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Bisbee Daily Review from Bisbee, Arizona • Page 6

Bisbee, Arizona
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"HfCTiff PAGE SDCV THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1909. 0 (I 'i IPI '15 it i I ii ii I i ssjrr. LOCAL and SOCIAL NEWS News of the City 0'SS-ssv sN STAGE LINE TO COURTLAND Leaves Palace Stables every morn-Ins 8 a. making a round trip each day. Phone In your orders for reset ration of seats to Palace Stables.

to-well No. C. Hotel. Blsl-je. Phone 19.

Will call any place In city tor passengers. Fare $3.60. Bowen tt Hubbard, uronrletors. THE WALDORF SLIGHTLY COLDER WITH SNOW. The Waldorf, entirely Te-modelod and newly furnished, comfortable rooms, centrally located, next to Allen $loc3c.

Transients solicited. Phone t23. Mhambra Wholesale ice Cream 200. DO YOU WANT PUBLICITY If yon ant your property men tlonpd. if you need a report or catchy prospectus.

If you are organ ized and xr'sb to sell stock, if joii want the very best legitimate promotion 'work for your prospecL your mine, your property or your business. If you want the best article of winning advertising In any connection, call on or write to Prank Aley Douglas. Arizona, wbo has bad 31 yprs eirterlence in the business In this territory. Personal Mentioir When you see that kind of a weather forecast you know that rheumatism weather Is at hand. Get ready for It now by getting a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment.

Finest thing made for rheumatism, chil blains, frost bite sore and stiff Joints and muscles, all aohes and pains 25c. DOc and $1.00 a bottle. For sale at Lowell Drug Lowell, Sends Men Out. II. F.

Brandt Is expected, lo arrive this morning from Los Angeles to spend a few dajs her on mining justness. According to a letter written to J. J. Patten of this ciy. Mr.

Brandt intends resuming operations shortly upon the property of the Madera Mining company In Santa Cruz county. Mr. Patten has hired six miners who will be sent to the property In a few days to be employed upon its development. FOR RENT Two furnlsue'iLroom. Apply at U.

Broadway rooming house. Grand Barbecue Sunday. Entirely free. Central park, 3 p. m.

To Let Contract. Several bids have been submitted by contractors over the count for the constiuction of the county hospltaL The contract for the building will be let by the board of supervisors at their meeting In Tombstone Monday, This Will Interest Mothers Jurors Get Home. A number of local men who had teen summoned to Tombstone to servo as trial Jurors, returned to Bis-Lee last earning following their being excused by tho court until tho beginning of the October term. i ftinmtr Rates Off. Summer rates.

Including round trips to eastern points over tho eastern railways went out of effect yesterday, lono belug obtainable at the local depot. The only rates now In force aro those for persons desiring to nttcnti the. St. Louis Centennial celebration and, theKansas City carnival. will bo sold untlf October 9.

BUbee -People Will Go. About fifty excursionists are expected to take advantage of a low rato offered by the railroads to go Kc Phoenix at the time the President pas a lslt to that city. These are asldo from the delegation headed by Maor Keale. i S. P.

Surveying Party. A party of surveyors fo.rthe S. P. yesterday made camp near Osborn and will be there for several days, working upon the extension of the line from Kelton to Naco. Attorney W.

K. Flora left last evening for El Paso for a business stay. Ethel and Earl Fletcher are tho guests of relatives at Douglas. W. E.

Stoner Is at Tucson on a short stay on mining business. Mrs. Josephine Meyers passed yesterday in this city, returning to her home at the Silica ouarry near Douglas, last evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Romo left yesterday for Guaymas where they will visit for a fortnight. U. S. Commissioner J. D.

Taylor returned from Tombstone yesterday, following a brief stay upon legal business. Attorney C. E. McKelllgon has returned form Tombstone. Matt Dillon returned from Tombstone last evening.

Gerald Debely has returned from a business trip to the country seat. G. B. Knight of Dolores, Chlhau-hua, Mexico, Is registered at the Copper Queen. W.

P. Parkhurst of San Francisco, Is in the city on business. H. H. Light, a well known business man of Hermosillo, Is In Bisbee on business.

Principal Crowl and R. R. Wagner, supervisor of mvslc of the Douglas schools, paid Biobe a visit Weane day. R. R.

Larkln. superintendent of schools of Las Vegas, X. was In Bisbee Wednesday, the guest of Superintendent Philbrook. He made an inspection of the local schools and hiph school before returning home. Supt.

E. Lutz. of the Douglas schools, was a visitor in Bisbee Thursday. Free Barbecue Sunday. Big free barbecue will be held at Central 'Park Sunday afternoon; 3 p.

m. The barbecue meat will be prepared on the ground by the Tovrea butchers. Come and see how the meat is roasted and enjoy a free lunch. Wrestling after dinner, Harper vs. Hart, Cornish style.

Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Man-nler at their home on Tombstone canyon Thursday, a fine boy.

For Nervous Disorders. Take Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Especially recommended for the relief of nervous headache, exhaustion and insomnia. -s Small Blaze- Had. A blaze which caused wore or less excitement for a few moments on O.

street occurred when someone carelessly dropped a match aft a cigarette butt Into a banana crate, setting, it on fire. The awning of the "Palace Grocery company In front of which the crate stood, caught but was -put out "before it was much damaged, Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a certain relief for Fever Ishness, Headache, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. They break up Colds in 24 hours. They ae so pleasant to the taste and harmless as milk. Children like them.

Over 10,000 testimonials of cures. They never fail. Sold by all druggists. 25c Ask today. Don't accept any substitute.

Girls' Glee Club. The young ladles of the Bisbee. high school mietJ 'recently and or ganized a glee club with fifteen y. I C. NOTES This evening at 7:30 there will be a meeting of the social committee at the Y.

W. C. under tho direction of the chairman Mrs. F. C.

Hurst. All members are requested to be present to make plans for fall and winter. There will be a Sunday vesper ser vice tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock, which will be led by Mrs. Splcer, RECEPTION TO PASTOR. The congregation of the First Pres byterlan church last night 'tendered the pastor.

Rev. J. E. Frye, a recep Uon, tho occasion being his recent return to the city from an extended vacation. A musical and literary pro gram waa followed by light refreshments.

Twenty acres of land In Section will sustain a home from the sta-t, and leave -a surplus besides for a rain day. An investment now of a few hundred dollars will make you iud pendent for life, and this investmen will double In Value in three jeau See Flynn Seed, Promise Dramatic Offering. A committee has been appointed the high school dramatic club to select a play for presentation within members. Miss Bessie Riley Is pres ident of the organization. The club Is at work diligently practicing a win do neara in a numoer oir con- certs this winter.

It Is anticipated. the next two or three months, prob- ably about the holidays. This will be HAMLET. -welcome news to those wno HKe 10 see local students of the stage per- had melancholy, probably caused by an Inactive liver. A bad liver makes one cross and irritable, causes mental and physical depression and may result disastrously.

Ballard's Herblne is ackfiowl edged to be the perfect liver regulator. If you're blue and out of sorts, get a bottle today. A cure for bilious headache, constipation, chills and fever and all liver complaints. For sale at Lowell Drug Arizona. form before the footlights, especially so as the previous presentations by the high school have a reputation par excellence, notably that of "The Rivals," last spring.

Just what ply will be selected has not yet been decided, but will be known within a few days. -Dance at Country Club. Next week the educational classes will commence and those who have not registered but Intend doing so are requested to enrolL today, Monday and Tuesday, Monday evening at 7 o'plock the advanced Spanish class will meet, followed by the millinery class at 7:30. The sewing class will meet at 2 o'clock the same afternoon. Other classes meet later In the week according to schedule.

NOTICE New High School Students. Walter Harland and Miss Bessie RUey recently enrolled In the High school, bringing the total to date of 102. Women Are to Share with Men. Men and women are to have a common way of life a common education and they aro to watch over tl cltr liens in common, whether abiding in the city or going out to war; they are to guard together and to hunt together like dogs; and always and in all things women aro to share with th men. Plato.

pviininicnaMni "I All members of Warren Camp No. 9 W. O. and visiting members arr requested to meet at the K. of hall at 1:30 P.

October 3d to atten. the funeral of the Tate Brother W. Johnson. By order of C. 663 J.

H. COOK. The Good That Never Diet. Dickens: There la nothing, innocent or rood, that dies and la forgotten. Let bs hold lo that Jaitb or Aft ls-fant, a prattling chllo Will live agate in the better' thought ofttoie who Voted it, and will play it part, through thenvln the.

redeeming actions of the world, though Its body be burnt to uhM or drowsed la the deepest sea. New Singer Arrives. Herbert Warmington is extremely proud of a new volcal artist which arrived In his family September 30.v It's a boy, and both mother and son are reported as doing nicely. NOTICE Members of Independence Lodge No. 33, T.

F. and visiting member are requested lo meet at K. of P. hai Sunday. October 3 at 1:30 P.

tc attend the funeral of our late ther W. T. Johnson. By order of ANNA JONES, president. ETHEL JONES, Sec'y Monthly Teachers' Meeting.

The regular monthly teachers meeting took place at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the high school building This is the first meeting of the season, and routine business was transacted and plans for fall and winter -vork discussed. Observations of a Woman. Mrs. C. Miller in a recent mag sine article aays that tho people oi Haytl are of a jealous disposition, and that the generals rule after the manner of a schoolboy bully.

They do not like to see others of their own race successful, and the better class of cltl-ens take no paft In the government Character Told by Thumb. II the thumb be supple Jointed the Individual Is, easy-going, spendthrift, carelesB of time, money, energy, opportunity and nil things. If It bo firm Jointed he is cautious, watchful, keen diplomatic, tireless In planning, confident and sure of success, self-poised and eU-ontrolllng Delicate instruments. The amount of work done by the wink of an eye equals 100,000,000.000 of the winks marked on the scale ol a delicate Instrument; but even thl performance is surpassed by the "coherers" of Branley of Paris, by which the Hertz waves of wireless telegraphy are caught In their pulsings through space. A Day with Collars In It.

It waa such clear, bright, beautiful weathor yesterday," says a Georgia ed Itor, "that you could see a silver dcvllat half a mile, with a bill collector tea tteps behind It and, of course, he haA i better chance to get It than you had. Seaven send us more beautiful weaCv it, and more silver dollars!" Atlanta Const! inlion. A TEN ACRE TRACT "A ten acre tract of Irrigated land in the Mimbres valley is all you ne to be comfortable. Pears, grapes, po tatoes, onions and celery raised to a great profit. We can let you have one of these tracts on the best term you ever heard of.

Demlng An Informal dancing party will be is booming. Write us for particulars held this evening at the Warren Coun- The Dymond CSmpSny, Demlng Now try club. Mexico. Oldest Dated Decoration. Probably the oldest dated decoration in the world has recently been brought to light by the discovery of the funerary 'temple of King Sahura, who lived 2,500 B.

C. It lies between the pyramids of GIseh and Saggarah, and has been unearthed by Dr. Bor 'harts, director of tho German Institute of Archaeology at Cairo. Sculptured baa reliefs illustrate Pharaoh conversing with the gods, conquering the Lyblans and receiving an embassy. Besides this there are hunting and fishing scenes, and most interesting of all.

a fleet of ships of the period. London Globe. naMtaupmnMi'Oi Ladies 2f Dis crimination Free Barbecue Sunday. Central Park 3 p. m.

Come. Not the Local Wolf. Bill Wolfe, formerly manager of the Bisbee "baseball team, Is kept busy these days answering queries and re ceiving congratulations of friends at the rate of about a dozen or so an hour. "Why, I thought you were in the hospital with appendicitis," Is what he gets from all sides. It is simply a case of similarity of occupations only the Wolf who is down with appendicitis Is manager of the Douglas baseball team and will undergo an operation In the Douglas hospital.

KrsTWlMlsw'fi ScotMng Sjn; flu Vci, t4 for orr SlXTV-TT. yAiW of MOTHERS for tlrCBaxIB WHILE teittmi su. TmirrpHrasrsvvchMS. Skpaik: cubes, wuo pouam tbii Sold b7lruriritiln ttrtertBcwcKO. jfaniiisfliiiirAiin.wu owl Bootklng 8jrop.

od tk kll rvrafr.flTfl cents A DOtue Giurantred under 1 rood f1 Im otb.lji. Rerlil Xatnb jot. JJ'JLDJD YiEUtTBOD BIOODX "Who are familiar -witli tlie authorities wh.o dictate the styles and fashions of this cotmtry and who appreciate the delights of good literature will rejoice in the ANNOUNCEMENT That we have arranged to give to our subscribers-absolutely free with their subscription to the "Daily Review" additonal subscription to one of the greatest and most popular of the Home Journals, sV. The Designer ft UpooJhe following conditions: That every subscriber to Jthe "Review" after May who pays three months' subscription in advance and every old subscriber in arrears who pays his indebtedness and the three months advance as above will be entitled Absolutely Free of Charge to a Subscription to "The Designer" 'The Designer" is a one hundred and twenty-five page magazine especially devoted to topics pertaining to the household. Beautifully gotten up, decorated by the most prominent artists, it devotes its wealth of brilliant journalism to subjects close to the heart of those who are appreciative of the best.

Twenty-five pases of its interesting contents are devoted to fashions and patterns for every occasion that could be invented, Its varous departments cover every phase of housekeeping economy and its instructive features are enhanced by the delightful short and serial stories which occur in every issue. No housewife can afford to be without it when this lo a present from us to you under the srmjMe conditions described above and which costs you nothing. The 1 Bisbee Daily Review New Hats iiK Every Style and Shape Good Morning! Stop here lo-day and see a Ike of Derby hats that won't break, won't fade, won't lote their shape and always look aew. are Reiof Hats WytURMWt''MH0tfeUilw. Not only the ROELOFS in both stiff aao soft at $4.00, but also the fa mous MALL OR CRAVANETTB Haf, Sua and Rain Proof and only $3.50.

Everybody is wearing one of them. The new flat effect Derbys in ail styles and-cols ors. Roelofs $4.00, Mallorys S3.50, New Fall Clothing, also a swell new line of ties. SCHWARTZ BROS. "THE SAFE PLACE" ON MAIN ST.


BOX 627 Office Main Street Opposite Palace Stable SECURITY BUILDING Ground floor and basement' occupied by the Security Savings Bank and Safe Deposit vaults. ClECSJRXTTr OingsBANK Fifth and Spring Los Angeles CAPITAL AND RESERVE RESOURCES $24,000,009 Over 62,000 Depositors Four per cent Interest on savings accounts and on Six Months' Certificates of Deposit. Three per cent oa special (ordinary) savings accounts 'which accounts may be checked against without presentation of Pass Book. Interest Is paid monthly on the minimum monthly balances. ssssjssrsNrsisysrsrs Oysters We received last night the first shipment of fresh oysters.

From now on we will receive daih shipments of the large Lousiana Oysters. B. A. TOVREA CO. s1 HOTEL CANANEA S0N0RA MEXICO M.

C. SPIRES Proprietor Under new management. Tourists, travellers mining men and cattlemen are extended a cordial invitation. Best dinning room service in Cananea. American Cooks The Peter Johnson MEAT MARKET In the Johnson block on Upper Main street Is now open for business with a complete stock of the finest beef, Kansas City lamb, mutton and pork, and is In a position to at all times supply their patrons with tt choicest cuts of meat the market affords.

Tour patronage is solicited uti your orders given either at the store or by Phone, will be filled to your entire satisfaction. PHONE 362. FRANK RAMSEY, Mgc MAZE CAFE CARETTO A CO, Proprietor Elegantly Fitted Up For Ladles and Gentlemen We handle the Tony Faut Coffee. JOHNSON-HENNIGER BUILDING Main atreet Bubee, Arizona THE ENGLISH Everything the Market Afford a Never Closed. MAIN-STREET- Private Boxes for Parties.

a E. STUART, Prop. ts 7 I bia.

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