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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ri it. 'ft hi 2 i yf .5 KM; I' i I 1 A htt. id i 341 ,1 II' i Wit tt. If 'V. I 1 fil 'fil 1 X) h'' i'i 'vU 'ii .1 A i 1 ir a J' yi 1 a Hi i i iv MOLASSES, UcZk andirc irrom stn board una? Evrunf.

canttin wets, tn nunujiomewii at EUgva wi. Httb River 94 puncheons well flavored Rimv 4 tiM very first quality retailing Molasses 24 dry lidea. For aale by RODIHSON HARTSHORNF. No. 81 Greenwich street.

Alio, fur fate. 'VWAS 09 tont, aa she came from tWj. i a it attaint if not sold at private aale by Tuesday 22d intt the will on that day bo told at public avetmn by HOFFMAN fc GLASS, sttho linuae. Start far hair, Jamaica JRuni, high pr.iof, and well flavored Coffee in Ufa and barrel While Russia Sheetings Diapers Karens Duck May 17 if ur Jr tight ir Charter, The barquo SALLY St MARY, captain P. West, burtlien 179 toij.

three trara old. Apply ou buaiu at Steren'i wtiirf, or to POST, GIUNNELL fc MINTURN. May 17 for talc, Jreiefit or iharttr. TW'hrrw al.ip LOUISA CE CILIA, 222 tun bur.hen, la a lUunch (food ve tntl. unilt nf the bct well Vcured in evi rv rmiiMcL and well fjunj Apply on hjiti, wct aiOe of Iluriliij lip, or W.L.

G. CUISWOLt), May 17 1 t5 South Uturt. gALT cararn of the Hriir Iteorulntor frnm C. JL di, CouilirF of about 35U0 butheU Sait. tOraloly CKCiNE LOVE XT, May 63 Simtl.

street M''g, a I anluK the CHi rD ot ic Menioi Guninna, coiuibtir.g of H) Hide 1 150)0 IbtCoHLe ryouo Cocoa 20 crrooni Inrljga Curti Capl.l wkj 8Unm Cajnv'i For late on rtiubnahle le'i nu by tt T. MEYER, May 15 .110 Waehington atrei t. UHKEY OIL STONB3. 6 boxta lurkey Oil St nr, fur aUJjy GILLESPIE CAMI'nELL, No, Fletchcr atrcet. May 18 M4S TXR 'INCHInCEW'aND HQ VJUtY PUBLIC 1 T.

BLAKK, A torney nnd Courmellor 1J r. it annrcci, io uic curncr ui raruiion iircn and Broadway, wliere punctual attendance ihall lit paid to tl.e biuinei of Maattr in Chancery and Notary Puliiic, Irom A. till 2 I'. M. and from 3 till 6.

April 30 4w ualci oj Lan(t in xMucupiL'u i'uicliatc. In c.VANCJiJu: Samuel. Corp, John EIU3 pumnncoof ft ')i and Gabriel Muw. oider of the ycourt oi Chancery tlieut.r Nrw Alexander Macomb, others. aid 1 York, uiuijein the in i i i i i above rune, will be )Kl at public under ti' dire rtiona of the at the Ion i me Collce House, in the city ol New Torn, on the first any of November next, at one of the clock in the afti rn jon.

Hit following tract nfland in Macomb' Port lump, in the county of Suiut Lawrence, in the State of New York, to wit Aeret Town No in Great Tract No cn. led Jsnci Tuwn, otittinmif 3 Towr. No Gitfat Tract Mo 3, cat. led The Nortliemit (iimer of Town No i 14, In Great Ti kirt No. 2, called Blonmln 1 1, coiitiii ling 3 3T.5Q0 7186 Tbo Nortli wenl tiartcrol Town No 1, in Great Tract NoS, called Sherwood, cntitaiiiing The North west ofTown No 2, In Gret Tract No 2, called Oak.

ham, eontrining The South wet Quarter of Town No 8467 6511 1 No" iiti.C 13, in Great Tract No 2, called 7971 1 veradale, ooiitkinxig AUo, tn Great Tract No cuIK Catha. iti2vlltc, 3 16,386 112.7U6 Amounting in the whole tonne hunlred anrl twelve thomsnd, seven hundred mid una six acrce of Land. The above lamli will be sold in cparnte' aix teentla, eightlia and quarter i Township, or in larger uramidler parts, as may anil purchasers aud every porti.m or part sold, will he designated by mete an 1 bounds, rout the purchaiera skill Iiulvl their respective pjroliss; in Severalty, an not as tenant in common, am! thus will avoid Uin trouble of aub divinion hereafter. All these Lands are represented to be of the first quality, and at being siiuaie in a country ve A ry healthy and rapidly i nci easing in Should the iK not be compu ted on the first day, they will be continued by a.lj itirn 1 ent until fmishel. A Ii at the tame tiiii and pi ice, the following Lands ta Touen and Cruslitla'a Fur Teniae towit 1 iTbe North eat, South cast and South wesi vfjiariera 01 lowi'tmp no 41, tor.t ''laming v.icetaer 1 iThe North Wt st, Souih wcst Si South.

cait QitirUr of Tovinahip No 38, containing; loffTt'icr 1 17 910 59R0 11.S53 "iTlie North west Oiartcrof Tr wnahip No 5j, detaining 5 trbe of Township No 34, eontainmc The North west and North east tera of TownaLip No 32, contauiing together 5 art of 1 thirjC eq'ul nuried iha part ofj Towntup Ho IT, tne aaid being Amnnntini lnTthAlml9 tn littv imvii ilmt. nd aix hundred anl sixty three ar rt of UihI, hich will be ecu ia aeparate Lichth and iar 'Jsr ofTowDkbipt, rr io la' grror prta. 1 may a ut purckucra 1 ai Uie irVrcnt Tnctl 1 1'iTJ, will be ignated br nMtet a bounds. iJtliat te purclusrra wi hel their rcrpcciire 1 irehaaea in aevtralty. MioulJ Uic aa.c a4 be mpJctedcn the fi.

at dsy, they will becjatinued ailjviurnmtnt until fir.hed. A THOMAS coorifR, J. May IS tda JJ ttrin barter rr. MKCHAN1CS Friated Oifcatior.a for ra cj.anic". Tank Stock, are ready for aale a A 1 1 5's Lottery Office aci 6 (k iJ blulca Uat.

4 1 this I FUIINITUUE SALES. Wetmore Jackttn, 'rtrifcAtuHfln. crm their fiiiid and thepuMic in gfcneral, Uiat fur the hcconimoUtian of rrauna wiliing tu pe orilOUSEIiai.lFUItNITUKE at Aue ti'Hi, thy have enf offd that I Wife and commo dioiiahoiu Ko. 56, coiner cf Pearl andllroad atreela, where they will attend regularly twice in each week fur the purpute of dupoainof auch article aa may be acnt there for aale. Tim liouae i replete with every convenience for accoramo Jaar.g furnitMre ailra.

1 he day of ale and the particular fr each. day wiU be found in their Auction advertisement It i to be underatood that every article eut tlvure i to be old, 'without reserve to the bidder, feraona with ing to dtaoait f'iriiiture, will apply at the Auction Room, 75 Wall atrert April 14Mi(JNL, May 14, 1810, tun of in Bill. tSe owner can have itby applying In Croiby iir et, the firit htme north of Broom. Itreet, proving property and paying the lex pence of puUUhing. May 19 KIUMAHI) WIUHI.

47 MJMCli hereby given to the Stockholder of the Urocklyn, Jtmaica and Flt buth Turnpike Koada, that a payment. of Five Dollar on each ahare must be paid to Jme Fo tcr, Treasurer or Waller Nexaen, No. 71 Front corner of But linfr alip, New York, on or before the aCJth day of June mat, under pain of forfeiture of their ahare and all previou aymenta. 1 AMI'S FOSTklt, Trcaiurer. Dated Jamaica 17tb May, 1310.

May lb i tJ20 Sunhn I.oii in Orange tt'ttt. I AS, too Iota i graund, ailunte on Orar ir Rtrcet ai.da 'joiniiiirto Ihe Tu'pjn tint manufactury of Solomon Whet have, by an ordinance of the Common Council, been di reeled to be tilled np but the ownrr or owner of lire aamc beiiig unknown, Public Notice I here hy fiv nintlie owner or aniera, iliat unlraa tliry cm Uie lo aloreimd t3 be r.l!ed up, witn a i .,.1 P'ire ana wnou inir rarm, an'i rrpnaita in ycn munni'r as to carry ofl'the water fieely into the ire ft, i or before the eighth day of June next, they will ihen be tilled by Hie direction of the Ccnimon Council, an arid lor a term. of year to del ray the charge audexpence which may be incurred ihercby Ily order ol the Common Council, MOJtTON, City Inspector. City Lr.tctir' Office. Hay lfi, 1810 JjT he printer emnlojrd by the Common Ccuncil will be pleaaeu to publish the above Uily till 8 June.

18 TIIHliKor FOL'K yrur.ij denik'nit wno A winli for Ooard and Lodging at a moderate price, can he ar.coinmodatrd in arespectal lcpri vale family Enquire at No. 58 Dey alrctt. Mav 19 T.TJ? removed lioni 130 Broudway, to No. 10 Courtlmd atieet. A very handaoine Dow Window, l'li'furty Iphta, sixttrn by twelve, with shutters mid irn i bar compJcat, for aale.

Mn 5 If VAGJXMU llAKO tOKTL IOR SALE, ft vtrv ed arcuwl I.etl. don made Org nu'd Piano Frte at a mod erate price 1 teveral new and aei ond band I'iajiO Fortca at varioti price Apply at U62 Greenwich atrcet. May 17 Sealed proposal wilt be rrctivril at the a ub scrit ers i IIloe at thu City Hall, till 3 o'clock on T'hursdi the r4lh lust for lighting the public lamp of this city, for one jiar from the I Mi da of June next. It Is roposrdlo divide the lamp diatrir.t iutiitwu divisions; the rim to imludi ihat part ot'tle city to the westward of Maiden Lane, ffi the Fly Miirket fi rry atairs to I'n ad way, and (Vom thr uci to the nnd id, and extending to Dekko's ferry at the North llivtr. i Io: ciiiil divis'iui will be the remainder of the city, inc.hut' in the lump district Moie purticular' iiiforniatien may be obtained by applying a dbove.

C. N. ULEECKEU, Cempt. May 17 HetbALJ TS SALli. KY virtue of a rit of hera fcina to me directed si.d delivftrd, will ba si ld on the 5th diy of Ju'y next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon nnthe prcmiars, the ripht, title and intrrei of Willitm Kobertii, in nil ihut eerttin house and lolofgrouid, aituate, lying and Itfintfkt thr 8 Ii ward if the city of New Yoik, on tiiesmitheily aide of Prince treat, soil known and ed on a map or chart Uayartt's fa' ni Ly hit No, I027( hounded northerly in f.

enlb) i treat, ensure) IriNo. I1.6, row or lata be winging it the hrirt of Martin Eiglehart, snulLnlj' in tiie rear bv lot N.v 1025, now oi late belonging to Samuel inihip, westerly by lot Ko. 10i6, now or Lte belonging to P. W. Livingston: together with the appurtenances to the came ana appertaining.

E. DUNSCOMB, Sheriff. May 31 i lum Tn" at 1 OF THR (il'PY OF A'Hll' YOUK. PANORAMA, No 155 and 152 linoAowAv, WlI.Lhcclcgrntly lliumioHteil eiery eve ninff ii'1 further notice, even public buld inj every house with the surrounding unny fur ten milea, is correctly oVlin ateil it exlub itcd in a building erected for the purpose, ore hendred and eighty leet in cii ctimlerence, tiirtylivc l.iii.i, tl.e cctatirs view the wiieie rty, accon'ing to acale, 170 feet above the letl Hrnatlway at Pauls church, from which situation they tee at cneiiiw every public adj puvaif! uuuuiiik, u.e ixoriu ana nasi aiv ers, ac. Ibis PaTrtma is three thousand frttlsrger than the LattL of Lodi, or Alexandria, and qual to any in Europe.

May 17 INFUhMATMN WAN 1 ED 17" Cat 11 a at Mam, when a child 6 or 7 year old, lived in the family of Walter An derson, in ShelLurne, Nova Sci tia.) Mr. Anderson moved to this cit in 175, and it surpri sed to have brought Catherine with him 1 but. nee tsat time she baa never bren laard by In relatitct who row irside in Maaaarhusctta Any person git'u mf'mation rreclirg her to at No Na.tu trret, wiUteherr the anxiety ef an Lofortuttc ar.J Printers ill do an act of hemtnity by inserting the abore in their pp r. Mav 1 BMGlllO.V 1H USE. With it late exteasrve imprcvements.

the mott etegart cst.tbShen tp thr United States, will pen 00 the 1st June r.ext. The LadlastrdGcntlmen rnhnp'tasetcho nor UriLtzn wrhtir cmt ary, tip hare every r.rttlicn paid them by their tea tie set May IS 3. II. TO MLLNSON. it To rf si the na 1) i THEATRE.

tty" Tie public ia rt apectully in forme (Tut Mr. Codper bemx about to mil ft Eu hit eiiKaeenrient in thia Theatre will (rr minat in aoveaj oighi, and that during that lime nonuM ui character arill be repeated OH WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 2X will ia raatiTao, Skakspeare'a of, HAMLET, PRINCK OF LUCyMAfllt. Hamlet, Mr. Cooper. Laert Ostrick, Simpioii rt WHICH Wilt ht ADDED, (Firt time in American afterpiece in two acta, caiicu, NOT AT HOME.

tTT PiroaMAcea to commence at Saves o'clock. On Fridar. Shakoeare'a Traeedy Cobio la nits, being the Last night bat four of Mr. Cooper Lngsgemnnt. UK SaLK.

A very liht Oig and Tandem liainesa, and two fast trotting lioraea, the property ot a gent'emun leaving the country. ti. (pure urcaaway May CT yOUN. qttHhliS baa removed hi of fice for the adj istment of Marine lossea and es ses of Ksurance to No. 54 WU strttt.

May 11 lm AiJij7(fJTS BANK ELKCTI'jN 1 he Stockholder of the Merchant Bank, are requested to meet at the liar.k on Turrriny, siu dsy ot June neat, to choose twelve Director, for the ciuniin year. The Poll wiU be open from, 10 to 3 o'clock M. By order tif Board of ar ctor, LYNDE Cash'r. May 7 tm MhCtiAblLS' ffTbe Stockholder in the Mechanic Bank, are hereby notified, that ail inttallmeut of fvur Dollari on each share of the Capital Slock, ia re quired to be paid on or before the 3Ut hist and that attendance will he given for the receipt tht? line at No. Wall etreet diiilv aftef the 14th inat.

between the hours of 9 a 3 They are further nolided that in default rf payment of the installment hereby requireil, their slure and the previous p)mcnt nade therein, w.ll be loifeiteu agreably to the actoi I torpui a Uon. By order of the President and Directors. FISH, Cashier. May 8 t3Ut KC HA A ICS' Notice is In rehy civen, that receipt ac krowledgii the first pajment towards the Cap. itid Stock of the Mechanic' Bank, will te ready fr ilelivcry to the Subsrribeia, on Monday tne I4'n mst.

amitUiiy thereat er, Horn till 2 o'clock, lion the exce.a of Subscription money will be returne By order of the l'rridnt and Directors. W. FISH, Cashier. Mutual Jttturauce dmwny iherXiiij of Wtw ork. The President and Plre.etor ijlve notice, thsta dividend of four and a half per cent on the rnpiul duck of id company, for the period of six m.Mitnt, from the First dy of November 1S09 to the lit May 1810, will be mad: 1 the 7th inst and paid at their Cffi ho 52 Wall street, to the stockholder Or their Attorniei, on demand.

May lm JOHN PtNTAItD, See'ry 47" I Biibicribcr ITavbifr' reaomed the exercise of hi Profesiiion inhN Male, has open cd an Ollico at No 3 Pine afree. JiU WARD 1,1 VUV. STOAT. May 13 tf RIG TITO. MUS (laie of Wall s'rtet K.

Imnniir to inform the a of int legtnt pinte, that site has taken the Hius uoallv known by the name of the Urtrdhg lioutr, making formrrlr, part of thi'ettnbli'hiKtniof tirightMi liuute, where will be tier endeavoms to render those happy that honour her their company. May 16 N6 14045, The first drawn number yesterday afternoon. (C'Jth dajs drawirg) tntith to ticket, was i.i hrc at the Lucky lottery office cf JUDAII IZXKUS 84 Maiden L.aiie,' persons in tiiis city and No ia.ui, a prize dollnrs on ti 10Uidy. drawing wa hi sold at the Lucky Lottery Office Miv Iw Pili OiL Wli)Jiti 3i.AH. JAU)H il.HKhD, Mo.

S7 Urond atreet, has for sale, eight hundred crates best Dun barton Glasn, fil'te huodrl boxes Bristol Crown Window Glats, of the flilawiog sues i 2 SO It 18 16 16 15 by by bv by bv by 15 14 i 11 10 9 8 bv hy by 'y b) bv bv .0 10 10 9 8 7 Tirtuieaiid Conch C'tit, 5tt i.s English White td giuutd in oil tu.a tiry, UrtktuI Aptuirh Urewn, Vcrniuj.n eed. Ued Lead Lamp Black, Whit i SuO'J gallt Lmteed Uil, 40 ctsks Spirits Turpentine, lie M.y8 SwPiH 1. Mic a aster GOODS, received bv Ut arrial fivnt Tunningen and Gluckstadt, constat ing 01 lirown Platillu Li'tadet Bo. Checks Checks No. 3 TJcH i'gj Oanabr Hetsians Brown roll Ki tvia Ravens liretagnes D.twla Kouar.t ttt.

jiillas Shi'tirj; Linen rolia Tuik tarn Oil CI tin ek Few piceetcf black, bbie ard drab A box damask Ublecbitba aid naflin, elegant patterns and Urge site. Few boa, glass are, and ai atortment cf words, fit for the St Dotr.irgo and arish mar Ma 11 lm 15oTSr ICE ret freai) ice, of a superior quahtj le cy NINIVIlN CHAWrLIN, rcr No 21 May II ot in is ni in it the C' that 'os terf. to will the rr9 ol HEW.rORK: LINING POST jIMY, MAY 'reis the Authnal lnteUigtnctr, May 21: '1 he document whiclt wia be found our sue ceding colu inis uerc pubiUhed iu a tuj plement issued oa iaiurday, and 111 that form irananriitted of our aubacriuera at could receive the.n in anticipation of this day' pa per. It will be learnt with rurpnte and regret, perhaps i Ii airo. gcr that tnese documents, of thoae iratismtttcd by the hn Adams, comprixe tlie whale of the official correspondence between our minister and the Hritih got eintnent, touching the nutter to wh'tcu they telate.

We have been iuduc feum various icu rets lo expect, for aome time pasr, that Mr. It ton would be recalled, and hi place supplied by a minister of rank, and talents. 1 lu ex Dectation has derived atrencih. not only from circumstances which we nave nereioi.ire stated, but from made on the fl or of Parliament, Irom the language of the Bri tish Prints, and Irom the imp re Uuet ex ists in hnglatid, and whioli. is evidently en couraged by the that the negocia tuins in relation to Amertciu aiuirs, were progressing an nniiciOie mnnnrr.

r.ven in cur last paper we publialiedan extract ot a letter from an influential member of the Bri tish Parliament, cooera his corres pondent'1 on tno generally received opinion of dispatcher a tvmg eone forth in the frigate AdniiiH that an amicable outliue for a nt eoci ati.n between the America minister and the rrmier had been adjusted." A reference to the extract of Mr. Pinck nev's letertu Mr Smith of the 2 1st of March will ahew that after fully exuliiuinir to the Marnuis Welleslef the ground on which he was insiucted to request the recal i Mr. bCtson, he lelthim (to use his own latiguue; with a persuasion that we should have no cause to be disatified with the final course his govern mnt 011 the sujectof thair con ference." This convema on, it was agreed by both, could only be introductoy to a more formal proceeding ariti Mr. Pinckney, in con sequence of this understanding, presented the oflicial letter of Uie2d January a letter remarkable not more for its candor and forbear ance than for the dignified moderatioh of its laNuutge. To this letter, no doubt, after the oral communications which had taken place on the subject, Mr.

Pinckney was in daily ex pectatinn of a reply, comporting wih the declarations nfidently made to him in cn Aersatiuo. The reply, however, was not re. ceived until upward ot to months after the delivery fthe le'iicr to which it is in answer and, when received, so tar from fulfilling the expectations which were encouraged, speks a language totally iucompatible the ami cable tlis; ositions so lavishly professed Whether we consider the lecer of trquia Welleslry in connection with his pravku dc clarau. as, or view it as the act ot tne r. tsh government, it is equally a source of tia pleasant feelings.

Instead 1 a prompt recal of Mr, Jackson, we are met wtlhan assurance that his Majes ty has been pleased to direct the return of Mr. Jackson to Aim, lest me Am erlcan government should infer that this di rectinn to return proceeded from a ennvic tion of the impropriety of hi conduct and his seal, ability and so lorth are Mgniy applaud td. Lisead of another minister being sent out, as was premised, we are told that a sort "of O.arge'Des Affairsts to be appointed to" carry on the ordinary intercourse." Not only do we hear nothing of anv minister tent out or nu'hority given for the purpose of accounting for the disavowal of the arrangement with Mr. Erskine, but we areexpresly given to understand thai the person to whom Mr Jack oii is to deliver over the ch irfte tf Maiestv's affairs in America is only to car ry on the ordinary imcrcourte between the two governmtiits." After what precedes it, wc feel the less surprise at that passage ot the letter which as vin es as an additional testimony of his Majesty's lrit i.dly disposi'ion, that lie 4 ready to ncfve any communication which the government of U. 'Mates may think prr per to make.

It was at the on' set ot jected te entering into negociatlon with Mr Jucksnn, before his insulting Conduct rendered a suspension cf intercourse wi'H him necessary, that after the disavowal if tn arrangement, entered into with an authorised SRent of the British eoveru 1 ment and executed with good faith on the part the States, he cflVred no explanation of the etiuses of it. lie tooinformcd our government that he was authorised to receive and discuss propos'tions" aftei declaring that be had no prrpo ion to make on the subject of the ordeiS in council, because the government of the United Mates had already manifested its repugnance to the three conditions contained the despatch from Mr. Canning to Mr. rk'iue. Mr.

Jackson was informed that an ixjlaiinium 1 ihe disavowal was expected, rrplteil that he was not authorised to make such explanation, ut was readr to re ceivc and discuss propositions. Mr, Jackam diee ctrd to reiurn no minister is sent cut iih amile powers regociate, as was to have bren expected but, as a pro. of his j't a friendly disposition, we are presen tea wi tke s.ime declaration, by the govern ent rftireat Britnin, that it ii ready to receive any communication," cVc as whs made this cry by its minister last October. No explanaion is given cf the sHsivawa! it not mentioned; 11 is considered by the Marquis, perhaps, as leading tw a discussion liirh might obstruct the renewal of am icahle intercourse beteen the two countries." Meanwhile the outrage on the Chesapeake remains not enly hilly unattu.ed but. aflr refusal to earn' into effect one equitable agreement on ihiss i'ijrc, are tor our nsolalion that th Bri'ish government is resdy to "receive any com Ti joicvkn" on or any other so ject tbnt is.

that tie partv iniored may make ffirs rf nrg'ciation Without enumeatine particularly the vari caus cfcoTi. Unt ih United Stvrshave the conduct of the British eovemmer.t, among which is the, in is full ex of the imprrsnnt of our citizen, on which subject alto tke Uritish goterninrnt is douSr reay to rtcive propoxitior we ditsnitt tbit letter, kfter lihtlv ti.iticmr venr extraordinary pasnrr vhich iati rtiha' a formal complaint c4 the cond.ict r. Jackkoo fcbould baft beea rsads to bis a It of it one ery he as tret step, in has will you frcm tfthe hve Lord It er woilJ, have from tKat acy. government pr'or to a lUFpensioa of corres pondencb with 1 bia remark tnigtit have been more applicable, had Mr. Jackson bren ordered out ot the country, which coursar would probably have been pursued by any government less eliarac enssd by moderatioa than thatf the United States.

But a mild er course was pursued intercrurse with hita was su peaaed, (tad his recal requested a manner the most decorous. Ou this point it is unnecessary to lefer to the law uf nations common sense as well as the uAgeof i.ationt' point cut the course pursued as ite only, ta proper under the circumstances. The American government hid uo option but to hav cnuurcu ins taunts io uo recciTca iiituita calmly in the fuce of the world, to have continued the correspondenc: with him til hism jetty's opinion 011 tiie matter was learnt (wliicla course the Murquis intimate should have beea saken); or, by at mice refuainr to receive further commuaicitiens from him, to shew that inch conduct could not be endured by a government which underatood wfcat was diae to itself. On taking into corsLWalion th (iUff rence bv. a 1 i ru.

fi fcwrmi die ih iac us 111c unuiu iiiiiiair kX dillerent times, the question naturally present itself To what cause is this change of sentiment attnbutsbl 1 When the first conference on the subject took place, and the Marquis professed liU opinion of li.Ant.iulff uamlini. nut BtnlVlA. n.ltiiul.. tin published at the opening of the session of Con srressi tr er. tber witli the l'residont' message the resolution which originated in the Sen.t?, with the disoutdion and prompt decision on it in tliatbody, wbvre Mr Jacbsofi Xt aiJi iio avowed fendets i and also the hiil (whirl, passed that boily) to prevent the abue of the p.iviltges anl invsruiiities fnjoyed ty.

foreign mii.Uieia uritl ll, irnit. Vtateft lllll urHr 11. bffrr mil. ir.g a suilicienl time to receive further intelligence on the subject, lie found a protracted and almost unexampled discussion of near tin re wetkt bad e.kt place on that resolution in the House of I. 1 m.

1 AS 1 the American occupied for weeka witb de bites on the subject when he found Mr. son's cendact not only palliated and excused, but warmly defended on the floor ol Congresa, and that of the American go vernment more reprobated, hi tone is changed, and he deeinB it safe and politic to refrain from admiationa, which had been so strenuously resisted by the ad vocatcs of his erorernnient in tbia eountiy How ever previquty disposed, after receiving this in formation, he became in a manner bout not to desert those in this country who had taken ground 4 and maintained cthnes which he bin.aelf had never dreamt ot, for, in Jus hrst coaversauon Mr. Jackson was in tbewiong. violent oppotitien of a class of our citizens tt to their own government, for aa abortion of hojjes, rationally eoiertained," cf steps that 1 i i i i ii, mvp in rir 1 1.

1 wt i inn as to say that it it certain but we do affirm, that it is highly ftrobable, that, but for such, i opposition, he British government would have recalled Mr. lackaon. ami haver proiiiptly substituted a successor ot tank, and talents, thus furnishing opportunity healing the existing differences between iba Jf, two nations. What the final issds of this em broiled s'ate of things may be, we pretend no; to predict but of this we are confident, that discerning people will ascribe to their trot) authors their existing wrongs, aa well as lks which may be yct in store. rl.

.1 LJ.j" iic auuvc ia laacu irom mc tasi gave a ment paper, and as such will arrest attention. now appears to be admitted, that Instead" having brought dowuGteat Britain upon her marrow bones instead of receiving Xaot acknowledgments from ker of the improprix ety of her minister's conduct, accompanied wiih assurances, that so far from permitting to stand at all in the way of an amicable' adjustment of all diffcren would "make; haste to recall this minister, and send out a no ther of superior rank, a nobleman, tube sure, fahich wonderfully tickled rheir fncies not of thee fine dreams have been realised. 1 The gieat Secretary at Washington, obliged to confess that the letter of Lord Wei lesley gives the lie direct to bis impudent. T. .1 i .1 vircuiais in ivtarcn lasu.

ss is cicar uui ev sense of shame has departed from him, or would have prevented, or at least delay ed long as possible, the publication of the National Intelligencer. No one can be at a less for an interpretation of Lord Wellealey's Letter, which is studiously polite, and which as studiously and explicitly says "You have acted ia an irregular and unprecedented manner. Nevertheless, Mr. Jackson shill return to England, because between not at war, such a when asked, is considered as a osattrr of course. But we condemn him not, because this instance, he hat (lone bo wrong, and served well and faithfully' heretofore.

He leave a person" (meaning a charge d'ufairt.) to carry on the ordinary routine cf business. You will be at liberty to make, through that channel, what further cveiturcf please, but ou ate not to expect none us." Thus ends the whole embroglk) of the lies' invented tt Washintrtri. its srcH lat, and prrtemled basil of a acgociation said to. been agreed upon iu London, ween We! lesley asj tney. shall only be added, in ene word, that ue since the commencement of the ci'iHied was there exhibited a seme of more 1 uninterrupted blunders and dixgrxce, thaa markeJ Mr.

Maditcu's admicistrat'ioa its commencement to this r.ocr. Is a piricular oily has be beta sacteaful i in 9iir iS that 'rTCtt body of Vhat Tttre never Eo..

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