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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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ohn Gray's CORNER ON Embroideries. Special sale for the next ten days. Most beautiful designs ever brought to Logansport, in Iriih Points, English and Scotch Effects. Quloons und Double Edges. Ladies you will be pleased if yon call and see them.

Mate National Bank, Lognnsport, Indiana. CAPITAL $200,000 1. K. JOUHSOH, Pure. S.


Cilery. J.T.Elliott, W. M. Elliott, W. H.

Snldur. Buy and sell Government Bonds. Loan mOQoy on personal security anJ collftteraK Issue special certificates of deposit bearing 8 per cent when left one year; 2 per cent'per annum wheu deposited 0 monthi-. Boxes in Safe.t} Deposit Vaults of this bank for the deposit of deeds, (DHiinince policies, mortgages and othur vu.hmblus, routed at from to $15 per year DAILY JOURNAL Published every day In the week (except Monday b7 LoeureroBT JOUBMAL Co. S.


BOYEB VIOB PKHIDMNT SlCBZTAJlT Price per Annum Price per Month S6.OO 5O THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITT. us second-claw matter at the Loganfr- port ost Office, February 8, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 6 SAM JONES, told a St. ence the otber day that Louie audU "The cratic party can't pass a thing in the world; thev can't evec pass a And again "III was a Democrat now, I believe the Lord wou'd forgive me for changing." DIRECTIONS for using Cream Halm. nnritfliMif the Balm wullnii Into the niuitill.i. draw brwith throiiKh llm Tar Uil'i'f tlllll'S a tiny, uftcr im'iils 11 ferreil.

anil In-lure ru- tlrln XLi'S CIIKAM BALM Opens and XffinW 1 COLD HEAD flnm Htlnn. fluids tlinSorH.s, Protects the Mom oruno from Colils. Ftoton-s tlin Sdiise or Titste MUlHniKll. Tim B.ilrn Is quickly ubsoruod and relief nt iint 1 t'rlce 50 at By mull. KLY BIWA, Warren N.

Y. Lake Erie Western, I'ITU I'lilon Station, Tlironuti tlckPts sold to points In United dtntumuxi CtuuuUv. SOUTH, Arrive, Depart. No. 21 IntllfiniipollK 7:00,1 in NO.

21 Mill' ft ExprfwS 11:45 a in No. 25 Toli'do Ki unws, 3:25 No. h.vtmlnB Kxim-ss 8:10 in No lil Lociil FreiKhiff Ml SOUTH. Arrive. Depart.

No 20 Mull 10:12 No. ffl! City Noil lii-trolt Kxt-roiif IhOopm No. ISO 7:00 urn D. Dully, S. Diili)- cxei-pt SumKiy, STJ (1, i'S not run nortli or Ft" Sundnys, tKuns SlotiUius, Weilnwdiiys Fildnys mid Sun- dftys.

ttrtuns Mond-iy, Tuesday, Thursday iind Siitur- 4ny. dopot connections Bloonilncton 'nnd rln lnts west, MHiUm't'M and northvvoyt. Dlrfili'oiiiii'cilotM iiiiKlx a' Ltrnii, KOMIurla, JVeini'iit ur for nil poims iioiiit'il'MtneoniH'cUiii'Sin TIUIOH with trains on.Mntn Lino mill 1. A'11 C. tor nil points North.

South, Musi Kor tlckr'S. rnU'S Irifonniitlon cull if. IpM.t A W. H'y A BRONZE atatuo of Freuerlck Douglass will Do the main feature of the memorial in honor of tbe colored soldiers tfho served In the Colon army to bo erected at Rochester, M. Y.

The statue of Douglass will bo placed on a massive pedeetal with tablets appropriately Inscribed. THE Rcviow of Reviews, a magazine independent of politics, says: -it would not eecm ill-advised to declare that the wholu financial history modsrn nations furnishes no instance of incapacity ao great, of Btatesmttn- ship so utterly wanting, of common sense so pitiably our own country haa ehown in the past two years." on THn: Peru, Indiana. C.f UALY. lioii'l Hns9. INDIANAPOLIS.

1 The Bicycle Season. I.i now at hand. Yonr old wheel likely sen'ed Its purposo, and want a new one. Or perhnps you nro tmnkinn of gettlnt! new onc. Tuon let ns show jou best wheel such as the UuRle, Sliding, Winton, Royal and THAT ii) moru sympathy between the people of the United States and those of the North American provinces of Groat Britan, than there is between the Englishman and the people of these provinces is shown by the greater interest shown in this country for the distress of Newfoundland than la shown In England.

There has been great suffering In Newfoundland tills winter In answer to an appeal of the people for help, thus far the relief committees have received but $200 from England while Boston alone has contributed THE CrawforOavllle Argus News observes that "It's a'cold day when some man Isn't cut to pieces In county." Our exchange probably was prompted to write this by reading of the recent murderous aaeault of a farmer on a bartender at Burlington, Carroll county. While the uffair was reported In the Logansport papers as Burlington is cot a great distance from tbe Cass counly line, yet we would explain to tbe Argus News that it did not occur on counly soil. Cass county people object decidedly to having the sins of Carroll county ruffians placed on their shoulders. Highest of all in Leavening U. S.

Govt Report Baking Powder A GOLD LOST By a Lady Who Recovered It Through a VlMlt to the Journal Office. Mrs, Will W. Briggs of No 2014 East Broadway lost a goM watch, present from her husband and much prized, yesterday MIGQ while shopping. She did not nr.s-s the lime- piece until 9 o'clock last night, and at once came to the Journal office to Insert an advertisement. Woile she aod her huabaui? were still in the office, a palrolman arrived with a ''ound" describing the same 'ticker." which had been picked up by an honest boy at the corner of Broad way acd Fourth street, where Mrs.

had probably dropped it in stepping from a street car. The watch was restored to its owner. HE WENT Leu ISowio, Wuo Cm Mulojuist Sum CIOOM Vrfo on ttull'- 'Dorense ttroourt. Len D. Bowie, who gashed Samuel Spider's neck in the latter'd at Burlington, Carrol! county, Friday nleht, has buen acquitted by a justice of the potics on the ground of self- lofense.

Itwasshown that he was ryintr to escape when Spillor clubbed ilm, and be was prostrate and terribly beaten when he ewucg' ho knife for hia assailant's throat. Sam Spitior'a chances for recovery are said to bo growing more slender. 11s wounds are said 10 be in auch a as to render his recovery doubtful. THE BRAiN IVoporly AND THE HEART. Kscmpo BURGMAN CYCLE CO.

Headquarters the Bicycle MesMnuer MARKET oT. PIIOXE so. WANTED. ti Drvcl pair i. forlnlibuil Jin- rk.

Eiiclcst- wif (ulcrfs't-" Mivelope. t-ecretRrj, Lotk Drawer f6 Dally, llartelciij Invcntln A tftilllirt FR1E. lorsbee Hcilakln, Ctndnnatl, LA. GRIITE is no respecter of persons. Its ravages are confined to no class or condition, the rich and the poor, the great and the all falling victims to Its power.

Ameri. cans are not the only sufferers, ai cablegrams from abroad show that the great ones of England, Germany aod Russia have suffered from the disease. It haa prostrated the Czar ofRussia' and. Lord Roseberry the prime minister of England, is just convalescent from an attack of the malady, while the great Prince Bismarck Is unable to attend the sittings of the State Council of which he is vice president, from the same cause. Q'HE State of Tennessee has been disgraced by the Democratic party robbing H.

Clay Evani of the office of Governor to which be was elected by the votes of the people. Mr. Evans has made public a four column address explaining his position. The entire machinery of the Stale government was put in operation, he asserts, to reverse and tet aside the will of ihe people. In conclusion Mr.

Evans says he wants the people to know he Is not responsible for this farce; that he finds he is engaged in an unequal contest; that the entire power of the State government ii arrayed against him. have made the fight." he says, In the right and justice of our cause, strictly within tte limits of; the law and the Constitution, and I Tint that hereafter, when the partisan clouds of political hatred and haTe cleared ay, you may approve my course and become convinced that Bade a creditable defense of the rights of the people of the State." Cued They Larccly Senile FaUnro. In his work on the senile heart Dr. ialfour tells us that there are two 'arts of the human organism, which, if wisely used, "largely escape senile failure," says the Troy Times, These two ire the brain and tbe heart. Persona vho think have often wondered why workers, great statesmen and ithcrs, should continue to work with almost unimpaired mental activity and up to a period when most of he organs and functions of the body ire iu a condition of advanced senile There is a physiological reason or this, and Dr.

Half our tells us what is. "The normal brain," ho affirms, 'remains vigorous to the last," and hat "because its nutrition is specially irovidecl for." About middle life or a ittle later the general arteries of the ody begin to lose their elasticity and to lowly but surely O.ilaic. They become, hcraforo, much less efficient earners ol the nutrient blood to the capillary ureas, lint this is not the case with the internal crotids, which supply the capillary areas of the brain. On the contrary, those largo vessels "continue to retain their pristine clastic-ay, so that the blood pressure remains normally higher than within the capillary area of any organ in the body. The cerebral blood paths being- thus kept open, the brain tissue is kept better nourished than tho other tissues of the body." Who is there among those who have readied or passed middle age that will not be rejoiced tc find such admirable physiological warrant for the belief that the brain may continue to work, find even to improve, almost to tho very last hour of life' HAD FAST TRAINS EVEN THEN.

niirh Speed ftt Which the Expresses Traveled Fifty Years Ago, If anybody were asked what comparison exists between the speed of raD- road trains now and fifty years ago ho would probably say that hardly any can be made. Tho difference, however, is far less than is generally supposed. In May, 1S4S, the Great Western railway engine Great Britain was driven by Engineer Almond from Paddicgton to Didcot, fifty-three miles, in forty-seven minutes, starting and stopping. When wo consider that tho brakes in those days were very crude this is pretty fast traveling. Nor was this done once, but repeatedly.

The broad-gauge expresses are frequently timed at the rate of a mile in forty-eight seconds, or seventy-five miles an hour, and even a higher maximum was attained for.short distances. The Bradsbaw for 1S4.S shows that tbe morning express was timed tc leaTe Paddington at 9:50 o'clock and start again from Dicloot at 10:47. Allotving lour minutes for the stop at Didcot the. train must have been officially tiuied at a mile a minute. Tbe railway records show that the.

tram often arrived under time. These facts should silence a great many persons who prate about the phe-' notnenal progress recently made in railroad matters in general and rapid transit in particular. Cowj Havo Salt. No man cats all the salt lie thinks he will need for week at one time, but a good many feed their cows salt as if this were the proper way. Salt is an every day necessity to dairy coves, as has been proven by experiment.

YOUR NAME Hi FRIST. of m. Personal Character Con ccrnlujc importers and Their FrleiiflH. In the city yesterday: M. J.

Bolan of Ashley. N. F. Miliero! Blufftoo. John Bonebreak of Cutler.

W. G- Green of Rochester. H. bickles of Shelbyville. J.

G. Leonard of Plymouth. John Roberts agent for "The Two Jo'hno" Co. William Hupp is at Chicago. C.

L. Crosby went to Marion yester day. Mrs. Atuacda Banlz will remove- to Dunkirk. Leonard Wolf is at Chicago for business visit.

Misa Nona Weaver went to South yesierday. Ja.mnt Ddmpsey and son leave todai for Bloomlagton, 111. I. N. Crawford Itft yesterday for a trip througa the Ira A.

will remove to Indianapolis, his former home. Anthony Williams will go to South Band Saturday on business. Mrs, Will E. Kline is visiting at Fulton, with relatives. Gus Day and Charles Stoll returned yesterday from a visit at Chicago.

Frank Beamer. the restaurant man, will go to Chicago today on business. Mra. Emeline Searight Is visiting- her eon, A Searight, at Lafayette. Lewis Harpold night cleric at the Johnston hotel, was in Marion yester day.

Hon. S. P. Sheerin has returned 'rom a business trip to Washington, D. C.

Qrville Williams has removed to Washington township from Jasper county. The Rev. W. S. Brown will return rom Union City the coming week, to ocate.

Mr. Kuntzman of Flora. Carroll lounty, is the guest ot Logansport Bert Cunningham, the Chicago architect, returned to that city yester- lay morning Mrs. C. M.

Beauchamp and daughter Hazel, are the guests of relatives at Royal Center Joan Rsidllogor was at Lafayette visiting hia parents Sunday, return, ing Monday night, Mrs. George Negley. of Danville, is visiting this week wit.h Mr. and Mrs. A J.

Robinson. Miss Ruth Harris Is at Terre Haute, called there bj the Illness of a sister, Mrs. George Hajee. Mrs. Mary Clay has returned to her home at Rlcb mood, after a long vltit In Logansport.

Miss May Corcoran of Ottawa street, is attending the funeral of Misa Maud Wlrick at Star City. G. W. Collins of Oakley, Carroll county, was yesterday the of J. Newer of the South Side.

Mra. Mae Gallagher Tinkham is over from IndianapoHs for a two weeks' visit with her parents. Miss Lena Frohm returned day to her home at Rochester after a visit with Logansport friends. Hal Rumell has resigned his position at Bringhnrst's drug store and leaves for El wood In a short time. D.

L. Wickersham of Chicago, formerly of Logansporl. was the guest of f. A. Peden yestarday in this city.

Mrs F. M. Taft left yesterday after an extended visit with Logans-port friends, for her home at Richmond, Ind. Mrs. Minnie Skyles of Lagrange.

has returned to her home after a visit with her brother, D. A. Youngker. Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Steveni reached New York city Saturday on Grand Removal Sale. Of a collossal stock of Clothing and Furnishings into the New Fashion Store. Preparatory of remodeling our store which when completed will be the finest in the city.

Note the Following Slaughter Prices. $20 Suits, present price $15, removal price $11.35 $10 Suits, present price, $10, removal price 3.00 $12 Suits, present price $0, removal price C.75 $10 Suits, present price removal price 0.00 t7.50 Child Suit, present price $0. removal price 4.50 Child Suit, present price $400, removal price 3.00 $0.50 Child Suit, present price $2.50. removal price 2.00 Any Qve-coat, Suit, Pante, Shirts, Gloves, Under wear, Hats or Caps at 25 per cent, per less than our present cut prices. It is the grandest opportunity vefc offered by any first class establishment.

This is a cash sale To-Be- Sure. Respectfully, HARRY FRANK, TO LOGANSPORT. DELPHI FLORA. SEW YORK. son, and saw the ruins of the big Terhune building that was destroyed yesterday morning by a gas explosion.

A. J. Robinsun and Charles Shrier were at Montlcello yesterday to attend the funeral of a brother Kolght Templar, Mr. Wheeler of that city. Councilman Thomas Reed of the ward left yesterday for a trip to the south, going first to Tennessee.

3e will combine business with pleasure. Judge Tuley goes toEdinburp, oday to visit his daughter and to be )rosent at the celebration of the 73d anniversary of the birth of his father- n-law, Dr. W. P. Rush.

Miss Belle Humphrey of this city, has gone to South Band to take a position. Miss Rose Humphrey, a later, is already at that city, and will remain there during- the ummor. Mrs. W. C.

McCloy and son, of Dickinson, N. left this city yesterday for Marietta, Ohio, to visit rola- ives. While in Logaopport they were he guecta of Mr. and Mrs. A.

M. lanegin. Judge M. Wlnfield has returned rom New York city where he took epOBitions in the case, in rhich the Delphi Bowens it is alleged retrying to avoid paying taxes in Carroll county by fixing New York as heir residence. The Indianapolis Journal yesterday ontalned a half column interview rlth Judge D.

B- McConnell in which refuted the charges mude by an ndtanapolts paper against the Cblck- tnauga commission of which he Is a member. Bids for the erection of St. Vincent's chool building were opened last ight. There were twelve bidders. Thu contrticts will be let some time als week.

The subscriptions for the uilding were said to amount to 11,700 last Sunday. Died at Star City at 9:40 p. m. March 4, 1895. Maudie daughter Jacob and Julia P.

Wirick. The eceaeed yfas fourteen years old. She as beloved by a)l wbo knew her be died with the blessed assurance hat Christ was her Redeemer and her eparture from this life will be ourned by a host of warm friends. Directly, In a time trial et the trade at Fresno, Feb. 1, reduced bis world's record for two year old although the track was wet and slow It Is announced that the half Interest ecently purchased by Rlley Grannon their way home from their continental'; In the racing stable of W.

M. "Wallace has been resold to the latter at an advance of $100, Grannon deciding be did not care to be an owner. The Richmond (Va.) Riding And Driving Association held ft meeting re- tour John Ryan of Indianapolis Is Ing relatives in the city. Mr. Ryan is an aUendant at the Indianapolis pital for the Ineane.

hos- cently, and decided to hold a race meet- Inc this spring, tie -week previously to Lewis Beam hasjtone to Washing, the one at Baltimore, ill ton, for a two weeks' visit, leaving his Twelfth street drug store In charge of Will sick- Capt. Wolier Thomas came in last night from Connereville, where he has been for the last ten on will take place each day. business. O. H.

Fllingharn. a well- known amateur, of Nottingham. England, died after a brief illness, J. Thayer, who is now permanently located In Philadelphia, and J. A.

nf A ter ol Harverford college, will play with He came by way of Ander-, Merinr) rj thls To Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Maboney of Ottawa daughter: The German Odd Fellows will dance at Kreuzberger'a hall the night of Easter Monday. Van Bennett, the Kansas prohibition orator, has just closed a series, of meetings at Royal Center. Logan Council, No. 21 0.

C. F. will give a pie social at their hall this evening. All friands of the order are Invited. Harvey Cash, the dairyman, is preparing to move his dairy to the farm of Mrs.

Palmer, two miles south of the city. John Mitchell, an old and respected citizen ol the city is enid to bo sorl- ouely sick 'at his home near the WaUash depot. John Bashing, the street sowing mstcnme agent la to be affected with appendicitis, and. to dangerously ill. That tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous proutratlon are driven by Hooa's Sarsaparilla, which makes uure A fire occurred recently at the Elgin hotel, Feru, In whlcn the annex to the Elgin hotel was destroyed with a loes of $2,000.

It was uninsured. C. L. Crosby has resigned his tion as agent for the Insurance cocnp vay at this place. JJ f.

Lehnea of Lafayette will fill the the local agency. Col. C. L. Woll and Col.

Ensmlnger oamb home yesterday from Peru, where they went Monday to Inspect Div. No. 28 U. R. K.

ot f. and to la- stall the.division officers. oTheeuitofD. P. Baldwin against Morris T.

Harvey to collect a ctk) lor $334. wnich tne defense claims hai been paid, was on trial yesterday before-Judge McConnell and a jury. Harry Frauk, the clothier, will occupy the New Fashion, store room wche repaire are being madO-OQ hlf building. Architect Rnodeii Jjas prepared plans for a fine new front to be put in IhU Spring. The funeral of Mrs.

Chas. Chideater occurred yesterday afkernoon ai 2 p. m. from the residence. Tne were conducted by Rev.

T. S. man. Interment was mude at Ml. Hope cemetery.

The bill allowing the back pay of mall carriers for overtime reported by the claims committee, became a law Saturday. The eighteen carrier! and ex-curriers of this city will receive overf2.0CO? Henry Kissner died Monday at fayette. Miss Marie Kiescer, a daughter of the deceaaed, woo visiting here, was- hurriedly home a clay or two ago, by father's fatal illness. Otto believes hU line of ladles' shoes to be equaL if not superior to any line lathe city, therefore thinks he can duplicate any shoe on tion or sold in the city, wlinlo the pan year for $1.98 out of stock..

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