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Montpelier Evening Argus from Montpelier, Vermont • 4

Montpelier, Vermont
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rfeeJlcnrpelifcY Evening January 12, 1911. A. P. AFibott Co. P.

Abbott Co. I A. P. Abbott Co: SAVINGS BANKJEIXCTION. "The annual meeting of the stouft' holders of the Capital Savings Bank and Trust comnany was held this al-ternoou at 2' o'clock at (be bank, Tne following trustees were elected: T.

Dea-vltc, Taplln, A. J. Sibley, A. Johonnott and Q. ONI THR PR Utterly VVretched Nervouc Prostration Long Endured Before Remedy was Found.

Miss Minerva Remlnger, Upper Bern, writes: "For several years I had nervous prostration, and was utterly wretched. I lived on bread and bee! tea because my stomach would not retain anything else. I took many remedies, but obtained no relief until I took Hood's Sarsaparllla, when I began to gain at once. Am now cured." Pure, rich blood makes good, strong nerves, and this Is why Hood's Sarsaparllla, which purifies and enriches the blood, cures so many nervous diseases. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, OF OUR CLEARANCE SALE will be necessary for all that have goods out on The Evening Argus Published every epening except Sunday, at the office ef the Argus nd Famoty 1 13 Main Street, Mrmtpclier, Vermont.

Member of the Asssociated Press ad only paper in this section re-cetving its day report. The Evening Argus has the lar-' st circulation in Montpelier and ricinity of any daily paper pub-thed. Consequently is the best ad-irtising medium for reaching the people of this territory. 8nbseriptloB Priea. Omm Month, DellTerad 25 eenta.

Qms Yaar. P.UttsxI $3.00 tLONQ DISTANCE TELEPHONE. Mmh Hmr'i Offlo 315- steportorlal Roonu 315-3 tXORRIS FLETCHER JATKINS tntered at the Post Office in Montpelier, as second class matter. memorandum to pay up Saturday evening or sale will not be allowed. This sale has been than ever before and the remainder of this should be very busy.

There is a big saving in that you won't get again for another whole Select what you like, we hand you back a part regular price. t1!" It TABLE DAMASK Here is where Ladles get tbelr year's sapple. Restaurants and Hotel get their npply. Sa-lnch All Pure Linen Unbtesehew Dam-aak, lbf sale, par All ef our very wide C1.00 Damask la cloth that we try to bare as good, as any one at the priev, bow, as sate price, pet yavd. T9c Out very heavy 1 35 Bleached Damask.

This- is one ef onr best Jrlh Jnens. mwtth this, to- Napkins, and the price now is, per yard, Can-stfe a ioes here Our best tXM Bleached DamaHk, now per jurd, at Our very best, a 1.87 Bleached Damask, now, per yard, Every ple je of Damask at a special price If -'you, ean see where we get our money bank on this Damask sale, you seen differ ent than we do. CRASHES Crashes at just little the lowest? price tha we have ever named. One lot of 12XJ Bleached Crash, all pure linen, about seven pieces this sale; per All Pure Linen 17 ach Glass Toweling, now in this sale at only, per yard. -lie discount larger week this sale year.

of the Remben that this sale-closes Saturday evening this week. The Day Store Barre, Vermont. EFFECTIVE COLD CURE. Few Doses Also End Most Severe Grippe Misery. Pape'a Cold Compouud Is the result of three years' research at a cost of more than fl'ty thousan'i dollars, and contains no quinine which we have eonclusvely demon strated is not effective in the treat ment of colds or grippe.

It is a positive laot that a dose of Tape's Cold Compouud, taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken, will end the Grippe and brtak up the most severe cole, either in the head, chest, bask, limb of any part of the body. It promptly relieves tha most miserable neuralgia oains," head ache, du lines', bead and ncse stuff fd up, sneezing, sore throat running of the nose mucoui catarrhal discharges; 8ureness stiff ness and rheumatic twl; gts. Take this harmless Compound as directed with tbe knowledge that there Is no otber rrade anywhere elsa ia tbe world, wbiah will cure your cold or Urippe misery as promptlr and witnout any othar assistance or bad after effects, at 25 a package of Pipe's Cold Compound, wi led any druggist lu theorld can suoply. general committee Uil imlng re quiring that "legislative counsel and agents" shall re.lsur wl the sergeant at arms, together name of the employer Rod matters to which tbelr business pertains. The penalty is to be not le tnan gluo and not more than A similar bill was introduced two years mo but failed It was considered early io the session, although it was aftirward stated by rrany member that could the bill iiavo come in towards the end cf the session it would have stool a better sho.

Cn1oubtedl tliis hint was taken by those interested this The committee on appr-priations introduced a bill to repeal sections 3886-7-8-9 3890 1 of the public sta totes which repeals ths liws erant- lng State all for highways and bridles. The committee on indus trial sohool recommenied in a bill an appropriation for $28,000 for two new dormitories droplets at the Plant at Tm co nmittee on appropriations has introduced a bill to take over the property of the Sand Bar bridge and making it free. The charter of the Taconlc Valley railroad was tabled at the request of Mr, Vail, of Dorset who said that people In his section -slred to be heard on the matter since if this charter is granted lit will parallel a line partly built and surveveJ. The Brlctal charter was also tabled. READ THIRD TlVlE AND PASS ED.

H. 632. notice when libelee Is out of tbe State. n. 633, defining the duties of the commissioner of aiirioultore.

II. 634, penalty far kll line musk-rats in Addisnn county in close sea son. H. 635, petitions for writ, of cer-torarl. H.637, destruction ot inseot pest.

B. cuarter oil Rutland, THE Tbe Federal Incumd Ut amendment was roadd on motlun of Senator t-ioraoj special order for 2:15 o'clack Tuesday at-t rnoon. Tbe fiual adj iurnmant committee' report waa ordered tQtlie. Senator Arcbltald made tbe motion to. reeontider action refusing third readSng to tha direct InhTltaoca tax bllli and.

It was sent back to tbe cummlttee to ftbr consider section 4. Bills killed-H. 433,. to prohibit the inciting or hiring of a peiwon to itnuilt a crime, II. 601, relatln to tax cm.

depo-its; H. 606, appointment otageuts for service of process. A bill wan Introduced from the commit-t 'e on printing for the orlutlt nf the muster rnlla of Vermont Foldlers an1 sailors of thfl war of 1812. Tha joint revolution far tbe appointment of comuils sion on c( nssrvatlon of natural resource was adopted In concurrence. Senate bill 128, relating to the election and appointment1 of various town officers; S.

54, reltting ta C'ltiperative banks and loan associations, were table'. Bill passed In corcumnce Included, authorising tbe village of I lows Falls to isue nds; to Incorporate theChrysHilfl railroad company, with proposals of amendment; htting to money derived frjm the sale of fishr re-litlna to cominltaients to the In Jiisirlal school; Incorporate the Uranite Trust to regulate fishing In tbe lfte forniKd by Cbitteden dam, rslatlne t.i exemptions from taxation, on account rf oebta owing; empowering tbe fish an1 game to dispose of rescued aeer, relating to tbe appointment of adna.nistra-tors and executors, relating ti tf rms of supreme cuiirt; amending tha charter of the Bowe scale company, grand Hat of Morgan: Third reading was ordered In H. 621 to autborlie Bi.rlinatf to hold land on the shores of iake Chainplain. Bon. J.

C. -dlalr, lodustrtal commia-sioner Of the Illinois Central Railroad, will deliver an address tbls evening In BeprBscutatlves hall on "The Industries of Vermont." A Y.S MOR SILKS All'Silks at a special price during this One lot of Silk Dotted Goods in all of the colors, the same style as sold all the season at 29c, now at All ot our Colored Figured Silks In dress patterns' that sold for 1.00 per yard, now to close, per yard, This dojsnt pay cost of selling it is to close tbem all before new Silks arrive. -New ones wont be any better, they will only look new to as. One piece of yard-wide Black Taffeta, a 1.25 Taffeta, now. per One piece of Brairterd Armstrong 35 inch Black 1.50 Taffeta, this sale, per yard B.

A. Sllkare reliable. This wi 1 be a pretty gowl Silk sale to- attend. LADIES' BLACK COATS A few values In Ladles' Black Coats that will be picked 'up very quickie. These are Coats that sold at fl J.

00; and are' good, heavy, warm' Coats. Now at. What we have left Black sold at tin. 50 now Coats that 19.9 A few odd Black Coats that are extra good values. Are Coats-that we eaunot dup- Jfcate, and sold at and 25.00.

To close at 15.00 For the next flfteen-davs we will give av discount on all the regular stock, to close down our stock for invoicing. A SUCCESSFUL! BUSINESS MAN completed this week a New Year's resolution made five years ago, when he resolved that he wonldp parchaae an Endowment policy every year for five successive years. National Life Insurance Co. Montpelter, Vt. iMutwal S.

S. Ballard, General Asent, 11-12 Lawrence Block, Montpelier, Vt. Estate of Ban F. Hantington. SXATE OF VERMONT.

District Washington, m. Ths Honohabl Puvbati Coral rot tb District Atobesaio: To all persons tnteretted In tht atate of Benjamin F. Huntington, late of Moatpetier, ia aid District, deceaaed, GREETING: WHEREAS, raid Court ha anlgned the 6th aay of rebruary next for examining and allowing the account of tile Adminiatmtnr of th. Mbtt rj aid deceaaed.and for a decree of the raid ue of laid estate to the lawful chumanta of the same, and ordered that public notice thereof be given to peraona Intereu jd in aaid estate by publiah-inf thii order three weeks succeed vly previous tothejday assigned, in th Montpelier Evening Argus, newspaper published at Montpelier, ia saia uieinct. THEREFORE, yem are hereby notified to at the Probate Offic in Montnelier.

In 'istrlct, on the dap assigned, then and there to cause, and to eatabifeh your right as heirs. lega- teca ana lawful claimants to said residue. Givkm Unties. Mv Him this 10th January. 1911.

FRANK J. MARTIN Judge. Ja -18-25 ksssssssjsjSpsSpS sfssepSsfiafts. I LAKE FISH 1 Pickerel, 15c lb. TT White Fish, 15c Dressed Perch, 15c Bull Heads, 15c Fresh Salmon, 25c Halibut, Eastern 25c Haddock, 12c Steak Cod, 15c Fresh Herring, 8c I Oysters.

Lobsters, p. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J1 Clams, Scallops 5 MARKET? At the Head of State St. 5 Phones, 400, 401 444f444444444 1 of Montpelier and A. Cocbran, of Wells 3iver and W. O.

Sya of North Mbntoeller. The following officers wera elected: T. J. Deavltt president: Albert Johonnott mi A. Siblev vice presl-dauts and Frank N.

Smit!) treasurer. Tbe semi annual- statement of tbe bank is as foMbws: Resources, loans, stocks S. and other bin "is ensb on hand and Id bank 77,967,22: Liabilities, cipltal 1100,000 due depositors 91, 652, undivided profits 303 22; dividends weald $383.0,: dividend No, 39, Januarys, Treasurer's checks outstanding $847.19. ILLEGAL SELLING. Joseph of Willlamstowri waa lodged in County jail' this morning to serve a term rf no ltss than three months nor more tlma 93 days.

Morris- pleaded guilty to selling intoxicating liquors thr morning befjre Justice of the Feac C. M.Barber. lie was arrested last night by Constable W. Cutler 00 a warrant Issued by States Attorney Carver. Ha will also have lo pay costs of 18 56.

VETERAN DEAD. James G. Bryant Died Last Even- lng, Aged 7B. mes Grandfield Bryant died yecterday 11 moon at 5:20 o'clock at ib home cf Mrs. U.

A. Ewlng on 3) North street. DMtn was due to old age: Mr. Bryant was horn lo PlafnfHd, Oolo, 78 yrars ng-)r be waa a vsteran orube civil war and received a gun shot wound in tbe lea and was tent to tbe no.opUal In Mont pellcr where he remained live mnotbs, He bas lived ut tbe Elo buse the past 36 years, tie survived by one si, Imogens Jones, tut ber address- la not Unon. Prayer will be said over tbe body at tbe cbapel of tbe (irnen Mount cemetery tomorrow at 2 I'dock.

L. J. Hjmburg will officiate. 'Jlna" Bryant was a well known chart uctevabJi't tbe city and bsaltb prevent waa noted fur swapping horses. The old borne of the Bryant family, np to the tin of tbe war, waa on Sumn er street.

He served In Co. Second Vt. Bcgt.r Irum 1883 to tbe oft the A brottier, Lafayette, died during tbe war at Klcbmond, and another brother Henry, died In Montpellert In 1870i Deceased was a leaideB of.tbla city to over 60 years. SCHOOL CENSUS, Gain of 47 In The Number Last Year. Over Charles DeF Bancroft bas eowtpleted tbr school cei is for 1910 which e4ubtacn chliliiren between and 18 yeaif Inclusive.

The greatest sain was In Ward 6.. A comparison of ytar and thai wolcb preceded It will be shown in tfco following table: Wards. .1 2 4 5 a ISOOi 231 446 29T. a 871: 317. 1910' 24rt 447 302 3S1 1775 1822.

HOSPITAL AID SOCIETY. The Ladles' Aid soclet? of He 1 ton hos pital vet yesterday afternoon, at ih Keloeg-Hnbbard Utrary ana htW election of offlcets. Mrs. Charles Heat was elected president, i. T.

Bled-att, secretary and Nellie Watson, treasurer. Beports were md and accepted, a. ibe treasurer's reported a balance of (1757.31 on band. The treasurer also re ported that 12780.32 was made during the yeir. A WARNING TO MANY Some Interesting1 Facts Re gardlng Health Statistics Few people realize to what extent their health depenps upon the condition of the kidneys.

1, The physician in nearly all cases of serious makes a chemical an- nalysis of the- patient's urine. He knows that unless the kidneys are doing their work properly, the other organs cannot be brought back to health and strength. When tbe kidneys are neglecte.l or abased In any way, serious results are sure to follow According to health statistics, Brunt's disease which is really an advanced form of kidney trouble, caused nearly ten thousand deat is in 19n9, in the state of New York alone. Therefore It hooves us to pay more attention to the health of these most important organs An Ideal herbal compound it has had remarkable success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kidney Liver and Bladder Remedy.

The mild and healing influence of this preparation is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of cures. If yon feel that your kidneys require attention, and wish a sample bottle, write to Dr. Kilmer Bingbamton, N. Mention this paper and they will gladly forward it to you absolutely free by mail.

Swamp Root is sold by every drnggist in bottles of two sizes 50fl, and 1.00, LEGISLATURE Contluued from page 1 Maun, of St, Albans pointed pjib ther fact that ir adjournment was delayed until noon many members could not reach home until tue day following. The speaker suggested that in olden days adjournment was ordered at lo and tnei someone would come In at 8 and set the clock ahead so that adjournment could be taken etrly. X'ne purpose of adjournlag at 8 was to leave a lltilejeeway. Seldom more than a dozen members were on hand and adjournment was simply a perfunctory matter. There was no business.

In the past it had been sua- gfested so that members could get pay for the day. Mr. Stone of Walllngford, also said It would be impossible for many members in te sioth end of tue State to react" their mm until tie fulloIog nay if aujoucauient was taken at Mr. Fl tcher of Cavendish, had net entirely given up bone that final adjournment was possible on Saturday, Jauuaiy 21. He believed if they Held two or three evening ssions next wek such cojid be done.

At least, he diJ net want ta tie the master up so that they would be pieventcd from adjourn ing earlier than tha date named if it was possible, lit. Billing believed that final adjounxent was likely if the o.embers remained in town and worked on January 21 and Mondav January 23. Mr, Cnapraan of Windham, moved that the motion na ordered to lie which wa aareed too. Senate bill 126 with pending amendment, relating ta tbe definition cf tbe word automobile and motor vehicles, was recommitted to the committee on highways anl bridges, order that an amen i-ment covering traction engines might he added at the request of tha seoietaiy of State. The (loose passed an important bill this mon lng B.

613, which if enacted will provide fur the payment of 115,000 from tbe income of the permanent scnool fuad io accordance with an apportionment made by the superintendent of education amon the unorganized towns and gores, for the purptsa of Improving tbe rural schools by increasing transportation or board, and the number of trained teachers employed. Senator Powell resented an article published in a Montpelier paper criticizing the Senate for Its lack of consideration of the direct Inheritance tax. He read the article. Tbe bill came in with an unfavorable report and was killed without debate The Senate later relented on tbe matter, and a motion to reconsider was made and adopted and the bill recommitted to further consideration. LOBBY TO REGISTER.

The bill was introduced from the JANUARY SHIRT To-day it's SHIRTS and tomorrow it's SHIRTS. Here is a bunch of beauties with the prices trimmed. and $2.00 shirts now $1.15 All our best makes 'are here, Eagle, Cluett, Star and E. W. Our stock is so large and from such a variety of makers that you are sure of finding Shirt Comfort here.

A. D. FARWELL CO. All goods sold for cash. DRESS GOODS Right here is where we are to interest you.

January Is one ot, It not the best, Dress Goods months ia tha whole year. Many boy now, as they buy their house hold goods, for the reason that they can bny so much cheaper. Every piece of Dress Goods In onr stock at a saving price. Ask to see tbe All ef ear very best 59c Woet Dress Goods. in reds, navies, browns and blacks, half or these are Imported goods.

In this sate. yard 50c One lot of Kutrlieh Worsted in dark colors a Suiting and Ssirt eioth, now to closest half price, per yard. Navy, Cadet and Green 54-inch Eiiglish (Jbevlot, one 01 onr oest ciotns tnls season at 1.6a, for tailored suits and coats. now, per yard t. ...1.19 One lot of 43 ioeh Tussah Carina-, or fancy Monaxr, in Rreen.etaret ana gray.

1 are 1.09 oo(fs and are this season's imported cloths. Now, to at half It's to close oat all odd lots. Snelotof very fine quality -wide wated Diaccnols In colors- or green and cadet. These an new, but are all the eolors we have, so the price goes from 1.96 per yard, to. 6M1 Every piece of Dress Gdods at a special price; this includes Lansdowns.

BED BLANKETS These Blankets In all sizes, grades and! prtoes, are now lu this sale, and it dses nor matter how low they were priced), ttey are now selling at less price than before this sale. Tbeflttle 11 MeGiliwa presented with a solid gold from her fattier also each little- friend presetted ber with tome remembrance in honor her bintb- day. LENDS MONEY. New York, Jan. 12.

A though. Mm. Hettj Green is conflnedjto her horte bere with a hard cold, she is not so ill as to lose interest la business. She agreed lo lend.350,-00 bo the Roman Catholio church at St.lRoatlus Loyala on a aoorbgage a 4 per cent. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE My entire stock, consisting of Ladies' and Children's- Underwear, Wrappers, Sweaters, Corsets, Outing Flannels, Ginghams and notions of all kinds will be closed out at sacrifice prices.

Sale will commence Monday, Jan. 16, and continue to. Feb. 1. There will be some great Bargains.

Do not miss this chance. E. MDEOUT, Plain field, Vt. 6-4 Capital and Surplus $4,279,7452 Circulation Examined by tbe Association of American Advertisers. The only Montpelier Daily permit tiag Congressman Foster ta Vermont and give tts a peace should come the Rutland Colonel noosetelt hid nothlrg to aw about the ue nationalism la Ms must recent public address.

Soie people believe that Willi im tiryan will be Che next Samosratlo nominee for president. Eotlaud News. Anybody but tbe News and W. Stories are appearing la the porting columns of some newspapers telling how Jeffries was drugged at Beno, which leads a con-lemoory to observe that tie was not dragged but hit witn a blackjack, Bepublicao legislators are being told dally by visitors at Montpelier that tbe pledges in the party platform mean something to the people, and that failure to make good on them may mean a Democratic governor to scccaart the present administration. Rutland Herald.

And how it does frighten them! Work that is effective and well worth while la appreciated by the Waterbur? Record, whion says, "The Montpelier Board of Trade is doing a work which Is worthy of being patterned after by similar organizations in other towns and cities. A few weeks ago it had an 'Apple Div' meeting, whicn was at-leaded by men interested in apple emit re from all sections of the oounty. The meeting was so successful that plans have been perfected for a 'Corn Day' meeting. Snefa gatherings have an educational advantage which will result in re newing interest in areicultoral mat-tars, in which there is need of development. The plan is worthy of every encouragement.

"Loose charges that Vermont legislators are corrupt by a 'slush fund' furnished by brewen and distillers do not aopear to be the most nvlnclng argument in favor of a measure that the Vermont Anti-Saloon League wants to put through in spite of public opinion. When will our friends of the opposition learn that some temperance In advocacy and ar they urge upon all others in drink?" The above Is from the St. Albans Messenger an1 The NorthOeld News trident ly holls a similar opinion as demonstrated in the following austio article from its editorial oclamns: "Of course 11 was no sure prise that 0. 3, Ferguson, th- 'buss of the Vermont Anti-Saloon league, should send out a letter imputing the good filth of a leading member of the l.gis!atufe,Represen-tatlve Webster, of opposed tbe woman suffrage measure attachment to the local option liquor law, and insinuating that the beer Interests were using money in the legislature. The members of the Souse naturally resented sunn an attack and it probably had its effect Mi killing the amendment.

It was alaug the same plan as Ferausan's attack on the candidacy of Speaker Eawe at the opening of the session. If The News is rightly informed a good many former members of the Aatl-SaloDn league have withdrawn their support from the organization slxoly because they will not tolerate the unwarranted methods adopted by its management. The league, aa Tbe News believes, is now worth- ls when it ought to be influential la promoting the real cause of temperance and those who contributed oney to it for the superintendent's aalary, are simply, throwing it MONTPELIER VICINITY Hose Company 1 held thelri.anoual election latt ntfcbt at tbe club The follow lng officers were elected: Gbarlee O. Miner, president, vloe Lri M. Carr; secretary and treaauieav P.

Howes; foren aB N. P. first vsintaut, E. A. Poweraj aeceuid as sistant, E.

C. Reiser; steward, Fred d. Uulmes. Floyd the tii year old son of and Mrs. Harley G.

Spear, bf Miln street, had a narrjw escape from drownlug yes-tt tday. Wbn playing on the ic-he suddenly fell Into the river. Two otber ktl boys were playing wltb one grabbed bis bands when he came to. tiiesui lace and the other ran and gpl John Leslie wlio pulled the lltttu fellow oat. The Nurth Branch was.

kind ol 1b spite of the warm day au tbe Utile fellow was wrapped In. a. coat and hurried to his boxe where ho was given a rub down and a hot drinks and put to bed. '1'hls morning ha waa feeling Just aa well as ever. Mrs.

Frank McGee, of Hubbard gave a tirtnaay party yojteraay alter, loon In honor of her little daughter, B-atrlce, who was six. years old. A pleasant afternoon of games and amusements waa enjoyed ana SHfreshineut of sandwiches, Ice cream and cake and fruit were served. Among tbe little friends of Miss McGill, who were present wre: Misses uveiyn. ana Kjituerme Bluya, Hoience Gill.

Marjorle Klbby, Juan ta Moray and Djuglass Lludsiy, OUR SPECIALTY! INSURANCE WORTHY OF THE NAME First-class Companies, Lowest Terms, Prompt Settlements If You can't Call, Telephone I JOSEPH C. BROWN. Agent. Phone 109-1 BlanchardBIook, Montpelier FIRE INSURANCES A POLICY Having regard to its financial strength as shown by Its state ment, the "QUEEN" Is entitled to your confidence. On behalf pi itself and Its local agents it respectfully invites your patronage, and promises In return to fulfill Its obligations with promptitude and liberality.

QUEEN KW TOR. AGENTS, B. A. Sumnib, Montpelier, A. E.

Pulbtridgk, Northfleld H. Q- liOBiNsos, Barre, 111.H0 EL K. Ca JtrBEU, Waterbury. awy.".

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