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The Coconino Sun from Flagstaff, Arizona • Page 2

The Coconino Suni
Flagstaff, Arizona
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MWHAfffM ww ytm mvm wfJ 5 T1U3 COCOiyO KAItCII 24, 1S92. is- Jj vw C. M. Kunston, Editor nml butworliitlbn rales, ono year tl.00 six months thrco mouths. 1.00 Advertising rates glcn upon application Address nil communications and mako all remittances to V.

JI. l'u8TO, ringstalT, Arkoiu. Entered at tlio Flagstaff itost ofllco as second-class matter. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1892. FLAGSTAFF'S BUSINESS HOUSES.

CONTINUE!) MOM FOURTH TAOE. ARIZONA LUMBER and TIMBER CO. THE LAIIGEaT JI1LL COMl'AXl IN THE SOUTHWEST. A firm doing business with i capital of ono nml half million dollars ould lie considered financially stroug oven in tho largo commercial centres of the Eastern or I'ncifio Coast states, antl few cities or towns containing tho saino number of inhabitants as Flagstaff can boast of such an establishment. Tho Arizona Lumber ami Timber company is capitalized for this amouut, and is undoubtedly tho most extensive lumber company In tho southwest.

It is situated in tho midst of the largest timber belt in Arizona, and one which covers more area thau am in Texas, Kansas or New Mexico. In fact nil of these states, including Mexico, are nlmost wholly dopendeut upon tho San Francisco Mountains for their timber. Tho timber used for both bridges and tics on tho Mexican Central was furnished by tho Arizona Lumber and Timber company, also tho Atlantic Pacific and other long lines of western railroads. Tho mills arc situated about one mile from tho depot where tho company has exclusive jurisdiction over all property in tho lower town, known as Milton; no intoxicating liquors being sold upon their premises. Tho capacity of their mills is thirt million feet per annum, and they have acquired timber rights enough to keep tho mill in actlvo operation for a century.

Thcro is at present about seventy-five million feet of lumber used iu tho country adjacent to Flagstaff, and it is only a matter of a few years when tho amount needed will bo double this. Consequently tho lumber company, iu order to keep pace with the increase of busiues3, will make extensive additions to their already large plant. Tlieso will ineludo a plaut for preserving wood. This will be especially desirable iu case of railroad ties C1 use on tho treeless plains where any kind of Vod is valuable. There is "at present piled in l0 yard about Jive million feet whllo the capacity of the yard Is twice- this amount.

The company has gained coutrol of tho Central Arizona railroad which, wheu complete, will connect Flagstaff and Phoenix, hituatcd in tho Salt River valley, one of tho richest iu agricultural resources of any tho in the wist. Tho road is linetl by a choice body of timber, it aicrnglug about a thousand feet to each tree. Although two lire have devastated the company's property, yet they, with truevAmerieau pluck havo continued to rush theit business onwnul to a suc cessful issue. Mr. U.

M. Riordan is president and manager of tho Arizona Lumber com pany, and is ono of tho brainy enter prising business men of the lcrntorj Ho enlisted in an Illinois regiment at tho ago of 15 and served until tho closo of the war, during which time he did gallant scnico for his country. He has been identified with sonic of tho lanrcst timber companies in Arizona and Nevada, among Ablch were tho Syndicate Mills at Bodle, of which ho was superintendent, and nlso had charge of the entire lumber business of the Virginia 'lruckco railroad. Dur-thfl two years ho was agent of tho Navajos never failed to give satis faction to Iwtli his Husky enarges and the white settler, by his honorable methods in dealing with ail questions pertaining to their equitable rights. Much of tho present success of this institution is duo to Mr.

Riordan's ability as a successful manager ami shrewd business man. Mr. T. A. Riordan, tho nssistant manager, has tho direction of all tho work.

Ho is a capable, conservatho business man, and with his corps of efficient assistants, handles tho enor mous business of tho company iu ati expeditious and satisfactory manner. Mr. W. Sissou Is treasurer of both tho Lumber and Riordan Mercantile company, and tho amount of cash handled by this gentleman for the two firms Is larger than Is required to transact tho business of any bank in tho Territory Tho company has shown a com-jnendablo spirit iu providing for the use of all employees free reading nnd billiard rooms whero they can spend their leisure hours away from tho demoralizing Influence of grog shops or places of questionable repute. Tho Arizona Lumber company is ono of tho institutions of which tho 'whole Territory has reason to bo proud ami reflects ciedit.

not only upon the original promoters of the enterprise for the business sagacity shown iu investing (heir capital at this, point, but also upon the present mauageiucnt for tLo executive ability displayed, RIORDAN MERCANTILE CO. JOBIILKS' AND DEALERS- IN OUNEKAL JIEUCIIANDISE. LEAVING WHOLESALE AND 1IETAIL TIItM IN ARIZONA. The leqiiiremcnts of tho Arizona Lumber and Timber compauy, or as it was founerly known tho Aver Luinbor company, necessitated tho establishing of a general store where tho employees could, at a minimum cost, purchase tho clothing, provisions and other ai tides necessary to their dally existence Exorbitant pi Ices had been heretofore charged by the mcrchauts throughout tho Tenitory, tho stocks being usually and insurance, nt that time, being out of tho question, they expected to reali.o enough profits on ono stock of goods to olliet tho possible loss by fire of tho next one. Tho Riordan Mercantile company, by buying in car load lots and making special arrangements with transportation companies, were enabled to sell goods as cheap as any of tho Denver houses, and that this fact has been appreciated by woiking men js shown by their largo trado with all classes of laborers.

Tho stock carried embraces every thing included in the term general merchandise, such as boots, shoes, hut, caps, gent's furnishings, provisions, clothing and ladies' dress goods of the latest style fresh from tho looms of the eastern ami foreign factories. Mr. 1). M. Riordan is general man ager oi tno company, mr.

m. ii. Riordau is secretary of tho Mercantile and Lumber compauy and performs tho double duties thus allotted to him in a maimer highly satisfactory to the stockholders of both companies. Tho assistaut manager, Mr. C.

B. Tappau, is a gentleman of long experi ence in all branches of mercantile pur suits, aud as a ilucctoroi commercial establishments has few equals iu tho west. In addition to tho largo force of clerks aud accountauts, experienced salesmen ate sont abroad aud business solicited in competition with Denver, Kausas City, Los Angeles aud San Francisco. Iu all of the undertakings that havo benefitted Northern Arizona, such as tho Arizona Luinbor ami Timber com pan the Riord.m Mercantile company. the Grand Cain on Central Arizona railroads, is seen the evidence of Mr Riordan's indefatigable effoits to dc-vclope tho resources of this country of grand possibilities, and no ono niau iu either public or private life has done more to givo the world reliable information in regard to tho opportunities for investment or induce capital to come to Arizona than Mr.

D. M. Rionlan. J. M.

MARSHALL. VENTIST. Ono of the most acute ngonles that human nature is required to endure is tho and none can be more readily relieved if the services of a competent dentist aro brought into requisition. Great improvements have been made both in the appliauees and methods used in dental Surgery in tho last decade, Only thoso who can show diplomas ft out some reputable college are considered capable of performing even tho simplest operation in dentistry. Dr.

Marsiiall is a regular graduate of tho St. Louis College of Dentistry, and is one of tlto moat skillful practitioners in this branch of the profession iu the Territory. His crown and bridge work is equal to anj made in the Eastern states. Mr. Marshall a progressive young American who by closo application "to his professional duties has succeeded in establishing i reputation southwest.

sccoud to none in the A. P. GIBSON, COAL, HAY AND (WAIN VKALEI1. One of tho old and respected citizens of Flagstaff is A. P.

Gibsou, tho well-known dealer in liny, coal and grain. As a criterion of the esteem In which Mr. Gibson is held by his fellow-citizens, it is only necessary to mention the fact that he holds two important offices at present one librarian of tho free reading room (n meritorious novation on the lino of tiio Atlantic Pacific) where a select nssoitincnt of all llio leading periodicals aud newspapers are accessible to all who thirst for knowledge instead of beer. JIo is also Justice of tho Peace, and his decisions never fall to give t-atisfnclioii to litigants. Mr, Gibsou is one of tho solid respectable citizens of tho future great luctropilis of tho southwest, MACGUIRE HOWARD.

BLACKSMITHS. There is no class of business that requires more mechanical skill than that of a blacksmith. A person can bo as much an artist in his lino with a hammer aud forgo as with a camel hair brush and oil or alcr color. Among tho best workers in Iron In Arizona aro Macguiro Howard, who havo gaimkl a reputation as skilled artisans, especially in tho liuo of horseshoeing, iu which branch Mr. Macguiro lias few equals aud no superior in the Terri- Mr.

Maig.iire is kuowti to nil tho leading turfmen of tho west, and tho shoes that come Jroui Ids anvil havo been placed upon exlhibitiou in many of the principal cities. Both of the members of this nro not only proficient workmen but agreeable and obllgiug gentlemen who are meeting with unqualified success. DR. D. J.

BRANNEN. VRUGOIST. Tho increase in population and tho constant growth of tho Territory must Havo its legitimate effect upon tho phaini'iceutieal business, and prominent in this line is the drug house of Dr. D. J.

Rr.tmicn. Tho premises occupied are commodious and eligibly situated in tho busii.ess center of tho eitj- This establishment is well stocked with puio drugs, medicines, standard patent medicine, perfumeries, toilet articles, fancy goods, etc. Dr. Bran- neu besides being a capable pharmac st, is one of the most popular phsieiins in tho Tenitory. The adjutant-geneial realizing this fact appointed Dr.

Brannen regimeutal surgeon of the First Regiment N. G. A. He is also company physlciuu for tho Aiizona Lumber company. As president of tho Board of Trade ho lias made known to tho outside world tho hidden wealth of this "Daik Contitieut." It has been looked upon by cultivated eastern newspaper writers as a land of beautiful distances and financial illusions.

To Dr. Brannen, in connection with tho other enterprising business men of Flagstaff, is duo tho credit of placing Arizona and its wonderful resources before tho world. Dr. Brannen came to this Territory when tho Atlantic Pacific was being built, and being one of the representative sons of Illinois, his opinion was sought for on all question that pertained not only materia medica, but to subjects iu which tho interests of tho Territory were involved. Tho cattle company of Brannen, Finnio Brannen is ono of tho milestones of progress that mark tho route of tho advance column of enterprising business men who have brought Arizona out of the wilds of unccrtian futuio probabilities aud places her iu the front ranks of tho mineral and cattlo states of tho west.

Dr. Bunnell's success as a medical practitioner has been phenomenal, and he is at present ono of tho leading lights of the medical profession of tho south-west. J. DERR. AUTISTIC TAILOR.

It is an tin leniablo fact that society Is judged in a great nieasuro by the clothes it wears. As a nilc the well diessed betokened the gentleman, tho "loudly" or flashily dressed man the reverse. It is an important matter that a person who has not a special taste in matters of dress themselves, should go to a flrst-olass morchant ttdlurand submit to his judgment, while It is equally necessary for those who aro possessed of tasto their orders in tho hands of an expert. Among those prominently engaged iu the merchant tailoring business in Arizona is J. Dorr.

Since his establishment here tho business of this gentleman has gradually increased. Tho premises occupied are tastefully fitted for the lequlroincnts of tho trade. Here can bo foutid a large and well selected stock of English, Scotch nud French tweeds and cassimeres, as well as American fabrics, from which to select, Tho giinnents made by this gentleman are not surpassed in perfection of fit, stylo of cut, or quality of material. Mr. Dorr has few equals in the west as an aitistic tailor.

ARTISTIC PAINTER. JAMES O'NEIL. In this ago of innovation tho world is constantly seeking something new. Tho effect of this requirement of the public lias boon inoro nqticeablo iu jho painter's avocation than perhaps any other. Many unique designs in color and finish for interior decoration have been invented, and tho latter day disciples of the old masters aro constantly racking their brains for something that will outstrip their predecessors.

Iu this connection we take pleasmo in mentioning Mr. O'Ncil's work iu finishing woods iu their natural color, which is considered by all persons possessing an artistic eye to be equal to anj thing of the kind produced in tho southwest. In addition to doing all kinds of painting, Mr. O'Neil also fill orders for paper hanging, panel work, etc. Mr.

O'Neil is not only au efficient at list, but gentleman who has gained 0 host of friends by his pleasant manner aud npi Ight dealltigi. CAL OSBON. All cities havo their art studios jyjierp a person can get a fao slmllo of of his or her countenance, in different aires or styles, in accordance with their artistic tastes and tho capacity of their pocketbook. This city can boast of having Hie host appointed! aft gallery In Arizona and tho moit proficicjit photographer between Albuquerque aud Ban Bernardino, Sir, Osbon makes a tpoeialty of all kinds of portrait wotk, torv, also enlarges to any size desired and his half-tones and mezzo-tints are beyond comparison. Mr.

Osbou'g sonic, views taken of the Grand Canyon of Ltho Colorado and other points of inter est iu tho iciuity of FlagbtalT, arc tho most reliable photos of Not thorn Arizona scenery that can bo obtained. Osbou in addition to his artistic qualifications, is a pleasant gentleman hose oid is his bond. COCONINO LUMBER COMPANY. Tho commercial greatness of any city or section of country is always developed in tho first instance by home special industry. In tho ease of Flagstaff it was tho lumber interest that first directed the attention of capitalists to this city.

The country to bo supplied extends from the California lino to tho City ol Mexico. The Coconino Lumber company is one of tho larirest and most complete in tho southwest. The planl is entirely new and lias all of tho latesi improvements mid appliances for saw nulls and saw mill machinery. Tin firm is composed of tho following well known gentleman: C. II.

Greenlaw, V. Francis and Harry Mr. Greenlaw, tho manager, is well-knowii tluoughout Northern "Arizona, having been atone timo superintendent of the Arizona Lumber company. lit also founded the Enterprise mill. He is a gentleman of years of experience iu this Hue, and has tho leputatiou oi being one of tho most successful operators of saw mill in tho Tenitory.

Mr. J. W. Francis is the picscnt popular sheriff of Coconino county. He is capablo business niau aud is respected by all who know him.

Mr. Jacoby is a practical engineer and machinist and is thoroughly conversant with saw mill work. That tho Coconino Lumber Co. will get its shaie of patronage cannot be doubted by anyone knowing the qualifications and sterling integrity of the above-mentioned gentlemen. G.

W. BRAY. OUT COODS, CLOTHING, IIOOT-j AND SHOW, ETC. Among the many thriving business houses in Flagstaff none occupy a more promiuent position with leferenco to extent, general appreciation and magni tude of trade, as well as variety of' stock, than tho large and commodious establishment of G. V.

Bray. The premises occupied are a brick block w.g.u.J 9HII.UI.-U Hi IUO UUIUTO Ul .1. tho business traffic of the city. The store is elegantly fitted up fortlie rapid and convenient transaction of business iu a manner worthy of the character and high standing of the concern. Tho stock embraces a full and complete assortment of elegant spring and summer goods, clothing, lints, caps, gout's fur-nishiiig goods, boots aud shoes.

This firm c.cits a marked iiilluenco in business circles to the benefit of the general public, and is jnstly icgar.ded as one of tho representative mercantile institutions of Arizona. Mr. Br.iy is ono of tho representative wide-awake citizens of the Mountain metropolis, and is unceasing iu his endeavors to give, Aiizona the commercial prominence that justly due to a land rich in silver, cattle, sheep, lumber aud agricultural resources. A. T.

CORNISH. MAXUbACTOHEi: AND WHOLESALE Df.AL- tR I.V KEO AND 1JOTTLED BKEIt, ICE, feODA AND 3IINEIIAL WATEIt. Years ago, before the hoarse histlo of the iron horse had been heard on the plains of Arizona, the San Francisco Mountains were one of tho welcome landmarks to travellers. Tho reason of thl3 was thatthcso mountains were noted for their crystal springs, where the weary eniigraut and his animals could quench their thirst with water that Is not cquallod in the west for purity and coolness. Tho fact that the soda and mineral waters manufactured by Mr.

A. T. Cornish arc made from water obtained from these springs accounts fqr their universal popularity. Mr. Cornish's trade in these health-giving temperance drinks extends "both east aud west for over ono thousaud miles.

The Flagstaff waters arc used in all tho first-class places of public resort throughout tho southwest. Mr. Cornish is nlso wholesale dealer iu keg aud bottled beer and ice, and lias almost monopoly of these ai tides iu this pot lion of the Territory. Ho is reprt'scutatfao business man of Arizona and his financial rating is A 1. COOK LEE.

JUWEI.EK3 AND WATCH ItETAIRERS. This firm is tho only one of its kind in Flagstaff aud the most complete iu tho Territory. The stoek embraces full lino of gold ami silver watches, including movements of tho leading manufacturers; also select and elegant assortment of jewelry from plain ring to unique aud costly sets, diamonds, rubies aud other precious stones. Tho watch repairing department is under tho supervision of a skilled aitisan who has. had years of experience in some of tho largest factories in the east.

Mr. Cook is the postmaster of tho city, and is ono of tho most courteous aud capablo dispensers of mail in the Territory. Both gentlemen rank high in tho business world and arc meeting the success they so richly deserve. ARIZONA CENTRAL BANK. J.

II. IIOSKINS, CASHIER. There is no financial interest of such, magnitude as tho banking business. Tlieso establishments are tho criterion by which tho prosperity and stability of a community are judged by capitalists and investors throughout the Union. Iu Aiizona no money depository ranks higher than tho Arizona Central Bank of Flagstaff.

Tho cashier, Mr. J. II. Hoskius, is one of the most capablo and conservative of financiers in tho Tei ritory. Tho partnership is composed of well-known capitalists whoso names are sufficient guarantee of tho responsibility of tho bank.

Their facilities aro of an uu-nsually complete character, while their correspondents ineludo some of tho best known bankers and banks in tiic Union. Mr. Uoskins also represents Fire Insurance Companies with ag gregate assets of more than He is also agent for the Mutual Life Insurauco company of New York, which has one hundred anil seventy-live million dollars of assets, being tho largest of any company in the world. The patronage of the Arizona Central Bank lias increased under ids excellent Management until it is second to none ill tho Territory, while his careful jusiness methods have met with the ipprobatiou of investors aud depositors both at home and abioad. GRAND CANYON STABLES.

K. s. wilcox, ritor. One of the largest and most complete iu all its appointments in tho territory is the Grand Canyon Stables. They are fitted with new aud handsome carriages, spirited horses for riding and put poses, and saddles of the most approved manufacture.

Among the new and elegant carriages, buggies, is an elegant carriage-'bus, after tho same design as those used by tho Palaco Hotel of San Francisco, upholstered iu leather with rich trimmings, and equipped with sliding panes of French plato glass. The accommodations for transient custom aro sufficient to givo a laige-sied circus ample stall room, without ci ow ding in the least. Mr. Wilcox is one of the best-known eitieus, and is at present road supervisor. He, like all enterprising lesidents of Flagstaff, has unquestionable faith in its future.

Activity, prudence and keen business tact aie tho main characteristics of this gentleman, aud the have placed him in a SOllIlll 1IUSUIUU sound position, and I nrl of the general public. 1IUU iUI tllltl JlV-t tiu J. A. VAIL. SALOON.

The saloou and cafe of J. A. Vail occupies ono of the most imposing buildings on Railroad avenue, which is both a credit and au ornament to the city. It is complete iu all of its appointments and the fixtures are as elegant as could bo purchased. None but the purest of liquors and best cigars aro sen cd lj courteous and efficient bar tenders.

The building is composed of brick, and the windows consist of single panes of largo sized imported French plate glass. Mr. J. A. Vail, the proprietor, is prominent both in business and political circles and is eteusitely interested iu Flagstaff icalty.

I'e is al-wajs willing to give material assistance to any enterprise that will athaucu the interests of the mountain city, and has given substantial proof of his faith in its future by buildlug a business- block aud fine residence that would do credit to a city may times larger than Flagstaff. As member of the legislature he ho has don.o gqod sen lee for the Territory aud won goldcu opinions from his constituents. aTglaril SECOND HAND DEALEIl. Purchasers aro always anxious to buy in tho cheapest market, aud tho fact that a piece of furniture lias been used a little does not detract from its merit, provided that tho price is correspondingly reduced. The same rule will apply to other ai tides such as clothes, bedding, etc.

Hence an emporium where everything can bo or sold is au accommodation to tho public that cannot be overestimated. Second-hand stores are a necessity to tho inhabitants of all modern cities, and tho fact that sucli an Institution, conducted by a gentlemau so universally respected as Mr. A. Clark, is situated iu Flagstaff is a cause of congratulation. Mr.

Clark is ono of the old and respected citizens of Flagstaff, and his woul iu all cases is accepted at par value. ARIZONA FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. Tho Oldeat Bonk in Northern Arizona. Merest Paid on Time Deposits, Collections a Specialty. Bofrcnco-W.

B. Strong, Protldent A.T. A B. F. Company! Ellis Welnwright, Managing Director Arizona Cattle Company, Bt.

Louis, Mo. liank of California, Ban Fran. cloo. Your Banking Business Solicited. J.

H. U03K1N3. CnWr. HTRAL BANK $, tWe hotel The Leading Hotel of Tourists and commercial travelers will find the above named hotel complete in all the modern improvements of the day. The management will spare nopains to cater to the wants of his patrons.

Rooms by the Also Dining Room attached, where nothing but the best the market affords is served to Guests. T. JT. Coalter. FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA.


Bridge Timbers 1 Telegraph. Poles. D. M. RIORDAN, Manaoek.

FLAGSTAFF. HENRY HELLER Has opened a now BLACKSMITH SHOP, East Babbitt's Store, FLAGS1 AFF, Arizona. All kinds of general promptly and satisfactorily done. iioksi: a Tho Wagon Shop in connection is in charge of II. Van Norman.


liMall or telegraphic orders promptly attended to at satisfactory rates. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE Scientifically treated by an nilrlst or worldwide reputation. Doafiiw eradicated nd eutliely cured, of from 20 to 30 years' Mand-IiiH, after all other treatments liavo failed. How the difficulty Is readied and the cause removed, fully explained In circulars, with ullldavlts and testimonials of cures from prominent pcoplo, mailed free. rOXTAINE, TncuruH, Wueh- rrpit Northern Arizona, Week Month or a Jay-Bird, I am plodding along and taking life just as easy as I can.

Am selling good strafght goods for cash at a moderate profit, and I find it a first-rate way to do business and keep my trade. I don't aim to become rich in one year. Have no particular extra bang-up bargains to offer; no old stock on hand; no wile at present (I am sorry to say) fo blow in my wealth (she's visiting her relatives east.) No book accounts to worry over. If there is anything that will fret a merchant and keep him full of grief, it is old book accounts against Tom. Jack and the Devil.

Tom's account is good when it rains; Jack's when you get it, and the Devil's is no good, rain or shine. A. BRAY. HOWARD HAVE OPENED A NEW BLACKS JUT IT SHOP On Mjuth bide of the Itallroad track, opposite tho Depot, lug tn 0, Arizona T. A.

RIORDAN, F. SISSON, Assistant-JIanageh. Tueasukkb M. J. RIORDAN, Secuetaiiv ARIZONA.

GEORGE BAGNALL, (CHEAP) BOOT and SHOE MAKER. 3s Repairing- Neatly done, aud Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Work Specialty. A jrood stock of Solo and Upper Leather, Heel Braces ami all kinds of Shoo Findings for sale. Cowboy Boots and the fitting of Deformed Feet a Specialty. Shop opp.

M. E. Church, Flagstaff. Coconino Bakery Everything usually kept iu a first-class bakery, can be had. BREAD, FIEs3F OAKES, AND BUNS.

left at the Hawks Holies will bo promptly filled. J. F. HAWKS, PROP. Your Stock BV rURCHASIMJ BERKSHIRES OF THE Finest Quality and ADDRESSi H.

FULTON. Klagstaff, Arizona. IMPROVE J. I 4 v- '33 VvAtoSftW 3H -v Jk IBWWJSiSSfWJO'V' B.iirrinmiMii.iiiiB.

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