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The Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia • Page 3

Williamsburg, Virginia
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

To be Disposed of, by private fale, IW Ml Set mi VERY convenient well KfiJ 1 vvith tW goud roms on the lower floor i ami two avove, with a hrt place eath iii IU( III mom. a laicre rit ixlr a i rt i nl other oiiKhnir ft LI. rf muauou ii uik: 01 ic in nampron, as tt com mn ch very fine pufpecl of Janet river ami the By. Alfo an A very rood new HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, of all kinds. Any ptrlon intljnanir tt purchale the houfe, or any article "of the furniture, may be fupplied orr very reafohaMe term by applying to JOHN KIDLEHUKST.

Hampton, Oflober io, 1767. HE iubferiber, from LONDON, begs leave to inform the publick that he (till continue! nfcar Market (treet, in Ncrfolk, to make and iepair all f. rti of plain, repealing, and horizontal watches, arid all kinds of repeating and mufical docks. Tliofe Gentlemen who will pk3fe to faveui liim with their coo.nunds may depend upon the utmoft defpatch and care from Their obliged humble femnt, I WILLIAM SKINK.ER. N.

B. Neat enamel dial plates put to watches. To be SOLD at King William court, crThurfday the igth of November TWO hundred and feventy four acres of good LAND, within four wilts of the covut houfe, with i Timor mcnta theveon. One half the purchafe mc r.ey to be ud In April and the remainder in Auufl fallowing. Bon to carry intereft from th date, unlefs difcharged when they becom? due.

Any peifbn inclinable to purchaft the lame privately may know the terms by applying to the fubfetiber, living about three miles from the laid Imd. 1 Russell. N. B. I have a well fituated houfe, fuitable for an ordinary, about five mites above William court houfe, on the main road, to rent for a term of years.

J. R. CTRAYED or STOLEN from Bermuda Hundred, the la(t of January, a bright bayh iie, about 5 ears old, 4 feet 9 or to inches high, with a few white haris in his forehead. fSSSSRsmxA branded the ne bufockWA a piece. YVnoevei de'ims the (aid norfe to me, living in Amelia county, (hall have WEN'l SHILLINGS reward.

I WILLIAM ARCHER. Taken up, in Prince Edwqrd, a roan mkre colt, her face a little lighter than her body, about 4 feet a inches high, abotit years old, lias a long mane and tail, and branded on the near buttock Si polled, and apprniied to 4 1. 10 i. ARTHUR MARCUMB Taken up, in Bedford, a black mare, about 7 or 8 years old, with a Iter in her forehead, and a final! ftreak of white below it, a fnip on her nofe, mixed all over with white hairs, had a (malt bell on, and branded on tht near ihoutder IP polled, and appraifcd to 7 1. DAVID FLEMING Taken up, in Amberfi, a bay horfe, about 9 years old, with a large Mar in his forehead, paces flow, has two white feet, had on an old bell, and branded IP polled, and appraiftd to 3I.

JACOB WRIGHT. Taken up, in Cumberland, a black horfe, abouk 4 fwt 6 inches high, with a hanging mane and Iwitch tail, a fmall fiir in his forehead, has foine faddle fpots, ad a large bell on, and branded on thfe near buttock polled, and aporaifed to I. THOMAS EPPERSON. Taken up, in Bedford, a dark bay horfe, about years old, with a Ibr in his forehead, a natural pacer, is dockt and cut, but neither branded broke polled, and appraifcdto 50 s. GEORGE AGEK.

Taken up, in Albemarle, a black horfe, about 4 feet 6 inches high, appears to have a fiilula, has been roached and bobbed, but the hair is grown out again, branded on the heai buttock IN, and on the fhoulder WILLIAM TANDY. Taken Up, in Cumberland, a bay horfe, about 4 feet inches high, with a fwitch tiil, a little white in his forehead, a faddle fjiot on each fuh? the withers, and branded on the near buttock TW in a piece; pufttd, and appiaifed to 8 I PAUL MICHAUX. Taken up, in Bedford, a middle fized dark bay mare, about 5 or 6years old, with Come white hairs in her forehead, and branded on the near (houldcr A polled, 4nd appraifed to 5 1. 10 s. I JAMES HUNTER.

Taken up, in Amber ft, a bay horfe, about a or 3 vears old, about 4 feet and a half high, with a fmill (tar in his forehead, Paces and trots, but neither dockt nor MIUER Taken up, in Brunfwick, a black horfe, with a (hi in hi. foiehead, and branded on the near buttock spoiled ENRY BA1LEY. Lately Imported, and to be Soto by the fubferikr in Williamfburg, at the large brick houfe nearly oppofke to the PoJlOfue, IRISH linen, white and brown meeting, diaper table cloths, printed cottons, womens bonnets and Cloaks, handkerchiefs, chwk linen. rtrinivl linliamf nfn 4 a EILRECKt N. The above articles may be had at thT Io'wcft prices, for rrsdy money.

Taken up, in Mecklenburg, two horfes, one of them a black, 1 hands high, ha many fiddle foots, HAMPTON, OMer to, 177 AS I intend to leave this place early in the fptinr, which makes it nrce(Ly thatmyaffairt ftould be fettled befoie my departure, I requtft all perfont mdebted to ale by bond or othtrwife to mike payment by the firft of January next) and thofe whofe accounts Aill remain tin fettled are defired to come and give bond immediately, ether wife they will be left in th handj of an attorney. Tf WILLIAM SMITH. rrn and womens (hoc, Negro cottons, kcrfeys. and WV fte LO LS an? hc the fuhfenbet and a VCrv POod affnrfment nf rnnrf Tf for a term of years, and may be entered upon the firft day of Mirr next; Wanted Soon, AT UT OR for a private family, who, wnue aoout the tundament. and hramled on the near hut.

if A A. LI X. I ri 1 iiiv, I aiMUliR) WHO Will UIIUCIT4KS 1 00 fiih hook. The other a cheftnut orrtl, management of about So fkves, all fettled within fix miles of Sen iarrlf.lem Vfcl to be in making of grain. Afly luch, I fta.forae M'Ue fpw, had a cracked bell well recommended, w.ll meet with etJcouralement by applying Zv 'hc and rc3 aut" to Mr' AW in to tHe fubfenrir a very Poftcd nd appd fi'ft to fire, during the fitting of the prrrent General Court.

l.andt 10. Tf JAPMES MERCER. Taken up, in Loudoun branded on the near butto I ck polted. atki aooratlea to 6 fhtr In hi f.Ui tf' i JOHN HOWELL, Jun. fo, tail, had on a fowll bell, bunded on the ncar A.

PITTSYLVANIA, Odobtr sy3 it. WHEREAS my wife ANNE hath doped from me, and although often required refufe to return and being informed lhe is entertained by her father John Wilkinson, in New Kent county, and his thieatcned 't t. a i anu on tnc near ouaocjt xi i potted, and appiaifed to 1 1. WILLIAM FLOYED. pAKEN up, in Amber ft a bright bay mat about 4 feet 5 inchri high, ab ut 9 or 10 year j.

una irvcM muuiv inou. nau on a SwVSiJ? branded on the near WUC. and on Ke near fide of ci, win py no ucw mo may contract, tnc necjt il ported, and appraUcd to 41. 101. would call and pay them, or fettle SAMUEL SMITH.

good grift mill near the houle. The land lies on a publick road within feven miles of SinithfUU. is well timbered with white cak, pine, and cypres, and is a Convenient fituation trade. Six months crtdit will be allowed, on giving bond and fecurity to JOSEPH SCOTT. N.

H. Thi plantation was advertifed by itiiam Ponfonbj, who will (bow the land. HANOVER, OMer to, 1767. WHEREAS there are fundry lines of counties directed to be run, bv the afils of Affemblv which ilablih. thofe counties, in fome of which neither comie nor diftance at" fixed, in others the courf'e onlyj and as fuch courfes and diffances would greatly facilitate tne general fur vey of the colony, which is to be begun this month, it is reauefted that all the furveyors, who have fuch lines in their poiffljon, would forthwith tranfmit them to Mcff.

Vurdie and Dixon, Printers in MlUamJburg, who will convey them to Their humble fervant JOHN HENRY. N. B. There are alfb fome parilb lines which are lines of counties thefe wilt alfo be verv acceptable, as they are not to be found in any office at William and Mary College, OSober 14, 1767. give their bond.

them and and 'SC JOSEPH 'SCRIVENER. To be 0 at Prince Edward court JOHN GOODWIN. To be 0 at Smithfield, in Ifle npAKEN up, in Bedford, a black mare, Wight county, on Tiiurfday the tth day A ycf! dM on the tut moulder a 1 pofted, andippraa8dl0 4ss. jj of November next, Johnrqss dewitx ATcres 2lhkh 'h s0L Anthony Hay end, a kithen and fmokehoule, a ftorthoufc with two rooms in fa Saturday the 1 on a floor, a garden and yard paled in, an apple and peach a rA. 1, 0 orchard, pear and thei ry trees of different forts, and a very of this infant (Od.) ybr ready money or fiort credit, AVERY Convenient DWELLING HOUSE, part of wnicn was tn property or tne won.

ttter KaHdttlph, 1S deccafed. There are belonging to it a good kitchen, a (ci vant's loufe of the fame dimenfions, two new (tables, each fufHcient for fix horfes, a coach boule, and a lot of land. The dwelling houfe is elegantly papered, and bandf mcly fituated The buildings are new, and finiflted in a complete manner. CARTER BRAXTON. WILLIAM RANDOLPH.

To be SOLD to the hibttjl bidder on Monday the zd of November, at Mr. Anthony Hay's" door in Williamfburg, A VALUABLE TRACT of1 LAND, JT in the lower end of Louifa and upper end of HaHan)tr intirtisj gin Htitolir Ntniylound. and Ia nut nvrti. hr fVJ The feveral lurveyors are requeiled longmg to the ettatc of Mr. hn Dwh, deceaied.

it i by thVPrefident and Maitcrs of WiUiam and Mary college fwrtlier diftant than j6 from warehotj(e, to which tnuii ittiiiv. in th nvmnrr hv him in there is very fine road. The tract contains about 1 100 acres, the above advertiiement. By order of the fociety. EMMANUEL JONES, Clerk.

To be SOLD by the fubfenber, RAISINS, currants, rigs, almonds, mixed fwteto.eats, tamarinds, fpices, wmes, fugarsof all forts, carpets and carpeting of all fizes, all forts of dry goods, ruin, olt (pints, Ttncl bottled beer. perlons tnat have accounts of long (binding on my bocks, I mould be glad months credit will be allowed, the purcWers giving bond! and fecurity to 4 JOHN DIXON, Executor To be RENTED to the hihefi bidder, on Saturday the $Jl of this infant pHE PLANTATION, containing A J8 acres of exceeding good land, and FERkY, at flower de Hundred, late belonging to JosBfH WIlkins, deceaftd, wheieoo is a good dwelling houle, with (line rooms on a floor above and below, and a wood brick cellar under neathj likewife a good new 40 foot barn, a new liable, corlt crib, a new kitchen with a brick chimney, and a good apple orchard. The tf fry is about three quarters ot a mile wide. hnuCt on Monfkv the 1 6iWNoVember. is Vfry convenient, and in the neareft way from teterjlurg to bouje, on ivionaay toe i vwy iuvcinucr, df if wcll kevtf wn Ujfe aycart betn court aay, QIXTEEN valuable Virginia bom SLAVES.

Twelve months credit will be allowed the purchafert, on giving bond and fecurity to 6 DAVID COCHRAN. To be SOLD in Richmond town, Henrico county, to the highejl bidders, on Monday the if November next, being court day, The plantation is exceeding good for raifing cattle and hogs, on account of its neamels to Ifower dt Hundred marines, where there is an excellent phce for fturgcon fiibing, as between 60 and 70 have been caught at a haul. Bond and feeurity to be given to JOSHUA POY1HRESS, Adminiftrators. To be SOLD by the fubferiber, or in his abfence by Mr. George Miller, at Mr.

Andrew SprowleV fore houfes here, TWO Lots in the laid town, on the A QUANTITY of genuine Madeira main ftreet. Alfo oo acres of good level land in the WINE, of the beA New York quality, cither for caih, W. faid count)', aout 10 miles above the (aid town, and is very od for corn and wheat, with a large quantity of tne bell eait nines on the land. And cn Saturday the 11ft of Af member next, on tne prcmues, ao 01 on Cbickahoniny, a rrtile above Sutton? bridge, 1 acres of which is uiM'w gtcur.di 2nd itlands. And cn Thurfday tht a6h ot November, at Amelia eourt houfe, being court day, 1 tio acres of go.d tobacco Und, on both fides Flat Rock etc, in Lurur.burg county, and is exceeding good for (lock.

The tiiis for payment be agreed on at the days of (ale. 1 SAMUtL DU VAX. Vininia currency, or bills of exchange, At .31 ftei ling pci pipe. 16 15 'to. per lilid.

8 ia 6 do. per quarter calk. Or, At .5 Iterling per pipe. 18 15 do. per hhd.

9 11 6 do. per quarter cailc. If it (hall be fold on cicilit, the puichafcr to give bond. Tf KOJERT MILLER Coioax, Sept, 7, 177.

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