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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 20

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Here are two band leaders getting their heada together at Will Rogers Field, an Army Air Base, and the conversation turned out to be you guessed it music. Clyde McCoy, Sugar Blues king (left) carried his orchestra out to the field for a swing concert and called on an old Broadway colleague, Private First Class Al Pittman, to "Truck on Down." Pittman, who has written a snappy Army bounce tune, "Count Cadence," now stars on air base radio programs and has appeared in Oklahoma City Army Emergency Relief show. PITTSBURGH GIEH. GETS FIRST mm SCHOLARSHIP The first award of the Robert 1 Vann Memorial Scholarship to the UnJverlty of Pittsburgh wai granted to Helen Smith. Westln.

rhouse High School graduate, in the office of the lata publishers widow on Tuesday afternoon by Senator John M. Walker: Senator Walker waa a neighbor of Mr. Vann in Oakmont and after his. death, made knowo to Mrs. Vann hla dealra to nam a scholar ahlp by virtue of which tha Ideal of the lata editor would be reflected In tha Ufa and worn cf the recipients.

Senator Walker aaked Mra. Vann to name tha outstanding toy or flrl to receive the scholarship, ielen Smith, choaen by Mr. Vann, made an outstanding scholastic record at Weetlnghouse nnl was a leader in tha extra curricula activitiea of the achooL Oandhl, "I had not tha remotest idea of any auch catastrophe re sulting from my action ua went on: i couia not asx the Allies to take a step which would involve certain defeat "I could not guarantee that non violence action would ba foolproof or that It would keep tha Japanese at bay. "If the Allies ahould accept the ult India proposal, but considered necessary tn remain to prevent a Japanese occupation, they should do so, subject to such conditions aa touch with foreign affaire aa anyone in England who la not actually in tha government. She carries on correspondence with heada of state all over the world who aha believes can help gain Justice for Ethiopia.

In a letter to Kooaeveit she recently pointed out that Luxembourg, which haa not con tributed much and cannot contrib ute more toward victory, la reeog nixed aa a member of the United Nationa. She aaid that Ethiopia Is fitted to play an Important part not only In tha war but in a post war settlement. Her last quip: "la ha United Nations Intended to be a gentle men's club or a military alliance She la still awaiting an anawer from tha White House. Surrounded by her books, bar pamphlets and her dusty manu scripts thia woman, unlike moat unfemlnlna feminist ta tha moth erly tysa er woman witn raatM etna Binary ye. Many ox oar wouia co wan to oaamina 1 to current racLil rrob a 1 ctnsrart fctlUf tbat Lxfcio Cr ration, roprty f.t a 7 aUrmead i th Uader Vt Strong Impetua to tha drive to do away with tha comio and menial rolea which Negroea have heretofore played In fllmi waa given at tha eonferencea.

Many tatementa euch aa thia featured tha aeaalona. Restriction of Negroea to rolea with rolling eyea, chattering teeth, alwaya scared of ghoata, or to portrayal of none too bright servants." Mr. White aald, "perpetuates a atereotype which la doing tha Negro Infinite harm. And bowing him alwaya a mentally Inferior creature. lacking In ambition, la one of the reaeona for tha denial to the Negro of opportunity and for tha low morale, not only or X4egroes but.

of colored peoplea throughout tha world, aa it constantly noias tha Negro tip to ridicule and dle Darareraent. Although members or tha negro preae did not receive invitations to attend, their storiea obtained from mailed prese releaaee gave memhera of tha film colony much to talk about. STARS GIVE VIEWS Clarence Muaa. veteran theeplan. Indicated that It waa hla opinion that tha NAACP head ahould have contacted tha Screen Actors' Guild first.

This agency, he aald, "Is all Important." Unverified but printed re porta laid to Muaa and othera by local papera recently stated that they might use legal action against outsiders who sought to change "the sacred dls uma of Hollywood. Another actor aald. "We wouldn't need White or anyone else If tha Negro himself wouldn't act tha way ha does, thereby giving screen writers something: to really write about him." may be prescribed by a national government selected by the Indian people that may be set up nfter the British hand over power to the Indiana WRITERS APTFAL TO GOVERNMENT India Is not taken in by the Atlantic Charter and other declarations, and haa the right. Oandhi mat Willis Stan Give Views, Bet General Impression Is that NAACP Secretary Has Done a Fine Job. By HEIttlAN 1HLL HOLLYWOOD, Aug.

6. A flood of nationwide comment has followed the recent luncheon meeting held in Hollywood at the 20th Century Fox Studio cafe before some 70 or more top executives from all branches of the film world. Maeh of tha comment cen tared around the two prominent guests, Walter White, executive aecretary of tha NAACP, and Wen dell Willkle. Hosts lor tne smgu lar affair were Walter Wander and CoL Darryl F. Zanuck of 20th Century Fox.

Tha NAACP aecretary said that ha did not expect Negroea to be treated alwaya aa heroea. beeauee. ilka other people, tha Negro la not alwaya heroic. Tha luncheon climaxed a aeriea of eonferencea between Mr. White and film ex ecutives.

"We have made tremendous progress In film Industry down through tha years," volunteered Hattia McOanlels, academy award winner and Warner Brothers' contract player. "We will continue to make mora. It takea time, and I don't believe that we will gain by rushing or attempting to force studioa to do anything they are not readily Inclined to do," aha added. Comedian Man tan Moreland laid much of tha blame on tha Negro and tha wrltera who write atoriea portraying these situations; tha Negro belpa create theaa scenes by the way he actually conducts himself on the atreeta and In pub lic. "Let's quit acting Ilka clowns on tha atreeta and they'll eoon atop showing ua aa such, waa hla part' ing shot.

Ben Carter believes tha oppor tunities are on tha up grade and that tha Industry will soon fall In Una. "Why, I have a new part at Fox aa a navy cook In a aub marlna, that la definitely a marked Improvement. Tm going to nave to cut my hair and look tha part of a real eeaman. Certainly I be lieve that some changes ahould be made aa far as we aa a race are concerned in plcturea. but I do feel that wa will alwaya need comedians THREATEN MASS MARCH In a aeries of acrorchlng edito rials, tha mllltant wide awake Loa Angelea Sentinel, published by Leon Washington, accuses Holly wood of everything from mayhem to murder against tha race and threatens a march on tha atudlo en masse or picketing or individual theaters, "If degrading plcturea auch aa 'Cabin in tha Sky Porgy and Bets' are produced.

Onr fight la to broaden tha acopa afforded tha Negro actor. Negro actors of every type and hue must ba used In every acena of democratic Ufa. Hollywood's answers to attacks In the past haa been to give employ ment to large number or Negroes tKpftuK it.K 1TnflA Tnm' Ttlettirea mb Tireen Paaturas. Ifearfa Iv.l Dixie so that tha employed hush up tha militant Negroes. De spite our protests, Hollywood con tlnuea to merrily ahova ua around.

sylvia pjunusr fights Ethiopia's cause LONDON, Aug. 6 The name of Sylvia Pankhurst, who is now in her sixeties, is never mentioned in the headlines these days. Yet she is fighting just as hard in thi war as she did in the last one when she and her mother, the late Emmeline Pankhurst, pioneered the English women's suffrage movement and helped win. the vote for their sex soon after the first World War ended. She has a new "cause" today.

It is Ethiopia. At first thought one would pre uppoae that there la no common denominator between an effort to liberate Ethiopia and a fight for women's rights. And yet the same unlvins: Principles are evident, in both struggles there ia the exploitation of the weak by tha atrong the unwillingness of a social order to recognize the aspirationa of a minority (croup and the al moet Insurmountable odda agalnat victory. Ye, this ratise baa all the enchantment which challenge Sylvia Pftnkhuit to give her best. PAPRR American Negroee ahould glv eneclal attention tn this woman nce Ethlopla was Invaded by the Italians in MS, ahe has adopted the Ethiopian rdom movent Sa her own and la one of the few who sUll show real interest In the fate of that country.

Her role in the lat war waa ro1orful. She stumped England from coast to coast on the public Dlatform. She organized and cor raled people into excited militant action. She even went to tne ex treme of allowing herself to be ar rested and on several occasions for the principle in which aha believed bo wholeheartedly. Her methods are radically diner ent now: mora deliberate and with less mobility but none tha less equally as effective.

From her modest little suburban home east of London, Mies Pank hurst edits, a weekly newspaper known as The rsew Times and Ethiopian Kewe. The journal ia dedicated to "liberty. International justice and democracy." Observing tha frustrated attempta of Halle Selassie to gain the support of the lieague of Nations for hla country aha became sympathetic. Her work haa now become enlarged to the point where her paper is giving active support to all the nations whhsn. have been conquered by the Nazis, which Is not only consistent but Hvas added atatus to the Ethi opian cauae in that Ethiopia is not em Isolated or segregated example but a part of tha liberation move ment or ail subjugated oationa ETHIOPIA JJETNO USED Mist Pankhurst bases her flrht en an intellectual reasoning which is refreshing to those who have given some thought to tha war aim of tho United Nations.

It Is her belief that Britain, having Ttifcued Ethiopia from Italian domination, is now unwilling to allow complete sovereignty to her. She asks this question: "Is England's rescue a change for the good or ia thia a sequence of explolta tiona7" Htr opinion, rirhtiy or wrongly, ia that influence bainz need not to rata far ibiot' i cvyte tt xri' til la i it i mmm tell RCHILL: "Free India and Africa and the Colored Races Will Help the United Nations Tarn However Japan Oat of the Countries She Has Conquered. were to grant India and Africa full eelf government now, India would be prepared to help the United Nations turn Japan out of the countries she has conquered. NO AID FOR JAPANESE "Abrupt withdrawal of Allied troops from India might result In Japan's occupation and Chlna'a certain fall." Consequently, sdda (Dy Our Foreign Correspondent) 19 LONDON, Aug. 0 (Censored) Clarifying his altitude on the Far Eastern war situation, Gandhi has written an article in hu own weekly ncw8paicr, called "Harijin," which means "untouchable," in which he says that "Britain does not deserve to win the war If she is merely fighting to keep her Asiatic and African possessions." dds Oandhl.

If Britain' declared, "to examine tha Implication of all high sounding declaration about Justice and the preservation of democracy, freedom of speech and Individual liberty." An appeal to tha Hritlah government to take tha Initiative In reopening negotiations with the Indian leadera for a settlement Is being made by 25 leading English authors and writers. I. 3 NEW YORK CITY. Aur. ft Heading an all Negro cast on Columbia network's "Green Valley.

u. a. program Wednesday. August Canada Lee. sensational star of last season's "Native will be heard In tha role of i young Negro fascist.

VV "Stuff" Smith It Set for Hollywood Club LOS ANOELES. Aug. ft Stuff Smith has been booked by Joe Cllaser office for four months' run at the Trouvllle Club in Hollywood, opening August 20. Marking Smith's first Job In the film capital. It Is expected that his stay will be sensational.

VV DEPPE IN CINCINNATI Cincinnati. Aug. 8 Lois Deppe, noted baritone, is being featured here nightly at Golder's Night Club, swanky white spot, in the Walnut Hills sector. Depp came here following a nine week vacation. SOLDIERS' CHORUS AT FORT BENNING, GEORGIA, ON THE AIR "Songa of tha Soul" these are tha specialties of tha famed col lorad chorus of Fort Bennlng'a ZlacapUon Canter, whose haunt cptrftuaU are) heard every Wedneaday evenlnx frm 9 to o'clock ovar atatloa WRBU Colmbua, Oa.

4 'I April by Sgt. Van J. Melons under tha supervision of Captain R. P. Lngley.

apaclal aervlca officer. It is directed by CoL Jack Montgomery, a native of Birmingham, and a bachelor of muale of Tuskegea Institute. The members of tha chorus shown above from left to rtfht Include Col Vi I A i a William Jameeon. Alabama; Pvt. Allen Klncannon.

Tennessee Pvt. Fted Hamilton. Louisiana: Sgt. Muaea Lmar. Albany.

Ga; CpL Harry Franklin, Indiana; Pvt. Timothy Thompson. Tennessee; Pvt. Herman Dewton, Georgia; Pvt. James Barnes.

Georgia CpL John Clark. Alabama; Pvt. Peter Ruchtr, Tanasee; back row; r. I Tn oHHitinn to hvinfr tha current attractions at the Panther Room of the Sher man Hotel in Chicago Duke Ellington, famous band leader and his gracious song bird, Ivie Anderson are giving much of their time to aid in the sale of U. S.

War Bonte and Stamps. One of their best performances was last week when they appeared on ctation WCFL on the "Treasury Corner" program. In the photo are Bobbie Arnest, well known musical comedy star; Miss Anderson and Bob Purcell, radio announcer. Standing to the right of Duke is.Major C. Udell Turpin, member of the War Savings Stamp staff of Illinois.

ei mm iwTi BLE ABROAD NEW YORK CITY. Auir. 6. Hitler and the puppet regimes which he has set up in the countries which he has occupied, are definitely not interested in anything but the purest of "Aryan art." This was the lesson learned by Josephine Baker, rormer darling of Paris. Theatrical circles in this city were busy discussing the pros and cons of the atirf fine or 100.000 rranca which a French court impoaed on La Baker for auppoaedly abandoning a theat rical tioupa at Marseilles.

The Irony of the situation In which the celebrated entertainer finds herself as a result of this i as oldtlmers recall her abun generosity to many a down and out performer. La Baker, who married "French Count" and received as her tribute a very beautiful Parts chateau, has even received the decoration of the French govern mrni tor jirr rxouc tnu ameron' art. But with the coming of Hit ler'a war to create a new order In the world of entertainment as well as evrry other, Josephine is And ing tne going not ma good. Mhe haa paid the fine, but It doesn't look as though her career from here on out is suing tu be a bed or roses. VV CANADA LEE STAR OF BIG RADIO SHOW SEHATE STUDIES eenuiMiTTi POLL TAX Phil Murray, CIO President, Walter White and Other.

Plead for Passage of Bill to Outlaw Southern Poll Tax. WASHINGTON. D. C. Au.

6 The Pepper Anti Poll Tax bill got a thorough going over last week before' a three NEED 33 SIGNATURES TO GET BILL ON FLOOR NEW YORK. Aug. ft With the signatures of about 33 more Congressmen needed on the discharge petition to get the Geer Anti roll tax bill before the Houe of Representative, the NAACP, this week, aald that there may be a number who favor the bill but have not signed the petition for reasons of legislative procedure. man group of tho Senate sub committee on the judiciary, when Irving Brant, editor of the Chicago Sun, PhU Murray or ine wiu, waiter wnite or tne NAACP and others flayed poll tax and Ita advocators In no un certain terms. Characterized as a "magnificent statement" by Florida's Senator Pepper who with colleaua honey of Wyoming and Norrts of neDraska listened to the militant testimony.

Editor Bryant brilliant ly pointed out that tha elasticity ine woruing or tne constitution provided for Congress to act in ny state where the citliena were Deing deprived or their rights. said urant: The noli tax is agency of political corruption. It la government of the minority and noi ine government or a republic. MURRAY ADVOCATES Close on tha heeia of thia as 't Pvt. John Long, Georgia; Pvt.

William Jennings. Alabama; CpL Walter Morris, Georgia; Pvt. James Wooding, Florida; Pvt. William Peters, Alabama; CpL Edward Ellis, Georgia; Pvt. John MacMlllan.

Georgia; and Cpl. Harvey Michael. North Carolina. fifcowa directing la Cpl. Jack sault came CIO Philip Murray logical reasoning that the aboil tlon of the poll tax la as Import ant for victory as an appropria tlon for tanks, planea or ships and classified it as a war measure which will do much If pasaed lor victory on tne home xront aa any that haa come before Con gress.

Reasoned Murray; "The victory tnat we must win on the horn front Is the victory of national unity. When we undertake to cre ate and maintain national unity, we must realize that unity include the full participation of ail grouus or our people in tbe war effort." POLL. TAX CREATES CLASS CITIZENS The poll tax was classified aa. restriction on the basic rignta of ait Americana oy Keid Kobinson, president of tbe International Un ion of Mine. MiU and Smelter Workers, CIO.

It crcatea a class of Grade citizens who are denied tha rights guaranteed to them by the const! tutlon it put the righta of Americana up xor sale to tnoae wto nave tne price. Assailing the measure further and naming the Nerro in iar. iteia injectea into his state ments the fact that the poll tax fails most heavllv on th pnpi ui America Ha took this position "It disfranchises millions of Ne gro workera and bvcomea particularly revolting when we contemplate the heroism of a Dorie Miller or tne inspiring example of a Joe WHITE AND BERRT URGE PASSAGE Charging the committee with an opportunity to strike a vigorous and effctive blow for national unity and victory by removing a namerui on our democracy. Walter Whits of th viipp Theodorae Iterrv. trv.ivu the United Transport Service Em ployes urgea passage of the bill so that millions of people, white and Negro, would hav.

in nnnnr. wm tneir own choice or Congreaaman would be able io select represenUtlvea who will neip, ratber than hinder, the of trnaive or tne United Nationa. There are plenty if white peopJ whe weald appreUte our aide ie aeery If they knew It: Courier aieauj te aaca a SATURDAY. AUGUST PAGE TWENTY Tht PitUBzrsh Cczritr CHANGE OF ATTITUDE IN HOLLYWOOD: OBSERVED OOZY COLE! THE DUKE AND ME AID SALE OF WAR BONDS AY Oil THE SUBJECT IS MUSIC GUIS COS BAUD NEW YORK CJTY cording to aa ann; tha CBS Studio h. tha formation cf band to ba used la America, la all i pleta stage.

To ba conducted Scott who la jotr.riv orchestra leader an.l new band la radio wards tha fulfiiimr bla Creed spi Pittsburgh Courier Selecting the bxt country both tha new outfit la a new trend vn circles, Tha firm to cast his lot making band wan tha former Duke Banny Goodman who will give up for a CBS" contr COZY COIJvS IN Just aa famous aa one of the cu. mers in the currently with r.i hla band, will aNo mixed crew with Calloway ho coast. Barney Taylor, ex of th band are also he radio whi NEW TORK. A two fold plan in Brothers Music I pany has complete! soon release the r. of Its kind dedicav the colored heru lea.

Under the title. 1 cans Sung." the soon go to pre in depicting the grri: of the race. It than 20 sonra ar. 1 more than 100 grri Among those w.v found for them a the Immortal space in the new i be Crlspus Attuck Dorie Miller. FlorT.

Allen. Robert Washington. Wheatley, Ira Laurence Dunbar A. Schomberg. Matth rlett Tubman.

Kr and Toussaln L'Ouv I hearsal for a i this month. RACE GREA1 IN SONG i OF 1 CHI A much honor Handy, president company, vas tribute in the tlon of The Victor magazine for boy aue. dedicated ta th I aary of Father Uakrr. i 4 friend of unforvir.r helpless babies t. glory of W.

C. Hi. some heretofere about the I Immortal present American Jxii LUCKY MILLINDfYs SMI SHORTWAVEO TO ARMED FORCE NEW YORK second short wav atlng from thf Harlem, wa the armed jir WOrM. title " frogram is hr.n! inder and hi Ilat we i and added fntu: manj and Rhythm. commentator ur.

1 set as a gave out it. musicians Lucky foa' Rosetta and instrui: and Dlzzv 1 BROWNSKIN MODELS PLAY GLOBE THEATK' IN CLEVELAND, OHIO PITTSBriV.H A Miller annour. i day engager.wt: ter, Clevelan i. ber 6. The far the theater U'.

sensation. crowds nightly. BILL 0RELLA, PETE AS "MOST BARBARl ATLANTIC CITY. brilliant marquee Orealia and Pete. ru' baric Dancers." Th; the Paramount Tfceat" when the team arr cently with Ramun nia revue.

At resent they are turned at tha Club Allen. HLrecnbothara at Gamck Staje CHICAGO. Aug. V. Alien and Lawrence will open at GariK 4 cere on August 10 i by Joe Glaaer.

MUSE JOINS UNION NEW TORKCITY i am proud to oeconu a fraternity that do Clarence Muse. ditir. composer and alnger tha International W'" hare Uat i.

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