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The Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia • Page 4

Williamsburg, Virginia
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5 I POETS CORNER. J3 A.C A A L. WHILE the Bottle to Humour, and Vocial DeUght, The fmallcit Affiance can lend While it luppdy keeu, up the Laueh of the Night, Or enltvem the Mind of a Friend let 'me enjoy it, ye hmntiful Powers, rv rt mmTi inar. iimc m.iy cicu.i um pU And Ihould Care twr think to intrude on my Hours, Scaie the Hgrd away with trie Glafi. But, ir.rtead of a rational Feaft of the Senfe, Should Difcord prctide o'er the Bowl, And Felly, Debate, or Contention commence, From too great an F.xpanfion of Soul Should the an 1 tHwn, or the Friend of my Bread, In the Ivy feel nought but the Rod Should I make fweetReligion a profligate Jeft, And daringly fport with my God From my Lips dam the Poifon, 0 merciful Fate, Where the Madnefs or Blafphetny hung, And Jet every Accent, which Virtue fhould hate, Parch uick on my infamous Tongue.

From my Sight let the Curfe be eternally driven, Where my Reafonfo fatally ftray'd, "That no more I may offer an Infult to Heaven, Or give Man a Caufe to upbraid. HIS Majefty's General having (for the better facilitating of Correfpondence between Great Britain and America) been pleafcd to add a fifth Packet Boat to the Station between Falmouth and Ntiu Yorki Notice is hereby given that the Mail, for tlie future, will be doled, at the Poft Office in New York, at twelve of the'CIock'at Night, on the firft Tuefday in every Month, and defpatched by a Packet, the next Day, for Falmouth. By Command of the Deputy Poftmafter General; ALEXANDER COLDEN, Secretary. AL Perfons having any Demands againft: the Eftate of William Yarbrtugb, deceafed, are defired to make them known to James Smith Yarbnugb, in Prince Edward County, or to me in Bland ford, before the loth of September next, that Provifion may be made to fatisfy the fame and thofe indebted to him are defired to make Payment foon. RICHARD YARBROUGH.

ESSEX, May J771. ALL Perfpns who have any Demands againft the Eftate of Robert Sp. Ctleman, deceafed, are defired, for the laft Tvne, to make them known to me immediately, that I may know what tJl hU Debts aemain unpaid, and acl accordingly. ANDREW CRAWFORD, Executor. A WILL fland this Seafon at Colonel Thmat M.

RandolfKi, in Couch land, and cover Mares at twenty Shillings the Leap, three Pounds tho Seafon, and five Pounds Enfurance. Good Pafturage, and the Money is expecled when the Mares art taken away, uwpc ARM1STEAD LIGHTFOOT. To be SOLD, in Purfuanct to tbt laji Will and Itftament ef Drury Stith, dtttefed, an Monday tbt of June, at Charlotte Courtboufe, biing Court Day, ALL the LAND on 7W ck, faid County, remaining unfold, ind being Part of a Tracl of four Thouftnd two Hundred Acres granted to the faid Drury $titb by Patent; the Quantity may be known at the Day of Sale. And on AJWy the 10th of the fame Month, Mukhnburr Courthoufc, being Court Day, feven Hundred and eighty Acre of Land on the Branches of Bluefhne, in the faid County. Credit will be allowed until the aid of March next, on giving Bond, with approved Security, to THOMAS STITH, Adminiftrator.

77? IMPORTED, and to tV SOLD bi the Sdfcribers in NORFOLK. QUANTITY of GRENADA COFFEE, GRENADA arid ANTIGUA RUM, MUSCOVADO SUGAR, 2 GREENWOOD, MARSH, tiT Co. To be SOLD, on Monday the 17th cJune, at ESSEX Courthoufe, being Caurt Day, fTiWO LOTS in the Town of Tofpahannock, belonging to IKlliam I llatlaiuay. Thefe Lots hast convenient Houfes on them, and are well paled in and are to be fold, by a Decree of FJfcx Court, on twelve Months Credit. Bond and Security will be required of the Purchafers.

U. B. Should the 17th of June not be a fair Day, the Sale will be put off until the next Court. To be SOLD to the higheji Bidder, by Virtue of a Decree ef Surry Court, bejort Mr Francis Moreland'j Tavern, at Cabin Point, cn Saturday the th Inflant, frWO Hundred and thirty five Acres of very valuable LAND, lying I on Ch'rpox Creek, in Surry County, about a Mile below Cabin Point. There is on the Prtunifts a Dweuinhoufe, and fomc Outhcufcs it is well vooded and watered, and has the beft Filhery on the Creek.

It is a convenient and beautiful Situatioa for a Merchant, or private Family, and jbeloiigi to the Eftate ot Robert decealed. Thofe who incline to Eurchafe may be fhown the Prem'ues by applying to Mr. Philip Biit, who vc on the fame. Three Months Credit will be allowed, die Purchafcr civing Bond, with approved Security, to THOMAS BAILEY. COMMITTED to Surry Jul, on the 24th ot Afrit, a Negro Fellow about fix Feet high, ha3 lort ore of his tapper fore Teeth, is about thirty Years old, and fay he belongs to Samuel TZ of Mecklenburg County.

ThtOwner is defired to fend for him, and jy Charges. DRURY WARREN. P. He had with him, when taken up, a dark black Mare about fourteen Hands rush, Pait of one of her hind Feet is white, has a fn.all Star in her Foichcad, and branded on the near SLvuiJci, tut not kuuw. RICHMOND Town, April 30, J771.

RUN away from the Subfcriber, on the 1 8th Inftant, an outlandiih Negro named MINGO. He had cn a blue Jacket, and a light blown One over it, has a fore Finjer on his left Hand, and fjniaks but irdjicrent Erglijh. Whoever delivers the f.ud JTegro tc me at RitimnJ, or to Mr. James MarfJcnU Kerf 3th, lhall have TWENTY SHILLINGS Reward, tefides what the Law allows. If JOHN BROOKE.

JTVAKF.N up, in CheJJerfdJ, a fmall lay HORSE, about four Feet. fiiph Cek(, but'has no Brand perceivable, fome Saddle Spots, a rKit on the a hwe ot rtis iscck, and haa a jmaii eiu on. fottea, ana to forty Shillings. JOHN tLLlES. WILLIAMSBURG, May 2, 1 CTRAYED, or STOLEN, about three Week ago, fi cm thi Town, a dark ray HORSE with a reached Mane 3rd Bob Til, rjiirtem Hands and a Half high, about ten Ycae eld, pacri and canters very caJy; 1 tdkve he i not branded.

Whoever brin the find Horle to mc fliall Iwe TWENTY SHILLINGS Reward; and flolen, on Dillovery of the Thief, FORTY SHILLINGS. WILLIAM MASSENBURG. tAKEN up, in Prince Ceo'zt, a dark gray HORSE, at out foutrett and an Inch high, rive or fix Years old, wirh a reached Mane and Switch Tail. Ported, and anwralfcd to forty Sidling. JAMES HALL.

TAKEN up, in Brunjwick, a large bay HORSE, about four Feet ten Inches high, twenty one Years old, branded on the near Buttock H. Pcfted, and appraifed to thirty Shilling. JAMES HICKS, Senior. TAKEN up, in Louifa, a fmall MARE, three Years old next Spring, about lour Feet feven ovcightlnches high, with a Blaze in her Face, her hind Feet white, branded on the near Buttock, but too dull to be made out. Ported, and appraifed to twelve Pounds.

BENJAMIN HAWKINS. WHEREAS fome Years pair, when Major Peaches was ftationed in A agufla County, the Subfcriber being in Captain Thomas Fleming Company, and at Stanton, in the faid County, did borrow Money of two Soldiers in the faid Company, one named Far low, and the other Hatcher (or Thatcher now if either of the above Perfons will pleal'e to apply to Thomas Stockton, Senior, on Mitcham' River, Albemarle County, they may receive their different Debts due to them. CHARLES BROOKE ALL Perfons indebted to the Eftate of the deceafed Gerrprd Ellifon, of Chrjlerf.dd County, defired to make immediate Payment to the Executors. Thofe who have Demands againft the faid Eftate are defired to make them known, that the fame may be difchargtdby ABRAHAM SALLE. fill THOMAS BRANCH.

DANIEL WE1S1GER. TF WILLIAM ROUGHSEDGE, late A of Prefcot, in the County of Lancafer (who was imported as a Tranf port in the Sivaile, Captain 'John Metcalfe, in the Year 17C3, and bound to Mr. Burch, of Wicomico, near Pile'i Warehoufe, in Charla County, Maryland be living, he may hear jf Something to his Advantage by ap fclvinr to me in Williamlbun, Virginia or whoever can give any Intelli gence of him, fo that a Certificate may be had of his being; alive, oylead, fliall be rewarded, bv applying to JACOB A A PERSON well acquainted with the Office Bufinefs of an Attorney jf if he is alfo well vcrfed in the Practice of the Courts in England, it will be more agreeable. A handfome Salary will be jiven to a perfo properly qualified, with a Preference to a fingleMan. Inquire of MtlP, Purdie and Dixon, any Time this Month.

For SAL ONE Moiety, or the Whole, of my GRIST and SAW MILLS near Cabin Point, in Surry County, with three Pair of Millftcnes and two Saws, which are well accuftomd, and very profitable, and with an additional Expenfe of a Hundred Pounds might be made much more fo. Thefe Mills are well fituated on Ch'ipeax Creek, on the fouth Side of James River, about Midway of the River, in a growing Neighbourhood, on a good Navigation, has a never failing Stream of Water, where a Merchant Mill may be creeled to greatcft Advantage, and with lefs Expenfe than ufually attends the building fuch Mills 5 it may be fo built that there would 'betenortwelveFeetWaterneartheMillHoufe, at common Tides. Alfo about four Hundred Acres, and fome Half Acre Lots, ofLAND, adjoining the Mills and Settlements, commonly called the Town, with many Improvements and Conveniences thereon, to be fold in fmall Quantities, or Lots. For Terms inquire of the Subfcriber. Alfo two Hundred and forty five Acres of Land on the Ottir Dam Swamp, about fix Miles from Cabin Point, has both lu'gh and low Grounds, fome Buildings thereon, a valuable young Orchard, about fifty Acres of cleared Land, enclofed with a good Fence.

Likewife two Hundred and thirty Acres of well timbered LAND about eight Miles from Cabin Point, no Buildings thereon. Long Credit will be given for the two laft mentioned Tracts. II JOHN COCKE. To be SOLD, on Thurfday the itth of May, at the AKIN up, in CumberlnrJ, a thick STEER, marked in the liht Ear, and a Ciop Slit in the left th a Ci a 1 la 1. and white COW, cf the fan.c Mark, that has ne her fore Feet l.uit by a CLg and a white hipihotten MARE, which It3 no Brand ptrcer.abk.

and appraifed, the Steer to thirty five Shillings, the L'ew to thirry Sellings, and the Mare to forty RICHARD ECGLESrON. H' A KEN up. in jH. a fmall black MARE nU ut cijrl.t Yta old, tour reet three 01 lour Ir.chis hovmber next, upon giving Bond and Security to LEWIS BURWELL, TAMES BURWII.l..

ha a Jmalj Star irf Fathead, funic Saddle Spots, a naming Mane ar.d Sv.iuh 1 ro Hi and that can be fecn, ttctb altogether, and apars to be very foivaid with Fcal. lolled, and apjuaifej to leur iVurds. II THOMAS BARLOW. 'To be I), on reafonafile Terms 'IS Majcrty's PATENT, or Grant, for twenty Thoufand Arrej of LAND in Wrl Florida. Any Per fop, or Perfons, inclinable to cuak' may oe inlornieci oj me rarucuars by inquiring ct Jlfl Ogdta, it the Sign of the Crol Keys, the Corner of Chejlsat ind.

Third Philadelphia. 1 AS twelve Months are nearly expired lince the Stdre kept at Todd's, cn Account of Mclf. and illh of Glafgow, by the Subfcriber, has been difcontinued, it is txpefted th.u fuch f'erfons as are indebted there will be ready, upon Applicant to difcharge their refpeclive Balances and it may be depended upon that fun as do not will be fued, as the Indulgence already the Cuftomeri been fuch that no farther dan be allowed, or reafenably expefled. I have about fourteen Hundred Pounds Sterling worth of C00t. which I would fell cheap.

Tf ROBINSON DA1NCERFIELD. To be SOLD at Fredetickfburg, cn Thurfday the 2Qt'b if June, being Spotfylvania Court Day, THE DWELLINGHOVSE now pofTctTcd by me, with the Timber Yard adjoining, whereon are erefled a Kitchen, Smokehouf.ard every Convenience necefliiry for a Family it is fituated on.the main ct in Fredti'nkfrurg, and may be eafily converted into a Store. Credit iH be given until Oc'uber Ceneral Couit for one Half the Money, and until April General Court for the other Half. 9 THOMAS MILLER, WANTE in Nor borne Parijh Frederick CoMfo AS 0 0 A well qualified to teach Writing and Atirh mttkkj if Latin alfo, the more agreeable, and the Salary enU ed. It will not be expefled that he fhould teach more than fifteen or twVnt Scholar.

For farther Particulars inquire of the Printer of this Paper or of J. Koutjt at Piedmont, in the faid County. None need apply but Kh as can have an undoubted Character for Diligence and Sobriety. N. B.

It is thought a Dancing Mafter likewife would mett with i Couragement in the above County. 12 Tt be SOLD, on long Credit, the three following Tiafis of LAND, viz. ON Traft containing four Hundred Acree, lying In Sfottyh County, cn the Head cf BkfRun, about eighteen Miles trctn fxderhkjhurg. One ether Tradt lying in Amherp County, on OtWa Creek, containing four Hundred Acres it is well timbered, and a for Tobacco and Indian Corn. One Traft lying in Pittfylvanla Cc 'mt on Sycamore Creek, near Captain Benjamin Clemntfi, containing two Hue died Acres: this is good Tobacco Land.

Any Perfon induLfe to purchafe either of the ahoveTracls of Land may know the Terms 1 jilying to Mr, Char let hning, Merchant In Albemarle County, or to tike Subfcriber in RhtmcndTown. The above Lands are the Property ot lm loving, Senior, of Amherfi County, but made over by a Deed of Trti'll the Subfcriber. Two Years Credit, or longer if required, will be feiy, on Bond and approved Security. Tf WILLIAM MITCHELL. To be SOLD to the higheji Bidder, en the Premifes, ir fuant to an Act of Assembly, on VVcdncfJay the 1 ub of May, TWO Thoufand eight Hundred Acres of LAND, being the upper lart of a Traft belonging to Amifcad Litbtfoot, Efquire, in Bruufahk wu nu uois.

10 maRe it convenient to Pur chafers 5 and any Perfon inclined to buy may be fhown it by applying to Thomas Gholfon, who lives on it. Credit will be allowed nntil tht firt cf tm JOHN WOODSON, 4 For SALE, and may be entered en in November mxt, THE LAND whereon I now live, containing two Hundred and fevinry four Acres. It is exceeding good for Grain, Tobacco, tfc sr.d lies fo level that nine Tenths may be plowed with the grcateft Eafe. '1 Improvements on the fame confift of a Plantation, in good Order, fuFai tnt for working feven or eight Hands, the Whole lying to the Plow an Uc wuii7 hwmi iiu iuui jcci loug, uijuiica on in a complete Manucr, tu late Dwellinsrkoufi of Dzvid Smith, dueafed, Din Vreracesb mmcs lodging Room. trd ij rs 1 or nr jc "three Rooms above Stairs, one of which has a Fireplace 5 a Houfe tvcr.iv Widdie under a Deed of Trufl from the faid Smith to me) Ftet in Length, and fixteen in Width, with tw.

Rooms below, Lnli for ready Money, or Merchants Notes payable at the en' fuing General Court, NINE likely Virginia bom AVE among whom are two very valuable Fellows. At the fame Time will be expefed to Sale (under the fame Deed) a great Part of his pcrfrnal Eftate, confiding of a fine Still, many valuable Beds, and a great Deal of Houfehold Furniture, excellent in its Kind. Thofe becoming Purchafers to the Value of forty Shillings, or more, will be allowed three Months Credit, on giving Bond and Security if under that Sum, to pay ready Money. GRAY BRIGGS. ON Friday the 17th of May (if fair, other wife next (air Day) will be fold at the Dwclllnghoufe of Mr.

David Gallmay, in Ntithir.bcrland County, all the faid Calhuay's Lands, for the Benefit cf his Creditors. The Terms ot Credit will be agreed on at the' Day of Sale, by the TruAees. GEORGE III. by the Grace of GOD of Great Britait, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, CJV. to the Sheriff of the County of Frederick, greeting We command you to fummon Daniel Bjh, late of the County cf frcderick, to appear before our Juflicts of our.

County Court cf Augujla, on the firft TutfUy in next Month, to anfwer a Bili irr Chancery exhibited againft him by Le xis Heill; and this he fhall in no Wife omit, under the Penally of a Hundred Pounds and have then there this Writ. Witncfs James Keith, Clerk of our ad Court, at theCourthoufe, this fixth Day of September, in the tenth Year of our Reign. JAMES KEITH. COMMITTED to lork County Jail, the 14th of March, an outlar.difh Nepro Woman who cann cannct, rr or will not, tell her Owner Name. ine is with u.iid, has a thin vifage, and is about four Feet nine Inches The Owner may have her on provine his Property, and raying Charges, of WILLIAM MITCHELL.

CTRAYE from r. Field Trent, in Henrico County, a middle lized bay Horfe, not branded, has a remarkable white Mark on his Nick, cccafiunid by a Rope. Wl.cevtr will bring Kim to n.e in Chifte field Couniy, ccar Cjlnn; Waiet.oufe, lhall have THIRTY SHILLINGS Reward. EDWARD WILKINSON. above Stairs, wherein lives the Cleik of the County, and the Oai iwo rueuen, one 01 wiucn is very valuable; a Dairy, Mcathcutc, ha.n, fine ftrcng Stables, Corn Hcufes, two fine Gardens, of the belt kw.d Framing and Pales and, in fhort, every Convenience that is r.viLi for the Ordinary and Plantation Uks, There are on the fan.c Ution, two large (landing Stores kept, of very coufiderable Tr.nU; tfe Storthoufes are large and commodious, the chcapeflof which did r.m lefs than a Hundred and fifty Pounds to each Surehcufe belongs i tfe for the Rclidcnce ot" the Merchants, one of which coft upwards I a Hi.ii died Pounds, the other upwards of feventy five there alfo belongs fj 'iie Stores fine ilrong Stables, 6f.

There are two Tailors Shcp, hh Kitchejis, and other Conveniencics, belonging thereto; as ui iVte Blackfiiiiths Uc. The Rentj cf which, in ihe Whole, aniuunc pretty conlideiibly. Befides thefe two Stores Plantation, a of sorUiderable Trade, is fettled (for the Convenience of their Dies, L'c. in xLcOidinary) within, or about, three Hundred Yards front my Door, on Land that does not belong to me. This Place is n.o:e com inodioufiy fituated, better calculated for Trade, than pcrlujis the back Parts in this Colony at leart, if not on the Continent.

'1 evuy Dweliinghoufe, Store, (Tailors and Blackfuiiths Shops a.lj are good Biick Chimnics, the Hcufes underpinned with Bricks, arui Cellars, and ill in good Repair. The Whole of the uniform, in Lints and Squares, fo as to refemble a Town, jkc the Buildings have teen buij ever eight Years, and almoA all 1 Lls Buildings within five Years. The Situation is high, and neaitny, commanciiig a deiigr.tlul Proipect cl the Mountains a round. It lies about eight Miles from An.htrfi Courthpufe, CanlinaWoii, which greatly ufed by Travellers, and, togetl. great Refut cf Gentlemen to this Piace, cor.fumes as much 1.

coft me annually three Hundred Pounds, befides Beails. As Perfuns at a Dillance inclining to purchale may L. whether it would be worth their While to come and fee the PI. it not amifs to inform them that I will take eight Hundred Po. i it 'I, i jor Mace, ana give a reaionablc I ime (or Payment, which is many Pounds below the intriniick Value of it.

I will alfo fell to the Purchafcr (if required) moft of the i longing to the Ordinary, at leuft ten good Feather Beds, vviJ, wtiic fame; Walnut and Mohogany TubLs, Chairs, yc. 16 GABRI N. B. All the Mcrcl ar.ts, Storekeepers, Clerk of thTr Scivantj, are be arded ir. the Ordinary, Profits of wt.l.

cc, Cdifidcrable to me. "DUN away from the Subfcribef, at the Falls AV of James River, the Middle cf la.t Month, a 1 v.wx, tcicnjing to i.iun old, five Ftet eiil.t Inches and very ltctit made; l.e i Complexion, has a down Lok, ai.d a Delect, cf He is (uppefed to be lurking about Hunger Town, ptteifk.i, towai dr. lira. Whoever will the laid Fellow, r. rue, fliall luve FOR FY SHILLINGS Reward and if Coiony, FIVE POUNDS.

Tf DAVJD PAi ALL Perfons may be fupplied with this Paper at zf. 6d. a Year, and have Advertisements (of a moderate Length inferieci It 3: the firft Week, aud jl each Week after. All Sorts of Pkintxwg Wokk done at this Oiiicc iu the neuteit vi Csrc rA Expcditibivr 'i.

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