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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 8

Logansport, Indiana
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BIG SUCGE5S The Golden Rule's GreM Smash-Up and Clearance Sale. Thousands of people are availing themselves of this only chance to buy Summer and all kinds of Dry Goods at the Smash-up prices they are offering at the GOLDEN RULE. There never was such a Sale in Logansport before. All Spring and Summer Merchandise must be closed out. Cost not considered.

Come Today, Afternoon and Evening. BRING SILVER OR GREENBACKS HERE AND GET 16 TO i. 100 dozen Duck Suits with Blazer jncketsaud ivide Skirts, former price, $3.50, tor today 98c Men's Shirts. All out oOo and 75e Men's working shirts and laundried Percale Shirt go today -39c 500 calice Wrappers in fail width skirts and full sleevep, in fancy colorings and designs, made to sell at $1.00 and today -i-lo and 98c An immense stock to' close out. A tine sarnuier ooraet, extra long waist and full shape, only.

39c of our best men's Shirts with two collars and cuffs in many fancy The up-to-date Corset, the newest out, see it, worth $100, for today designs, today 75c I only "58c Shirt Waiste, A good waist in full sleeves, and many colors and sizes for only 28c Verf Percale and Lawn waists, choicest materials; some have white collars and cuffs, choice for entire lot 69c Underwear tpecials.for tomorrow. Ladies' vests, extra good, regular 20c quality, for today Qc The celebrated Riser Silk Vests, to close out lot only 39c Corner Fourth and Market ALL OUR PARA50LS AT; LESS THAN COST. THE GOLDEN RULE Corner Fourth and Market. To The Ladies This is the season of the when -the unpleasant but necessary -work of house-cleaning claims the attention of the housekeeper and not a little depends on the appearance of yoar lace as poorly done-upcurtainispoil the effect of a woll-furnlslied home; quicker than anything else. We have azperieaeed help in this class of work who do nothing else and we KEow we -caii glvo yon perfect satisfaction.

We are also making a specialty this year tit laundering shirt waists, being the only firm in the city using machinery exclusively for the purpose. We will appreciate your patronage. PRESS OPINION Democratic Opinion on the Chicago Convention. Campbell Bros. 429 Market St.

Stolen Bicycle 5Icans a great deal to the ono that is a toscr. Why run any risk when you can Have your wheel Insured against theft at a very nominal figure and get Its value when stolon? Insure at ouce and be on the Practored Tires Repaired From this date on for 25 cents at the Burgman Cycle Co Are You Out of Employment. you a horse, or other personal property, or vacant lots you would like to exchange for a business thatwlllglvt big returns? Call at 703 flichigan Avenue. DAILY JOURNAL SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1800. 1 MLss Gertrude Blassiugbam is sick.

Borrc, to Jlr. aiul.Mna. David Powleu, daughter. The funeral of the late Joseph Strebel will be held Monday morning at the residence, No. 1913 George street, at o'clock.

liead the Bee today about their big shirt wailst offer. They offer choice and $2.00 waists for $1. By request -today. Our waist sale a grand 1 Call again Monday. ajid waists only 08o; 9Sc 'ISc; Palace.

Harvey Mater has leased tbe room occupied as-the office of the Saturday Night Review and Is Cttlnjr Jt up for a cigar stand. TtiiO Marion leader, W. B. Westlatc's paper, springs the name of W., a former part owner, as an avadable cnndldate for Congress to oppose Major George W.

Steele. Leading Papers Unanimously Condemn the Action. Candidates and Platform Equally Discredited. Probability of Another Democratic Convention Imminent. Xo Democrat v.ho cares 'for the fajuc- or the of tlio Deniocra-Uc party can a rote for nny caiididate, for I'l-esident or Congress, who for 0110 moniout upon such a platform find call it Tost (Dom.) The St.

Louis Ansoiser Dos Wostens (Dcin.) strongly disapproves of ihc Chicago platform, ami wltt announce tlui.t it will support the candidates 11.0111:- uatod. on it. Xlio of Hdcet to represent the Democrats will bo advocated. Our worst fears have not. only been nsilized, but new and horrible doeirUics imvo been added in the Ciucago platform, which cau not possibly gind a Democrat, who is unwilling to abandon the fimdamcntal principles of his parry.

Times (Deui.) The Courier hopes that the honost- monej- Democrats of New York aud other States will put i.u the field an iu depcodojrt, gonuine and Democratic preslclaitUil ticket and continue, th flght against both MeKtoleytein nnd dc based Courier (Deiu. The Democratic convention has ad jourued and. It has doue wdwt we, anO witli us.miUioii'S have has hitched the Democracy to the free silver by the Populists aud has placed Bryan, as driver into the Iliiuol's. Staats-Zoltnuj (Dem.) tolligouce, the underlying honesty and the public -morall'ty of the people. The Democratic pnrtj', -If uot hopelessly disrupted, will be the natural rallying point for the reaction against a.Hepubli ca.u reveling in spoils, lu favoritism to wards trusts wlitch Is sure to follow the election York World (Dem.) With a.liee ballot and a fair count believe that Alabama and Tennessee Floridii cao not be held In the free and Oho States in the North and East wiifch have Ju the past cast the deciding votes lu oioee presidential elections, will not cast a single vote for a free silver candidate for News and Courier (Dem.) The refusal of the' majority' in the committee 011 resolutions to Incorporate in the platform a plank requiring existing contracts to be settled on the basis of the standard iu force when made is repudiattoin.

It is worse even than that, 4f anything ca.n be worse. It is .1 distinct denial of.the chief claim upon which the advocates of free eilvisr profess to rest that Free Press (Dem.) It is a blunder that would be Incon- cdh-able if it hnd actually made. It pushes Democracy out and linings Populism to the front. It will render support 1 of the ticket'Impossible by hundreds of tliousainds of Democrats. The Democratic party of the Nation has deserved better things of the the lihnv ha-Vu dealt if at Chicago.

Youk World (Dem.) SuHidVnt mi-to ouch day is Hifi- evil thereof, fiind i'-rorin evrn a surfeit at. There may bC'uCiO money Democrats in CJiat convuuilnn who eompeUed to support a rcniuli- an. ticket. Vi'u do not, however, believe that there are somwl-muney Democrats in the Uulrwl States who will fool under any such (Dom.) The acme cheap money I'linatics however, is reached in Hie propasitioai to so lii! the Immls of the people 1 that s-hall not he allowed to protect themselves by legal contracts -against loss from a debased.measure of value. Bei'ore this prognunme could be carried out the la'ws o-u the statute books would have 10 be abolished and the Constitu'tioiii of tiio United States Eecord (Dem.) No member bound by a convention jjTOgii'laKilJiCS and defiance of rule precedent were next after its avowal of sectionalism and 'lihc gospel of hater its own particular prWo.

Today evcVy man Democracy is graven on hi.s heart ami stored among Ihe 'ideals rtenr- cr to him than all save honor, absolved from party, Paul Globe. (Dem.) In another editorial -the Globe demands'the: holding of another Dcmo- craitic eoavcn-ttan for the nomination of a ticket. As a whole the money plank of the Chicago platform is an'assemblage'tit! the historic falsehoods- aud economic and heresies that have 1 been rel- endlessly for the past twonity years' in all the I'opulfc-tfc a-nd silver gO'lch platforms from Oca la to Denver, aud have boon miule the text of ''furious diatribes by. vengeful rebels and scr-eechiiug Populists. 'It is that 'plus Mi anarchistic nssautt'upon the right of private Times (Dem.) It is the regulation Populissric gospel of nntiis.m, ca3Itng not oniy for silver monometallism, but in insisting that the government s3mll monopolize, with the cxcepti-on'iu favor of state banks, the issuance oil money," a.nd that It shall not have provide Itself tfith means for tlie redemption of its Uius prooianinclng' ultimate system of irredeeniable 'paper "rag money 1 in its worst form.

'It Is a platform ifrooi which Domoc'ruls turn away sick ait Journal. moiuoy plaulc of the Chicago convention is an assemblage of the historical falsehoods and economic errors and heresies that have been' reiterated endlessly for the past'tweii'ty'years. In all the Popullstlc and sllvei: gulch platforms from Ocala tb'Denver' and. tnat have been mtide the text-of furious dia-. tribos by reveoiige-ful rebels PorraMflts ifroon Pltch'fork Tlllman ito Bloody BrMIcs It Is that plus an amarchliistlc assauTt upon the sacred right ftf private, Chronicle (Dem.) SomeUiiufi more, than of the 'buslneas interests of the States, something more the, pros- pe'rWy of every' wage-earning every possessor of a savJiOgs bank account, or of industry's In- any other form, is involved mad assault upon the.

foundations of and commercial 5t-is a-dlrect najd uji Natloii's 'honor 1 Repudlatloff! Consider the word well, ts aspects, It-means In. the case individual cw York Sun (Dem.) The Chlcagoi platform 1 is without a ircdeemJag feature. it patiiotic citizens of any falin. i.s not a vital of Democracy prosoiitL'd in ir, with the single cx- ci'fition O'l! tiic pcilln-nrtory paragraph on oijtialily of taril't' ta.vffs. It is proclamation of wstinized repudiation, agravianism nnd and it must sunmiou every and patriotic: citixen.

rofjiirdlcMs of political tioiis, to most Jioroie bnr.tlo aga-insl. the triumph of a madness is a.s deadly lu aim as was tlic madness 'of recession in 1SOO, aa.ul without even ttie poor excuse 'diat secession had for its Times (Dem,) Lunacy having dii-ctated the platform. i't: was pei'luips 'iBitural tliu.t hysteria should evolve the candidate. The norni-' of the "boy orator" for the White House at tills jnncturo of the Nation's affairs, domestic and Coreigu, when the experience, the best tested, w.isdOiiii, the broadest patriotism' and, the greatest executive ability are reijnired, conies perilously near taking the one fatal 1 step from the sublime. it is to the future that the world looks in.

this convention. There do.ubt a.s to the result of the deetion cxcep; as to The sizL- of Mc- poqiiilar niid doctoral majorir-. iei. To this to doubt the The Demccrurjc press cast of the Mis- -sissiiipi nl-mosr uiwurmously repudiates cho-Chicago Locul 'orfpias like thciriiaros. of course, swallow the plat- MJH! the nominees, hut they would Heaven IJC-MIISO H's streets are witli gold, lit Uie platform so do- creLHl.

'J'liti Dcmoecafic papers of Chi-, cago, Louisville, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Brooklyn, Buffalo. ami other great cities a-re outspoken. Below are given a few extracts to (lie unaiiuiilty of t.h.c denuuciatiou. Judging from the great dcm.iind it seems cortaiii that money, National and State Democratic tickets will be placed In the Held in every State lu the Union. Hero is some of the Democratic comment: The Baltimore Suu-aud the Baltimore! Evenbig- News, both heretofore strongly Democratic, will uot support Bryan in the coming cfl.uipa/igu.

The Sun. says: "The'only question that nonv presents tcselC to the sound-money men is 'How to beat Brya.n?'' He Is the best mu.n tho frce-coinjige people could have nominated. A brlllfiuit speaker nnd an cffectivo caimpaigmcr, lie fits the-platform and tho platform hitm. chancefi of success, (however, arc lu favor of McKinley aud sound money. We regard the evils of protection as of less importance thorn'the evJls of free silver coinage." The News, In an.

editorial, says: "There Is no duty half so urgent today' as the duly of seeing that the Chicago idea of Democracy is buried as deep as possible next November." TWO SMALL BATTLES. OF ALL THE PANTS DOWN SALES that Harry Frank has ever originated and carried out, this one will surpass and will positively be our Farewell Pants Down Sale. To give you an idea how extremely low we will sell them we quote a few of the many lots Our $6 and 6.50 Worsteds now $3.25 Our $6 and 6.50 Fine Cassimeres 3.25 Our $5 and 5.50 Doeskin 2.75 Our $4 and 4.50 Fancy Cheviots---- 2.25 Our $3 and 3.50 Fancy Cassimeres 1.75 and i.25 Cotton Worsteds 75 Cotton Worsteds 68 Boy's Long Pants 43c Childrens Pants 14c In fact every pair in the house goes at 60c on the Dollar to give every citizen in the country an opportunity to he'p themselves. HARRY FRANK 313 Fourth Street. after which h-e relieved- him of Ills clu and proceeded to wield tne weapo with telling effect on the Tibs of the of fleer.

By this time Park Policeman. An dersou and a number of-by-standers in tcrfe-rcd and panted Hie fighters. No ai rests were made. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Southslde Scrap, and a Mix-up at The Park.

Last evening two young men named and Lynch aittacked a man while he was bringing his cow home from, pasture and he claims they brutally' assaulted him with a tin 'pall; The police and Pa- to-ohnea Kleckner and Wirwahn were dispatched to that part of town. They succeeded to capturing the two assafl- ants'and es'corted them to th-e county bastlle where they spent tbe nlglit.They will probably a chance to ex- plata. their "act to Mayor McKee tomorrow, morning. Yesterday voftemoon the ball at.the- a Westslde young man- named Jones and a park policeman naaned engaged in an- altercation in Tvbteh was. worsted.

Jones struck him, knocking him down, Contractor Palmer is engaed lii plac ing a new front in B. F. Keeslmg' drug stow. Tli.e building is tie proper ty of P. W.

Moore. It Is actual merit that has given Hood's Sarsapariflla the first plae' among medicines. It Is the One Trui Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. The' Eastend aaid Sunday school will give a reception and socla at the cornier of Seventecnthi and George streets July 17. Everybody cor dl-ally Invited.

There will be a regular meeting the Laundry workers union toruorraw evening at K. of H. hall on Market street. A full attendance is desired business of Importance is to be transacted. you believe in signs.

When you see a woman driving south and looking east It is pretty sure sign that she means to turn to the west at the first Enquirer. Apricots came originally from Armenia, gooseberries from Siberia, radishes from China and Japan, onions from Spain and Portugal, vegetable marrow from America and cauliflower from Canada and Cyprus. Between the ordinary harmless snake and such species as the cobra and viper there Is great structural differences In the formation of the head. In highly poisonous snakes; the lower jaw-bone Is shortened, while the traverse or Inner Ja.w-bone Is correspondingly lensrtlieaad. 1O BlulCLE Any Tire Made, Self-Healing, If Tou Puncture "Tour Tire You Never Know It The Compound Guaranteed to do the Work, and Add to the Life of tWe Tires.

Line Pilling 1 the bicycle and shoe man this new compound now perfected and ready for tbe market; and It Is guaranteed to do as represented. Any tiro once tieaited is made absolutely sclf- liealtag. Piling, the shoe man, liae the pound at his store, and Is ready to treat any tire. LITTLE LOCAL. Attend Filling's sale of tan shoes.

Choice of the house All and tan shoes reduced to at Pillins's mid-summer sale. There are no better shoes made than Plffing, the shoe man, handles, and now your chioice of any tan shoe tn his store for is surely a Take your tires to PUling and have the tires treated. Guarantee to make any tire eelf-healing. No more punctures if you will have' your ttoes It adds to the life ot tires and makes them hold-air indefinitely. Pilling, the shoe man, 412 Broadway, Logansport, Ind.

Soiled and faded garments be made to took like new. Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Anyone can. dye with" hem. All you have to do is to- add the dye to the water, boil the goods-one dry and lOc per package.

lold by J. SI. Johnston. Subscribe for tbe Journal, 40 er month..

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