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The Leeds Intelligencer and Yorkshire General Advertiser from Leeds, West Yorkshire, England • 4

Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

B'l PATENT THRESHING MACHINE. Ladt, t'iiruMry 12(0, 1796. THIS PATENT MACHINE will Threih all Kind of Corn twitectly clcan, and with Two HITDDERSFIELD CANAL. NOTICE is hcrcby given, That the CommUtee for managing the Affair of ih Hud-dci-trteld Cttial Company, have ordered a furtherCALL of TEN POUNDM PER CENT, (raiking with the ziis and fjimer Calli Forts Pound per Ceatuna) t'jfcc on the Pioprictort ofSturei in the faid Canal, in Rxspect of the Share which they tispectivtly hold thet'm, and that fach Cill ii so be p.iii into the I laad 01 rite Treasurera to the faid Com-vr, at ehe House of Mr. ledert, Brook, (one of the THOMAS FIRTH's CRED1T0R3.

Fiiivmt lth, 1796. WHEREAS THOMAS FIRTH, of Wally Fla, neu Caukiholm, in Hundenfield, in the Parith of Rochoale, in the County of Lancaltcr, CornMUler, Dealer and Chapnun, hatk thi, IZay con-reyed and asligned all kl real and personal Eftatet and to John Fbth, of Shepley Lanc Head, in the Patih of is the Coainty of York, Mallster Elihn Dickenfon, 0 Lower Kouse, at High Flau, in Denby, in the faid County of York, Gentleman lohn a man and fwo Boys, can Ihrem Irom Ntnc lo Fisteen Buihels of Wheat in One Hour, aecording to the Produce, or Quancky of Sfraw. lt thretkea Barley not only clcan, bot altnoft foultet it, which no her Machine hatli done and it makes no Ditierence whe- lud Treafurtr) in Huddertficld, in the County of tner i-orn be cut with Sickle, and lay itraight in tbe Sheaf, or loofc and DESERTED, Fram a Reeruiiiiit tetrty of the $tk Regiment of Fett, at Halifax, ABRAHAM ROLESTONE, by Trade Joiner, bornin tbe Pariih of Doncaster, In the County of York, Thirty.two Years of Age, Five Feet Seven Inchcs high, dark Coniplettion, grey Eyes and dark brown Hair inltsted the aoth of December, and wem away the a tft bad on a brown stiort Jacke-, Fustian Bieacbe, and an Apron. He marked with tlie Figute of a Woman on one of hi Anna. LX-wifi, WILLIAM MOORE.

Twenty- two Year of Age, Five Feet Four loche, and an Half high, fair grey Eyes, fandy coloured Hair, very flout made, and by Trade aCIock Maker he de-serted tbe 251b of December. Had 09 a Regitvtnlal Coat of the 1 71h, yellow Lcatber Breeches and a und Hat he is marked with an Auebor on each Arm. gA Whnever will anprobend the above Defekter, and caufe them to bc lodged in any of Hi Majefty's Coal, or brought back to the Party, (hall reeeive TWENTY SHILLINGS for each, over and above Hi, Majesty' Bounty, on Aoalication to Lieutenant Colebtooke, of the Gteenwood, of Longsield, in Langfield, in the Pariih of York, in Valrt, or Dank rngiartii Nett, at tne 1 imei, and in the Proportion! lotlowrg, (hat to lay ive Potmds per Ccnt'in. Part of such Call, on or be liautaa, in ttie latd County of York, Gentleman and Samuel Hanfon, of Todmorden, in Hundenfield, in tbe s.ikl County of lancaster, lonkecpet, In TauaTforthe ciiual Beaefit of all hisCtediton ho (hall forthwith alter fote tlie Foutih Day of ebrnuy neu end Frve Pound per Centum, her Pari and Remaiiitler of sueh Oll, public iNoticechereot accept ihc Froviltoni thereby made the Discharge of tlieir icspective Debta. NOTICE htrebj givi, That such Conveyance and AWgnmenl, togethei with a Statement of the Affait of the faid ThomaiFIrth (so at the faid Trultce are enahled to ftate) are now left at or hrfore the Fighteenth D.iy ol March neu, potlia-nnt to thu Otd'i of the Kid Committee.

AnJ, Holtet ii htetbi furthtr ginn. That the Accomtnodation es he Froptietoi, tbe Treasurer will end at the Gltibe Tivtm, in Aihro. under-Lyne, ein the seid Fourth Dar of FrluMry, ind the Seventeenth of Maich nt, so the Purposc of reeeiving the Ca.ll fram the Proprieton in that Neighhourhood. GEORGE WORTHINGTON, Clcrk to the faid Company. Attrimlem, Nrv.

lt'd, 79S- tne Office of Mr. Robert Alcock, at May Royd, near Hcbdcii Dtidu, in the faid Farish of Halisai, the In. 37th Regiment. Halifax, ipectunoi tne urciliton of the faid Thomas Firth, and tbeir Acten ance of the ProTtuoru therebv made and 1 bc above Maclune 1 made by John Jubb, and Machine. Makcr, of the Sole Patentee, who will send it to any Patt of tbe Kingdom, at the Pricc of 1 5 Cuineas tbe Purchaser to pay rhe Carringe, and Eapenc of letting it to Work.

The Horse Wheel, with the other Motion, to carry the Machine, from ol. to 30I. aecording to the Suc of the Machine ot Whcel, required. Any Person at a DifUncc, that chuses to raake the Wheel, See may be fornilhcd with a Plan of tbe Mill-wright Work, and Method of Settiog the Machinc to Work, (for Ona Guinea) and die Machine made at Leed, taken to Piecea, properly marked, and sent off either by Land or Water Carriage, so that any Worte tnay with Ease put lt together. All Letten, Post paid, will be duly attended to, and Order punctually executcd on the slurteft Noticc.

N.B. No Pay nie nt reuwred rill die Machine bc set to Work, and proved. Thielhing Machines of the edd Constructlon, altered at an eafy Etpence. Machine for and Card ing of Wool, tc, Jcc. uuda ufual, with tbe eiuickclt Dispatch.

Any Perfo wantlng further Information respect-ing the Patent Thrclhing Machine, may have ocular Demonstration, by applying, to Mr. Wilson, of Spen-Lane or Mr. George Hutnble, of Middlcton, wlio now ha the Mae Eine Work, ty An APPRINTICE Wanted. that such Creditort ai do not so accept the Provision of nie euu t-onveytnce and Aflignnient, lor Distharge of tneir rcipectirc UehK, will be eacluded the lienefit there. of, and the Money which n-ould luve aectued due to tnem undet the tarne, will bc paid oer to the faid Th, Firth, or hi Rcprescntative, aecording to the Trust theteof.

WAKF.FsELt). COMMITTRD ai a Vttgrant to the House rctwnat Wake Id, atr. sohkwui Per-tm, callinj himsetf JOHN HAUERTY, eil knowri at the Adn.irahv Oske by srvim on Board the soll. AU Perlon who hae any Claim or Demand upon the faid Thnma Firth. hi Eil ate or Effects, are delired Shipi, via.

ehe Frieatci fomnunded hy the forfhwith to send a particular Statement thereaf, and of mm Hon. William Cltmrnt Finch. The lapher of tue Natureot thnr Secuntiei, if any, to fon of the faid jo Gun, comtnandcd ty Captuin Pafhley, 1 he Boseas 1 rutteo'i, or to tne lau Robert Alcock and all Pci fJn indchtrd to the faid Thomaj Firth, are desired imtned! HEALTH. fhit Day ii Price 3. In Boards, A TR ACT upon DYSPEPSY, or Inpi-cisTtoH; and the Di-asaag and upon the isr amwatoi tot RaouLa Gout, andrhe Atohsc.

IaaxouLAa, rar Fltiko Oout With vaiiou Cafes of Nervous, Biltou, Pata. lytic, and SfpaOnodrc Affedtion, Difease, of Relaxation and Debility broken Constitotiotij Habit irnpaired by Intemperance, Climat, ate Togttbet with tbe 8pec. fication of the medical Vinue, of that aataraotdloary Pa tent Medicine, the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINC. TURE and ofthe vaiibo Disaase and Complalnta In which it adrninistered, and of it, Effect, Ae, Contalning much new and interesting Information upon such narural Caufe, a haae the cliiefest lnflucnce upon Health, namely, Fond, Drink, Cloathing, and Eiercise States of the Weither in Respect to Heat and Cold, Drynes and Moisturc Disposition of the Air in actatk-ing and repelllng watery Vapour, ttc. By JAMES RYMER.

Surgeon. Elentnth Edition. London, Printed for the Atahot and tbld by Tln-rtiis Evan, No. 46, Patcinoster-Row and by all other Bockleiter. trnzaie, cononajtoed Ky Lapt.

FJJan. He sav; that hc (omee from Londondtriy, in Itcland. ately to pay theis respectiec Debta to ferne of the faid 1 mit, or the laid Kotiert Alcock. and 1 1 Matine about Twtniy Yer ago in, the GdXii Company, third Ihvision, and wa difchareed ahoui Lenden CorrtsftnJiilg BAXTER's Entire New and Original HISTORY of ENGLAND, With elegant EmbellUbnrent. Infcrtbed to the Cortcfponding Society, to tbe her ooraerbui Corre-fponding and Political bocietic in tbe rarfaas.

Part of Great-Britain, to the Fricnds of Liberty in general, and to tbe Public at largo. Tbe wbole to be comprifed in the mo lerate Quntity of Fifty Nnmbers, Price only Sixpcnce each, forming a large and most refpectable Volume in Quarto, being tbe most convtnicnt and elegant Siae for such a Work, an which from lt peculiar Chepoes adapted to tbe Circumstme and Convcnience of Reader of every Clas and Denominatloti, whetber Rieh or Paar. Oa Satwrday next ivill be (Accorttcly printed in Quarto, on good Paper, and em-aellilbed with an elegant Emblcraaticat Frcntispiecc, reprasenting Liberty protecling the British Coastil. ion against tbe Attacka of Amrchy and drawn by Ryley, and ettgraved by Pollard (The Kllowing Number, to be cootinued Wetkly, tlsl completed in FitSy Ncunben only, Price onty Six-penct each) of New and Impartfal HISTORY of S. ENGLAND, from tbe most early Period of Gc nuine Historie) Evidente, to the End of the Year.

17116. An alarming Crifis, pregnaot ath tbe Fateof Empire, Kingdom, and Sinte. Contalning uthuxic, candid, and cireum ilantial Account of all tlie merrwrable Trausiction, iotetesting. Event, and rernarkable recorded in tbe Annals of Creat Briiain. With a coanprrheniivc Account of It, Orlglo and progrelEve State, the any Revolution it hat undetgone, it, Difcoveries, Conouest, Acquisition, Btctlci, Siege, Saa Fight, and her memorable Event.

Also, a concise ViewofthiAntienk and Modem Constltution and Political Est.iblilhancnt of Briiain, it, Institution, Parllament, Chartert Crant, Commerce, Art, Lilerature, Knowledge, Intention, Civil, Eccletjiffical, Military, aod) Navai Tratisaction. ikewile, A Cbronologlcal Acfiotm of all the Kang and Queen of England, with an impartlal Display of their respective Charicter, whether dllvinguistied for their Wildom in tbe Cabinet, their Military Atchieve-mcnti In the Field, their private Crimc, er their public Vice. Whertin will be included Anecdntei of ofher Peisotuge, sueh as Admiral, General, Starefinen, Historien. Divine, Philosephet, Lawyen, Oratort, Ire. Includlng also a of the Arnericaa War and Revolution, TotoiiebnMalfi te addtd, Historie of the Freneh Revolution, and tne Revolution in Holland, Jcc.

Tu -gelber with every memorable Transaction itspecting Inland, and other Countriu, with which Creat Britaia it any Way imerested. Tbe wliole teaing to display ibe Patiiic Vir, oe, of aetr Illustriou, Amtston, and Intet spersed with Reimrkt, Obsetvation, and Rrfttctlon, by which forme Errat, are cottected, AbfuVditie pointedj oitt, Fabulon Natratlona expung), Party Prejudice removrd, and what ha hithei to appeated ob (eure and doubtfol, authcnticited from tha refpectable EvU By JOHN BAXTER, Mcmber ofthe London Currcfponding Society, and Or.e ofthe Twelvc indicted and aecjuitted for Higb Ttea fon at the Old Balley. Affisted by feveral Gentle. men, distltiguiibed Frieod, to Liberty and a Parlia mentary Reform. London, Printed for tbe Proprletor, and seit, by H.

Symmd, in Paternoster-Ro and may be had of all the Bookseller, and Newsmen in Leed, Wakefield, Barnsley, Sliefrield. Rherham, Potrce. Doncsttr, York, HudderidZeld, Halifa, Brad. tord.Kelghley, Wetberby, Rochdale, MancheSer, Mr. Baxter's Addrtfi to the Public.

ProntMtd bt tfu Lvut et nun Coutrv. aU Sie Year, sutre on Account es hii losing the Sight nf hl gjj The real Eslatct of the faid Thornai Firth, situate at Pcarlhaw and Hadilingley, near Holrnfirth, in the laid County of York, und hi raluable Corn Mit called Wirty Mil new-erested MelFpaje called Wetij rtglit hyc by Ltghrcriing when at the llUnd of St. Kitt' lince then hc hm travellcd the Country (iloo with a nmt) an arm caiie trmiy an, all near Caukiholm, in the County of Lancafler, will be i the Harne nf Atm Weston) gtttlng Job whcre sie cuiild The lad Fixe whcre he worked, which Eight Weckt since, at Sheffield, with Jubny (ijottwin, in Qurrn't Street. The soll a Ueseriptlon of hin, John Hagerty T'htrty-nine S'rars nid, rave crt Stiren Inchrs hih, tlown ookinir, brown Conralexion, d.irk hrown lnio auvortiled tor Sale by Aun, ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY, Bigim f-iw tkt of Ftbtuary. Hair, hinging looff over lti Sfuldcrit giey Eye, with fTtHIS Lotttty the following utv targr Kpcclr nver hie njm lyr, lila Note tat her largo, md f.

ivnine Wjy nf ermmon nuroberor Capital Pnces, and the pre feit low Patct of Tickbts. to pe Cent, cheaprr 1 hin any formet renders a Mat (TV Any FerCm having any Charge againft him ate ter of i.mmediate Noiicc to Societle, and the uciired to appiy tne K.erpcrot the abuve Fla, Jmi.Y ae'h, 1706, To Reduce the Frice of Whtat. BtADroao. Fell. 1706.

WHEREAS OfEcial Information has been receivcd from Government, that in Con-fecjitence of the deficient Supply of Wheat, an actual Scarcity may take Place before the neat Harvest, unltf timely and efleSual Method ate taken to reduce the Conturnptioo thereof. We. the under.Iigned, impreffed with the Import ance of tbe Subject, do hcreby agree to the following which are tuaailar to thofe adop cd by boji Huul! of Pailjament 1 That wc will reduce the Consumption of Wheat in our Familie by at least One-third ofthe u'sual Quantity con-sumed in ordinary Time. In Order to etTest thu Re-duction, wc will cither limlt to that Latent tbe Zumtity of sine Wheaten Brcad, used by each lndividual in our Familie, or we will conto rac miaed Bread, of which not more than Twa-thiid, tludl be Wheat, or wc will ufe coatscr Whratca Bread, or adopt fotne her more expediern bot estt-ctual Method, and we will also genetally pmhibit in our Familie, the Usc of Wheaten Flaut in Pattry and Pudding. RzSOLVtD, That thi, Engagement fkall remaln In Force until Octubernext, unles the Pike of Wheat bc redoced heforc that Time, to Eight Shilling per Winchester Bulhel 1 And we di carnestly recommend In our Feilow Subject, to adopt and striitly to adherc to finiilar Engagement.

Public in gener ai, not to lose tha piefcnt Opportunity of DAFFY's ELIXER. THIS most excellent and well-known Medicine ha, been faitb fully prepared for upwardsof Sixty Year, by Dictat and Ca. No. to, Bow Church Yard, London, and attended with the happieft Sucres, in the Cure of tbe Gtavel, talcerated Kidoeys, tbe Gout, Rbcumalifm, Cbolic, Phthific, Droffy, Scurry, Surseit, Convullion, Diforder pecuUar to Women and Cbildren, Cnnsomptions, the Pile. Pe er, Ague, Flute, Spilling of Blood, Pain in the Dreist, Limbi, Jdnt, Ac.

Thl Eiltet ii sold Wholesale by Picey and Co. also Rakail by them, and in every Market Town in thi Kingdom, in Bottle of Eight Ounce each. Sold by T. Wright, Printer, Leed, and my be had of all the Distributor, of thi Pataer. Clxap b'ruh Treu, Trca, NOW SELIJNG, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at REDUCED FRICP.S, THE Extensive STOCK of FRUIT II.I FQREST TREIS, (rsnsed within Seven Yean,) puicnaimg on meuerate lerm.

E. Five Priie Twetity Thousand Pound each. Five Priaeaof Trn Thoofand Pound eich. Five Priae of Five Thousand Pound each, Eight Priiei of To Thousand Pound euch. Fisteen Prlac, nf One Thousand Pound ach, Twenry.fmir Priaei of Five Hundred Pound, eich.

Fielt und Last Drawn Gne Thousand Pound each. Fitiy Priie of Or.e Hundred OneHundred IVicnsFItey Pound each. and FifteenThoufind Ptizes of Elghteen Pound, each, Mr. NICHOLSON, At hin OfScr, nanfc.tlrcet, Coitihill. London, resiiect I lomtin and Esergicen Shiuht, tlie Erfcili of K.

K. Cai 1 RNnfta, lare nf Armley, near Leed, a ttv k- up! Ca of which liny had nt Plilby, War hm and CV. Imumungei, Erijgate, Lecis or of Wr.i Silllr, at the Nurfery. Mr Any difiroiu of purchasing the Whole wi'hrhe of the Nu sery and adjoitiing Fitldi, (in nll lli von Acn-fi, ilsfen Yenea of the Lease nexpired N. B.

Potatoe, and OatMeal, the frimimt Fotitf will be tsr-a-e 1 with on Tcrma. The ahnvc fully acquaiiits hi, Friendl, and the Public, that the Ticket, and iiirapt Half, Quarur, Eighthand Sitteenth eftgHle Stoil: f.t any Pcrfun heglnning the Nurtery Fialinefz, anarc, icninon Icwelt Terms. Orders from theCountiy.acconnnanied with cood Bill. N. lt.

All nwinz to the faid Bankmpt to be im rior in tea Curry, have ulually been rruied wtfh Wheat Flour we propose Rice, well powdered, a a much better Suidtitute, being ecjually nutrltiou and cheap. (3? Two Pound nf Flour, with Haifa Pound of Rice, will make Fire Pound, of slrcad. The Rice muft be panl inimrdtateiy ha Aflignne, Mr. T. worham, will be duly attendcd to, aml the Fric of the their Orden are receivcd ai London.

li Mr. William llywatcr, Commrn Brcwer JVf. losrph, allof Letdt, or Ac i lnni al Law will bc commenerd the Recovery of th The drawing of the Irilh Stau Lottery, being now go ing on in Dublin, an Express with the earliest Acenunt 'hat c.n bc obtaid, daily trive, at the aiiova Office, heby the may alway, depend 00 Ticket and Share. warranted undriwn, Mone fur the Piiie, a foon drtwn. To Reduce the Price of Wheat.

Lian, azth December, WE whoseNafnesirchereuntosubscribed, impreffed wich adeep Sense bf tbe Eeiltthat may be eaperienced by hi Majcfty' Subject, in Consecrnence of tbe delcient Supply of Wheat, unles, timely and ef-fectual Measiare, be taken to diminilb the Consumption thereof, untltit IhaUpIcase Divine PrcrVidencc to blesi thl, Nation with greater Plenty. Do niuar sererally promise anl engage. In the most solcmn to reduce the Consumption of Wheat In nur tespective Familie One-tldrd Patt at of the usual Qaantity confiim-cd in oidinary Time ckhetbyadopting coatscr Wheaten Bread. Oacen Bread, or Bread mund wich Barley Meal, Oat Meal or Potataes, or by some her more expedient but efsectaal Measure. And we do herehy pledge our-selvc, to our Country, and to eaeh her, that thi, solcmn Promise and Engagement fhall coktin-ae and be in Force until Fourtccn Day, aftcr the Commcncemcnt of tbe nett Seilion of Parlament, unles the aveiage Price of Wheat in thi Ringdom sliali be sooner redueed to Eight Shilling fura Winchester And wo do carnestly tc-comtnend toour F'eltow Subject, to adopt and Arictly to adhere to similat Engazemcnt, Whittel SlieenthaiiliSi John Micklethwait.

Simuet Buck. Joseph William Cookf in. Jamci Tcnnant. Edward Markland, George Baron, lohn Calvcrlcy. Bligbaough, Henry Halt.

Peter Haddoi, Ricli, Ramfden Brara'cy. Mi! Atkinsoa. Ztalfir in Htmr and ffisart, tih Ntuia td Im. farltat Uftoiy tf England mdtrtakm ftm tkt landab! Ahtivn of tkt rapid Stridei of Cirrupthn, ant btnJing tkt Im, Rod tf tU paoiynea, Cut st may bt tbt Pnbltc tbat snavtry fta, m-Jted, int leantd to tkt S.dt oCandoar and hnpanialityr and tlnfifiw writttn in a Slill tclmably Itbtrtl, art Irmittd a partJctdar Ptrmt wiilettkcrt, tut may Ikt dtttht, tut to infirm, tbeir Readtrt. Sntb Antfori, 'nr Abram Balme.

Thomas Broadley. John Biogden. Jame Smith. Richard Sclater. Ctolley.

Jame Rieh. Ilenry Blackbum. Yllllam Tetlcy, Thcuva, Pullan. lolm Blefard. Jame, Wilklnfin.

Matthew Kar. William Crahtrec. iarne Ward, Wood, rancl, Town. Jidin Bentley. John Hodgsi'ii, Jbh.i Maud, Joiin Prrilon.

Richard Crnllcy. lohn OuthwaitT. Kobert Rarnibothain. Jame, Marstia. Samuel Cr 'IIcy.

William Oamett. John sarrat t. T'hoina Jolinfon. Jnria? Atltinson. )o.

Fnc'lley, 4tc. lohn Ciosfr. William Atkinsort, C. S. B.

Skarpe. Joshua FicIJ. Richard Hodcideiu Richatd Hodgson. G. Bai ber.

F. Rawfoit, Tlvomn, Mann, lohn Aldetfon. John Rand. J. Holllng.

George Mawsgn. Isaac WQlson. William Oliver. Dau fon Humble. F.

Humble. Key. Richard Fawcckt, Edmund Pcckovcr. John Batne. Jame, Garnett, Thorna Holdipite.

Samuel HailiiovC. William Lcatb. forwa Mo wer. Toni nii Ackltifon. Jolhoa Field.

Sedewick. soseph Wilkinfun. "William Notihiop, Richard out cap nar.y rartt mtnb rttatt to tbe Rigbtl ant Littrties tf tkt People, in tbe SU ade, to ClnthSun. nalJeh rwld notaltowimdfer prrvatt Endt, undtftmti William Siiiithsun. soseph Whitelcr.

I'homa, Charleswari John Becke.1. rnmwny, Ijtotnyanatntironn- try. For tktfe and manyatber lUaJbni, it kai klon riitmmtnded to at, to virile a A'rw and of England, from tbetatsirfl Ptrnd, to tkt prtftnt mprriam and afarmlng tkt mmanmnted ol tbt Pnpritt, and ospSeb an Vndtrttk. agaf tbU Thnt, bttaaft mftt Mim Aukority maUmg cti.lderabit F.nroatiastnu, im tbt Littrtiet oftbe Ptoplt, arfrmitta Amfationl Mm tip in Piihn. and OWIemwtfkh tkmtb tjkmm.

Ard Walker. W. T. William Radsord, Cleorgr Rayson. lohn Sha.

Goorge Sha'iv. rORKSHIRE. To bc by AUCTION, 0 FriJy Mi ir( t)j MmIi or Graniy, in 'stric QkIi in tbtAjtummy ttefiihuliig Ltti 1 Lot I. PAKCEI, of A R. P.

2 filuite near to Higl, Hanoga in Ihr JamesGrovei.containing 10 0 10 Lot II, A IIWELUNCHOU.SE, with a PARCEL of LAND, calltd rh.JUi 11,11, ad-jaining thereto in hieb included a Quan-ti of goad Limt. Stone still ungut, and vulu-ablc Korkiiicj Linie Kiln now in Ufe, the Wholc situate ithin (hott Oistance of Knarcs-hro' Low Bridge, 0 at f- The above two Lots, and II. are within the Townstiip liilton with Hat-ogate. Lot III. A PARCEL of LAND at Meagili, near to Blnhber Ilnuso Im and the H.irrogate ai.d Skipton Road, 2J lx IV.

A nother PARCll. of LAND, tu. tc neat tlie 7 Tlie ahove III and IV. are within the of Titnble, id Pariih of Fcwston. Lot V.

TWO FAKCELZ of LANDadynin. ingtoeachother one ainingoA, sR. 10P. und tlie othet HA. iR.

4P. lituate near Day'a Ath, i 3 4 Lot VI, Armther PARCEL LAND near to the above Lot, and also to Da Ath, 7 34 N.B. The sbuve cwo V. aal VI. ate within tlie Tnwufhip of Man with with Pai ilh of Uiupfthwalie.

Lot VII. A PARCEL tat LAND at Swar-clitT, near Pope lnan' Lot VIII, A 1'ARCEL of LAND at Swar-cliil' Buttom, near New Bridge, Tlie ahve two VII. and VIII. arc within thtTownihip of Swarcliff, and Patiih of Hampithwaite, ntll All the above remis are CopyholJ within the Hnnour and Foiert of Kjiaiestno', and wete lattly the Estareosjohn Clough, Uy, decealed. Furtlun Particular, may be had of Mr.

Balnerilje, at Criinpie House, or of Mr. Dinfky, at thte Unnbr. in Harro ate. IVir truptipns in thcFnce and Skin. (S.

1,1 Kv 'I thiPilntrr ofthis Paper.) 1 OWLAND's LOTION, bjr T. Vincent I It. hlo, Loii Acre 11 vmAu Cure tnr Siirtelli and all Scorbutic and I the Fate and Sltin, however violent ijid rtii si JujstJan i also for i'Inaple, or Elmclie from Surseit or tatlwt Caofe, Itednes, 01 th Mus-, Chln, Arm, Ilvit-, anl that Specie, of Eruption and rdues called Sinrl. jtic Humnur, Hard umpt ot Kmh In the Skln, iti quent grealy nt oily Appeatanee, fickly Palenef, bUck Wortn, Vatt, Chilbhini kc and Inipuilty or Appcarauce with which 11, Sk-ti ,1. be iff.cted lt I tnld a almve in Pi itj of id.

The Guinea Cafe containing Fint fent free of 1 and f.ile to any Patt oft Mingdom, from No. er, I ji's Acre, oidy. A morcpai ticular Account oft he Vir i Atticle mayalsnlie hid of the VcniWs, Wi Ii or withimt tlac Medicine (Cmtii) in a Pamphlet of Pige, undtr the Aiitlmritlc and Attertatioii Of Ki in ilur first of Elegance, Falhlm, and tlability. PonWctl (liould ca-efnlly nbfrrrr that 1 1 Bnttlr is tijtiwd by the Friiprietor, Vincent, and i' I U-lei ison, and thar nonc eilt- ii penuinr. (- I he alvo may alfn he of J.

I'inn, Leed, i giir, Wakrf T. an ey 1 I fluddenkeld N., Halifia and of all Dirtrilumri nfrilt Paper. Knglifli State-lrfjttcry, 1795. nplCJUiTS SUARES of TICKETS.

im fclting in the grcjicft Varicty of and on the very Inwel! Perrna, Wright't J-kenfed Sitte Litter) Ofue, No. 57, Chaiing L'tols, Uindon, anpiinted hy Aul ho-ritj of Covrmineiit for the Sale of TICKETS and SHARES. Ticket, ate divided intn Halvr, Qiiattera, Eighthi-and biateentl, and which are duly ftainped with the Worii, Stt LtiTta bTMr-Orrict. During the Period of Twenry.feven Lotterie, Priar, have been fuld and fhared ai abaee, to the Amouot of Stwu Hun.irr.1 TreuJau.l Fcuiuft, dUal paid on Demand. Ticken and Share replltered at Sivprnre per bliim.

her, and the earliell lnlellitciice sent of theil Thok who tadfh to galn an lndependent Fortune, and tliosr whoivisli to inciease never Opportiuiity rflitcJ like the present. Obstrre the sollowing S.himr i and Ticket, at present, ue Seven l'oundi chinpet than last Lottert. SC1IEME. anongk lo oppojt Arbilrary Mtafnreiamong ivhm. wag am, maictet ty int Urown ttc Brgmtng tf OStobir, 1794, Eseven toV, Ilardy, Toolt, TtVftua, Bonney, KM, Jytt, lUtrtfl, fTardlt, Motrt, and thdgfim, and acgiiillid Die.

May tbtk Trialt lcatb anrl lohn Blayl. William Utv, Jnhn Wade Btowne, Henry Ibbetson. William Thnmpso'i. Joseph CocKoll. John Cookson.

lohn Barwick. Robert vavison. John Jiniiei Bischofs. Benjamin Gott. John Lee.

Thomuj Wright. Matthew Rliudt. Jihn Brooke. Robert Braitilcy. William Greenwood, Thomas Ikin.

Thoma Teiinaiit. Arhcrton Ra vstome. John Smilh. tkt DoetriM of 7rtafin front Horn Robert Gnalivun. Henry Spencer.

Samuel Spencer. Chriitopher Stniili. Joseph Wilkinfan, John Smith. L'inei Rhode Vclcr Rhode. W.

Walker, suhu Nicholson, Richard Palcy. Edward Armitage. R. B. Johnstoce.

wjjrmra, cmincmjtr toter ptllu Vtriuit and littrary Aiilitio i befiel, alt tSlijaT nntnteaponaiiy ecjerreel to, in erder to and afttrtttn every Subitft 1 tbe Aulhtntie.H r.f Emene, at, eeclnetblt Ort ofTtwi tarcfally p.eifed ibe filtkm Drtfitfytljebovtaadtke idlt Fant, nobat arr laorst. ib. Jf. tla Ir Pr William blicepihunlc', samc, Sct, jfHtd tiiisl Indignation. Itttete Vary of every trni-lorn Engltfimae, toreadant imbibe Ha Prmeifle, es kk and IHe.

tust di. Dar mervMar 's abn.l.. aUS-X. swrnri uw iktUvelhttfiosUerey. For 0 wbttMnd tsgtntroni Frtmt eam frtol, Tose kh Omtarj ntke gtllmg rte OfiafeCsrrnptmbtw 30HN fHELtPALU No.

Pnaee. Value of Walk Sielten near Baroughbridge. To be SOLD by AUCTION, 0 Mmiliij tlc7ivcity-ftt ir.J Day of Mhn bt-tmtnt'x Hcurt of Jiuo.m.l Fair sie jsttr-n, ftf Kon': of ittn. Cttiarirt lltnd, Itt Cny YrWl he, RmutflirJge, in Ihc County tf To-t, jyhji.n tu jueh Cnditnui tf Site eoi.7 ie ttn tnd litte prottmtj, in tkt er fut olttr Litt a tr.jy be agrtti astn at tit Tun and Platt of Halt, Lot t. A FREEHOLD or DWELLINO HOUSE, with fundry Barm, Stuhle, Feld, Garden, Orchaid and Crost, lyiiig contiiiou thereto, situate in Skclton, In the Pariih of Ripon, In the faid Coun-'y, and now in tlie Occuparion of Mr, Joseph Ray, aTen'ant at Will, LII, A FRLEHOLD CLOSB of PASTURE LAND, lyinp contijTio! fi tho faid Mestiiaga, called the Paturt, ecmtaining hy Ealirnation Sixrrcn Acre or upwarda, and now in the Poffeision of tue faid Juscph Ray.

Lot NT Anothcr FREEHOLD Ct.OSE of MEA-DOW and PASTURE LAND, tVuatem Skeltunaforc. faid, called the For Holmt containing by Estimattun Four Acre, and now also in the of the faid loleph Ray, Lot FOUR other FREEHOLD QLOSES of rieh ARARLE, MEADOWand PASTURE LAND, adjoiu-ing each het. Kroate in Skelton aforefaid, containing together hy Estimation Twenty Acre, or thercalnuti, and now also in tlie Possoflion at Occupation of the faid Joseph Ray. Lot A PIECE ot PARCEL of rieh LAND, situate in aVktbM aforefaid, and which wa, lately iucloscd from ofthe Waste Ground uf Skelton and adjoining to the Turnpike Road leatin from Ripon to Borooghbridge, contai, by Sureey or theteaboun, and lOK'in rhePostefNon ofthe faid Joseph Ray, Lot VI. Another PIECE ot PARCEL oft Ich LAND, fi! in SkriMn afuretaid, and being lattly also Part of tbe Waste of Skclton, and adjoining also loche Turtis ik? Road leading from Ripon to Borooghbridge, and contai iing by Surrey One Acre, be the samc more or and no also in the PofTessioii of the faid Joseph Ray.

ti.To a pleasant andairy Situation, and within Two Milci oftiSa Tonn of Boroughbridge. soseph Ray, tbe Tenanr, will ibev tbe rksaectite Prcmifni and tiar funher Particular encjuire of Mt Lee, t-tlrut'y ofr, ,706, nmm -01 ywry rar nyi trrrrepmg II all Ultra, lere if-J reirr, Are -A-J- Totjl 1 s.000 firmelten et tbt prtftnt im sah only belengi npostd tiptm tkt PoWctmt mt statt dran Ikt AtreaJr do tkt ttnitrd, OVurt Joseph nry Dundcrdale, Edsvard Brooke, John Plowea. lobn Cooper, WlUkn Hard. Tluma DaJr. Thona WilkinK.

Brvan Wormald, lolm Goodman. J. Reynolds. Richard NcJJm. Smithson.

Lei ds, and January, 1796. Thia Day tbe following Letter from Hil Otace the Duke of Portbnd, together with ihc Retblution, of both House of Parliimei.t, and the Minute of the Privy Counsef. wen? receivcd by the Mayer of thi Borough 1 St. Wn in n.M. agth Dec.

1735. I herawith transmit yoy Copy of a Minute of the Ui. of Hi Majesty' Most Honorable Privy Cowtcil, oa Twenty.feeond Instant, on Considerati, of tbe Refoiuiion, of both Hauses of (Coplet of which I inclofe) and of tho Agreement, entered into in tbe faid House of Pailiament, for reducing tbe Consumption of Wheat in Ibe diftecent Mode deferibed in tbe faid Agreements, by at least.Ooe-Third of the Oantity corifumed in ordinary Timeij and I harre tbe Ring' Comnaaad to eure that you will ufe yout beii Endeavoun to caufe tbe faid Agreement, or one of ihem, to be entered into and slrictly obferved in the re-mmendcd by the within Minute of CaunciL lern, mtf acWitat St'vnt, PORTLAND." Tbt Mtiyir tf Letdt. SWS "Fbe Benefit of such Engagement, es thi, beginn to ha fei, in all tbe Market In tbe Xingdom and there ia 0 if tbe People in general will came int them, ad fiithfully obferve tbert, for a scw Month lonzcr, but that Wheai will become plentiful In the Maikett, and bc seid tor a reafonable Price. Rtajonprnaid omtr tke Dtltjm tfSeplbpy aas 5 of io.cco 100 Fil Dra, Lad-Dravn Ptlrr Blank GALE JOHES.

Ltt at Cihent, ttke a Retrofptfl es all tke grtat llorhmt anjprnailinr Mea. SPILSBUR-y's DROFS. THE extraordinary (Bcttcy of the above AtiTUcoaanmr Daop, i surthrr cor.firmcd by th rernirltable Gare. I THOMAS, WOOD, aeknowlcdne that duimg a Period afTwtlm Month, I was aKittid with .1 Rheumatic Complaint to so feiere a Derree, that I conld not raife my Lest Hand In Uly Head without pe. viencing the tre-ft etciotiating Torture.

The Paioayfm of Pain wert so eiolent and succesfivf, that I could not obuin any Rrst cither Nlfht or Diy. Bot what aggta-rati'd my Mitftrnne, waa, ihii Conplaint being HMttM am an inretemte beutvy that covered neatly the Wholc of my Ffame. Every Mein, fb Relief fitoved fruitlef, in thii dreadiul Situation, nur did I aiperlenc the le.ast Benefit uniil 1 tonkihe ibovc Ant! scorbutic which 1 putchast'dosTHOMAB WainaiT, tbe Printer of per, a f'w Botkle, ol which happily temslated mein tood Healih; Circumlt-ince, in my Id, too inrerell. ing to niy Creature not to he eotnmunicated throiagh tlie Chirnieli of Public Information, THOMAb WOOD, Print Catter. Witnrs, Tboiuji! Jat.

Tiie above P.irent Antiscnrbutic Drop, ate sold In Bot-tln of 5'. and ll. 1. each, nt the Propriem'i Dispen-siry, Soiio Sjrnic, London; ai also Iiy T. 1 aid ir the genera' Veoder of Patent Medicin GrcJt.lhitain and fmttl tf emr Poreftthenlet titr Patriadm hlekrt tjitat Liftes our Comtary and rmtmber, T.

T'iv'i Letter kimiw ttaMaBa II A av tltPtnJilrJirtleaeon ov'l'elvet. evhitb wUtl rtetvtrtd." JvttN BATTT.P., In Ihr first Momli.r (whirb m. 1. Tickest 7 The Lotleiy begln Draarint Erb. 22, 1705.

Country L'orretp andern by ictriittini pcrid at Sight, pajfabl in London, or C.oh (Cueiageot Piisi' p-tid for 'ticket er nty dtpeta.i upon having heir Cornmandt eiecuted WKil the f'ni. In rrity .11 If Ih, Five Pound or undrr, paid th IWl-trafft, 1 ive Letleri of Credit, being the futefk Wjy of the Maney will be returned ifreejuired) Mr, Batter will fzi bir Nota of Hand to comniete tbe Work aareeablc to the Proposalt. 1 Ie Publae ata rarntftly requested to give pnfitite for Numbet 1. os BAaTae'i Naa HitToaT of Price 61. to be completed in Fifty Number! i'e-neats, Artide of and Subfcri-tions for thti Paper, are taken in hy the hditor by all the Booksellert in ewry Town in thif fvati tht adjoising Cotuties and also by Mr.

William Tatlii No. 5, Warwiek-Court, St. Paul', London, where it may be ften ewry Wajelt. rtfiding in tit Cottntry at Dtfanse fotp in, lUcs tirwgthH tktlStnxsmnfttsi, rsay btmthii faftr lest whtr tbtf fkese tt affoint; verbiet it sent sret of to ans Part es Grtat-SrHah..

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