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The Lincoln Star du lieu suivant : Lincoln, Nebraska • Page 8

The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
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23. WHEAT--Estimates that Uie world W16 crop was 25 per cent short of last -year's total led to a decided advance to- di-v In the price of wheat. Continuance cf'the drought In Argentina tended also to' lift values, but a. temporary reaction caused by reports that the there was unsettled. Liverpool patches savins that arrivals in Great Britain were Inadequate acted as a hajti- en 0 mg th 'which ranged trom IHe higher, with December at 1.74 and May at JJ.73ffl.7«.

were followed by a substantial setback, but then a fresh a big rl.e In 1 it Buenos Aires brought about further tains. Profit taking sales here, how- TEND TO BRING HIGHER LEVELS FORWARD SPECIALTIES LEAD IN Sugar, Leather. Steel, Car, Paper and Rails Amona Stocks In Active Demand. NEW YORK, Oct. 23.

New mnximums for United SUtes ew mnx Steel. Sugar and Leather Issues and I tan Copper accompanied a dealings. which ranked among the largest and broadest of the current movement. Dealings on a broad scale at higher were resumed at the pnln today's market, specialties movement. High records lished by American Beet loading were estab- Cu 1 li Sugar Cane sugars, and Central Lea her also showed a new a i Unil ed States Steel's belated opening showed a gain of a point with ns much or mote tor American Car, Pressed Steel Car.

International Paper and Other metal issues AVestlnehouse. Inspiration Copper. funs. l-ruiii in.rv... 0 act! led to something of a reaction The (close was unsettled to higher -with December at $1.74 ft and May buying llftde corn.

The 5 trength waTlargely the result of bullish crop conditions In Argentina After opening Higher, the market sagged a -WW took another were for activity general demand and the inquiry a a i featured by unusual In Wabash issues, Denver preferred. Chesapeake Ohio STRONG DEMAND TENDS TO PUSH CATTLE HIGHER STRONG TO 10-CENT ADVANCE RUN. ON Steady to 10 Cento Lower--Sheep Tendency Downward--Fat Lambi Weak to 25c Off. (Special to The Star.) SOL'TH OMAHA. Oct.

23. CATTLE--Receipts. 14.000. There was a food liberal run of cattle today, but there was a correspondingly good de- i ssfi 0 frew 'fhrpZars aWffi Fair to Rood beeves S.aO® Common to fair beeves. Fancy graasers Good to choice grass beeves'.

Fair to choice grass Common to fall grass beeves Good to choice heifers Good to choice cows Fair to good cows Common to a i cows. 8 9.75 7.75® 8.25 6.83© 7 75 6.00® 6- 75Cii 7.25 6.50S) 7.00 little atid then Decreasing of stocks here led after- Wrd to additional strength. The close was nervous at Itt to net advanca. OATS--Oats rose with other cereals. Commission houees snapped up all the Provisions averaged higher, influenced by European demand for lard.

Declines in the hog market here failed to operate as a complete off- let. Chicago Range of (From A. R. Uoberls Commission JH First National Bunk CHICAGO. Oct.

23. Mas- July Oat Dec. lltty July Corn Dee. Mav Pork Oct. Dec.

Jan. Lard Dec. Jan. Ribs i Oct. 11425-151445 JOTl, 1345 2392 1510 1440-35 1440 1350 City of (Kroni Shannon Grain Lo 003 mat a Rim' i KANSAS CITY.

Oct. 2S. and Rock Inland. Trading assumed much wider Proportions before 11 o'clock, embracing issues of every description. Increased profit taking ckerclaed little or no effect, prices nttalnlng higher levels.

Unusual aotlvlO Bethlehem Steel i rose 30 point, to 580. was a conspicuous feature. Cent TM a and Sugars extended their neV rd raI of fl5 A la ffi to 4 points In related stocks. Rails relatively backward but firm. Deai- incs up to the noon hour, when almost buoyant conditions prevailed, approximated 750.000 -hares.

Bonds were fIrm Steel at he new record of with activity in other Industrials, eluding American nnd Continental featured the mid-session. Union to choice Fair to good feeders to full- feeders Good to choice stockers. Stock heifers Stock cows Stock calves eal calves In- Cans Pacific Mich I Low Wht Dec. May Corn Dec. May 167 SS 166 1 St) Sa 3 4 1G5 166 'A.

R. ROBERTS COMMISSION CO. (Correspondents E. W. Wagner Co.) Chlcauo Cash Grain.

CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 23. WHEAT--No. 2 hard. J1.7:'!4(»1.76 NO.J hard.

$1.71 No. 4 hard. c'ortN--No. 2, NO, 3, I 1 0 0 No 4 1 No. 2 i 01- No.

3 white nScigiJI.OO'/i: 2 yellow. NO. 3 yellow, 99ii No. 4 yellow, No. yellow.

OATS--No. 2 white, No. white. No. 4 white, iiowjlc: standard.

Carlot receipts: TODAY--Wheat, 9S cars; coin. 54 cars; 307 oars. TOWORKOW--Wheat. 2U cars, corn. 124 cars; oats.

649 cars. St. Louis Cash Grain. ST. LOUIS, Oct.

23. WHEAT--No. 2 hard, Jl.77gH.SJ; No. 3 hard J1.75@1.77; No. 4 hard, J1.67.

CORN-NO 2. ji.ooffi.02: NO. s. si.oo: No 2 white, 99c; No. 3 white, SSijc; No.

2 yellow. Jl.OS; No. 3 yellow. J1.02. OATS--No.

2. 52c; No. S. OOc; No. white.

63c; No. 3 white. No. 4 white. standard, 63c.

Carlot receipts: No report. City Cash Grain. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 23. WHEAT--No.

3 hard. Jl.75ffl.80: No. J'hard. No. 4 hard, J1.69© "CORN--No.

2, No. 3. 97(8'98c: Ko 4 95g-97c- No. 2 white. Jl-00: No.

3 white No. 2 yellow, No. yellow. 4 yellow. 2 -white.

No. 3 white. No. 4 white. Carlot receipts: No report Omaha Cash Grain.

OMAHA. Oct. 2j. WHEAT--No. 3 hard.

No. hard, S1.67@l-71; No. 4 hard. J1.65I5 1 "CORN--No. 2 No.

3. SJe- No. 4 No 2 white. 905? 92c: No. 3 white.

No. 2 yellow. No. 3 yellow, 94 I No. 4 yellow No.

5 yellow. 94- (g95c: No. 6'yellow. OATS--No. 2 white.

45Q-49HC. No. 1 No. 4 -K-hlte. sUndard.

4S Carlot receipts: TODAT--Wheat, 124 ears; corn. 6 cars: 69 cars. LAS TTEAR--Wheat. 9S cars; corn, 24 cars; oats, 135 cars. Chicago Cash Market.

CHICAGO. 111., Oct. 23. 2. $1.3201.34. TIMOTHY-- S3.25®5.25. 15.00 Minneapolis Cash Quotations. MINNEAPOLIS. i Oct.

J3. FLOUR--Winter patents. 2-V hisher; quoted at J9.55: firsts clears, snp hiisher: quoted at J7.90; second clears, 50c higher; quoted at $5.00. RYE-- 26.50. Liverpool Grain.

UIVF.RPOOL. Oct, ZS. WHEAT--Spot No. 2 hdrd winter. NO.

1 northern Euluth. 15s. No. 1 15b. No.

2, 15s. No. 3. 159. Sd.

CORN--Spot American mixed, new, i 3d. yielded 1 to 2 points In 'the later operations, but rnnde partial rocoyeries on the strength of high grade rails. The cloilnp wan New York "Last Sale" Stock LI it American Beet Sugar Americnn Can American Car Foundry Locomotive American Smeltlnc Reflningr. American SilKtir Rennlng American Tel. Tel American Zinc.

Lead Annconda Copper Atchison Baldwin Ixcr.motlve Baltimore ft Ohio Frooklyn Rapid Transit "and Superior Copper California Petroleum i Pnclflc Central Leather Chesapcnk" Ohio ChlcaKO. Milwaukee St. ChlcfiKO. Rock JsUind Paclnc Ky Chlno Copper Colorado Tiel (t Iron Crucible Steel Erie Elertnr Oreiit Nnrtnt-m pfd a Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Crntrnl I Con-ol Corp I a Copper Inter. I bid Inter.

Mere. a i pfd. Snutheni Kennecott Copper LrtnNvllle bid Mexican Petroleum MIninl Copper Knnstas A- Texas Pnclflc i Lend Xcvndn Copper York N. N. II.

A Northern Pacific Pennsylvania Piiclllc Mail Copper i i Iron Steel Pnelflc Southern Rnllwny Co Texas- Co Pnlon Pnelflc S. I i a Mcohol r'nltert United States Steel iifd I slVnbnsh Western I'nion Blectrie SR'i 82 .11 S4 K3 1 2 4 178 90 70 9551, 25 B8H SB sti .119 4 4 17S 1171' .117 137 58 2 26 11 1 V. 7RU Beef bulls, stage, etc 6.60 4.25@ 5 55 7.50® S.OO 6.75® 7.50 7.50$ S.OO 6.25® 7.25 B.2T® 6 50 7.00® S.50 sold 1 i i i a a i i i i sprint; but the pluineo a prenent liberal i 1 a i i mm i In I I i i i i i i lo a forelj-ncr'- CJIH- I i i i I i i a in the i in.i c'op rlld not i i 1 i i I ly i-fduci-d for export out of 'ills' a Crop news from India ami A a i a on the other a encourasing. I a i Liberal I Primary receipts of a last week though only about half the phenomenal movem'ent of a year ago. were almost as larjre as two years ago 40 per cent larger than three years ago.

The movement Is In excess of normal for the size of crop nnd the exports thus far have not prevented con- i a a i at market centers. The visible supply last Monday. 59,324 bushels, was more than three times a of a year and the largest for twenty with two exceptions, at this time of Todaj's statement Is not expected to show much change. i Wheat All Sold? Exports of wheat and Hour from the I i a lasl week were about 4 000 000 bushels, making a total of about bushels date since July 1. probabilities are that upward 40.000.000 bushels of wheat now in the I'nited Statef are under contract to KO abroad and i the 581000.000 already leporterl forelBners have probably readv bousht the entire theoretical sur- wheat in the United States above home needs.

Millinc demand continued brisk last week The northwest mills reported sales in excess of output. The Kansas and Kansas City mills are making- more Today in Ring Annals 11)11 ieoi'RO Curpeiitier p'i in 10 louniH Kii'jicu boxer i I i I a i Into Receding Ocean Breaker. (Special to The Star.) By "CY" A SCENIC Wash. husker football train is speeding over the Cascade mountain ranpre today the way home from the victorious The a i i a a six-fuoUT a i and he rasil defeated Hebrew battler, who stood only 5 fc-t i 0 inches'. It was while training for this bout that C'irpentier had his flrsi neet- Tin ing i Bombardier U'ells.

The I l(j 0 offered to spar i the Krenchnun at i his camp, and the bout soon developed I into the real article. The So'Hb'udior I a not only 2 ini'iieh caller tiiau but he was about 50 pounds heavier, and about 6 years oldt-r and more experienced. In spite of i disparity the slender French kid showed a lot of skill and grit, but the Bombnrdier' put ovir sevti-iil ruisty blows wnieh weie noi at all to Carpetuier't liking. Carpentier's manager, was even more peevish about the way Wells had waded into his man in a friendly sparring match and and there tne two Frenchmen on in- HOQS-- Receipts. 4.

SOO. A few -arly at steady prices, the remainder be- lOe lower. The bulk sold at ng 9 83 with a top at tlO.25. Representative sales of hogs market today were as follows: on tne No. 44 (17 37 67 64 73 R7 234 274 4SO 23(i 120 243 285 40 172 40 252 212 20 Dk.

Trice $9.75 9.75 9.80 9. So 9.85 9.90 10.00 10.10 No. 75 C4 65 52 C6 BS 81 Av. Dk. Price "22 80 $9.75 27S 200 9.80 9 SO 9.85 9.90 9.93 278 640 235 320 270 40 148 80 212 10.10 The run was I a i the tendency downward, on some kinds, at least.

Aethers yearlings were about steady, the top bringing $7.65. Ewes were lower with a top at S6.C5. Fat lambs were slow and weak to lower, with feeders opening steady. Quotations on sheep find la 1A ft TjirnbR. good to choice JlO.20SjtHO.30 Lambs, fair to good Lambo, feeders Tdarllngs, good to Yearlings, fair to good Yearlings, Wethers fair to choice Ewes, good to choice Kwes.

to good Ewes, plain to culls Ewes, feeding Kwes, breeders, nil 7.00^ 7.50 7.00@ 8.00 6.50© 7.75 6.50(§ 6.75 5.75gi fi.50 4.00fji 5.50 4.JO® 6." 6.25® 9.00 29V, .121 '4 31 New York Money. NEW YORK. O.M PAPER --3'i per cent STERLING Sixty hills. 4.71U: oommerclal. 60 da bills 4.70'i: demand 4 MEXICAN BONDS--Government, steady; railroad.

(Inn. TIME LOANS--Steady; 60 a i i per cent; 90 days and 6 months, 3 per cent. CALL MONEY--Steady; hlfsh. per cent; low 2U per cent; vtilinR rate. 2 per cent: Inst loan.

"V- per cent: closinK bid. 2i 4 per cent; orfered at. per cent. New York Metal. NKW YORK, Oct 23.

COPPER Firm; electrolytic, fiist quarter J27.50'jf2S.OO. IRON--Firm; No. 1 northern. $21 12 00: No. 2.

J20.50W21.GO: No. 1 southern. No. 2. TIN--Firm: spot.

J4l.00@41.50. 1 A a exchange quotes lead at Steady spot. East St. Louis delivery, S'utjrlO'ic. Minneapolis Grain.

MINNEAPOLIS Oct. 23. 51 Mnv WHEAT December. J1.55 7 closrd SI Cash: No. 1 rmrd No 1 northern 51 No.

2 northern. Jl.s: 17 No jellow. 4 3 FLAX-- S2.660S? 2.770. Kansas City a i A A 5 5 '''TV, WHEAT--TllKher: No l.SO: No. red.

S1 SSSl J1.69 1 Mav. Jl.R9 i. COKN-Hls ier: No. mixed 9Sfi99e: No 2 white. No 1 yellow.

$1.00 ffi 1.02: Pecember. S6 May. S7 a Ne. 2 i oOtt.iie: Xo 2 mixed. 4SS5JC.

hnrd S1.74i55 fancy, rwtfd 75. December. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO, 111.. Oct.

23. Hoc arrivals here today aggregated the mi-Best totnl yet this season, and there was a consequent setback in prices. Cattle -were relatively scarce. Receipts or shepp and lambs proved liberal. HOGS--ncreipts.

56.000; steady. 5c tinder Saturday's fivcragc; bulk of sales llKht, 59. mixed J9.70310.43. heavy. 10.40: rough pigs.

CATTLE--necelpts, 27000; firm: na- i beef cattle. western steers Jfi 25ff9.50; stockers and feeders. $4 rows and heifers. calves 33,000: stoidy; weth- ers. 57.00®$.25: lambs.

Kansas City Uve Stock. A A CITY, Oct. 23 HOGS--Receipts. 11.000; steady; bulk of sales $9 heavy. 59 packers and butchers.

$9 Hcnt, pigs, JS 30fpi9.40. CATTLE--Receipts. 25.000; steady; prime fed S9.500-I1.00: dressed lieef steers. western steers, $fi cows. $5 stockcrs and feeders.

ID 00(ft I 00; bulls. J4 calves. OOfflnO.oO. SIIKEP--Receipts. 3.000: steady, lambs, Sin.OOiS10.BO; 5 cartings, weth- ers.

ewe.i, South St. Joseph Live Stock. (Special to The Star.) SO ST JOSEPH. Oct. 23 2300: steady to Mi-one- steers.

J7.00(irl0.75: cows and helfcrR 1 $5 r-Oiifn 00- calves. OOdf 2o. HOGS--Receipts. 3 SOO; lower; top $1013: bulk of sales, SI 1FEP--Receipts. steads lambs.

I i i i oO; yearling. ewes. 56.73^7.25. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO.

111.. Oct. 23. Bl'TTFR--Stendy: creamery. i i EGGS--Steady; receipts.

S.22J CHSCS. firsts nrsts. at m.irk. cases included. receipts.

90 rars; Minnesota and Dakota white. and Dakota Ohlos. Wisconsin and Michigan white. 51.35(0' POVTjTRT-- Alive, steady: fowls and springs, 16 He. New York Suqar.

NKW YORK. Oct. SUG-VR--Raw, firm: fi 52c molasses 5 B4c; rertned. steady; cut i a crushed, 5 0 mould A.

S.OOc: cubes S.OOc: xxxx powdered. i powdered' 7.COC. fine grnnulated. 7.oOc; i a mond A. 7.50c; confectioners' A.

40c; No. 1. 7.330. were firmer on commission house Inline and continued support from Cubnn interests. At noon prices wore fi to 10 points higher.

Most of the early advance was lost icalizhiR nnd the market closed 4 points higher. Sales 2.800 tons December, 4.9Sc; January. t.o4c; March, 4.22c. New York Produce. NEW Oct.

23. TiUTTER--Firm; creamery hipher extra creamery extras scored. i firsts. seconds. SJ'ilfv receipts.

6.932 cases: fresh ratliered extra tine extra firsts. seconds. ..0 i i So'JffiOc; nearby hcrnery browns. nour than n. year ago.

Carlot prices of wheat advanced about as much as futures. Fancy No 2 hard wheat In Kansas City brought 11.76 and the poorest- (trades No. 2 hard sold, cents over the December price. Sensational Corn Prices. Carlots of corn sold last week as high as a dollar a.

bushel In Chicago and 94 cents In Kansas City. These prices are the hlffhest attained since 1S88. when the top was $1.02 in Chicago. In paper currency, which -was 25 per cent discount under gold. In 1S92 the dollar mark was in a manipulated deal that quickly With these phenomenal prices for car- lots the December quotation advanced 10V.

cents in Chicago and cents In Kansas" City with the Mav deliveries up almost as much. Present prices for new corn futures surpass all previous records at this season of the year. A combination of influences save the market its boost last week. Probably the most important was the Information that all the corn in Chicago elevators-1300000 last Monday--hns been sold to tin leaving the trade dependent on the current meager movement. Kansas Cltv stocks are about 300.000 bushels, and presumably are mostly under contract to go out.

jiidcring from the stiffness of the cash market. The extraordinary prices have failed to attract much old- corn to market, which seems to Indicnte that reserves are about exhausted. The flne fall -weather recently preveil- Inir was broken last week by widespread rain and snow, which will cause some delay in gathering arid marketing the new crop. Increased foreign buying was anotnei strengthening- influence. There Is a wider mnrsrin between Chicago and Liverpool prices for corn than for wheat, though Enclnnd is petting fairly liberal siinplics from Argentina.

Corn prices appear to be abnormal, considering the fact that this year's crop is about equal to the average of the past five years the hay crop is the est on record and the oats crop has been exceeded only twice. There have been only four larger crops than this nffl'flal estimate. Shere will be the utmost economy In the of eorn this year so a farmers may market as much as possible at the extraordinary lre; prevailing-' The Week's a of Grain Prices. The range of pricos for active gram futures week and the Saturday, with are here Rhown: KANSAS CITY. ------Close- High Low Satdy.

Week trounced the Oregron Saturday's gridiron battle on field. Stops were made Sunday at Seaside near the month of the Columbia river and at Seattle, while the itinerary for today includes morning and afternoon stops for practice. The Nebraska Players and tourists were greeted by Nebraska grads at Seattle, -where the cadet band paraded the streets, while another hour's halt will be made tonipht at Spokane. The sights of Glacier National park vrill be briefly inspected Tuesday morning, after -which the Nebraska special will pull away on the long- run for Lincoln. Forty of the football -warriors and band musicians enjoyed an ocean swim and experience he whipped Wells Ghent and again in London.

George is now an avitor In the French military service, while Wells is ngraln wearing the uniform of the British army. Sunday morning at Seaside their first dip into the briny deep. Halfback Caley provided the sensation of the adventure by diving into a breaker when the water was only half wav to his knees. Caley had been tipped off that was the correct way to take an ocean swim. The breaker suddenly receded and Caley landed on his head In the hard sand.

tiehm Hopes to Defeat Team That Whipped Harvard WHEAT-- Mav CORN-Dec May S5Vi KAFIR-- pec. May ...115 A -nee. ...171 May ...171 1 Julv 1 4 3 CORN-Tec. 7 May S7 1 S6 OATS-Dec. May P5H 153 CHICAGO.

1.13*8 50 6 170k- 157'i- 141 7SV4- S6 50H 4S 51'i .11 WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS BLOOMINGTON. Oct 23--Coach Ewald O. Stiehm. of the Indiana -university football squad, is making a number of "changes in the lineup nnd none of the men yet is sure of starting in the game igalnst Tufts. In the intersectional con- est to be staged at Indianapolis October 28 Stiehm is bending every effort to i i shape a football combination that can defeat the Medford.

eleven, which downed Harvard by a 7 to score and held Princeton to a 3 to 0 victory for the Tigers. In addition to drilling the Crimson players In the rudiments of the game. tackling, and working put new plays for the game, the big coach putting the players through hard scrimmage practice every afternoon, continu- ng- the work long after dark under the arc lights Installed on Jordan Field. To build up a "never-say-dle" spirit. Coach Stiehm has been giving the second team the ball on the 'varsity's five- yard line and letting them keep it until they make a touchdown.

Notre Dame Hard at Work Preparing for Big Games I I I IN BLICT Nebraska, Missouri and Ames Are Still In for the Championship. KANSAS CITY. Oct. clarification of the scrimmage for the Missouri vallev conference championship was not forthcoming from last week's games, which left three undefeated teams still fighting for the prize and Nebraska with two unconquered opponents to put away, instead of one. if the Cornhuskers wish to duplicate their feat of last year's victorious season.

At that the Corn- husker team bids fair to turn the trick as eiidenced bv their clean victory scored in Portland. over the Oregon a s. Valley football teams todav hailed Nebraska's far-western triumrh as a i dication of claims that teams of this section are playing a highly developed game which the best teams in the country -would do to overcome Missouri and Iowa State (Ames) remain with Nebraska in the undefeated class of the conference. A matter of inches Saturday twice prevented a decision in the scoreless tie played by the Timers a the lowans at Columbia. The Kansas Aggies plaved a mediocre came agairst the "Ernporia (Kas.) Normal school, 13 to 3 Drake defeated Washington 13 to 0.

T'niversity of Kan- sps utilized an off-dav to rumple up the Kansas freshmen 19 to ft. while Captain -natchetl the Aecies in preparation for the game vith the team Saturday, and Conch journeyed to Dallas Tex. to see Oklahoma in ai-iion. in the hope of getting- points -for the Knnsns-Oklahomn game on November 4 The Dallas game, which resulted in a i for the ersitv of Texas. 21 to 7.

was taken to indicate that Oklahoma's supremacy south nf the Missouri river lias met at least a temporary check. Certainly the defeat i a eliminated the Sooners from the southwestern conference title race. STAR WANT ADS PHONE B-6724 ADVKKT1S1NU KATES: The foi inseitlng Want Ads In The lUuly or Sunday) is 1 cent a word each insertion, i i 15 cents Special weekly late 4 cents per word per week, rate xor standing ads 1 dollar line per month. Exceptions: "Situations Wanted for permanent positions three times free when brought to office. Clairvoyant.

Matrimonial and Doubtful Financial advei Using not accepted. CLOSING HOURS: Wunt Ads to be classified properly must be in The Star oftice before one p. m. the day or publication for The Daily Star, and before ien p. m.

Saturday for The Sunday Star. Want Ads received alter closing hours will be inserted under the heading, "Too Late to 'CCJUN'T THE WORDS of your ad. putting one word as the first -ndex- ing word of your ad and two worda for Star address, when such address is used: count each number or combination of tigures as one word. TELEPHONE your Want Ads to The it Is more convenient to do so and collection will be made at your home or ftt your office wiUlin a few days. This is an accommodation service rendered Star Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made on presentation of bill.

Always ask that your ad be repeated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that it has been taken correctly. The Star cannot assume responsibility for errors in telephone ads OUT OF TOWN -adyertlsementa must be accompanied with' cash in full payment for the same. Note the foregoing instruction about counting the -words and the rate per word. Alphabetically Arranged. ANNOUNCEMENTS.

for dead animals. John Darner. 141 So. 1st St. LS408.

PRACTICAL NURSJS. ten. 1451 Rose. F1975. Call Mrs.

Peter- 10-28 THE BEST In "Good Housekeeping," two jears lor $2.00 umil November 10. i subscription to your regular solicitor or call W. E. Turk, L5622. District Manager.

W-n CLARK JEARY. Lawyer, Clk. Phone B41SO. 218 Richards 11-20 RESIDENCE CALLS for Hairdresslng, Manicuring. Call L5424.

STOVES repaired, polished and set up. Call 10 A Suggestion for November 7th. 1916. ADDISON WAIT for SECRETARY OF 3TATB. KOTRE DAME.

Oct. I a used by hi; frohhmen. aided by Notre Dame stars of former years been responsible for a number of touchdowns made by the yearlings against the 'varfcitv In preparation for the. same with Wabash here on October 28. The fresn- men were able to make long gains by uslns the "Wabnsh formations nnd a Harper is devoting much of the practice to building a defense against the Little Giant's plays.

While working his men a i for the game. Coach Harper is also drill- in" them for the annual contest with the Army eleven to be played at West Point on November 4. Americans Win in Christiania Races New Tork Chicago Philadelphia Boston St Louis Cansas City San Francisco. Bank elenrinRS In the United States fo the kendins October 19 reporter to Journal, New York, as Tecnte $6.867250,000. against So.04,.- 000 lust week find $5.224.597,000 in this week last year.

Canadian clearings ae- creefite $253,120.000. as against S49000 Inst week and $199.023.000 tins week lust year. The following are partial returns for this week and last: October 19 October 12 4 r- 109.000 R35 4S7.000 .152 620,000 353 292,000 231.022.000 260,315.000 175.166.000 121.754.000 12fi.S31.000 125.104.000 96 940 000 63 SIS.000 77 364.000 5S.460.000 45.310.000 32.722,000 6S 48.325.000 53 643.000 46.R47..000 41 190,000 29.040.000 37.S67.000 37.211.WO 31 274.000 37,015.000 25,472.000 S6.445.OflO 32 4S9 000 25,135 000 21 643.000 16.329.000 3 2 1 4 4 0 0 0 30.6SS OOi) I 16.304 000 22.17:.000 21 OS5.000 21.SS9.000 22.944.000 lfi.194.000 11,499 000 firsts (fiJ2c C11FKSK-- Firm; receipts. boxeo, frc'h spei-inls. 214121VJC: aver- fancv.

e. flrm: no prices set lied dull nnd weak: chickens. fowls. 1S(ff244r: turkeys. 2 Review of the Grain Market Stdte-s.

the quotation Kansas City Produce. KANSAS CITT. Oct. 23. BUTTER--Creamery.

33Mc; firsts, SO'iic: seconds, 29c; packing, EGGS--Firsts. Sic, POULTRT--Hens. ISc; roosters, trollers. 21 c. Duluth Llnieed Close.

DULUTH. Oct. 23. LINSEED--On track and to arrive, JJ.7l4c- October. $2.70 ashed; November, 12.76; $2.66: May, $2.71.

LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET. Samuel L. SJiostak. dealer in poultry, butter and eggs. 217 South Ninth quotes the following: EGOB--Fresh, per BUTTER--Table, per 30c; packing, 27c.

POULTRY--Menu, per 14c; springs. old roosters, 8e. ducks. i old toms, 14c; plgcon.i, The "exceptions Were in 1SS when a i ha lliitehins'Oii corner sent the Chicago citnce.

rrlce $2 In a hlclily a i a mar- Larger nnd in when the top was under conditions. Generally speakinp. wheat is biBlicr to- i-i the United than thnn ever before fifty years. Farmers in the great wheat producing regions er obtained as much ns they nrc now getting fo-- wheat. The a situation, like, many others in thl'' remarkable era.

Is without nny precedent on which to base the probnble courye of prices. Urgent Ennllsh Demand. Henyy English buying lint week removed preceding week's doubts ns to the policy the British government would pursue In monopolizing wheat Imports. The Kngllsb buyer" proceeded promptly to take large quantities In the. United "States--estimated as high 7.000.000 bushels, but the Canadian government, acting for the British committee.

over all i i ivheit eon- tracts In CnnsuM. These nctlon? seem to I i a clear! a the Kngllvh a i i nrc keenK Mippllet- a i wheat wherever they CRII Ret It. i ICnclnnd inl.lny; larpe of wheat and prices Up 13'cents In the Baltimore Detroit Cincinnati Minneapolis "Los Angeles Omaha New Oilcans Milwaukee ille Atlanta St. Paul Seattle Buffalo Portland. Richmond Denver St.

Joseph Des Moines Wichita Sioux City. "Lincoln Topeka. CHRISTIAXrA. Oct. London) The MinTican runners ns.iin snowed front in the games here yesterday.

The dash: "Won by Joe TjOomK America- second. Rustad. Norway: third. Andry Ward. America.

Time. 10 i SOO-meter run--Won by J. "BoHn. Sweden Time. 1 i 56 5-10 seconds.

Second Ted Meredith. American. Time. 1 i 56 x-ronds 110-meter hlRh hurdler--W on Boh Simpson America; second Fred Murray. America.

Time. 14 9-10 seconds 400-metpr by American a Toomis. Ward Simpson and Murray; second, Scandinavian team. lime. 43 seconds.

A I I The area of low pressure noticed northeas-t of the lake rncion -o- clay has disappeared to the eastward arid an area of high pressure i fnir. cold weather covers the east- ern states today, with the highest burometer in New Knprlnnd. The barometer is hisrh westward in the states to the Pa- cific coast. An area of low nressure has developed in the southwest and the low barometer extends eastward to Texas anrl Oklahoma. Rain or snow has a in Wisconsin, north- ern Iowa, northern Nebrnsk.i.

west- ern South Dakota, Wyoming and eastern Colorado. An arf.i of low pressure has ap- penred of 1 i the center north of the i i of the -9- map. F.iir a has prevsiiled In the northern nnd western The southeastern area of low pros- ure will move eastward i the center south of Nebraska and i cause mostly cloudy weather in this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, with some rain or snow. I DEFEATS A I (Special to The Star) WTSKER. Oct.

23 --The hish school football defeated Maaison hich school in a close same Saturday at Wisner by the score of 6 to 0. The pi me played on a snow-covered field but both teams displayed a classy brand of ball. Crew Lost in Hurricane Wreck Ore. 5 423 000 5.274 000 4.S7S.OOO 2.5S2.000 Total. IT.

S. Tot. out. N. 13.527.000 20 4 4 4 0 0 0 15.153.oon 10.6SS.OOO 6,702 Oftn 5,709.000 5.777,000 OdO 1.039.000 $ JI.922.6S3.000 TEMPERATURES.

Hieh FOR B4.104- first class, reliable nurses, call tl DO your dressmaking and altering-, improved Dressmaking pa 1115 O. PHONE Want Ads--B6724. HOTELS OF LINCOLN. EVEKY tnoaeiii convenience--rales rea- Room. coir Hotel.

AUTOMOBILES. 1 -FOR SALE: CHEAP. One Buick Koadster. A-l condition; one Fold i a a i o-pussenger. one- liner-State, one 2-cylindei Buick i make a good truck.

3028 St Untraiiuo behind Babket Store No. 1. Phone LSIoO. R. M.

Seibort. 1U--S FOR SALE--Mo'orcyclc carette. Call FOK OR TRAUE-- Five-passen- KOI 4-cyimdei Ilwo HU2, good condition. three new tires; would make good i a a or cluai lot or cheav CJhh. BiJSb 01 call 1.5GU1.

The Machine Shop. 22nd and 1'. roi Al Jennings to Run for Governor NEW ORPHANS. Oct. 23--Sixteen of the crew of the steam Hirtes, i i Captain McKeige.

of Now Tork drowned when the steamer was sunK in the Parribcan sen, forty-five miles east of Belize. British Honduras, in the tropical hurricane on October 15, according to a wireless message received here from the agents of Ms'iu- facturinp; company, which hns the ship under charter. Only three members of the craw were saved, the message states. Stations -9- Boise Boston Buffalo C.ilgnrv Cllicasro Donvei' Tiff Monies Duluth Kl Pa'O Calvepton Hnvre -t- Helena Huron Kansas City T.OS Angeles T-ouisvillc ilemphis Montreal -t- New Orleans Now York Oklahoma City Omaha Plioenix -9- Pittsburgh Portland. Ore.

Pueblo Rapid City Pt. T.ouis Salt I pke i San Dlesco San Francisco Fe Seattle Sheridan Pioux i Spokane "Vi'a'ihinatrtn Yellowstone Park Yuma Low BO 5S 42 5S 3S 3S 3S 4fi C4 56 64 4fi 68 4 44 48 3S Gfi 4S 62 62 5S 31 "0 56 56 30 S8 1 a belf-starter Overland Six. i a to exchange for Ford or bmall car and i take note 01 for dtrterence. Carl Miller. 90S K.

B3555. HAVE 1915 Overland. good condition, to tiade, a out in gro- ot-iios by the month. Carl -Miller, B3555. 10 -Ifi SO 1S 54 40 4fi 2 n4 44 52 44 32 OWNERS Attention! i 01 del to i i a i a Caibou Remoter, i remove i i i your car tms week lor Phone U41U4.

a C. Rocder, Apple "iflTs ELECTRIC model Harley and SOOL! as halt price if takea Phono L5G72. i FOR SALE-- New 1916 I'-ord a ouu i Cai bodies, intludins top and windshield. lemoved i cars sold for commercial uui poses. A.

G. Hebb Auto Uth and Cts 1 mcoln. Neb BUSINESS ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. 414 i'lfji Hank Bids. A CHAPMAN.

Bonded Abstractor, fr-unke 3W Cor. 12th and 1 CAMERAS. WE BUY sell or exchange cameras and do finishing. Cameia Exchange, loo- 50 4- 3s 10 34 2S 40 1C 60 CARPENTER. CARPENTER and Builder: a specialty.

Phone B1J39 or rep-urins A I WANTF.U-- Carpentei or repair Phone L563G a 6 p. ro. 1 Shipments From Australia. Knpland Is makinc: a strong effort t( get more ships to transport the blc Aus tr.ilian surplus. Shipments from a source Inst week were 2.000.000' bushels nnd they be expected to Increase.

Argentina 1.792.000 bushels and Tndla 2.000.000 bushels. Exports from the United States and Canada were r. 324.000 bushels. Last -week was the first In a long time when America supplied so small a proportion of the totnl world's shipments. French Osmunds Satisfied.

The rise In the market way halted Fridav by a semi-official announcement from 'Paris a the French government has completed purchases of enough foreign -whcixt to supply probnb'e, requirements up to the end of July -11 this mean? a France no longer to be competitor for wheat. might hnve nn important effect In checking the rising prli-es though if Frnnee has merelv contracted to when! f-om shippers In Mnerlea and elsewhere who have yet to obtain a it might the oprtoslte effect. Most i i Ihe steadv tlg'Meninc of market i a i now, while stocks are large nnd receipts com- LOS ANOELES. Oct. Al j.

Jennings, once a bandit leader, according to his st.itpment. now a revivalist, announced today ne be .1 candidate for the second time, for tho democratic nomination for srovovnor of Oklahoma. He was defetited at the primaries in Under the OKUlioma 1 iw onndidates must file nomination papers by January 1, precoclinjr the fall elections. Harvester Company Suit Postponed Oct. 2.1--Thr- department of justice asked the supreme court to temporarily postpone r3-arfrument of the suit against the International Hain-e tor corporation for week.

Tlie motion was granted, but no time for was set. FATAL "MOVIE" I REPUBLIC. Oct. B. P.

Hibbard. wife of the proprietor of a moving: picture theatre, was i burned to dcnth and three biilldlngs were destroyed here late night in a fire w-hicli started in theatre. Thirty person putrons os- capod unhurt. The fire was caused by a piece of hot carbon falling into I a'loose roil of Him an tho floor. I United States CeparlmsiU of Agriculture Weather I ureau Charles Marvin.

Chief BASKMENTS cemented, excasntcd anrt repaired. B304S. CHIROPRACTIC. CHIROPRACTIC 'THE CHIRI'JPKACTORS Consultation and Examination Is FREE 1-05 0' St Phone LINCOLN 1.P021. Resldcnof.

Asnworth. CLOT ES "SHOE'S. TRUMPS BOUGHT. Bl'Y old clothes trunks. Pnv Vrom to foi suits Phone LSI 74.

CHIROPODIST. A FORM'. OiHi.i 17 So 14th. B192S. 0 I -Tl 1 1 -23 Cl.AS" rx m.

FOR A i BuM.isd s. tf ELECTRICIANS. u-ic Vv'orl-. 1.7200. tf a FLO'JR.

TRV nnr Prize 1 per sack. hiRh patent. -Cialn Co. -S I ESCAPES. C.

Observation taken at 7 a. m. Air reduced to sea level and lines drawn through points of equal pre.ssnre Arrows tly with the wind. Clear; Partly Cloudy; Cloudy; A Snow; Report missing. A A A A p'fi WOU 1 1 to i ed If Noah EWSPAPER.

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