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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY EVENING, iiAiuusnuno telegraph NOVEMBER 18, 1915." ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS MOTHER AND TWO DAUGHTERS BORN ON SAME DA OF MONTH Loyalton Hunter Has GETTYSBURG COUNCIL WILL NOT ACCEPT FIRE APPARATUS Good Record For Season ELECTRIC LIGHT MT. UNION STREET LINE TO HALIFAX Poles For Extension of Service In Upper End of County Are Placed Along Hond vaix'arm: farm nnd CIccsc Shot on Susque hanna nt Millcrsburfl Mlllcrluir. Nov. 18. role for tli construction of a Una of electric IbjM wlra from Mlllersnunr to lliUlia tiuva bean delivered alon tha routa and will bo placed In position soon.

II. U. I nrk r.sui aold his farm In Upper 1'axton township to tvimuel Ik Ktroup, of Perry county, who will taka poaie alon In tha aprinsr. Wild ducka and crone wera very plentiful on the river hero thla week and local sportsmen Uurfod lurt" numbers, Frauk Miller, on of T. Miller, of l'lno street, whoso faesi rna badly skinned and lacerated in a fall from an automobile.

Is Improving. There, will ba gospel aarvlee for wen at tho Lyrlo Theater to morrow afternoon, Local talent la preparing for minstrel show In tho JjtIc next month, tho prove Js to be for tha benclit oX tho baseball team. Mrs. Gilbert Haven Frank Entertains For House Guest Newport. Ta, Nov.

IS. Mra. Gilbert ifra C'larenca Stewart Smith. Mrs. H.

Muaaon Oornlng. Mra Charles A. fefton. Mra Carrie Jeffera. Mra Kslph O.

VanVewklrk. Mrs. J. Harry McCul loch. Mra.

P. IX Brown. Mrs. Horace Agnew Moore. Mri tvamuol Adr.tns Mi a on.

Mra Charles Cox Brandt. Mrs. Ttlchard Mather Marshall. Mrs. Oeore W.

Baraitt. Mrs. William Worwart tlie Misses Jennie IJnn Milligan. Ruth l'Jeanor Jones. Mao H.

Loiig, and Mra Charles Eugene Klppnian. of Millers 1 A sn Remarkable Coincidence of Three Women in Byers Family; Oldest Hotel in Grecncaslle Changes Owners UrtfnutsUts Not. 1. Mr. I to the Cnambarsburt' hoaplUl lurt Pa nth lver relabmted her Tith Wrth.

week, whero lia underwent an epura on Saturday. Wra. l'yera' mother, and herself all orn on No. SOU) v. mWr 11.

Mrs. MUabwth Harp, I AlimiOWIl, planum llr )iivm land Mra. J. K. Neioert.

In Haiti IarCC dumber Of MIU DUCKS i mora straet. WlHUm Harkdoll, jto vrietor cf tho National ll tel bna void It at private sola to J. R. Wartman of Koannke, Vil, wno will lima poHsesiiion at once. Thla tha oldest hotel In tlrccnraatle, Tha old hotel ocupylnjf tha present alt waa culled tho Ureen raittle Inn, and wiw built before Co town wan Incorporated aa ft borounh.

Mis Oladya Fleming la 111 with typhoid fever at her country home south of town. Jvoh Ktatler eclcbrntod bis 84th birthday Saturday. Mia Margaret Kauffruoii baa entered Franklin county hospital at Cham berflburff to study for trained nurse. Mr. and Mrs.

WaUon Fletcher left for New York on Tuesday niter a visit at tho homa of It. Fletcher. Oeorra Leaner wns taken Oxroast to Mark Completion of Railroad to Berrysburg Bcrryabarx. Nor. 11 An osroast will ba giren here In celebration of tha advent of the new Midland railroad on NoTember SS.

Details will ba given later. A Sabbath school convention will bo held November 19 In the Evangelical church. Able speakers will Haven Frank entertained for her i be there. On Sunday more than 100 house gueat. Miss Anne Kur.t, ot Flem people took advantage of the excursion Ington, 1T( at her homo at tho corner to juilersburg on tha Midland railroad.

Tll machinery Is being Installed by iDvittxi to mt Alias unit were Mrs. 0 at J. Emery Flelsher. Mra Hiram Mnr Keuben Snydtr in the new building east tin Keen. Mra Wllllnm T.

Hanly, Mrs. of town erected for a shirt factory. Edwin "VVhitmer. Mrs. Inus A.

Carl. Ramsey and lialph Weaver, of Sun bury, spent several days here hunting. Mrs. Iewls Barrett and son, of "ykena are visiting her parents. Mr.

and Mra Joseph Bender. Orant Hart man and family motored to Hsrrisburg and spent several days. Charles Mil I 8 laaBjDParanalBSsBBSBaBBHaKsaBll after you clean them. You will find, in all probability, an accumulation of tartar on the enamel and bits of food deposit hiding between the crevices. YOUR DENTIFRICE does not FULLY CLEANl Loss of teeth is caused usually by one of two conditions Pyorrhea or decay, both of which develop, as a rule, only in the mouth where germ laden tartar is present.

SENRECO, tho recently discovered formula of a dental specialist, is two fold in its action. First, it REALLY CLEANS, embodying specially prepared, soluble grannies unusually effective in cleaning away food deposits. Second, it is particularly destructive to the germ of Pyorrhea. Yet it is per fectly safe, containing neither injurious chemicals nor hard grit. Avoid Pyorrhea and decay.

Get Senreco from your dealer today. In large tubes, 25c Send 4c to Senreco, 304 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, for liberal sized trial package. "PREPAREDNESS" See your dentiat twice yearly Uae Senreco twice daily Tht tooth pods that REALLY CLEANS sc. o. s.

rt. off. "jsSy 1 Coal That Insures House Comfort The coal that burns through' and through 4he. coal that is I heat giving fuel from solid to fineash is the coal that in Isures house comfort during the winter months and that is I the nutshell story of Montgomery coaL It costs no more than inferior grades it goes farther. Order your winter supply now.

J. B. MONTGOMERY 600 Either Phone. Third and Chestnut Streets 1 un ror appendum. Mr.

iner is roor than 7i yenra old. yet ha stood Ilia operation well and la rccuvprlng Cashier J. Kdr YounT or Uia Flint National lianlc haa purchased a lot with ona hundred nnd twunty fsel fronto. In mm llultliuora i treat and will erect fine homo thereon. Mr.

and Mrs, A. O. Mol.aimhitn, wera called to Jacksonville, thla weak ly tho aertoua lllnena of their aon, 11. r. XIrlAnahan.

Mra Waldo Philips and daughter bar returned to Wash tntton, after an extended visit wiih Mra llertrude lblllpa Mra. M. Korney entertained at nve liun dred on Krldny evening In her apart ments in tho Itarnhart buildtn. lte frenhments were served to twenty kuesti. In tha renter of tha dining; table was Arranged a "Salt Rlrer Hoat" from which favors wera drawn.

Mr. nnd Mra Iesllo Helm ara receiving rnnirratulAttons on tha birth of twin daughters on Monday. Many Visitors at Dauphin Cottages and Bungalows Daaphta, Fiu. Nor. IS.

Mra Robert Fulton Stirling has returned home from a visit with relatives at Philadelphia and Baltimore. Miss Carrie Elizabeth Oerbertch, a student at Miss Hart's school, Philadelphia, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mra Freeman C. Oerberlch. John Da walt.

of liammondton, N. spent several days with bis mother. Mrs. Sarah Duwait. Mra Charles Bowman and children, George and Huth, of Kenova, ara visiting Mrs.

Uowman's parents. Air. and Mrs. Ueorgd M. Klnter.

Mrs. v. liven spent Thursday with Mrs. ltartiia Truduoll, at iiarrisburg. l'rofessor and Mrs.

J. F. Ad.rwis and children, Donald, Frances, Edith and iugvne. ot Millei'Sburs, were the guests of Miss Cora Con rude, tins weea. Uoy Avcikor, of Durham, nas return ed ititer svnulut; noiiio time with his Icr, of New Britain, was In town over parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charies Welker Monday. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Huy ett and little daughter are spending a vacation at Lancaster and Werners The Economical Sauce because so concentrated a small quantity gives the full flavor desired the quality taacs becauso made from onlv tha best and nurcst ingredients.

SAUCE Toe aolyarlgiaal Worctstenoha Sanca Send postal for free kitchen hanger containing too new recipes LEA PERKINS, Hubert Street. New Tor City HOTEL WASHINGTON D.C. mmt OPPOSITE CAPITOL nd UNION STATION. Absolutely New and Strictly Hooara Renowned lor its High Service and Low Kates. EUROPEAN PLAN Room per without bad Room per itj with bath Room per day $1.50 ana Bp $2.00 ana ap $1.50 All Rooms Outside Rootlet for the eslung W.

T. KNIGHT, Manage i.l ng. and Johif irhart, ot Speeceville, havu returned home from the ilarriB burg iiuerifeJicy hospital, where they had been recovering trorn typhoid tever. Mrs. vVenrich and son, John, of Hurrisburg, were recent guests of Mra Caroline enrich.

Mrs. Wal lis, of Harridburjr, spent several days with H. Oerberich. Miss Margaret brooks has returned to her homo here after spending several weeks at Phila' dcluhia. Mr.

and Mrs. H. K. Forney spent Monday at Halifax. Mrs.

Mar garet erlig and Mr. and Mrs. John iJutt have returned from a trip to Niagara Kalis. Mr3. Caroline Maurey and Mr.

and Mra, Mark Sausser, and Mra. Charles euent aturday with Mr. and Mrs. CJyda S. McN'eely.

Mra. inter speece, of tpeecevilla, spent a day with her sister. Mrs. Charles Welker. Kenneth Putt, of waa me guest of Charles juceeiy.

tnis weeK. The Aid So ciety, of the United Evangelical, will meot at the home of Miss Cora Colt rode, on Tuesday erenina. Miss Ruth Deibler and Wellington Delbler spent several aays wnn relatives at Itarris burg. Mrs. Wells Stewart and son, Paul, motored Hero from Landiuhiicsr and were tho guests of Mra H.

K. For ney. Mr. and Airs. Ueorsre Lan dis and family have returned to their home here, after spending several days with M.

A. Potts, at Harrisburg. ureorge n. xaiiey, or itanway, XM. was the guest of William G.

Garverlch, on jionoay. 130 Attend Reception to Mr. and Mrs. M. H.

Strite Waynesboro, Nov. 18. Many Waynesboro people were In attendance at the reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Milton H.

Strite at the home of Mrs. Strite's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

south of this place. About 130 persons were present. Mr. and Mrs. James 1.

MeCarney entertained at cards Thursday evening. John Zink and Hiss Helen Graham, of Baltimore, motored to Waynesboro and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Todd.

Tom Frantz returned this week to Tulsa, Okla. Clair Bishop, of Williamsport, spent the week end here. Mrs. J. C.

Crlswell attended the sessions of the convention of the Cumberland Valley Federation of Women's clubs at Me chanicsburgr on Thursday. Huber G. Hlxon, Hancock, and Mrs. Margaret E. Daugherty, of Waynesboro, wero married at tho parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Tuesday evening by the Key.

George F. Boggs, pastor. Mrs. Sharpe, wife of the Rev. R.

II. Sharpe, Hammonton, N. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ira Wheeler, here. Tho friends of Miss Jane Stickell gave' her a linen shower at her home on Cleveland avenue, as a mark of appreciation before her coming marriage.

A most enjoyable surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Cline, at Blue Ridge Summit, in honor of their son, Clarence Cline. There were over 50 persons present Mrs. Charles Harris and son spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Huff, at Westminster, Md. Entertain in Honor of Tenth Wedding Anniversary Montandon, Nov. 18. Mr.

and Mrs. Phil Lieb entertained on Sunday in honor of their tenth weddlnsr anni versary Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Lieb and Harry Lieb. of Montandon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Xieb and Mr. and Mra Harrjt Milton.

Born to Mr. and Mra D. A. Smith on Thursday, November 9, a daughter. Olive Natalie.

Miss. Carria Baker, of Carlisle, is visiting at u. i. Keigers. H.

F. Frank, Charles Smtih and William Frederick spent several days hunting near Millville. Mra Angus Fairchild ontertained a party of ladies at her home Saturday afternoon. About thirty were present and refreshments were served. The Sewing Circle has been reorganized and held its first meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

A. G. Keyser. Those present were Mra Charles Hauck, Mrs. Arthur Best, Mrs.

Merrill Johnson. Mrs. Elmer Shaffer. Mrs. W.

C. Burrey, Fairchidl, Mrs. Jerome Furman, Misses Mary Garber, Martha Riegel, Carrie Baker and Mrs. A. G.

Keyser. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grimm are spending several days with their parents at Hern don. James Deitrick and family spent Sunday at Lewisburg.

Miss Mary Garber sang at the morning service on Sunday, in tho Methodist Church at Lewisburg. Mrs. John Stahl and daughter. Miss Edna Stahl, of Moores burp. were visitors on Wednesday at the home of Charles Hauck.

'i ft 1 tti' yf JOEL MILLER And Live Raccoons. Loyalton, Nov. 18. Joel Miller, the vetran Voon hunter of Loyalton, has a record for tho early part of tho i resent season, aa follows: Rac coons, 10; opossums. 12; skunks, 8.

Lancaster Dairy Farmers to Organize Association I'lrftrnta, Nov. 18. Dairy farmers of Ephrata and vicinity have formed an active Dairymen's Association. A public meeting will bo held this evenln.T. When addresses will be delivered by J.

Aldus Herr, of near Lancaster, larru adviser for the State Department of Agriculture, and Floyd a Barker, of Lancaster, the County Farm Bureau aont. The ltev. J. W. Smith, Mrs.

G. Z. Hunter. Misses Huth Sprechcr and lxittlo Fry, and John M. Fry, M.

L. Weldman. M. B. AiuT stadt and Warren K.

Fry, representing the Luther league of Trinity Lutheran Church, Ephrata, attended "the convention of tho Lancaster District Luther League, at Hummelstown, on Tuesday. Thomas C. Hilton, of Mall Route No. 2. Lltitz, and Miss Cora M.

Keath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keath, of No. 241 Washington avenue, Ephrata, wero married on Saturday morning at the parsonage of St. James' Lutheran Church, Lititz by the pastor, tho He v.

F. A. Weicksel. Martin L. Mohler, of 261 Duko street, was married on Saturday morning to Miss Laura Bohncr, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Bohner. of South State street, the wedding ceremony being performed cy the liev. W. J.

Kerschncr of the Reformed denomi nation at his parsonage in Heading. The Rov. Enos Hess, a returned missionary from the Congo region of West Africa, delivered an interesting address In the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, on the occasion of tho anniversary of the Woman's Missionary society. Last Sunday was observed as temperance day in tho Church of tho Brethren, with special services morning, afternoon and evening and with sermons by Elder S. G.

Myers, of Fredericksburg. SHOT WILD TURKEY AT PARK Ycagcrtown, Nov. 18. John Wilcox, machinist at the Fleisher garage shot a wild turkey near the old Burnham park on Friday. The Rev.

A. H. Spangler was at Loysville over Sunday. Mr. Smith of Milton, a theological student, occupied the pulpit at the ditierent appointments on his charge In his absence.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kohler of Beavertown were Sunday visitors at the home of their daughters Mrs. David Knepp and Mrs. Ira Keller.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dell, Miss Rose Coveny, Miss Mitchel and Fred Leach of Everett were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.

Samuel Dell. George, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Seibert, has been ill with pleuro pneumonia. Mrs.

Blanche Swartz returned home from Philipsburg, where she spent several Week. Mrs. Orrie Yeager is spending a week at Philadelphia. Miss Velma Herbert has been confined to her bed for several days with tonsilitls. Mrs.

Alice Leightley has returned home after a month visit at Gettys burg. ikirg. Fetterman is spending a montn with relatives ai jnicago. Frank Benner has returned home after hunting nar McAllisterville. Miss Annie Landenslayer of town spent Thursday with her brother Mr.

and Mrs. William Landenslager. Miss Elizabeth Burkhoiaer spent Tuesday with Mrs. Fred Jones'. The W.

C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. Howard Smith on Tuesday evening, Mrs.

Hugo Gottschalk spent Tuesday at Burnham. Miss Esther Stuart is Ktiendine several days with Dr. Green, Mrs. Chester Miller spent Tuesday with relatives at Mapleton Depot. Mr.

and Mrs. Kraig Ready were sun dav visitors with, relatives at Harris Durg. Mrs. Frank Innis Is ill with typhoid fever at her home at Potter Bank. Guild on Mysterious Hike Led by Preacher Lewisberry.

Nov. 18. The Cros. by Guild Class of the Methodist Sun day School went on a mysterious niae. The leaders, the Rev.

ana Mrs. l. hi. Wilson, were the only ones to know the route or destination of the hike, The members of the class were greatly surprised when, being led In a roundabout way. they entered the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Logan S. Reiff. Several games were played and refreshments served. Those in the party were the Rev.

and Mrs. L. Elbert Wilson, Misses Bessie Kunkel. Evelyn Harlacher, Ethel Rich, Romaine Helen Wole, Marjorie Ensmmger ana rro l'essor Mark H. Schlichter.

Mrs. Amanda Bonner returned home on Sunday from spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Bailets at New Cumberland James F. Cline, of Steelton, was a guest of his brother and sisters at the Cline home.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church will meet this even Mrs! FalrohUd" Dewltt Uf 1 the home of J. Strayer. and Mrs. Frank D. Bratten and ELL ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion.

One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Mr. son Frank, of Harrisburg, were Sundav guests of Miss Clarissa Bratten. Miss Ethel Parks and brother Sylvan, of Shiremanstown, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Holtzxnan. Mrs. R. M. Spangler and son Roman, were recent visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mra V. G. Fetrow. Mrs. Ella Byers, Mrs.

Pearl Hoover, Edna Hoover, of New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kis ter and son and O. D.

Byers, of Steel ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harlacher and Mrs.

O. D. Byers. Robert G. Stonesifer, of Steelton, waa a Sunday guest of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Stonesifer. Mrs. R. K.

Elicker and sons. Jimmie and Bobbie, of Harrisburg, are spending the week with her aunt. Miss Clarissa Bratten. Mrs. Harvey Erney and Mrs.

Frank Downs spent a day at Lisburn, the guests of Mrs. Downs' Bister. Mrs. Harry Kilmore. Officials Claim Machine Does A'of Conform to Specifications and Ask Unitders to Take It Away Getlj.btirg, Nov.

18. Gettysburg cltlsena are wondering what would hnppen If firs wera to break out In tha borough. Several months ago a new Moyd motor engine waa purchased and after It had passed tha test of tha Underwriters' Association, the town council refused to accept the machine, claiming that It bad been changed lit some detail and was not aa tha contract called for. Now they threaten to charge tha Boyd company atoraga It tho inaclilno Is not moved from the cnglnchouse. To add to the difficulties It Is not known what condition the old uteainer Is in, as It was loaned to a brick company to pump out mud holes and It la feared that It la clogged with mud.

Harry Davis, of tha Athletics, and Eddlo Collins, of tho ChlciiKo team, are on their annual hunting trip In Adams county. Tlicy are the gutsts of Eddie Plank. Services in Linglestown's Three Churches Tomorrow Maclealomn. Nov. 18.

Church servi.a will be held In the fnlted Brethren Church to morrow evening by the pastor, the ltev. Clyde Lynch: In the Church of God in the morning by tho pastor. Ihe Kev. It. Wliitaker.

and In Wenrlch's Church In the morning by tho Jutheran psMor. the Kev. O. It. Blttner.

Miss Sylvia Zarker spent the week at Frystown. Mrs. William Zimmerman and daughter. Miss Pauline, of Harrisburg. visited relatives hero on Sunday.

Miss Mary Kerlo and Mis Llszlo Cramer, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bolton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

i'avid Felty and uaughter, lluth. and Mr. and Mrs. John i'elty. of Penbrook, vlnlted friends at Elizabeth town, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kamuel Grubb nnd children, of Pen brook; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grubb and children, of rlhellsville, and Mr.

and Mrs. Knianuel Urubb and children wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sumuol Urubb, on Sunday. John Krlll, of Harrisburg, was a recent guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Harvev Boltz. Mrs. Elizabeth Potlelgtr, of buiiiinerdale, visited relatives here on hunday. Edward Llnglc, of Knhaut, was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. John Reese, on Sunday. John Smith Is attending the Yale Princeton football came at Princeton. Misses Dorothy and Mabel Fecser, of Hershey, were tne week end guests or their mother, Mrs. Carrie Feeser.

Mrs. Annie Smith and daughter. Miss Marion, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hassler, at Palmyra.

Mrs. Rebecca Baker spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. John Geyer at Mlddletown. Miss Eliza Buck spent several days at Harrisburg. Jr.

F. L. Hhenk Is on a week's hunting trip In the northern part of the State. Paul Zimmerman and Miss Mary Zimmerman were week end Kuests of Jj. K.

Hennmsrer. at rys town. Mr. and Mrs. William Look and Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Look and daughter, Fay, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Look, on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. John Bernhardt, of Harris burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Millets, of New York, spent Wednesday as the guests or Mr. and Mrs.

C. B. Care. Mrs. John Brisrhtblll.

of Oberlln. was the gueBt of her sister, Mrs. Harvey iioiton, on Wednesday. MifHintown People to Visit West Point and Annapolis Miflllntown. Nov.

18. Miss Margaretta Irvin left Thursday for Philadelphia, where she wall visit several days. She will be Joined by Miss Pemelia Pomeroy, of Port Royal, and they will then go to West Ppint to be the guests of Lieutenant and Mrs. Crawford till the Army Navy football game at New York. From there they will go to the annual Thanksgiving ball at Annapolis, returning home about the middle of December.

Miss Robison, of Oil City, is the guest of Miss Margaret Elder. John Miller and Asa Pannebaker, of Downlngtown, are guests of C. C. Pannebaker. Mrs.

James Robison and little granddaughter, Anna Katherine Wilson, have returned to their home at Altoona after spending several days with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Sterrett. James Kulp. of Harrisburg, spent the week end at the home of his uncle, W. I.

Kulp. Mrs. Anna Belton, of Duncannon. is visiting her niece, Mrs. Albert Hack enberger.

Jacob Etka, after visiting his parents here for tne past month. has returned to Akron, Ohio. Misses Anna and Bertha Scott entertained the Book Club on Thursday afternoon. Samuel Rothrock, of Boston, Is the guest of his sisters. Misses Clara and Belle Rothrock.

Miss Grace Seibert, of Lancaster, spent several days with Miss Hazel Auker. Mrs. B. F. Junkin spent several days with her sister, Mrs.

John Watts, at Belleville. FEEL FINE! TAKE "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER, BOWELS Spend 10 cents! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated. Can't harm you! Best cathartic for men, women and children. me! Your system is filled with an accumulaUon of bile and bowel poison which keeps you bilious, neaa achy, dizzy, tongue coated, breath bad and stomach sour Why don't you get a 10 cent box of Cascareta at the drug store and feel bully. Take Cascareta to night and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced.

You'll wake up with a clear head, clean tongue, lively step, rosy skin and looking and feeling fit. Mothers can give a whole Cascaret to a sick, cross, bilious, feverish child any time they are harmless never gripe or sicken. Pittsburgh capitalists have secured an option on another property here. Adjoining the ona on which they secured ix option some time ago, and it la likely that a new hotel will be built If the deal goea through. liver two hundred abut have been taken from the head of John McMherry, the Lltt lent own boy who waa shot on the opening day of the rabbit season.

The Adam county sufrrngtsts have organised ft county association with Mrs. Oeorgo II. Keaka of New Oiford. os president. Fifty members enrolled nt the first meeting.

c'nptaln lwts 8. Morey of the Tenth United Btatee Cavalry, who waa wounded In the fight In Mexico, when a detachment of troops waa ambushed by the Mexicans, haa been here Investigating conditions at the college relative to the establishment of military training. It Is likely the training will begin after the Christmas recess. Knight Brothers on Annual Hunting Trip in Perry County New fitrmniitotvn, Nov. 18.

The Knight brothers, of Lancaster, are now on their annual two weeks' hunt and are occupying their house on the Barnhart farm. They are accompanied by Daniel and Frank S. P.lce nnd David R. Kane, of Elllottsburg, the latter acting us caterer for the party. Iwls M.

Bistline shot a wild turkey and Robert Smith shot an 18 pound gobbler. Mr. Smith has now killed two this season, the limit for one year. The Hopplo brothers have killed two 'coons this sea.ton. M.

N. Willhide, who expected a crop of 1,800 oushels of corn from 19 acres, was agreeably surprised when he had it til husked and measured that he had 1,800 bushels. David C. Kreamer, of Pittsburgh, 1s visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jacob Kreamer. Small Shlve nnd brother, of York, are guests of Mrs. R. C. Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Cumberland county. are visiting tho latter's mother, Mrs. A.

D. Bowman. Members of the. Methodist Episcopal Sunday School are preparing to hold Christmas exercises. Mrs.

Derwin Hollenbaugh gave a dinner to Mrs. Jacob Kreamer, Mrs. James Anderson. Mrs. Frank Johnston and Miss Mary E.

Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and Russell F. Swartz, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Levi D. Swartz. John R. Morrison, an employe of the Elliott Fisher Company, Harrisburg, visited his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Wilson Morrison. Ed. J. Gutshall sold a cow nnd calf to C.

W. Otto for 855. The Rev. and Mrs. David Roth, of Jack son township, and the Rev.

Mr. Hol land, of Bunkertown, who la conducting a series of meetings at Ma nassa Church. Jackson township, called to see Mrs. A. D.

Bowman and S. B. Trostle's family. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'l Catarrh Care. F.

3. CHENEY It Toledo, 0. We, the nnderalgned, bare known F. 3. Cbmey fur the last 15 years, and belleT him perfectly honorable In all business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis Arm.

NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, Ohio. Rail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the 'blood and mucous surfaces oi the BjBtem. Testimonials sent free.

Pries T3 Cents per bottle. Sold bj all Druggists. Take Hall's Family rills tor constipation. A Cnanninf Complexion Friends are calling or you have a sudden invitation. Just a moment to look your best, it takes but a few seconds to apply Gouraud 14 Oriental Cream and obtain a perfect complexion fl soft, clear, pearly white appearance that is always refined and and in good taste Non greasy In use tS years, Oa.

for trial air PAVING FINISHED Ttn Mocks, Extending One Mile. Surfaced With Urick During Year mow: NEXT SUMMEIl 4 Public Library Will lie Moved Into New High School liuild ing nnd Enlarged Mt. I iIh, Nov. 18. On Thursday the Isst brick of the present contract for the paving of ML Union's streets was laid, making ten blocks, or about ona mil of brick streets put down dui.

Ing the year. Thla wl'Jy flojjih tha present eon tract, but the bivocgh is al rerdy planning to do additional pavltiir Willi tne oix nlnic i.f vood wrather In he Spring. Thu Mt Union Fire Company is making plana by which they will Iw to secure a new auto lire truck. The public library will be moved Into Ihe new hlwn school building soon. A I'Ubllo mi rtuiir or ell In enlargement of the present library will be nriu i uvBiiay in tne AlctliOdlxt Church, when a number of local men will give talks on the values of the library.

The Iter. Mr. Miller, a stu ociit at Gut ly uurs; Semlnarv, delivered a sermon at the Lutheran Church. Sunday morning. The Athletic Association, ot the local high school.

Is making plans to held a home talent play. MIbs Rachael Fuller, of Altoona, who visited the Hackman sisters the part week, has returned home. Professor 11. V. Slothower has returned to town after spending several days at his home at Iemoyne.

Mrs. E. il. Coder spent the week at Millhall, visiting her pu rents. R.

Stratford, who was badly hurt at an explosion at the Aetna powder works, some time ago. Is about again and has gone to Philadelphia to make claims. A. I Peterson and Miss Marlel H'oegel were married at Cumberland, Md. R.

Bruce Uaer of Washington, D. haa returned home after a short visit to his sister. Mips Edith, and brother, Lloyd, who reside heie. William Smith and Frank Mc Connelty will erect a aoft drink factory In Water street. Every Niqhf For Constipation Heiddcnejndifjestion.ctc.

12J Piu.s Safe and Sure i AsK The Merchants For Whom We Work As To Our Ability We will gUaly ornisn yon with the list, but here's ti good plan: Notice the clean est window WE "DID" THEM. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE 08 EASX ST. Ucli Phone 2526 The Automatic Telephone Is Never On the Defensive Because it's an ultramodern method in a mod ern age. Lines are reported busy.

only when actually in use not until an operator has time to. pull down a finished connection. There are no others to be influenced by courtesy except you and the party you call and that's your affair! Use the Automatic It does not ask youto condone its faults. The Automatic invites your impatience if you do not get instant service It does not beg you to be patient while waiting your? turn to have a call handled as does the old fashioned tele phone. Drop in to day and order the telephone service of "quality as well as quantity." "At the Sign of the Dial" Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Pa.

Federal Square.

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