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The Leeds Intelligencer and Yorkshire General Advertiser from Leeds, West Yorkshire, England • 2

Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Gearge's-Stfttt, arJ I A TU Hl) A V's POT. London, 2s. mmmmihi) canal. JfiTITP 13 dereby given, That the COMM1T- sor MANAGING the AFFAIRS of theHUD-DERSF ELD CANAL COMPANY, have nWe a ther Call of Five Pounds, npon and in Respect of each new or additional Share in the faid Canal. which hare been creatcd by the faid Huddersfield Canal Company, in Pur-iuance of the Act passed in the Fortieth Year of the Reign Tehm Maiesty- wtituled.

An Act for enabling the Huddersfield Canal Company to finifh and -complete the Huddersfield Canal, and for amending the Act passed the Thirty-fourth Year ofthe Reign of His prtfent Ma-o fr maltinS 2nd maintaining the faid Huddersfield Canal." And the faid Committee have directed that such Call be paid into the Hands of Messrs. Perfect. Seaton, Brook, and Co. Bankers, in Huddersfield, tbe Treafurers to the faid Huddersfield Canal Company, ia Caffi or Bank of England Notes, on or before the Twenty-fourth Day of May next. And NOTICE is hrreby also given, That for the Accommodation ofthe Persons intttled tothe faid new or additional Sharcs, in Payment of the faid Call, the Treafurers will attend at the Buil's-Head Inn.

in Manchester, on Saturday the Tvventy-first Day of May next, between the Hours of Ten in the Moming and Three in the Afternoon, for the Purpose of reeeiving the faid Call, from such ofthe faid Personsas refide in the Town of Manchester and itsNeighbourbood. GEO. WORTHINGTON. Clerkto the Company. Altrincham, April 19M, 1803.

WONDERFUI, Tl'ai tbe Prepc'-fy ej Srr4S af-Brantbam, TyiLL COVER this SFASON at the Price of ONF GUINVA MARK ir H'I LING the GROOM ihc thc Time of Coi-tring. and tho Rv a or before die Sixth of next. He isagood Bay, rvc rmarkably es Bcne, is abie to er, hurt ing. sor Symmctry and Action few can cx-red hirn and can walk, tret, gallop and mift Coverine Stal'icn that may appear him. Hc was got by Mr.

Vevers's Horff Yeung Morwi.k, won all thc King's Hundrcls ia One Vcir bis Dam (hc famousRoan Mare belonginjr the Rev. Mi. Kit.h.-i-gnian, ttfAlnc, near Toilerton, who, only be, r.i Training, wob Two Matches of t-itiy Gmueas each ovrr Harrogate, in one Day in hunting with thc freust Packs of Hounds ihe rivalled all ihe ever met with. and beat the famous trotting Mare that won the trotting Stake for I brce Seasons over Newmai ket. She was got by Negonator, Brother to Navigator), Dam bv Adolphus, and bred by Mr.

Hutton, of Marsk sor tbe Pcrfonnanccs of the above Horfes soe the Racing Calendar. He has been hunted at Mr. Vavasour's, Wcston, near Otky, has proved bimsest one of die best Hunters in the Kingdom, and is a certain good Stoek-e tti r. He will attend at the Wbitc Hart, Market-Place, Lccds. every Tuefday, (and pass through Harewnod to pa'-yhouic and Harrogate the fame Evening) at the Ho, le atld lit cnMa, near the Market Place, Knarelbro', every Wediicsd.iv ac the Crown Inn, Wctherby, on Thurldays at thi Malt shtv vel, in Pontefract, on Saturdays, and he will beat bi-, own Stablc, at Bramham, every Sunday througli.iut tht Sraiun.

ArRiL ljth, l.aKKP.I'F'TS. Mnfri.j: Waller, and Michie! Hightaw, di and chajmuni, and copartners. Hugh 'I'hurit' Hcni Hitc'hener, nt' ai. d-C' rt, warehousemon. David Gwynne, of W'm.

F. very, of New Sarum, fhopkeeper. Roberr, of Old chip ar.d straw-hat-inanufactijvcr. James C'urtis, of Oxford, wine and brandy mvrehant. Thomas of Hilberton, deakr ar.d chap-man.

Robert Trcdgold, of John Hudson, of Dtvoufhirc-Squarc, intrchaiit. James Harris, of txeter co-h-maker. Joseph Jones, os Wood-Strcet, leghoru hat-wareliouse-man. William Watkins.of Hereford.joiner. Tohn Ajrncw, of Grosvenor-suuare, banker, and Partner with Jam-s Strange, James Dafhwood, and George Peacock scar-ring on butmess under the firm of Strange, Dashwood, and Co.

in Bondstrcct). John Donald, of Aldermanburv, warehouseman. illiam Chater, of Charles-Street, Thomas Jones, of Allst, vintner. William 1-reeman, of Staniford, grocer and cheesemonger. William Johnston, of Wbitrfiaven, mercerand and chapman.

antue, Jacobs, of Tabernacle-Walk dealer and chapman. James Gane, of Bridgewaterrinnkeeper. HULL, April o. Imports. Danhne, Rowland, and Bergota, Pater-fon from Fast Ries.

Ti-aveller, Barchard, from Koning-lberg Rjchardson, Pmder, from Venicc. Horta. Bai ret from Mary Port. ArrhtJ. Friends, Potter Halifax, Mafon Roch-cale, btamland; ypply, Martin; lindeavour, Coggan; Barneveit, Calvert Swan, Steel Amity, Dean Aid, Hutchmson; Park, Ftirner Zealous, Dearman, and London, Gullys, from London.

Queen, Boneh Holdcrness backet, Maffinghani Samuel and William, and Age-nona, Sewinger, from Lynn. Two Brothers, Stewart, from Newcastle. John, 'Picket, from Louth. Earl of Dalkeith, lhompson, from Boness. Hannah, Everett, and Delaval, Mearns, from Poole.

Rose, Strachan, from South Hawkc, Spicer, from Roe bester. Mary, Dister, and John and Jane, Looth, from Spalding. Deith Packet, Campbell, from MM. Hu Packet, Lee, aud Experiment, Andrews, from ltbech. Lively, Crombie, and Jolly Sailor, Milne, from Aberdecn.

Britaimia, Cargill, from Montrose. Hercules, I 02er, from Dover. Hawkc, Wilberforce, from Glasgow. Margaret and Grabam, Eoremar, from Dundee. Friends Endeavour, Mo.xon, froai Inveruefs.

John and Rosamond, Brown, from Bcrwick. Mercury, Wood, from Sunderland, Constantme, Allgood, from Whitby. Charles and Mary, EUilun, from Boston. WESTMINSTER LIFE -INSURANCE, And ANNUITY-OFFICE, In the Str.ind and in Corkhill, Londos'. THIS OFFICE was establifhed in 1792, and insures the Lives of Perlons defirous of fecuring Independency to their Families, or to provide forthem in any Way agree-ablc to their to effect which, an Annual Preinium will bc reeeived for the Payment of a gross Sum, or of an Annuity, to becotne due and payable at the Decease of a Person insured, to his Widow, Ckildren, or other Reprefenta-tive as he may appoint, Insurance may be made for a Variety of other Purpofes: to provide for Renewal of Leafes to fecure Sums paid for Placcs or Employments, or for the Purchafe of Life Eltates or in Aid of Arrangements between Dcbtor and Creditor, which is explained further in the printed Rates and Conditions of Insurance, which may be had gratis, with the Lift of Dircctors asabove, or of the Agents of the BRITISH FIRE OFFICE, in the Country, who are appointed Aeents for this Office.

5 Annukies are granted to commence immediately, and are payable at Michaelmas aud Lady-Day in every Vear, or by Agreement, at either of the other Quarter Days. I he Rates and Conditions are also delivered gratis at ihejr Office in Dame Street, Dublin, and by their Agents in the Cities and large Towns in Ircland. Attcndancc is Daily gien for granting Infurances and Annuitics, and a Board of Directors is held every Tuefday at One o'Clock, at their Office the Strand, and on Thurf-day at the fame Hour, at their Office in Cornhill. ROBERT SKEI.TON, See. RICHARD SISSQN, Agent at Leeds.

To MASTER DRESSERS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. THIS Day, May up0r, the Premies es Mr. CHARLES BolLAND, tbe Free Sebool, in Leeds, rTJHREE STANG PRESSE. Eleven Pair of Shears, Four Shear Boards, an Oven, with Platcs, Papers, a Brufhing Mill, Two Dubbing Boards, a lare Quantuy of Teazles and Handies, Brushes, Cards, anda Variety of other Effects used in the Cloth Dresling Business.

Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock in the Forcnoon, and continue till all be seid. LEEDS. To be Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DcGGAN, On Wedtesday neyt, tbe Fourth os Miy, sufon tbe adjQining tbe Navigation Warehouse, on tbe Soutb SiJt of tbe Riwr Aire, HWENTY BARRELS of RED HERRINGS, of good Size and excellent Quality to be fold in Lots to fuit Purchafers, not less than One Barrel in a Lot. tJ" The Sale to commeTice precifely at Two o'Clock.

A New and Interefting Work. Price 3,. 6V. With the Doctor's Portrait, dedicated to the King's most Excellent Majcsty, thc Thirty-first Edition ofanentire Work, entitled, AGLWDE to OLD AGE or a CURE for the 1NDISCRETIONS of YOUTH To which he claims the Attention of all Parents, Guardians, Stc whofe Duty it is pay special Regard to the Inte-rests ot thensing Generation; neither Singlc or Married sliould bewithout and in particular Seafariug Men on Ion which thc various Oilordei incident to Man-kind, and particularly those occasioned by Pro-penlities ,1. both Sexcs, with the proper Mode of Relief are treated of under the tollowing Heads Nei-vous Dllorders Hcad Ach, Epilepfy, Madness, Dc iVnesf ders ofthe Eye, Consumptions, Atroyhv, or Von-sumptions, Jaundice, Bilious'tl I the Female Sex Discales of thc liead Dis 7 P-lP GUt' Palsy.

Sero-IthtTf Indulgencies, baneful 4ccts such indifcretions espeeally among Youth, Venereal Dis-ease, on Sea aui Hot luthiug, By IVi'hwm bio.ium, M. D. To be had at the Doctor's House, No. 9, Albion-ltrcet near the Levenan -Museum, Blarkfriar's Bricfce Symonds, Paternoller Row aud fold by all the BoolHVI lers in the TUree Kingdoms. OOKfel- raa' also be had of Thomas Uright, the Printer ot this Paper, and of aU the Dtstr'bu tors therenf.

Wedtirfday in thc Housc of Mr. Dickinsrn thc order of thc sor eoine intu Committee mi for im um. i nc niui-i11 1 1 aiiuj; thc Chairvas opposcd. and a fiiort Mute ti. divilion Liistic'l: Ayes 62, Nocs 44.

Thu House then refbivcd into tlie Committee. The clause iwcrc-afi'oc tfn- tr.iyeTling Chargen of Coront-rs, from od. to ftd. per mU, occasioncd anothtr short debate. A dnition took place Aycs 69, Nnts Cf.

uc.Wic 'i in.iiufactiir(.rs' hill was rrad a and to be committcd at the samt-1 tm? it ras agreetlrthat the several petitions aijainft the bi.H slmuld bt rcserrcd to a Cominiltee, and that thc pctitionera ihoulcl bc heard by Counfcl. Thc- ll.imburgh miil of thc tzth inst, arrived this moniing, Utt papers-of a date bad betn before reeeived by ay of Holland. It that Holland will be- fuffered to remain in a statt- ns m-utiality, if hostilitics commence with r.mce, prov idccball the French troops are withdravvn fji.m that country. It appean by a letter in the Moniteur, dated Tou-nn, thc 1 at inst, that the evacuation of Alexandria by the English had taken place on the of March. The parrifun, vvhich confisted of 4000 men, had arrived at Malta, vvherc they were performing quarart- The appearance of the English squadron on the Coastsof Holland, seems to have excited very great alarm the preparations for defenee are carrying for-ward on a most extended scale, and with the utmost expedition.

Accounts were yesterday reeeived in town from Holland, stating that very considerale damage has been fustained during the late gales by the ships in the Meufe, which were to be employed in the Loui-fiana expedition. One of the two French frigates has been entirely lost, and the other has been driven afhore, together with almost all the tranfports. In confequence of this difaster, it will be impossible, for the expedition to sail in kss than two rnonths, what-ever exertions might be used to dispatch it earlier. Lord Elgin arrived at Rome from Naples on the ist of this month, on his route to England. Eetters by the Batavian Mails rnention, that there have beennofartherarrivals of French Troops lately in Holland; but the conveyance of artillery, and the rtquifitions of labourers and horfcs in the ifle of Wal-cheren, still Gen.

Monnet, who has the chief eon.mand in that ifle, has required a fervice of fiherplate, and conunanded the town to defray the of iiis table a dernand in regard to which the town has not yet taken any deterniination. At JMjddlrburgh, authority has not been acknow-leded, and bis rirnsands have been there refisted. Thc which stopped pavnient on i to have faikd for One of the -partneis is related to Lord Melville. have the pkafure to state, that accounts were reeeived at Bengal, fron, our Anibassador at the Court of An, beiore the Waltharnstow failed, of such afa-vourable nature, as to leavc no doubt whatever of the final suceei's os thc miilion. The ohjccts in view are staten to be, first, to perniit of a inodification of the prefent on our trade to Rangoon and Regne, and toestabiish a factory on the coalt ff Pegue, for the put-pou osfupplying'ourSertlements in India with fizeable timberllt for sliip 1.1 i Kling and, stcondly, foropening a gencral conimunication with Arracan.

Colone) Symes was at Ava in November, and experi-enced the utmost vefpect and attention from the Rrinee aud the whok Court, who permitted the English Flag to be displayed on the Ambaslador's there. Accounts have been reeeived at Lloyd's, from France, that the Foreher, an extra Jndia fliip, taken sn the month of the Bay of Bengal, and carriect into the Ifle of France, has been condemned by the Coun-xil of l'rizts ant Paris. The Poreber was captured within the period fixed by treaty, when vcfsels taken ihould be restoi ed but the captors were apprifed of the conchision of peace. The Porchef was a prize of nnmenfe value, little short of 20c, cool. American papei to the a6th of March inclusive, were yesterday reeeived in town.

They fay, that the Hon. Mr. Brown, who had arrived at Kentucky from Washington, was authorized to" state, that advi-ces had been reeeived from Mr. Livingstone, the American Minister at Paris. These advices rnention, that 011 feearing of the and vexatious pro-ceedings of theSpanifb Intendant at New Orleans, he had thought it bis duty, in confequence of the cefsi-on of Louisiarato France, to apply tothe French Minister for Foreign Affairs, for an explanation of the views of the French Government relative to the free navigation of the Mississippi.

The anfwer of Talley-rand was of the most fatisfactory kind. He gave Mr. Livingstone the most distinct alTurance, that none of the ri 'hts or privileges of the Americ'ans would be asTck'Ud by the ceslion that on the contaary, one eondition osthe ceslion was, that everv rihtand privilne recognized by the Treaty of 1795 should be held saerrd. 'Fhis ansvver was gi ven at the time when was abfent from Paris but an affurance was htkl out, that no time would be. lost in an official conimunication to the fame efftct to Anierk'an Government.

The Hon T. W. Coventry has matched a fow of bis to run acerlain, against actlebrated run-ncr, for iooo guineas. The knowing ones bet high odds against the Gentleman, the pig being dailv train ed to rir the given distance for his food. On fe'nnight, the election commenced for two bnrgesses, to reprefent the borough of Berwick-pon-Tweed.

After a short address to the eleftors from each of the camlrdates, and their frieuds, Francis Sitweil, Esq; was put in nomination by Thomas Hall MajoV Allen, by John Fordyce, and Sir John Callander, by Burnet Grieve, Esqr's. At the dose of the poll on that dav, the numbers were, for Mr. Sitweil, 151, for Sir john Callander, 144, for Major Allen, 139 On Tuefday evening when it fi-nally clofed, for Francis Sitweil, Esq; 349; for AI lexander Allen, Esq; 318; for Sir John Callander, Bart. 308 on which the two former were declared duly ciected. But stw out-voters attended, as, by the latedecision of thc Committee of the House of Commons, it has been-deemed bfibery to allow thetv their travelling expences.

A Gentleman arrived at Greenock on Sunday from Lisbon, which he lest the beginning of the week before last, says, that a few days before Iris de-p'arture from thence a very strong squadron, under the command of Admiral De Winter, arrived in the Tagus from the Meditcrranean. Considerable appre-bensions were entertained in Portugal of a war be-t een this Country and France numbers were pre-panng to depart with their propertv, in cafe a rup-ture should take place. Admiral De Winter's squadron has been suddenly ordered to return to Holland from Lisbon. It appears by an aecount laid before Parliament of the permanent Taxes of Great-Britain, for the years rrding the sth of January 1802 and the th of January jScj, lhaf for the former period they amounted to 25. nid.

for the latter, 14s. In. esse in the latter vear 5, 122, iis oJ-d The Ute Mr. Bristow vho died'latelv in India) poiTetlcd the largest fortune that has yet been made by any ferne India. He has lest behind him Steg hundred thoufand pounde.

One miilion of which he has lest to his fon fifty t'housand to eacb of hie daughters; two thoufand per annum to his wite, befidesa vanety of other less considerable lcga-cies. Doctor Flemming, Physician General to the Company in Bengal, is his sole extxutor and residuary iegatee. Rt variable At Castleton, in Derbv-'fhrre, or, Easter Sunday, a hive of he swarmed, the 7crung bees were consequendy hived and preferved rin-the usual way a circumstance that seldura han- gmmbdfom of Julj or August. To be SOLD by AVCTIOS, By Mesrs. Brjzisk and Ci? Os Aftirmon thc Fcsfrib Dsy of May Ot 5V o'Cleci, attbe Htej Lcrds, in U'JCmniy aTori, tt CortJilians.

iti ersuch other Lots as may beagreed upon at the Time of Sale, Lot A FREEttOLD DWELLING HOUSE, il with and Workshops beb indi he finic, the House front ing to Union-Street, and the Stahle and Wotk-fhops frontin to Ebenezcr-Strcet, and late in the Posief-sion of Mr. John Umpleby, deceased, and in which he car-ried on the Business of a Machine ar.d Cabinet Maker to great Extent. Lot II. FIVE FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES, with a Stahle, and a large Parcel of Land lying near, and which is welladapted sor Building upon, and which Dwelling-Houfes are now in the several Tenures of Edward Hndson, Jere-miah Wareing, and Mary Dean. Lot Hl.

LIGHT FREEHOLD fituate on the Back Part of St. George's-Street, in Leeds, and now in the several Occupations of John Crabb, John Lee, Joseph Bates, John Umpleby, Abraham Morris, Joshua Wilshire, Thomas Beckwith, Edward Atkinson, Thomas Hoyland and Hugh Metchell. Price and other Particulars may be had by applying at the Compting-Houfe, of Mess. Spencer and Sons, Liqnor-Merchants, Leeds or at the Office of Mr. Lee, Attomey at Law.

Y. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mejsrs. Brazibr and Chjcsiv, On Priday next the Sixth Day of May, at Five o'doci tbe Afternoon, at tbe House of John Cluderay, the Gilden Lion, in Pudsey, in tbe of CalverUy, in the Gvunty ifYori, suhjeS to such Conditions as -will bc 4here produced, ra tbe fcl-io-wing or such other Lots as may be artred at tbe Timt ofSale, Lot I. IX that Good and Substanrial FREE--TX HOLD WIND MILL. with Three Pair of Stones, and other necessary Movcniems, and Machi-nery suitable for a Corn-Miii and also adryingKiln, Stahle and other Outbuildings thereto belonging, fitaate at the Farr Town, in Pvdley aforesaid.

Lot II. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLINO-HOUSE, with Two Cottages, One Laith, and a rieh Close of Land, lying contiguous, fituate at the Bottom bf Little Moor, in Pudsey aforesaid, called by tbe Name of grave and containing by Estimation Three Days Work, be the fame more or less, and now in the Tenure of Joseph Proctor, John and James Navlor. Lot III. Another FREEHOLD MESSUAGE orDWEL-LING-HOUSE, with One Cottage, One Laith, and a Close of Land thereto belonging, called by the Name of Croft, containing by Estimation, Two Days Work and Half or then ibouts, and now in the several Occupations of William Brook, Jonas Lonfdale and Widow Spencer. The above Premifes are in the, Centre of a Manu-facturing Country, are only Five Miles from Leeds, and Four from Erjdford; the First Lot is very suitable sor a Corn or Oil Miller, and the Second and Third Lots are peculiarly suitable for Cloth Makers.

Other Particulars may be had of Mr. Win. Lumby, of Pudsey or at tlje Office of Mr. Lee, Attorney at Law, in Leeds. A LTON MILLS.

To be LETT, and Entered upon Immediately, ALL thofe Capital New-erected GRIEST and FLOUR MILLS, situated on the Rivcr' Derwent, in the Pariih of Old Malton, and commonly called MALTON MILLS, late in the Tenure or Occupation of Mestrs. Wuitbvs, and Co. ThefeIiLi.s having unfortunately been destroycd by Fire in February, 180a, have been rebuilt on an enlarged and improved Plan, and Stted up in the most approved Stile as to Works and Convenience They contaiti Four Pair of Stones for grinding of Corn or manufacturing of Flour, (Three Pair of French and One Pair of Grey) with all proper and necessary Dresswg Machines, Dusting Screen, Sack Tackles, 6cc. One Pair of Stones, with other Requisites for Shelling ofOats; and a French or Pearl Bar-ley Mill, with all necessary Works or Machinery sor dies-sing and finishing the fame, and from which a pretty extensive and profitable Trade has been carried on. There is hosides the Mills, a New-erected Drying Kiln, a Dwelbng-Houle, Barn, Stahles, and other Conveuiencest, with about Twenty-five Acres of Land a Staith or Wharf adjoining to the River Derwent, in New Malton and Two fn, all Mills, in tbe Pariih of Norton adjoining, which have been used in the Time of Floods, and which will either be Lett with the River Milk or not, asmay be most agrecable to the Tenant.

Malton is a good Market Tnwn in the of the County of York, in a sine healthy and fporting Situation, at the Head ofthe Navigation of the River Derwent, upon which an extensive Trade is now carried on to Leeds, AVaicfield, and ieveral other Parts of the West-Rid-ing, as well as to Hull, London, and many otber Ports, and is surrounded by a great and populous Corn Country, The Premifes may be feen, and the Reut and other Particulars knowrt, by Application to Mr. Hastings, at Malton. Malton, April l)th, 1803. LAND in NORTH-AMERICA. ADVANTAGEOUS PROPOSALS to GENTLEMEN of SMAI FORTUNF.S, and thofe who poileis no other than a Spirit of honeit Industry, who wish for Fase and Independence which may be seemin Leeds, on Application to thc l'roprietor's Agent, Mr.

DuGGArv. To be SOLD, THE FEE-SIMPLE of TEN THOUSAND ACRES of Fertrie LAND. Any Part, from Fifty Acres and upwards, fntall Quantitics, at Ten Shillings per Acre; but to thofe who buy a Thoufand Acres, it may be had for a Crown. For Half the Purehase-Money, Time will be given. Situated on Prince Edward's Island, (sor-mcrly the Island of Saint John,) in tbe Gulph ofthe River St.

Lawrence, Latitude 46. 30. One of thc molt healthy Climates, the pleafantelt, and the molt fniilful Parts of North America. Thc Air clear and serene. Pestilential Ravages of the Yellow Fever, or Fever and Aguc, are never known and the Inhabitants are perfeetly lecur fron, the Depredatiolis of the Indians, On this Island, extensive Cod, Herring and Mackarel Fiflieries may be carried on to great Advantage for the European Market.

Also the Sea-Cow and Seal Filheries, the Oil 5 which is equal to that ot the and obtained with much less Danger. Tbe Fur-Trade may likewife be carried on to Perfectiun. For Pasture and Fertility, no Country on Fartb can exceed it. It produces, with little Labour, all Kinds of Grain and Vcgetablcs peculiar toEurope; Hemp and Flax. The Timber in general coniifts of Oak, Pinc, Beach, large Hemlock, (the Bark of which cannot be excelled for Tanning) Sprnee, Yellow Bireh, Black Birch, Curled and Bird -Fe Maple: the Two hitter are almost equa to Mahogany for Furniture; and the Maple produces Sugar of as good a Quality as that of iamaica.

The Rivers abound with Salmon, 1 rout', Eels, 'erek. Bass, Tcnch, Carp, Whiring, Smelts, See. and the Bays, with Oystcrs, Lobsters, and other ShcM-Fish. Wild-Fow), Hares, Two Sorts of Partridges, and other Game arein vaft Abnndance, for any one, without the lcait Reftraint. Although a Portion of Timber is very neeectary for Building, Firing, Fencing and Exportation, yet thofe wko prefer clear Land, may by an early Application have several Hundred Acres of rieh Land, fit for tue Plough or Scythe.

Vegetation is so quick, green Peas are fit for the Table in One Month from the Day of sowing. Wheat is fown in April and reaped in August. Exclulive ofthe Trade now carried on from this Island to Halifax, NcwToundland, Quebec and all North Am. 'ica, no Place is bettercalculated sorthe Indian Market, as it abounds with Horses Black Cattie, Shcepand Hog; I. umher, Hogl-head and Barrel Hoops, Stave, and every other Articlc tit for to the Weft-Iudia Islands.

Any Person, uu-derrtahcling the Brewing or Diltilling Business, will, to a Certaiuty, realizea Fortune in a very short Time, as the hnelt Barley is to be had much cheaper than in Great Britain and Spirits dear, for which there is a great Dernand, not only sor the Inhabitants, but for the different Filheries of the Gulph of St. Lawrence, Cape Breton, Newfucndland and all the adjacent American Coalt s. This Estate is situated at and above the Head of Hilf-borough River, on the North and about Twenty Miles from Charlotte-Fown, the Seat of 'overnment, near Stukeley-Town, ar.d adjoining Savage-Harbour. Hilsho-rough-River is navigable for Sixteen Miles above Charlotte-Town, for Ships ot Two Hundred Tons and up wards, and for large Boats to the very Head, which promises every Advantage sor Trade to the Purchaser; and, on the Branchen of it, which run into the Interior, Bleach-Mills, Corn-Mills, or Saw-Mills, with little Fxpence may be-e-retfted. I he free F.xcrcise of all Religion? is allowed.

A Man of emmon Induslrv may obiain all the Comfbrts of Life, and lildepcndcuce sor his rising Generation. Here are no Tithes, no axes, no Game Laws, with mauy other Advamages too numerous to meution. The Prsprietor livtd chiefiy on the Estate the last TKIrty Years, and now leih fokly Accouc: ofthe Desthsfher DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. TSJOTICE is hereby given. That the Partnerihip -Ll heretofore fubsisting between ISRAEL RHODES, of West Ardsley, in the County of York, Gentleman-OBADIAH LANG, of Wakefield, in the faid County' Merchaw WILLIAM WHITAKER, of the fame Place Merchaut; JOHN HEMSWORTH, late of West Ardstey aforesaid, Farmer, and JOSEPH WHITAKER, os Lee-Green, in West Ardsley aforesaid, Maltster, as CoaL Mekciiants, under the Firm of RHODES, LANG and WHITAKERS, was (as tb the faid Israki.

Rhodes) this Day dissolved bymutual Confent. All Persons indedted to the faid Partnerstiip, are requested to pay their respectrve Debts to the faid Obadiah Lang, William Whitaker, and Joseph Whitaker, who will diicharge all Debts due and owing on the faid Partnerihip Concern. Dated this Twenty-fifth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1803. ISRAEL RHODES. 1 OB.

LANG On Behalf of our i selves and as Exccu-' tors of the last Will W. WHITAKER. JOS. WHITAKER, andTestament of the "faid John Hems- Witness F. CLOUGH's DEBTORS and CR EDITORS.

A EL Persons who have any Claim or Dernand tho llate and Effects of FRANCIS CLOUGH, late ofEasmgwold, in theCountyof York, Druggist, deceased. or npon h.s Son, FRANCIS CLOUGH, of the fame Place forthwith to iep.d an Account ofthe fame, Eafingwd aforesaid, Flaxdresser. one ot thel rustees named in the Will of the faid Francis deceased. And all Persons who stood indebted to the iaid clough. Druggist, at the Time of his Death, are desired to rernit the Amount of their refpective Debts, to the seid Francis Clough.

Flaxdrester. without Delay. LITTLE-TOrVN. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At tbe osMr.Pohert little-on Friday next the Sixtb Day ofMay, at Thrce o'Clock in tbe Afternoon, A LL that MESSETAGE, with the Barn and other -L X. OutbmldinrS to the fame belcnging, fituate in Little.

Town aforesaid; and also all thofe Four several Closes of rieh Land, lying contiguous thereto, containing by Estimation Ten Days Work, or thereahouts, now in the Occupation of Mestrs. Joshua and John Scholefield. And also. All thofe FFVE Several COTTAGES, standing near thc laid Messuage, now in the Occupation of John Parkinson, James Sbeard, William Charlefworth, Benjamin Uhariesworth, and Charles Roufe. For Particulars till the Time of Sale apply to fAr Sqmre of Hunfworth; Mr.

Robert Goodall, of Little-Town or Mr.Battye, of Birstall, Attomey at Law. KNOTTINGLE POTTE RY, In Torkshirs. ATTTbu rTLD' CONTRACT, LL thofe New-erected BUILDFNGS, KILNS. WORKSHOPS, WAREHOUSBS, and Sl necessary Convemences for the Purpose of earrving on a most extensive EARTHEN-WARE MANUFAC TORY in all its various together with a very good fpacious DwELtiNc Hoose, 3TABLES, as also several CoTTAGEsor Tenemenxs, and the Whole or any Part Of TWENTV-SEVEN Acs. and SlXTEE'N Terches or Land, mostly of good Quality, adjoining the Works.

A newy-erecteb FLINT MILL. Rented by thc prelent Proprietors of the Pottery of theiln s-tees of tha Aire and Navigation, and may be continue-J it is situated on the contrary Side of the Rivcr. nearly opposite to the Manufactory. These Works are sitnated on Ba.nks of the Navigable River Aire, about a Quarter of a Mile bc-low Ferrybridge; the Lock Dues both up and down very moderate the Packages arc fbipped by a Crane from the Packing Warehouse into the Vessels, which con-vey then, to the Port of Hull, jn a Day or Two after being put on Board. Thc Situation and Convenience of thesc Works, on Account of their Vicinity to the River Ousc at Selhy (dictant about Ten Miles) where Raw Materials are brought in the fame Bottom from any Part of the United Kingdoms, and Coals being to be had by Water up the Rivcr Aire, not niore than Four Miles distant, npon very moderate Perms, which render the Works an Object deserving peculiar Attention to any Person or Persons defirous of entering into luch an Undcrtaking.

Thc Works are now may be viewed, and ther Particulars known by applying to Messrs. William' Tomlinson and Co: at the Pottery. N-B. The above Premifes, with very little Alteration, would be suitable for any other Manufactory, See. MANOR of BASHALL.

To be SOLD by AUCTION, Atibe Sruan Inn, in Clithero, in the County of tancafier, on the Tv elfib Day of May beiden tbe Haurs of Three and S.x tbe Afternoon, tofueb Conditions as tvMbethenproduced, in Offer be made in tbe mean 7W by private CoatraB, Lot I.pHE MANOR or LORDSHIP of SH- Vnrt vt, Of thc CoUMV of York, with the Waste Land within the fame penatmng to the Whok of the undermentioned Tenements OThn THUK' "King and arising from about "ute AcresofLand. with- I ctrXf MANSION-HOUSE, ealled situated upon the Banks of the River Jtn'Z mbnildings.Pleafure Grounds and Garden well stocked with Fruit Trees, and about Eighty Statute Acres of Land 6 A TENEMENT, called Horsehev, eomprizing a AcrrTfLtdand outLght? Statute A DWELLING-H9USE and SMITH's SHQPj with a Closeof Ground, containing about Five Statute Acres. A FARM adjoining Bashall Moor, cxnut, containing about Fwenry-two Statute Acres of Land Lot II. A Capital called B.wk.vh. Town, with about Two Hundred and Fiftcen Statute Acres of Land.

Lot JH. Another Capital fARM, called Bacxr.dge, wi(h about Two Hundred andf ifty Statute Acres of Land. Lot IV. A Very Habitable and Convenient Old MAN-SION-HOUSE, Bashall Hall, with extensive walled Gardens, a Capital Water Corn Mill, and about One Hundred Statute Aeres of Land. The Whole ofthe above Farms are exempt from the Tithes of Corn and Hay, and are situated about Three Miles from the Market Town of Clithero.

The Timber on cadi of the Farms will be fold separately. 5 The refpective Tenants will ihew the Premifes and further Particulars may be had by applying at the Office of W. aod T. Cur, Solicitors, in Elackbwa. YOUNG That well-known beautiful Dark Chduut Stallion, WILL COVER this PRESENTSEASON, jgo j.

He was bred by J011.M l.owi ih of Sw illington-Hall. Fiep, and now the Property of Mr. Richaku Bvk-Land, of Merhley, neu: Leeds. He is Sixteen Hands high, with Bone in Proportion, and his Stock ire allowed to be equal in Strength, Shape, and Action to any in the Kungdom. He was got by Sir ChaiTe Bunbury's Diomed, Sou of Florizcl, a Son of King Here! his Dam by Engineer, nnd vM thc Dam ofthe tollowing Capital Racers, viz.

Columbus, Elrleda, Coluniba, (Gran-dam of Cockfighter) Kathleen, (Dam of Standard) Ostrieb, Norah, Saint Patrick, Blemiih, Grenadier, Stc. His Grandam by Cade, Traveller, Yomig GreyhounJ, Partner, Wood-Cock, Crof't's Bay Barb, Mskelefs, Briju-mer, Dick Pierson, out of Mr. Burtou's Baib Mare. gj" He will attend at tbe Ship Inn, Leeds, on Tuefday; thc Falcon, Wakefield, on Fndays and tlie Red Lion, Pontefraef 011 Saturdays, Gentlemen 's or Hunting Maies, Two Guineas and Half a Ciown. Country Maros One Guinea and a Half, and Half a Crown.

The Money sor the Groom to be paid immediately, an Covering Money at Midlummer. N.B. Diomed was bkewilc ehre of Grey Diomed, one slf the first Racers at Newmaiket, and ioTd sor Six IlunJred Guinea-, and Saint Patrick for Five HuuUred Guineas. ArRiL izth, 1803. For YOUTH.

This Day is publiJbeJ, in one large Vol. 81a. Illustrated by a eolourcd, Price Ninc Shillings in Boards, ELEMENTS of SEI.F-KNOWLEDGE, intendeck 1 to lead outh into an early Acizuaintanee with the Nature of Man, by an Anatomical Display uf the Human Framt a Concile View of tlie Mental Faculties aud an Inquiry the Guumt Nature of thc partieulariy Ambu ion, Anuer, Jov, Lovt, Shame, Sorruw, Sv m- l'ATHY, WONDKR, By R. DALI AS, Eh. Printed sor B.

Crosbt and Co. StationerT Court, Paternoster Row, London. Where may als be had, 1. Beautks of Dr. MooRr, felectcd from his Work.

Umo. Price 4s. in Boards. 2. KNox' Hints to Public Speakers, dedicifed bv PrrmifTion, to Mr.

Tlrfkine. Price M. 3. I hciluiiAM Puzem-roR Introduein. the Antj-tcdgeot the ly crU Printed uniform with Zsfi-djn Letter- Writcr.

Price IS. Sold by Smithies, Hohnes, LSLmis, Botliamley nnd I eich Leeds and all tlie Bookfellers at Halifax and York. A IFA To be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, Atibe Talbot Inn, in Halifax, tbe County sT.ri ar. Jtriday, the Ninetc, ntb and Days It Mai at Tieoa'CloiJt in tbe-Aftrrnrm, in ect'h sM-'ci dithmas ititl 'bethen and there pioJuc.J, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, still 'tf Hallfax aforesaid, late the Property of Mr Aked, deceased. "nd near thc the Outbuildings, Garden and Stahle thereto beloiwu- in the Occupation of Mr.

Swiie. Another DWF.LT.1N the North End offne laid Warehouse, now occupied bv Mr.Dixon also, a Stahle fdJ'i'n'nS now or lately occupied byjohu V. I WO other IWELl.lNrlOu4.S, IL lhc with the Outbuildings, Gardens and Convenienres ihere respeehvely belonging, now in the ieveral of Mr. Edwards, and Mrs. Bunrruft.

Also, Ib of the lower Part of the 'Fenter-Croft adjoining ihereto, aS now itaked and sot out, in a Line from North to South on Stde of the Pump there, including the Garden ocupiei by Mr. DixonAlso, 1 wo Stahles, in the Yard below the Dwelhng-Houles, now occupied by Mr. Dixmi Mr. Cooper. TWO other DWELLING-HOUSES.

with the Outbuildings, Gardens and Convemences thereto refpeetivelv bclore. mg, fituate at the Bottom ot King Gros, Laue, now i th Ieveral Occupations of Mr. Wigney and James Riley Also a Stahle orMiltal occupied by Alexander allb. the Residue of the faid eiitcr-Croft, as the fame now itaked and fet out, at the upper and lower Ends thereo' containing, by Admeafurcmeut. Two Day' Work One Ouarterand Hfteen Peches, be the fame more or less YW.Y GROUND RENTS or ANNUAL SUMS, (in separate I.o.s.) of 1.

Xl 6s. Xd. ss. 7d A. cs.

sn4' il. o3. payable out, or in Respect, of certain Plots or of Building Ground, late Part ofa Close ofLand.caUed the Ddp' Held, adjoining the South Side of King Gross Lane. in lM-aforeiaid. 'The Two sirst Sums are payable YearK for ever, and thc Three last Sums arepayable cai tor certain Feims of Nine Hundred and Ninety-nine ats, reftu clivtly cornrnencing only a few Years lince, Several PLO'FS, or P.VRCKI.S of BITLHING (in separate l.nrj beinj; i tu- ut'the saict Close, ealled the l), Iph iel.l, as tlie tarne ow itakeel uod Jaid out sor tale, and relpcctively nunib'Ttd, 1, 2, 3, 4 A CLOSE: of LAND, adjoininjr thc Sumh nie Hopwood Lane, and rnnnbered, in Moor's Map of Halifax -containing, hy Aiimeafur.imt-nt, 'Two Davs' Work r'ej Fourtcen Perches, (more or less) now in die-OccupaUort of Mr.

c- fH rVT SL0SE joining the North Side ot Parkinson Lane, and immbered in the seid Man containing by Admeasoreme. One Dy', Work One $TrJ H- JtTC-(more nuw thc Occu-pation of William Marchant. fhh LND' thc lipper or Velt of the last-mentioned Close. and numbere "in the faid Map ZI, contaimng, by Admeafuremeut, Thr--e Days" Uork, wo y-uarters and Three Perches, imof. or 1,1,) now in the Occupation of John Whi teley wf(ftnf LAND adjoining the upper or est Side ot the iait-mentioned Close, and numberei 1.1 thc iUF-l contaimng.

by Admeasurement, wo Days' Work hrce Quarters and Two Perches, (more or less nnvr tenam aid Mr. Edwards, or his tnder- Also, Another CLOSE of Land, adjoining the SomhSide of Hopwood Lane, and numbered in the faid cnnl auung by Admeasurement. Two Days' Worg.l'wo Qu -r-U-rs and 1 wenty-sotir Perches, oricsi) neny also thc Occupation ot the laid Mr. jy Premifes. in the Occupation of Mr.

Dixon. are. unoer Lease tor aT erm of Years, whcreof be w.ll be expired on the I Wenty-fou. tl. nnc ne-x: Ind the BuiW-mgs and Close, the Occupation'ot Mr.

Edwards 2re also under l.eale for a 1 crOT 6f yorj whereof Three a unexpired but the other Pari ot the Land may be-enter'd at Candlemas next. and the 3: 'Mir, Jsn hc Tenter-Croft andD. lph Held arc sor Building uFon, hav.n- Communlcation with Wr A PIan deseribing the Divisions of the BuiHin y.r.r-Gardens and Appurtenices. and alfg the fever Pl -r Parcelsot Ground in the Delph Held, and the out tbere, is lest with Mr. Edvvards at I Halifax, ofwhom, and also of Ur.lley aoj John Barber, ofHaliias, 1 tcJiU May 3d, GRANGER's WONDERFUL MUSEUM.

This Day are publijhed, New Editions of Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 sto be conu'nued MunTin.y, Price only One Shilling each, elegantly printed on sine Wove Paper, and every Number cmbcllifhed with Two Elegant Copper Plates) of GRANGER's New, Original and Complete WONDERFUI. MUSEUM, and MAGAZINE. No. 9 was publi'shed on Friday the First Day of April last, containing a great Variety of valuable Matter, and adorued with a whole-length Portrait of that remarkable Personage Sir JOHN D1NELEV, one of the Knights ot Windsor, and a Portrait fitting, of Mrs. LEVY, the rieh Jewefs lately de-ceafed, aged 97, well knownby the Appellation of the Queen of Ricbmond-G reen.

London: printed for thc-original and sole Proprietor, Alex. Hogg, in Paiernoster-Row; and fold by all Bookfellers in the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotlacd and Ire- To prevent Mistakeor Impofition, pleafe to be particu-larly carcful to oder GKJKGZR'j Mvsel'm, Printed (only) for Alux. Hon. The Spurious Publication which lately interrupted the ebove Work, and caufed so much Trouble to the Bookfellers and Public, is now entirely stopped by the Lord High Chancellor Injunction, which was granted on Janu-arv 27, and confirnu March 1 1803. The INJUNCTION CONFIRMED.

Tbe in tbe Court of Chancery is deternsined, tbe Injunction and the Plaintiff, agreealle to the Secam-tneudation cf the Court, intends to bring an Aclion, the DcfenJanl at Common Law, to obtain a Cumpenfation for Damages. tbe Spurious Publication odJIy caled Ao. Acw Srries, t3V. -ji-hieh zras and as No. 6 cf -the ahovegenuif original Wort, thc Country no-aj it ir detirminrd that the Injunttion continue, return to their to exchanged and in Cafe of any arijwg in prouring Granger's Genuine Wonderful Museum, iftbey send a Line to tbe Propn.tor, any Order SHclyiig a it afnort Iktr, will itasuMately exavitf..

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