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Rind's Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia • Page 4

Williamsburg, Virginia
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The ImWted II 0 It A I A formerly the "property of the Hon. William Byrd Eij nr in creat and wi cover nmes this feafon, at fifteen fh.lhrlgs per leap. Alexander 6 peterfield TRENT i i 1 FALMOUTH, xl, i77 ALL perfons having had dealings with 7fWrw and Neilon, at their ftore formerly kept at Falmouth, or elfewhere, are defired to tak notice, that the death of my partner, Mr. John A(f obliges me to autborife and empower, Mr. David herr, of the faid town of Falmouth, to fettle aTTthe laidcompa ny's accounts, and to receive all debts due to then.

I further give notice, that for the purpofeof fpeedilydifcharg ing what debts the company may owe, there is tor file fundry trafls of land, two grift mills', feveral town lots, Negroes and Mulattoes, with houfhold furnirure, books, Cc. all valuable, betwixt this and the ift of November next; and if not fold then, they will be fold on fhort credit to the higheft bidder. ALEXANDER WODROVV. N. B.

The ttore and dealings at Falmouth, in name ct William Love, and company, continue as formerly. A. W. I FALMOUTH, July it, X77i. ALL perfons indebted to the late co partneiy of MelT.

Wodrow aaid AWy lited to take notice, that every debtor who fliall fail to come and fettle their accounts before.the firft day of November next, will be immediately dealt with according to law, without refpect to any perfon or perfons whatever. DAVID KERR. FOUR thoufand acres of A belonging to James Harwell, lying in the county of IJle of Wight, on James river, ii miles below Smith field, will be expofed to public fale on the 10th day of November next, if fair, otheiwife the next fair day. It is very level, and extraordinary good for grain and ftock, having firm nutfhes belonging to it, and fo convenient to Norfolk, that whatevet is made thereon may ealily be cairied there by water; there is alfo a very fine merchant mill in the neighbourhood thereof, the proprietor of which, will, no doubt, readily take all the wheat that can be made upon it.Oyfters and fifh are to be had in plenty, and extremely good. The land will be laid off in Jots to fuit purchafers, and may be entered on the ift of January next.

Six mouths credit will be allowed from the day of entry, on bond and approved fecurity bcini! Given to LEWIS BURWELL, DUDLEY DIGGES. THOMAS NELSON, jun. Trustees. RICHARD RAKER, NATHANIEL BURWELL, WHEREAS my wife Betty Cooper has eloped fiom me, I do forewarn all perfons from trufting or entertaining her, as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting, and profecute any perfon that (hall entertain her. FRANCIS COOPER.

Imported from London, in the Liberty, Capt. James Walker, fane time in January A BOX of hats marked a diamond, I V. No. which has never come to hand. Any perfon having it in pofleffion, is refuelled to fend it to the fubferiber, at Cumberland town, in New Kent county.

The favour will be thankfully acknowledged, and all ex pences paid, by JAMES UNDERWOOD. J. 26, 2771. TEN POUNDS REWARD. RAN "away laft night from the fub fcribers, living within 2 miles of Baltimore town, two convicl fervant men, the one is a young fellow, much pock marked, well fet, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, and took with him a young bay mare, with a boy's faddle new mended on the pummel, and alfo behind had a futti an coat and jacket of a light colour, with yellow buttons, oznabrig breeches and trowfeis, country thread ftockings, talks broad, was a fchoolmaller, is a good fcholar, and took with him a hlver watch.

The other is about 44 or 45 years of age, by trade a blackfmith, has a fear on his left wrift, near he back of his hand took with him a fearnought pea jacket, white fhirt and oznabrig ditto, crocus trowfers, old leather breeches, woriled ftcckings has black hair and a wig with him he is well fet, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and talks broad they are both Englijbmen, the firft is named Paul Higtsn, the other named William Roberts. Whoever fecures the faid fer vants, fo that the owners may have them again, fliall have fifty millings, if in the county if out of the county, five pounds; and if out of the province, the above reward, paid by JOHN GORSUCH, JOB iV. They have Role a light coloured country cloth coat and blue jacket, and two holland fhirts. It is fup pofed they will forge paflts. All matters of veiTcls are forewarned from carrying them off.

COMMITTED to the gaol of Henri rr; the icth of Tune, a Necto t'cllnw narrH HAP. folk ha? an oznabrig (hiit and ttowfers, and fel hat. The owner ii dclircd to lake him away, and pay chirges to JAMES SHARP, gaoler. HpAKEN upwOrange county, a red ftecr 3 years oli, marked with a fwillow fork and an uoderKcel in cac tar. Appraifed to il.

BENJAMIN TAKEN tip, i fruU Wick marc? about years ld, i itar in her forehead, roach mane and twitch tail, ii i A nn nr hnttnrt hilt far.flOt EUSHA U1SMUKES. puifed to 1. TAKEN up near New Kent court houfe, a blight bay horfe, about 4 fe 4 or 5 inches high, branded on the 1 anH on the near buttock S. Potted, and tft rl. IOHN GLENN.

JOHN GLENN. I WHEREAS my wife Sarah hath abfeonded from me, this is to forewarn all perlons not to truft her on my account, as I mail pay no debts of her contracling aftei the date hereof. July 1771. WILLIAM SNEAD, fen. RICHMOND town, July 16, mi.

INTEND for Britain foon. THOMAS BARKE. TAKEN up by the fubferiber, a grey mare, about 4 feet inches high, with a hanging mane and fwitch tail, much flea bitten, and branded on the near fhouldcr P.S. Appraifed to 6l. ISHAM PARRISH.

TAKEN up in Botetourt county, a grey trotting mare, about 15 hands high, 8 or 9 years old, branded on the offbutiock 1, and on the off Ihoulder II. Potted, and appraifed to 4I. ios. JOHN TAYLOR. TAKEN up t.

0range, on Lynch'z'x'xvex, near the foot of the Ledge, a bay hotfe, about 8 years old, 4 feet 4 inches high, has fome faddle fpots, a roach mane and bob tail, branded on the near (boulder and on the buttock C. Potted, and appraifed to jl. ios. JOHN BRYSON. TAKEN up two horfes, one a dark bay, about 14 hands high, with a hanging mane and fwitch tail, appears to be about 8 or 9 years old, has no brand perceivable.

The other is a forrel horfe, with a blaze lace, all his feet white, about 4 feet 6 inches high, with a hanging mane and fwitch tail, appears to be 6 years old, and branded on the off buttock a. The bay is appraifed to 9 1, and the forrel to 7I. KENNON JONES. TAKEN up in Dinwiddle, near dd's road, a middle lized grey mare, about 10 years old, branded on the near buttock has a hanging mane, and long fwitch tail, has had the pole eil very bad. JOHN SLAUGHTER.

TAKEN up in Bedford, on Hunting Creek, near Pur feet's Gap, a large white horfe, about 4 feet 8 inches high, has a fwitch tail, and lump on the off lide of his neck, has a bell on, which appears to be very old, paces and trots, has a hanging mane, and no brand perceivable. Appraifed to 3l.js.10d. JOHN HAMPTON. TAKEN up in Frederick county, at the plantation of Col. George Mercer, fome time in Oficberhft, five white hogs, unmarked.

Polled, and appraifed to al. 15s. WILLIAM 13ARTLETT. TAKEN up in Cumberland county, a chefnut forrel marc, about 4 feet 6 inches high, with'a fmall blaze in her face, a fwitch tail and hanging mane, paces naturally, is about 7 years old, branded on the near ihoulder with a fmall Appraifed to 12I. JACOB MICIIAUX, TAKEN up in JuguJIa, a bay mare, 4 years old, with a blaze in her face, branded on the near buttock S.

Sk and on the near Ihoulder a natural trotter, about 13 hands and a half high. Polied, and appraifed to 7 1. 10 s. MICHAEL SOWYJER. 13 UN away from the fubferiber, in Frederick, the 20th of May laft, a Negro man named JASPER, lately purchafed of George BowneJ's, tanner, in Po.r if mouth, and formerly the property of Uilliavt Simpfon, butcher, in Norfolk, and Francis Chrke, in Princefs Anne.

The faid flave is about 27 years of age, remarkably ftrong built, about 5 feet 9 inches high, fpeaks good Englijh, wears much hair on his cheeks, the tuft joint of the tore linger of his right hand rendered uielefs oya wound, a down call 2fpecl, a large icar on one of his knees from a bum, has woiked at the carpentei's and coopei's trades, but more accullomed to work on board vcflels, and has much the air of a failor had on when he went away, a new pair of buckikin breeches, and good flioes and ftockings. Whoever will apprehend ihe faid Have, and convey him to me, or to Mr. William Allifcn, merchant in Famouth, fhali receive THREE PISTOLES reward, and if taken out of this colony, l'l VE PISTOLES. As I have reafon to fufpect that he will endeavour to get on board a vefFel, in order to ike his elcape, 1 forewsrn ll matters and coiaaacders of veikls heni taking him on boarJ. THOMAS BRYAN MARTIN.

EORG the Third, by the grace otCoJ, Great Uritain, Franc, and treLinJ, King, Defender of the cc. To the fh i ii of fairjjx, greeting: Wc command you thct vou fummon 1 oukj, ion ar.j heir or iiorih t'c ur.J, dictated. third Monday in next month, to anfwer a bii! in chancer v. t.M.umto againit xui cy una1: azage, ar.d his wife, cxtcutiix of the Lit will and ttllamcnt of L'Lirlcs Green, djceafed, and Spence Grafn, adminiftrator of all and lingular and chattils, tif his and credits, of BenjaUn Grayfcn, And this he lhall in wifeoriiit, under the penalty cf 1 re 1. flcrling.

And have then there this writ. WitneL Pet. cleik tf our faid coat, this day of DcscmUr, in the 11 tli car cf our reign. P. WAGENER.

TAKEN up in Cnfefer, a final! Mack rcare, with a itar in her forehead, a fmall white itieak below it, and budded on the near moulder T. Potted, and RU away from the fubferiber, living in Henrico county, fume time in January) Jalr, a likely Negro man fkve named PETER, about 1 3 or 19 years old ,5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, a black fellow, has a boney face, and dull heavy eyes, Jpeaks flow, efpe cially when charged with amifdemcancur, has many (cats about both his knees, occafioned by has lar.e limbs, and his feet ate uncommonly large, his were fuch as planteiing Negroes ulu.lly wear, though it is probable he may have ttolen other cloaths, and changed his dtefs, and his name alfo; and I am under fome apprc henfiomhat fome evil difpofed petfon has foigcd him a pafs, or fome writing whettby he may endeavour to as a fiee man. Any perfon who wiil bring the faid flts tome, 01 fecure him in any of his Majefty's gaols fo that 1 may get him again, (hall receive 1 VE DS ie ward, and if taken out of the country TEN POUNDS. WILLIAM JONES. B.

I purcliafed the faid flave (a boy) out of Burton family of Julius Burton, who has fince removed to Halifax, where he may endeavour to get. W. J. MAY 23, 1771. HAVE for fale ten LOTS or half acres of LAND, in the city 'of WHliamflurg, near Dr, James Carter', being the lots whereon the late Col.

Hollaway lived. There is a dwelling houfe thereon in good lepair, with a kitchen under it, and two large brick vaults. I would alio fell the brick WINDMILL I lately purchafed of Majoi Taliaferro, which veiylate experience ha proved may be made, wirh litt'c alteration, exceedingly convenient and profitable. Any perfon inclinable to become a purchafct of the above may know the terms by applyjng to Mr. Tazewell in Williamjlurg, or the fubferiber In Middlefex ccunty.

tf HUGH WALKER, General PcJl, New York, Jan. 22, 177 1. IIS Majefty's POST MASTER GENERAL having (for the better facilitating of Correfpondence between Great Britain and Ameri ca been pleafed to add a 5th PACKET BOAT to the Station between Falmouth and New Tor Jt, Notice is hereby given, that the MAIL, for the future, vill be clofed at the Pcfl Office in New Tori, at 12 of the Clock at Night, on the ift Tucfday xz ever) Month, and difpatched by a Packet the next Day for Falmouth. By Command of the DEPUTY POST MASTER GENERAL, ALEXANDER COLDEN, Secretary. EORGE the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, Ireland.

King, ucicnaer ottne faith, ec 1 the ihenti cr Lett dcun county, greeting. We command ou that you fun mon Thomai Pattrrfon, brother and heir of John Patter I fan, late of Leejhurg, in the faid county, merchant, deccafed, to appear before he Juftices of out faid county court, at the court houfe thereof, on the ad Monday in December next, to aniVer a bill in chancery, exhibited againft him and Fleming Patterfon, of Leejhurg, merchant, by Henry M'Csfo of Alexandria, mei chant, William Cratfurd, jun. and company, merchants, Willi am Ctaufurd, Thomas Dunmcre, and company, of Great Britain, merchants. And this he fhali in no wife omit, under the penalty of 100I. and have then there this writ, Witnefs Charles Bir.ns, clerk of our faid court, the ifth day of Ncvemler, in the nth year of our reign, 1770.

6ra CHARLES. BINNS. FREDERICK, July 2, 1770. HpHE fubferiber thinks proper to in form the public, that he purpofts beginning to inoculate the SMALL POX on the 12th day of September next, and to continue the fame until July following, at his houfe, fix miles from Winchcfler: The fituation healthful and agreeable. The terms for each patient TWO PISTOLES for inoculation, and 20s.

a week for board. He Hatters himfelf that his experience in Europe, and his repeated fuccefs in inoculating in thiscocr.ty, will render any account of his being regularly qualified, un neceiTary. To thefe he chules to appeal, rather than fpeak confidently of himfelf. Patients may depend upon every neceiTary accommodation; likewife the greattfi care and tendcrnefs; and need not be under any apprchcnfion of confinement. JOHN M' DONALD.

i Maryland, Auguft 15, 1770. HTHF. fubferiber, who has been regu larly bred to the practice of PHYSIC and UR GERY, gives this public information that he begins to inoculate on the 5th of September, and continues till the Lit of June 177 1, at his houfe ftands iCtjt half a mile from Jl altim'jre 7Yu, on a hcdtliy fituation, with, a viry agreeable The price (j KY, fii late of the county aforcfAl, .0 appear before ouK fccforC)0 FISiOLES, and twenty five (hilling, but now htys he belongs to William Eilifn, merchant at cf at on the t'er we for b0ild 1 rtally and but now fays he belongs to William Klifcn, mcrehant at the confinement none. 1 ncy may lardy reuvn to their hemes in 1 days. Thoie tliut choofe to ccnie, are quelled not to alter their diet, ar.d to ive timtly rctiirer that neceiTary care may be taken to peven: thtir beirg difappointed.

NEGROES will be infurtd at five ftr cent. The fubferiber declares he has inoculated upwards of eight thoufand, and has loft bt tr.l died more from obitinacy and a too grciit indiilrpce, than frea the fraall pox. HENRY STEVHKiON. WILLIAMSBURG: Punted by WILLIAM RIND, at the NEW PRINTING OFFICE, cn the Main Street. All Perfons may be fupplied with thit GAZETTE at izjh per Year.

ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length arc inferted for if. the Firft Wcckvaud2: each Time alter: and long ones in Proportion..

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