace fan. Tea was poured by Mies Boss Neyiaad. Faurette Tborne. Miss Ethel E.

James. Business aad Pro fession sscratary. Dus to a sudden attack of ton aOitto the president. Mrs. Maggie Lories, was uasbie to take an ac tive part la the tea.

IFngBnTtSmg (KiTwis IFire HOUSTON. Oct. XI Suffering heart attack whCe fighting i here Tom Mlnner fen dead aad was si our wauoas, la. zxis Fierce ave nue, as the one who tied both bands behind her and Willis Rob inarm wy ue arm oe wme Bnung. whA Mlnner was mowing grass oa the hammer.

road bed of the Southern Trigger Bin. as ths struck st her with Le Blanc who lives at 2011 Xdstol which was one af tkiMurMa unca umMT Auooru. acx, su Kmaauel. stated that the three la some manner was dia WBra am Mwaia srsss arc men picked her up la aa old mod charged, bo told 'police, aeartry aad decided to put It out. el car at live Oak and McGowen Fertsr isaals, 40, Jtl3 lselaad wvre om on)axreeis, uct.

ii. around p. street, was shot acddentaJlv with i Thursday for ths victim at a po sad took her to a woody secUon 'pistol bo was attempting to PoUce abow up bare thisnoar ths 2900 block on Scott street shot la' wk Tb flrl identified Adolph. where the assault took place. Rape ranging;" Robert Prlace; Mia FiUs Dead Ia die HO US 1 UN.

Tex, Oct. XI While tm th TQa. ttlrw 4et 1 ItoS ESlo WslU. Ethel Grim, msr street, it. vsoa Mturui.

jaanaa us via. Lsusira last walr. JahMim v. A. Connm.

Alyoe KmoogX Vetma'rn foe. quite a while and bad been ooron ers verdict stated. Morrison. 17. 1304 Dow ling street, charges were filed against the tho ons who assaulted her.

WH three men. Beating To Be ORGAlilST i Mrs. J. Lett, wtfa of Dr. J.

Lott, Ebenexer Baptist Chorch. eatertainlng pastor. Stats Gen eral convention la suasion here, Austin). Oct. 22 2T.

Mrs. Lott to aa accomplished musician aad assisted with tho music, presiding at tho consols of tho organ throughout the meeting. Rampart. Street Figure Passes Snaer, resident of 19X2 St. Ana street, aad know a to thousands ths Grand Old Maa of Rampart Street." was buried last week la St.

Louis Cemetery No. 2. Mr. Snaer was well known ia sporting circles and was a familiar figure on South Rampart Street. He ia survived by his widow, Mrs.

Victoria Snaer; his mother, Mrs. Emma Snaer; brother Mit chell. Dave and Luclen Snaer; and a sister. Mrs. Adlice Desvlgnes.

His funeral was torgely attended. Many floral offerings were received. Improve Interracial understanding Pass your Courier along to. a friend. Of Mrs.

Jackson Fully Prosecuted NEW ORLEANS, Ldu, Oct. 31 In a letter to Leon Lewis, secretary of the New Or leans AnuHjrxme Lfeagne, Attorney ueneral Eueene Stanlev of Trarieiann rjromised "ta WrraM mA Rot 1mm vwi.i..vv ZT TJUSfl Of tne beatm? of Mrs. 9 Jtrlrsnn Ytxr r'hiof rrf "Poli" TjiIta KnmWir ST. MARK CHURCH, NEW ORLEANS "'( 'rj. St.

Mark Fourth Baptist church, celebrated its 86th anniversary, Sunday, Oct. 27. Rev. E. C.

Thomas is the present pastor. FEULW mm District Grand Master Kelso and Thomas Boffington Post Bond For Careful Hajadlin. ALEXANDRIA, La Oct. 3L According to announcements from District Grand Master William Kelso of the caa vTWrrsn the Trnisiana erand lodee has gone into re ceiTership. with the grand master and Thomas Buffington a TMM ke4a Kaon AfW Ot iWOn aWUw AaamVAaa wwa esva fn t.

rnatrlct which showed aa I pointed receivers by tbot court. (nnui in weekly col Grand Master Kelso and Mr. lections: aad of rallef. Tba la per record of tbo third quarter's gross coDections ujiaaaail those of the second quar by t525jQ. Tbo prizes for outstanding work for tho quarter were disxnouiea as follows: Lowest percentage 01 relief aad highest percentage of collection during collection week.

went to J. Campbell which was 17.50. Tbo best all round debit; highest increase la weekly coneo tloas; highest percentage of collec tion went to T. Washingtoa, wnicn was 7. Tbo Hf amount ox productions went to R.

W. Need walca was um prise of XI was re ar Ira Tbibodeaax from W. Anderson, who had a nigner nareeniars of coQoctioa. The meetlar was dosed wttb tba est nartsrelT me sting ta Charles, La. taX.

Buffington posted $15,000 bond for tbo careful handling oz tae receiv ership. The grand master states that he feels that tba lodge wfll be helped by the receivership aad that the assets win be able to bo kept Intact. Ho to extremely pleased that ths court bas seea fit to appoint members of ths order ss receivers. Hs stated that tbo receivers would bare charge of tba building property and of an revenue ceived taeretrom ana inax xne funds win be rr ia tbe inter eat of lezitlmate beneficiaries of deceased Odd Fellows. Tba receivership makes nun aad void tba endowment policies aad tbe burial benefits of tin order bat tbo lodges may stQ be kept intact.

Tba next meeting for tne grand lodge la lPtl was New Orleaas. Tba receivers stated that no change had been made la this plan that it was probable that an Dorts of tbe receivership would be made at this, meeting. TwelTe Tfcccid People Frcst AH Prt of Lomsiani View ETents uid ExHHts. GRAHBUNG, Oct 31 Amid much fanfare and display, the Negro State Fair closed here Saturday; after an overwnelmingly Buccessful three day run. The fair attract ed large crowds dining its run.

It featured many educa Itioaal sad oatcrtsisias: crania, 1 Complete with street carnival. adaesses. exhibits, sports, motion ptetares aad music, the Fair jot under war Thursday whieb was designs ted Farm aad Home Day. Bidding fair to a successful run, thousands of Kecro farmers from I all over the State were found on to witness an interesting string of events pertaining to farm land homo work. Oa Friday, school day.

the pro gram was mads up of oratorical; acrobats, singing, and Jitterbug: contests along with addresses by outstanding persons la educational and agricultural work. Tbe main event on Friday was a high school foot hell game between Lincoln High of Rnstoa vs. Peahody High of Alexandria. Lincoln romped over Peabody to the tune of 30 0. Saturday's program was made of addresses, free motion picture.

band concert, aad a college football game between Louisiana Nor mal aad PaOaader Smith. The Normal smashed PbQander Smith NEW ORLEANS. Oct Xl Joeeph I for of tbe banquet are as follows: Mrs. A. L.

Simon, chairman of program committee; Mesdames Naykxr Anderson V. Thornton, A. L. Routte. Georre ParnelL L.

Al The work of the pre campalgn division begins Oct. 28, at which time members of the executive committee and others will so licit gifts from special donors. Tne committee looks forward to a substantial increase la comparison to other years. General solicitations of the cam paign begins Monday, Nov. 11 with large group of team captains and workers.

They are as follows: Mrs. Bernlce Farley, captain; Miss Eloise Clark, Charles Burbridge, Mrs. Lillian RoyaL Miss Geneva E. Hm, Miss Anna Mae Shepherd, Miss Florence L. Wilson.

Miss Mil dred E. Woodard, workers. A. V. Boutte, captain; Mrs.

Co rlnne Azamare, Mrs. Olivia Ford, Mrs. Annette G. Hart, Lunu age, Mrs. Bessie Williams, workers.

L. D. Crocker, captain; Miss Cleo According to J. Douglass and Richard Staff, colored deputised of fleers, no less than 1X000 persons witnessed the Fair during Its three day The largest crowd hav ing come oa Friday, school day, when persons looked, walked, ate, played aad sang or otherwise activated themselves on tbs Fair Grounds. Large numbers of whites also witnessed the fair.

During and since the Fair, much praise has been rendered President R. W. E.j Jones of the Normal, S. F. Purvis; T.

J. Jcrdoa. end An drew Gaulden who were respectively president, "secretary manager. superintendent, aad publicity director of the Fair. Words of commendation came thick and fast when it was learned that the management bad received their go ahead signal only one month and four days before ths fair began.

Ruston police waited la vain for a can to preserve order which whs perfect throughout the fair despite the record crowds. 'ORLEAQS comuniTV CHEST CAHMIGUEEIS SET FOR FLYING START NEW ORLEANS. La. Oct. The colored division of the Community Chest 1W1 campaign continues to make great progress in its set up and organization.

One of ths high points before the general campaign begins is the banquet which is being beaded by Mrs. Edward Muler, chairman of the financial committee of the Canal Street branch T.W.C A Daughter Ruler of Elks Crescent City Tem cle No. 185. past president of Louis liana State Association Daughter of Tnv others on the committee zor ttlag sorors were Ethel James aad dsetb was frord natural caaees. the of Church Point.

Mrs. Jackson, foflowing a brutal attack from the chief, was confined Jj. Hmlthon and MU Dowden. XI. West, workers.

patra Adder ley. Miss Mathilda Bra xfle. Mrs. Eugenia G. Denson, Mrs.

Alice S. Douglas. Miss Sarah M. Durnford. Mrs.

Richard W. Eng lish, wmiam T. M. Grant Jr, Miss Gertrude Green. Mrs.

Miriam Mc Ghee Jones. Miss Inez R. Landry, Alton E. Lear. Miss Ceola O.

Mayo, Clarence J. McGtvens. Jesse O. Richards Jr, Miss Maude J. Ross, David A.

Segue, C. L. Speaker, Miss Neola T. Spears, Mark A. Wheeler, workers.

Rev. N. A. Holmes, captain; Mrs. E.

M. Duagey, Mrs. H. H. Dunn, RevJ J.

T. Enright, Mrs. C. A. Garrett.

Mra J. V. Harris. Mrs. N.

A. Holmes. Mrs. W. H.

Hunt ley. Mrs. Daisy Myers, Mrs. D. D.

Shackelford, Mrs. Nellie Wicker, workers. Raymond Tillman, captain; John Powe. Mrs. Doris Donaldson, Miss! Grace Nelson, Miss Louise DeMouy, Samuel Hosktns, Wilbur Augustine, Miss Ermelda Mohr, Miss Zelda Mohr, workers.

Mrs. B. Brown, captain; Mrs. J. H.

Brown. Mrs. Flowers, Mrs. E. Grown, Mrs.

J. W. Jackson, Miss Wma Jackson, Miss Melba TandfT, workers. Mrs. Dl E.

Henry, captain; Jos eph Arnaud. P. Calhoun. Miss O. J.

Davis. Mrs. Ella W. Ford, J. Henry, Wilson Pecot, Miss Viola D.

Holt. A. Lawson, Miss E. G. Stewart, Mrs.

J. Vickman, workers. A. R. Germalae.

captain; Jack son V. Aoox. Avery C. Miss Elma DeVerges, Mrs. Audrey Dorsey, Miss Connie Dumas, Cleve land A.

Garrett. James A. Gayie, Mrs. Marion. Earl McWTnUms, Samuel Smith, Miss Jessie Lee.

workers. 1 Rev. W. G. Haywood, captain; Rev.

T. R. W. Rev. T.

R. Albert. Mrs. Doris Haywood. B.

G. Ben. Clarence E. Mrs. An i ter.

Miss Helen CharVa, Mrs. Ruth G. Carter, Bar. W. T.

Handy. Rev. J. W. Turner, A.

A. VonPhuL L. D. Walker. Mrs.

woxkeis. Max R. Butter, captain; Miss De borah Cooper, Miss Edna Hender son. Fred J. Lewis.

Mrs. HUdred T. Morrow. Mtos Annette Wil liams, workers. Lionel Hoffman, captain: N.

B. Cox. Josenb Glaoioa. Emlle Labat. Robert Lewis, captain; Miss B.

E. Brooks, Mrs. Helen Brooks, Mrs. James Desselle. Miss Corine Freeman.

Mrs. Beatrice Houston. Miss Lurine Kennedy, Mrs. Oena Stringer, Mrs. Clara Walls, Herman Tor rough, workers.

Wiliam Clark, captain; Miss Eu nice Bradford. Mrs. Thelma Barton. Mrs. Valda Clark, Miss Alice Dungey, Mrs.

Jersey Reed. Mrs. Mildred SorrelL Edward Alston, David Callendar. workers. Mrs.

E. C. Thornton, captain; Mesdames F. Badgette, H. D.

Bowers, F. Coler, J. H. Davis. E.

Halthon, A. Hill, F. P. Jackson, RobeSt Jenneford, E. Jones, C.

Shaw, workers. Mrs. J. L. Hatcher, captain; Mrs.

H. Cologne, Miss Msxy Go lna. Mrs. Edna Halthon, Mrs. E.

Jupiter, Miss Alice Martin, Mrs. Amanda Richardson, H. Stanley, Mrs. Clar ence Willis, workers. Miss Rosalee Taylor, captain; Misses Fannie Aaron, Valder Bar abino, Anna Rose Bartholomew, Althea Doris BelL Helena Block, Theresa Braggs, Lucreasa Butler, Ruth Collins, Dorothy Cal vin, Luis Mae Carter, Ethel Chriss.

Jeanne Davis, Odessa Derbigny, Daniska DuConge, Adelle Duplessis, Rose Falls, Marion Fleury, Annie Gipson, Nettie Ingersoll, Rose Mary Johnson, Mildred Joseph, Edna Le cesne, Philomene Luke, Vivienne McCormick, Juanita Mitchell. Mil dred Nash, Audrey Pierre, Ermelda Mohr, Zelda Mohr, Dorothy Porter, Clara Richardson, Mildred Reynaud, Adries Robertson, Dorothy Shedrick, Bessys Shelby, Dorothy Signs 1, Olivia Thompson, Rebecca Tucker, Bernlce Wells, Lolita Williams, Margaret Young, Mrs. Olga ThornhilL Mrs. Vivian Harrison, Messrs. Bernard Lawson, Hozie Fountenberry and Joubert Lewis, workers.

REV. YOUHG 0RDAK1ED Mrs. Carrie Soebya Miss BrunsttaisJde bis body. Bedlard, Mrs. seals Rata am' ''4; ii IS in EIV ORLEAEiS NEW ORLEANS, Oct XI Rer.

James W. Young was cirdamed last Monday night at Mt. Pleasant Bap tist Church of this dry. Tho ordination council was from the First District Baptist Association and consisted of Rev. G.

Hendricks. Rev. B. Jollcouer, Rev. Matthew W.

Rivers, Rev. J. A. Graadersoa and Rev. George W.

MeWaters. Tbe service was quite impressive. He was given an exced singly high rating by the examining ministers. Gilbert Academy Defeats McDonogh 35 NEW ORLEANS, La, Oct. Xl Gilbert Academy of this dry de feated the McDonogh S3 hlgb 1 I jj school team by a score of 7 to Q.

A feature of the game was tba parade of the Gilbert Academy's colorful band. The game was played at Xavier Stadium aa Friday afb ernoon. TIRE RttI EXPLOStoli KNOCKS SimiHCOLD Mrs. Lucy Woods, workers. nU Miss AniU L.

Johnson, eaptaia; rT37a' nS" irr Rev. J. CL Carvrn. Mrs. Gladvs Car i wea wqnaw xiosaer jrnur Bps bospttaL Friday afUrnooa.

saf. fertngroca a fractured skuTL aad to bis bead, arms 1 and shoulders. :.1 Leoraa Hmam, white tsnow 1: V. 1 worker t' fao" Josapb. Vr.

Trucking Co, said Steea waa changing a ttre on the opposite side whan he beard a loud explosion, When he ran over to see what bad happened, Steen was tying on tba floor, unconscious, the Ure rhn bo.

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