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Sentinel and Democrat from Burlington, Vermont • 3

Burlington, Vermont
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A letter from Curracoa of 18th Jan. Aatas. that der lest at their pwufliment than at their crimes. Judtce demands the world will approve intell igence had juft been received from Maiacai-bo thai that nlact "was cloielv blockaded bv 99 it." JIllEH DURKEE IF! AS received a fmall affortment of American and English veflels of war; under commodore Belluche, and BousQioH, Fmidat, FtttuAKT 38, 1823. HORRID PIRACY AND SACRIFICE OF that General Urdannetta with 4,300 men is clofe.

ly bcfieging the fame place. Morales is complete ly hemmed in. and the town mud neceflarilv falls HUMAN LIVES. The wantonly cruel ft barbaroui conduit of the Arrived in this town, within the courfe of the fuited to the feafon, which are offered week, the Steam Fulton, of Troy, the Clam- by the time this reaches you it no doubt will be in .1.1 i rfa 1 It of Brattle boro', the Dread Notes of Hartford, tnenanas oi tne ratriots." at reduced prices, for cash or grain. pirates who have to long infelled the Wed-Indian Seas, had prepared us for the recital of numerous ails of robbery and high handed villany, but we Firing Stationer of Caftleton, and the Bomb- vouua wneat at Corn and Rye at 50 cents Der bufhel.

On the 20th ultimo, while Mr. Eeliiah Were of Doaon, all richly hden with American were not prepared to neat ot the inhuman fieri rice of entire crews of veflels and that by the hor. exchange for goods. lications. rid procefs of burning I We confefs we can hard Uurlington, eb.

27, 1823. 9 ly credit all the facts communicated in the folio. was eroding Twincreek, near Germantown, Ohio, with his wife and three children, the current of the Swollen dream was fo violent, that the waggon," in the middle of the dream was partly upfet, filled with water, and carried down. Mrs. Were and her children were drowned Mr.

Were was in Fatal Accident, Moiti Mott, fon of Jacob Mott wing extract from the New. York Gazette of Moo. To Fanners. Lf Alburgh aged two years and feven months, day aft we fincerey hope and and truft they are drowned on the 30th ult. The lather of the exaggerated.

JSojton ratnot. great danger of Iftswife perifhing but, fortunate. PJ Granger, from Matanzas, had cut a hole through the ice of a fmall HPHE fubferibers have a quantity of i SAX PEAS. Thefe Peas are laiH ly the current carried him within reach of a sus informs that two veflels, fuppofe American, had ok for the purpose of watering his cattle, and pended grape "vine, by means of which he Saved by thofe who have ufed them, to himfelf. been captured by pirates 16 miles to the weftward of that place.

The crews were tied in the rigging, child a few moments after was found in the with his head under the water. All attempts fuperiof to any others they yield a 1 1 Another American Novel The N. Y. American the veflels set on fire, and all burned together 1 leftore life proved fruitlefs -the fpark of life mentions that a new novel called the Buccanneers, is about to be put to prefs in that city. It is a "ro mance of our own country in its ancient day.

ooui oouDie wnat any otfters will, and in making Pork, are faid to be far better than muft make them quite Capt. G. alfo informs that Matanzas swarmed with pirates. A few days previous to his sailing they attacked the Americans on the King's Dock with clubs, ftnnes, a number were driven fled, the fiefli has returned to the earth and fpirit unto God who gave it. founded on ancient tradition in the province of an uujL'ct 10 rarmers.

ine belt ot Wheat New York, relating to Some events Supposed to into the river and other fenoufly hurt. Captain The twenty-fecond in ft. being the anniverfary of win oe received in exchange. have happened fhortly after the conqued of the col. Culver, of the schooner William an Henry, of birth ot Washington, the day was celebrated this port, was nearly ki'ied, by a (lone thrown ony from the Dutch.

The manners and cudoms of our avcedors, as gathered from the bed and VJUKIlb DUNNING, Church-Street. Burlington, 28th Feb. 1823. 9 he mod populous cities throughout the United from the Luitom Home. Captains Garner and tes.

A fplendid ball was to have been given at Blinn, were alfo wounded. Three piratical vef. fels were cruifing between Point Yeacos and ifhington on the occafion. molt ancient Sources, will, it is Said, be faithfully The time we presume, fays the Baltimore Chronicle, is rapidly approaching when the pirates infed-ing the Wed India feas. will receive the ounilh- Spamjb Judges.

A cafe is publifhed ot a capture 'Expedition againfl the Pirates. Early on the of an American by a Spaoifh veiTel, and the Span ifh Judeeleeali zin? the act. The Judicial intetxri rning of the 11th, a Signal was fired from the ment due to their accumulated guilt. Vengeance (hip Peacocl, lying at Norfolk, and between tyofa Spanilh Judge is something like the brave ry of Don Quixote, as the following fact, within aod 11 o'clock, the whole fquadron were un our knowledge, will atteft. An American was im weigh.

The wind being unfavourable, the ooners and Shark, beat out of the harbour in HEAR ME! HEAR ME! II and almost moneylcfs, with only reason enough to fupport me under the pains and' misery of old age but the frowns of my creditors, is worfe than death to me. PAY ME 1 VAY ME Or there will be a woe pronounced upon you, for 1 have seen a man clothed in black, and his face was like that of a Lion, ancj ne had a vial in his hand, which he will be directed to pour out upon you, by the authority of the State of Vermont. WM. MUNSON. Colchefler, February 26, 1823.

9 dfome Ityle, and the Peacock and Decoy were prisoned at Madrid on Tome trifling ocrafton, and a fellow citizen went unceremonioufly to the and offered him a bribe of two ounces, (D35) to release him. The Judge flew into a terrible rage talked of his honor and dignity, and finally Ved down to the Roads by the Steam Galliot Gull. By 12 o'clock, every was out of threatened to commit the American with his from the wharfs, with the exception of the companion, tor daring to bribe him. The A re (hip which was detained a Ihort time. At mould now be the watchward the motto engraven on every flag, and on every American heart.

Mercy vails her face when pirates plead for pity. She Shrinks behind the adamantine fhield of justice, and for the firlt time, even her lips breathe in whifpers, the word vengeance. Commodore Porter, fails the reprefentative of his mangled, murdered and butchered countrymen, and their difconfolate widows and orphans, will implore from Heaven, glory on his head, and vengeance to his perfecting thunderbolts. Mobilb, Jan. 23.

From Pensacola.We learn that the didrict court of the United States, for Well Florida, com-fenced its leffion on Monday the 6th ind. and on Tuefday, the Captain, mate, and fourteen fea-men, belonging to the fchr. Garmen, were" ar-raigned and tried for piracy. This veffel it will merican alarmed, begged pardon molt pro Lmpton Roads the veflels remained at anchor, I foundly, and apologized on the ground that he il the 15th, when the whole fquadron failed, mi Uook it tor a custom, lhe Judge on the explanation, pardoned him. The Broker, trans per the command of an experienced officer, mmodore Porter.

acting the of the American, met him on the Prado next day, "How come you," faid he, A few days previous to their departure a din "to be so indiscreet as to attempt to bribe one of was given to the Commodore, by the officers our He told me this morning of it, and laughed at your iimplicity. "Now, said the Bro the fquadron and others on that Station. The ker, bribe him dairy, but it wont answer for bowing, among other toads, were given cn the Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the fubfef i. ber, by note or book account, are requefted to call and clofe the fame by the firft day of April, and fave coft.

SAMUEL WAINRIGHT. Burlington Feb. 27, 1823. ,9 STRAY 1torw be recollected was captured on the ifland of Cuba you to make the experiment. Give roe the two ounces oae I will keep, the other I will five the afion: Some time in the month of September by the Pea cock, and taken into New-Orleans for adjudication.

pur Country. Its independence is fecured by jndge, and you fhall have an orderforyour friend's release. virtue, its rights protected by the valor of its This was accordingly done, sjpd the American lzens. 'W -SL JL4 Our Confutation An invaluable legacy. xne crew were placed on board the revenue cut ter Louisiana, capt.

Jackfon and taken inio Pen facola. No overt act of piracy, having been pro. ved, they were, after a clofe and ardent invediga. tion, found not guilty, and accordingly difchar ged. y0 discharged.

Once get a rich merchantmen in a Spanilh Prize Court, and if the veffe. is released (he 'While uands the Lolliseum Koine (hall Stand, will be lighter for the procefs. National Advocate. mm jvwjvjl into the enclofure XJ ofthefubferiber, on or about the 7rh inft SEE 'When falls the Coliseum Rome fhall fall," 'And when Ron falis the world." We have been told that the Indians at the ead- mew-york Feburary. 20.

Whe Preftdcnt of the United States. Exihed by ward prognodicate great freihets during the ap From Matanzas. We learn from Capt.Bassett, virtues to the highelt rank in a nation of free of the schr Victory, arr. yederday from Matanzas, n. proacbing spring, from the circumdance of the leavers having built their houses one dory higher than common lad fall.

This they contlder an and that it was dangerous to walk the firsets, with The memorv of Wqlhingtm When the French cut being knocked down and robbed. On the lion erected a monument to 1 urenne, they lira night ot the 18th January, a cumber ot boats full mfenbed his name upon his tomb. invariable forerunner of great frefhets. Salem Gaxelte BurVmg-ton Assemblies. ot men put off rom (hore, with the intention, it The flag of our Country.

hi (tars form the bright was said to take the U. b. schr Grampus, then Conittl ation in the political armament. The army of the United States. Its triumphs fur The next and last Burlington Assembly ti th.

wit commentary upon its difciplme and lying there. 1 hey were discovered by the Gram pus, when the officers immediately beat to quar ters, and the pirates retreated without giving or re ceiving damage. The memory of Lieut. William H. Allen "A ftar jor tots season, will be held at J.

Howard', on Wednesday next, the 5th of March. By order ot Managers. 1 hi the midlt ot its brightness." The independent Government of South America, Capture of the Ffex.The brig Eflex, Capt; Davis, of Gloucelter, was captured on the 18th Dec. in fight of Porto Rico, by fchr. under the heir liberty has been putchaled with the blood MARRIED la Alburgh, on the 14th ult.

trealure or their Citizens, and we trull to their by John Sowles, Efq. Mr. Joseph May, to Miss Margaret Frier On the 2 1 ft ult. by Columbian flag. The EiTex was carried into the Ltriotum to fecure it.

Alter the fet toads were concluded, the Prefi' John M. Sowles, Efq. Mr, William Bailey, of bay of Cape Roxco, and the Captain to Maya guez, where a judge was found, who mconfider nt propofed the following, which was drunk Caldwell's Manor, Province of L. C. to Mifs Hip.

ation of a bribe of 800 dollars, pronounced the nth appropriate demondrations of enlhufiafm sah Thurston. vellelagood prize, lhe circumstances of the Our difttnguijbed suejt, Com, Porter. In North Hero, on the 9th ind. by Ephraim capture and condemnation of the Effex are detail. Upon which the commodore role and exprefltd Beardfley, Efq.

Mr. Abraham Laoub, of Al ed in a letter from Capt. Davis to Mr. ToplifF of feelings in the following very neat and anima. burgh.

to Miss Pekmelia M. Ames. addreis this city, and exhibit lcenes or villainy and corrup. In Hopkinton, N. Y.

on the 23d ind. by the tioa which demand the attention ot our govern "Gentlemen On ordinary occauons the Rev. Mr. Parmelee, Mr. Rufus M.

Crosman, of meat. The brig Adeline, Capt. Kempton, of Bof- this town to Miss Marilla L. Sheldon. ngue can ipeak what the heart feels.

But ander peculiarly gratifying circumdances in which I on, has been fent in to the fame place, and likewife condemned. Capt. alfo dates, that "lince rid myielt placeo, 1 can only delire you to iraa In this town on Tuefday lad, by the Rev. Mr. Predon, Gforoe B.

Shaw, Efq. of Danvil'e, to Miss Mariah Gri wold, daughtpr'of Hon. Wm. they have heard of the releafe of their privateer, 'ne yourselves in the lame iituation, and to refer captured by the Grampus, it has given them frefh to your own feelings to enable you to under A. uruwoid.

md what mine are at this moment. In the full courage, and they now take or plunder all they tall in with. JSoton paper. fs of my heart I can fay no more on this Subject. DIED In South Hero on the lQih inft.

nf "There are circumdances of a truly flattering confumption James White, in the 38th year of t. TT Lorenzo Dow, This lingular and celebrated uracter in the honors this day conferred on roe ins age. ne ieit a companion and tour cnildren itinerant preacher, delivered a difcourse on the ltd of a delicacy purely refined This is the an- to mourn the lots ot a husband and rather. HORSE right hmd foot white, fwitch tail, and natural trotter. The owner is riefifed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away.

ABEL PARKER. Georgia, January 13. 1823 9 fSiotice IS hereby given, that the underlined have bees appointed commiffioners to receive; examine, and aojuft the claims of the creditors to the eflate of NEEDHAM DRURY, late of Higt the diftrict of Georgia, and State of Vermont, de-ceafed, and that We will meet for the purpofe of attending to the businefs of our said appointment, at the late dwelling houfe of the deceafed, on the fecond Monday of March next, and at the houfe of Luther Drury, in faid Highgate, on the firft Monday of July next, at one o'clock, afternoon, on each of faid days faid eftate being reprefent-ed mfolvent, fix months are allowed for the credit-ors to exhibit and prove their claims, and all claims not exhibited within the- time limited, will thereafter be forever barred. JOHN BARR, Commission. JOHN AVE RILL, Highgate, January 4, 1823.

9 E. T. MILLS KEEP for fale at their Book-Store, a general aflbrtment of among which are the following, viz Virgil Delphini Salluft Delphini Roman Antiquities Graeca Minora Graeca Majora, 2 vol. Schrevelii Lexicon; Ciceronis De Oratore Butler's Analogy Stewart's Philofophy Elements of Criticifm Clark's Homer, 2 vols, Blair's Lectures Hutton's Mathematics, 2 Greek Tell ament Tytler's Elements of General Hiftory, Ancienc and Modern Lempriere's Claffical Dictionary Horatii Opera Expurgata Adam's Latin Grammar; Tacitus Elements of Euclid Biair's Philofophy Conversation on Chemiftry; Ainfworth's Latin Dictionary Walker's Large and Small do; Pike's large Ariihmetic Adam's do, Cumming's Geography and Atlas Morfes do. do.

Gillie's Greece 4 vols. Vatels Law of Nations; Byron's Work's 4 vols. Chipmaa on Contracts 5 Butter's Univerfal Hiftory; Life of Commodore Stephen Decatur Robin's Journal Beauties of Shakspeare Charles the XII Common Prayer Jewett's Narrative Hervey's Meditations The Spy, a tale of the Neutral ground Large and Small Bibles Teftamets Watts' Pfalms and Hymns English Reader Introduction to the Reader Murray's large and fmall Grammar Webfter's Spelling Books, ALSO Writing and Letter paper Inkltands, Wafers, Playing cards, Sec. 21th ult. in the hail of the houfe of represent verfary of my birth, borne ot thole now prcfent live known me from my earlied youth, and have lives of Pennsylvania, to a very crowded auditory.

New Shoe Store. 1 he Ityle or his oratory is as lingular as the mat en in the ducted, habits of friendlhip with me. ter of his difcouifes and his personal appearance lany have ferved with me in trying fituations, and all defy defcription. Thole who have not feen or beard him, may figure to themfel ves, a tall man id all of thole now under my command, have, I without an exception volunteered for the rvice in which we aflbciated. I view it therefore over middle age, his pale vifage put in an expreffion of your approbation from my iuth to the prefent hour, and as a pledge of your nadence in my future conduct.

"Whatever may be the refult of our expedition for we cannot command fuccefs I feel a con- fence that the pledge will not have been made in tin, to far as my efforts can contribute to tha iblic interefl and to your honor, which is infep with iocks that would vie with the wings of the raven, and a well fet beard of the same colour extending to hisbrealt his meek countenance light ed up with ail the animation of enthuliasm holding forth with an earnednefs that convinces every one who hears him of the Sincerity of his faith however they may differ about the elegance of his the orthodoxy of his doctnnvs. Such (o us appeared Lorenzo Dow. Chronicle. Momtfeue, Feb. 18.

Information. A letter from a gentlemen in O-hio, to the Poftmader in this Village, informs that about the 20th Dec. lad, a dranger, by the name of Ilaac Park, faid to be from Vermont, died in Mercer county, Ohio. He had with him able from it and this confidence eltablilhed .1 the able fuppcrt which I calculate on from lofe whom I have the honor to command. "The caufe we are engaged in is the mod juft THE subferiber refpectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of bur-lington, and its vicinity, that he has taken the room directly over Mr.

J. Dur-kee's Store, North fide Court-houfe fquare, where he has juft received a handfome aflbrtment of Stock, both in the fancy and ferviceable line, which he is manufacturing into Ladies' and Gentlemen's of every defcription, and in a manner which can not fail to pleafe the moil fanciful eye, and at prices to fuit the moil rigid economifts. Willing, however, they lhould undergo the ftrifteft examination, he folicits the public to favour him at least with a call. No order but what the ftricteft punctuality fhall be paid to, or favours (however fmall) but what fhall receive the fincere thanks of M. W.

UPSON. 0-Wanted immediately, one or two JOURNEYMEN, to whom a conftant employ will be given. M. U. Burlington, Feb.

27.1823 9 od righteous, as we war againd the enemies of Unkind monders who disgrace human nature -we carry with us the bed wifhes, not only of lar own country, but of the civilized worid it is only neceflary to pronounce one name to about 1500 dollars which, after defraying expen 'sa'waken our fentiments, and infpire us witn ven-; fes ot fkknefs, will go to the ufe of the County, 'sance -a name distinguilhed tn tne annals ot our I unlets claimed by heirs. We publifh this notice )Untry a name fynonimous with patriotism, for the information of his friends. Further intor- ur age and felf devotion the name of ALLEN, mation may be obtained, of the Pod-Mader in Let then, Remember Allen be our watch-word, this village, or of the Poft-Mader at Wiltfhire, O- it is honorable our country to be the hrlt to hio. Watchman. H.

mpafuips to exterminate thofe enemies of the lv uman race, it is no lefs fo in us to be the indru-tents of its will. A martyr was necefsary to roufe 's fleeaing energies. The blood of Allen has feai- A letter received at New-York from Port au Prince mentions the failing thence on the 23d Jan. of frigate Congrefs, on a cruife Officers and men in high health and fphrits. i the doom Humanity will fhud-.

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