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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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JUl frc" A ci it The iiirgglh 'Cooker's Feature Paste fere ja A. Rogers Interviews Man an account of the interview but the letter ent astray. Ill another at tempt I brought ho result. How crt sgo wnne ai vvi nn'jrh to meet i sunderstand Ligs an per RAID NEGROES v.ersity. whefe Jjr.lHLKE TrUltXM.

LASS th department, oil orr.pthir.g of whet now recall, he mentioned the names Intm ifw 'of Booker T. Washington. Paul rr. rr Vi icht I Robeson, Jack Johnson, W. C.

Han of the Cne man dJ. Florence Mills, Josephine Eak hiA ntrtain er. the Scottsboro boys and a few courteous treat iotn'rs The orJy ones he mentioned r.rt the les opposed hecause or mi T.r.ied notions ahout t.e ise of the war he hhs plunged the account. He r.ce is some time ago r.r.t remember all that T.JR Kr.D QFESTIONS cf 1932. while still fjaer.t at the Vnrver (Getianany), 1 ry Herr Adolf Hitler r.

him and his Hof (Hel hoteDi He had 'i the color of my that I was as i "trits who wore' 12 tc rs "of German 1 with an respect, were the first two. He expressed the opinion that NegToes could not have much back bone. bect.ue of the fact that they consistently allowed the whites to lynch them, beat them, segregate them, without using up against their oppressor. "They must be definitely third class people." he said. "Minority groups always get the worst of it in conflicts like race riots.1 "Dont you think your oeonla are destined perpetually to be slaves of one kind or another?" be asked.

Hitler's answer was an enthusiastic Your people are a hopeless lot. I don't hjte them. I pity the poor devils." LOOKING at me closely, he asked and said, among other thing. "Arent you rroud to have this wonderful opportunitv to study at a real t.nivers:ty?" "You're getting napJ. ertr rd movement of NOW.

nn is wide 1 that a IT esvwMk bloocsnea world Md fuJ, v.iv cur un 'j t. i Commssion r.u&l State Confer of Oklahoma, in kashB. May 5K)th New York speech Wallace; and re nark of a type frectioriS. made t.rtv to a njrty. These oc rt more' than er.t shades of hit ideas in fl ar forces in ior.g as they are jKI and vko at expanse of f.r.4 ample room reculiar diver or conflict; i to Tik In er they are attlity in gov 4 I tt 1 the speech of not broadcast rock up.

It might to those whose match thoae 3 to the domi Southland. It fur that what 'itrriocracy" is Am erican Nt gro f.gMmg ahout the darker to ob these large pec ies wiU in cm having un nri aoic In the of govem who shall ahy form Air. i Kan Negro, I a. a ntuiniiur, t. I it.

neip in miimiuiini seems to be a way of evasion or deferrir.2 the matter. A hoping that this natter be not brought out In the open right now. but put off to some time in the distant future. We fear it takes refuge in the abstract, as has been done so much in past years. THAT BOLD AND BAD TYPE They were lined up to buy auto I trroun or our noauiai Who Was 'Quired9 By Adolpli Milton S.

Wright, Head of Dcparbaenkf Econonucs and Political Science il jIS WcaoraWe Interriew in Sprini of egr0CS ra CIais People I Don't Hate Them. I Pity the Poor Dctus. SOTE: Thi. auminatin9 articl fro tx. pe.

of Courier CoI mAist Roger. Sivts to iht th 0 tA. German ruler. uJu, i. ovr pact tn hit now international crm.

"We urpe you' to read it and then 1931 or '32 while in Germany I sent. back to the Negro press the story of an I brilliant Afrarnerican student who was studvine at Heidf)r rr miv.r.i rT white American students had tried to bar him from a fraternity to which he and how the German students took his part and elected him. Later I rv friend, George st thi Negro student, his degree had returned 0 1 1 A 5l 5t Ml Borers that be a been interviewed by Adolf Hitler. I at a wrote the stu fraternities. Der Fuehrer had in not a nauve African but a native born American.

"THE time with Hitler was spent almoat entirely by hia asking me questions about the Negroes in the United States. Of course I had ent in ques.ion. ef hli because he woulu rr. Milton S. J.

no sooner ask a Question than he Wright, askingp'OuJd immediately proceed to give 1 irn to rivs r.e'lS own BWr: When I would at ftaaya vsawa, wi (i 4 in slors of life in America, he would almost Invariably break in with another question or comment. With that exception he was most cour teou to me. He spoke loudly, locr. and with an air of authority. here at Heiddberg what you could not poasibly get in America.

"Why do you seek a white man's educa tion when you know, op should know, that you can never use it, at least as a whste man can." This rexpeTTence in Germany will only serve to make you more miserable whan you return to America." "He paid me a compliment by saying that I spoke better German tnan any wane American or Eng. ashman he had ever heard. He haftened to say, however, that he had heard that Negroes were nst urai born imitators. Perhaps that accounted for my good pronouncia tlon and enunciation "the mas ter lanruase." (Hitler spoke no word of English and his "German had a decided Austrian accent.) EGOTJSM IN EVIDENCE "Throurhout the evenmg he ap It was a bit me peared calm and intensely interest that he seemed to know so much.ed in what I said and how I said1 kindlv1 wrote about Negroes in America. As it.

Although he spoke loudly, de liberately, and with finality, he nev er lost his poise and composure Egotism and a sense of superiority were in constant evidence. Before I left he invited me to stop in to see him when next I visited Mu where he had headquarters. He instruced one of his guards to five me a picture of hirj seir. "AFTER my return to" America. was requested to translate my dissertation, which was written on the subject The Economic Ievel opment' and Native Policy of the Former German Colonies.

1918" into English and French (The original was written in Ger man i. This I did and sent it oacK to Germany in 1933. The publica ion wan riven wide circulation through Europe in an attempt to rerain the lost African colonies Dr. Wright, since his return to America, has filled sveral impor tant scholastic positions. 3 le is list ed in "Who's Who in "American Education 1 A sketch of him ap pears in History" week.

A WHAT ARE WE SOUTHERN SAY SO tr. BY M.S. STUART IS a jvide variance in the thinking of important elements cf the of the 1 Stifles on the meaning of the term, democracy, divided accoro ng to lnier here are at least three classes, probably more. If they cannot be harmonized, ought to be clarified. Too much blood isnow being shed about the sig the word to leave In1 1 t.t the objecthes hop contended Mr.

Dlekerson will mobile license plattae. The County 'e alt of our fighting! insist much more forcefully than Official 'ho aa seeing tta wi OI our 1 1 tr.r ftuiLl nrivileea in of course, their serVsnt. being paid If .1 To go on now. i farm at rov ifor his work by heir taxes. He tppeas rjernrnt nt under which he, shall live (was not their bossli Most of the inner v' CURTHER.

said he. those old, with vague passing by a desk of another door. Down the lice a short way was a Nerro about flftv years old. He was well dressed and clean. He is educated and cultured.

He owns property in the town. He kept his hat on like the others. The official at the desk spied him down the line. "Take your hat off. boy." he yelled in an insulting manner.

That was an emplove giving an insulting command to one of his empleyers rfirindlnei'r creed. But the trouble with our democracy. Vice President Wallace's eP jcnniAR incidents are common sions, as witn many some parts of the country. a i vriik k. a m.

i si 'r ac a ra isvs ai i ji AM in tudes. privileges ior ine iew court house corridor and then out OI ln masse. uum HQ eaten sxep now nu clarity and in ward movement cf the world while tegration afte can gracefully and belp thear. is dutifully in the program of liberality planting progress, seeds for future mKM TOO M1LD INDETINITE Vice President Wallace also talk dorse this type of things. How far apart Is the Idea of democracy such remarks reveal from the form discussed by Vice President Wsl lsce.

How far from that. so ably depicted by Earl Dickerson? What is to be expected of those who ant6nly go out of their way to vi Mmu who is now aruvii.M.. crowding forty. retting what she wanted. And of always King sba grot BX7T sne wnw WOMEN WILL comefand women will go out ueep wy Uefherebv presents its newest No.

1 candidate for the much title of "Woman of the Year." SEASONED, sALfvni ana Hum ut, wmaij mobony of smoothly Unted broa with a Zerbyr like nmtl tn erit." she genial disposition and a smile so Cheerful, we could Justly call her Cherie ALWAYS ABLE to make money, pluT a lKrallntritaga when she the lieht of day. this first got herself a man and married him. That was rivinr her "a ratinr of respectibiilty. And after that she could play" to her heart desire. SO SHORTLY after the initial thrill of marital bliss fulness wore off.

Cherie met Jerry, a guy who made his living by playing around with the chicks. He was sharp. tough and handsome. He had a habit of rettin what wants cou LEADER GETS DEGREE TUSKEGEEX INSTITLTE. Alai racial Activities of the Bsv Four History STRIKING EXAMPLE OF WETIC 7WT1CE THJUJ TKE CASE OF 7EFFER50H DAY15, nhil aSM ft a SSk.

WHnb, ANP KEftftft BOTH Of CAVK.mASFsSltB crs. was inat 'f useful purpose could sucn an fpem Cherie succumbed spoKe raiocr iw j.iuj,.. (unnecessary msuit server vo i iw rriunnecessary cll swooned in his arms any Pr OOB sm on MvrolL There ib conPn K' sngemenf Could It have thD uln V'J held bv at! 'V ee.n,,h'y.l,nf.lwi!sny other purpose than to keepilh tpolled him i eur wpu cowered a isfKtj kindness. He arJ: finishes a very cr i gni imo, heartless. Pair ,1" A1' r.ti.rVi a I 1 SI rvl I TT 1 un LUV Jerry waste, furnish.

So luxuries and returned the favor round, and being hard nut to stakes. didnt care now h. riflA nliv with Jerrv ta her. Dates back beyond the cotton fields of the South; back thousands of yean before Christ! INTERVIEWED trIiftllEiASW7 4 a Tn sa ri I a By A. Rogers Illustrated by SA3IUEL MILA1 Copyright, 1934, by The Pittsburgh Courier Publishing Company Reproduction Expressly Forbidden THE IWTELLECruALLV OF TOG AWEBCANS.

PH.P wem INTER OF me CDliFtPEnAW, FOUSHTEXRDTO not only 7 hearts content. Still she needed: dial I room but an ace in the bole, so she lined up: when they aak a traveling: salesman who helped to Vd for sand pay the freight" and belp her I of. jjtj, her periodic payoff to Jlvtn' FINALIT. FTNDINO It necas Jslde eat, this sary to leave, Cherie went away )r was for a while. And soon she foux even refused, that even after all those years or Conrr a smartness and experience, that she Bender told his was going to become a mother.

icolle agues in THE TRUTH was told to Jerry. iCongTeas, "This who swore be didnt ears. Than i episode is a sad 'the worm turned and Jerry rea i commentary on Used that this was what be had la nation ngm been wanting an the time. JERRY JUST couldnt wait until that great day when he would become a real daddy Instead of the sugar pappa" that he had been all along Quickly he arranged a wedding, to avoid the military aspect, and so they were "hitched THE THOUGHT struck Jerry that this might keep him out of Uncle Sam's figiitinx forces. But Uncle Sam didn't see It that way.

ONE OF those draftees who marched away the other day had a heavy heart. He was convinced now that he would be happy to heir Uncle Sam in the war to whip those Nazi men and the yappy Japanese. Dot ha bad wntsd to ling to uphold a abroad." A 12Z7 refused service 1 lOM few im mm, hours after this desDicable trag Mica mr i rz uiti ezl hi inzv 1 1 sc. VlCvrCfc MUWm nil in it nn; 5ERVEP A ADVISOR AF HAD HIS SEAT THE UMlTEO STtfE SENATE TAKEN pv REVEL.ViW HAD ORGANIZED KEG FAIH5TV.S.DEP770F TwE INTERIOR; AND TO F16HT SIAVERW REVELS, VHOWA A COLLEGE GRADUATE WAS ALSOSEC STATE FOR WS FILLED OTHER important TOSITIOKJS. WW HEADS DEPT.


N. FIELDS in thejDU 1 'iwi; A. 1. Fielda edy was enacted. Governor Dwight H.

Green, of Illinois, was appearing before a Methodist Episcopal church conference of twesty nv hundred Negroes assembled In the DuSable high school in Chicago, and la his efforts to further tne cause of democracy, he urged "Everyone of you should leave this gathering this evening filled with get a umpse of a little "stoney" who soma day would call fcla "Daddy" bafora ha want away. rmzrxs rmx DIVIDED ON JUSTICE; 3H NEGRO SOLDIERS DENIED FOOD GOVERNOR GREEN ADDRESSES C.M.E. MEET DICKERSON FLAYS DISCRI5HNATI0N almost ant other man Cherie; DEPRESENT ATI VE GEORGE BENDER charred in the Lower House of Con herotnterma BuT'thia j'err gress Wednes.Jay list. Lhitt "nine Negro soldiers, wearing the uniform of privates, vi as something different. She boarded the train in Montgomery, at 6:45 April 30.

en route to Pittsburgh, and at 9 couldn't budge him. romantically. a ncxt jay train stopped at Bowling Green, where a group of white sol fied oak. and Just as hsrd hesded. Idlers, also passengers, alighted TALK TRICKLED around rapid and went Into the station for 'the determination to become a.Hirohito.

negroes are ratter orri impose unnecessao nsu.ts en tax nulled 7 ir.n emre.sed 1 one word be under Hitler. So are the paying American are we Egnung rorr liens wnai' v7j 1 1 out me rune soiaiers wrrr citizens Cherie for egi mm 'DUAL DEMOCRACY CANNOT SURVIVE r.uld; We Should Help Defeat HMert PEOPLE ARE FAB AHEAD Pursuit Of Democracv 0F leaders discussions hp AurpTPAa trip inrc BY MARJORIE McKENZIE May 28 The committee on mer of America. Thu Is not only Ll uorious awards of Tusker" In recognition of Mr. Harris, but a' 1 nr.rtr. axe utuy iu uuxug uual irui wui nuug aooui uaese aays ana uucy stitute hu just announced the very definite recornition on the, ars the u.

sr anr! what: think about it. Al onp with jt Int" rit )ior miciTifrtrmwl AaiST Americans, we have been thinking we could sit this war out. Physically, we are a part. me national Director or Inter or America. a pruscnoea son oi Army, ine ana oi wax industries, DUt psyeno logically we have been sitting, tha warout.

We have not been alona in pur wall flower act. We hava many strange benchfellows on the sideline! the isolationists, the great bulk of smug, middle class America, the Imanv rrofes isional political tdemag ogs in iCoo ress. Un wittingly, a lot jof other Amert isians. whom 'they recognize as the belles of ball. Most can people also i are keeping this company, while looking wistful ly on at the VL McK wallflower do cot relish their positions and would gladly trade 'in their aloofness for a little popularity.

Usually, what they lack lata knowledge of the proper, techniques for getting into the melee. OIR PROBLEM NOT UNIQUE As Negroes, we have been trying to evolve some techniques that would get us Into things. Discour ared by an Initial lack of success. hae taken refuge in a retirement that has been overdrama 'tixed by certain m.staken leaders. Americans have had similar experiences.

We shall have to get 'oer this idea of ours that all of iour probiems are unique. Most of jthe white population of this country is prepared to make sacrifices and otherwhise participate whole jhtartedJy in the ir. Their lead like some of ours, have eheck jed their efTort. and retired them, 'to the sidelines. as has been the failure of jU American political leadership to define and interpret the war ropier ly.

the American people are eager to discuss war aims. Vice President Wallace is the only top rank ing ociciaj in government woo nu done this in plain language. The response to his May speech In New Tork is sufficient evidence of an acceptance of new patterns of thought, of aciion. of living. BRITISH FAB AHEAD In this respect, the British are far ahead of us.

The British work jer aires dr has determined to hav new kind of economic and politi ical life after tne war. which has Jbeen described as a "combination 'of pure socialism and pure Individualism." He is lighting with that future in mind. In other iwcrds. the British. aJonr.

with the 'Russians and the Nazis, now have a religion to fight for. Nothing: ibut a Similar rietr appeal to the iAmerxan wallSowers is going to propel them away from the aide lines. Consequently, the news that a bomber per hour will be rolling off the ford assembly line Is rust 'another Item to add to the balance jof physical preparedness. jTO bring about psychological pte paredrees. certain thlnrs must I be said and done in America that have been censored and blocked row.

We need to disperse all cf our wallflowers, but for the moment we can forget about the second rate politicians and the fat. 'ek. Babbitts. They will board the band a con eventually. We need a leadership that understands and accepts a rew religion for America, a religion for the ccrr.mor.

man. based on his needs and his hopes. This religion cannot succeed without including all 'of the elements that are America, jit must honestly accept the Nerro as a vital part of the American scene. FT IS OUR xus ru mbujtx As a people, we should observe the progress of the war la these terms: terms of aacrifloa and of promise. We cannot disclaim responsibility in the war.

We cannot let the politicians and the Bab ait is keep us out. and the rest cf the American people cava 'got to desert our wallflower com. 'paniors and get out on the baU room Coor. SELASSIE'S TROOPS TO fllB ALLIES LONDON. Englsnd.

Msy 2 (Censored Halle Selassie, Emperor of Ar vrsima, Las offered to raise "To have unity in the mar pro and 'Zt hi. oldest son io tSt Those were fine words, expressed vw7. r7. V. eae n(J American troopa by a fine man.

who believes in mr, ectO Africa, it as announced this democracy and Its application to 1ik.wB;110. h1w'ic ly 1 x.rd Da vies, all American citizens alike, but, nd. in North. rh, ar r.ouncement was made the face of all that, we arelmho b'' preserving 3 3.l(jurir. th election cf the first as living in a countrj many of whose Dut It 'Tr of th Aby eltizJns sre still divided on the: 1 1J0.

They are interested from the jxke of Fascist ustice of the issues hich were supposed ben ion Dickerson. rson. to bsre been turn to the Union In spirit and in truth. son said: "Do you realize that there are more colored peoples flrhtlng on the aide of the democracies in this war than there are whites? The Negroes, who have en)oyed so little democracy. ready to die to preserve the possibility of its full realization.

White people see their own frae gaanavnad vr HJUtr aad 1 nn si A in preserving a dual democracy for the beneat of the few at the Lincoln issued the proclama iPnf freeing the sUves Earl B. ln rtnt. alderman of the ond wa d. speaking before the Ro tmm(il ftmr.h.1 le e. fol the infamous spmt which still or the tmtrt states.

nave no in strtves to preserve the dectyediterest in preserving these things, and decaying ideals of that sec They are ita ly interested in pre i a Arr1 4 aatiiI rTTftT the doctrine or equal oppor DBjmuv nmM rrwivra 10 nivu I 1 tunity for all. as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, in tt.a Rill Rirhta and in the HIS notable address. DkkerFoartecBth Amendment of the Con stitution. RACIALISM MUST DIE "We won the First World War but lost the peace because we did not analyze the meaning of democracy for which we aimed to make the world safe. We are all fixht

The meeting was attended by representatives of all the lefuree cow. to discriminate emments and Free movements la conduct their busi London. any governmental I a service eommemorating the 41b eration of Selassie country from The 14 000.000 non white citizens Axis was also Held at Wat minster A Doey. Nazism, a doctrine of the snzpra macy of one racial stock erar the other. Then why sot do away with anv similar racialism at home? The second emaaci patio proclamation must be written at i the next peace table.

It naast gtre to all peoples aqmlity of opportunity." TITE are happy to Incorporate th 11 views of Alderman Dickerson. believtax that they tihih tm substance, the fundamental things of our democracy which artist ha raur embraced tf Ajnrlca 1 tng against' the lnitration of to lire a to: 7 Ji 1 vi1 i i.

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