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The Newcastle Weekly Courant from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England • 4

Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 A A 1NBRIDG Uerchant in Durban, carries on, as tifual, the Bleaching of LlNEN CWTH at.Ch oller ton. Mr Hexhtm. VH will be taken in by thcfbllowing Persons, vin fnBalllnffiiami Wst Mlistie! Price Two Shillings stitch'd, THE Nattiral of Mount Vessuvius, with the Explanation of the vatious Phenomena that usually the Eruption of this celebrated Vulcano. Tranflated from the Original Italian, compofed by the Royal Academy at Naples, by Order of the King of the Two Sicilics. London: Printed by Edw.

Cave, at St John's Gate; and seid by J. Fleming and the rest of the Bookselle in Newcastle. Where may be had, Price s. stitch'd, I. The Nature and Laws of Chance.

Containing the Solution of several abstruse and important Problems, of great Usc in disco-vering the Advantage or Loss in Lotteries, Raffles, and deter-mining the Probability of winning at Bowles, Colts, Cards, By Tho. Simpson, Teacher of the Mathematicks. II. An Essay 011 Vitgil's Celebrated Gates of Sleep. Containing, befides a very particular Enqttiry into this intricatc Subject, as well as into Homer's Similar Gates, a Solution 0 dammti trimmt and at the the Clofe of it, a true Key to the JEneis.

By Theodore Delafaye, M. A. To prevent the Publick's being impofed on, by Persons who offer to Sale a Counterfit, Basb Elixir, under the Name of Our Original DaffyV Elixir, to the manifest Injury of their Fellow Creatures, thereby depriving them of both Health and Moneyj This is tberefore to give Notice, That ihe said Original Cordial Elixir, so much esteem'd in most Counties of England, is Sold by no other Person in NEWCASTLE (not-wttbstanding the specious Pcetences of Some, to delud the Unwary) km JOHN WHITE, his Printing Office in Pilgiim-street, Whete has just arrived A Large and Frefi Parcel from LONDON. be In Parcbisj For any Term of Years unier Twenty-one, And to enter upon at a a next, CPADEADEM WASTES, containing Thirteen Thouland Acres, lying in the County of Cumberland, belortg-ing to the Hight Hon. the Earl of Carlifle.

They are well water'd, luve Limcstoncs and Coals in the Ground, and are Tythe free. Allo to be lett, and to enter on at Whitsontide next, The Manour Mills of Bramproa, in Guililand, in the said County. And also to bc lett, against May-day next, Several Farms at Brampton Parks, which arc Tythe-free, and to have Linie for fetching from the Rilns, about two Miles distant, ready bttrnt, paying only s. a Fotind for all that II, all be tifed in the said Faim, over and above the Rent. fcnquitcof MtJohnNowell of Nawatd Castle, in the said County.

N.B. To be sold this Spring, A Parckl of very latge Oak Woo belonging to the said Earl, in Castle Canock Manour, in Guililand aforesaid, most of it lit for Ship Timber. Tll bc Sold. Befirc CHARLES TAYLOR, Efc Deputy to His MajestyV Retnembrancer in tbe Court of ExC HEQUE Purfuant to an Order of the said Court, SEveral large Quantities of Timber Trees, stand-ing upon the Estatcs forfeited by the Attainders of James, late Eatl of Dcrwentwater, and Charles Radclisse, in Thornbotough, and othciT'lacesiiiNoithumbeiland, and at and about Kclwick in Cum-bei land. Particulars may bc had of the said Deputy at his Chambers in the Inner Tcmple, London.

To be Sold, AN undividcd Moiety, Half Part of Fareleases, Briggin Garth, and Sctabbs Garth, all in the Parilh of in the County of Durliam. Apply to Mr Geo. Johnson in Durliam, Co be Sold. ALL the of 0 a in the TownJjiips of Cockerton and Archdeacon Newton, near Darlington, in the County of Durhani, now lett to a very good Tenant for eleven Years. Apply to William Ward, Elqj at his House in Cockerton, or Mr Stobbs in Dailington.

Co be Sold, yWPARCEL of OAK TRE ES at the Heigh, O. within four Miles of Hcxham; likewile, a Patcel of All kr and Birch Trf. ks, at the Ganilhill and Oastlcy, in Allendale. And to be lett, now, or against May-day next, a good Dwclling-house, with fix Fire Rooms, and good Garrets, with a Stahle in good Rcpair, und pleafantly lituated at Jcsmond, within a Mile of Newcaslle. Enquire of William Coulson, Esqj at Jcsmond.

5o bc Againit a a next, Pleafantly Jituated at Ryton, in the County Durham, A Very good House, containtog ten Fire-rooms, O. with a very good Coach-house, Stahles, Garden, and other Convcniences, all in good Repair. Enquire of Mr Richard Pcck, of Nevbigin, near Newcastle. N. B.

The said Mr Pcck has a good Milch Ass to dispose of. To be ttu Against Mayoay next, A Largc New-built Sash'd House, near the Barras O. Bridge, Newcastle, containing eight good FireRoonis, befides tluee latge cicl'd Garrets, with a good Cellar, a large Yard, Garden and other Convcniences. Enquire of Mr Robert Ry ott, at the said House, To be Sold, At Shotten, in tbe of Eajington, and County ofDtirhatn, AFarm of good Land, hcld by Lease under rriy Lord Bishop of Durhani, for three Lives. Whoever is incli-nable to purchafe the fame, may apply to Mr Porret of Stockton.

THE extraordinary good Sale this Original DAFFY's ELIXIR hath met with in thefe Parts, and the many great Cures it has performed in England, Ire! and, hath put divers evil minded Persons on counterfeiting this ereign Cordial but, in order to detest such Impostors, you are desired carefully to ob-serve, that every Bottle of this True DAFFY's ELIXIR is scaled with the fame Coatof Arms as is here before placed. It is the greatest Pre. server of Mankind, above 70 Years experienced, and may be taken at any Season of the Year, for neither Heat nor Cold can obstruft its influ- dahy Wiieelet, Hin-kecper, in Alnwickj John lun-keeper, in Fckon Geo. Torton and Bcnj. Miviick atMorpethj' Cha.

Smart, Dvcr, at rhe.BridgcEnd, Newcastle; John Thompson, In ehester; Tho. Hope, slax-dresser, in Stockton Jacob Spcncoly, jun. in.Su.udei land Peter Tliomliill in Dailington John riiti, lun-keepcr, uBiihop Auckland Bcnj. Mirrkkat theGrecn, and eray Maiket-day ur John Dodd's Shop in Hexham, and at my own Shop Dnrham, who will be anfvcrable for all the Cloth that comes to ehe above meution'd Persons Frkcs of Cloth as ulual, 4d, lor Yard-wide, and so in proportion for broader or narrower. These who send Cloth, are defued to write theirNames on cach Piece and if rhey chute to mark, to do ic with Thrcad.

N. B. Benj. Mirnick is now at the teert, and rcady to lay down. BENJAMIN FLOUNDER, Of Ckathorne, near AR bereby gives Notice, THAT he continues the BLEACHING of LINEN CLOTH this Year as usual, to grc.i I l'rires are, as iotmei iy, Yard-wMe high white at Twopencc per Yard, and so in porjiortion broader or narrower, and Supcrsme h' at Thrcepcncc, which will bc taken in at the following Places, vir.

I3y Gco. Koffer, (irorcr, in Sundcrlani Dar-'nard Sheal, at the Dun Cow, in the Market pla je, Durbara-, Sam. Dalkin, Ropcr, in Sedg-'eid; Mary Ward, Weavcr, In Whitby; RiVli. Taylor, at Steaihs; Rieh. eavcr, in Gishorouh Joseph Woiindcr, Cutrhcr, in North.illcrton Antbany Li.lHer, Vycr, ncar Modale Simon Ufekcrctlke.

Dj'er, at l.abnrn Robt Modgltson, in Darlingtoti William Bird, avier, in Bishif Jonathan IVtetlcy, Dyer, at Staindrop Wm Tanne, liariiatdcnillc John ill, Weavcr, in Sockficld Thomas Allilbn, in ChcAer.te street at his own Shops at Stoekton, Sioxley and Van. All l'crsolis m.iy depeud on having theil Cluth kep( sttonj; an wssll a jjoijq Coltwr. Mr CaStiel Ciif hcs. Mcrchant, ft Vami, wiih htmfelf, will be tor all the Cloth that comes to the above Fcoples tlands, N.B. He has maie a great many in bis Yard, so that bis Fricnds may expect tp bave their Cloth as well donc as at Durhai, or tlsewhcrc.

TW i. tc stciiiittmt WtziU THAT tlie liLEACHING of LINEN CLOTH is carrird onat in the Cuumy ol Lurbain, ly I tu a tu and Wilma ii.msbm nfter the teil Mannet, both as to whirning and prcfcrving the Srrenth of the C.otb. C.oth will bc taken in ly Xx Buhara Hell, Inn-kccpcr, inCilly gate, Hcxhnni Tho. Le i atthcSrots Morpcth, Jarcib Johnson, at the Biri in lhc Bnsli, in l'ilgtitn llrret, Newcastle I ho. I cyhurne, at the Ship, in Gartihead James SCot, Taylor, in John Robinson, in Cheilcr lc-strect Chr.

Craggs, Cphollterer, in Snnderland John Hudson, Weavcr, in Scrigsield Jof StocUon, niaker, in Yarm Francls Thompson, at the Turk's Head, in Stockton John Thompson, inWollingham John Thompson, inSwalwcl; Isitbel Brawnbridge, Miliner, in riartlepoo! Wni Lawson. in Hart Wm Stout, Merehant, in Durhani and Cutbhert Ward, Weavcr, in Lanchester, who, with Gco. Bainbridgc, of Snipc Clofe, in the Pariih ol Stanhopc, will bc lor all the Clcth which comes to the above rnention'd Persons llands. V.B. Prires of Cloth, vli.

Coarse Cloth, Yard wide, at d. per Vatd. xine Cloth ditro at d. and so in proponion lor broader or narrower. Persons who scad Cloth, arc (fesired to write their Kam and Places of Abode at Lengthon each Viere li they chn'e to mark nv do it with Thread, and not with Silk, whieb comes ont, and sotward it as soon as podiblc, they intending to lay down diteitly.

i Colwp tlyii Sciison, 'At SAND2N House, inAbbyHolm, at Haifa Guinea a Mare, ABeaiuiful Strong Black Morse, call'd Hamlet, above 5 "anis hljsh, clear of Bleinisll, a White llind Foot, and a Blake down his F.i He l-ciopg'd to the latc Coi. Johnson of Cumlongholm, and was got by a Llock llorie which was mndc a Prcfcnt of by the King of Denmaik to the Eor! of Marclv.nont, wben he was Embaffadbr Copenhagen, and ont of a keatitisol Coach Mare belonging to the Eatl of I laddingt on. Hamlet was sold for r.lahty Gujiew, at two Ycars old. for an officer's Horch, and was then put into the Ri Jinp School, and is fit to get llorscs for a Coach, or to mount an Oflicer. M.B.

will bc socifn every M.itket Day at Catiiile and Wigton, and is still in the Pcilcflion of WH Bruih. To if.r; tii cafjii, At Benwell, two Miles oNewcastle upon Tyne, RObert Siiaf to, Esq's, Bay Stone Horse, got by Snake, Snake got by Listet's Ttirk, and bred by Mr Robin Ion' of Easby, in Yorkllurc his Dam by the Duke ofRut-land's Grey Tark her Dam by Hoy-Boy, and his Dam by Gallon's Horse of Beverley, which came from Hampton Court; Ihe was cal-led Miss Btigham, wo several Plates, and the King's Plate in Scot-land. He is 5 Hands and an Inch, every way proportionable, of Strength to carry any Wcight, and free fio'm all natural Blemi-flies. At one Guinea a Mare, and Half a Crown to the Man. rV.

S. Grafs for Maies, and proper Carc taken of them, at rea-soaabk Rares. Tu be Sold, Situate in the Eroad Chare, Newcastle upon Tyne, New built House, with Safhes in the Front, Oi wirb a goud and a Brew-Iiouse, with Brewin'g Veflels beliHlg 10 the lame, and fit for a Gentleman's Family. Also, arxothet good House adjoining to the said House, which isvery cammodious for private Family. Any wno are inclin'd 10 pur-cha le the said two Hotifes, or either of them, may apply to Mrjohn Attorney at Law, in Cowgate, in Newcaslle afoiel'aid, ho ft'iii ixeat about the tliereof.

0 be jpWO Frcchold Tcncmcnts or Farmholds, at Stock- X. sey, in ihe Parilh of Btancepeili, in the County of Durhani, the yciljly Rent of 40, and upwards, and within three Miles of rhe City of Dvrham; together with the Farm-house, Out-houses, Uycra and Stahles, thereto bclonping, and a Rightof Com-sj 1 011 Moor, or Common, late the Estare of Mr Tos. Stnitii) dcccus'd. Enquirc of Mr Geo. Cuthbcrtson at Newcastlc.

Ta tc Sold. TME Ducs of Lead Ore, which were raifed in the Mauox of Alstoli Moor, in the County of Cumberland, from Midtaeimas 17.41, to Mkluielraas lall 5 and also the Dues of Lead Ore, r.x.xi. to bc niilld, from Michaclmas last to Michaelmas ext, oi sepciatc. Lnctn'te of Wm Cotbett, Esq; at the Office iri ro ftreet, London, Mr John Stephenibn of Ncuts-bu'Vj ii AlsfQil Moor, 01 of Mcss. Wal ton and Boag at Ravens-Uiu'ii Custjc xiear Duvha)).

Sorthumberland, A Bridge being intended to be built A over and crols tbe RiverTill it nr noar ential Operation 011 the Body. Another Virtue of this choice Cordial, distinguilhing it from all other Physick in the World, is, that at the Patient's leaving off ihe fame, the Body remains not costive, but in a very good healthful Temper, and lightfome Condition. This is the fame rieh ELIXIR that was recommentied by Dr King, Physician to K. Charles II. and the late famous DrRatcliffe.

This noble Cordial will retain its Virtues though kept rnanit Years. It is also sold by E. Dansken at Durhani, R. Johnson at Ferry-hill, A. Sampson at Pelton near ehester, G.

at Morpeth, Strother at Alnwick, M. Dixon at Hexham, and J.Goddard at N. Shiclds, G. Lawrie in Tweedmouth, W.Bramwel in Penrirh, T. Alhburner in Kendal, R.

Thompson at Ravenglafs, E. Robinson at Egiemond in Cumberland, J. Relph in Sedgfkld, J. Calbreath in Houghton, A.West in S. Shields, C.

Bentham in ehester, H. Wilkinson in Warkworth, and by the Men that carry this News-paper, Price 2 s. 6d. the Half-pint, and 15 d. the Quarter.

The are a few of the numberlefs Cures that have been performed by this noble ELIXIR, Edward, Son of Thomas Crow, Servant to Mr Houldbrook of Alhton, near Newport in Shroplhire, had for several Months a vio-lent Cold and Sutfeit, which brought htm into a Consumption 5 and for near seven or eight Weeks he vomitted great Quantities of Blood, sometimes almost a Eint at a Time: He was so weak and and worn to a Skeleton, that his Friends expected every Hour to find him dead. He had Advice, and took Abundance of Me-dieines, bitt to 110 Purpose bis vomiting of Blood still in creascd, rather than His Friends were advised to make a Trial of that excellent Medicine, Daffy's Elixir, which has done so many great Cures when all other Medicines have failed the taking of which Elixir, by theBleffing of God, has restored him to a perfest: State of Health, which he has continued in ever fince: And find-tag such extraordinary Benefit by this Elixir, Ins Father and he delired this great and admirable Cure might be publilhed for the Benefit and Good of Mankind. A Son of Thomas Roddel of Rawdiff, Yorklhire, by taking but one Dose of thii Elixir, voided 28 large Worms, and Abundance of imall ones He was so ill before he took it, that nobody ex-pested he wotild have lived an Hour. MrsMaryBatesatWotton in Gloucesterlhire, who was near three Years in a deep Consumption, continually spitting Blood, having at the fame Time a violent Ague and Fever, being also worn away likc a Skeleton, and given over as incurable, was perfeftly restored to her Health by taking only five Bottles of this most excellent and noble Daffy's Elixir, to the Astonilhment of all her Relations and Neighbours. Thomas Beddoes of Culmington, near Ludlow, in the County of Salop, aged 7, was so violently afflisted with the Gravel, that Ins Life was despaired of; and by taking twoBottles of this True Daffy's Elixir, was perfeftly ciued in nine Days.

Mr John Hill of Lincoln voided eight large Stones near as as Kode Beans, with Abundance of Gravel, bv taking but two Bottles of this right Elixir, which exceeds all the Medicines scnt about ever yet pieparcd. Mrs Mary Cousins, near Alhby, in Leiccfterfliire, had a violent dropheal H.unour almost a Year. being so fwelled that stie was conhncd to her Bed for several Weeks: Slie was not able to feed herseif, or Hand 01 Foot. beirg given over as incurable but taking at Times, four Bottles of this excellent Elixir, (the fame So which is seid at the Printing Office in Pilgrini-strctt, Newcastle) it made a perfeft Cure of her. cwiuc, the Townlhip of Akeld, in the Highway leading from Wooler to Milfield, and other Places Thereforc, any Person, or Persons, a-minded to undertakc the b'uilding of the said Bridge, are deiir'd to leave their Proposais, in Writing, at the Clerk of the Peace's Office in Westgate-street, Newcastle, some time before next Lastet Selfions, when Ins Majcsty's Justices of the Peace will take the fame under Considctation, and contrast and agree for building the said Bridge.

To bc xu Situatc near the Mavor'i in the Clofe, Newcastle, ACommodious a h'd House, with seven Fire Rooms, most of them neatly hung, having good Ccllars, a pleafant Yatd, a conhant Supply of good Spring Water, a conve-nient Brew-houfe, and Liberty of a Summcr-houlc and Bakony, which ptojests over the River. Enquire of Mr Robert Johnson at the said House, or at his Shop at the Bridge-End. To l)e Xett. And enterl upon at Whh sontide next, TWO a at 0 1 1, in Norhamfliire. Also a very good Dwelling-house, lituate at the Last End of Comhill, very comniodious for Lodgers in the Well Season, with a large Garden i a Parcel of Ground, fuflicient for the Conveni-encies of a Publick House, may be bad along with it.

For further Particulars enquire of Mr Robt Bulman, Attotney at Law, in Mor-peth, Mr Matthew Dawfon in West Heriington, or Tho. Dickiuson at the Last End of Twisel Bridge. 1 upon Tyne: Printed and seid by JOHN WHITE, in.

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