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Bisbee Daily Review from Bisbee, Arizona • Page 5

Bisbee, Arizona
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s-f-Sr -r 7HE B1SBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1906 PAGE FIVL FORMER PHOENIX IS JAILED Wife Raised the Monev to Pay Off the Offending Attorney's Fine. PHQENIxT9Vufe. 15. Attorney "Whittamdre; VNlfornier Phoenix lawyer whoiiras; arrested in this city re. cently for forgetting to pay his hotel hill at Wlckenburg.

was today lined $50 for lapse of memory by Judge Johnstone and in default of the1 amount was sent to jail. While Whlttamore was brushing: against the restofthe criminals at the jail his wife was out rustling up the money to pay his fine and after he had been in limbo about three hours she arrived with the amount. This she gave to Deputy Sheriff Joe Balsz with instruction to pay him out. The latter went to Judge Johnstone with the money also carrying a request from Whlttamore for the return of one dollar for the first day. Judge Johnstone replied that he would have to stay until six o'clock If he wantec credit for that dav but he did -not accept the bargain 'that was thus laid before him.

AVhitteroore was formerly a practitioner here but loft Phoenix aboui two years ago. His first wife Is here and AVhlttamore is owing considerable LANGTON GOES TO fllEMT DAWSON Extensive Improvements Are Being Made at Mines of Phelps-Dodge Co. CHURGHGONCERT Mr. John Langton, chief engineer of the construction department of tbe Plielps-Dodge interests, left oa last! evening's train for Dawson, New Mexico, where the coal mines con--trolled by the Phelps-Dodge people are located. When seen by a Review reporter and asked concernlnir the operations at thatvpolnt, Mr.

Langton said that at the present time most of their efforts 'are being directed towards the extension of the old mines, and the enlarging of the facilities for making- coke. Mr. Langton. has been located at Dav, son for the past year in directing tho work, and it will probably be several months before the Improve ments now under way will be com pleted. Mr.

Langton's1 headquarters are in New York, but he 'spends a great deal of his time at the different points at which the Phelps-Dodge company is operating. The coal mines at Dawson navo been worked for three or four years past, but never on a very laruo scale. About a year ago the Phelps-Dodge people decided to purchase the mines. back moneyforaUmony granted in the and thereby obtain a source from Hlrrra nrnroorltup. "HThethpr ho can iuo uuuiu uieii luiuwi.

or will get this as easily as he secured with fuel. The deal was put through IS A SUCCESS PHOENIX SOLDIER'S AT UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY NO. 7W. Attac 4Sco 1 al i anc on I his tine remains to be seen. aud immediately plans were mado for When the attorney was taken to the I enlarging 01 ine operations ai vw- sua.

luy iieipb-ivuube ijevpiu iv now not only supplying their railroad with fuel from their own mines, but jail for commitment this morning hei objected quite strenuously to being rlaf1 wrnntrrl tho nrtv- iU-ge of staving In the office among are also operating enough coko ovens aaI-a ihaip ama tare CTT gentlemen. He asked Deputy Sheriff Balsz to go around with him while he raised the amount of his fine but the latter said he had some papers to seive and was off. Sheriff Walker was out at the time serving papers and Deputy Charley Slankard declined to allow. Whlt'a-niore the privileges of the jail office aud sent him down below. IRRIGATION CONGRESS DELEGATES.

Governor Klbbey yesterday appointed the delegates to the national irrigation congress to be held at Boise. Idaho, from September 3 to 8: Dr. L. Thayer, Buckeye: O. H.

Christy, Phoenix; Charles Peterson, Mesa: C. S. Steward. Mesa; Andrew i to suppl Douglas. coke for their smelters at HOP JOINT PULLED.

National Guardsmen Return to Arizona from Texas on a Special Train. mk PHOBNtJSAug; ien i-uuEBixzims j.ernqqRrfVfttSji:30 o'clock for Maricopa, rwheHsiiXUr be boarded; by. the! returning -guardsmen who havibeenwn San Antonid.iTex where the, encampment of the department of the Southwest as members of the First Battalion of the First regiment of Infantry of National Guard of Arizona. Two companies of the militia will reach Phoenix, namely company of rnoenix. ana i company of.

Flagstaff. Officers Raid a Den at Globe Make Two Arrests. and Two stiff fines were Imposed In tho I justice court recently at fllobe one of S100 and the other of $5C- against a Chinaman named Joe Sin? and a i white man named Murrel Gilland. one i for conducting a hop joint and the other for frequenting such a place. Tfie officers caught the two "dead in the act." In fact, the dope pill was actually being rolled, preparatory to ignition, when the officers butted in, savs thp Telesram.

rri a i i 41 If. (hit Ann t-: tt 1 lit? Jul ill, was lutuieu in inu unit' j.ttr, wm. ii.v... 'iu tt; uv son: E. P.

Sanguineus. Yuma DrJ adobp in the rear of Parkrr black- his i.mi ndane ot Perrin WiTliams- Woolf smith shop, just this side of the bridge, ours. It Is impossible to legislate Temce- Geo' Crosby St Joh-is-' ofHc-prs had been suspicious of thp Socialism out of existence, out itir-Bishor Merrill' St David- Wm establishment for some time, and when proper way to counteract tals eil is Stead Camo Verde- Charles Ball'ancc' thc savr GiUani- in company with a tto train the young to the true female, enter the place they conclud-j tions of life. Pool Pool i cd something was doing. There was.

i has oyer stood as a bulwark against This session of the congress, as The chink had just prepared the dmg. with Its false promises, and others.haHjeen.-wlIUbe.pne of great I a nd was prepsr tag to jara ni be the ultimate safeguard of the im.w,Wr.-nTFAffr-i& oniro a off, In a dreamful dolce far nlentc when Uvoriu against the encroachments of the entrance of the officers rudely tuIS phimera Thp has alwajs taught that eti. nan lij' dfa- nplu ami ntn ilia hich he has gamtti nun-- I. and that no man can tal.e 1 i-um iiin' Ills distribution ot woridl troo.J.- The entertainment given by tho members of St. Patrick'3 Catholic Church Choir at the Pythian" Castle last evening was a great success.

The spacious lodge room was crowded and many were standing in the hall. A very fine program was rendered, including vocal and Instrumental tolos of a very hiuh order. Rev. Father Muerer was to have opened the entertainment.but on account of a slight Illness, was pre vented from dolns so. The principal number on the pro gram was an address bv W.

B. Cleary. Mr. Cleary said that he wus glad to see the Catholics of Blsbee-cultivailng social Intercourse, and helping to make life under the trying conditions confronting residents of Blsbee. more Inviting.

He went on to say that he hart noticed the other churches siring entertainments ot one kind or, said that he thought it was a good means of bringing oeoDle together. He then went on to say that he had always considered th. Catholic training of the young the best means to make good and loval citizens of the United States, and innjressd on the mothers of the audience the of training the bovs and girls during the vcara fcom seven to fifteen, and that parochial schools are the keyscne of the Catholic church. jur. bleary congratulates Jlsbee on i lie.

If possible an attemnt will be the magnificent public which maue to remove Mrs. Dick, to Douglas ao, uiiu me ucouip ol uisoes on toda uhere ho ed a Iower altl tne attention ana money waicn tney W.J. EDDLEMAN President J. N. PORTER Vice-President 8COTTWHALEY Vice-President M.


i DO A GENERAL BANKINO-BUSINESSAANDr SOLICIT, yOURPATRONAQK. WILL BE APPRECIATED. $1 0,000 -A JTOUB BUSINKSS 3Ir. Rockefeller attributes the prosperity of French farmers to the fact hat fhov liAtfa norfAOt rnflrts Tho nr. The latter will go north on tonight's curacy of Mr.

Rockefeller's judgment banta be train. irtinl nmnrHr In nnv The battalion was In charce of Mai E. M. Lamson, of this city, and Is composed of companies of Tempo and of Yuma, In addition to the two com panles above mentioned. The sol diers left Phoenlr on August 2.

and the encampment lasted six dava. thn other six in travel. 1 he trip was made In a special train composed of six tourist sleepers for tne men ana one t'uiiman for the offi cers. There were sixteen officers and 180 men on the' trip, and the dispatches have already announced that the Arlzonans shown with remarkable splendor beside the trained regulars and the guardsmen from other territo ries. The train bearing the returning was expected to reach this city at 3.30 o'clock.


II. H. Dick has been very low In this city for the past two days, suffenng rrom an at-taol; of heart failure and nervous I prostration. She Is no: expected to had lavished on the instruction of the oung. Mr.

Cleary ihtn wei.t on to speak of the social unrest of the pres- I ent day, and attributed to tl. lack cf training of th ounc. He Piiirwi-s'zed th fact that the Catholic ehiirch lias ever been a br.l-vark againstt the encroachments of this scheme. "Socialism," Mr. Cleary th'tte-rth i-rtant.

rode flftv miles on "holds out many promises oi id-ai horphact. cnmliB across the cf.n.ntio. whicn iif- Va.srlful QmtjCk. with where it is hoped a tude will lmproe condition. Immigration Inspector D.

D. X.irnvth will leav? tomorrow for a of th'-t ilaj-. II- bo at this point by Inspector Mu-g-vam. Win. Plntfr.

a of th" M-'cai war and 60 years oH fn the given case, we believe, has never been questioned. A Topeka man is mourning the disappearance of a hen and 13 oggs. which he lost a month ago. They arc-marked and may turn up at a local restaurant during the year. Finder please return.

Edelweiss Cafe OTTC GEISENHOFER, Proprietor. For Gentlemen Only The Best of Everything. Music each Evening Located In the basement of fit Muheim Block. THE EDELWEISS Is the nicest, cleanest, place town to eat. coolest VISIT THE EDELWEISE.

Brewery BISBEE. ajjftiwwfciMM gt Closing Out Sale Summer Goods Now Going On 'Every article marked way below cost. Here are a few prices which will prevail for the next few days: Ladies' fine lawn wrappers nicely made with yoke and insertion of Val. lace. Regular price, $2.50.

Only $1.35. Waists In open work embroidery $2.50 waist, for Children's Gingham Suits. For Children's Dresses." The For Ladles' fine lawn aprons. For and fine tucks. Regular Regular kind.

"5c kind. Regular 50c kind. 51.45 5 Bazaar Store Opposite Postoffice. Phone 39 1 t)3- MAIN 61., I For Spring Chickens. Ranch Eggs.

JAS. BEARD. 'Phone310. st i importanceT lFaffords organized means of the expression of the sent! men of he people on tte -nbjert of 7X1; inlsM'ou. and while its declarations ed t3 the reSUlt gn en above There art several of ther- joints in town, according to the officers, but they are difficult to locate.

The frequenters will not divulge their where- abouts. it is certain, while as for the Judging from the conduct of some of Chinese proprietors they are not ot policv are not official, they are nev ertheless of great weight, and influential with the national reclamation lervice. which socialism pioniisc- with much ease, would only be K-mptraij at best, and in a short time Tar- tht whitP officials, the Consro Free anvlnns to nnv fine. Po the officers Acum aa. again State should be caleld the Congo in a measure trust to luck for their wt'allh' whlIe the man' woul'l be Spree State.

discovery "riven to greater things by the ambi- to acquire ealth. Let even- man be honest with his neighbor, no matter what his creed, and do not le; Wm aV mm mm mm skv and "th rs. he is in- 1 1 I lr a promih mining ir i I'nol- Bi'l" i Ftill hale and which will be good news to his many frlend3 In this section. SId Coburrif well known In Bisbee andNaco, left hero tocay rar Gold- Held, JfevaJa, wh3re he has business interests. TEAS RFPUBLICANS NOMINATE FULL TICKET.

EL PASO. Teas Aug 15 The Republican com n' ion calicd in i siou here yesterday by the regular sta'f organization placed a complete t'eket Id th held today. adopted resolutions denouncing the state administration in unmeasured terms, and before tasing final adjournment re-elected Cecil A Lyon, of Sherman, chairman of the stato committee. Allegiance to the Republican W. Wallace Real Estate and Mines LMS3EE ARIZONA religion enter into politics.

Let the form of 1001 was reaffimed. the con-J Catholics of Bisbee stand together niton expressing confidonce in a for ihe higher training of the young, piotective tariff "tempered with reci-and the improvement of conditions in I rrocity, such as Roosevelt and Mc-the community. I do not mean to Kinlev advocated." stand together politically, for think i The platform advocates compul- that the less they stand together po- scry education law and school terms USE GAS? If not you can't tell what you are missing Ask your neighbor who does use it, and learn of its advantages. Better get your gas range, your heaters and hot water heaters for your bath room before the cold snaps are upon you. OFFICE IN ALLEN BLOCK.

INTERNATIONAL GAS LIGHT CO. liically, the better It will be for them selves. Every man ha3 a right to his own religious and political convictions, and when any one approaches you. In an endeavor to turn you against any political candidate ion account of religious reasoub turn away irom him." The violin solo by Professor Newman added fresh laurels to the inany i which this talented musician has already acquired. The piano splo by Mr Baz was also of a very high order.

The program follows: PROGRAM: Opening Rev. W. A. Meurer Mandolin Duet. Lustspiel Overture Miss Bagby and Mrs.

Bledsoe, Mrs. Philbrook, accompanist Song Selected Arion Male Quartet. Mr. George Crysler, 1st tenor, Mr, Griffiths. 2nd tenor, Mr-E.

L. Blair, 1st bass, Mr. J. H. McCall, 2nd bass.

Piano Solo Alice Romance Trans cribed Ascher Mrs. J. H. Lessard. Address v.Hon.

W. -B. Cleary Song Selected Arion MalevQuartet Violin Solo Scenes Ballet Cr. De Beriot Prof. Newman M.

Rivera Baz, accompanlsc. Song Selected Mr, E. L. Blair. Piano Solo Rondo Mendelssohn Manuel Rivera Baz.

Refreshment? Ice cream and cake. GIRLS ORGANIZE AGAINST THE BOYS EVANSVILLE, Aug. 15. Sev en ladles in this city, prominent In social c'rcles, and ranging la age from 17 to 13, have organized the LLatlles' Single-Blessedness Club, ana win, from this time on allow no boys to call on them. One of the obligations they have taken is that theywill not marry.

The rfembers. say the modern youm? man rs not free enough with his spending-money nnd they think they can get along very well without tho company in the country of equal length as those in the cltr- The resolution congratulates President Roosevelt for his attitude In the fight against the trusts, and while no reference to the Houston convention appears in the resolutions, there was much in the sentiment of the convention to the impression among the delegates that the new Republican party in Texas has been permanently organized. The newspapers have had Uncle Russell Sage turning over in his grave so rapidly since he died that it Is suggested he must resemble a tumble weed. News comes from Ahlene, Kansas that a man stabbed himself in the bathroom. This is worse than the man who was shot between the water tank and the depot.

RANGER'S TENT RIFLED. On returning to his tent on Soldier Flat, three-quarters of a mile south of Paradise, -Thursday, after an absence of a week, a strange sight met the gaze of Ranger Nell Erickson. Piled on the floor in much confusion were all the household utensils, every-tning that could be broken being utterly demolished. Fortunately, no personal effects of much value had been left In the tent, and 'nothing therein belonging to the government had been molested. Entrance to the tent had been effected through a window, the glass of which had been broken with a stick which was found near by.

The vandalism is presumed to be the work of hoys bent on mischief. Prosecution of the perpetrators, if discovered, is' likely to follow. W. Muir Music and Music Books, Musical Instruments and Phonograph Agency. Music teachers' headquarters.

Leave orders for Instruction, violin and piano. Opposite Y. M. C. A.

Was a surprise to the men who lived by candle light, and the man who was used to coal oil smoke and smell sidestepped a little when they wanted him to put in gas, All of these are now HOPELESSLY BEHIND THE TIMES Ve Would Like to Explain to You the Many Advantages and Points of Superiority of ELECTRIC LIGHTS Over others Bisbee Improvement Company B. I. Company Building. Phone 197. THE HOME OF ARll Z0NANS M.

SCHELL Rve Specialist It tBX. Nriit visits Bis- bee, Naco and Douglas in Scpitufcer or October. 38 N. Stone Tucson, Ariz. Hotel Omdoml EL PASO, TEXAS.

A MODEL LAVATORY is a marvel of beauty and comfort. We handle only the best material and guarantee "our wurk. G. Ord Co. PHONE 8 PYTHIAN HALL Knit Owen E.

MurpHy Summer Excursion Rates The Old Reliable Texas Pacific Railway NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER UUESTI0NS. The TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY has on sale SUM MER EXCURSION TICKETS to the various points in the I norm, east and southeast. Low rates, long hmit, Only line offering choice of routes via New Orleans, Shreveport, Memphis or St. Louis, For rates and full information call onyour local ticjeet agent, or address R. W.

CURTIS, S. W. Passenger Agent, EL PASO, TEXAS Justice of the Peace. Noarv Public. Fx-Officio Coroner for Precinct No.

2 tt Office O. Hu St. near Railroad Avenue TehykeB Xe. 271 Cochise Lumber Co. Wholesale Retail Dealers in Pant Bound, Ti asd California Pisa, Call foraia redwood, lath, ahiaylaa and tathai.

mcQldlBgs, doors, wiadowi and mlllwork. rha US C. Baad. Mr. Dllbt.

Arts Ml of Jbe sterner sex. I.

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