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The Newcastle Weekly Courant from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England • 4

Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

giert myerfarion iK tbe mw ok teM- I ing, At Holgate, blte niil'e srnm ihebiUi itwat suggestcd 'the best modo wouldbe Hghtniiig appeared like a baTl ofsire T' DgcncotMi 11 wat luggciic iw -v with the House, that day, and 7000 more arc txptcted from ih.cirdiffcrefit-camps and (tations. This day fome thoufands bf Protestants me; St Georce's Fields, in order to vroceed from thence in to wnhdraw tbc bill but being lodged could not be donc. i ne tun wa tnerei: jttvcu mim oreaatui explohon, a verv VrH which st sh.vered from top to bottom ad tbe (HO A Ost My mime appearea in a amP -yz. ments, and the rll .1 fr some and the portable. The inhabitants were areatlu forturiately no other damae was hfil The fame day, at Bridlingtfn, fe violent fall of rain and hail ever remitSlS' raft with much hunder and lightning ad that great damage has been done in the hood.

Several of tbe hailstones me se in circumfcrence, and one in particular incnei and a quarter in diameter "dto werebrolcen. Lady Boynton's housc Bvirton Agnes fusseied greatly most 0f .1 84rn liot-bed glasses being btoken. an Hl lh Barden valuable ed 15 luppofed to amount to 300I 8 sw 0. (Jn tlie Ulnl several the crows were killed by the ol(l were oblong othefcvl square, and laid so deep in particular dL 0nie tieKt day they might have been uken Last Thurfday. evening.

about Ztf' g-e ater fall of ratn in thss city and vS'ohu aecompanied with more thunder and liol? Urho(1. that above described. The rain pidly.that many streets fable. At a farm-house near ffi ol about fix mile, north from henc! homtsM' and a greyhound bittst. ver? unfortunaTsei- ife" Ihe lightmng the farmerVfon tvere rthe kttchen at the fame WAK Ulcntly struck, but ate now happily ouVbf Itis mticbto that many more happened than have yet fome SSfc fitw.

A letter from London, tothe Drin paper, dated Tuesday night, nine We are all in confufion in te citv-taken all the goods out of Mr Akerman's ffi not release the Notes, confined there. SS? 5. Sir George Savlle's regimentof ftilitia have, l.nce our last, reeeived Orders! For Newcaflle, and the places adjacent- thpfiriu fion on Friday the ,6 the sec'ond on Mtb, and the third on Monday, he 18H, ostfif On Pnday sc'nnight, Mr Ralph Nowell ters Hall, near Middlebam. PS ieS canal belonging to Sir George Warren, at PoimOB 1 fsCMUe-, about nine o' BK lest Macclesfield. with an intent.

to Stockport that night, but on the Si was metby fome v.llain or villains. whoatteS to roh and on Ins makmg fome refiflance, htm yery cruelly put a gag in his mouth, and him into the canal. H.s hat was cut in two dissZ places im great coat which was foldcd up andbud Icdon tbe faddle before h.m, was cut through so dages, and bis faddle bagsalso cut in manyE There were sevefral marks of violerice on him 5 lotind. Who the perpetrators of this horrid rnurS are, 13 not known, but hue and crys are sent all over thecountry, to -take up every stifpicious person- (for adescnption ofone, see Hue arid Cn.) 1 Whttthavtn, Junt 6, THe rdute of the Durham thihtia, to Berwick uppn Tweed, arrived here on Sun. day but the1 regim'ent are ridt tp seave town till tlicv a body tothe House ofCommons to hear the faxe, pf their petition, whidh is to be taken into cotisideration.

this day. If the griera'nces complainedpf in tleir petition are not immedjatcjy redressed, and the Roman Catholi: bill repeajeo1; (t isVeared tbe conse-quences may be fatal. The mtlitary are ordered out this afternoon against them, as well as all the consta-bles in theiry of A proclamation was issued this day, promifiog a rt-ward of 500I. for difcovering and nrosceuting to.con-viction any person concetned in pullingdown and set-ting fire to the chapel of any foreign minister, and bis Majesty's gracioiis Pardon, except to cke person who firlt began to pull down and sot liretotnesaid This day, about one o'clock a prodigious mob, with blue cockades, assehibled at Westminster, and before two bad increafed to such a umher as to ren -der it necessary for Mr Jullice Ilyde to call in the aid of a troop of light rangerz to Keep tbe peace. This not being sufficient; several other parties of horse und foot were sent for, notwithstanding which the mob were not in the seast intiniidated, bot inliffed upon the Company with in very carriage toery, No Popery," which being Complitd with, they were sus fered to go on.

Lord Sandwich was the only member oscillier house that bad been infulted wheti this paper went to press he was stopped near palacc-yaro very much Ipelttd, and at last obliged to take snelter in the parliament coffee-house, from whence he waseseorted by a jparty of the guards to his wn house, the mob not suirering bim to go to the house of Loids. Lord Geprge Gor-dqn came down about wo o'clock, but was not so much applaudedas mighthave been expectc'd. Htiuse oLords, Jnt j. Earl BtlhuYfl lamented that their Lordfliipi sliould have been put iuto the very moirifying and disagrccable siiuation in which they were the day before; by a riotoui and tutnultuou mob. The Miniflty, whose duty it wa to preserve the puWie peace, bad taken measuret to prewnt their and he trustcd they wouhl he elkstuI.

They isotaVien tvery poullJe caiV to preverit the lumult of the day heforc. He trustcd that rigorout and elFictiial 'rneasuict would be taken to brfn the offenders td edn'dfgi iiriilslime'ot, and' for ihap purpose he humbty atl arfdtes bc pttscrited to Ins Majesty, that his woul'd bc gracioutly pleased to give directioni the prper officen, to prosecute in'ari cstcctual manner the abetton, and intlruments of the outrag committcd on Friday latt, by die mob, in tie viciaity of the Parliament and in the chapel, of foreign Embastadort." Duit vf said, he had no objeAioh to the mrition proposed iudted he thought it exceedingly hfopit and necessary, not only in the public peace, but 10 the dignity and independen of Parliament. He huped, that the'prose-cution would bc an etfectuai one, and that no reg'ard1 wOuld be paid to the rank br formte e'dP'nten. He was ready, Ke said, to give praise to Ministers whcn he thought it was due, and in the preseut indance ihty had acted Wi sdy. Tbe Earl es Sbtlburnt approved of ihe motiun, but with great Iwmanity bofred Tttit MttrsiuTy Would 5 irtofeTaiiiioui to contrive (wasores of prevention, thau puniflinient, Tbt Eartnf Atihfiltn said, that the relaxation in govern-ment vit the lause of ihe tumult, and the ought.

to be prosecuted rither than the people. Tlu Marquis of Rtcki.ngbani took up the with great hununity, atfd aroVed of the moiioh for the pro-secution at exceedingly nectssary to preserve the freednm and independencenf Parliament. The mob arc not stt blame-ablc as theile who had insligatcd them to ihe Madness, and ceitaialy the advertisement, figned by George Gor-' dOn, ought to have drawn the attention of hiiltojellyV Ministen. The motion ai agxred to. LcrJ St Jobn moved that the proper ofHccrs dolay before the House a eopy of the dispatefiet from Sir Geo.

excepting stich paflagei at might give insormation to the enemy Tbe Earl Pcmbreke secondcd the motion. Tbe Earl of Sandwich opposed the motion at itn proper and unnecessary. All the pari I of Sir Georg Bodney't public letter which could give the public tbe insormation that they wantcd, had been publjlhcd. He had indeed re-ceivcd a private letter from Sir George Rodney, -but that private letter he did not thirik himself at liberty to lay btsere ihe public, nor before theULoidshipt. Tbe Darr Eicbmwd also eiplained the difference of private and public All letter which lud rclation to the public busmess were public, whatever they might be marked for it wat comtnpn among the officers of the crown, in their disbatches to minister, to rite, "private, eunridential, rnofl, in their letters, not becaufe they were comrnunicatioat of a nature, but because they were not to be opened by any clerk in Office, but by the minister himself.

Undoubtedly, there were letters ali'o that were strictly private. The wrespondence of private friendship was fucrcd. On a divilionthereappearcd, contentt not contentt The Duke of Ricbmond resumed the buGnest in which he was interrupted the day before. He recapitulaied fhortly the arguments which he lud uscd, and came to that part of hit Ipecch whcre he said burgagc tenurt ought to be aboliflted. The noble Duke came to the aigument for an nual parliament, and after sltewing in the musl difliotct mattner, that they were the ancient right of the people, he answercd all the objectiont that had been raised against them.

The clear and jull repiesentation of a fr people, was a representation; and thi the ancient right of Bri-tons, until in the reign of Edward III. it redueed and confined to property. The number of men in England between the ag of 1 and jtf has been calculated by Dr Price to be about a fifth of the whole, that is about 5,000 men. Instead, how-ever, Of thi, those who were iutitled to vote for represen-tative were no more than 1,4,000, of which about voted for the Borough membert, and lent a majority to pat-liament. There was no just nor eoual reoresentation in th'ii Thurfday andPriclay's Posts.

rJ tONDO iJic t. iK 8in to Admiral Sfetfe to up he Sfllft lPeni thciriunllioi whicli is ln expected. with lt. outwaTd-bound fpke ick ai sea bv a cuucr, whKh1Sarf1tdatpjyrauuth ooSaturdaylutt, clear of die Chaonel, all well. In tbc Houle of Coiiimons, on Friday last, the fol-lowing gentlenienvoted for going into theirnmcdiatc consideratioit of the petittons of tbe Protestant Association Sir P.

Jeonings Clerke, Sir Mich Lc Fleming, Sir James Lowther, Sir Joseph Mavvbcy, Mr Polhill, Mr Tollemache, arl Verney. Lond George Cordon aud Mr Aldernian Bull were Tellers. This day were re-examined at Bow-street, the young men alten up on Friday for a riot, and on fus-picion of vrilfully setting fire to the Sardinian Embas-sador's chapet in Duke street, Lincolo's-inn-siclds; witen they were all diiclurged except three. Lind, In-wood, and Twycrofs, who are to be tried on Thurfday. John Twycrofs was taken ctjtning out of the chapel, on hearing that the guards were arnved.

Joseph Lind, apprentice to MrMaberly, Coach-pairfter, Long-acre, was provedtobe tne young man, whom they sw bvirn a folto book in the chapel, and attempt to barn a vtl-v cufki-5. Thomas Inwood, footraan to Mr Mayo of Queen-strect, was fecured at the i(oor of the cha-pel, and on siarching Kim, a quantity of wax candlcs was found in bis pocket, At the faine time one Rund, a blackfmith, aGer-man, was exariitned. During the riot at Count Haf-lang'schapel, in Warwick-street, on Friday evening, this person was obferved by an Elizabeth Canning, to bc carrying several loads of furniture, frorn the Count's chapej. She followed hiin, and faw hirn enter with it to a house in Swallowstreet, andcarne back, and inforrncd the servants of what Ihe had fecn. On fearcliiog the house several pieces furniture bei anging to the Count's chapel were found in it, particulany partof the imt' that hangs before the altar several pieces of one bf the dpors, chairs, tlie Count's servant fwore to bis mailer property, and fome of the chairs, were his own.

They were escorted to Newgate, about o'clock this afternoon, by a deiachment of foot guards. The Cscliolic Embassadors bad a meetiog yesterday in St James Vstreet; at the breaking up of which Couriers were sent off to their several Courts, with aecounts of the demolition of their chapels to which are siid to be added several pointed observations by no mcans in fatouir of the present civil government of the British dominioris. Satarday died fuddenly, as he was fiep ping into his carriage, Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; for-mal Govcrnor of Massachusetts Bay, in which polt he suecceded the late Sir Francis Ikrnaid. London, June 6. Yesterday being oBscrved as the anniverfary ofhis Majelly's birth day, there was a yery noble appear-' ance of the Nobility, Foreigii Ministers, and other perfons of distinction at court, to complimcnt their Majesties upon the occasion.

The ladtes' drtsses in gcncral were compofed of lilac, white, and straw-colotired silks, moil elegantly trintmed with floweri, silver spotted gauze, ornamented with seil. Amongst tkeladies, Lady Parker, latelymarriedto Lord Parker, ot the Earl of Macclesfield, at-trastcd the eyes of every one; Ihe was dressed in a lilac and (ilver, fuperbly trimmed, wif.h variegated lilver gauze interspersed with tiffany and soiL The Gentlemen's dresses were for the greater part chiefly spring silks, slo vered and plain, with tissue waillcoats. Lord George Germaine woreamolt beau-tisulstuff, os the manufacture of Ireland, which was enibroidered with silver, interspersed with foil. The other gentlemen particularly noticed by the ton, were the Duke os Lord Carlille, Mr Smith, Mr Hartford, and Mr Gonlburo, whose suit surpassed every one ptefent at St James's, Their Majesties came into the ball-room last night soon asternine Prince of Wales and Lady Augulta Campbell opened the ball about 20 minuets wert danced, which were fiicceedcd by couniry danecs andcotillons. Their Majesties lest the ball-room soon after elevcn o'clock, and went to the Qiieen's palace.

A moft beautiful foreign lady, very little known, attracled the notice os all the belles and beatix yeltcr-day at court, for the legant sancyof herdress, and her accompliflied carriage She is a Russian lady. The Russian Embassador's carriage was extremely magnilicent, the pannels being adorned with garneu and other itonci. W'a are informed from good authority, rfiat Lord Surrey, eldett tothe Duke of Norfolk, has pub-licly avowed himself of the religion of this country, as by law eilablistied a declaration which, at this crifis, doe infinite honour to the House of Howard. Yesterday the popubee continued very riotous in Ropemakers-alley, Moorfields; they continued to barn every thing they could sind in the Chapel, School-house, and dwelling houses belonging to the Roman Catholic pcople; every piece of wood they buraed, theroof of the buildings not efeaping. They pulled down a house belonging to a Roman Catholic School-maller in Moorfields, in about one hour, which whendonc, fome thoufands went to a Popifh School in Charles-fquare, Hoxton, which they also Hellroy-ed.

Guards are placed at the Sardinian and Bavarian Embassadors Chapels, night and day. Yesterday a band bill was dispersed through the cities oi London and Westminster, signed by the President of the Protestant Association, in which is the following resolutions Resolved unanimoufly, that all true piotesta.nts be requelted to Ihcw their at-tachment to their beii interelt by a legal and peacea-ble deportment, as all unconstitutional proceedings in so good a cause, can only tend to prevent the mem-bers of the legiflature from paying due attention to the united prayers of the Protestant petition." Betwcen tw'elve and one o'clock this morning a large mob assembled before Sir George Savile's house in Leicester-sields, and alter breaking all the win-dows, they soon stripped it of its niost valuable furniture, which they burot before the door: On the atrivas of a party of the horse Grenadier guards the rioters dispersed. The bill that so much irritates the assdciators.was brought into parliamentby Sir George. Last night about half past ninc o'clock, the under part of Mr Rainsforth's hotise.inCare-strcet, was de-roolifhad by a large party of people, who astet wards ptoctcded tothe bouse of Mr Maberly, coach maker, in Linie Queen street, which they forced upen, and destroytd every thing that came in their way. These two persoiu were evidencos against tbose who were examinej, at Sir John Fitlding'i.

1 This day all tlie guards, both horse and foot, were to be in readinsjto suppress, at a rriornent'j warning, any riot ortuniultthat migtbe attefnftedT-dhe civil Eowers are also to atd, and we hear orders liave sent into, the Cuntry for detachments the prmy to ruarch to the metropolis. tio lcls 3000 soldierj arrived in town yester WlIiaffl Jonet, bf Broad-street, Middlesex, fotseller William of Biirton Dassett, Warwickslurc, Dealer Tho. Douglas, of New North-sticet, Middlesex, Apotlucary William Vobd, of Princes-slreet, Surry, Mariner John Shand, of Coldbath fields, Middlesex, Soap maker ChnlesWIiittinghini, ofDunstaWe, Bedfordstiirc, Carrier Lake, of Thoringtoti, ElTci, Grocer and Linen-drapet Mose, Kittier, of Ringwood, Southamptonshire, Mercsr Newcastle, June 10, 1780. Thurfday se'fmight the Judges met in Lord Chief Justice Manssield's Chamber, Wcstminller-hall, when Lord C. J.

De Grey and Baron Hotham chosc the Northern cireuit, for the enluing fummer assizes. It isexpecled that before the timeofthe above ctr-cuit's takingplace.a Judgeon the Northern cireuit. in the room of Lord C. J. De Grey, will be appointed.

Sunday being bis Majesty's birth-day, when he entered into his ajjd year, was obferved here with ringing of bells; and on Monday the fame was re-newed: at noon tbe Royal Lancalhire Militia was drawn upon the Sandhill, before the Right Worfhip-ful Frlncis Forster, Esq; Mayor, the Aldermen, Sheriff, and a great number bf Gentlemen, wbere they made three excellent voilies; and his Majesty's hcalth was drank amidst the acclamations of a great con-coursc of pcople. After which his Worfhip gave a Srand entertainnient at the Manlionhouse tothe gentlemen bf the town and neighbourhood, when a Company of the militia attended in the court-vard, and fired a volley at every health, and his Wor ship gave a handsome present to the private men to drink bis Majesty's health. In die evening there was a genteel assembly. Dn ihe above occasion, Sir'Blakeston Conyers.Bart. Cdllector, and theOsticers of the Customs, had a grand entr-rtainment at Brodle's in the Biggmarket.

Wednefday sc'nnight the Rev. Mr Hardcastle was prescnttd to bis Majesty, on his late marriage with the Countess Dowager of 'Mexborough. Tbe petition of the Protestant Association in Newcastle, presented to tbe honourable House of Conlftbris, ine td inst by Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart, and secondcd by Sir William Middleton, Bart. Sir John Treyelyan, Bart, being absent, The above petition was ligned by 766 t. -V- Monday, the first diviiion of the Royal militia, which liave been in quarters here upwards twelve monibs, will march on a rout for West Wednefday, at Hexham races, the fweepstukes of 10 guincai each, was won by Mr Baker's Orpheus, Mr Trevelyan's Tnncalo (i), Mr Bowes's (3), Duke of Hamilton's Phaon (4), Mr Hudson's ch.

filly Mr Liddell, MrRiddell, Mr All-good, Mt Fenwick, and Mr 'Snowdon, paid. Thurfday, the toi. for 4, 6 yr olds, was won by Mr Burdon's bay filly (entcred at the post) 1 Mr Hutton's Hatlequin i MrRailton's Silvertail 4 3 Mr1 Renwick's bay mar'e 4 MrDawson'sOberea 3 Lord Algernon Perty and the Most Ndble Errington were Stewards for the ensuingyear. A-letter an officer in Sir Geo.Rodney's ileet, to bis seiend in Liverpool, fays, Four of the Frcnch flect struck to ours in tbe late engagement one to Adtn. Rowsey another to Adm.

Parkes, in the Prsncefs Royal; another to Adm. Rodney, and aichther to Edwards Com-wall. If that day, wefhould have taken and destrpyed als tJitfr sle'et. But several of fhips were at such a dislance that the enemy fobn rescued their sbips. Wejbavc chnnged our co-wardly Captains into fmaller vesscls at present." A diseoverv ha, lately been made of a atro-cious piece of villainy, by sorrte perfons putting cop-peras into a Well near the" hassway-houfe on the Shiclds road.

i rewaWii offered in the ihe an i Cry so the disebvery of the offendeTS. A few days ago, at he Public Office in Bow-street, Lotidon, John Arther Robertson was bound to prosecute John Remp, for ftealingCarnation Plant, ralued at j). from his Garden near Chelsca. The Chatham man of war, in returning from con-voymga fltet to the Baltic. bas taken the L'Alexan-dride privateer of 10 guns and 7 men, with one ransomet and retookthe Jackall cutter of 1, guns.

The price and of bread as set forth by tba Magistrates of this tbWn Monday last, viz. Lra daao Wheateh BaitiD. Ib. oi. ir.

1. i. Apcck Ibaf (weight) 17 fl 0 (price) 0 HalfpeckdO 11 't Quartern do i 4 8 0 tf 1 Bread. Ib. 1.

ir. it A 1 penny loaf 14 8 0 1 A 1 penny eake 1 3 A penny ditto 7 4 0 I A halfpenny de 0 910 A 3 penny ditto 10 0 Murried. A sew day ago at Cockermouth, Mr Hugh Beeby, an eminent Leather-drefTer, to Mist Thompson, eldest daugbter of Mr Joseph Thompson, both of the simc pliee. The xeth ult. Mr Wm Dodgson, of Hethcr-sidc, a reputablepreacher among tlie people called at their Meeting-house at Syloefide, near Kirklinton-hall, Cumberland, to Mist Naney Bell, of the same place a very gteeahlc young Carlille, on Sunday se'n-night, Mr Isaac Lothian, of Newbiggcn, near that eily to M.s Mary Bond of CarltoaSame day at Penrith, Mr Willum Forst, a cap.tal Linen-manufacturcr in Carlille to Miss Watson of Penrith, an accompliflied young lady' with a sottune of 3000I A sew day.

ago at Cockermouih, Mr Joseph Beaty to Mr Drewry, relict of the late Mr Drewry of the Qiiaker Meeting-house, Mr Jererniah Spencer, an ingeuinut Gbinet-makcr, to Mis Ilarnson, daughter of Mr John Harrison, of Cocke.mouih. --Satujday, in London, the Earl of Tyrconnel, toMiss Husley daugliter of Sir, John Hussey Delaval Bart Tuesday, atBranspeth, Mr Lila. Angas, of Red Barns, to MiftSallvJoplin, of South Brandonj a young lady grcatiy d.stmguislied for her many virtue. and at Darlington, John Whits.cld, to Miss Jane Booth, both of that pliee. Diti.

Last weck, in London, the Rcv. Dr Cuthbert XV lanson, Chaplain to the Hon. the House of Commons, Wath, an, one of the Prebcndaries of tlieCol-cgiate churchof RIponMond'ay Harrogate, Man? HMfidd' Es1i os ThorPc reeo.uear Munday, in Cateshcad, Mis, Htintlcv, hlter to Mr Hnntley, Attorney at Law there.On Friday mortiing, of an apopleay. Mr Robert Scott, in tbe flesli-Market; wa, humane, and charitable to several indigettt f.niih: hitintegrity and manly heha-viour will bcloogremembcred, and lincciely lamentedbv a nurrwrou acquaintance. Yesterday, in Nen-catc-flrcet Mrs Ncilit wise of Mr William estlitLast ffijg 15WWJ 's EsJl George Mon.oc.

Esq; andUntle Monroe, K. 3, Xot 7 Last weck thcNorthurnberland re-girneot of 011 rnarcbed through Starnford their routc for Darking camp, in Surry. Yesterday sc'nnight, between one and two, we had a heaty rain, attcoded with much thundet and liglu- are reiievca oy tne Weltmorland miliiia, who, it laid, are to march in here on Friday the i6th inll Gapt. Harringtonpf the Cumbei'Iand militia, ispro. jnoted to the rank of Major in the Weltmorland batu-hon in the room of Major Moore, who has Edinburgh, Juni 5.

This day arrived in the road of Leith, the Countess of Buchan of Aberdcen, Rok AllfS-h 1 I. knlUsl I f. t' iiwues oatn, tnat yelferday tbe 4th about ten o'clock A. M. betwixt Bass and le of May, he was taken by the Princefj de Rokig prfvateer of Dunkirk, mountingso guns, belides swivels, and of men and that he was ransomed for too guineas.

And he surther makes oath, that two hours after he was taken, he faw the said private-r take another floop, and a number of other reflels were dien appearing, of which the pri-vateer was in chace. In consequence of the above Information, the Magistrates, this day, sent off an express to Newcaltle with the intelligence, as none of thearrned the road can getont, on aecount of the wind being at N. E. There is therefore fome reason to hope, if the wind contiaues to blow, for a little time, from the tamequarter, that this privateer maybe intercepted. GO ch 4 4.44 To ihe Mayor.

Aldermen, Common Council, ani Free Btugesses of the Town and County 0 NEWCASTLE upon TYNE. GcMTLEMCKi AS the time for a General Election is approach-ing, I heg have to fulril the engagemtnti which ot a former occasion 1 publicly entcred into, of ossering niysclito your acceptance, on the 6rrt opportunity which oecurtei, for the honour of representing you in parliament. It is more upon the eneouragement of your past kW- in. uiuu jny eunnnence 111 my own mem, vcoiure to solicit your Aipport tbe only meritt 10 which I pretend, are the feclingt of a heart grateful in the highrft degree, for the patronage 1 have alrcady eipcricnctd fron you and attached, from tnotivet of the moil conscientitHit regard, to the peculiar interest of your town, and to tl general constitution of my country. Uponthesegrounds, 1 prefume, totally uticonnected witb any other candidate, for your favour, to aspire to a iruHi vhich, if conferred, lhall be honcstly discharged, andgrat-sally aeknowledged by, Oeiitlomen, Tour most obliged, and most ievolid fervunt, ANDREW ROBINSON BOWE.

Cmfvemr'fouare, May i78o. LOST on ihe 14M of fliaf From Mr Nuni.intfon't, A Young white Poiiifcr Dog, his Ears lis' coloured, very stmrt tail. ahd anfweri 10 the mm-' of PON TO. Vhoever will bring the said l'oter to Nuunington't aforesaid, lhall reeeive a handsome and reasonable erpence. W.Q.

Any Person that is found to have ihe seid dog 1 cufiody, after thit public Notic, will be prosecuted ai law dircdl. li D. On thi xjth osMaj from a Recniting Porti tft im gimeiit of Guards, at Rkbmoni, i TOHN 1UCHARDS0N, aged 24 Mi JJ cight inchet high, frtsli complexion, dark tiuctted, grey eye, and straijht made, by utc her, and said he wat born in tbc parisli.of St N' in the cotmty of Durharn hd on lien IlC darlc biown coat with ycllow bintods, brown with white button, a pair of new buckslein brceclie, a cock'd pprehend, the said dg him in anyguol, slmll recrive Three Ouine and alwve what it allowed by Act os Parliamft, plying 10 Captain Bvton, of tlie above Regiment, by Castlc, tu die laid county of Torjc mode and if it wat poslible to contrive any plan of gene ral representation, it wpuld rentier thit the most perfect go-vernment that ever the inuginatioa of man had formed. It wat hit idca that all the people os this country, per-sont of insane mind, and sebns under imprisonnient only excepted, fliould be iutitled to vote for a represcntaiive and in order to reducc thit 10 practiec, he suggestcd the idea of dividing all England int. districtt or.borough, in which every man ihottld be entitled to vote for one leprestntati ve.

The number of men in those borought so dhitkd and intitled, would amount to about 1700 each. Hit plan for the clection of the Pcerage of Scotland wat, that siween Peer fliould be clected for lifc, and for their heirt, and these sixteen 10 be entitled to Gt in the House without re-elcction, as Peers of Scotland. In the failure of heirs male, that another fliould he eleictedftom theitnuin-ing'Peerage. l'ifcount RtotmoH paid the noble Duke high on Ins dt pfh of reasohihp, at well at height of flight. The noble Duke had said that it trnposttblc praise the British constitution so ipuch at it deserved.

And it bad been well said by Montesquieu, that yr constitution te-duced to practice, excelleJ tlje of otlwr men. He therefore begged that we would, spnkent wiK kt we had, aUd to be, the proverb sayt, Plus Hi heggerf the ntihle Duke to rtflfct, thstt, we were a reduced statf, like Veuice or and'it wa, not, therefore, practiable to giv represeilfarion to every subject. He begged hiin to rtcollect that thegrcateK Republic of the old world wa ruined Ky ettrnditig reprsentation frorn the Uiacai ofRome to ehe uikauitauti et tke istant ptortncai..

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