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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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New Spring Styles of Hats Arriving Daily at DEWENTER, THE HATTER and FURNISHER. There Is Reason For It! We have told you about receiving our new Spring Goods, but we wuut you to know what others say about them. If you will drop in a. few minutes perhaps you won't blame us for "harping on this subject. Most people way: "More beautiful than ever," and a (Treat many say; "Not expensive either." We are receiving a great many orders for suits to bo made up for Easter and would tojput your order down.

TUCKER YOUNG, THE, PEflRL STRBET TAILORS. MONEY TO LOAN Personal, Renl Estnto or Collateral Security. Any Amount. An) Time. E.

B. Ovcrshincr, 327 Fourth Street. DAILY JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 5. Drink McLin's Kolalona.

Additional Local on Fourth Page. Natural gas bill for March now due and payable. The young people of Seven Mile are preparing for an Easter entertainment at the U. church, William M. Caleb and Miss OUie Cowell were married Sunday at Pjps Creek, in the presence of a few friends.

The Rev. C. A. Spitler officiated. Miss Nora Shideler has resigned her position as teacher at the Clymers school, and A.

W. Doylo will take the position. Miss Shidoler will take a school east of the city. Col. Robert Kreuzberger is undergoing his flrst sickness in twenty.

eight years. His condition yesterday was practically unchanged. Dr. Eastman, the Indianapolis specialist, will return tomorrow to look after his atlent, isdale bleached muaJln, green to be sure, 6 cents per yard, yards for $1, only a lew davs; 25 yards sheeting for veilings In silk 5 cents a yard; corsets, 50 cents on the dollar; Her Majesty corset In all qualities at out prices; ribbons 2 to o's, 1 cent per yard. See our special in dress goods novelties this week at the Trade Bottom of the Sci Yields no pearl that can exceed in beauty teeth whitened and cleansed with that incomparable dentifrice, the fragrant SOZOUONT.

Nor is coral "than the gums. In whloh such are set. So say the ladlea, who are the best judges in such matters. the The base bull season opened Sunday on the Clcott street grounds by a game botwoen the Drum Corps team and the Fergusons. The former team won by a score of 16 to 3.

Awarded HlfhMt Fair. BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Crea Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum o. wy other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, PI1ZLIN THE Prof.

Dave Staler of Chicago No Match for the Local Mim-A Uood Entertainment. The athletic entertainment at the opera house last night was witnessed by a good crowd of men and seemed to strike the audience in the proper'spot. Col. Robert Cromer was the master of ceremonies. He Introduced Dixon and Jack'ion.

two young colored men, and their four rounds sparring matoh was much enjoyed. Messrs. Suiter and Johnson sparred four rounds, and divided 'honors. Prof, Plizlln gave a neat exhibition of Indian club swinging and bag punching, whloh was followed by a flveiouod fencing contest for points between Prof Pitzlln and Dr. Dalzell his pupil.

The match was a draw. Messrs. Strecker and Burgman, the former a member of Pltzlln's class in physical culture boxod four rounds. Considerable enthusiasm was occasioned by the lively bouts between Sullivan and Nelson and Will Pottmeyer and Dick Roach, both pairs being on the stage at OBCO. Master Davis, weighing 1 56 pounds, and Master.

Morgan, weighing 76 pounds, had the soft mitts on lor two and were much applauded. Then the event of the evening was announced, and Referee Bush called out P. J. Pitzlln and DaveJ. Staley, to spar eight three minute rounds for points and two-thirds of the door receipts.

Staley and Pitzlln appeared evenly matched in the first round but after that Pitilln had all the best of It and Staley seemed groggy when time was called at the end of the list round. Pitzlln Is much the heavier man of the two. Ho was declared the win. ner. HE DOJi'T LIKE MARIOS.

Hasted Who to Rare JUIwoitlered Bralii Takeu Care of at the Marvin Husled, a veteran, was placed In the county jail by patrolman Stcelton Sunday night. Husled claimed that his brain was disordered. He was taken from a boarding house on North street, where he was raising a disturbance, and where hexslalmed to have been He had fl 45 in his pocket. He secured writing material and addressed a letter MayorMKcee which he handed to one of the officers. In the he asked the mayor "For God's sake, don't send me back to Marion.

If I stay there I become a driveling idiot." He also claimed he had papers to admit him to treatment at the Cook county, 111., Insane asylum and was on his way to Chicago. He wanted to be concealed from imaginary Marlon, where ho had been in the Soldiers' Home. He waa kept at the Jill over night, and was much quieter and more rational yesterday morning. Many a the, opening m'ght be saved and expense, ag Btsalta. using Zoa-Phora at Hod womanhood, rom life-long suffering Sold by B.

F. ling and CouliOQ Co. the A Blinder ot a Murder Twtf aiy-Fonr F. A. Smith was in D' day and brought back' with him club with which Jerome 1871 killed Wm.

Slater, slve man who was a little grocery store on Broad way teenth street. The club is dray pin made of hard maple wood and Is about two and teet long. When the trial came off da Carroll county to which court Brto'ok'g at- lorneye secured a change of ve'nue the club was taken to as evidence against the murdertr largely through it was his conviction secured. In October of the same Brooks was executed in Since then the weapon has been in the of tne custodians of the Carroll county jail and Mr. Smith who was deputy sheriff of that county during the trial recognized the club as soon as he saw It yesterday and for a few days will have it on exhibition ia his store on Sixth street.

THE MASOMC FUiiH AdoiitrA for a Bull dint of Which tlie Clly Will ho I'routl. The Masonic Temple committee met Sunday-and adopted definite plans for a three story, $45,000 prssaed brick building with rough stone trimmings. The project for an opera house wag abandoned. Work is to begin with the opening of the building season, or HO the sanguine ones say. and plans from many architeots'are to be considered.

The committee has in mind a ground floor occupied by a wholesale grocer, the second floor taken up by a public assembly hall and Matonic banquet hall, the top floor to be occupied by the lodge rooms and parlors of the local lodges of Masons. ELECTRIC LIGHT PRICES. Tfce Electric tight Committee to Make a Lance The Electric Light committee at the regular meeting Ian nigtt ordered that the price for electric lighting be reduced from ten cents per thousand- watts to seven cents. This is alow rate and fchould induce every buslnest house and many residents to at once prepare to use the city light. It will at all times be the policy of thefolty to give to he'r this light at the lowest possible price.

Remember every'citizen is a stockholder in the enterprise and in patronizing the city plant you 'are using your own light. The reduction dates from March 1st. Tlier Warbled-Tne AudleiiM Ap- The entertainment given by the Tennessee Warblers in the Market street Methodist church last night was thoroughly enjoyable. They gave some very unique selections which were very amusing and provoked much laughter. band and the cat concert deserve special mention for real humor.

One of the singers Is an old Logansport boy and haa developed a fair bass voice. They will elng tonight at the Bap. tlst church for the Woman's Auxiliary of R. R. Y.

M. C. A. and should have a full house. Judge The Broadway E.

church was filled with people Sunday night to hear Judge D. P. Bald Special music was furnished -by Miss Marion Treat of Chicago and Tennessee Warblers. The subject of Jucge Baldwin's discourse. "In and About Ancient and he made ot it a most interesting descriptive and historical talk which-held the closest attention of the big audience.

jiie Judge will speak again next night at the same church. of Mnrr JUrlseolJ. Miss Mary Driscoll, aged 86 years, dieJ yesterday morning of consumption at her home, No. 47 Washington street The deceasad was well known and highly respected in the community. She leaves an aged mother in a helpless condition.

The funeral will be held at Sc. Bridget's Catholic church ai 9 a. Wednesday, the Rev. Father Krcejer officiating. The Modern Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with Other luxuries.

A remedy mast be pleasantly acceptable "in form, purely- whoUfcone in composition, truly beneficial In effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a physician; if constipated he uses the gentle amily laxativ-e Syrup of Figs. Chanced Fred Heppe yesterday signed saloon at the corner of Market Fifth street, to Fred Burgman, who is now in possession. 3 J. 4 A 41.98 ,7.

For Choice of Finest Shoes and Slippers. iLl'.1 Worth $3to $5, Choice $198. None reserved from regular stock. One Week Only! V- March 5th to March 12th. ad- On account of iaclement vreathei our special sale so uen vertised for Monday, ha 3 beea postponed until Tuesday, March 5ih.

The above are Our Regular Stock and not Samples. The Ssraple Sa will continue at even still Greater Reductions until all are sold. OTTO Great Shoe Sale, YOUR NAME IN PRINT. Items of a Peruonnl Character Con- ceralux and Their Frleuda. In the city yesterday: S.

R. Streator of Wolcott. E. Walsh of Montlcello. R.

M. VanaUa of Remington. Chas. Loeb and M. P.

Leppold of 'Attica. H. Kettner, F. Levy and J. H.

Head W. L. 1 Starrett and Chas. Forgy of Marlon. to William Schutnsokerand J.

H. Herd of Wabash. H. A. Strohm of the Newton County Enterprise.

Herr John Day went to Chicago yesterday. John M. Johnson Is at Indianapolis on business. Charles Downs and niece went Chicago yesterday. Chas.

D.unkleberg and W. H. Snyder are in Indianapolis. Hon. Joseph Gray of Galveston was in the city yesterday.

Frank Lytle spent Sunday in the city the guest of friends, The Very-Rev. Campion is at Indianapolis on business. Bernard O'Brien will leave tornor- row for New York City. John Craig of Kokomo spent Sunday with relatives In the city. M'ss KuteBuzzler of Lucerne Is the guest of friends In the city.

The Rev. Guthrie is at Devon, Henry county holding services. Will Kraus of Toledo spent Sunday in the city the guost of friends. O. S.

White and wife of Kokomo were here with friends over Sunday. Henry Martin has brought his family to this city from 111 Mrs. Cuates Of Union City, is the guest of her son, H. S. Coates of thle city.

Miss Alice Statesman and Master 'Hale of Peru are the gueate F. Rauch. Mrs. M. P.

Borden of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Elliott of this city.

Mrs. Jenrle Bailey and son So well, have returned to their home at Crawfordsville. 'Mrs. C. H.

Church has returned from a several weeks 1 visit at Brook, ly-n N. I 'Mrs. John-Brown of Harrison township is visiting relatives this week at Henry CUy. Ill- Miss Ella Wilcor of Plymouth, Is visiting her auat, W. W.

Beck, north of the city. -Mrs. Pedde.of Anderson is visiting bar daughter, Mrs. S. H.

Smith in Clinton, township. J. P. Sebastian has returned from (Jalcago went'to attend the funeral of hU father. Elizabeth J.

Peden of Brownsville. who has been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. H. -Ganger, returned to her home yesterday accompanied by Mrs.

Lizzie Peden. Mins Evalyn Bolts of Covlngton, Ohio, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, McMacken, returns home today. Lewis Alexander of the Mosler Safe has made his headquarters in the city and will move his family from Peorla, 111. TBB.BE ATT DAMAGE CASE Went lo the Jury Laat Evenli ar- 85,000 Demanded forlnjnrles. By her attorney, D.

H. Chase, Mrs. J. C. Beatty yesterday appeared against Charles Maurice and Will Ward in a suit for damages.

The matter went to the jury about 4:30 yesterday evening, and if their deliberations are concluded in time, a sealed verdict will reach the judge at the convening of court at 9 a. today, (ieorge W. Walters appeared for the defendants. Tha basis for the demand for damages was alleged permanent' injuries received by the plaintiff, who was run down by a horte driven by Maurice and Ward, and the allegation that she defendants were negligent and careless, and so to blame for the Tbe injury was inflicted on Third and North streets last Haccauet-B at Walton. A tent of the Maccabees was recent, ly organized at Wnlton wllh a membership of' thirty.

The following officers were chosen and installed by Milo Meredith of Wabash assisted by Mr. PhlMps of Rochester: Mlnnick. Bishop. Lt Lynch. Marshall.

Kesling. Soell. Neff. Spitler Htlll litvta. Samuel Spitler, the bartender who was carved by L.

Bowie In the Burlington saloon Friday night, was said to be still alive yesterday. It is claimed that there are in 'JBurlinifton 120 people who are against the exis tence of a saloon at that place, and 4 who favor the establishment. Death of Mrs Wm. K.Byj»tb. The death of Mrs, William Kuyjath of Enowlton street occurred at 9 a yesterday.

Toe. deceased waa about 65 years of age. Tne funeral will be held from the house Tnursday at 2 p. and from the German Lutheran church at 3:30 Gnunlnc fora Catamonvt. There will probably be another chase looking to the capture of the catamount in Harrison township in about two weeks.

The date will be announced in due time. The lait time the vicious beast WM seen two shots from Richard King's repeater failed to brlog it down. That tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood's Saraaparllla, which makes pure blood. The Funernl of Mm. Cntdealer.

Mrs. Gertrude B. Cbldestcrdled Sunday at 5:30 a. m. of consumption, aged 24 years.

The deceased was the wife- of Charles Chidesttr, and a daughter- of Robert Green, the Pan Handle engineer. The funeral will take place, at the residence over No. 520 Broadway at 2:30 today. The funeral will be a private one. Wled Long CHIT The body of J.

Starrett, an Inmate- of the Long Cliff hospital, whose death occurred Saturday, was shipped yea- terday to Springfield, Ohlo-for burial. The deceased was formerly a Marion druggist, and his son Will Starrett of that city, was here to take charge the remains'. Fire In a Library. The fire department wag called to- the home of John Eckert, No. 224 Eel River avenue, about 6 o'clock last evening, afire having broken out la the library of that gentleman's residence.

The damage was slight, but considerable excitement was sloned Forrest Price and Mies Laura, Livingstone, both Clay township, were married Sunday by the Rev. W. at the parsonage of the- Market street M. E. church.

The. young people will live on X. W-. Faench's farm. How to Care Rhcuiaitlm.

ASAOO, Nov. 10,18 I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlains Pain Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism ol the arms and for six months, and has tried many remedies prescribed for that complaint, but found DO relief until she used thifc. Pain Balm; one bottle of which haa completely cured her. I take pleasure in recommending It for that trouble.

Yours truly, C. A. Bullord, Fifty cent and $1 bottles for sale by B. F. Keesling, Druggist.

1XUBEHVT8. I OLAN'S OPBRA HOCSB. B. Patterson. Manager.

Thursday, March 7th. Beturn oltbe Favorites! The Hit of the Season TIM MDRPflY AND EUGENE OANFIELD Tbe Satirical ALIMONY. Than Vun'iierrnan Krer Brighter ihsn £vec. 75e Sal' open Tuwdaj Morning jton's Drag store,.

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