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Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin • 9

Madison, Wisconsin
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tux wzsossamr stats aocKnuu madxscm, wukjubbui. 3T 1 princess and Crew Return Home Mark Catton Comes to Play Jake Schaefer inn tr cmiAPPI HOOSIER PEINOESS AND 0BEW May Tully Is Real Baseball Fan; Is Admirer of Matty's; Praise for Chance As New York Manager TO BEGJJLAR FIVE FACULTY CITS DEFEATED SI TO IN HIOH SCHOOL CONTEST JEFFERSON HERE TOMORROW Introducing Vttsa May Tully- i nVE TO BATTLE BADQEBQUINTET efeated WLwoniin Team erf Perfect Bccrt Apia flfjIiJA FOB FIGHT Rp' f0nr-Tti IB Good Condition Ksndy Kids trhwo4d x. Parkinson t-nJts ..4.. M.OrtI 1S 141 1M til 171 IN ISf mi lit SETUEN FHOM RACE HEAVY SNOW CAUSES POSTPONE- went or cull laks REQATTA MADISON YACHT HANDICAPPED A heary fall of anow making farther tenta In the Btuart trophy race at Gotl Lake lmpoaslblo at present, the crew of the Prints returned te Hadl-arn lest tight The boat baa been binned home. The I'rlncrsa made a new record for the eoura during her abort atoy on the lake.

Ahead of a ssttflf breese laat week she ewept around the 20 mi le rouree 17 minutes taster than It bud been cov-ered before. K. Porter. Vice commodore of the I4T tit Tolaia In a "sensadonal'' asskstball gam lsst night, th regular high school Ore defeated tha faculty member 31 to It. The gama wss played In spell, th faculty men often being forced lo replenish their wind supply.

The game, nevertheless, was laterestliiff, although lacking peed. Tti locals were off color and tailed to get Into the game la their regular form until th last part of the second Shamrock ti TAIrk I i. Rrt 'J. Hrahany Ml J7 111 lit IM ..114 ltf 111 111 in THE LINE-UP- MoCUrdr Totals 'V 1 i Vr- re.f isi National INDIANA. Freelaad Bernbart Nlcholi McCutlough Klauss .119 RF LP Ri Ui kchttllafar T.

OI'ra Huh Hrmrton jolm BiT1' Men'Jbta Tacht club; Emll Fauer-bab. owner of the Prlnces; Edward Helnrlc and William Remard re- IIT US 111 JT tit 14T 17 1GI HT lit Wl k'bwoeatrr 8chwoulrr Totals 1 Kl ITt turned from Kalamzao. Mr. Fauer-bach aald the lake was small and that his boat was handicapped In a light wind. half.

During the first halt they were completely outclassed, snd war able to tie th acor Just before th whistle blew. The faculty player had the "right Idea" of the art of basketball but failed to ksep the pare. They kept the lead throughout the initial half, but dropped behind lu the last period. Coach Winters and Mr. Moore play- ed the game fur the faculty and were responsible fur moat ot the point.

Coach Statey also dropped la free throw for the "lnatractors." The honor fr the local's score was sven ly divided. Fausrbacha tn 171 11 111 ti 14 05 a ..141 ..111 vng trammed aver th Gopher game Tuesday. and by lkfr tory preserved tketf perfe of l.M PO'at. tB Badger. tsrkl the scrappy Indiana Quintal tocigM la the second ot th series j'krce contest for this week.

JTh an will be an Important na for 0fh Mnwells men. for a loaa to uit. followed by another to either ar Chicago, would serloualy T. "x'haub Taurhan Kehlamlt 0. Taulaun 1.

akhaub TotaJa BASKETBALL TEAMS IN STBONG SHOWING 17 17? follows: Th teams lined up IN .1 Regular 1 FRESHMAN MAKE RECORD PRACTICE GAMES THIS WEEK Colonial Ne. B.hllllnar Sianaanl Iauml O. Oaker Htokaa in iv 171 1(1 174 0 5 IIS 11 lit 11 ur chancei for the eliamplon- provided of course, IUlaoU win world'a greatest woman basebai) tan. ilia Tully, who was featured at the Ofpbeum theater early In the week, eayi: That Muggty Graw is a "man's man." That the Giants win win another pennant. That "Big Six" Mathewson.

the "greatest and grandest Cgure la' baaebsll." That Rube iiurquard la "serif haded." That Frank Chance will make good as bead of the Yankees, and someday may displace as Gotham's hasrball favorlta, That telegraph wires and sporting writers are splendid tnstltu tlons they spread the news ef bMebaJl gnmes. VI Tully la a regular, big league fan. She is especially enthnitlasttc over Mathewson, with whom she appeared In a vaudeville sketch calltd "Curvpe Malty didn't have auythlng else to do so he went out In the sketch and made $11,000 during the quiet winter months. She tells some very Interesting things about the great pitcher. One is that he would rather go home and take a nap than to stand around and be landed by hero worshipping fana.

"Is Christy Mathewson as good on the stage as fee la oa the diamond? "Christy Mathewson fa good anywhere, replied Miss Tully "at all times, and under all clrmmsUnces. He is one ef the strongest and brainiest men 1 have ever met 1 appeared with hint en the Orpheum circuit la 1911, vlaltlng all of the principal eastern cities. We bad with, us the great Giant catcher, chtat Meyers. The sketch was called The scene was laid In the pole ground with Mathewson and Meyers wanning up just before a world's aeries game. I was the fan.

It was a lively, humorous little ketch and went awfully well. "Mathewson Is a clean man all the way through. He never dissipates In tha Jeaet, and he'll be In baseball long after some of the present day recruits have been retired to the minora because ef old age. "There Is a difference between Matty and McOraw. Matty Is retiring and modest "and dislikes poblklty He is hard to understand and Is not what Is called a good mixer.

McGraw la a man's man and after a game I've even seen downs of automobiles waiting at tie Pole grounds with parties it ad-rsirfeg friends waiting to take the Olant down town. Mathewson usually wanders eft the Srid alone and takes hit retreat Jr la ood snooze. Faculty Teter Staler Moor Winters Miser If it lg Btlvers Hen way Hedquist Cramer Marling, Meade ll III Totals rt Faculty 2J, Reg- Summary Score, B. ha ub rt KHBAt 14 IIT .11 131 111 1 11 II 111 lt lil III 177 11 ular 31. Baskets: IMqulet f.

Moor Win-tars 3, Btlfers 3, llonway Cramer Marlingl, Tdter 1. Free ttirowa: BUley 8, Winters Ol'ara Paulaon Fahlandt t0 -H -W- amli MAY TULLY tomorrow sight tls local flvs meets Jefferson, la the local gymnasium, for Phi Kappa Pel ........141 Hi .........11 HT 111 111 11 HI Harlln art ia bun tin Otllft hoack PLAY FINALS WEEK AFTER NEXT The bnnketUU cs plains fact with Couch Margaret Doubter and It was decided not to play off the championship games until week after next The team a alt need practice badly and they are glad te hare another week. The seniors are allll pretty atrong while the freshmen surprtd even themseWee In their last practice. Sidney Oehler ef the sophomore team Is doing splendid work as forward, la Monday otght'a practice she made almost every basket ahe tried. Lela Croll.

forward on the senior tem la regarded as one of its most formidable players, while the juniors are ex-pe-tlng star work of Helen Hanson, one of their forwards. The freshman team has three strong players In Anita Pleosa, Harriet O'Shea and Helen Halser. the Crat Urns this season, Th Jeffer son teem ts ths strongest for many V. years and a close game la looked for. The visitors will come seeking re- trig for their football defeat last tail- rv A a curtain raiser tor this game, -Coach 8tley's all class team will lr remaining eomesta, Ch Meaawell waa not pleated Ui showing bit tnaa wad against XisnesoU Tuesday night, and predicts iMtdffll things for than wales they KM eel of the slumbers which they (wrttlnly wers Against the Gopher.

TW wea are In goedjteadllioa after a rest, and If tjW cn get away that spirit of overeonfldenrs vhirh baa it time characterised their playing, they should pull away tonight ithwit a atlp. ans la sending np against Wis-renin tonight a of scrappy, big am. Th Heoalers will present their regular lineup, th same that held the, Mners to a ll to IS battle tii first talf of the gam a week or so ago at BioomlDfton. Coach Meaawell and his lira have a wholesome respect for the Indiana five and there la no doubt that the game tonight will a good on to tub. much better la that respect, lUa the Minnesota contest -Ar Band will be nsed at right for-iri tonight la piece tf Berger, who sis clearly off form the lust game.

Re to Wn coming strung of lata In practice and Is ei ported to atar against the Hittfors. .11 T74 11 Totals Thta Dstts Inaa Chi ..14 .14 clash with tha Maxomanle repreaeata- 4 HI 14 13 1H 1 1t 117 lit I4J Uvea. Ths strength of thl testa Is not known but th gold and black Jalt HtU Staaahaaaa ardtng Totals appearing In the Daily Cardinal relative to the segseatlve sengs and dla-lofrsea at the local Orpheani theater, was received with placid scorn by Miss Tully. "Oh, dear," said she, "these trades! Evil te him who evil thinks. We meet to many at these 'rtformrrs everywhere, who know tittle ef life, save what they derive from hooks.

It's re-sums Why. thrs Is as star art la Us act of a igshrr. In a way, as thert Is In the blgheat form ef drama. Perfection la any lias ef eadeaver ts commendable. Just because a mae spouts Shakespeare Suently, It does not follow that his dramatic effort Is worthy of more respect the a that of the character comedian.

The manager ef the local Orpheum Fieater has dene more, I am sure, promote decency at his playhouse than scores ef managers of like places with 1 remember a banquet that was given daring the world series la 111-Every member ot the New fork team was present except the great pitcher. Where do yen think he was? At hems and In bed. He retired at 7 e'clotk that night te get a good rest" Miss Tully says the Otants win win another pennant khe expects Frank Chance to deliver the goods, and says that he nosy someday displace McOraw as the baseball hero ef New Tork. Speaking of Rube Marquard. th famous southpaw plUher, ahe said: "He Is an awfully good pitcher, but hasn't the brains of a She said, tee, that he was tolerated by McOraw until he vaa developed Into a reel pitcher.

She thinks that the Rube has "swell head" and ought to be ashamed of himself for talking about not returning to the Otants. The recent artkle written by a ar determined to win on the local -til IIS 111 floor even If they have to loss the out of tow game. BIO CROWD TO FONDY CITY LEAGUE fakr Krart 141 111 ISI 111 1 Wiilrr Ht 1 Poat IIS 117 111 In Bout McOeerty Slight Fsvorits MATCH SATURDAY ALL-UNIVERSITY TOURNAMENT TO BE ROLLED AT ASSOCIATION HALL tit tit Tola! WALSH WANTS BtQ TERMS in HI 171 lit 11 lit 14 HI UI .11 whom I hsve come In contact Chiikenmrr H'litllina-r F. Taalar H. Hlnmr N.

k-asa Totals With Chrlstls fokt ru IJiC, rb. 17 With bh to undr aelaht snd With but sltaht favorlta tn what lttle betting thvr was. a tl a advanea sala waeured'a crowd at limtalit tan -round battle batwean rd die MoUoorty of ahkoah, self -si 'h! mlddla walirht chamitlon. and tint Cbrlstl of atllwaukaa. Tha boar arrived tier at soon.

Thar waishad tn at HO at threa oi-lerk. A Prtl train wilt erlnir In Mliwauktia Skl-fau to lb battla. .14 11 tit BOUTIN ISJJAPTAIN route. Kh. tf Presets for bmn bclwMR Tminr I'blldl-wtt Jrk (Cfirt and rredrtle Wlh.

luuiwulKht cHkinpton i( (tral Britain, trm4Mt llm lodar following r-nts tit nw mat the -forier tiH. win. fcusfl oi" draw. rrts eatletf fnr ttlbrdtr. It Is ald that he wUl take M.I VTehw It fa tail to get a.

bout f4i Wstaa. ON THE SIDE LINES BY E. R. IsaJlsTR--- ELECTED TO SUCCEED TED WAL LER AS HEAD OF BASEBALL SQUAD til 111 rnlrerstty bowling Hnthusiasts will have a opportunity to teat then comparative ability en Saturday afternoon and evening when the management of tNi Association hall bowl-rng alleys will conduct an all-t'ni-eetwtty Bowling Tournament, on the alleys la the kesemeat of the hall. Fotir prices are offered for the 4 highest game averages among especially for the tournament, now on display In Schwoegler! window.

Entries for the contest can be' made before Saturday with manage Res Hawley In Association balL Where Sweet SpHng Dreams 1 Mighty soon 'I I Winter be laid upon the II) II 117 shelf, MAJOR LEAGUE PARK ALLEYS MnCarll mhwoasUr Krnirxl ftehlliiairar Iaipart l'arklnsoa Fall rlruandlar KaJMher Soahle Paul oa Srkauk ahlandt "Pod" Boutin, centerflelder laat year on Wisconsin's championship nine, J. T. TV. J. H.

J. a. i. T. J.

1. Mister 'Gator on the log a-sunnln' of HT HI himself; tu yieterdity elated varsity baseball captain to succeed "Ted Waller re IS Mister Black snake on the run, Br'er Stop signed. His election came as the re Lisxard gild in' 'long. H4 HI HOOSIER BOXER IN BAD Mllburn Baylor Utes Foul Tactic And Fan Prtt WIMD8OR, Feb, 17. Mtlburs Baylor of Indlanuuoila Uft Indevr tixiar with a allslitlr darkened reputation anion ftsht fana In hi eltit-round irrumait wllh Tommjf Danlln of l'hilaUlphla laat night b-for the Iwal club Ha) lor waa "Uiy of tgitaatlonahle tactics.

Whan the Itnat (iw nundd th advantage rratd wlui nalthar ma and tt battle was daelarsd draw, CHICAGO SKI MEET MARCH 2 sult of some close balloting on the part An' Mister Morkln'blrd, so spry, aSxin' IIS .111 of the seven men, Savage, Bragg, Oil 111 M. Muallar ELECT, PAPTAINS TRACK MtNrCHdSE. MAUACERS AND CArTAIra( FOR'INTER. COLLEGE MEET At a meeting of the track men In (e annex last nlfiht the captains rtd managers of the various college teams, which sre to compete la the annual tnter-college track meet, were sleeted. The elections were as follows Hill Hassett esptaln, Irvia White manager.

1 Engineers -Gold Is captsln, Klotsch maneirer. -i Agrics Conyon captain, Ilealy maaager. Commerce (including pharmacy and medle.l Ileyman captain, Port-men inaesrer. There will ba no law and short course team entered. The aannal Inter-elaas short horn meet Is to be beld on that name afternooa.

It is the plan new to count th first si pls so as to give more mn a chance to win something sad thus to encourage entries. lette, MerencM, Hoppert, Boutin, and Wheeler, innbers of last year's testa Ia Htierman T. Oaffnar -Is for a song. Sweet Spring's a-dreamla Of dsys that soon II shtne. Press trimmed with violets A a raln-bew-rlboris fine.

Looli 11 who were eligible to vets. Ik Ptckford ftehaub Iiompaey Boutin la a senior in school, snd th! 1 17 177 laiaiiwrt l'r. 171 ORDEMAN MEETS COWBOY Mrnneapelle Wrestler Faces Nelson. Te- morrow NighT" MrN-XEAPOMS. 'Mfnn, siiod wrontiinif mch la looked for tomorrow nlirht when Henry Ordaman and Julius Netunn.

Montana cowbor. nwt far a ttnlsb mutrA, Umimom h4 ordaman an tha d4raalva a waak as vlirn tiT.i-niin failed to tirow Nrlon tn thlrtcn mlrutm ramatolas a handicap match. year will be his third In varsity baseball. He started playing ball on the corner lets in Bayield, Wisconsin, snd later mad the high School team there tWiwoasler Mighty soon the meadows will all be 17 17 171 O'l'onnnr Nero Club Te Hold Annual Tourns- fnao ldrrrr 114 and the ualahead Frrp. teaw at Hod- mnt On Cary Hill vb jt wathr tr- HI H.

W'lrha S. Urm T. Andran 17 son, Win. In his soirhomore year hers he won flip and after a sue-cesafnl geadn lant year, was a strong trtln. lha Nr Hkl elak Will bold tl aaaual tnaat on t'ary Mil en fctarcA 1 Tha event originally was hadal- el for January U.

but was isoatpwiird contender for tha capiuney sgstnst Rob lirartun HT It Pyer HI F. Miliar 11 Joe WrlM 17 rinn HI J. naynwxr Ill CLABBY HICKS BOUT TONIGHT auan of lu of snow. Orotrcdt waller Int spring. gowned tn green.

Winds be mak In' music, like a tlnklis' tambourine; Farewell to Winter he 11 sleep be- neath bis An' come an' love uS like she used to long ago. For sweet Spring's a-draisln Of daya so suany-falr, Press trimmed with louts An reeee In her hair. J-Yank mail too la Atlanta Constl-tutloa. bii te hrea tha world's rtcord of COTTON IN MADISON 11 lt ba eatubltahad at Ironwood. on bVhruarr JOCKEYS AWAIT DECISION jnTlfAOO, Fh.

IT Jimmy Clably. wmaueror tif Knockout Brown Will neat rc1ue ItUks of ltrolt oa hoiaa Int. Hammond, ln tonlcht. Tttor will tip tha aals at tta pounds. EUREKA ALLEYS IS CHICAGO BILLIARD EXPERT Msdlaoe Seddisry Co, Betting Up For Settlement By Nw READY TO PLAY JAKE SCHAEFER MONDAY Ysrk Appefat Court NKW TOftK.

rb tT. fnttl th biriiSE, grhmldt 114 Joearar 1 4T Jaaka 114 111 r. WliMia HI lnipy ill 11 111 Totali tVl 17 eourt of aboeai d4di- wnethtr to i CUBS BEAT CUBANS EVE US' MEN SCORE 4 TO 2TRI-! UMPH OVER THE ATHLETICS Tampa, Feb. 27--The Cubs spent yesterday la some sharp practice and a lot of gloating over yeeter-lars vfc tory. The Cobs defeated the Cuban Athletics 4 to and although Marcus Cotton, the youthful Chicago apprva th anantmouo da-talon of th appelate divialun ot taa aoprwne cue arrived la the city yester oourt wlook la IT, laallaas oral oetlns.

ha raring- aaaotatlon In this day afternoon from Cincinnati, where Listen $20 Suits $25 Suits $30 Suits at $10.00 rEKSurr DURING OUR FINAL CLEAN UP SALE THIS WEEK mnbtr ef gnitg of 041a aa4 Etti. Nearly aixet, tKat tormvslf told from I20.C0 1 oJ Btarke4 tLm $10 per Suit be has been playing all comers the Julius atata will mark tlm At tha raaallna of tha Jeckay club yaaterday, th alt Out ef Date Soon "Not every Democrat can own an ante, but every Progressive Repnbll-can After Wilson gMs bis Joo, things will be different again, am! all the Caspys and Flan I rati will reetirn their Jcbs oa the "bate" and head for the national pasture to eat the green herbage. We are bo disgruntled politician, so yon can't touch us for this. past weektj aattoa waa thoroughly eaavaaaad. Cotton put on an Informal exhibition Catiars .......171 -Ill 1 21S 111 111 II 111 11 141 Hi 111 111 HI f.

Wiaa Worrpl grad Wicsa Mabuhr Bciiuetta SWALM SICNS CONTRACT at rVhwfers hall last night, and will meet Jake In a l.SOt point match next It was a close shave. Even' men ftg week- Ts Outdo Senator Pitcher Expect ured they had outplayed the Cubans. A Cos La. the Cubans' pitcher, had the Cabs at his mercy in sll but two la ....141 TU III Total Former Rcrd Whs ST. LpUIS BOWLERS LEAD "Odd eelacMlaSHi" aara Iirrr 1- twlrlrr Charlie Saalm.

on ef the thgs. They may tell you that ihe sultan put Ramttors atalf laat acaeon. tha hla tlirnad contract yslerday. aent In 2.78S In OUR NAME NT AT TOKEN CREEK traa. "1 atartd mr iatibal Ivasua raraar with et.

l-ooi. and now I am returntn to that Mtka MKclivtl kesajs at Cblraso aad now suae back tnare." Weestsr Lsmbens Toledo Meet the "terk" In Turkey Trot, And taught hie harem favorites ho to prance; Rock ford Is to hav a new park. Last Meet of Season Te Held On Man vr nrimm mi r--fvaa warn TOLEDO. Feb. JtTha Wwlr Laiaharts Ht.

railed lata Sr Rut I've a "powr" for yon Can you frani Mlr Itiul ICxaaar, a-ara The other one was half a block from the end of the world- Just a It'tle too far for the fans to go. answer? Voa can-not SUds There alara tn the So iSaa avast laat niarnt with a tatei ef a. In Is tha Aiwn from atlanta, that a la sraat coa-dltioa and eBrts a. r- at aaaaon. Whs ts It nut the tang in Taago owtlnS eonavwa teatualnaaf.

Token Creek. Wit, Feb. 17. The last skf tournament te be h-ld on the dance? Two ana Iradara: Cunningham lata Hitrain, Toiio. l.ivi InllvMiiaU: Mralr.

Tai4, new ItO foot scaffold here will be held by ttte local club on March 1. Entries from 29 skiers have already bee re- NaBilnaiiaeS far offleare of tha Amartcaa etowllns rntisra wara sa-aaaarae laat br tha aaecuuvt Saving The Coal "Did you punieh our son. for throw, lag a lump ef eoal at Willie RmlgKsr asked the earefnl mother. ee4veL eommlttaai Far Ooraa A Howard, Th' ef Bseieyepert have compromised with th women who want th' trlmmln's they pay for when thev buv meat Th' butcriere rse de Ohlcaarn; aarratary, A. Insiry, Orark 3ft Ti-ar-a ta big, srood-natr4 Xrl atar of tha Otante.

la varr iK'itlr ta te osta hlmaaif "I did replied the btuty father. 1 don't ears so much for the bey, but I cent have anybody la this ktilwaukiN-; treaatrer, Yak fae-at up, El th fsathers chick- Maaacar Connia Mark la rennttr.a oa li tr B-nrfr to laad kl BrftehtBC family throwing coal around Bhe that" cided te leave RIVERS TO MARRY roraa tell aaoo. Every ault of tite UH CHml lUn4 GET ONE TODAY ana. Washington Rtar. Our Paces! Poet Girl Mexican Fighter Weds Spanish Nsrf Saturday Clear Havsaii Cigars Ui PiG LEAGUE TRA1N1N0T CAMPO Dear Sidelines: un ASom.Kn.

ot. rt. Is It proper for a girl to eat clems Joa Rlrars aoea la New gerk la Past when sao knows that some nice Toon ft of the Tlrers smce tftr arrrrsi TFT ifre XT7 laarh Craaa ka will ka aceompanlad ll hrMa. eatr4ar af uila rk mas will rail that evening? Or Moer IttiaU 4 Joa will ka marrl4 1 ktlaa I'aullaa kraut? Wirt af kiu Mantes. Oia ts i (anlak rl a1 aa ef Pwt kir Decors Dorothy.

Deer Dot Yea. it's all right; hot hood a call aria tm baa auva llvina aa aa ani.ra modal. Jaa lT wui ava aua. doflt breathe It to him. BOSTOV, Feb; J7.

KB tne arrival of Charlie Hall contract from California, snd word from Duffy lewis that he bas s'med, only two member, of the world's champions. Pitchers Ray Collins and Buck 0'BrtB ware unsigned to lay. CoV tins Is la the city and is expected to 4n this week. The adnee ty leaves I tor HetSPF aet friday-. a- Gulfert, -MSas-r- three'dsya of rtneft practice Vsn- 'SLIDE SAFE AND SOUND Crop of 1912 Vnelfa Abajo.

excla-civciy used ia and proBOcaced by conscissSur3 to this fipesi Havana Tcbaecb'drowa oa tLs IilcnJ cf Cdba klsca 1C03. Dramatic Criticism In Kansas (From the Oners Houso Reporter.) Alma (J'l Mrs. -Anirnst Falk, Totasaaa Rapalrwd aad Opaa Fee Last Oulfport, the new training a a Peneacols, Fla, IT. For the first time since their arrival here rein. Interfered with the Naps yesterdsy af temeow.

Today, however, the weetber man prcmleM to allow the sO'iad to resume their meklne, sir and light basebsn work, a a a Paso Robles. CaU Feb. 17. Baseball weeteer has srtived st lsst and there it some chance for a llHle spring tratnrnr Warmed np by tree good wort outs yestardsy, the "R'hfs fa wtt retreat the program today AiwxVr half hour wl'j be spent today fn the aiMe pit, coe af tLs. ewReewos li-amr Cslishsa's devices to fsel secretta hew aBe.

Tim This WIetsr sianesrr. PUyan -aamw- eigrn EeoptaJ te 8 tool as; aHtiI good com- JOHfl VI ffiRI'MDEl) 1 CIQTUZS It The toboftane'ide ts bow open, probahly for the last time this sea-sea. Tie slide is sow mooh taster aad safer owing to the lntproTsntests ata4e la tha hut few days. laeer Jeaaleet proeesdd to get aw, ftrat line ow ti Mr twcmlts psnr, hsd aloe aceoery sua jasw eWyTiody. The Potk that were tear snd onderstood the play eaa't ths.Ttirer Of all the young-xr.

a boy from the Oosnett srsr the shew eeoort and eid we (7 eeetaintr got our money wortnv we ten la will aU weioowe thawi aeg soo. ssr. and Mrs. rTkmlat wae fi snrs aad saoa a vt CSartrtnatl fana are wadntn wkathar kauftr Hckav eaua rata oaa atar afiar eat a hm nrvf ad rusaara a la Jaa. an praise go esengi sot wowj.

ES the Uf BS 'f-.

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