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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Black well's Genuine BULL DURHAM you will nn.l one coupon Inaldo cnch 2 ounce tac ami two coupons Inside ouch 4 ounce bog. lluy bwj. reiul tlie coupon mid aco Sow to Bel your sluira orjiW.IWO la pnafnca. HIS ELOQUENCE.

What It -Was That Won Bryan the Cured Diabetes. March Uth, iSc.5- The Dr. J. McLean Medicine ST. LOUIS, no.

GENTLEMEN 1 desire to express my-heart (sit thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to health. 1 was sick for many years with a bad case of diabetes which made- me very thin and weak. I also suffered much loss of sleep, having to get so many times at night to pass urine, and also great annoyance from thirst thai water would no.t satisfy. A few months ago began to follow your instructions in regard to die and to use, Dr. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.

It is a erand medicine. I used three bottles, and, thanks be to God, am a we manatrain I havenot felt so Rood or taken more interest in life for many year. You aft at-libcrfy to publish this if you desire, as I would be glad to be the means calling attention to victims of diabetes to a remedy that will give them Wtsstd relief. LOU' Columbus, Neb. Chicag-o, July speaking to a eprcsentatlve of the press about Mr, Aryan's nomination, rx-Seiintor Walsh, if Georgia, said: "Mr.

Bryan's speech secured hlsnomirm- Ion. I knew Hint fio. was eloquent, but lis speech has mado him great. Thursday mornlnfr he did not appear to be a pOHsl- jlllty, but his address to the convention made' him a certainty. Eloquence la not a urt.

There never a moro ntrlk- nte Illustration of the power of speech move men's hearts anrl to Influence heir Judgment than In this Instance. When Mr. Bryan concluded his nomination assured; there was no power to prevent It. Thin convention wns run by tho Itlegntcp. There was no manipulation hat'could have been effective to stop the i-erdlct that the delegates had.

made up heir minds to render. Machine i-c-re eliminated from the nomlna- ion. The leaders, even if they so desired, linil no power to prevent Jic selection of Mr. Bryan as the standard-bearer of tho democratic party. The nun and the occasion met.

1 have reached he conclusion that Mr. Bryan Is the candidate thtit oould be placri: nomination to represent the platform. If Is conlldcntly bc-lleved that he will be. ndorsecl and nupported by tin- silver and populists. lenders of the party named ansei-t tlist ihey will Mr.

Bryan tho national leniocriitiu csnvcntlon hns named tflu cantlitlate for iliu presidency, ri'e of his nomination lim to bttlha logical candidate of. the sltua- lon. He Is -'platform In himself. H'i the embodiment of the paramount Issue the camiiuisn. If frc-e silver colnas.i cannot win with JTr.

Bryan as the star.d- ird-bcnror. It will be due to the cause not to the camliclate, who will receive th'fi 'ull votci of the advocates of Indcpandum jimetalllsm Inside and otusldo of the demo- i-atlc party. If. the presidential election." ONE OF THE OLDEST KENTUCKY DISTILLERIES Is that of R. Cummins at Loretto, which the R.

Cummins Company "Old Process" HAND-MADE SOUR-MASH WHISKEY This whiskey bears, on each bottle, the indorsement of Professor J. N. Hurty, Chemist, Indianapolis, for absolute purity." Thll whiskey is strictly for medicinal use, and is sold only by druggists. No artlncial ripening, finest flavor, best body of any whiskey in the market. A.

KIEFER DRUG CO. your druggist Jor it CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAYS. Jfiretty Coitomn That Bring Joy to tlia Little Grown people do not always appre- wiite -what an event a birthday is in a life. Next to'Christmas it is the tcd.letter day of the yef-r. A whole year Incnrer man's or woman's estate means to great deal to a-child, and fills the boy or girl with an added dignity and sense of importance.

Seven is so very much older than six! la some households this perfectly natural delight is increased by the fcearty sympathy, of the parents. But there arc other homes in which the all- 'iioportunt day pusses -unnoticed save careless mention, a mere reminder tie fluid he has bcg-un-another 'year, and this remark.may possibly be seasoned with the bitter sauce of a suggestion to an improvement in conduct. Not long since my' heart was moved to pity by talking to clever little boy, who me that he was eight years old an that day. "And what presents have you re- ueived?" I asked. He looked surprised.

we keep birthdays at onr Bouse!" he replied. "My mother says it's foolish. Then she forg-ot that I am eight to-day -until breakfast time, this i morn ing." The more fortunate six-year-old at my side interrupted before I could check him. "Forgot!" he exclaimed. "Why, my birthday came a little while ngo, and my mamma made me a cake with six candles on it, and I had presents nnd lota cffun!" Childhood is so brief, and the time each recurring birthday is not a Joy comes so soon that it is apitynotto make, the anniversaries joyous io the Sole ind INDIANAPOLIS.

little ones. "Mamma," said one rapturous child, "you must be very glnd I you have given me such a beautiful birthday!" Of course "mamma" was plad, and being not show it? A child is never spoiled by the consciousness of a mother's love and delight in his existence. A pretty custom is in vogue in some families. Tlic child whose birthday is. celebrated gives to.cnch brother nnd sister Komc little token.

be only inexpensive toy, but it inculcates in the demur's heart the spirit'of unselfishness, 'teaches him the joy of giving well as that of THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. IHEABOVEKSUTsgoa W- quickly and surely MOVIM Nufvousnots. Impotoncy, I For sate by Ben Plsbier and B. HOW TO REMOVE STAINS. Of Vniuo to Mothora, uncl SLouia De Koad liy Here is a list which every mother of active; dirt-acquiring children should paste in the lid of her trunk before she starts on her summer travels.

It -will be valuable also to sentimental younff woman whbsr-oil their pretty frocks si t- tinff op the grass or leaning picturesquely against greasy wagon wheels: To remove fruit and vegetable stains from white cotton and linen wash in chlorine water and 'then in clear water, or hold tho stained portion, sulphnr fumes and then rinse in clear water. To remove spots caused liy acids from white cotton or linen wash the goods in water and nanmonia, the proportion X-ieing a table spoonful to a quart of water. Woolen or colored goods should have the stains rubbed with diluted ammonia water und'then with clenr water. Crass stains in' white cotton or linen yield to washi-og alcotiol. Similar stains in colored goods should be treated first -with a weak solution of stannic cihloride and then with clear water.

Pitch, and. ter stains will disappear from white washable fabrics if treated in this manner. Moisten the spots with spirits of turpentine, rub well, put a sheet of paper over iron, and wash with warm water and. soap. To clean colored fabrics dampen, the spot, rub fresh butter on it, then a strong lather of soap.

this' out with spirits of' turpentine and then with hot Tribune. CiinaUiao View of Silver Question. Toronto, July number of local bankers and 'financial men interviewed Saturday expressed the opinion Hint the adoption of a silver standard by United States would seriously nfiect the business relations of'the dominion ivith that country, awl that Canadian would undoubtedly suffer CroMDgr In The cycling 1 craze amounts to 0 HI vo mania Captured the Convention by His Speech and Mrs. Bryan Flooded Callers. -VHTII CALLBKS.

Mr. nml Mm. Wryiin- with CoiiBrutulatloiiH- ot l-'rionda. Mr, YVillUim -1. Uryiin nianiijretl to get some mnuli needed vest nigrht, the lirst for several days.

He had gone to 'bed with Uie rising- of the sun Friday noraing.a.nd was up and about again jy the time most men open their eyes, tie slept later tlinr. usual Saturday nioi-ning, buLl'hc rest did him good niul looked belter and. frt-sher than Friday night al'fcr the Ions' hours oi jnxiety ii.nd exoiteuient incident to his u'lid'acv'. People wore crowding into Mr. room at the Clifton house Satin-day morning when a reporter called there and all were being received pleasantly by the candidate and hit, wife.

Mr. Bryun told the reporter that he had postponed his departure from Jhicasfo to Salem. 111., his birthplaeo, until Monday morning next. and. Jlrs.

ISryiin will go there on one of the regular trains aiul will remain forth" rest of the week. have nothing to say for publication," said Mr. ttrynii, "except that I am so overwhelmed with congratulatory telegrams that it will be several iveeks before I will be answer till of them." DENOUNCE FRISK SILVER. Many Uuroocrntle Orffiius Repudiate the Pliitform ami Ticket. Chicago, Tribune says conservative newspapers, especially in the east and south, are openly and in considerable numbers announcing a policy vigorous opposition to the free silver platform and In many cases sound money democrats are adviseti by these for McKinley as the surest method of stomping out the heresy which has attained a governing power within the party.

Some of the bolting newspapers suggest the nomination of a third ticket gold platform, but most of them are in favor tlie, election of McKinley. THe list to date is as follows: The Stnats-Zeitung, Sun, Herald, Times and World, of New York city; Record and Tiroes, Philadelphia; Sim'and Evening Times, Baltimore; Courier-Journal, Post and Auzeiger (German) Jjouisville, Staats-Zeitung and Chronicle Times, Eicbrooud, Globe, St. Paul, Eagle, Brooklyn, Sun, Lewiston, Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S. Courier, Buffalo, N. and Auzciger DCS Westens, St.

Louis. The New York Saturday evening a-nnounced editorially that it will heartily support William Jennings Bryan for president. Ulnnii Will Support the Ticket. Lebanon, July T. Bln'nd did not se'em in any upon.learning of his.

defeat at) Chicago. He shook hands heartily with all of his friends and said to a reporter: "Bryan is as worthy of the. 1, and I shall support the ticket with all my heart." Satlnflud. Waterloo, the news of Bryan's nomination reached Gov. Boise he expressed great satisfaction and "I consider Bryan the strongest man the democrats could possibly have nominated.

Ho 13 a young roan thoroughly posted In tho topics of tho day and will stand a better show of carrying the doubtful states than any other man could have I believe he will make the race In Iowa a close one; Of the other doubtful states such as Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota and. Michigan, I the man to carry themV He will poll a larger vote In them than any other man that-could have been named. Ho will, bo able to do more toward uniting: the ullver forces of the nation than any other man whose name was presented to the convention The-popullata undoubtedly, in- Jorso hla nomination' and Increase the chances of success In November. blmetivlllsts who-meet-In-national convention at Louis the 22d will also Indorse him and give support. 'i i A Llfrn.

'son who whs renornlnated Ut' Waterloo on the Stti.inirt. ABOUT SNAKE CHARMING. A Theory That the Optic Nerve IH tho Allen Chamberlain tells in Forest and Stream about a Georgia man who aw a little wlilpsnake coiled on some eaves. He stopped to look at the rep- ile, and as he did so there was a rustle of the leaves as the snake wagged its iail. After a few moments it seemed as I a little blue vapor was coining from anake.

A suffocating sensation seized the man. Than he suddenly real- zed that he was being charmed, but with considerable effort he managed to break the spell and seize the snake in his hands and kill it. Mr. Chamberlain that "no man who knew the BUD- ect of this experience would for a mo- nent doubt its truthfulness, and yet it must be admitted that, it is well nrousc the stranger's sus- In the issue of March 28, 1S78. of the same paper a writer said: "One April morning In the woods 1 heard a rustle in the leaves and saw r.

Ivc or six-foot bla-cksnake. Two or three inches of his toil was iu- rapid vibration. I looked at it interested for awhile, and the vibrating portions be- jnn to s-how all tbs prismatic colors vith suth beauty of combination as be indescribable. My eyes blurred, aiid here was a pleasant sensation of The first I knew I was falling to the ground frightened. I turned awny.

muscles and nerves were unsteady. The snake rn-ised at me several times. The same summer I made experiments on the same kind of less five or six feet long." In ('lie October (1SSO) issue of Mature in article OTI the subject of "Snake Fascination" told of the action of a birr! Mint watched a viper. "At the distance of ten yards I saw a snake whose body, Hie head" of which lifted -fro-iii the ground feet, was swaying to and fro. A plain- live shriek attracted my attention to green finch in a branch of a- your? pine overhanging the snake; itafeat-h- rs were ruffled, following with nod of head on each side of the branch the motions of the snake.

He tottered, spread out his wings, alightal on ower branch, and so on'until the last branch was flung stink at the snake, and like an arrow it disii.p- icared. On approachir.g I saw the green finch on the ground, agitated by convulsive nnd spasmodic motions; lie cintchecl my finger He. drank water, and after awhila flew a.wny. While watching the snake I felt a pccrilhir giddiness, a squeezing 'ike iron hoop pressed in my ground seercod to heave, quite like seasickness. I think snake fascination is the result of fatigue of the optic nerve." Every work of natural history dealing with snakes and their ways has to "snake charming." The Smithsonian institution report Jor ISM in part: "The popular belief in the power of the poisonous snake to 'charm'-its victims is by no means extennlnatod.

Trustworthy have related how birds or small -animals hoive 'been scon to approach the coiled snake, drawn toward it as by a magic spell," spite of has been argued for and against it there are people who profess to have ocular proof-of this power. 'Prof. Brohm once made a series of experiments in a well-lighted TOom," says the report, "an a in every ease ex ccpt one the victim ni first made its escape, but was captured in articulo mortis after betraying its waning strength by curious symptoms." The birds and animals were sparrows, gophers, rats, weasels, quails, woodpeckers nnd meadow larks Dispatch. HAMMOND The Keform Committee Lender Han Nearly Recovered Hln Health. London, July.

11. John Hays Hammond, the reform committee leader ivho with G'-orge Farrar. Lionel Phillips and Col. Francis Rhodes was recently set at liberty by the Transvaal vernmejit upoj) the payment of a fine of JJ25.000, arrived here Saturday, with his wife and Mr. Hammond has almost entirely recovered his health.

He will remain in London for the present, nnd sayx that he does not intend to return to the Wllllam'u Yacht Wins Victory. London, 11- A large fleet of yachts and other craft' assembled in Rothesay bay Saturday to witness the yacht rnces of the Royal Northern Yacht club regatta. The starters in the principal race were (he German emperor's? new yacht Meteor, the prince of Wales' Britannia, Mr. A. B.

Walker's Ailsa and C. D. Hoses' Satanitn. The wind was the merest zephyr; nevertheless, the Meteor glided away from' the other, boats soon after the start. The Meteor won.

REACHES ENGLAND. ITTLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A peril ne uciun- remedy "for Dizziness, Drowsi. crata 01 mm- have': decided to ness; the Mouth, Coated Tongue ask Gov.

Horace B6ies to stand for con- TORPID IJVER. They Regulate the Purely Small PHI. Small Dose. Small Price. BIGGEST YET.

More Delegates Attend Convention Than Ever Before. The Numerous Meetings Crowded to the Utmost and Many Unable to Get In. Washington, July thousand visitors is the ir.imber reached up to this time in the registration booths of the fifteenth unnunl international Christian convention, now insession here. This number represents nil the endeiivorcrs not residents of Washington who have come to the booths for their registration cards and badges since the opening ol the convention on Wednesday. It does not include the vast army of Wnshingtonians and suburbanites who have entered into the enthusiasm of the occasion attending the constant succession of meetings and who are as profusely decorated with badges a.nd ribbons as tho endeavorers themselves.

If all who seek the meetings on the White lot are counted as in this connection the number placed at the head of this dispatch must be doubled. Jfot even at Boston, where there were 23,000 registered as from the state of Massachusetts alone, were there such crowds at the evening meetings as gathered Friday night and Saturday morning in and around the three big tents south of the white house. The local committee has received warning that large bodies of delegates are moving on to VTash- iujrton from Delaware, Maryland and eastern Pennsylvania, and expect large additions to the registers before nightfall. OutKtrlpx All Others. Secretary Oacr stated Saturday morn- thai the convention would outnumber in di.0ega.tes that of any convention ever held, if thf registrations from within Uio slate were not counted.

This is considered a fair basis comparison, as states like Massachusetts are exceedingly strong in Christian Endeavor societies. The exact figures each stale's delegations will be made public next week at. the close of the convention. Following the'preliminary sunrise prayer meeting iu 33 churches and ihe Bible book study in the Xew York avenue Presbyterian cliurcb, the convention reassembled at 0:30 o'clock as usual in the Lhree tents on the White lot Tent Williston was given up to the'.ly. Rev.

George B. Stewart, of Harrjsburg.ra.,prcsided. Thejumoren- deavorers were welcomed to the city by Master Kaymond Miles, of Washington. This was "followed by patriotic exercises, conducted by Mrs. James L.

Hill, of Salem, and an address of greeting from President Clark. Tent Washington an exclusively- for-men evangelistic meeting was held, over which Secretary Baer presided. were made by Commander and Consul Booth-Tucker, of the Salvation Army. Kcv. J.

Wilbur Chapman, of Philadelphia, and others. A similar meeting for women only was held Tout Endeavor, Mrs. presiding. Here speeches were made by Maj. Susie Swift, of the Salvation Army, Mrs.

Kate Waller Barrett, of Washington, and others. FOR SOUND MONEY. Bouolnn on tho Sfcw York Stock Exchange- New York-, July of the Xew York stock exchange, both democrats and republicans, gave an exhibition at the board Saturday of their devotion to the cause of sound money by parading around the room. The procession was led by.Isidore Wormser, life-long member of the democratic party. Some years ago Mr.

Wormsec was on the democratic electoral ticket of Xew. York state. He was followed by K. H. Halstead, carrying the American flag The sound money men, after marching around the room, formed in a square before the rostrum.

The flag was lifted on high. A member stentorian tones shouted: "It's flag against the red flag and proposed three times three and a tiger. They were given with a vim. Gentry Was Elkhart, July came here from other parts of the country to- see the great free-for-all pace Friday in which Robert John R. Gentry, Frank Agan and Badge took part.

The big race resulted in a handy victory for. the great gelding Robert who won both' heats. John R. Gentry disappointed his admirers by taking fourth money. Prominent Dead.

July Hon. Sir Augustus Berkeley Paget died at Hatfield Saturday, aged 73 years. He was British minister to Saxony in.3858-9; minister to Denmark from 1859 to 1866: minister to Italy from 1S76 to 1833, nnd ambassador to Austria from 1S34 to THE cWln, Provisions. Etc. Chicago, July H.

and unsettled. July, September, No. MftSpMSc: July. tember December, May, OATS-Falr tradlnpr and hlffher, Xo. 2 -ash, iOo: July.

September, BUTTER Quiet and steady, rather tame. Dairies, LIVE POULTRY Only moderate Tnrkcvs 7ffi9c; Sfi-SVic; DuSSwcVr Pound: per dozen, Llvo Stock. Chicago, July 11. Fair to best beeves, f3.4004.-lO: 8iockcrs ond iiMliffS.73; Mixed. and Bulls, 875- Texas, HOGS-UKht.

steady, others SJKOc higher. IS00-. mixed and binders', 'heavy NO SECRET IN THIS WOMAN'S CASE. Mrs. Campbell Wishes Her Letter Published so that the Truth May Be Known.

TO i.Aitr nrAnrns Of the thousands of letters received from women all over the world by Mrs. Pinkhnm. not one il given to the public unless, by the wish of tlie writer. Thus absolute confidence is slablihhcil between Mrs. Pinkham and her army of.

patients; and she freely solicits a letter from any woman, rich or poor, who is in ill health or ailing. In the case of Mary E. Campbell, of Albion, Noble her suffering was so severe, her relief so suddenly realized, and her gratitude so great, that she wishes the circumstances published, in the hope that others may be benefited thereby. She says: "Jly physician told me I liad dropsy and falling of the womb. Jly stcmach and bowels were so bloated I could not get a.

full breath. My face and hands were bloated I had that dreadful bearing-down pain, backache, palpitation the It.e.'irt, and nervousness. One of my physicians told mo. I had something growing in my stomach; and the. medicine that'! took pave me relief only for short time.

I thought I must die," 1 take Lydin TZ. finhliam s. Vegetable Compound, and it worked like a clisnn. After Liking the first bottle I could walk across ihc street, now I am I advise all my friends to take Albion, Noble Co. REV.

S. P. KLOTZ, PASTOR U- B. CHURCH. wawrioo, Sept.

Pepsin Syrup Dear have been afflicted over twenty years with dyspepsia or sour Ptoinacn. I have tried different remedies without much benefit Finally I bought a 10-ceut bottle of-Syrup Pepsin and found that It benefitted me. I am convinced that it will do what It Is recommended when taken according to directions. I have taken nearly; one bottle and feel llice a different person. S.

P. KLOTZ. For sale by B. F. Keesling.

The COAST LINE to MACWNAC TAKE TO MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Thcarufert Perfection yet attained Construction "Luxnrlom Equipment, FurnLblni. Decoration and Clllclcot locuring the highest degree of COflFORT, SPEED AND. SAFETY. FOUR TRIPJ PCD WEEK BETWEIH LOW RATES to Picturesque Madclnac and Return. Induding and From Cleveland.

IrSoi 'rom Datrolt. 3l5 EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Clevetand with Earliest for all points East. South and Soutowert at Detroltfpr all points North and horthwert. Sundu lunt, July, and SepttnbK. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo Send for niustrated'pamphlet.


ONK-HALP flZSOfBOX: P0ZZONF5 POWDER 'COHPLEXIOM 9 beon tbo standard'for ionr.ty«w» more popntor to-day thnn ibo Idonl complexion treiliiiw. cleanly, healthtnl hinolen. lav.lamia protection jo tho tact. 1'hcverv iMnagPOBTOKFiBnMkr I BOX 1 XT toECGGISTS FANCY n(J." panKlncr.anC.-sniiijj.iuE, XT DBPGGIST8 tf AJUJt.

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