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Harrisburg Telegraph from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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DIVERGENT VIEWS END CONFERENCE Disarmament Confab Breaks Up Without Results in Balkan Countries BY F. A. MACKRMHB Bvccial Coble to isonrgJegraPH and the Chicago VaxUj hewi. Copyright. The bonier fundamental divergence of iewft Jrom the opening Totfe Uthumja.

came with a The or state KViy duplicated fKed program French the methods used by bert delegates in eeung Cecil's disarmament pp. the League of 'n 6f mutual manded the exohanBe i pledges of non attack, ana tne tration of disputes p0Wers Russia replied by already mutually beUlsereniDy rrovethe at first att Kroup discussion upi discussion vu" was that xnent and their co tne wnoic id' willingness throats' Stopitnowl nTiiiti. mmi tolv nro rar.t be smneu KSi and aronra. refused to continue tne a In an inters a cti()n of Terence powers. He iSSushithe second conclusion was 'sald M.

Wtvlnov, doubteaiy nave conference of other po wc' tn Rintr world sarmament. 1 yi 5 VhP United States behind it i' flV be clad to get rid of be glad and. we were prepay proposals. th and discuss other 'We Have to BO raring Only too often is that annoying little cough th warning of ill nets to come. Check ita drlop ment with Dr.

King's. Grateful relief for scratchy, irritated throat and inflamed tissues quickly follow. Feet the congestion disappear and your cold vanish. At all druggists. a syrup rliyoftion 01 uis other counix Avrsed armament.

We 0Vhv Rnv longer by any sane man of hav lne asgreasive tendencies. The conference failed because the P1 her states decided before commg hire that they would ao nothing. But arenordoywnhearted Apart from the governments and 6lomata there Ire people themselves. Even allv thewill force their governments to take up this when the delegates come to Moscow again they will come prepared to act. sought to haye the newspaper represented at all the debates hut was out voted We are quite confident of the verdict of the world rit large when the full proceedings of the conference are FAIR RECEIPTS $508.03 la wlstown, Dec.

16. St. Mark's Episcopal Church $508.03 from its annual fair held yesterday. A painting of a bowl of flowers was bought by Mrs. W.

W. Cunningham Tor $87. Mrs. William Heakes jainted the picture in oil colors. RHEUMATISM any form.

Sufferers should read teatitniMtf 5 fttee booklet of those restored to health by the great rheumatic remedy. It. L. G. Rhu Lum Gou Co.

107 Noble Brooklyn, N. V. 30. Safe Fat Reduction Reduce, reduce, reduce, la the slogan of all fat people. Get thin, be slim, is the cry of fashion and society.

And the over fat wring their hands in mortification and helplessness; revoltine at nauseating drug, afraid of violent exercise, dreading the unwelcome and unsatisfying diet, until they tit upon the harmless Marmola Prescription and learn through it that tber may safely reduce steadily and easily without one change in their mode of life, but harmlessly, secretly, and quickly reaching their ideal et fleure, with a smoother skin, better appetite and health than they have ever known. And now comes Harmola Prescript tion Tablets from the same famously harm Jess formula as the Marmola Prescription. it behooves you to learn the satisfactory, beneficial effects of this great, safe, fat reducer by giving to your druggist one dollar lor a case, or sending a like amount to the Marmola Company. 4612 Woodward Avenue. Detroit, with a request that they mail to you a ease of Harmola Prescription Tablets.

adv. Heartburn Sufferer Gets Complete Relief Woeosoeket Mas New O'Brien's Recommend Most everyone knows the feeling of stomach distress and heartburn. To combat these ailments, the advice of Charles Tahvous. 102 Temple Woonsocket, B. 1, ia wen worth following: "I have used O'Brien's Dyspepsia Mixture with gratifying results.

After meals 1 would feel distressed with gas the stomach and heartburn. I took three bottles of O'BRIEN'S and can now eat everything without any bad effects. I take great pleasure in recommending it to any person afflicted as I was." If you have stomach trouble of any kind Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, Colic. Elcerated Stomach, Gastritis, or other digestive disorders if you bare tried this remedy and that, doctored with physicians without results, don't give up hope.

BRIEITS may just fit your case. BRIAN'S is prepared after the prescription el a Massachusetts doctor. Since 1898 it has been bringing health and happiness to multitudes of sufferers. It should bring relief to you. At any rate, it won't cost anything to try.

for O'BRIEN for DTS FEPSIA is sold on a money back guarantee. Vo risk involved Go to your druggist for INSTITUE ISSUES BOOK ON RESOURCES OF STATE Contains Interesting Information For School Children of Pennsylvania; Coal Is Most Important Source of Wealth in 'Commonwealth A forward step in the vital matter of conserving our natural resources has been taken in the preparation of an educational handbook of the resources of Pennsylvania. This book, prepared for use in the Pennsylvania schools to carry out the Smithsonian Institution's purpose of the "increase arid diffusion of knowledge among men," presents in novel and striking ways the present situation, causes of waste and how to stop it, and future problems in connection with the conservation of resources. The book, will be placed in practically every school in Pennsylvania, and by including the resource material in the geography course, it will be possible to instill into the minds of the school children, the citizens of to morrow, the necessity of understanding: and conserving the resources provided by Nature. While the present handbook is limited to the State of Pennsylvania, there is a nation wide lesson in it, and such material, brought together and placed in the schools of every state would be of immeasurable benefit to the present and future economic condition of the country.

Definite Facts The data presented on the re nnri nf Ppunci'lvania nrft not fl.b cent, of the energy in coal; in neat ness of a conservation program; do pends on enlightened public opinion, and it ia hoped that through this new method of bringing the resource situation as a whole vividly to the attention of both adults and school children, much will be ac "eomplished in the present and even more In the future towards eco nomically utilizing the resources which Nature has so abundantly supplied in this country. It is also hoped that other states will take up this method and apply it to their own problems. The National Museum of the Smithsonian Institution has a division actively engaged in molding public opinion along these lines, and there are installed in its exhibition halls models and other materials designed to instruct and interest the many thousands of visitors in the country's mineral resources. stractions they are definite facts! They Mean as the NeWS anu ngures, every siaiemeiii. vioucw ized bv a DhotoeraDh.

diagram, or graph. Perhaps the most striking illustration given of the value of conservation methods is the matter of coke ovens. "In the beehive ovens, the coal is partly burned and the smoke passes off through an open ing the top of the oven, leaving as the only, residue the coke, in the by product coke ovens, coke of equal quality is produced and the gases evolved from the distillation of the coal are withdrawn and saved. These gases produce coaltar, from which may be derived dyes, perfumes, medicines, preservatives, explosives, and many other valuable chemical products; fertilizer, and gas for public utility purposes, which is only slightly inferior to the ordinary manufactured gas. In the year 19.30, gas was wasted through the use of beehive coke ovens to the extent ofs 120,000,000,000 cubic feet, or four and one half times the entire amount of manufactured gas sold in the State of Pennsylvania.

Coal Primary Resource Pennsylvania's primary resource is coal. In this one State is produced 31 per cent, of the country's bituminous and all of the anthracite coal. In the handbook are shown the methods of mining and utilization. The chief sources of waste are In the beehive colce ovens mentioned above; in steam locomo The World From Day to Day fyews Events and What papers Interpret Them (Continued From First Page.) is presented by practically all of the papers, few editors indeed defending the present method. The proposal to change election procedure, however, brings forth a more evenly divided debate.

There is, as always, some protest against "tinkering with the at all, on the part of the Springfield Union and the St. Louis Globe Democrat for instance, but to this attitude the Chicago Tribune (Ind. Rep.) replies that "these proposed changes do not reflect a restless and unwise desire to remake the United States Constitution. They deal with antiquities." Of the more popular of the two schemes, the Columbia Record says it' is merely a "movement to make the 'lame duck' an extinct species in Congress." It is "absurd," the New York Post (Ind.) avers, 'that a Congress elected in November of one year should have to wait till December of the following year before it begins operations, and the proposal to do away with this survival from the stage coach era" holds "intrinsic irierit," since, a3 the Springfield Republican (Ind.) tives, which utilize only about 4 pr suggests, it is "like taking the eleva SATURDAY EVENING, tIARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 16, 1922. ing homes, where the ordinary coal furnace delivers only about 25 per cent, of the heat energy into the heated air and where unburned coal is dumped into the ashcans.

In 200 tests recently made, the average ashcans was found to contain 50 per cent, of coal. "Coal is the most important source of energy em ployed by our modern industrial civiKssitioti, and it eonwrvatio should be encouraged in every way possible. Gas la Decreasing It is well known that the amount of available natural gas in Penn sylvania is rapidly decreasing. The rate of that decrease will be strikingly shown by the fact that the consumption of natural gas in 1921 was just about half of that in 1917. The remaining volume of gas will continue to decline rapidly, though if the United States Government recommendations, for correct natural gas use are carried out, there will still be a considerable amount available for a number of years.

The chief sources waste of this natural resource are in too high pres. sures and in using gas in coal burn Ing appliances, in low set burners and solid top cooking stoves, and In in adequately insulated and improperly connected hot water tanks. These features can be easily corrected and if the users of natural gas can be brought to the point where they will make the effort, the same service can be secured with one third the present amount of gas used, and the length of time will be materially increased that natural gas will still be available to the more than 500 towns now using it. Describes Electric Power The electric power resources of Pennsylvania are discussed fullv in the handbook, and the present and future conditions with' regard to the use of electricity are shown in suitable diagrams. While electric power will be more and more used in industry and in the home nevertheless it will probably never be universally available for cooking and heating.

This is contrary to popular belief, for there Is a widespread idea that eventually we will be able to do away with fuel and ashes, dirt and trouble, and cook and heat our houses by throwing on a switch. To disprove this belief it is ehown that to install an electric heating arrangement in a household would cost $3,400, and the current required to run heating and cooking appliances in the State of Pennsylvania would amount to 31,000,000, 000 kilowatt hours or nearly eight times, the current present used for all public utilities in the State. In connection with the fullest development of. the State's resources there is described the superpower system as proposed by the United States Geological Survey. Briefly this system contemplate the standardization ot the electrical characteristics of all existing and future electric power plants and transmission lines (in the superpower zone, between Boston and Washington) so as to permit of their interconnection with each other, and so that they will all feed into one huge system of transmission.

The great benefits to be derived from this system would appear in the much greater amount of power made available and in a saving of 50, 000,000 tons coal annually. Other Subjects Treated These are but a few of the problems treated. Among the others are oil, water resources and flood ore vention, forests, iron, lime, glass. cement, and stone and clay. Part one closes with a list of concrete examples of loss and waste in the utilisation of resources with suggestions as to how to stop them.

Part two consists of a series of maps and graphs showing the extent "of Pennsylvania's human, and agricultural resources. In the last analysis, the effective tor instead of walking up thirty six stories." In conditions such as exist to day, the Baltimore Sun (Ind. contends, "when a new spirit responsiveness to public opinion on the part of Congress is the urgent demand of the hour Its opponents will be hard put to it to find "any logical objection" to the proposed change of date. Nevertheless "there is another and ait important side to the plan," argues the Cincinnati Enquirer in upholding the President's objection to the proposal. "There are good reasons," as the Joseph News Press (Ind.) Bees it, "why a set of newly elected officials, fresh from the inflaming influences of a political campaign, should have an interval in which to cool off and get their bearings before assuming seats of power," and in the opinion of the paper the interregnum "serves as a shock absorber." The Waterloo Tribune (Ind.) agrees that "hasty judgment may result from almost immediate service after election.

Legislation may be enacted, on the spur of the moment, that would hardly fit the situation afterward." What would have happened, the New York Times (Ind. Dem.) asks, "if the Sixty Eighth Congress instead of the Sixty seventh were now in session? A lot of miscellaneous 'wild colts' who hare bad no time to clarify their ideas or policies would have got to work and into confusion. The interval given by the Constitution is an opportunity for reflection. The first drunkenness of victory cools off." JURORS HOME FROM COURT AT CARLISLE i i Walnut Bottom, Dec. 10.

Im manuel Byers and Rqbert Allison were at Carlisle court this week. Irs. Sydney Palmer, of Chambers burg spent Wednesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McBeth.

Misses Lenora and Grace Beidel were recent visitors at Lewisburg. Miriam Goodhart and Cathar'ne Naugle spent Thursday in Carlisle. Mrs. Sanders and sons have returned to their home at New Kingston after spending a week with friends at Leesburg. The Rev.

W. A. Long, of Washington, visited Harry Coekley and family. Volin Shambough, of Leesburg broke his wrist while cranking his father's automobile. Mrs.

Nora Griffin and granddaughter Edith May King, of Shlppensburg visited Gene Goodhart, of Stoughs town, yesterday. William Baughman visited his son Owen Bughman and family at Bow mansdale. William Stouffer and family of Huntsdale spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stahl, helping to butcher.

Porter Kegris was a business visitor at the county seat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reese spent Thursday in, Shlppensburg. a community meeting will be held at Haya Grove school WednesdayI evening.

A feature of the meeting will be the discussion or "The Coming Boy," by Superintendents Jacoby and Rife. Pictures will be shown. M. E. Goodhart is teacher of the school.

HAGERSTOWN TO HAVE TREES ONCHRISTMAS Haa etewa. Dec. 18. Hagers town Will have two community! Christmas trees, one to be erected in the public square under the auspices! of the community service of which John Hurley is the director, and! the other one in Washington Square in the western section of the city by the Neighborhood Association. Trees fifty feet in height have been secured and will be erected and a program will be rendered at each tree.

FIRST DEFEXDEB IS tO Lewistown Dec 18. Joseph S. Fichhorn, this city, a First Defender, observed his. 90th birthday anniversary yesterday quietly, and enjoying robust health. Mr.

Automobile Man, is your used car Ad ia our Classified Columns? TAKE THEIR LIQUOR IN NURSING BOTTLES Boston, Deo, 18. Investigation by a Federal grand jury of a' report published to day that whisky was served In nursing bottles at the annual dinner of the New England Road builders' Association in the Hotel Somerset last night will be asked by Prohibition Enforcement Director Elmer C. Potter. The report of the banquet which will be made the basis of the official inquiry, said that nearly 1,000 guests found beside their places at the tables, boxes containing bottles that resembled nursing bottles, wrapped in tissue paper and frosted so that the contents appeared to be mil'rf. JTURSE LOSES LIFE Montreal, Dec.

16. Miss Eva Mc Ginnis a trained nurse, lost her life in a lire wnieh the Corinthian apartments early to day, Nine families had narrow escapes from the Are which originated In a base evnlosion e9 nnlrnnwn nrlcin. A blinding snowstorm and near zero weather hampered the firemen. The damage was estimated at $150,000.

CONFERENCE COSTS ARE HIGH FRENCH FIGURES INDICATE BY WILLIAM E. NSH Special Coble to Harriaburg' Telegraph and (he Chicago Daily News. Copyright. Paris, Dec. 18.

That international conferences cost money is proved by a curious supplementary credit demand just presented by the Fr.ench government to the finance committee of the Chamber of Deputies to cover the expenses for French delegates to Lausanne. The minimum sum necessary to meet these expenses is declared to be 525,000 francs. Multiplied by twenty to cover the cost of the other delegations and the outlay for conference hall and other expenses, the French estimate quickly mqunts up into the millions. Even at that, however, the cost of conferences is less than that of war or rivalry in armament, "XIGGEIl MIKE" DIES Mew York, Dec. 18.

Michael Saul ter, known as "Nigger Mike," a famous character of the Chinatown of other days, and the owner of one of ts cabarets, died to day in Coney Island Hospital at the age of 54. Saulter claimed that he gave Irving Berlin, song writer and publisher, his start in life. In' Saulter's Chinatown resort. Berlin became known as "The Singing Warter," chanting himself to richan and fame. IN COUNTY MAYO New York, Dec.

16. All persons entering the United States from Ireland are being subjected to special examinations because of the news of the outbreak of an epidemic of. a virulent type of typhus in county Mayo. Give the Christmas Mother Your Whole hearted Support. There Are Mqny Persons Who 7 Deserve Your Sincere Interest 0 Founded 1871 SATURDAY.

DECEMBER 16, 1922 0 The Sale We Have Asked You to Wait For Will Begin Montjay 30,000 Worth of Fine Furs Will Be Offered At Actual Wholesale Prices Fate played into your hands. Since the "sudden depletion" of our fur stock last Sunday night we were able to buy on the "drop of the market." We turned a misfortune into a benefit to our customers Because the furs we secured this week in New York were obtained at prices so much under past market prices that we are able to offer them to you at actual wholesale prices. Now we want you to clearly understand us. There are in all 30,000.00 worth of furs at wholesale prices. And we offer the entire collection at wholesale prices 30,000.00.

Our profit is the discount we have secured!) account of the time and cir 'cumstances of the purchase. Every garment of selected pelt, beautifully made and wonderfully attractive and luxurious 1 Some of the items arc listed here to give you an idea of the variety. Fur IVraps and Fur Goals 6 French bay coney coats 52.50 6 French bay seal coats 75.00 2 French bay seal coats 90.00 1 2 French bay seal coats 1 00.00 4 French bay seal coats 1 20.00 v5 French bay seal coats 1 35.00 2 Civet cat coats 135.00 2 Civet cat coats" 1 15.00 1 Nutria coat 275.00 3 Hudson seal coats 225.00 1 Hudson seal coat with'bea ver collar and cuffs 250.00 3 Hudson seal coats with natural skunk collar and cuffs 250.00 3 Hudson seal, coats with 1 squirrel collar and cuffs 275.00 Full length Hudson seal coat with pointed fox collar and cuffs 475.00 2 Hudson seal wraps 375.00 1 Hudson seal wrap 450.00 1 Hudson seal wrap 500.00 3 Persian lamb coats with natural skunk collars and cuffs 2 Natural dark raccoon coats, 40 inch length' 2 Natural dark raccoon, fine quality coats, 45 inch length 1 Natural squirrel coat 1 Eastern mink wrappy coat 1 1 Genuine Scotch mole wrap. 2 Mole jacquettes 1 Mole cape I Mole cape, genuine crushed ermine collar 1 Jap mink wrap 2 Marmink coats 2, Marmot coats, natural raccoon collarsand cuffs muskrat coats in 40 and 45 inch lengths, 1 1 9.50, and Scarfs and Chokers Squirrel chokers 8.00 to 1 5.00 Natural minlc chokers 10.00 Marmot coat collars, silk lined 1 0.00 Dyed blue fox scarfs 1 S.OO' Dyed brownYox scarfs 15.00 Imitation white ermine stole 39.50 Imitation white ermine cape White Iceland fox scarfs Black coney chokers Alaska platinum foxes Alaska blue (dyed) foxes Hudson Seal is Dyed Muskrat f. Bay Seal is Dyed Coney On Bow man's Fur Section, Third Floor 285.00 225.00 325.00 375.00 300.00 275.00 195.00 300.00 325.00 385.00 150.00 1 15.00 150.00 1 75.00 25.00 5.00 75.00 75.00 Many other Coats, Wraps and Separate Pieces in this collection all in the sale at wholesale prices..

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