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Rind's Virginia Gazette du lieu suivant : Williamsburg, Virginia • Page 4

Williamsburg, Virginia
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COMMITTED to the gaol of Prince William conn, lying upon Staunton river, at the mouth of Cedar Creek, tv. the i6thof June, a Negro fellow who calls him felf QU'Erand fays he belongs to Nathaniel Burwell, of thcTfle of Wight county; he is a young, black fellow, XEWIS BOATEN. N. A D. UN awav from Providence force, in New Kent, the JLV 7th inftant July) twb Negro men, viz.

COOPER, improved with a plantation fufficient to wors aoouc nye or fix hands, fcveral good barns, an overfeer's houfe, and a Nern quarter. This traft affords about I oo acres of river about .21 years of ape, feet or inches hiffh, has on low grounds, a drill coat, black worftcd (lockings, and red waiftcoat. formed in fuch, ner. houfe, kitchen, quarters, overfeer qual to the beft upon the whole ftream, and a manner that it is benefited by every frefh Alfo' committed, the 7th. of June, a Mulatto fellow who that goes over it; alfo a confiderable quantity or creeK low omo Qoi niil "RnfrKor tmtVuf hp fnriTirrlv ornnnds hitrh land, which produces tobacco of a W.I nn tn Rnbert F.vans.

of Dinwiddie but that he has ciualitv inferior to none. My price for this tract is 7 50. 1 ui ju i I A 41 4 uAftj 4 that Mr. Mafnn obtained his freedom laft 'April Ge payable in like manner as for the other two pieces. an 1 A neral Court.

The owners, it any, are deiired to prove their property, and pay charges. JOHN BLANSIT, Gaoler. A the partnerihip. of Hogg and Rowland is expired, jHL I earneftly requeft the favour of ail thofe who are indebted to the faid partnerihip to fettle their accounts immediately with me, cither by payment, or bond. I hall attend Hanover "and Goochland courts, and fhall be con itantly home the reft of my time for that purpofe.

I give this timely notice, that I may fettle the affairs of the partnerihip, and pay the debts dW from the by the A 'rtf flA( kKr ripTt it whirl, rime I intend far. Britain. All the bonks the firft nf Sen above, into two rooms and 4.uv vv i 1 1 ovn.n will be nnt 'into the hands nf an' falh windows on each fide; ktriUW' I attbfncyVvvith'out further or diftinftion of perfons. V. ZACHARIAH ROWLAND.

RUN away from the fubferiber, living in the Robefon Culpepcr, an indented Mulatto fellow, who goes by the name of Wivu am Lively, about 23 years of age. 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, fquare has a large Upper, lip, one fore tooth only above, and his chin fhort; Negro $otton a brown linen Ihirt, cotton ribbed yarn hofe, and a felt hat much Whove'er fecures him in any gaol fhall have forty and. if. delivered my plantation three Mecklenburg, upon Finny Wood creek, and adjoining Finny Wood, a tracl ot 50Q acres, improveu w.ui uv feer's houfe, Negro quarter, corn crib, a tobacco houfc, and cleared land, that is frefh, fufficient to work four or five hands. This tracl affords a confiderable quantity of vp flnp tnW land, both low, and produces blackfmith's fhons.

allnew, and built in the beft manner to anfwer their feveral purpofes, and a plantation fufficient for 12 or 15 hands, formed with the greateft. regularity to render the culture and tillage of it the mod eafy and convenient; it is under exceeding fine fences, and has ad 11 1 joining it a large paiture wen encioiea, two peacn ana To SOLD, RENTED, or LEASED SEVERAL traps' or parcelsxf valuable land1 kinds; in Culpeper county, very refonably. F0'r? apply to the fubferiber, living in the faid countv 1 cmirthoufe. NATHANIEL PENDLETON WHEREAS many of the Gentlemen who purchaS' Negroes of the fubferibers laft fummcr have hithe to made but very partial payments, this is therefore to in form all thofe who are ftill indebted to us that, uniefsth are punctual in difcharging their bonds and notes at tlr enluing meeting of the merchants in Williamfburg, fame will be put into fuit immediately after, without ant farther notice, or relpecl of perfons. J.

LAWRENCE, W. CALL, company. admirahlv well. Mv mice for this trad is' cool, payable T)URSUANT to a decree of the' Honourable the G. at Chriftmas next, when a title fhall be made, and poileOi 1 ral Court, at Frederick courthoufe, on the firft on given.

In Mecklenburg alfo, and is the place whereon day in Auguft next, being court day, will be fold, to the I live, a traft containing 71c acres, improved with a dwel higheft bidder, for ready money, the following traclsnf ling houfe 48 feet by 26, divided below into. our conveni 10 wu, lot acres on uie urains ot Upckan, inF ent rooms, a paffajre, fevcral clofets and bcaufaits, and derick county, formerly the property of Jonathan a paiiage, live dormer ana iour ano 200 acres, iormeny uaie aDouc 10 miles trom Win there is a brick chimney at chefter, adjoining to the lands of Jofeph Smith, Sour an each end, which affords a fireplace to each room below Robert Rutherford; alfo 400 acres, on both fides of iW and underpinned with brick, ine wjioie except a creeK, iaia county, iormeny Kicnara JNealy's. Thefc fmall matter of painting) is finifhed off' in a genteel man feveral tracts were mortgaged by Mr. Jofeph' Watfontn nere is ano a itore nouic, lumuti iuuic, uiuumi; xu. vjucl wcauc, vi ui riiuttucipnia, wnohai airy, meat home, barns, cribs, naoies, ootamea a decree ior a laie.

1 ne purcnaier will have 's houfes, fchool houfe, tailor's and Meade's right under Mr. Watfon, with a general warrant? from fylr. Watfon, conveyed at the fale by The SHERIFF of FREDERICK. i Virginia, ic 1 At a GENERAL' COURT, held at theCapitol May 5. 773 Tohn Uofhaw.

and lohn Rennolds. three large apple orchards, vith a variety of other fruit plamtiffs, againft trees of the beft kind, and chiefly grafted. The foil of John late of London, mer this piece of land is very rich and ftrong, produces every chant iohn Bland, junior, and Meff. About years old, about' 5 feet 10 inches high, ftoops a fucn as rye, and barley, and is more level than little when he walks, and fhews his teeth much when he iiave ever feen the back county. It is likewife talks, is a Aim made wears a trufs, and is cloathed jn a very healthy fpot, having exceeding good Vvith an oznabrig fhirt, and tronfers of lAmpen rolls.

The water and a pjace) cear 0f any 0f fwamps, bther is named BEN, about the fame age, 5 feet 8 inches funken gr0Unds. i would recommend this piece of land high," well made; grave countenance, and cloathed as ither t0 a merciiant or a farmer for the latter none an the other; both ot them had lhocs, one pair ot wnicn naa liobb nails. They formerly belonged to Col. Eenjamin JIODD uaus.iney uc.una wwu thing that I have tried it very well, but bung of a ititt pjejd and Call, defendants, In chancery. and thirfty nature, winter gram is molt applicable to it, rTp defendant John Bland beins; beyond fea.

and not haying entered his appearance according to the rule of this court, on the motion of the plaintiffs, by their counfel, it is ordered, that the other defendants, who have effects of the faid Bland in their hands, as is fuggelted, do not pay, convey away, or fecrete, fuch effects, until the further order or decree of this court concerning the famM anfwer better, being, as before mentioned, equal to any but that they deliver up fuch effects, or'fo much thereof for winter aud wlU undoubtedly anfwer for the will be cf value fufficient to fatisfy the demand of the Grymes, of Fredenckfhurg, where it is expected they are formcrj as it is fixed for that purpose, in the center of the plaintiffs unto the faid plaintiffs, upon their giving fecu Whoever apprehends them fo that they be deliver rmin.v anj a tucv rPftled neighboured of able nennlc. Mr TiftiiiTi' of th i hr 1 1 have rive nnnnds 1 i i 1. i S.U. vw vfWLj.j, I nas puuiic roaas leaaing Teward. for each and if taken Up at a greater diftancethan what 20 miles; a reafonable allowance tor conveying them to the faid forge.

We alfo offer a reward of thirty fhillings each for apprehending, and conveying to the faid forge, two 'other runaway Negroes, viz. about 50 years old, to it trom every quarter, and. i tl MM yet make it more aniweraoie to this purpoie, it jt m( may be expected that all or chief of my friends and cuftom ers will become fo to whoever may fucceed me. Mf price for this land and fettlement is third payable when the title is made, and a third yearly till the whole is and about 5 tcet 10 mcnesiiign; naa on a oiue wunicoa, pajd A tltle ftall be madc at lhe firft court after the "oznabrig finrt, and troufers of hempen rollr. He formerly plirchafe, and pofTefficn given in November next.

In the belonged to Dixon, near Hampton, and is t(nvn 0f pcterfburg two lots or half acres of land, known Juppbfed be lurking about Willtamfburg, or gone down by the numbers 41 and 42, in the plan of the town they to. the neighbourhood of his former matter. JOE, about are fltuatec on the main flreet, are the moft beautiful lots 35 ycars ld 5 teet 10 mcnes nig" and weU Juade; ne I jbelongs to Mr. Julius Allen, of James Cit) county, and is expected to be lurking about his neighbourhood. JERDONE HOLT.

HEREBY infdrm the public that as foon as I can fettle iny affairs I intend to leave this country and to enable xnyfelf to purchafe elfewhere, refettle my felf, and to pro fetute the mercantile bufinefs with more eafe, and to a greater extent than hitherto it hath been im my power, I in the whole place, and are improved with a very large and convenient dwelling houfe, that has three good rooms and a paffage both above and below flairs, and a well built cellar of brick the full fize of the houfe, a large and well calculated Itore and lumber houfe, kitchen, and dairy. My price for thofe two lots, or half acres, is 5C0I. payable, with intereft, 125I. annually, till the whole is paid. Pof and title fhall be made and given the purchafer at anytime.

Any perion inclinable to purchale any of the propofe felling the followihe: lands, viz. Upon' the line lands above mentioned may be fliewn the fame by apply cividing the counties of Mecklenburg and Charlotte the ing to me any time between this and the laft of Auguft, as I noted tract known by the name of Finny Wood, contain I fhall during that time be conflantly at home. That wt .1." 1 1 11 1 i u. 4 from running into gullies, and, by being conftantly fhifted' niture, The land whereon William Eafley Jives, in into winter grain, are as capable of produce as ever. The Mecklenburg, together with his Negroes.

The land where now growing upon this land is tended by 28 hands, on John F. Thompfon lives, in Mecklenburg, together and promifes to produce, fhould the weather be agreeable, with his Negroes. The Negroos and perfonal eftate of SOhogfheads of tobacco, 1500 barrels of Indian corn, 3000 Peter Ragfdale, in Mecklenburg. The Negroes and per ouihels Ot Wlieat, ana 1000 canons ot peacn oranay. 1 ionai euate 01 jonn nammonas, nariotte.

the land once fold if co acres of this land tor tiirgam to be bad, I gave a confide iiave feveral times been ottered 31 or it, out oeing rcioivea never 10 aiviae 1:, 1 retuiea every pcuoiiai cuaic 01 pnraim rucKctis, v.xviecKienburp, fuch offer, My price for the whole tract has been fixed The perfonal eftate of John Bing, Mecklenburg. The for fome time at two guineas per, acre, and which is ad laud of Joel Moore, in Mecklenburg. The land and per judged by thofe acquainted with land to be very rca fonal eftate of Lewis Akin, in Mecklenburg. A Negro However, that I mav be the fooner rjrenared tn and perfonal eftate of lefTe Taite. in Mecklcnbnrtr.

Th men manner, ana to men perions, as me court lhau hereafter adjudge. And it is further ordered, that the faid defendant John Bland do appear here on the lit day of next court, to anfwer the bill of the plaintiffs, and that a eppy of this order be, within fifteen days, inserted ia the Virginia Gazette, for two months fucceffively, and pub' lifhed on force Lord's day, immediately after divine fer vice, ing 2357 acres. is uic cjuainy 01 11115 iana 15 generally maj mc juuh.i uu ucuuti ptaicu uu caclulc my ggj 0f Jkn6wn, And has ever diftingu'iflied itfelf as beine remark intentions, I Jiereby give notice, that on the 10th day of aoiy nnc, it is unneceuary xo xay any uiincr aoouc ic in mat ocyiciuucr next 1 inaa cxuuic 10 uuunc iaic, ior rcaay in the church of the parilh of Martin's in the county of Prince George, and be alfo pofted up at tie front door of the Capitol, in the city of Williamlbufg, BEN; WALLER 1 I I I A i At a GENERAL COURT, held at the Capitol Mar 5 773 r. Arthur Edie, and James Laird, of Lon don, merchants and partners, plaintiffs, againft Robert Jardine, late of London, mer. chant, and George Mitchell, In chancery THE defendant Robert being beyond fea, and no( having entered hjs appearance according to the rule or tnis on tr.e motion or tne piaintins, Dy mcir counfel, it is ordered, that the other defendant, who hath the faid Robert in his hands, as is convey away, or fecrete, fuch effects, until the particular.

The knprovements are very confiderable, hav money, at my aforefaid dwelling houfe the feveral eftates tha, deHver UD fuch effefls. or fo much thereof ai ing every neceffary budding fuitable tor a planter or far hereatter mentioned, and which I hold by recorded deeds win be yalue tQ thfi de of mer, and I may venture to fay tjiey are aS good order of truft to fecure me inthe payment of large fums of plaintiffs unt0 the faid plaintiffs, upon their giving fecum to any the colony nor arc the plantapons in lefs order money due from the perfons here refpefl, vely mentioned tQ the derk th is ourt fof rcturn 0f fuc thanthe improvements, being cleared the moft regular The tract of land whereon Henry Crenfhaw lives, in Lu fuch mann(and t0 fuch perfonSj as the court fhall. unacropa tences, preiervea as mucn as pomwe "urg 1 ner ms negroes uocK, nouinoia rur hereaft.r And is'further ordcred, that the faid defendant Robert do appear here on the 1 ft day of the next court, to anfwer the bill of the plaintiffs, and that a copy of this order be, within fifteen days, inferteql in fFi Viforinia fj37efte. far two mnruhs fiicccflivelv. and nublifhed on fome Lord's dav.

immediatelv after diVin? 1 .1 1 1 r.i 'it 7rofecute my fchemes as aforefaid, I will take fifty fhillings land and perfonal eftate of William Brown, in Lunenburg. with.a number 0I convenient houfes upon an acre, one halt to be paid at the time a title is made, penonai euate or i nomas rnith, in Mecklenburg, and the refidue in twelve months after. A title fhaU be The Negroes of Robert Chriftopher, in Mecklenburg. The made at the next court after the bargain, and poffeffion Negroes of Thomas Farrar, in Mecklenburg. The land given at Chriftmas next.

Irr the county of Charlotte, and perfonal eftate of John Clark, in Mecklenburg. The about fiv milps from Flnnv Wood, a rmft rrvnt nininrr land of Henrv Robertfon. in Mcelclenbiircr. Th erC mmw m. I V.1 nn c.

rc mni AnAH ir nhnHtmn llfKlOT rlfn ni I nnnf. in MprHnhurn jfr iw. a near ine lame, known the ueicriDtlon or yv lfi viffin 1 1 111 1 uir iiii nil 111 ,1 iiLuixLi '2500I. but findmK my and. perlonal Cltate John Uemmonds, Mecklenburg fr i u7 if.

l.rl a 4 font ration to be off; and The land of Robert Tucker, in Mecklenburg. The Ne ti 'Z 327''' rlnnr nf rhe l.anitnL in the rtv or acre tor great part groes ot uavid Chandler, in Lharlotte. I he land and DrKT watttti? ir a. 1 1 1 i ti 1 yy nv.vd, i yi.u iiilu ca jumanwii uiuvivui iw KJk rv. imiui tilt CllttlC toVCll feven or eight hands, feveral fmall dwelling houfes, two of Henry Ifbell, in Charlotte.

The land and perfonal thc two halr acre lots No 1 16 and No the tobacco houfes, and a corn crib; alfo a griftmill, which, eftate of Edward Crews, in Mecklenburg. The land of of Manchefter or Rocky Ridge, on the fouth ue rf withJittlc expencc, may be made very valuable, and a James Camels, in Mecklenburg. The land of James falls of James river. For terms apply to Jofhua btorrs good apple and peach orchard. This tract affords a great Flynns, in Mecklenburg.

The perfonal efiate of Philip Richmond, or to the fubferiber. quantity of very valuable creek low grounds, and a con Jolmfon, in Mecklenburg. And the land of Daniel Gor THOMSON MAbU derable quantity of very fine high land. My price for ri, in Mecklenburg. As it is probable that the fales of rnr AKEN up in Prince Georee, a fmall bay mare this land is a thoufand pounds and a right will be made, all the eftates'aforefaid cannot be made in one day, I here about 4.

feet or 6 inches with three doU oJ poffeffion eiven, and payments made, in the fame manner g've notice that it will be continued from dav to dav till 1 In ber face, ano as for Finny Wood. In Charlotte countv and about t'ie whole can be compleated. na 4 nA Qnnraifcd t0 1 one or ner mna ieer. is wnue. rmcu, rr ten miles trom tinny Wood, a tract containing 1020 acres, MATTHEW MARABLE 12I.

FOR SALE, THE tenement at prefent occupied by Captain James Gunn, in that part of the town of Richmond called Shockoes, on the north fide of the falls of James river. it, well adapts for either a merchant, tavernkecper, or private Gentleman, rented at forty pounds a year aifo the public ftorehoule at the fame place, rented at fifteen pounds a year; the two half acre lots, No. 400 and No. 670, in the fame tows; the valuable lot of one hundred acres of timbered ano RICHARD BOOKER. I I A MS Printed by WILLIAM RIND, at the mV PRINTING OFFICE on the Main Street.

All Perfons may be fupplied with this GAZETTEat per Year. AD ERTISEM ENTS of a moderate are inferted for 3 the firft eek, and 2 each Time after and long ones in Proportion..

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