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The Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia • Page 4

Williamsburg, Virginia
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I 0 ET 'S R. Doctor. YOUNG ro the MAC AR I S. a XT.E well tr'rayd I ye Ltlliei of our Land if, Llllie8 ma'el nether loil ncr fyiB (As iifUrLillies might) if not fo wife Solomon, mora fumptuous to the Sight I Ye delicate I who nothing can fupport, Yourfclves moft'infupportable I for whom The Winter Rofermift blow, the Sun put on A brighter Beam in Leo. Silky foft Favonius, breathe ftlll foftcr, or be chid And other Worlds fend Odoun, Sauce, Song, And Robei, and Notions, fram'd in foreign Looms Ye Macaronics of our Age who deem One Moment unamus'd a Mifery made for feeble Man who call aloud 1 For every Bauble, drivell'd o'er by Senfc For Rattle and Conceits of every Cart, For Change of Follies, and Relays of Joy, To drag your Patient through the tedious Length Of a fhort Winter's Day.

Say, Sages I fay, Wit' Oracles foy, Dreamerof gay Dreams I How will you weather an eternal Night, Where fuchExpedienti'fail? 17 HEREAS I intend for Great Britain in fhnrt remieft ill thofe indebted to me to make Pa tnent to Mr. David Cation of Richmond, whom I have appointed to tranf aft my Bufinefs in my Abfcnce and thofe who have Demands againft jme will tkewlfe apply to him for Satisfaction: 14 TV ARCHIBALD M'KENDRICK, treated TaQe, has been Miftrefs of a laree Family of her own in Credit, nd has a Child juft fit to wean, would be gUd if they will direel a Line to Jt. to the Care of Mt. Jamet HalJant, Copperfmith in Ncrfcli, and mention their (aj) Doctor A A OCULIST and; AU RIST At PHI A DELPHI THUS publickly gives Notice that he purpofes to be at HVl'mmfiur about the Middle of April next, wherMhofc Peifons whofe Ctrcum fiances or Situation have precluded them from the Benefit of applying for fAfliftance at Philadelphia may confult him in all Diforders of ihe Eye and its Appendages, and in every Species of. Deafnefi, ofearing, Noife in the Ears, Thofe Perfons likcufe wb have been born deaf and dumb, or thofe who labour under any Impediment in their" Speech, by applying peifoually, will probably be affiled.

(tf) Mr. John the Prtnerfhip him and myfelfl of Courfe, is ihilwli this is.jtherefore tp inform thofe indebted that it is expecled they I. will immediately make Payment of Balances, drxlofe their Accountsn the Books by giving Eonds. I fliall attend, as ufual, I at this Place and the adjoining County Courts, in Order to make a final Clofe of this Concern and it is.expefled due Regard will be paid to this MAdmtifcmntjw no Indulgence can poflibly given. (4) (ZACHARIAH CLARKE.

Br Ther4 a Venteel Aflortmeotof GOODS oa JIand, fuiuble for the Spring, which I will difpof of at a low Ad vance. nHIS is to. ive publick Notice that JL Bufinefs of the Cuftomhoufe of South Pttvwmack vt difcontinued at Ltt tlaU (where the Office has been kept for many Years) on Friday the 29th of January ijaft, and the Cuftomhoufe Books and Papers are re t' moved to Ihmony Hall, the Seat of tire late Colonel James Stiptot, which the fecond HouTe above Sandy Paint, and the Office is there opened for the Defpatch of publick Bufinefs. JOSEPH LANE, Deputy Collector. GILBERT CAMPBELL, Comptroller.

NANSEMOND, Fthrnary 13, 1773V A I intend for England by the firft Oppor tunity, all thofe who have Demands ajainft me are defired to apply" to rfte at Mr." Jthn llamilttni of this Place, and they fliall receive 'X JOHN VAN VOORST. 'I PETERSBURG, Fclruary 13, 1773. A QU ANT I of damaged Gfnabrugs, 1 JL a imported in the Unity, Captain Coopy, 'from London, willbejoid on Tlnrjdr the 4th of March, at publick Vendue, for the ttenefit of the Infuiers. 2) RICHARD IjLANSON. jt The utferiher for Sale a few Bales of GERMAN OSNA ERUOS and ROLLS.

PORTED, Mb OMer, from Liverpool in the 5. Captain Priejlman, two HOGSHEADS and a TIERCE of STONE and EARTHENWARE marked A in a Pi'rce, numbered 5, 6, and 7. Any Perfon having thefe Packages in PoGelfior. will much oblige the Subfcriber by giving him Notice thereof, vbo will pay all Chaiges for cnveying them to him, in Hantntr Town. WILLIAM ANDERSON.

0 A THE PLANTATION; whereon the Subfcriber lives, in King and Queen County, about a Mile and a Half from Todft Warchoufe, containing fix Hundred and fifty feven Acres, in good Order for Cropping, having a large Peach apd Apple Orchard thereon beginning to bear, a of low Crounds which may be made good Meadow with little 1 Expenfe; the Dwellinghoufe, Kitchen, and other Outhoufes, have been built between lour and five Years. Any Perfon inclinable to purchafc may know the Terms by applying to 00 R. DAINGERFIELD. 1 RUN away from the Subfcriber, in King triUiam County, near TtdJ't Bridge, on the 8th of January lall, a vonvia ervant namea mark ijavjs, nut I uncieritand rat changed It to PHILIPS. She is a lurty Woman, of a fwarthy Complexion, pitted vith the Smallpox, and had cn a dark Camlet Gown, 'a black Hat, a fed Silk Handkerchief round her Neck, and Leather heeled ihoei.

She aiwayt talks as if fhe had a Cold, has been fcen lurking about in Cleucefier and Midd'rfcx, parting as a Ecgtar, faying fhe has loft her Hufband, and hit two Children to inaintiin. Whoever fecureS her fo that I may get her again (hail have FORTY SHILLINGS Reward, and be paid reafon allc Expends if brought home. (J) JOHN CATLETT. RICHMOND Town, Ttbrutry 1773. THERE is now in the publick Warchoufc at Richmond Town the following GOODS, whichhave been there fin the great Frefh Two CASKS of NAILS mrk 1 both Number one Dir to without Mai or Number, two CASKS of GUNPOWDER marked on one Head, and A on the other, about nine Dozen of HAIR MEAL SIFTERS of different Marks, namely, I MA in a Piece, within a Diamond, and within a Diamond.

The Owner may have them of me on paying the Expenfe of this Adver tifement, and. the cuftomary Storage. (II) DANIEL HARWOOD. TA KEN up, in Chefter field, a 'final! gray HORSE about four Feet three or four Inches high, fix or feven Years old, with a roached Mane and Bob Tail, but no Brand perceivable. Polled, ind appraifed to five Pounds.

(H) WILLIAM' Tp be on CHART rpHE Brig JOHN, Ralph Elliott Matter, about two Hundred and fifty Hogflieads ojf Tobacco. For Terms apply to trie, in Norfolk. (tf) JOHN GREENWOOD. Mount Plasnt, MattaponyFifMrjf io, 1773. THE Copartnery of Miller and Hejlop being diflblved, all Perfons indebted are requefted to make immediate Payment.

Thofe that cannot, and expeft any Indulgence, are defrred to give their Notes or Bonds, that no Difputes may hcreaftar arife. 'Suit will be commenced againft fuch at fail, without Rcfpetf of Perfons, The Debts due to the Copartnery are now entirely the Property of the Sub fcriber, who bas empowered Mr. David Blair of Frtdtt Ukfburg to colleft hm A trtrA inr 1ki.J;IJu i ATF lAv in Want nf WRT NITIVSF Court rfons indebted jo me, on my own private Account, arc de A AN 'V; i' ired to make fpeedy Payment, to prevent, Trouble and thofc who have A. or a Perfon who underftands taking Care of a Family, even in the snyDcmandaMinft or Mill and HJU. are defired tr, mak hm known immeditaely, that they may be fettled.

rT; john miller. SJ1 Yll 't February 18, 1773. LL Perfons who have any Demands againft thfc ames'Jvic bollon: deceafed: aredelircd to apply For Payment, and fthoTe indebted thereto to be Ipeedy in lettllng with 1 1 JlOBiaiX.MCOLSONV Executor. Who HAS FOR'SALE. A Ouantitv OF A EE S.

i To be SOLD, on 'the Premies, A HUNDRED and feventy riirie Acres of LAND, of which a larse Proportiort ia Meadow Ground, upwards of twenty Acres are now in Timothy Grafs, well fet, to which many niore may be added at a fcnajl Expenfe there is on the Land an exceeding well accuftomed GRIST MILL, a complete SAWMILL, and many good Buildings. Its Situ ation makes it extremely valuable, as the Carriage to kapfalanjtotk or does not exefced ten Miles, where is a ready Maikct for the Produce of "the Mills, and greaf Quantities of. Wheat are produced in the Neighbourhood. Any 'Perfon inclinable to purchafc. may be aflured the above Land will be fold on Monday the 15th March, when the Credit will be agreed on by j) THOMAS HOOD.

February 10," 1 773J RUN away from the' Subfcriber, in tbc Night of the 9th of November laft, twa Negro Fellows, namely 1 NAT, a tall ilout made Negro, knock kneed, a little bald, woreaTrufs when he went off, which he may probablj have on when taken, Is a good Cooper, and underftands Something of the Carpenter's Trade. CATO, a fmall bort Fellow, vpry black, not Virgini born, but fpeaks tolerable plain. They probably may fay they belong to Mrs, Hannah Price, or may have changed their Names, and got fome Villain to write them a Pafs, by which Means they may endeavour to pafs for Freemen, and attempt to ret out of the Country. All Maftert nf Vrf bouring or carrying them out of the Colony. Whoever conveys them to II 1 Tin nniTttnc uk tvupatcjix uun nave a ruuvivo jsewaro tor eacn, FORTY SHILLINGS for each if tecured in any Jail whithin Virn itu givwg uic iuvii iiwui.e ium i uij uiwu again.

(5) GEORGE or ma. BIRD, RU away from Eltbam, on Sunday the 10th of January laft, a light Mulatto Fellow named OTHO, about five Feet nine Inches high, with a freckled Face, light gray Eyes, brown Hair tid behind, his Skin under his Clothes very white, had on a blue Cloth Coat and Waiftcoat with a red Velvet Cape, and I expeft will endeavour to pafs for a white Man. All Mafters of VeiTLls are forewarned from harbouring or carrying him off, at their Peril. Whoever delivers him to me, or fecures him in any Jail, and gives me Notice thereof, fo that I get him, mall have FIVE POUNDS Reward. (tO EURWELL BASSETT.

TAKEN up, in Goochland, a bay MARE about four Feet feven oreight Inches high, with a roached Mane and Bob Tail, feveral Saddle Spots on her Back, two fmall white Spots on each Side of her Breaft, branded on the near Buttock appears to be old, and is very poor. Potted, and appraifed to feven Poundg. (I) JOHN DYKES. RU away from Mr. James Hunter's, ppefite to Fredtrickjlurg, on his Way to Frederick, a Negro Man named JACK DISMAL, a Aim made black Fellow, about five Feet ten Inches high, with thick Lips, very cunning and artful, and it is fuppofed lie went down RappaLannock in fome Velfel in Order to get to Jamet River.

Whoever lecures him fo that I may get him again fhall have FORTY SHILLINGS Reward, or FIVE POUNDS tf delivered to Mr. William llerndon, my Ovcrfeer in Frederick. (tf ROBERT BURWELL. WHEREAS I intend fhortly to remove from the Place where I now live to Fincofle County, on the Wefitrn ifttert, it is expefted that all thofe Gentlemen who have Bufinefs to do with me will attend at the Raleigh Tavern in WiUiamfturg, where I fliall be from the 1 5th of April next to the 15th of the laid Month, in Order to have all thofe Accounts which are now unfettled properly ad jufled. (Tf) ISRAEL CHRISTIAN.

NOREOLK, January 5, 1773. WHEREAS the Partnermip of Bolden, Lawrence, and Company, expired the iA of this Inflant, this is therefore to requeft all Perfons whe are indebted to them to pay off their Accounts immediately, or fettle their Balances by Bonds and thofe to whom they are indebted may ply to us and receive Payment. The Bu finefs of the Houfe wiil be continued, and carried on to its ufual Extent, by (8) JOHN LAWRENCE, Co." HUNTING TOUR, 3, 773 I WILL' fell twelve or fifteen Hundred Acres of rich LAND on each Side of Ftp Pond Cretk, in the lower End of Buciintham, whereon are aft ncctffary Houfeg for vviih the Corn, Foddrr, and Stock, on the faid Land, And fix valuable fit gbum born SLAVES. If my Debtorj had net unjuflly kept me out cf confideiable Sums of Money for a long Time, I fhould have had noOccafion to have fold Land or Negroes to have paid my Debts'. Land that I fold eleven Year ago I am not yet paid for, and lor a Largo of Goods which I intruded a notorious Villain with feveral Years ago I have not received forty Pounds, and he refufes to let me fee the to copy them, or to fettle with me, (6) ANTHONY WINSTON.

N. B. The Land fhall be laid offin Parcels, if not fold foon. 0 A VALUABLE Traft of LAND, containing about fixteen Hundred more or lcfn, lying on the River Shenando, in Bnkley County (formerly Frederick) which is one of the moft flourifhlng Counties in Virginia. The Land is exceeding good, well timbered, and adapted to the raiting of all Kinds of Grain, as well as and has toe Advantage of a very fine Stream of Water, on which is a Blomery with two t'ircs, a good Stone Merchant Mill with two Pair of Stones, a Saw Mill, a Diftillery conveniently fnuated, a Smith's Shop, a Cooper's Shop, and rnany other Outhoufci.

There are about a Hundred and fifty Aies of Land cleaied. and about fifty Acres of Meadow may be made with a very fmall Expenfe, one Half of which may be watered any Day in the, Year, A Stock of Cattle, Horfes, and Hogs, fome Houfchold Furniture, and all Kinds of Utenfils proper for carrying on the above dafeient Brandies of Bufinefs, will be fold with or without the Land. For farther Particular! inquire of William Little, on the Ptemifes. Credit will bt allow ed I .1.. L.r.

t1 IP 101 ran pi 111c ruruiaic jviwney, iwc ruitnaicr giving fono, wui security if required. For Terms apply to the Honourable Gearrt William Efquire, Carlylt and Da Inn in Alexandria, or Precjon Bow Jam Subfcriber will fell, on realbnablc Terms, his LAN and HOUSES whereon he now lives, known by the Name of HOOD's, in Prince George, on Jamet River. As to hi Situaticn, it is hardly worth While to fay any Thing about it, though it is looked upon to be the mo ft pleafant Place, and has the fined View, of any Seat on Jamet Rivr. I have jufl now finifhed a Houfe upon it, in the beft Manner, tinny three Feet by thirty, with two large Rooms and a large PafTage below, and three Rooms above there is alfo a Garden lately paled in with good Cyprefs Pales, with all neceflary Outhonfes, a ery good Storeboufe, fundry Lumber Houfes, and a Set of very good Tobacco.Wa.i ehoufes. 1 think, with very little Trouble, there might be an Infpeclion erefled there again, as it ii the general Cry of the People for it 1 and as the" Place Is very well fitaated for carrying on both the Inland and iVeJl India any Peron, 'with a pretty good Capital, may carry them cri to a very great Extent.

Whoever is inclinable to purchafe may know the Terms by applying to Mr William MJVhann, Merchant. or to the Subfcriber, on the (Tf) DAVID SCOTT, Three Hundred Pounds Reward. RU away frbrfl the Subfcriber," in Parifh; South Cart Una, about fifteen Months fince, two Ntgro Fellows and a Wench, namely WILL, CFORCE, and SYLVIA. Will is a Cooper and rough Carpenter, about twenty five Years of Age, five Feet eight Incite high, '6T a 'yellowifh Complexion, flim made, a little knock kneed, his Teeth filed, and has his Country Marks in his Face. George is about twenty Years of Age, five Feet five Inches high, of a dark Complexion, is very artful, and has been ufed to take Care of Hoi its.

'Sylvia is a likely young about five Feet five Inches high, of a yellowifh Complex, ion, her" Teeth filed, and has attended in a Houfe. A Reward of ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS Currency will be paid on Delivery of the above Negroesto the Warden of the Workhoufe, cr at his Plantation in tlier'aforefaid Parifh, rear Afyrray't Ferry, or in Proportion for if taken in the Province. THOMAS WIST, Overfeer, about twenty five Years of Age, five Feet feven Inches high, very flim, of a fwarthy Complexion, who lived at (he Siibfcriber's Plantation about three Years, and jufl about the Time the faid three Negroes ran away left him, it is generally thought VAiitvu it vi aijv iwiiv uN'onvi finiitf wi triut jimo 'mw aiij vtiM them for Sale. All Perfons are hereby cautioned not to purchafe the faid Negroes and If porchafed by any Terfcn, they are hereby required to de liver them to the Proprietor, or they may depend cn being profecuted to the utm'oft Rigour of the Law. A Reward of THREE HUNDRED POUNDS Currency will be paid on Delivery of the Negroes, or in Pro poition if taken out of the Province; and a farther Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS will be given to whoever will give Information of their carried out of the Province, or being harboured by a whito Perfon, on Cohviftion of the Offender.

(is) JOHN GAILLARD. For SALE, in the Town A LARGE two Story DWELLINGHOUSE, with three commodious Rooms on a Floor, each with a Fireplace. It is exceedingly well calculated for a Tavern, and is pleofantly fituated near the River. The Terms may be known of the Subfcriber, near the Premifes. (Tf) W.

JOHNSON. RUN away from the bubferiber, at Peter lurg, about the Middle cf September laft, a very likely Negro Maa named PHILL. about twenty Years. of Age, of a yellow Complexion, and about five Feet nine Inches high, proportionably He is a Native of Africa, but fpeaks bioken Englijh, having been fome Years in the Weft Jrdies, and has loft two Joints off two of his Fingers on his right Hand. Had on, when he went away; an Ofnaburg Shirt, an old Virginia Cloth Waiftcoar, with a new NegiQ Cotton Jacket over it, and a Pair of old Check Troufers.

As he has been ufed to the Sea, he will probably endeavour to get on Board fome Ship and make his Efcape out of the Colony all Mafters of VerTela arj therefore fortwarned from harbouring or carrying him off, at their Peril, I will give THREE POUNDS Reward to any Perfon who wiil deliver faid Slave to me, or to Mr. Hugh M'Mekin at Portsmouth, and FORTY SHILLINGS to fecuie him in any Jail, and give Notice thereof. (tf) THOMAS CORDON. Twenty Pounds Reward FOR apprehending JOIlO HUTCHINSON, who ran away laft Night from the Subfcriber, He is a Blackfmith by Trade, a likely flout Man, about five Feet ten or eleven Inches high, wore his own fhort dark Hair, and is a Ttrkjbireman, which may te eafily known by his Dialed, is much given to Drink, and in which he is apt to be very noify. He took with him a brown Duroy Coat lined with white Durant or Tammy alfo a brown Water Dog with a white Face, which I expect is ftill with him, as he was a great Favourite.

A ftiort Time before he ran off he broke open the Houfe of Mr. Anthony M'Qubae, and ftole about forty Pounds. The above Reward will be paid to any Perfon who delivers the faid Runaway and Cafh, or TEN POUNDS for him alone, and FIVE POUNDS to have him fecured any Jail within this Colony. NoviMsaa 4, 1772. (Tf) THOMAS POLLARD.

For A A VALUABLE TRACT of LAND lying on both Sides of Wr Creek, in Halifax County, containing five Hundred Acres, the Soil of which is exceeding good for Tobacco and Corn. There is a fmall Plantation cleared on the Land, which has been tended but a few Years, and two Tobacco Houfes, an Overfeer's Houfe, and Negro Quarter almcfk new. Any Perfon inclinable to purchafe may apply to Colonel Paul Carrington, in Cbarhtte, who will fhow the Land, and is fully empowered todifpofe of it. (tQ ALL Perfons may be fupplied with this Paper at zf. 6a.

a Year, and have Advertisements (of a moderate Length) inferted in it for 3 A Wcfk nd 2. each Week after. All Sorts of Printing Work done at this Office in the neatelt Manner, with Care and Expedition. it TS HI Ai.

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