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Montpelier Evening Argus from Montpelier, Vermont • 5

Montpelier, Vermont
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(-v The Montpelier Evening Argus, May 17, 1909. Wm Mcdonald dead. PITTSF0RD pickdps. Mrs. Joseph Ducette Is 111 with pneumonia." Mlas Mary E.

Man ley spent Thurs da? la Proctor. Mrs. EdwaroV Fleming is 111 with measles, FIGHT OVER CHILD. Bennington Cass Has Attracted Much Attention. Bennington, Mar 17.

F.O. San-ford, of Albany, and Charles A. Maurier, of this village, returned Saturday from Rutland where they Our stock in the different departments-Is complete and will say that we have never before shown such a fine line as we do now Anyone contemplating the purchase of New Furniture should call In and look over our new line. Fishing Tackle i We have it THE THE H. J.

VOLHOLM, Cornr Main East Stat MONTPELIER, VERMONT. House Phone S14-3 BOSTON BARGAIN STORE, STORE, Store) Phone 114-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Headquarters I 65 Main Montpeller Tou asay know it, and you undoubtedly do, that CHASE SAN HORN'S FANCY TEAS and COFFEES are tbe beat and purest on the market. Wo handle them at our store. It is Just as important that you ahould havo genuine Tea and Coffee as anything. The naaae "Chase Sanborn" is guarantee toaaer who wants flavor and purity, there's none better.

L. B. BROOKS. Opera House Block, MONTPELIER, VT. i i I I i i I i I i i i I i I i i II It I Wall Papers WELLS -f DO YOU INTEND TO VISIT THE AiasliQ-Yoiion Pacific Exposiiion, Seattle, June 1st to Oct.

16th MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT HOTEL FAIRFIELD, i Carpet Sweepers Door Mats 6th Avenue and hotel managed by New England people. Cars to Exposition Jrormda rasa thn dnnr. European pLua 11.00 mp. American, $2.50 up. T.

S. BROPHY and OSCAR G. BARRON, Proprietors appeared before Judge E. L. Water, man, in the habeas corpus proceedings brought In behalf of Mrs.

Nellie Estabrook to recover possession of her three year old daughter, Le-nora. who was brought here from Troy when the aouple separated three months bko. rapers were served on Estabrook and the hearing is set for Wednesday at Rutland. Sunday morning, by an agree-nenb of the attorneys in the osse, tbe mother was given the privilege of having the child in her possession for two hours. The little girl was taken to the office of the mother's local attorney, C.

A. Maurier, where the little girl was turned over to Mr. Estabrook. During tbe time that the child remained in tbe lawyer's office, the attorneys remained on the piazza of the Putnam Bouse in full view of the wUdow before which Mrs. Estabrook and th little girl were ait-Meg and Chief of Police Brazel and Special Officer Hurley were also put on duty.

Estabrook, too, was on the opposite side of the street and the little girl repeatedly waved her hand to him. With such a number on guard any atlemot to abduet tbe hild could have easily been frustrated. Since the failure spirit the child across the New York State liae on Friday, under-an order of the court of that State giving her mother custody of her daughter, the mother's attorneys have decided to try the case la Verrront. VISITS JAPAN. Squadron -Siven Hearty Wei-come at Tokio.

Tokio, May 17. Rear Admiral Giles, B. Uorbar, commanding the static squanron of tbe Pacific fleet, with staff granted audience to Em peror and Empress today, was receiv ed with a hearty and enthusiastic we borne In the harbor, fie said in an interview, "Kindlv express tbe deep and cordial relations "that always existeribeteen the countries afeellng deeper than ever before." SEVERED ARTERY. Bennngton, May i7. running into tbe Putnam Ilouse for his suit case In order to catch the trollv oar for Willlamstown Saturday nieht, George Cheney, a Williams College man, who played third base for the Wllliamstown team which opened the base ball season here wilb Bennington la the afternoon, slipped and fell through the glass door.

A gash extending from the hand half way to the elbow was out bv tbe broken glass, a large artery was severed and before the assistance of a physician could be secured the student nearly bled to death. It was Sunday morning before two surgeocs suc ceed In closing the wound and stopping the hemorrhage. ROOSEVELT SPECIMENS. Nairboi, May 17. Edmund Hel ler, zoologist of the Roosevelt party, Is here with fifty specimens of animals including one rhinoceros, six lions, two smaller rinds of game and varloua birds.

Morrlstown bas voted to sell its town farm as being too expensive a proposition. Paupers will be cared for A COMPLETE LINE OF FISHING TACKLE Has Just Been Received By Us All new Goods and the prices are right. Call and see. CAPITAL HARDWARE (SiMuiion to BAILEY MORSE.) Head of State Street. ontpelier, Vt.

Passed Away pearly This Morn Ingof Old Age. McDonald, a veteran of the Civil War and long time resident of More town died at tbe homo of Mrs. Ella McDonald, bis daugb ter-In-law, on Pros peot street, at 5:60 o'clock toll mornlnof a'lreaklog down of old aue which was hastened by a hard cold and heart trouble, the latter of which be bai suffered all bis life. Ha was able to be about the house Sunday afternoon out all nlgbt bo had to be for and It was seen that be was rapidly falling. The deceasel was of scotch descent and cave to Ibis eoontry from the North of Ireland.

Ells father died before be left having been killed by a horse, while his nether, wbo eame to tbls conntry, died before Mr. McDonald arrived here, He came to America at the age of about 10 years. He has lived In Moretown an. til three years ago when he came to tbe borne of bis daugbter-ln-Iaw to reside. While in Moretown be lived on a farm on Common.

He was twlee married, alt first wife being Margaret Hgaa and bis second wife was Sarah Donahue, who died three yaars ago at Moretown. He was a member of Brooks Post of the G. a. B. He served in tne Civil war tn.Compaoy of the regl.

meiit and was In the thickest of some of the Dghtina la Ihls three years' service. He was 75 years of age. He Is survived by one son, John R. McDonald, who lives In Flint, his son William, having died here some years ago. Be also leaves Ji grand children, Harold, of Nortbamiton, N.

11., Ernest and Burton, of SuDipee, N. and Barley, of this city, sons of William, also seven children of John In Flint. There Is also one great graadscn, Charles, son -of Ernest, of tiunapee. He was an attendant of tbe Methodist church. Tbe funeral arrangements will not be completed until word Is heard from Jobn McDonald wbo Is expected here, but It will probably tae place Tburday.

HELDFIFST MEETING. Kev. Charles W. Green, and the members who resigned from the People's church of tbe Evangelical association held their first meeting at the eburch parsonage on Sunday morning and at the borne of tho class leader, E. Eulllns la the evening and a good crowd attended.

Mr. Green preached on Pentecost; several solos and duets were rendered and a good um of money was raised for tbe benefit of the work. The chorcb has runted a ball on Main street In a good lo. cation and an evangelist will organize a church as soon as possible. Senator Page recently presented a petition to the Senate.

It came from T. J. Deavitt, an attorney of Montpeller. Tbe petitioner urges that tbe present system of vouchers be abolished aod tbat pensions be paid direct to the pensioners, upon maturity. The petitioner savs tbat if business men were as dlla- tory in meeting tbelr obligations as tbe government Is in paying pensions, their paper would soon go to protest.

Mr. Ueavltt bas calculated tbat it costs tbe average pensioner II a year to execute bis quarterly pension voucher under the present system and that pen loners who do not live elose to tbe pension agencies or past office have to pen.1 approximately year In traveling expenses. Ellis BANKERS BROKERS Heaters CMsollioiei stock or 27 State Street, Boston 68 Broad Street, N. Y. Onr Market Letter on The Situation Reading Rock Island and Republic Iron Steel Seat free on Application.

R. TIBBITS SECURITIES Congress Street, Boston, Mass. Hunt, everything needed to catoh flgh except worms. GOODS ABE RIGHT. PRICES ARE RIGHT.

Vt. xa I Draperies BOYLES SI. 50, I.OO, 75c 75c and 50c Electric Lights and Housecleaning. Do you know that these go well to gether? While the carpets are np have your wiring attended to. ut in new wiring, or have "trouble work" done.

That is the proper time to do it. Let me furnish you an estimate. Dollars saved) W. I. LAWRENCE.

Over Joh.nnoL II alii Stan Tel 1 CARPET CLE AIMING I Haring; Bought a GREEN PNEUMATIC CLEANER which is a great improvement over the old make, 1 am prepared to clean Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Furniture, in the very best manner at reasonable rates. Alo grease and ink spots removed without fading. Pianos and organs cleaned without injury. CEORCE N. WHITE.

Phone 32-U ojro-tf The hoard of village trnstees of Middle-bur; have voted to ablJe by tbe state law regulation the speed of automobiles, exepet that It was decide! that for a distance of 60S yards along Mala Street all vehicle should be limited to six miles an hour. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I for the Best of reliability. For the thinking ous- i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I It It Madison Street. I I -OF- I FOOTWEAR I In all Leathers High and Low Cut. I All the new snappy styles For Spring.

Call and Look them over Fitzgerald Purtel, 116 Main i i GIVE TOU iwer piri Sfyles BIANCHARD OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, MAY 17. MESSRS. MARTIN EMERY'S Presentation of Richard Wagner's Mystic, Festival Drama S.R. Burhank has returned from a trip to Boston Mrs. Thomas Whaleo visited in Brandon Thursday.

Mrs. Margaret Casey visited in Rutland Thursday. Mrs. L. F.

Liberty has returned from a visit in lilddlebury. Mrs. Agnes Dickerman Is the guest of Miss Nettie Sohofleld, Miss Bertha Shaw visited Mrs. Fred Kinsley, her sister in Brandon Thursday. Charles P.

MoCormlek, of Burling ton, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. John McCormlck. Miss Anna Hennessey, of Pitts ford Mills, who bas been ill for set eral days is better. The Y. M.

C. A. met at tbe home oi Harley M. Chatterton Tuesday evening, May 11. Tbe Woman's Christian Temper ance Union met with Mrs.

Anna Lovelnnd Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Emily Thomas has returned home from several weeks, visit in Castle ton and West Rutland. Miss Mabel Col 11 as and Marjorle Burditt, of Rutland, were the guests of Miis Bertha and Lucy Bolden last week. Miss Bertha Holden gave a party Saturday evening, May 8 to the members of tbe senior class at the HiKh school.

Mis. Arthur Mansur, who has been a guest at the Otter Creek Inn for 10 days, has returned to her home in Lowell, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutch inson, of New York are building a summer borne near the bro of the hill west of the Pincknej house.

Mrs. Butohioson is a Bister of Mrs. Jo'in I. Pinckney. BETHEL BUSINESS.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ilall left Saturday for a fortnight's visit in Maine. Mr. and Mrs.

-Albert O. Thayer celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage by a reception this Monday afternoon. Senior olass honors at the Whit- comb High school have been announced as follows by James 0. Walker, principal. First honor, Zilpab F.

Banney, of Pittsford, 94.53; second honor, Albert B. Washburn, 94.51; Third honor, Helen M. Brooks 93.4. There are six others in the class, Zilcha M. Ranney, of Pittsdtsld; Lura M.

Hollard, Evelyn II. Morse, John Noble, Austla B. Nobl4, C. Stan ley Putnam. June i3 will be class Sunday, June 15 class day and the graduation exercises will occur una 16.

The High school base ball team lost in Woodstock Friday 9 to 2 and to Rockland Military academy at Lebanon N. Saturday 13 to 3. They admit tbat they were outclass ed which is better than whining about unfair treatment. The boys are not discourged and will play several games yet. It is an inter esting fact showing the uncertainly of base ball that this season Whit-comb BIgh defeated Northfield Bign nich defeated Randolph nigh, which defeated Montpclier semi nary, which defeated Burlington High.

Howard T. Clark and Frank S. Clark of Norwich University, Northfleid, wno were recently examined at Fort Etbas to determine their fitness for appointment as leeend lieutenants, coast artillery corps, have been appointed, with rank from April 27. The former bas been assigned to the 155tb company and the latter to the 90 tb company. They have beea ordered to report to tbe com manding officer at Fort lEthai Allen not later thai June 1 for temporary duty not to exceed rive days and upon being re lleved from duty there will report to tbe commanding officer at Fort Monroe for a course of instruction not exceeding one month and 111 then join the cam paay to which assigned.

TO-DAY'S MARKETS. The following marsec reports are far nshed through the of S. W. Bailey Co. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS.

Open Close Mt Mav 137 July 112K 1UX Cora. May OA May 58 58Jf juay si 5 Cotton io.yo 11.29 10.67 10.70 Lard Short: Ribo TW. 1. 10,13 HEW 9TUWKS. Open o'elk Amalg'ted Copper ti iyt Atchison 109)1 10 Bock3sland 82 Union Faclflc: 181 188J TJ Steel Mtf S70 Adc SJ.

0.M..f..M. US Wifi FOR CO TO E. Y. DAILEV CO. WALL PAPER 2S Per Cent.

BelowjRegular i40-is Price. TJ rtJ v. ii. uuuge, i CHICK CORN (IN ENGLISH) Adapted by Wm. Lynch Roberts Based on the Legend of the Holy Grail, Produced at an enormous cost and enacted by a atof noted players.

onrni A I WflTIPF For the convenience of "Parsifal" patrons the former Or UlHU lvU I IUL rule of commencing the evening performances at 5 30 and Kivinac a two-hoar dinner intermission has been done away with. Daring thiB engagement the curtain will rise at 7.45 sharp at the evening performance. Carriages be ordered at 11.15. Auditors should be iu their seats at rise of first, curtain, as no one will be seated during the actioa of the play SCALE OF PRICES: Lower Floor Balcony Seat Sale opens at Bus well's Book Store Thursday, May 13th. Tickets orderedbv mail will be promptly forwarded on receipt of remittance and self-addressed stamped envelope.

(No free list.) 32 Candlepower Burned Same Cost 8 40-Watt "TUNGSTEN" Lamps J. Do This! We now have 32 Candlepower (40-watt) "TUNGSTEN" Lamps in locandlepower size bulbs LonjJLife( Guaranteed ON THE CURB Sonora Mining Development Company Offers a block of Stock fot the purpose of increasing its Ore Buying Fund. The Compsay owns a group ef ten mines and the only custom smelter in the State of Sonora, and there is great deiaaad for the smelting of ores locally. Some of the richest mining properties in the Republic of Mexico adjoin thlg property and there ate several hundred thousand tons of high grade smelting ore on the dumps, awaiting shipment to the smelter. It la a well-known fact that a custom smelter is the greatest money-maker in the mining business, and here ia an unusual opportunity for investment.

Don't Fall to Investigate. Write or call for complete prospectus Showing thirty-seven illustrations descriptive of the mines and property, smelter, lead reflnery.Rilver refinery, stores, hospital, electric light plant, (ice plant, water wortcs covering two square miles of territory. The Comply is capitalised for 5,000,000 shores, of par value $1 each. 8,682,133 shares are in the treasury of the Company. No stock has been given as a bonus for any purpose whatsoever.

Every share of stock has been paid for by the promoters and 1568,856.68 has been spent in the purchase and development of the property, together with the profits from past operations. The closest investigation is solicited. The company proposes to sell small lots of stock at advancing prices. Enter yonr orders to bay stock on the ourb through your own broker. SEE BOSTON NEWS BUREAU, MAY 12, 1909.

WILL Boston Frill excii ange Fresh Berries and Fruit received daily. Telephone orders given careful attention. Call 304-22. Goods delivered from 10 to IS a. m.

and 4 to 6 p. at. By action at special meeting of tbe voters the towns of Bar net and Monroe, N. bava granted tai exemption fer a big development at Baroet of the wate puwer of the Connecticut river. Fcnnnmu Same Candlepower ECOnOmy LESS Money, OB Consolidated Lighting Company 'Color, the Hair FREDERICK INVESTMENT Fourth Floor, Monks Building, 35 AVer's Hair Vigor is composed of Show this to your doctor.

Ask him if there is a single injurious Ingredient Ask him If he thinks Ayer's Hah" Vigor, as made from this formula. Is the best preparation you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let him decide. He knows. CONSTANTLY INCREASING Hatien Makes tiie EVENING ARGUS More and Mere Valuable ta ADVERTISERS.

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