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Montpelier Evening Argus from Montpelier, Vermont • 2

Montpelier, Vermont
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2 The Montpelier Evening Argus, Jannaiy 3, 1910. CHURCH AFFAIRS. $850,000 IN DIVIDENDS. TCf 1 1 I I I "mm meqalFlo A I ri ll p. Tmnlze tli blood, ton trwiKthen the stomach, aid dictation, and pro niut iwwit.

ntilful. natural alhtn. Thiv are Ilia nerves, e)imlatcoatel. awiaptalil to the toniiirb and tunWf aimilui(i, ami the beat mmrina fur anwiiic. DiU.

nurvoiia ana dviiMiutlA man. women noiiilc, tiala, norvoii and dytniptla man, woniei nd chililron, and all 11 worn from th liVU of ilia atinnuDuii lit of today, I'rlco JOo. or (1. Of )t mall. d.

I. flood 31ass, xi auuio ur uwhi 11 a uoou. talnment, after which refreshments were served. The affair was In chara of Mrs. U.

uross and Mrs. R. A. Hurt. A good numb 'r were present at the il an I watch service held Friday evening by the Epwortli League In the vestry of Trinity church.

The early part ot the meet-lug was devoted to social hour and a pleasant evening was with games until il o'clock, when a religious service held In honor of the passing ot the old year and tne coxing of the new. Short remarks were made at the service by Rev. G. A. Bishop, of the Seminary, Rev W.

S. Smltbers and Secretary Join E. Gilkerson of the Y. M. C.

A. Interesting meeting is reported by those who attended. FILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS PAZO OINTMENT Is gnaraorreed to cure say case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies iu 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c FIRE HAD SMOULDERED. Slight Blaze In H.

J. M. Jones's Residence. An alarm of fire was rung In about 8 o'clock Sunday mornlrg from box 6 at the corner of East State and College "Udets tor a blaze in B. J.

M. Jones' residence, 80 East State street. The department quickly responded, and discovered a small blaze in the celling of the billiard roox, which is in the southwest corner ot tne second story. The family had seen the smoke in the room, but had some difficulty in locating the lire until it broke out of the partition near the floor in the guest room above. The blaze had not gained sufficient headway to require the use of water, and the" tire was put out with chemical extinguisher and wet cloths, the blaze being subdued In a very few mlnutei, although its location in the ceiling and partition made it necessary to work some little time to extinguish all the places thit mijht smoulder and break out anew.

The damage done by the fire itself was not extensive, perhaps 5o, but thelroums'were'ulled with snooke.and it will be necessary to reBnish the billiard room and guest chamber. Mr. Jones stated to an Argus re porter that he wished to express his appreciation ot the promptness shown by Chief John, Wahlen and his men in getting to the fire, and also of the care they used in handling it to do the least possible damage to the room and its contents. He could give no estimate as to the anount ot tbe damage. The fire Is believed to have started from the fire place In tbe billiard room, ant probably had smouldered for some time, for the fire had not been lighted In the fire plaoe since Saturday evening.

The recall was blown about 9. Rev. W. 8. Smltbers went to North-field Saturday 50 MILLION cod fish, more or less, are caught each year on the coast of Norway, the livers of which are made into Cod Liver OiL The best oil is made from the fish caught at Lofoten Islands.

Scott Bowne use only that oil in making their celebrated Scott's Emulsion and when skillfully combined with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda they produce a medicinal food unequalled in the world for building up the body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS aama of paper and tola ad. for oaf beautiful SaTlnga Bank and Child's Sketoh-Book. Saab, bank aoatains a Good Look Penny. SCOTT BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.

New York Peptiron Pills Watch Services and Sunday Announcements. An Interesting Onr.stuis meeting for the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society ot Trinity church was held at the home of W. S. Snolthers on Kast Libert street Friday after-nucD. There was a good attendiuoe Bt the mealing and an Interesting programs aa prepared ir the Oi-caslon.

Mrs. W. O. Onapman who had oharga of the meeting, read Van Dyke's little story "The First Cbilstmas Tree," and V. A.

flatden read sereral Christmas poems. lsi A gees Rule, of the Seminary, sang, accompanied by Miss Evelyn Bishop on the also gave a Christmas reoliatloo la a very pleasing manner. A business meeting was held, at which the reports ot the secretary and treasurer were heatd. Refreshments were served at the close of the itternoon, and a pleasant occasion Is reported by all. The principal anncun clients made Sunday in the local ohurohes were: Bethany: The Ladles Missionary Soclet? will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

W. C. Colton at 2:30 o'clock. The annual meeting of Bethany church has been postponed until January 12. The Woman's For-elgi Missionary Society? will meet with Mrs.

Cora M. Gildden, First AvsDue, Friday, January 7 p. m. Church of the Messiah. The Woman's Alliance will meet with Mrs.

Ward R. Clark, 2o Bailey avenue, Tuesday at m. A Men's Supper will be held In the vestry of the church at Wednesday evening tor the purpose of mutual acQualntanoe and to consider the totmatlon of a Laymen's League, and the sneakers at that time will ba Rev. F. L.

Leavltb, Bellows Falls, Rev. E. 0. Downey, of Barre, and J. B.

Estee and Principal Ei, S. Abbott, of this place. Holy Communion will be celebrated Sunday January 0 at 4 In the afternoon in charpe ot Rev. J. Edward Wright.

An announcment was made In the Congregational, Methodist and Baptist churches yesterday of the observance of the week as a week of srayer, and union services of these churches will be held in the Baptist church Tuesday evening, in Bethany church Wednesday evening and in Trinity church Thursday evening. Holy Communion was'celebrate1 at Bethany church Sunday and three persons were admitted to membership in the churon. The Seminary choir was absent on account of the vaoatlon, but will be present next Sunday. The efforts of the Topio club to make yesterday a tally day and secure large attendance were highly successful. The Baptist Ladles Missionary Society met Friday arternoon at the home of Mrs.

A. P. Hlbbard on St. Paul street, and a pleasant afternoon was spent in the study of the meeting being In charge of Mrs. Charles Mcintosh.

A collection was also taken for the support ot foreign missions. The Incoming of tne New Year was observed at the Pentacostal church on Bast State street Friday evening with appropriate exercises, a large attendanoa being reported. Two services were held, the first beginning at 8:30 and lasting until wbile jne second began at 11 o'clock and lasted until 12:39. At the first, of these, Mr. MaxBeld was the speaker, while at the seoond service Rev.

C. W. Greene, of the local church spoke. There was a special, musical programme for the occasion, several pleasing solos and duets being rendered. On Thursday evening last Rev.

and Mrs. C. W. Greene were uleisantb surprised by tbe members of the Pentaoostal church, who called at their home, "75 Elm street, for a social and musical evening. A merry evening was spent, music forming a large part of the enter- MONPELIEH AND VICINITY Leo Carrow went tack to Albany, N.

last night. Arthur W. Daley came np from Rutland lfrldy aight. Claude Fisher spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Vergennes. All suits at Hleason's price, with the exception of one line of staple Blacks.

Miss Elizabeth VMi spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in KortbSeld. James Cantlllioo, of Bntland, machine operator on the Herald, visited hla home here Saturoay. One lot of Children's Coats (1.98, another at 13 87. at Gletson'8. Great values, gee them.

Mr and Mrs. William J. Condon spent New Year's day and Sunday with relatives In Brandon. Mis McMahon, returned Sunday to Springfield, after ten days' vilRt with her parent. Pallia Dewey went back to Niagara Falls Sunday night after spending tbe holidays with his parents.

Woman's Christian Temperance union Is to meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. ifl. M. Denny. Miss Gladys McCormlck went to Water-bury Friday afternoon to spend a few Jays witb Mrs.

Martin Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, of North-field, were lo.the city Saturday on their way to Barre to spend ew Year's. Bev.

K. J. Mead and wife, of Essex Junction, and B. IS. Mead, of Morth field, spent Hum Year's with Mrs.

E. M. Deney. J. ti.

Gnwdey, manager of tbe Vermont Telephone company, went to Burlington Friday afternoon to spend New Year's witb bis family. Cr. and Mrs. Bailey and rs. E.

L. Biancbard and daughter, Alice, of Barre, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.

Tnrney New Year's day. Richard FoU-y, wbo gave home as Rutland, was tfore city court last Sat-nrdar and was sentenced to 30 days county jail for Itoxication. Miss Josepine Tholens, of Burlington, who has been visiting at the home of Rev. aud Mrs. C.

W. Greene, returned to her borne Saturday evening. Officer J. M. Donahue was In tha city M'v! Marvel lp? wx Douche tax toot nrtunrlst 10 if hv cannot supply the MAIttliL.

accent a her, hut sand stamp for ilhia- tnted btiok sealed. It fires fnll partlcclars in Hirwtfma Ini-dj Me to Ixdlm (W.I ti 44 t. 23d New Yav. "S315TEL BROADWAY and IITH STREET NEW YORK CITY. 5 Within ET Aa of Ptttnt a Interest.

Half Mock from Wanamakrr 9 walk or Shopplnr uiatnrt. iJ XOTKDFOB! Kic lienor of Cnlaiu. Coia- forur. Appointments, courteoua unri Hx ami Homelike ttarroundint. BOOMS $1.00 FEB DAY AXO UP EUROPEAN PLAN.

Table d'Mote Breakfast 50c WM.TAYLOR&SON,Tnc BOTEI. MARTTTTCaTJE, Sf uroaaway ana mta ram. CHICHESTER PILLS TUB IHAMON BRAND. A I AftM-yonr iruK bl-eheavteia lllamond I'llUln Red and Uotd i ooxes, sewrd vrtn iilua Tk ae athep. But lra-v11.

As.kfnrtririU'11 DIAMOND I1RAM FILLS, for Sftj yeus known as Best, Safest, Always Reliabl SOtS BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Friday afternoon to: commit Clarence Maynaid, of Noroicb, Ct to county jail for ten days for intoxication. Florence St. Antoinp, of orlington, wbo was guest at Miss Eelley In Worcester ower New Year's, went bacK yesterday to her home in Burlington. Miss Nellie Warren returned yesterday from Calais, where ahe spent tbe Christmas vacation, aud assumed her studies In Montpelier High school today. Philip Dewey lft Sunday night for Nlgara Falls, Ontario, to resume his duties after spending tbe Christ mas vacation wiih nls parents In this city.

Pike's Toothache Drops ylWI JUaajaiifaaMwaaiii isiiMlaVaaMaaTJaVMaaaaWay Rlbooav Tone 1 any package Is a guarantee of Dion Mkhit. ill! of yd ale's Remedies are the fpjeecrlptlona of Eminent Special fat or long tried Recipes, Com bounded from the Purest Drugs by Skilled Chemists. IWe call Especial Attention to thd EoUowing, all of which are sold on a PostnvTB Guarantee, rum a a ivin MIVAUB vuu a-a-s-wiiv I Fox Chronic Coughs, Bronchitis) and Consumption. RYDALE'S STOMACH TA3LET Tor Indigestion and Dyspepsia. RYD ALE'S LIVER TABLETS For Chronic Constipation and Torpid Liver.

RYD ALE'S KIDNEY REMEDY For all diseases of Kidneys and Bladder. RYD ALB'S CATARRH REMEDY Tbe only absolute cure for Catania in the head, ever discovered fits Rydale Remedy Company Newport News, 1 Va. SOLD BY HARRY SLADE Pharmacist M. H. S.

28 NORTHFIELD. 8 Wild Runaway For Montpelier Team at The Close. A fair sized crowd witnessed tbe game which was plated in the Y.M. C. A.

gjmnaslum Saturday evening between the basket ball teair.s of Montpelier and Northfield nigh In which the former won o'it by a score of 28 to 8, after which a game which ran all the way from a closely contested Beht at the beginning ot the second half to a wild runaway for the Montpelier team at its nlose, when tbe game resembled "tiddley winks" more than basket ball. The Northfield aggregation came to this city by team, and brought a good sized bunch of "rooters" with them, but were late in aniviug on the scene, so it was 8:45 before the whistle blew foi the game to begin. It started oft with a rush, both side playing fast bill, and for a time neither side was able to score, but finally Northfield popped the ball In the basket and Dog river stock went up for a few minutes, but suffered a relapse when Montpelier followed suit a tew minutes later. Northfield stuck pluaklly bv how ever.and at the end of the first half, although they had not Increased their score, they had held tbe locals down to 5 points, leaving the score 5 to 2 in Montpeller's favor. Probablv tbe most interesting five minutes of basket ball seen on the floor this season were the first five minutes of the second half.

A foul was called on Montpelier and was neatly throws by Northfield, and a moment later they followed suit with a baskot, tying the score. With things in this state'the excitement was tremendous, both sides cheering their respective teams to the utmost, bat just at this point, Korthfield's downfall began. Montpelier suddenly came to life with a snao and rolled off seven baskets In a row, about as fast as the soorer could chalk them down, Northfield succeeded in getting one more basket and also threw another, foul while Montpelier made their seven baskets eleven and threw one foul, making the final score 28 to 8. Northfield played a good game until nearly the middle of the second halt, tbe defense being especially strong, but their shooting was rather unsteady and wild. Long shots seemed to, be their favorites, and a number of times they hurled the ball nearly the whole length of the floor at tbe basket Montpelier played a steady game throughout, especially In the second halt and Captain Cull en showed uo especially well.

The lineup ot the two teams was: M. H. S. N. H.

S. Cullen, Smith Allen Brooks Blake Davis I Kingston Stone Buck 1 Sylvester 1 Referee, Stone ot Northfield; um- lre, Towle ot Montpelier. S. S. Ballard was In South Ryegate and Randolph Saturday delivering Insurance policies.

He Is preparing to start tbla week oj a winter's vacation which be and Mrs. Ballard will apend In Charlestcwn, 8. C. William Charles Chandler, George Pitkin Ned Bates, Benham W. too, Carroll Duke, Arthur aod Harold Jackioa spent Sunday at Pitkin's camp, Berlin Pood.

THE NAME Will Be Distributed By National Life This Year. The year I909 has been a very prosperous one for the National Life InsuranceCompany, and It Is atated by Its president, HonJospeh A. DeBoer, that it was the most prosperous year in the history ot the business and as the company Is just completing its sixtieth year, that means a good deal. During the past year, It Is stated, the achievements of this company have included an Increase ot outstanding business on a paid for basis ot approximately 15,000,000. The Increase In assets ot the company during the same period ot time has been about and the total volume of business outstanding at the close of 19o9 Is 1 160,000,000.

The assets ot the company will exceed 93,400,000, while the surplus w)l total very close to 16, 000,000. Arrangements have also been made during tbe year tor a distribution of dividends amounting to 850,000. This last Item is especially significant as It puts the National Life Company In the front rank ot dividend payers in the oountry. MARRIED 65 YEARS. Mr.

and Mrs. Hiram Templeton Ob-Q I served Anniversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. HiramTempIeton, of East Montpelier quietly observed on Sunday tbe anniversary of their marriage, which ooourred January 2nd, I845.

Mr. and Mrs. Temple-ton can claim the honor of being one ot a very few married couples, In this vicinity, to obtain this happy event. Considering their advanced age, both enjoy very good health, retain their mental faculties unimpaired, are interested in the topics of the day and can relate many interesting Incidents of three score and ten ormore tears ago. Their many friends wish them happr returns of thejday.

There was not so large an attendance at the New Year's ball given by Company In Armory hall Friday evening as might have beeo wished, buttboewbo attended report a happy occasion. Tbe ball was preceeded by a concert by seven pieces of tbe Montpelier Military Band orchestra, lasting from 8 to 9 o'clock, which wis enjoyed by all, after which, dancing was enjoyed by 40 couplet frnm do'loclf until 2. Kefreshments were serveJ, the entire affair being In charge of the dance commhtse, which has had cbsrg of tbe Company H. dance throughout the fall. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by GTer-Work.

Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for much sickness and suffering, tnereiore, 11 auaney trouble is permitted to continue, serious results are most likely to follow. Your other organs may need attention, but your kidneys most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.

Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will convince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable heelth restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distressing cases. If you need ft medicine you enouia nave the nest.

Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may hav. a scruple bottle 1 Vojiijjmci. iciiiug yuu Hoax .1 how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr.

Kilmer Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root if you do you will be disappointed. ALLAN LINE "MODERATE BATE PASSENGER SERVICE' Boston Gl 8(io via Londonderry, Ionian. Jan.

7 Numidiah, Feb, 11 Pretorlan, Jan. 20 Ionian, Feb. 24 Second cabin, Glasgow and Derry. H3.50 upwards. Third class, 137.75, and Liverpool.

Prepaid Steerage Rate, 131.50. Entire rooms re served for married couples. Children 1-13 years halt fare. H. A.

ALLAN, 11U State Street, Boston. S. a BALLARD, New Langdon Block. a THCtst NEW HOTEL ALBERT Eleventh St. University NEW YORK CITY One Block Weat ot Broadway.

The only absolutely oi fire-proot Iran, aient hotel below 22d Strn Location ce traJ, yet quiet. 400 noma too with bath from $1.00 per day upwards. Excellent restaurant and cale attached. Moderate prices. Sen 1 cat stioitir lUitirtfel Cilic in iipt! He mi em FOUR APPEALS TAKEN.

Clogston-Meigs Case Will Not Go To Supreme Court. Only four case will go from tbe Nep tamber term of county court to the supreme court. One appeal was taken In time to have tbe casa trld at October term, one Is on tbe January calendar and two others will appear on tba February 1st Tbe'case of Stewart vi Knight was beard at tbe October term, State vs Elton Taylor la on the Jannarv calendar, and Fowlie va McDonald Cutler, and Rowell va Swetzer, a horse case, were the two in which appeal was taken at the end ot the 30 days oftbeadjuornmeot of county court, but not in time to Ret Into the January term and therefore mutt go over until the Februirv session. The ease of J. I).

Clogaton vs E. S. Meigs, ejectment, will not go to supreme court. Exceptions were taken but tbe appeal was not eutered. In this case the verdict was tl and costs for the plaintiff, who also got a strip of land 17 inches wide at one end and running very nearly to a point at the other end.

The term of supreme euurt will convene tomorrow. The list is short, there telng only 27 cases on the trial docket. The first cases for argument are from Windham county, to be followed by Rutland and Franklin counties. Washington county cases are at tha heel. NEW YEAR'S TREE.

A rather novel form of entertainment, a New Year's tree, was held Saturoay evening by Ivy Bebekab lodge, the affair being In charge of Mrs. Daisy WebWr and tbe standing general committee The fit part of the program ire consisted of a ser'ei cf recitations, songs and in-8truui-jtal pieces by the children, after which the New Year's tree, the fruit of wbich was very similar to that borne by a Christmas tree, was stripped of Its burden, amid a general round of merriment add good chaer, everyone who attended re orticg an enjoyable evening. The programme of the evening was as follows: Violin solo, Each.el Wheelock; reel tit ion, Teddy La warn; piano solo, Clara Cooleyj dialogue, Frank and Ira Gross; reclation, Ellen Kelley; piano solo, Marjorle Smltb; rectatloo, Charlotte Kills: song, Teddy Lawson; recitation, Stacey Clark; baa jo solo, Marion Pearson; Marion Watson; recitation, Levi Keller; song, Arthur Kelley. STOLE TELEPHONE POLES. bo me kind and needy neighbors of the Vermont telephone company have beo helping tneinselves to telephone poles store! In the vacant lot in tbe vicinity of tbe blacksmith sbopi at the rear of tbe opera bouse block, and tbe other night from 15 to 20 feet were sawed off the tops of two poles and taken home by someone for fire wood.

While tbe company's officials deplore tbe purloining of any part of tbelr poles, still If they are to lose at all wonld much 'rather have them saw ot the butts thin the tops for tbe they might be able to ose the tops somewhere. As It is the tutts are so big around they cannot be used. Tbe butts are from 18 Inches to two feet tbrougb so tbe saw artist obviously did not like to do any more sawing tbathe was obliged to on short notice. MR. ABBOTTS PRIZE WINNERS.

The prizes won by A. P. Abbott Son at tbe poultry show last week were as follows: Single comb Rhode Island Bod, second cock, first ben, first, third and fifth cockrel, first and fifth pallet, third pen of old, first pen of youne. In the special for tbla class Mr. Abbott, won tbe prizes for best male and female, for best shaped male and fen White Plymouth Rocks, first cock, second and fourth ben, second and fourth cockerel, second, third and fourth pullet second and third pen of young, first and second pen of old.

Among the Montpelier' Knights of Pythias to take In tbe pilgrimage of tba Knighta of Ehorrassan at Claremont, N. Saturday, were Mayor F. K. Dawley, Wlllard and Arthur Whltcamh, W. H.

Morgan, M. Frost, A. B. Co veil, Mr. Emslle.

B. O. Kent and others. A large delegation attended from Barre. Charles Cnrrv and wife left Friday night for New York after apending brlstmas with local relatives.

irlOS.i'SCnCSSa relaxeu vocal cords, irritation ot the bronchial tubes, tickling, coughing spells, are relieved by of Korchouad and Tar the standard preparation for throat affections, coughs and colds. Pleasant Clears the Voice (All Druggists sell it) When it aches again try wish, most heartily, to all our patrons, THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. WLLLS BOYLES Household Kanges give better, quicker, cheaper and more efficient service in all cooking and baking than any; other range 1 in the "world. Plenty of hot water can be had all the time with the Household. Flawless castings, perfectly fitted, give great strengtH and wearing qualities to all of the "Built to Bake" models.

The nickel edges lift off without bothering with! screws or bolts. Altogether, there's no kitchen companion BO coa genial and trustworthy as the Household. MONTPELIER HEATING AND PLUMBINGTCO..

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