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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the finite r. clion," et be 4 Aatimnal IntelUtrcnecrt rxin Aefoliowioglt a haitf trenvUtino cfflD iarfibe Ne Gonmcni at Cartels Si. have last received It ou'd seen fJlfcUdreelhattte English govrne.u.i ueo jeodine ia Eunice Lr the au horitr tbe Hegcocf etCadu, U' adcavuur I nit i ha jng lo Aenc fa. (hit a rter of the globe, bat. is actually tempting wens s.nv7 hate auutorwv i wruitc uufwi THE SUPREME JUNIA.

Comervativt afthtrigMttot Br. Don Yr dinana fit fmcprvwncca sy rene snc If'the sacrifices which the gtneroat British haa nude in (he service of the ur.h ip yf monarch, whole rights VenciuIU defends I i oa of every good Spaniard Clrraccat bus, nver And abort these aacred oblieAtions, dth ert. very immediate and itnperioui to prove the sincerity with which it has asked, and has a right to hope for, that protection from G. B. which nay insure its political pittance without directly or indirectly influencing its domestic institutions.

Agrlcoiiure ana conameree are the twopillarenf our prosprr itr but the political sretem of the other hemisphere, where eur productions ust be consumed, haa given to Great Britain, an Infla race over mercantile relations as powerful in general as the duties which our gratitude to her, oar geographical position, our political youth, and oar indastry, discouraged by the oppression we hae thrown off, impose on as ia particular. So many obstacles to our pros pent cannot ne overcome without assistance too tnit cannot bc ooiainea wunouta recipro city of sasnnce, in vain we shall opes our ports to the other nations when this ooe alone posseifes tne tnaent pr Neptune fn vain we shall cultivate (lit rich territory we possess, wnen sue atone can carry to or permit our productions to arrive at the markets of Eu rope and in vain we sh.uld arm ourselves to deiend our bre side from rench rapacity wnen she alone can shield from all foreign ag rrcinion oar Immense extent of coast A commercial distinction in favor of a na tion who possesses such power who so much desires to favor our efforts, is what may now secure such requisite and various ae. vices and the government, when it agrees to this sacrifice, does it for no other purpose ihan the Better to entitle American fpajM to sacrifices en the part of Great Britain equal to trios she has made in favor European Spain Our liberality cannot be mistaken when it is seen that we deviate, in' favor of this re fpectable ally, from the orders by which the regency, prohibiting our fo eigu comn crce, would have ultimately deprived even Great. Britain ot'the advantages which we offer her, to compensate forthe benefit we promise cur atives tram ner protection, and to ner lor wnat she has done tor onr vacant countrtmen in Europe, Our liberty is to be the aegis of our preservation as our patriot ic inaigoation will be the rock on which we will be wrecked all Che projects which do not correspond with the liberality of our designs, if, as we ought not to expect, attem ts should be made to take advantage of our aituation vnuer tne incontrovertible principles of civil jectinir to the onrtinn of.lhx hnri ennvm tive of the rights of Sr Don Terdinao the na, which ts about to be installed, and to what our commissioners to His BnUnnnick najesty may have direcilsti'alatad, the pro "ww measures wnicn eircnintaiir mav bare requirethe Junta for the oresent has acceded to the proposition hich, the name nis nruannicit oxajeity apd in coneqe nee of dispatches sent to the government ot acoa fcona Londoo on the 39th of June Usr, has been made to it by Cel. RoDertson Secr tsrv of that government, granting in favor of the BriMsh nation a reduction of one unh part of the daies, which are n'w received from foreigners on their importations or er portations through our Custom Houses a su red that in the respectable peronl qualities of Colonel Robertson and in his benificent and necided sentiments in favor of our stability.

Veneieula has a guarantee in addi ion to those which' the high respectable origin of his mission insure to it. Having agreed on its measures, the supreme junta has demanded that in 'he English co.o enies there should be, as to us, that reciprocal correspondence, which the geneilsity of our conduct dictates. Our vessels must enjoy in the BrMsh ports of the Antilles the same privileges and tariff of du'iea, tht the English do. and under our flig, ffoin the publication ot this decree, any thing purchased ia our territory may be Introduced there, although it is not the production of our country, provided that it is not prohibited in British vessels. These equitable conditions have been accepted by Col.

Roberuon, auvhorisee by hi government to do so and the Junta is satisfied that the veoerost with hieh it wisnea to exceed itself, in favor of Brit commerce, must immediately obtiin lor as in the island of Curacoa th ise exemptions which severi individuals have obtsined by coodoct less liberal than ours, untill ihM nc tion shall arrive from Lotidoo, of which our proceeding and the favoaraVe opinion of the commissioner assures as. Let this be under etood in the Department of the Treasury and comtnunieatH to those to whom it helmgs to act ou it. uiven at tne palace of the govern m'niat larraccas on the 3rd of September 110. Sifned, TOVAH PfJMTE, President. lOPEZ MENDEZ, Vice President.

BoT0, Oct. 17. St. Dartkotomcv.A&iUxt from this Swedish Is'aort statr, that owiog to some ar birrary acts ef government, a revolation bad taken place there that the Judge of the Is I md (Bergstedt) bis wife, secretary and ser vants, had bees sent. off that an Embargo had been imposed The Judfe, as he is railed, baa arrived in Salem.

This island is ishahi ed principally with Irish and French, an1 wai probably be taken pessessiou of bv Si Brifi.H. mrmmm raws a rjsr maris list. rive Ait Fyftnton. Hiaaibsl, mum, Liverpool 55 Pocket, Noyce, Liverpool 39 Uriusl, BrUaia, Uoghea, Liverpool $6 MpPj.tiind, Kearooadland! 1 ilriih slip Jesse, Gudirr, Leadca 60 SMj Maria Theresa, Inpfaharu, Cad's via lnTUI.39 V' fc CLtaaa. SWp Mamchusetts, Steven, "UaUin Jicksor Robert Durns, Pij jon, Alexandria Veres, nosers, Schr Maria, Burns Nancy, Ethu.ids'e, Sloop ColKltaiu Betsey, Brigh' nun, Beaver, lUiglu, Naw Orleros ames Hctt Swanitt.orough riymou'd in ij Kicnmond Wcs point Petersburg Ship Hannibal.

frJm kivtrpool, hu dry goods. tc toj F. Delap'Vm, Mirx.V Lindaley, Li ter 8c Co Seamuu Co Arnitage, Grayson, II Stger, S. Murte, St Brinck LifCf, Hudson, Huttrick, laaham, Phoc nix Nexsen, F. Thompson, Major Cillespie Marsland, EsstWirn, JTl Dush, Winslow, More wood, King Co.

Rumsry, Rogers Co Robertson Co Clendening tnd A Jams, Bowr es, Coriies, Duryee Hye CkH Van Wagenen, Molt Acktrly UCoClV Talbot Col Carrow, Dudley Walsh Co Vn Scluick, Rogers Lambert, Pratt Van Wyck, Scott, Roberts, Jun tludntn, Cor nell Clement, Dunham, Huntington, Wit' is Leggett Cornell Co dlettn, John Breath, RkT Lawrence, Lyde Co Lu cas, Page, I Wig'asm, I Ganett, I Wright Son, Lawrence Keese, Curtis, Hsggerty A'asUa, Boggs Livington, George Aspinwall, 'Albert WyckofT, and Laierty and Gantley Sailed from Liverpool, Sept. 9, id company with ship Ulaver of Philadelphia ship Got ennda, ready for sea Superior to sail in 10 days for Boston Jane, fordo, in 10; Sept IS, lat 48 fell in with a fleet of about JO sail English merchantmen, homeward bound under convoy of a frigate. Sept 17, lat 47, 30, spoke Brig Elisabeth, from Gua deloupe for Liverpool. Sept 18, 47, 20, brig Masons Daughter, 27 days from Philad for Cork. Oct 10, lat 43, schooatr Amity, Smith 39 days from Lisbon for Oct 11, lat 42, 30, brig Huron 35 days from Liverpool to Bath.

Sept 24 lost Henry Hull, the boatswain overboard in a gale. Passengers, Mr. John Edelston, Win. Hirst, James Balderston and Charles Everett, and i In the steerage. Cat t.

Barnurn saw a number of iquiire rigged vessels off the Hook. from a Livcrflool flatter i Sefit. S. Arrived, the Lydia, Weeks, from Massa chujetts Retrieve, Wangh from Norfolk Stephen, Berry, from NYork Boreal, Ma son, from do; General Lincoln Coffin, Mas sachusetts Franklin, Bang, Penobscot Te lemacbus; Greenleaf, Charleston Charlotte, Clark, NYork Antelopes Williams, Mas sobusetts. The Packet hu salt, Crates and coal te Capt Kemp and D.

Wagstafi. Sailed in co with the hip Grand Turk, for YorlTl ship New Good Intent, for Charleston ship Benjamin, Stevens, lor York, and several others not recollected. Helow, ship Lavina, Hudson, from New Yrk for Linbon, returned leaky the second time. Ship Portland, in ballast, to VV 2c Rus sell. Spoke last Sunday, ship John and Ed ward, from Bristol bound to NYork.

The Portland wtt ashore ou Uenysea' reef eight before lost, bat was got off without, receiving any injury. British ship Jesse, in ballast, to Suydam 8c Wyckcff. Oct 13, spoke in Ut 42, long 42, 30, schr Mary, of Btth bound to Liverpool. Ship Maria Theren, has Merino sheep to I Clason, Sp ke schr Prince of Wales, of Londoo from Newfoundland boud to NYork. British ship Britain, has salt and coal TV Davidson and G.

Sept 47, 14, long 41, spoke ship Minerva from NTork botntd to Liverptol, 24 d.ysout. Sept IS, 1st 42, 41, long 40, shipjiku, Smith, from NYork for Li verpooL Sept. 53, met with a violent gale or wind, which camel sway our main top mast Oct 14. ht 4 15, bng 66. 20, spoke schr.

My, from Waterford, (Ireland) bound to Fhil adelphia. Oct spoke ship Led, from Liverpool, 45 days out, bound to Baltimore. hng Comet, has dry good, crates, salt at.d coal to Hicks, Jenkins Co. and others. Oct 11, spoke ship Cordelia, from Philadelphia bound to Liverpool.

Oa Wednesday last the sloop Ann Maria, ton NYork for New Brunswick, while off Perth Amboy, was struck by a sudden flaw of wind, which carried a way her mast ckisv by the deck. Arrived lait Evening. Ship Enterprue. d)S from London, and 5 from the Liasrd, with drv rcoda. paints, porter, to J.

Kemp ano ag siaflV. owners, K. Bach Co J. 6c W. fie Co.

T. Hutchinson Collins 8c Perkins, Inskeep 8t Bradford, Eastborn, Rankio, I ewis, A Gracie, Durand Ic Ce. Porri Bt Kioaldi. Gotlett, Robertson, Richards, Upson Se Co. Carvill Ct Sonk A Barclay, Hewitt, ft bold, a Thomp.

son, Cornell Ct Co. Bo wen, Lippht and Co, Gibson and Oskry, John Jacob Astor, Mtliek Horrrr, Sc Paff. II cot, box, Bark St De Mciurier, A Mesier, Sc A Townseisd, Kvsvelt, Gilksoie Ac Campbell. Falconer, Jin fnomp. (i KiTaon, ELyde.junr 5 Ktcbards Ihtkrv, Butler.

Burrouths ard Storgea, Wk 1 Poa Orden fit Harris Perxilcton, lograham, Phnenia Si Nessen, Barney 8c Co Paaen gera, Mr. Jxies. Mr Kitana, ai4 10 in the reertge. Sallrd ia cotrsvany with ship John Watsct. Crccier, for NewTork.

ft we. in'd AHadne, to H1 for i unyi sqips ana viiacs.r v. deCoaia. I Qvlur. fjr IliiUHrnhva.

In a a s. ShlpKacufin, for New York, bflere. In Ut 41 v. WQt iVU'l III l4k.VJ 41, kehip June, of Liverpool 6 London, lor St. Andero.

Same SeptSOtP, day a schr 41 days from for 'at au, epokaan beimsphro dite bng days from Tonningon for Salem, oaip L.mcuinati,i.onckUn,tn 21 day from anu aieriivo hbeep, te L.eioy,BiyardSc M'Evers, and Roussieur andltou'et. The shiiLlura, Lovett, sailed J3 awaaetore r.r NYork i aoda schr belone ing to Hall, 8 day before do JL.eic at L.iiDon, X6, ihe brig Stiwtie, siorK to tail next day brie rr inttin, iora i on lamnnmauhs. stor rey, for NYork in 2 or days shin Canton. Browo, for tU in a week he two latter vessels were irom England; ship Until, from di; brigAlorao, for dot shift Alfred of dt rnr nri in, lust arrived la 19 dJV from Y.irk 1 ship Uelvidere. West, fust ar.

from ujsion, ana several oiners. Brig Hiram, Hull, In 45 day from Green ock, in ballast to Hall, Hull Ce. and Gran hatn fit Co. Prt oBotttn, 0fM3 Arrived, schr Eleauor, Gtubam. davs fr Port a Prince.

1 Brig Wm 8c Martha, Lapham. 49 days from Dublin. Mr Wm Snith, of Dublin, cabin passenger, died on the passage. Left, schr Triton, of Boston, and others before reported. Spoke, Sept 17, in sight of Corvo, ship Criterion, RouUtim.of Bie water.

S3 ivs from Liverpool, fur NYork Sept 23, lat 38, long 3d, sch Catharine, 17 days from I'lukud for Lisbon. schr Joseph, Dearlng, of Porttnnd, 34 days from Lomintco, Lelt at Port au Prince, Sept 11. brig Humbird, mas, of I'M) id bt Jago in 6 days schrs whitn'yl Maine, do or do in I2i Tom. Unner. Marb rhead i Drigivmia, from I'ensttcoia schr tlummtnit Bird, Tucker, York, at au ITincu Sept 7, Mr Trumbull, cf Metbiehead, Sd mate of the Eneiuh Hope on botrd the bne Joseph, Daniel IVex.sott, and Samuel Poor, seamen.

Passenger, Capt Wm Malcolm, late of the Florida, of Portland. FHIL'J LXXIAN SOCIhTI. (T7 The Members and Honorary Members of this Society, are inlormed that its regular meet inr will commence oa Saturday evening, Uct. 30. in Dr.

Wilson's Lecture Room, Columbia College. Punctual attendance ia requested. order ol tno resident, Oct 19 9t G. T. Bboell.

Sec'y. A'akW rOAA' FUMH SCHOOL. In cnAirrrity to a report of the Building Committee, the Committee of Arrangement an nounce to the public, that on Monday neat the 22d mat the Corner Stone of the New School House will be laid in Henry street. An Ad dress will be delivered on tha oCasinn. by one of the Tmstrets of th Institutiva.

The Tras racs are request to meet at the SChool Room, at 9 o'clo k. A. M. The Members of the Corporation, the Troi. trees of the Masonic and Fire Departmert Schools, and thi supfmrters and friends of the institution are respecttully invited to attend tfie procession, wli oh will mov trotn the School.

House, in Chatham atreet, precisely at ten o'clork, through Beikman, PearU Cherry and East RutgerstreeU, to the plice of the building. JOHN VANIIKKBII.T, JttO. I CoiTLOf ar ABKM. BARKER, frangement 19 E7" Miss GEM VAIS has the honor to in form the Ladies and Gentlemen of New York, that she intends opening lit Dancing Academy, in the Tea Room, City Hotel, oq tne 5th November, for the reception of Pupils Days of tuition, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for bet private Ball a. Miss G.

continues to eive private lessons. Var runner particulars, inquire at her house. No. SB ise uollabs. by The Mgtiest premium given for ah JAS LEONARD BLRECKER.

it Wall street, opposite Merchants' Bank. uct i tf it A LLVG It 0 OKS, For at 1 6 1 eta per dozen, bv OLMSTCAl), LEVY CO. SUtioners, comer of William Wall street. Oet 19 for SAY ASA Art. wnuui at a rreutar iraaer.l The reir.arka; fast aailinirsbip I MiLxiim.

a. UiHiga masttr. it months. ol in order, and in every respect weu Chicuiaten lor tae das part or tier car go enagei.

ror Uie remainder, or paasatre. Having handsome acemmodationa, apply to the esp'ain at Codwise's wharf, east side uurling suji, or JOtIN MILf.ER, or JOSIAII STURGiS, 187Frontstr(et Oct 19 tor Sjlb, The ship FORTITUDE, bur. h. irn vr oe Ki rear, iU be sold at auc tWm, by J. 6etn, tomorrow, at oneo'ekick hhr has lately been graved, and is now ready to recefve a cargo, and may be viwed at Joanna nee' whan.

Uct 19 It E. LEAVENWORTH. Freight or Charter, Ihe achovnrr OLIVE VINE, vSi burthen 75 tons or about 600 bi i 'jaT rels i she is a new vessel and built in a workman'ike manner of the best white oak, sails laat aau is well found. terms, apply to WM. CODMAN, Oct 19 Ne 8 South street For Chd'Uflon, S.

C. tfv The fa fast il the 25lh Inalaot.) tailinr packrt sloop aft.cvoABBY ANN, hav'mr excellent ac commodsticma for pas pgera. or freight or passtge, tf ply oa at Burling slip, or to JUZf.5 MKGRATH, Oct 19 83 South street Far tale, freight or charter. tv The reoa.t bi Last aailinr rU built ship CINCIKNATTL4I7 Jmmfi. 4 years Id, eoppeved to tbe bends, ai yp uree, and may be teat la sea at a toaaa expence.

AA HOT, SAT ASH iCtTMSS. OctlS Is? Sm iT3 KS 1 (V ikr T' a a FOR iUvANnA, InxwUd at rrgulur vaitr The superior new' last aihng orig AL.SIIKA. fallow, master. now lying at Jones' wharf, bating two thirds of her earg.s engafced, will be dispatched without delay. Vor freight of the itm dudcr or passagr; havirg elegant accommodations, apply to the mashir ou board, JONATHAN or THOMAy MKRCEIN.

Who A7iv far a 40 whole botes wliuu lUvanna Sugar 40 quarter hoses do do 1 10 liff do do do Oct 19 Thoprketiliif At LIZ A Caiit wiu ail i I'jr iitatriw inn VWyP cioca on Sunday morning, The Oct aVthe the from Burling alip, wind penaittinir (ucngora are requested to be on boara. utOv, See 102 BMi rels Cayeana Cocoa 14 tons Camwoid, 150 pieces Havens Duck, cases black sinchews For sale by WM CODMAN. Oct 19 28Soth.street. H'AHTID TO man TNTIL the 1st of May nex', or fir a Inn? time, a house, or part of a house, for a uct it st Oal'thls morning, in Uroadway, Oct wren Oswrgo Market and the brad cf ottiv street, a pair ol Single Temple Kp(aacle, silver mounted, inclosed id a Brown Composition case.

The finder by lea ving them at No SO' Cedar street, crtrner of Mtst iu street tnau De saltauiy rewarded. SPIKIT CAHDKTi, TAY be ennsulted, at hit residence, No 1 A ofl William street, nearly opposite the Post Oilier, from 0 till 3 o'clock, in sviry branch of hi profession. The afternonn is devoted to suh LLAitsa may require attendance at their Car lette'd Dontrifice and anti scorbutic lixer to be had as above. Oct 19 WAblilMarON. bHIUGai LUl'i L.aY, muahR s.

COMMENCED drawing in New Haven, on the IJiliinsi. and will continue drawing daily until completed. A correct list of tha drawing ts reeelvtd dailv and a Cbsck Boost kept for the exflmnatUn ft alt tided rat it, at HAMUEL A. BURTUS'f BOOK STORE AND LOITERY OFFICE, A' 19 Ptek tilfi, tarntrtf Cash given for pi ues as suon as ilrawn, or prises takeft In paymtnt for Tickets. Oetl9 tf yohitatCi Cerreet Lilt i'rttti draw in WASHINGTON MR1DGH LQT7 JLXT.

2, lriasT bay's naAwmo No. 856921000 1 No. 4865, fc837 No. 2313, 0387, 8193 JJ20 Cash or warranted undrawn tickets given for soon aa drawn. rises taken in payment for tickets In the Vineyard Lottery, or in the Union CoUoge Lottery, No.

2, at R. JOHNSTON'S LOTTSSr OF tlC No 33 Maiden Lane, Where correct books of all the above Lotteries will be kept for the examination of tickets gratis TUX WHEEL'S NOW, tuxnino. A ND the daily drawing regularly receiv cd in the Washington Lottery, at GEORGE JANSiSN's LOTTSftr OFFICE, No, 15 Chatham strert, Where Tickets and Shares of Tickets, may be had, warranted undrawn. Also, Tickets in the Nt York Unlrn Collate and Vineyard Lottery Clierk books kept for the examination of Tickets in tha above Lottery cratls. Tbare is yet undrawn in tue Washington Lot cry 1 prist bf 15,000 Dollar 1 5.000 9 1,000 17 i on 1' prise of lOf doTlsrsand 2 of 100 each, dnwn, are ucM in this city.

Oct 10 SHERIFF'S SALR Y'irtue ol several writs of fi rl facias to mt directed and delivered, will be sold on Monday 15th Inst at 11 o'clock, A. M. in front of the PhunisCtflee House, a large quantity of Aug i BUN8COMB, FheriflT K. 0. The above sale is postponed until Thurs day Inst.

Oet 13 The above tale'ls postponed until Monday. the 21st inst. Oct 19 DUNSCOMB, Sht'iff. BY oider of "tush Ogden ilolf imm, 14. quire.

Recorder of the City of Ne Yovk Nutirt is hereby given to Daniel Steven, Sa vannah, In the State of Georgia, an absent b' or, and to all otsert whims it may conrorw, Hhat on application and due proof msde to him the said Recorder, pursuant to Die directions of tbe act of the Legislature of the State of New. Yoifc, entitled an act for relie against ante ndingand absent debUra" passed 21st March 1801, be hath directed all the estate, real and personal, wi Lin the City and County of Kew York, of tbe said Daniel Stevens, an absent debtor, to be seized. and ualess tbe said Daniel Stevens do discbarre bis debts, with! a one afier this notice of such seizure, all his estate will be sold for the payment and satisfaction of hie debts. Attorney for attaching creditor. Oct 19 lawty TO I lib PUBLIC.

MY Wife Nancy C. bavicg been for along time in the consunt practice of circum venting my plans for obtaining aa honest livelihood, and forming eMlusions against my in with ber relations, my titter enemies, and nas fienavea in respects exc eaing ly unbecoming a faithful wife therefore it becomes necessary for me In tbit public man ner to forbid all persons from, harbouring or trusting her ny account, as 1 will imy no debit of her contracting after this date. UK1 tUUlM Oct 16 4i THE DOUBi Ftjt. mi, 'a coat ser i rivs acts, ar Wll. IAM DIMOA V.

Author of tbe Foutdlicgof the Forest, IJeto of the North, etc For salt D. LONG WORTrf. Oct If Si AUCTlbi. tV Mria. tne uti ol tUeir A Wall strict.

le.o'cW. lucdori Store; NJ 400 b.jea Calcutta pivco gooJs, very valuable aijd superior asrt nt ilXs lest imporutions and entitled lo debenture. raruouiarspreviuus to tliodayof k. octir UAV1U UUHIf AM. A Jt DAVID DUNHAM rewpectfully.tJ his Inends and ihe public ginerab, tiiat he but removed to his formifr, stand No 144 euUt.

At rnvate Sate) boxet mens, wuinens and uo hits, as'sokedi 3 very superb ia of itoi.c nankeen cliiri l7l i Iwgo India eariirit. 1 5QU0piiefs long white nanlrens, lu do. iaQQU da abort yellow i 'KMl I 1 ATAULJ'JOAr. A 8 tT. DEAR SXLYS.

ON WEDNESDAY Vtiast MlJo'piock At Union Whsrf, V7.V he told at Public Jucii'onl 550 BEAR SKIN.H. of goodquuliiy, indinexi cellfiit order ter ay. Car h. Oct 12 L. PAltlC5.

Aim ion. LNVVi or Ueiivlemoii JloilnI prove themselves in thr Frei eK may be situated in a avnteel famila. .,.,1 commodared by Mr. KVRAlU), Ho. 133 Cham Dr t.

Those Lsdietat'l GeruJemen who wh to ilrueted in the art if drawing, will be taught milrui Mr Evrard, at their house Uct 17 A i'w To Z' jOK ti.bur.ka: MAN wl is A larire Book Bindorv in all the oliea, will meet with god cnoouraircment and high wages, by applyirf to WM. SWAIM, 0 7 241 arl uK. ef. Ja Uanltt NO 1 Il'li is iirrrbt trtven. that a Aill deniof three nlan half er cnton tfca cnp.

ital J. se Itank. tor th ne Inrt il roohths, from fi.sf No.ertiberi in, in Kio hi tit novrui'ier neat. md paid to tbe siot kh. Mt rs, or their a' tor ni.t, at the liniikl.

hoiise in rsey, fr 1st f'i 10 N. veinbei. und at iiin u.k, Fire Insurance Office, In th city of New York from 11 to 20 incusUr. und after that perntl at iia Banking ue! ihe transfer brx.ks will ne nhiat on snth jmtunt, and to looiiiitnf until 1 November. By order of the Boid of Directors.

)H Lyjv, Jtrt4 hank. THE Stockli ldeM the Jcrsev" who have nnid only ihe first on last subscription to the capital stock. aiherek by required to pay the second oi 'oit r'n'T nvc a. wars on eacn ttitre of null wt at the Banklug House in the city of Jersey, on orUb lore tne 1st otN. vemtirr next Bv order of the Brurd of Tri pn oct 18 LOW, aahlf 'Vi' i R'UEDKRXKCPA RLAN, latelt reach er of Lapguaget1n'ElnSurgh, respectfully Informs his fnenda and the public, taut he has pened classes foi the tui ion of Youth, in the Latin and Greek 1 one as in theelrffnntor in clploeofthe Latin in l(kemannr, of Greek i and ethers, suited tot lie nrufirien.

oy of the pupils As it is oonaiilerablt tiDMrla of in ne began teaching ia families of tit fl St ilntnt. lion in Edlnburirli, and all alonir Las taue cording to the jutUy admired praoUce both cftbe University and Hiarh School there ta.idaa been micb employed amncr medical anuUnta reading, writinr and apeakinir Medical I tin and among students of the law, in La Latin, in that city, so justly renowned its leanln in general, and where so much all lion it given la the study of the Learned LangSijrti pattiru uu aiiuaauenas laiignt in several lespeit blo families in this city, amomr coinortrnt Uu? he hopes it will not be thoiicrht too it lie solicit the patronage of the lovers Ttlioe noble and admired ianruairef. the finialied of the Ancients. F. M.

continues to give private lessons In tarn illes, and to such st wu' to revise Uieir Latin and Greek The terms, and other particulars wilt stained at tht place of teaching. 7 ttreet, ntarly oppotitt tin JJutth thwth Applic lion, left at Samuel Camtibf U'a. or CiA. tins Perkins. Booksellers.

Pearl with William Dallas, Liberty street, will ba Au, ly attended to Oct 18 iw i 1 ii)fr(lnll in. bkbitanls af he bat tafct n'a room over i Grten i tre ei, where llo wm team Vocal ami l.atn.mei.UI Mumc the en. un winter. If feelaci. fidei.tof aiviar sat'sfsirtinn sm as employ bim as fra? ot the Viulin.

and oiner maviimrnts, ara or n' en Oi al Slavic. From Ihe a probaCon he has rre'ive iiduaed to reiy on liiperfirmcts hta etilo. gium, sv gentlemen amateurs are invited to call and hear fur th' mselves Tursday and Fnda evenings' will be appropriated lor lua vocal, and Thursdays sad iaUrdjis lor his instrumental schools Private lesvons will given at lus room at a ny other scept his ac.ho Jliou. Piano Fortes tuned in aa unusually aeenrtta mtnneft Or 13 tit FOH SAl.r A HANDSOME a.d sound lfrsr, eight years old, essy nnder the fiddle, and showy before tcb air. He may be sen at BROWN'S Stables, corner of Thames and Lombard streets, from 10 A.

M. nntil 2 P. M. Or.tl6 i iw Tt Mdl.lVright kv Carientert TWO three rood wrights and Csr peiters msy find ploy by enqolring of Daniel French, or A. Wood worth, at Greenwich, near the States' Prison None need tp ply without goid recomttenda'ioo.

ort 15h 1 JAMES W. BLMtfCKEK ad La.ONAUD'i A. DLCCCKIK, HAVING formed a co partnership aader tha Arm of Jamet and Leonard I bave eoAmeofed busiaess aa STOCK and EX CHANGE BROKERS, at Ke. 28 Wall a treat. tS la i't' if 1, P.

V. b'..

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