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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I.M.X.) Love Sets? Gosli, No; tii- '-flcn and Richards Mate Each Other. 4 I P' 1 'S'' nften shapv e.v l-'ir liisl.uiro. Did: lii I h.i=i'm:iH Con. years .1 rttivactfil by tlu anil Mark p.iM SSiiM for him, but wouW hart it Connie for llick i'ini get o(T tti- al N'tirth I'blily mid lo slub. 1 TJI': his in- iriirlluns ailrl nlnn.

(o Ihe pink into ivv niiifniin til a iloiiblc h. 1 Inln dugout from the a cii'C- a "Wlial a hil UnL v.j.s baiter?" tt'i-rii II; 1 wnrdf "Thai Ha-; (io.V';!' Hiirns, fellow you air lu MUTrel" 1 face drop- tiniul. This tan IK' easil St. Loilli i New York Hoston Plltfclilirgll i Philadelphia Brooklyn Ciliclnna? i i K'JEK HAWS WCK CV'EfJ HIS LfcTf SliCULDER AT FINISH. To Ibis il.iv Mid; that liist Bnr- nis.

GAMES TODAY TUESDAY. MAY 5, 1931 RIUJSIIIW; UP SPORTS MIOLF iiv CL.MIII; NKA Service Wrilcr NEW YORK, May Tilden is big 4 lbsx," i Vincynt ntclnrds, world profi-s- sional tennis clmmpion "Huhl Well, Hlcharcls than a And more. Grrrrr!" answers Tilrtcn. Tik. Tsk.Tsk! Isn't il loo bad? IxDnt? Willhni Tilden and Inbyf.iciM Vincent Richards are MntMn etirh ptlicr wilh such a bitter tialrril.

And rlpbt If foro they 'slnrl lo play. rnrh other, too. Tsk. isk, Fnr S10.0CO they will play a ser-1 ies cf four mutches for th" woi'til's- professional (j-nnis chamnlonshln, sUrllnK May 9. Aclnal will onen In New York's Madison! Garden.

The matches nre lo disliibnled( equallv lo Hoston. Phlhdclnhta and Chicano. provlilincr the embittered combatants lire not com- plr-vlv annlhilntcd skirmish. in Vinrent Is In Irrr-ible mmc He hates, both Tilden and Monsieur Jacnccs Curley, promoter the hecnnse M. Curley i bu bllVd tall William as champion en the tall one's recent triur.

His rrrrraee is so tcirrri'-lblc thnt he deliberately mid let-three large ink drops splatter on recent Idler In which eniinieraietrhls wees to Cmlcv. But fif. Curley, Ico, can up all the nnd fury of his flery-snirilcd ancestors. His retaliation by early return mail declar- cd lhat the mibllc. by savins it with rlollais nl the linx office, had elected Tilden champion on his rcc'nt tour.

Furthermore, he was carclnl to enclcse one penerons cream-of-tomato slnln. Oh, it's awful Naturally It was found that Til- dcn must nlso have a raitc, sa fortbwilh he recalled thnt In Richard's last amateur year. Richards dpfcat.v! him in three of four championships. Ha! Hi? r.ill is not on? to forget insults. Tint it was not ever thus.

Ah. no! There was a time when used lo take his own parr.e apart just to show Richards how it worked. He InMrnrlcd Ih," youth and with him. Aiui then when Richards administered the first bcntirn to hts teacher back In 1921. Tilden graciously went to the newspapers with this complinvnt: "Vincent Richards Is one of the "most dangerous players in the world, lie has absolutely 'arrived 1 and I expect him lo be factor in every niajor championship cf the At the time, Richards mad" statements to the effect that "all that I am or ever hope lo be I owe to my dear teacher" Even as late as last summer.

practiced wilh Richards as the latter prepared for his series with Ksrcl Kozcluh for the world's pro title. And il only a few short months ago when His Ril! turned professional and signed to meet in a scries thnt Richards Mcpsd forward to show I Mam! and then v. lefl. Note how much faster Ihe clubhead travels at the lowest arc of Ih; right hand swing. It is true the riyht hnnd Is kepi on cf control until the proper Mil- Itnj roglon is reached.

It is Uicn llir.l the lefl hand relinquishes' and Iho rinht hand takes whipjiins Ihe clubhead; through -nnd nlonp the lino of, fli'jMt. repeat lhat the golf is a one-handed forehand bltw and is used hv such stars as Uobby i Jor--s, Ab; Mitchell. Clarenre. exceptionally Milters i Rut nnc! Vols Arc Monclav. Meld til" Poilll'Oi Til lie Prrk ham id'c.

name w-i'; nlnved in with New OrVans- and Atinnln and Ihe Chicks ami vnio Vols dr-fcalod Ihe 7 to -1- The TOMH11ROW: til? ball off Ibp U'f( nff the rifbt fool? Shonltl nllp ten lir-i'l Tilden all he Czech's game. Iniev; about the iunim ral'v Hint nccc-nntcd lor The rokouts noillldeil onl 12 Mils and tlin n. Mil- went fhr ro'itr for the Vnls th" lookouts Ihrre liurl- I hit hnnvr for f'hat- i I a. Carter, Yol left fielder, i three Mils.

will win? Well, M. Cnrlcy is my choice. But if you mean the professional championship, probably lie 1 Invents better grudges than Richards. Archery Association Selects National Mascol Sd 00 Wm Firfit Prize in World Contest Fail to Bu Wash- Marks -lavn Fidel Day. 1'iiin- mimd on fir: In- In the American circuit yc-s- lU-d llirds.

Kalinm! mce were idle Cirbs aii'l i n' Rr.jnlnrs hen I the NVw Yoil: res. 7 to .1 al NVw Sum hiirlrd for Washincloii and na'i he 11 hie; jiC-Ur-rrol loiter linn the did the Riitli hru-k In Ihe Yan- lino-im p'nvr'i nl first base shirii'd in Hie oiit- vvup UJL- IOMIII; Inirl- Clr-vo- is nl St. T.ouir, in In 1. Stewart 'was I hi' winner llndliii the in tin 1 tiicniid iialtie. Oosliu ciashrd fur the Brownies and thcv wcm "ilh onlv flvi- bll.s.

Ciuillli' Mm-k's Alhb'lii-s Insl to Huston P.r.;l Sox il Philadcl- rihia. Tbr- was to a. Wilcv MfK-ri- stniiiml a Mnck rollv ill till' IH vision credil for tin; win. was the lose' 1 TJotliro'1: Pieknrlnc: of the Sox' pn'ilrd (h home rnn act. Timers Take Sox foil- 1 Sox erenrs nud liils to advantage.

the DC- Ti-jc-s b'al (lie Chlca-oj e- at Dolroit, 0 lo Ttir runs in 1 second sviliu; to the PIUIR on ice. lloyt was the hurler. The Cubs Ind field dav (he -vwnr' Ih" Reds 1. Wlton Hell -rd homt-i- anrl Cubs cot. hirs in all wilh Ilirec- bin-lies T.Ia'nne had an ca'y lime willi thn lens.

Car-i roll was tin; losius NYw York over ills- lironklyn 0 tn 3 behind sicady of the. veinun C'armce Niitc'irl. The Ro'min r.K hits nff Mili-hell wiiiV- Athifn in his first start of the Bronblyn credited wilh Ihe The- Phillies were lijiiited (o Ihne liils by Ed limiidt. Hr.ivrr, r-onthpaw. and losl -1 to 3.

Whitney of the Phils hit a honir-r. Phillies pitchers in an effort to (he llraves. YS I fa.f] I K'' 4 A '1 W-V15, OM -A S'-lALL iii lavur i.s ab.iul land, says Ailrn. cr.u-k 1'hii- lo 1. Vcnr co-r is on ouifirlrirr from jihnrl er.e.

Schmel- will hit GO home runs will win. oil. major tin if tiie kid iiL-'ll hit 70. Icr Uiiivcs, Siiiilhi-iii Allanla n( Biimingham Cliattanoota al Nashville, lillllo nnri: al N'ew Orleans. Only rjames scheduled.

Aniorlean League Chicago at Detroit. Cleveland lit St. T.onls. nt Philndclphia. Washington al New York.

President Fillmore's Birthplace Located New York, County Historical Socicly recently announced It had located the birthplace of Millard Fillmore. thirteenth president of the Uuiicd States. The of the birthplace, in tlic touti of Summerhin, nol far Irom Fillmore Glen, has been rccns- by Marquis de Lafayeltc French. 83. of Anlwerp.

N. the anTinuncemrnt r.aid. French, according lo the societv sald the cabin In which Fillmore was born was razed for firewood when he was a boy. French recognized the locality by and the geology of the land, the society datmed. French said he played in neighborhood in his youth.

BUFFALO. New York. tUi'l A lluffalo elrl lus brrMi selected niascut for Ihe Junior Cross Cow Association, which exprcls lo hnld its! archery Iciirnamenl in Chicago next Ausnst. Th; mascot's real nm-ie wnr secret by nrsaria'ion. Iv.n she oiTicialiy as ''nrn-f Ri.biii Hoed." was cx- was owr.

first r.air.c. Little Mus Robin Hood originally was chorfn mascot fo- Erie ar.d Niagara was icrtjd from amon; cl'u-r ftcticinal tnasco's a.s national choice. Philadelphia al Boston Xcw York at Boston. CiiK-innalt at Clncago. Only Dairies I irr Historic I'nik SEATTLE.

Washinglcn. resorl that wa.s jxipular back in Ihe days when women Ion 1 1 skirted swimming cut- lit', was finally destroyed when fire I swept the at Luna Park, on Bay. Tiie inciocr swImminG: jxial. in which v-arnu-d sea watev was used, I'cnnoek's rrrdtrlinn Down In SI. yiinrkry Him Jack ShaiVi-v cc-ne on record a-, that willj StiibliiLT i afto! 1 10 1 round-; 1 Maxie will (he Gcorna liny down.

Joe Picks Himself Joa Jacobs is nickln? himself to; win a bit in Hr says tiie irate will FO lo SI dcesn't even ssnile wJien STVS it. ti r- ii'-es tin' (hi- fonth will CO) ilS'-'ll will I fuinish 30.C30 playinj Olii'i rcpie-pented by 10,000 Micliii'an and Cnnada I5.COD: Pittsburgh, PJiilaileiuliia ar.d ether Pennsylvania cities will kick in with 10.010 paid, ami Ciiicnjo. New York nnd I cities will tike 20.000 Fiib- jfcriplions. That 100,030. I Ki-nrly thnt in.iny a ball I I in Yankee stadium the I RITZ MATER Tno.sday, Wi'tlncsday and Thursilav HOME THEATRE Tliursduy tile Insl building left ill I In- old park.

mi the sile for me." And just look nt Hint Pennock go! As I pail of his discourse, he said: "Tiie ivnv ball is uoiilT tn Ix? grcal Icr curves. And yon ore goinj to see soni. 1 pitchers' battles." That came to mind the other day when Fen-ell pitched Mis liil cam? in Cleveland. It came lo hiiinil when the Ghr.ts won a bail on a piay. It re- lo r.icir.ciry when Peck i great hitter, Johnny HcKlapp.

game for a back. The antics ol ja couple of leatlUT-piiFhmg bums; lilU'e to wa'rh. Jncrjbs' tiiTs IIMV not be as theyi IKI! rhe fnct remains that' still charge, a aood seat nt a is anil laieii'l in se.ifon, it seems. il rf i i 'A FOR McDnnald. A'SJ pitcher who came up from Port-1 Tliry niatir "bad liold bamlitr;" cut cf uay rity rrs.

LI CBFTlU.lN. (Uri Tbf lii'i-atur Dictator, pt tl-c nccatur Communily iilah: Mns Ix-r-n nwnrdcd flrM ntace i LKKON' UISTIIICT NO. 3S in its class In the Ifttl rnntes: fn For the school year Ihe (MrniiuMiiii'l Ihr followiii" money will be for was condixtid by schrol 1 of New York. MM-" 1 than cv-' cry in the Union from' Asou-ics forcien as Persia. China, Inslnictlnn Albania, Jaiian and the Irrri'o'irs (ir.oi --were enlc-rcd in the annual con-: Kixrd rn.n.1 Debt Heivifo nii'da's will be awardci! to.

If iibnvi- money is .1 to the jilate with orders bunt with the- score tied in the and a man on first and no mils elurini; a recent fame. IVn- iipck's ivnrrts Cairo back whe-n Freddie Fitzsiininons he.ivcd a tivo- liit contest acaiiiKl the well kimwn -''laxie in This Corner Willie ElriWins the choice ol writers country over to trail Max mr; lo a I'olico poll. The i with JACK OAKIW Krwili I HOR that French General to Get Picture of Yankee Band BOSTON. A representative of the Yankee Division band of Post 290, American Lesion, Boston, has gone lo Paris to present a picture of the band to General Henri Gouraud, tho famed French warrior under whom the members served overseas during the World War. The picture Is inscribed.

'To General Gouroud from bis boys of the Yanko.s Division Post 250 of Hie American Legion. Bcstou Massachusetts." As part of their rcinilar equipment, members of this band wear French war helmets" of horizon blue (is a Iributo lo the soldiers of 75 Schools Asked to Enter Field Meet at Pilihvaukee MILWAUKEE. WK. enty-fhe middle western sclu-oN 'lave been la take part in til 1 Central tiari; end p.ckl lo be lirld in Ihe University stadium Mav 'I events and finals rf Ihe and aiclin will be the aftt-imiun. hut tho major lcf's are odulcd to be run off -iiiulcr the fkrdiichts at nislit.

Ainonj the schools expectrd lo compete are Notre VJatr.e. Mirhi- Eullrr. Micliican Nnr- Loyola. of colleges and of conferences other than the Die Ten.

Tne meet was originally scheduled for Notre Daim- univcr-Hv but was to Milwaukr Central Tntercnllenir.l-' was held nt the past winter with (he cr.i- crQing as winning papers. Notice is her-by given lhat 1 has applied fur rriu-c certificate for tho nper.i- iicn of motor vehicles orrvin'T cf niid't- rovisiiins of Act No. D3 of IV icts of IP.17. as amended bv ef lOm. (ho f'-l'ouin niblic hip.hwnys of this statt-: Over No.

18 fmn BnrfieM. lo niythcvillc and ic- Inrn. Casr No. M4. Thr.

will 1 bi nt 51:30 A. on Ihe I 1 day of May. IM1. In Hie cf (hr; Arkansas C.i:n Stale Capital Litlb Heck. Aikati: E.

G. Itt null lax inns! be II AMP Al'RTIN President of i W. C. STONI-T. Secretary of Kn.i Courier Nnws AtiroilTaii: t'rtrrl tn Si-t 1 PHOENIX, Arizona.

it'Pt Ar "Arizona" fcr 1 campaign is under w.iv. Cl-ambrr-v cf Comjr.crcc and Ihe au'o moblie arc urAlUB res! c'nls to visit other serliravi thcii ttato instcaii of coiiia elsewhere IVAHXtNTi OHDKU Plitman nnd r.lnnio A. au 1 warned to appear In Cli.t:u-c;y Court for tlie District of Mississippi Arkansas, within thirty answer the cotnplaini by Mary and W. E. Tucker, a-; my hand and llu 1 court on this' April.

1931. n. L. GA1NKR. 'liy Harvey Morri D.

lieid. En-ard Attorneys fcr Plainlifls Planting Seed For Sale Mis-Del No. 2. fr On Dclfos (fii Reed pjininlc Tins Mis-IVl mH brcodii Sliiplc 1 1-8 inch, si -i-hc mn. lost Pricos F.

(). 11. (ii tiny rotlon 1 Maj. F. P.

Jacobs Ark..

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