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The New York Age from New York, New York • Page 10

The New York Agei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TEN I MANHATTAN PERSONALS JNI OI8IRIIN0 TO INVIST little luonry Ilia unuerUtiiig business as 1 pantier, tall ur write, tlios. W. turner, Ural Julb slicel. Ailv. TItc Kev.

George H. Sims is visiting friends ill Savannah, lia. Oliver Ulackwcll. 251 West lJ4lh iiicct, spent the weekend in I'lula Jtiphia. lr.

Marshall Ross will speak in Hurlcm next Tuesday at the WM. lobJy meeting. J. Jts. Adciia Jackson, 33 West 133rd itrcflt, has returned from lur vaca in Niagara Falls.

Dr. and Mrs. Ulyesses Houston motored from Washington D. and arc guests friends here. Miss Dorotliy De Ancey, clerk o( the Abyssinian Baptist Church, goes away hrKweek on a two weeks' vacation.

W.illiam A. Brooks, New York repapentative in Atlantic City, was visitor in New York ai.d called at The jH office. S. Moore of Vinelaiid. X.

C. is tibiting his son, licorge Moore, in this 'Hy eT Hi fl 1 9 BOUQUET' PERFUME Tne reriuion eojourn.r inn It eolieittnt elt men's, wemene nr. children's elething and heueaheld article! lee III rummage eale October 3, 10, 11, 1334. Send 161 W. 130th tt.

II Mr. Sitede Caullen. K. Merrick, treasurer of The and were 9 nplace to Sop To the women who realize the gift e. mart toiletries, our toiler goods eottv 1 a srentable treasure house of sugtesfir endless are the possibilities of 'rum a display that embraces gifts suitable for one, from the daintiest Lace and Lavendrr I to the young man new to the, dignity oi thavin; May we help you to the iiappy so.ution your Christmas gift problems' 0 BY GOLOATE 249 West 135th Street a v.

Every Day" Dioin gs People; You Know in Greater New York BROOldYPRSOki 'in i i hat 171V I callers at The Age oflicc on TucsdayJ visiting at the home of her bther Curtis, tff Howard L'ni Fearing at 745 Marcyj versity was a visitor at Ine Age office Saturday, September While in tht iity he Stayed at fraternity noirse Mr. Curtis is the intcresi souvenir magazine VV. l'riolcau left the city Friday' night' lor the home in South Carolina. She spent live weeks in this iiv as the guest oi her daughter, Miss llrlla l'rioltan. 34 West IJVth street, and stopped over in Washington to spend the weekend with her son wno is' a Howard University student.

DllESSMARlMi SCHOOL preial Summtr RtUi Prtlgning, tney were cauers v. cr.ama Mnimf met on Tuesday. i anr. kiching, trilingual Instruction F. Heartwell, KVii nnr i ooursrs mm anr man Service, Richmond, is visitimg h.j oii.

R. F. jr. of this city and was ca'llcr at The Age orticc on Tuesday. Xvclvn Bcanice Howard.

"thc'Tn ijittj da'ughter of Mr. aiid Mrs." Jies lizard will be christened ncxf'Stnt ixf at the Mt. Zion Mission, 127 East tib street. Wanted at once MOO rromtn lor eam paiga wor in the interest the candidacy ol Dr. Charlet Robert lor Congress.

Apply at campaign heid 2J68 Seventh aenue. Kenneth Miller, popular Harlem itlifcto. was recently elected manager ui Jthc Y. W. D.

basketball team. l.T!irse is to be the 1924 25 of the fast com'uigatioii. Miss Birtha Lnch of Hampton and Miss Charlotte Lirtcr of St. Francis, were en uaaincd at the residence of Miss L. li, Hays by tic Shakespeare Dramatic Club Ivt Friday evening on the rii of their departure for school.

Miss Emma Fox entertained eigh ttcu guests from New York City and lltooklyii on Saturday evening. Sep it ntlicr in honor of her niece. Miss Kvtlvn Fox. Among those present were Misses'Susan and Eleanor Ful I r.t Miriam and Mablc Pride, Mil d'ed 'ibecan. Mary Coleman.

Edna Bergc. Gwendnlvn P.eekman. Mr. Hill. Paul Coleman.

Kenneth Wibecan. Hor atr Porter. Harold lackman, Carmel Montr. Alfred Miller, Cohen Johnson, Burke Home and l.udlow Werner. Prutions CMrrnit4 303 K.

Wast ISBUt 31. MarningiKt 7220 Miss Effccl Fcarini: wholnasbein i returned home to North Adjllrts, SAif. Miss Isabel Spencer was ll desk at the Family fSJEalt jtl street, Manhattan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arnolttir rrcrlv of til Herkimer street, afe 'A located in their recently home at 1599 Paciric street.

A committee representing Dis trict Grttnd t'odScW add niei recently ai uie u. i. uruce le publican Club and made final plans lor a Hallowe'en party to hei given by all the Odd Fellows Brooklvn, Friday evening. October 3lsV at Junior Order Hall. Harold Taylor is ST ATI ONE THE NEW YORK AGE Saturday, Scpt: 27, 1924,, FVXpl Tpuristj! Meet, left lor Hates.

College, Maine terre i The divi North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance nls of Durham, N. C. and W. Gomez, Sidney I'clersun 'and ''Herbert! acirewry and manager of the Banker Wcisigcr lett for Syracuse College iq lore alio ot Uurhani. i resume incir nuaics.

art visiting in new i uric, TOILET APvTlCLSS I 'VMM .1 It; 'l'l tJ erne, Switzerland A card from Mrs. 'RuthrLogan Rub ens 01 iju west JJUth street, now 'WirTPT VWW JtS Kiibrrtvv rut ,1 4u tta Ob hits Logan lOti I iemliDB. O. Davis of. the IT.

ury.iiMJii uavis. tells ofjmeeting1 nuj, viauiii i'uwcii anu vna P. Hayes, New York ministers in Luzerne. ines are oh a three months' tour of Europe' and the Holy t.ind a and the Roherts Logan Davis on party in" New. Yoi Scptcrtibef a.

1'V fork Studn' Conference IteinfcHcld at Camp Pratt The (jpnfej cncejof higlj schofil stu ihntj, who are memCe'rs' of the Hi lie eastern cHei i "lcy of lfipsie. is being held Camp Pratt. I the Lin.oln Howa i vacation PtoaliuarSaten Island, tltis'year 'beginning Sep: Orticcr Samuel A. (iibbs is Dark his temlier 2o fcid cQiitintltng three days. touring Lambda Chapter, tif the A.

K. A. laid a. well attended rating Saturday' September A at the Itome of its president. Miss Louis Jyikson.

140 West 143rd street. Plans were 511 111 motion for ns Election Day rnatfiicc, d.uicc at the. Renaissance Casfno, November 4. for. the student loan fund.

Yisitors present were Mrs. Bragg of Baltimore, and Miss. Ruth Tjiooias of piicago University, daughter offtlfe. late, J. Tlcmas.

PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED All who can pas the i aminationl' will git a poaitionr. Coach itu; classes now fornJmg far the Jana jiry examinatioii. courses' lor Success! Phone. ir appointment, Audubon 4943. DAY'S SCHOOL FOR HELPING TEACHERS; HOWARD Instructor.

W. 140th St. (Scpt27 3t) The. New York' N'fw Jersey AVoHd Student Federation Committee will present Miss 1 Juliette Derricotte, national executive of Negro Student. Y.

wdrk. in a 'h eturc at the f37th street CMA. auditorium October 1, at 8.30 p. m. Miss Derrjcotte has jusf returned from' the World Christian Student Federation Convelvhon "In Kngla'nd and from visits to student movements in Fiance, aud Germany.

After the lec turtehc, women will organize a permanent 'citizens committee of the 137th Street Y. W. C. Miss Florence Anderson Moses Jand Wilson Douglass Trott were married Tuesdav afternoon of wteifeAs Mi The the Conference is to create and stimulate mrougnoui ine i ommunitv a higher standard ol Christian living. Farewell Dance Given By yUW.C.A.

September 18. Od; Thursday evening, September 18. a farewell dance to the college boys who arc now going 1)acU' lo iohe ot inas'igiven by ''Our thl HViSfik lyr. W. C.

A. from 8 to 12 p. m. 'lht music was furnished by Carl excellent. Souvenirs donaiW, Jifjilx' excellent.

Souvenirs donairif, JifM'J week at at, ugustie Lmrrrn chifdr 0 ucorgevi rser WirwtTi. jj Jackson, were dlstlilneooyvxhj tilt very near relatives 'On the Jtide aiid groom were Jhe couple Irff immediately. for a brief phoney moon by the sea, an'dTwilI. a'. 139 Trott is a and graduated, from FreedmenV Hospital Training Sclioof "for Nurses in For 'the past" five years she.

has been employed by' the Brooklyn Yisfn'ng Nurse Association, made her home vith her sister, "Trjtt)s ii'to'OTHrf. clubi to the 175 guegsts iifjflijPh 1 13 guests, of the leaning wre Miss Sweuey, oftli, Aflan, Miss Etiiabeth ladega, Ala and Malcolm rrstlc adHphia.X I.wal.'.ftateAipie'fctwe'e rtvtll i there JbeincV men irom' Aipna rni ipna, umcga Phi, Sigma Tau Sigma. The well known "sororities, 'Deita Sigma Theta and 'Delta Ta'ii. were' also 'reprJsehtcdV The member thing': 'a limn iiamsuriuge ann 1 (Jtftec, Uuis A ClUtltS pirlg iamsbridge family, and islelnnrored as a cleric in the Gear Manhattan. Harlem's Dental Clratc'g 7 Formal Opening TMf Week The formal op'enipg 'of North Harlem Dental CTiriir." efnidorted 'by the Harlem of the iNew'YrkTiber'eulniis, Asso elation, was' beldtHis' rtkcoliig Sriitember 27, at its office, West street.

't Every afternoon ftom was devoted "to vIsitBts" wlo'' ihs'pectel Hsrlem's new dental clinic. The North Harlem Dental Clinic Ik gau its activities on Augunt 18 and ha already taken care "of fifty little patienti, who have made 117 visits." fy, Harold Ja.ckman." Ktenaru, Jack Sidney Pct 'r son. "Horace I'o'r le'r, Bradford B. Wei'siger' Herbert' W'eisiger. l.udlow "Werner jr and Kenneth Wibecan.

M6ur'' Gang" is much indebted'Mo It. I. Jackson. Mrs. A.

Vvtr ing.r rs, E. Werncrr. E. W'h can and Mrs. F.

Montero toftlte aisi tance they in serug re (res iments ind ovnrur 'V Vj' BABY CHRISTENED Sunday," September Sliirlryi' Virginia Washington, infant daughter ol Mr, and' George "Washington ol '37 XeSmont avtntir. Jirooklyn, tas pri'il. ifa at Brpwu's Memoria.1 'thiJe'l The 'gqdpanents were, Mri, IVf'. Fcrrow ol "Xorwich Conn JAonntain Brooklyn. FURNISHED ROOMS 7th AVENUE, Wl, APT.

Jl Nicety furnished room, telephone, electric lifhtsj' call. son MS FOR STUDENTS IL.r O. inhi Man wishes to share iuA irnr 'roinieetina rooms with. to vminir students. i ainme oecs.

nuicu humc, tlecir.icity, kitcheir ,6 per weelcl Write Wilier," 1W tdgecomoe avenue. ST. NICHOLAS VENUeT40 near LWth St. furnished wms in Christian family, top floor nqrth, yiicW wotking persons preferred. NICHOLAS 432 furnished room with running water, Ull after.

6.. Sept2U 3t Klk STREET, '351 WEST Six large room's, bath, electric $60. Inquire Janitor; basement. 122nd 230 WEST Large light" private rooms to let; Jenkins, Momingside 7413. STREET, 67 EAST Small i lurnisliod, room for man rent $4.50 "jperV.wceK.

Neatly Ejiraishtd Rooms Steam heat, electric kitchen, hot and cold water. TeJ. 9342 Jlarlem, 32 W. 130th St. Sept.

13 41 I30U STREET, 227 WEST Very ''nice'Toom, clran and nrcelvsjirnish lafgc clothes closets, df'jirable locality, every convenience, jround J. Tole's. Scjjt27 2t mna oikz.c.1 wist Large "front rswm furnished for respectable AT OUK. STOB.E i rr?" Solving the difficult problem of pleasing everyone becomei a hippy experience here. Handsome ind practical gifts rom Perfume that will carry jhebreatl) of Julie to some lpvely Miss, to a Shtv.

ing Set that will be the pride qf some, lucky man. Ibrient i i. TM y. 4 I' r.i tr Ife IB. 1 Free iv.

wkh ColTte'8 Talc. This 3 lively lont Bottle of per 1 1 rml'm Tdk1 of kdk a retruiar price, ior ine alone, Price 25c. IT gg'IL VIOLCT GolgtTeI ROOKS FOR RETJT and '7 rooms', all improvements, L. C. Collini.

Cth AVENUE, 247t Four rooms all improvements. itftai STREET. 3 EAST Five uh rTHtisher Vooms, electricity aud STREET One or. two large unfurnished rooms, all improvements, llinton, Apt. telephone 3782 Momingside.

Scpt20 4t APARTMENTS TO LET Apartment te let 5 rooms, and hath, steam heat electric light, hot and cold Tel. 9342 Har. 32 W. 130th St. Sept.

13 4t BROOKLYN Schenectady avenue, I Neatly room single or jtouple; Wv Jones. Sepi30 '2t PCLIFT0 'PLACE, 4J Two large' furnished or unfurnished rooms with 11 home'prirleges; price reasonable. Mrs. Rules. APARTMENT FOR RENT B'KLYN 4 roomapk in private home, splcn il'd location; convenient lo stilmay and street' 1244 Pfistpect Place, STREET, 296 and 4 room IkiI water, private lets.

'rents reasonable. 25cc iarfitor 298 apt 6 or phone Midwpod 1120W HOUSE FOR SALE BROOKLYN a nr rru.m tlr.llKf.' I.itlw 137th STREET, 239 WEST Larger rrv mnftrrn rnnvrniriK ocuA eA front room, very convenient, neatlyriar und attir Pirn 5.1 in it fis. nirnuirea, respectable person only, no and Jpoultry. houses: beautiful Sepfl3 4t 139th STREET 239' WEST Fur Mhshed room kitchenette nrivi electricity, telephone; ah mvdem improvements, references exchanged. 141st STREET, 117 WEST, Apt 21 Large, "neaifiy liirnisher eoom, ajj conveniences.

4h STREET, 3H WEST Neatly furni shed rooms, 'Steam heat, hot. aiid cold showers, telephone 1950 Audubon. Bri. e. 14ttk STREET, 201 WEST, Apt 3S 2 flights, furnished rooms, light and airy, conveniences, call, evenings, Audubon' 0277.

I 1.15th Street Ubrary. Some int. resting fall books: Valter MThe Fire the Flint." E. M. "A Passage garden, all kinds small fruit: 45 to Shaw, Bernard rSaintJ He had a smile for rvrW Re sure to read: "Black Laughter." bv Powvs; "Seven I.ivelv Arts, by Seldes; life of Shelley, by Maitrois; "Race and National Solidarity" by josey; "Mahatma by Forum: A' meeting for purposes of organisation will be held ok ifrhurs day, ScptemVr 25, at 8.30.ijr .1 SITUATION WjNTEP MAU Young Japanese poet denrcTT ttor.

to schoolboy. Oirly. our 5 apply. N. Age' HELP WANTED Male Man or woman experience licit Ipusiness for Employmi nt Salary, and commission.

Phot hurst .1938. '7 ww canons WAWtro 600t HOMt An4 slesrty (arm lor milusiiKim til West street, or write sUii1" I arm. Bresier. V. JANITOR WANTED kitchen OPIN i.k;kkbom Cui'UoK iTZL or ivil.

noums ami i reawiuble prices, apply 6ur, inn H. lini, x. I. Phone ja AGENTS Salesmen wanted. IZ commission, apply from 9 ij m.

at Norvh American Mortfi Building Corporation. avenue. Our Perfunen Sediok 'Suhuescs "ubtie Exquijtte' the golden drops of Flonent re create for us the indefinable fra7: granc: of Oriental Gardens Exotic in perfume iuxunoxislypackiged, Florient is the. very essencc of Eastern luxury "the final fragrant accent to feminine charm. At our Tonet Goods Counter you will find a completeline of Flonent luxuries perfume, toiiet water face powder, talc and toilet soap "each one perfection of its kind.

1 mil J50 Near 8th Ave. Hpw Ynrk JZZ 1 tjli WANTED CHILD TO BOArT ST. i NICHOLAS AVENUeTI U33d St.) Kclined person dr im child to board; 6 yrs. up. lium, llights up.

BUSINESS TO LEASE Iitisiiicss to lease fully equipped ty dressiriaker or milliner also lor hairdresser'. Very goodj For particulars Irarlcm SACRIFICE SALE Attractive quick lunch and sii stand; good trade, and busint brj. tion. Immediate possession; price very, 441. Lenox aifnur.

STORE FOR SALE Candy, Cigar, Stationery sture. $2( great bargain, 301 (8th minutes on West F.nd Subway B. be rUea 'et to hate yon mmi tj, T. to I8rh Ave. Station.

iA bargain for $12,000. Terms can bc' arranged. 8R44 7th Brooklyn, X. or your own broker. INtMEMORIAM Mrs.

MAIV.E. died September 22. 1921, but whoie, memory is fresh and green 1u theV hearts of those who loved her. iK ADELAIDE XEWM.Vft'.CRiCS (DaughteMa A'H 2 IDA BELLE ELSE Yv, KENNEDY (Sister) I J5AMUEL E. KELSEY, (Brother) MEMORIAM In sad and loving metrjorj.

of. opr dear beloved brother, David Brown, who departed September 25, 1921. His cheery smile and kiridlal Arc pleasant to recall, 'y And died beloved Alt ho' wecantiot clasp your hand, Your face we cannot isee; But let this little token show, J. We still rememljer theer Oh! how we miss" ybti.v Gd only knows. Your sisters ANNA BROWN MARGARET RO GO RUMMAGE SALE mtv nmwtoaj HOME 12' WeM laom StfMI OCTOtCR 3, 3, 13 an II, 1824 Own rrnm li noon In 11 p.

nlr rk.iuin or til nn hlldren and frown nils'. Py ihr vtit; ronie and buy roe. Hie bfn'ni the home. Colored Men Wanted Quick (WIGHT and DAT) Driscoll Rolling Chair Co. 'f', Knlnfl Walk, 0iki Island.

TiKnlimM 3327 cnty Good Money." Same Rate as At. lantic.City Rollins; Chair Co. NsyJI tf WEBB DRAPER OW LOCATID Have positions open ror wen tnuo southern help In all earelties Prmn ramilies iir specialties. Referencei guire Hi wires and sorkmi tonOiiliai Odrmll A. Ohrlttlanll, "res.

TeltflMiM Circle 2( H. WILLIAMS Htcc, BatesicBt 14S West Iggik ti fmrntrtf ItCfta si Ml Wist Ulti gtrin Inc. SpreM work Uk. far vugiwt t. wttun iwioTti.

Work take by dr 1 SalitfactsM Mranteed. m. UROPCAID ,1 nat In in I i i 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 w. rn oi jj, i 4 4.

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