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The Coconino Sun from Flagstaff, Arizona • Page 7

The Coconino Suni
Flagstaff, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-w jiiijui iiilllhiiiilii i i nil ijmjpigjij mi -v THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1893. SOIIUE TO THIS VV BLIO. All contacts lcu bills Tor advertising jay-able monthly.

Business locals 10 cents per line for. first for each subso-ouent Insertion. Tue Coconino 6cn Is pleased to contribute In nubile mutton, but nil notlccsof festivals, meetings of societies, suppors. cntcr-uinmcnts and montlon of marriages, births tnd deaths, beyond tho regular announcement, will be for at regular rates. LOOAL BREVITIES.

Tbcro were 07 visitors to tho Grand Canyon last mouth. F. W. Sisson rcturueil Tuesday from" a visit to Teoria, 111. Walter J.

Hill is at his old homo iu NortUficlrt, Vermont. C. II. Coblo and wife and Mrs A. A.

Dutton returned Satin day. Judge Saudford, of Williams, spent several days hero this week. The Arizona Central Bauk pays fair rates of interest on timo deposits. Tho dauce given in Babbitt's hall last Fiiday ovening was a most enjoyablo affair. V.

A. P. P. Daggs shipped lluoo carloads of shoop to Los Augeles on Monday. Stop that cough by usiug Red Cross Coifh Sjrup.

Sold at Brannon's drugstore. Dr. D. J. Branuon left Saturday for tbo World's Fair Ho will bo absent fcveial mouths.

All kinds of sheet iron and tin work including roofing and spouting, dono bv Hoxworth l0. For "good old Katifas sorghum" go to G. H. Coiuu's. Ho has it by tho barrel or the gallon.

G. F. Sands and family stopped over here a few dajs, on their way from Now York toPicscott. Mrs. L.

W. Roboits and three sons, of Albuquerque, have been visltlngMis. C. Davis this week. U.

S. District Attorney K. E. Ellin-wood, after spending a fow days hero, left Sunday for Tucson. A now line of tho latest styles in ladies' calling cards havo just been received at tho SUJJ office.

Mi. W. II. Yancey and family left fljauaxfojChcrry.In YavPa.1 counti' whcie Uiejvllfapend thovIutcr. It expected that tho A.

P. railroad will have a pay day somewhere between tho 15th and 20th of this mouth. Tho voof of tho Jai. Dont houso was discovered on fire Monday noon. Tho fire was pnt out beforo doing much damage.

Treasurer A. T. Cornish has been sending cut notices to taxpaycis, stating tho amount duo the county for taxes for 1893. For town lots, tho purchase or lease of railroad lands, apply to C. II.

Fan-chcr. General Agent of Land Dep't, Albuquerque, N. M. N. O.

Layton, who is in tho employ of tho Saginaw Lumber at Will iams. was In town Sunday shaking hands with his old frionds. The Challondor mill will start up again about November first. This will be cood news to tho niou who have been forced to ronialn idlo for two months. Buckingham's Dyo for tho whiskers ii the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest, mo3t economical and satisfactory dye ever invented.

It is the gentlemen's favorite. Minnio Lewis was beforo Justice Prime Saturday on charge of stealiug chickons from Mrs. Stcmmor. A trial by jury was had and they acquitted the fair but frail Minniofrom tho obnoxious charge Superintendent T. R.

Gabol, of tho A. pont Monday horo looking after tho lutorest of tho company. The citizens of Flagstaff uie always glad to have Superintendent Gabcl spend a day hero. His visit is good for both the railroad and our town. When catarrh attacks a person of scrofulous diathesis, tho disease is al most suro to becomo chronic.

Tho only efficacious cure, therefore, is Ayor'a sarsaparllla, which expels scrofula from the system and tho catarrh soon follows suit. Localtreatmont Is only a waste of timo. Wm. Klostormoyer, whilo returning to his ranch from Flagstaff Friday, and whilo going down a hill in tho cedais, ho tied tho land wheel of his wagon with ropo as a brake, and somehow his loft leg becamo ontanglcd in the rope, breaking it Just aboro tho anklo. Dr.

Cornish set the injured limb aud brought Mr. Klostermeyer to town and he is now at tho Bank hotel. Fino assortment of cream candies at Coffin's. Tom Fiver returned from El Paso. yes tot day.

J. B. Todd luft Monday for a short trip to Needles. Fino stock of cream caudles just received at tho News Depot. Wealheiford, al tho New Yoik store, is selling out at cost.

Seo his goods. E. S. Clark leftyostorday for Needles, and will, bo abscut until tho first of uext week. Fresh fruit, creamery butter, ranch aud Kansas egg always on hand at the News Dopot.

J. R. Kilpatrluk returned Monday from Albuquorquo, whore ho has been since the fair at that place. Donavan Heller and T. A.

Riordan shipped tlireo eat loads of sheep from Ash Fork to Los Angeles today. John Fieldiug aud wife, of Haek-bcrry, were passengers on No. 4 yesterday, bound for tho World's Fair. G. B.

Farrell, of Las Vegas, a friend of Judge, Milligan, is in town this week. Mr. Farrell is an export optician. Tho goods at tho Now Yoik store were bought for cash and selling at e.wst means tho very lowest prices. Tho mortgage of tho Bayless sheep and realty, has been postponod for ono week.

Tho salo will lako place on Wednesday, October 18th, at 4 p. C. F. Kathrcns writc3 from Arring- tou, Kansas, that ho Is visiting aud eating' yellow-legged chickens, but will soon go to work. Ho is hungiy for Flagstaff nows and orders tho Sun sent to him.

Tho Globo Beit says; Word was received hero several dajs ago of the death of Edward Rose, at his homo in Pleasant Valley. Tho deceased was an exemplary citizen, and his death is a loss to tho community. Mr. J. E.

Bland, manager of tho Daily Argus, of Alameda, stopped over hero on Ids way homo from the World's Fair, in order to see a bigger tldng, tho Grand Canyon of the Colorado river. Ho took Monday's stage for the gicatcst wonder of tho world. Father Quetu and Ed. Home returned jestcrday from their trip to the Grand Canyon. Thoy say that nothing can picture tho giandetir of tho scene ano meets with, and thoy oulda'liso all who wish to take a vacation to not pass tho canyon by.

Journal-Miuar. A fino head of bair is an indfspsnsa-blo elemout of beauty. Ayer's Huir Vigor maintains youthful freshness and luxuriance, restores to faded and gray hair its origiual color, prevents b.ud-ncss, removes dandruff, and cures seilp diseases. It gives perfect satisfaction F. M.

Murphy has been elected president of the S. P. P. tailroad. Mr.

Murphy has carued his promotion, as it has been largely through ins efforts that tho new road has been finished to Prcscott. Mr. D. B. Robinson resigned because all his time is taken up as vice-president and general manager of tho Santa Fc system.

Tho Tucson Citizen saysi United States Attorney Ellinwood will rcsido in Tucsou. Ho has rented the new Dennis cottage, corner of Miltonherg aqd Grosotta street, near thoSouthern Pacific station, which ho will move Into shortly. Tho Citizen Is always glad to soo good men como to Tucson, and welcomes Mr. Elliuwood as such. A lino dog, owned by Ed.

Whipple, was bitten by a skunk a short timo ago. Yesterday tho dog went mad and Mr. Whipple killed him. Tills is tho second dog within two weeks that has been killed for tho samo cause. It is piobablo that there aro other dogs in towu which havo been bitten by tho mad ones, and our citizens should keep a sharp lookout for vicious animals and kill them at once.

Rev. J. T. I'loroo, formeily of Brook-curidgo, but for several years a resident of Arizona, was iu Tompo on Monday isiting with P. A.

Piieo aud W. L. Van Horn. Rov. Piereo is now, the Methodist pastor at Flagstaff, aud lias a largo elrolo of acquaintances and friondu throughout tho territory.

Ho ascended tho butto with his frieuds at sundown aud mado tho ascent with tho of a mountaineer. When ho came to Arizona, consumption had al most won him and ho walked a bloclc with difficulty. Republican. xfSrs Powder: S- a IB -r wm The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.

Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standa'rd. Luscious peaches at Geo. II. Coffin's. October fashion plates jiist received at tho Nows Dopot.

Fresh oysters by tho can at Coffin's. Hoxworth Co. are iitinplyine the markets of Kingman and Ncedius with dressed mutton. Sheilff Donahue has gouo to Colorado after a man named Ililoy, who is wautod hero on charge of biting off a Mexican's ear. Frank Morrell, of Williams, who will probably bo tho uoxt democratic can didate for sheriff of Coconino county, was iu town several days this weok.

Miss Annie Primo, daughter of D. R. Prime, died this a'fternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Sho was about 17 years old and had been ill for more than a year past. Tho funeral will take place from the M.

E. church to-worrow aftornoou at i o'clock. Born At Lockott's n.nch, on Ooto-bor 8th, 1893, to tho wlfo of II. C. Lockett, a son, weight 12 pounds.

Henry says that it is a future republican voter. Ei nest Hart and Theodore Mitchell, who murdered Nicholas J. Sanchez iii his store iu Albuquorquo last year, wore each sentenced to tho Now Mexico penitentiary for niuety-niuo years. Both confessed theciimo. W.

E. Walsh has been appointed auditor of tho A. P. riulroad, vico W. W.

Pope, resigned on account of ill health. It is said that H. A. Cullodon, local aditor of tho A. will bo pro- moled to auditor of the Sonorn road.

P. J. Brannon's discount salo is still going on. Do uot fail to investigate the advantago of placing your orders with this establishment as thoy undoubtedly nro giving tho largest amount of goods for the least money. Under Sheriff Drum busy this week bunting grand and petit jurors to serve at tbo adjourned term of district court, which convenes Oct.

23. Deputy Gray is serving subpoenas for witnesses to appear before tho grand Jury on tho same date. According to tho receiver's report, tbo earnings of tho P. A. C.

railroad for tho month of September wero $451.48. There has beea issued $50,000 in leceiver'o certificates which havo all -beeu sold for 70 cents on tho dollar. The company owns ono engine and ono coach and has two engines and ono coach leased. Ton Rent. Ono of the most com-fortablo G-room cottages in town.

Only 500 feet from tho railroad depot; all plastered and paporod; bath room, clos ets aud cellar, with outside wood and coal shed; good sidewalks leading to town: water will bo piped into tbo house. For teims apply to P. J. Bran-nen, the ownex of tho property. Messrs.

John Cosmau and R. Schoppcr, of Saxony, Prussia, wero visitors to tho Grand Canyon this week. Thoy havo visited every point of inter est in the United States, including tho World's Fair, Yellowstone park aud tbo Yosemitc, and they say that tho only thing in America which is not overestimated is tho Grand Cauyou, and that is grand beyond description. A number of Flagstaff )-oung men, who have been working for tho Saginaw Lumber at Williams, returned hero this week. They quit woik because the company havo mado a considerable ro- ductiou in wago3.

It true that $1.60 day is not good wages for this country but it must be remomberod that aro tho good old domoeratic times, which wo havo heard so much about, and it is tho chango that so many work- injtmon voted to make last fall. Henry Kipson, "Wild Bill." returned this week from Grand. Junction, Colo rado, with the horscii stolen, it is supposed, by Nels. Myciii. Tho trail was followed by A.

Hutcheson and Henry Kipsou from this place to uranu JuncT Viiit. Mvnrs bad 'left oulv a dav or two before, after having sold most of tho stolen animals. uutclieson returned several wcekii ago and Kipscu tnol: piinrsro of tlio Horses, i no mo is a long and hard one, tho distauco being over 700 miles, ana moy uescrvo tymin for following tho trail so porsisiontly, and returning with tho stolon horses. Cottlo Wascod. 1 ,000 head of yearlings or two-year-olds, in exchango lor valuable California lands.

Address, J. H. ScnNEi-DEit, C30 Commercial San Francisco, Cal. RICES A. POINT OF INTEREST.

The stcrc of liubbitt Brothers, for the reason that it is the -largest mercantile institution in Northern Arizona, and. carries the greatest variety of merchandise and sell the same at the lowest prices, and naturally their store is one of the most interesting points in Flagstaff. THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY, Is our extensive line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and they are being offered at lower prices than" such goods have ever been sold here. A little money will do wonders for you-in these lines. T.

A. Riordan was in Albuquerque Sunday. Go to tho Nows Depot for choice, fat mackerel. E. P.

Hollingsworth returned Monday from a trip to tho World's Fair. T. J. Grace, of Bellemont, leftyostorday for Peoria, III. Ho expectto bo absent several weeks.

Why suffer when Wright's paiagon headacho and neuralgia remedy will euro you. Sold at D. J. Branncn's drngstoio ii i Hotol Arrivals. BANK HOTEL.

John Keating, LB Brandt, S.tu Francisco; Eakiu, Albuquerque; II Morrow, It A Allen, L03 Angeles; Sands and family. Now York; Far-tell, La? Vegas, O'Brien, Bcllo-niont; Bland, Alameda, Cal; John Coleman, Schoppcr, Archer, Now York; Hollingswoith, Coconino; Mrs Dunn, Gallup; Klostormoyer Cedar Ranch; Rogers, Will-iams; John Skaggi, Nerde; Wm Spaul-ding, Denver. Poisoned by Scrofuln Is the sad story of many lives made miserable thiongh no fault of thoirown. Scrofula is moro especially than any other a hereditary disease, and for this simplo reason: Arising from impuro and insufficient blood, the disease locates itself iu tho lymphatics, which aro composed of white tissues; there is, a. period of fqetal Hfo when tho wholo body consists of whito tissues, and thorefpro the uuborn child is especially susceptible to this dreadful But thoro is a remedy for scrofula, whether hereditary or acquired.

Jt Hood's sarsaparilla, which by its powerful effect on tho blood, oxpols all traco of tho diseaso and givo3 to the vital fluid tho quality and color of health. If you ecjtl.0 to tako Hood's sarsaparllla, do not accept any substitute. Death by Slorphlno. Clavton Lomon and wlfo. of Albu querque, took morphlno on Monday niilit.

Mrs. Lemon died and Mr Lemon has recovered from tho effects of tho drug. Clayton Lomon has been on engines on tbo A. P- railroad for iho past oight years, and last Juno came iuto prominence at the nUsmntcd "hold up" noar Coolulge, when he oponed tho throltloand pulled tho train away, leaving tho conductor and brakemau to parley with the rob-bors. For this act he received a valuable medal from from tho railroad company.

Mrs. Lemon's maiden name was Fannie Boll, and sho was his second wife, Lemon being divorced from his first wifo, and who had returned to Albuquerque causing domestic trouble, which led to the death of Mrs Lemon, No. 2, and Lemon's attempt at suicide. Mrs. Lemon, No.

1, spent sovorai mouths iu Flagstaff during the summer l)ucklci'8 Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or monoy Price 25 cents per box. For sale by D. J.

Drannen. YOU WILL BE KEPT WARM This winter if you get one of our Heaters. and Cooking stoves will please, you, and prices, enough to induce you to BABBITT BROTHERS. NEWS DEPOT. BARBOUR WYNNS, Proprietor.

FANCY GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, NOTIONS, STATIONERY. All the leading Dailies and 1'eriodicols and Journals. FleigjstQ.ff, GREAT DISCOUNT SALE! Hard times has compelled us to offer you goods at a Itaunt of 25 pn cesi for Cash. NoW'IiTyour timo to DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES. HITS.

FARMING MACHINERY of ail descriptons. Studebaker Wasons and Carriages, Harness. New Home Sewing Machines- EVERYTHING GOES- NOTHING RESERVED- No Credit. Cash must accompany all orders. P.

J. BRANNEN. TcitnixoRiAi. rnisox. Transactions for tho Third Quarter of 1803.

Tho board of prison commissioners met in accordance with tho law last Mqnday morning, Owing to tho resig nation of L. Fraisinot aud the appointment of A. G. Williams, of Pinal county, tho board is now comprised of S. Bagg, chairman, J.

T. Lesouer, and A. G. Williams. Mr.

Lesouer, however, was not present, Messrs. Bagg and Williams actiug. Tho sossion was concluded on tho morning of October 3. Tbo usual mainteuauco and salary accounts woro audited and tho board examined into the cases of twenty-five prisoners who roquostod tho endorsement of tho board to applications to Governor Hughes lor pardon aud commutations of sontonces. Tho board ro-commeuded pardons for J.

C. Howard, sentenced from Yavapai county for ono year for obtaining monoy under false pretonsesj L. Doramio, from Cochiso county, manslaughter, 10 years, and yornardinoMartincz from Pima county, grand larceny, 15 years. Rulo 25 of tho "Prison Rules aud Regulations" was repealed, and a small quantity of territorial property con. domncd and ordered sold at public auction.

Tho contract with tho Yuma Water and Light company was continued for another year, with several modiflca' tlous, tho rate being the same, viz: per month. Tho claim of F. S. Ingalls for $150, value of ono dynamo, was laid over and ordered referred to tho attorney general for his opluion as to tho legality of tho claim, and tho claim of S. Marshal R.

H. Paul for referred back for proper presentation. Tbo purchase of a photographing outfit was authorized. The chairman was instructed to cooperate with Delegate M. Smith and fd" ywS i "TiJi jkl -f- Our they are low.

a -J" s-w Si, continuously on hand. Fashion Plata secure bargains iu Governor L. C. Hughes in bohalf of tho acqusition by tho territory of 2,115 acres of overflowed land contiguous to tho prison, and to confer with tho attorney general regarding tho collection of moneys duo tho territory by tho United States, for keeping U. S.

prisoners at tho territorial prison. The gross oxponsos during tho quarter was tho avorago attendance was 139, and tho cost per capita per diem $1.02. Deducting tho amount of purchases iu stock and unused and monoy received from tho salo of hogs, rock and bluo dirt, tho not or truo cost was $11,809.17, or 87 and six-tcnths cents por capita per diem. The report of tho commissioners to tho governor highly commonds tho work of ths superintendent, assistant superintendent aud secretary. Tbo superintendent's report shows that thoro were in confinement July 1, 146 convicts; received during tho pirdoncd to restore citizenship pardonod unconditionally discharged on account of expiration of sentence died 3, leaviug on band October 1, 135 prisoners.

Yuma Times. Aftor Breakfast. To purify, vitalizo aud enrich tho blood, aud give nerve, bodily and di-geslivo strength, tako Hood's sarsaparilla Continuo tho medicine after every meal for a month of two. Hood's pills cure constipation. 25c.

Don't Tobacco Spit or Smolia Your Llfo Away In tb truthful, startllnj tltlo of a little book tbat tolls all about No-to-bac, the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco habit euro. The cou Is trilling, and the man who wants to quit and can't runs no phyalcnl or financial risk In using "No-to-bac." Sold by all dritKKlbt'i. Boole at Rtore. or by mall free. Addrew.

The Sterling Remedy Iudlana Mineral Springs, Ind. Dissolution Notice. Notlco Is hcroby given that tho copartnership heretofore oxlstlng between T. w. Smith unci J.

X. 'ood this jy dissolved by mutual consent, X. Woods will continuo tho business, and to whom all accounts should Ira Raid, and who ajsunios all HablUttc of tho rm. Dated nt WintloT, Arlronn, T. W.

Smith. eerrrtEiber Si, lP. J. X. WOODS." f'r i T-'r- 4Y.

4, 1- tmr -if fN.

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